HUGE HOT WHEELS HUNTING VIDEO IN 3 STORES!! I had alot of fun hunting in Wrexham, no I didn’t meet Ryan Reynolds but I did find some very awesome castings. Also we have a quest today to collect a Hot Wheels ultimate garage I reserved for my son. Hope you enjoy the hunt!
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    hey guys welcome to rexam I had to start the video at the infamous Stadium didn’t I we’re going hunting down Hot Wheels in reom let’s go we’re going to go to a few different Stars I know there’s a Smiths uh a poundland and a B&M in this area we can go and hunt in we’ll start out at B&M and hopefully end up at Smith’s we do have a mission at Smith today to pick up an ultimate garage uh for my son which is a huge Hot Wheels playet with a dinosaur and all that on it uh but yeah we’ll start with B&M guys right let’s go usually bnm’s are really random you never know what you’re going to get can be old castings can be brand new castings but yeah let’s hope rex on B&M has got something good for us guys I’ll see you in there right guys well B&M seems to have quite a few uh Hot Wheels on the pegs so let’s go through them maybe we’ll find something quite cool um69 per casting as usual in B&M a nice price for Hot Wheels to be honest uh but let’s get started guys we’ve got a drif and break which is a new casting for this year very nice oh we’ve got that Ford GT40 in the uh black and white Livery I’m hoping to see some cool variants of this one uh in the rest of the year here in the cases coming up but um yeah very very nice it’s got uh Ford on the side there as you can see it always reminds me at the minute of um Ford versus Ferrari the film definitely recommend checking that out if you’ve not seen it um great film about the actual lon’s race team of Ford I won’t spoil it for you if you don’t know but yeah really really cool oh we’ve got the Audi RS rron GT which is a really really clean white beautiful beautiful license plate front and back and we’ve got that logo on there as well do really like this one Shame about the uh broken card but still very nice putp that to one side um we’ve got an 87 Dodge D100 from the reverse rake set nice little pickup uh brick and marar ooh the USS Enterprise from Star Trek is that a bit wrecked down here yeah I think um the glue from the uh the plastic bubbles just uh pulled it away a little bit yeah it has it’s kind of been prized open or something but yeah very nice to see this one really cool nice unique one let’s keep going we’ve got brick and Mar and then Surfs Up Grom uh we’ve got a 72 Stingray convertible in that very clean white with the uh blue windscreen another brick and mor I think there’s a a lot of those hanging around oh nice it’s the POS 911 kurer in that canary yellow absolutely beautiful beautiful little cast in this no 75 on the back there obviously we’re on the 76th anniversary of Porsche this year was last year with the 75th so yeah very very cool kind of matches uh the factory fresh logo there doesn’t it I’ll pop that to one side that’s nice okay we’ve got shark bite and then Max Steel cool little limited grip Max Steel again oh nice it’s the Volkswagen T2 pickup look at that flat bed there guys it’s quite cool that it’s Chrome the flat bed I wouldn’t think that they put Chrome on the back there and then a plastic bottom you just see the engine at the back there poking out on this thing an absolute Beast of an engine if you ask me if it’s uh all the way under this uh this flat bed uh I wonder what this says guys chinel Zer stelli VW condis Dan definitely butchered the pronunciation of that but really cool little pickup truck do like this one um I’ll try and translate this and pop it on the screen or maybe one of you guys can tell me in the comments that’d be pretty cool uh but yeah do love this one I might grab that pop it to one side over the past year I’ve bought loads of different types of car protectors but I’ve got a tell you the best that I’ve come across is class UK these protectors have something really special about them guys let me show you I’m coming round there right now so they have all the features that you want from a car protector if you look closely guys you can see there’s a lip around the edge of the bubble that strengthens the protector and it also helps prevent surfac to surface scratches how cool is that guys they’ve got the mainline short carb protectors long carb protectors they’ve also got protectors for premium cars team transport and character cars too and don’t even get me started on the fiver protector guys definitely check that one out all the protectors come really well packed in boxes like this there is a link in the description if you want to go to the website and check it out I’ve also got a QR code that you can just get your phone out and scan thanks Clash UK for sponsoring this video make sure to use my code the wheel collector at checkout to get 15% off any first order over £30 this promotion ends on the 31st of July 2024 let’s get back to the [Music] hunt and then ooh look at this Ford F-150 Lightning custom uh very cool little pickup truck as you know Paul Walker if you know you know oh yes I want to talk about this one guys because uh I think a few of you have noticed that this loopster um which you clip together it’s a roller coaster Carriage um you could clip a load of them together to make a big long roller coaster has actually got people inside and just dependent on uh random uh selection I believe you can get them with the hands up like this here or you can have them with the hands down like