Ben and Dave cycle from Hamburg to Lund with some unexpected weather..

    Stats: 405km, 7 trains, 2 ferries, 6 punctures, 2 jars of nutella.

    you you hello so we’ve just arrived in the Netherlands oh just find out we’ve got about 20 times as much cycling as we thought due to a lack of planning before we get to before we get to Rotterdam but we are bringing only time already we forgot to London we cycle ground we did the most central London ride anybody has ever done we saw by new palace about the square and simples Cathedral and so all in all something so it’s going quite well so far lots of unexpected things in the last 12 hours so that should be fun it’s windy so it’s day three I think and we’re our third country so we’re now in Germany we’re in Hamburg and it’s shutting it down with camping on some gravel and waiting tin pineapples and say oh look going pretty well and we’ve done very little cycling so I’ll whatsoever but always going pretty well anything so they stay one of our proper cycling day three of the trip we made out of our patent Berg he was running an op rock this morning we thought it’s going to be an awful day but the weather is let up now we just stopped with some lunch and had a quick hundred meter race on an athletics track which i won we’ve now got a bow 30 20 minutes to go before we get to lure back and find somewhere to sleep for the night hopefully this blue sky sky will continue up ahead is Dave looking pro I’ll see if I can show you there’s mr. will be dr. will be sorry on his bike cycling through Germany okay so it’s day 4 now and we’ve just woken up in Lubec in northern Germany for our last day of cycling in Germany on the way to Denmark it’s a bit chilly last night and now we know why yes snow outside it was one of the most severe storms in years to hit Germany and it wreaked havoc across the country gusts were clocked at up to 160 kilometers an hour rail services were cancelled in several regions leaving travelers stranded hey so is that six o’clock today our way to the garden to get variable Sweden but unfortunately spike so since my puncher the weather got even worse we reckon it was 50 60 mile an hour winds we’ve made it to this little village where we met some lovely guys in a Greek restaurant who took us to somebody’s house which we think is a also a guest house it’s very nice and we’re only getting charged for tea or is for it so we’re having something to eat now and trying everything off before we head up again tomorrow morning good morning it’s a lovely sunny day in Denmark and we just better start cycling on our way to Copenhagen and we may get there today may get lit tomorrow but we’ve just got another puncture so we’ll just repair that and then we’ll be on our way puncture number five now Oh

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