that which is pretty cool you could maybe collect every single uh type of these I have got quite a few of them cuz I do want to try a full line of uh roller coaster Loopers um but yeah very cool maybe on the next one we’ll see uh people with the hands up but they’re not that brave in this one the very nice Proton Saga from compact Kings I do actually really like compact carard so I do like this one really really nice very popular in Malaysia where this car is popular um full size you know cool pop that down here we’ve got a First Response o look at that bright orange Corvette C6 um I kind of uh noticed last time as well this this Livery reminds me of the RX7 from um fast and FIA looks really good I don’t really collect Corvettes myself but uh it’s a shame it’s not got back and front but we know when it’s got more decals on the top and sides you’re going to get less on the back and front are you very cool do you like that orange one got another Max Steel and another loopster H we’re not lucky enough this time guys to have anyone with the hands up uh let’s keep looking maybe we’ll get lucky we’ve got a clip broad which is an older casting isn’t it oh so they did one for 2023 maybe I saw this maybe I’ve got this um but yeah you you clip your money you what of money in there you know new Rich guys out there um or people who still use cash still very cool to see it on the pegs bit damaged um 2023 who knew I thought it was uh a bit older than that no [Music] ha [Music] [Music] [Applause] and another loopster with no hands up guys I’m going to have to put on a picture of one of my ones cuz I do have one with hands up um so I don’t want to don’t want you thinking I’m lying guys [Music] I have not seen this carvette Stingray Coupe from the women of fast on the pegs before the one that you usually find is the Ford GT40 that’s been like Left Behind as a peg warmer but this is uh this is pretty nice it’s got a really good shape to to it and you’ve not got front headlights on it you’re all right but you do get the uh license plate at the back fortunately which is pretty cool nothing on the front though uh yeah very nice not seen it before I do want to collect some of this uh women of fast the Honda S2000 is going to be the chase I know that uh I do have the Mazda RX8 I believe um but yeah I would like to see those on the pegs guys come on I never find anything like that but uh this is really cool I’ve not seen this one I’ll pop it to one side cuz I do you want to add that set to my collection so yeah okay let’s keep going they do have the uh Ford GT40 which uh like I said before it’s a bit of the peg warmer of this set unfortunately and it is it’s a really nice blue color great liver on it got really good decals on it looks really really nice but uh for some reason it just doesn’t get picked up guys um people are just after that rxa rs2000 I guess so uh this one just gets left behind let’s keep going [Music] oh very nice laying low rider in a like mint blue gold wheels pink and gold pin stripes very nice Chrome headlights and not really any detail on the back but that’s that’s a pretty cool laying low rider wasn’t that I think it might be 2022 is it I’ll pop that to one side I do actually really like that and just behind it we’ve got the uh 1968 El Camino with the Hot Wheels spead shop on the side there from Elsa gundo very good let’s see if we’ve got anything else on these [Music] packs oh no way there it is the a for treasure hunt guys very nice little find I don’t know if you’ll be able to see the treasure hunt stamp on the back there um but something that can confirm this is the Little Treasure Hunt decal on the side awesome I didn’t think we’ find a treasure hunt in here uh but yeah very very cool pretty good details on this um world tour on the other side it’s actually uh a lot nicer I am going to open this one guys and you can have a look at that other side I do already have this but I would like one open so yeah that’s quite lucky that we found that one very pry cool love the flame decal up the side the world tour and the fact that the uh wheel Arch is covering the wheels to make it look like it’s uh riding a bit lower that’s very nice bike on the front there as well is it because he’s hit somebody or because uh he that a bite rack um yeah damn cool we definitely open him this I’ll open it uh after the hunt uh pop this down to one side and keep going [Music] well the twinmill was open someone had actually pulled it out of the packet but uh yeah I wonder who did that guys maybe it was just a defect of the thing itself but um I’ll pop that over here and uh fix it up for them before we go [Music] ooh very nice little czinger 21c very cool little shape this thing do you like that exhaust on the back there yeah very cool and the last two are a water bomber and the Tesla Model y very nice then we’ve got some five packs down here but yeah we’ve looked through all of the mainline stuff right guys well we’ve just been in B&M and found some pretty cool castings very happy with the uh the treasure hunt to be honest uh but now we’re going to turn our attention to Smiths which is actually were have ordered the massive ultimate garage for my son’s birthday so that’s mission number one in Smiths we need to grab that garage I reserved it in rexam because it was 130 online on the Mattel store in Smiths it was £65 but they only had the availability in Smith’s in reom so yeah okay guys well I think we are here now let’s have a little look at the moment they usually do have some 2024 stuff in um lots of premiums as well though in Smiths yeah I’ll see you in there guys they do have uh some premium stuff in here Porsche collector display pack which is pretty cool you see it’s got the Volkswagen transporter T1 pickup you’ve got the Porsche 9917 LH 1967 Porche 911r and you’ve got that beautiful lemon’s Porsche 935 very very cool little set this I’ve actually seen this set quite a lot in Smith so if you are after it definitely have a look in Smith’s guys um but yeah so yeah they don’t have much in terms of Mainline stuff in here just some old cases and one new case it would seem that’s been completely ransacked uh I’ve had a little look through the pegs um but they do have some really cool premium stuff and they’ve got that new neon Speeders from 24 in here I do have that full set um 3.99 each for the neon Speeders oo yeah the Honda S2000 that’s pretty damn good I if you are looking for a new if you are looking for a cool set to uh grab from Smith’s guys this is definitely look at that really good Wheels the only thing they’ve not got in terms of Premium is the rubber tires but still it’s a really nice looking set guys it’s definitely worth grabbing um pop that back though got a whole row of Thundercat uh pop culture ones just completely left because they have the peg warmer of that set someone actually said to me he loves this though uh so if you want to make come down to rexim and grab them uh let’s have a little look what else we’ve got we’ve got the Ford Mustang Boss 302 1969 beautiful really really nice premium that from The Fast and purest set and oh yeah the Toyota Sora it’s got the Falcon Livery on there too very nice deep red color on this thing actually a really nice one this I think probably this the BMW and the skyline are the three chases of this set aren’t they so yeah pretty cool do like that um let’s see what else they’ve got they got any Boulevard or oh the PO 911 very very very nice this one unfortunately not um the chase you would know it was the chase by it saying zero out of five on there uh and I think they’re going for like 70 at the minute so that is pretty cool but this is a 9 is it 9.99 for this I might actually grab this one it’s a really nice looking Porsche I do like that Livery on this thing nice racing Livery 71 cuz it’s a 1971 Porsche look at those logos on the side there guys pretty damn cool yeah this is the one that I’ve not seen I’ve seen most of I’ve seen most of this set before I’ve come across that Lamborghini quite a few times and the uh Pro Car Aston Martin seems to be the peg warmer U McLaren F1 is another great one from this set which I think they could have here I think I saw it yeah it’s the there’s the McLaren F1 really really nice sparkling maroon color this thing I did grab this though from the Entertainer last time so good detail on this uh exotic MB set I think I’ll just grab this Porsche and see as we’ve got nothing on the pegs there there’s no point in going through and and recording and all that and I’ll uh see you outside guys right well guys look at the size of this thing for my son it’s absolutely ridiculous but I did have to get myself something din there got the porch 911 uh I don’t know how the hell I’m going to fit this in my uh tiny little bath but uh we’ll make room we’ll make we’ll find a way uh and then let’s uh we’ll head off over to um poundland which is over there so mission complete we’ve got my son’s ultimate Garage in the car which is awesome um but yeah we’re going to head over to poundland coming up to poundland now let’s have a little look hopefully they’ve got something good in I’ll see you in there guys well it’s seems like they’ve not got a lot of stuff in here uh looks like they do have the newer case in though Dodge Charger [Music] that nice uh Barbie movie 1956 Corvette with a flame decal very nice [Music] our Peg Waring favorite of the year the rocking uh see if anything’s Fallen you do have to check we’ve got a Cadillac Cadillac Seville down here U but I think that’s that’s everything to be honest guys oh wait a minute what the hell is going on on the top of this thing is that a misprint have a look see if there’s any errors on this thing what the hell is that guys it looks like um like maybe tape or something I don’t know I was thinking for a second though we’d found something with a signature on you know like they’ve got really really rare Hot Wheels that were were signed when they were being casted by the the designers going over to the actual uh manufacturing Factory I do not know what that is guys I may leave this but maybe I’ll regret it what do you think looks like a birth mark I’ll leave it here um oh they do have they do have a seasinger 21c but I think that’s everything to be honest guys yep that’s everything leave here without uh grabbing anything unfortunately nothing good on the pegs right well guys uh we checked out poundland Smiths and we went into uh B&M we found some cool things uh but unfortunately no supers Smith and poundland didn’t have any really great things to find except for the premium porsch from the Exotic set that was a nice little find I hadn’t seen that anywhere else so yeah very happy to have grabb that one uh we’ve got the massive big ultimate garage for my son’s birthday that was kind of the goal of uh rexam today uh which yeah it’s it’s been a nice trip down here um I will be hunting it in some supermarkets on the way home uh see if we can find anything else but that’s it for this little uh area of reom if you enjoyed this video please do like and subscribe and I’ll see you on the next one happy Hunting guys


    1. Had a great trip out to Wrexham, hope you all enjoy the Hunt!

      Make sure to check out our awesome sponsor KLAS UK and go show Lee (Owner) some Wheel Collector love, great guy great car protectors🙌:
      Use Code: THEWHEELCOLLECTOR for a 15% Discount on your first order over £30.00 exp 31/07/24

      Thanks as always for watching, and I’ll catch you on the next one!

      ‘Til then, Happy Hunring! ❤

    2. "Open the TH" value wipe out are you crazy. Should have kept the fiat send it back to hotwheels and ask them for the tin box you are after 😊

    3. I'm German, "Schnell zur Stelle" means "Quick at destination" like it is a wrecker/rescue truck.

      "VW Kundendienst" means "VW customer service"

    4. Hot wheels Mactbox welly vakantie toychamp donderdag apeldoorn 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    5. All we can find it generic hotwheels! Everywhere we go…. Your so lucky !!!! My son loves your videos btw and im happy with him watching because its also child friendly 👌🏼

    6. Love your videos lad . My wife and I collect hot wheels/Matchbox (blame the grandson 🤭) she keeps hers carded and pristine 😮 the lad and me rip em and race em , great fun , good times !!!!!!

    7. Incredible to say, I saw a red Proton Saga, a real one, driving in Stoke-on-Trent last week, just after watching a video on the HW casting! It is years since I've seen one. I wonder if the new HW release encouraged the owner to get out and about in it, there's precious few around today!

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