Leaving Minsk and expressing our thoughts and nonsense in the first night of camping out on our expedition.

    foreign this is 21st September 2014 we are in Minsk in the Moscow district and this is a day when we finally say goodbye to this uh beautiful city with what speak up we are here in um right place we’ll try to cycle 100 kilometers a day I most probably it won’t happen but we’re leaving this a bit late today um we packed quite for quite a long time to just to try and organize our bags but yeah you never know okay we better get going thank you foreign foreign we just had our first dinner outdoor and it was great and we have this Balsam um which tastes like an ordinary balzam only with water but just all like a cup syrup we plan to cycle for 100 kilometers but in the end we managed only 38 something 38 something we are somewhere it’s because we left somewhere in the forests of Belarus next to the I don’t know maybe some some Village some Village and gas from gas thing yes I love it how does it really feel to cycle in in Belarus how does it really feel I don’t feel I know it feels like um in any other country said I don’t feel tired but well with the bags you can recycle fast and did you did you see what was our average I think around 20. slow but it feels very slow you’re going like just a little bit faster than if you went on my foot but you don’t Tire I don’t know I don’t yeah you don’t die you don’t Tire yeah you don’t Tire yeah you don’t die the good thing is we’re not tired yet the second good thing is that we still have tires we don’t Tire and uh conditions are perfect and it’s not too hot not too cold um there’s no rain got a really perfect spot actually well it could happen it gets late at around eight o’clock yeah and we have to basically do everything while it’s dark bumps no we really don’t know what to do uh either we try to go to sleep but maybe we won’t be able to fall asleep because this thingy on my glove just uh will it break I need to break it’s uh broke it’s a new glove as well it didn’t really break but it uh it broke yeah but do you know why why you do what you need this thing is oh you see to take them off now I can properly take this one off but you can see how can I but why why so easily okay good thing we took some uh Illuminati Illuminati there is also one really like a little challenge for us we bought only three packs of cigarettes and and we don’t have any catfish who are you offer feelings uh I really enjoyed cycling to really I know to remember the feeling how it how it is to cycle in an unknown place and I like it even more than I like it like I like to cycle out doors and outside of the city even more than I like cycle in the city I even like the smelliness of Countryside you know only small portion of it there are a lot of a lot of firms firms Farms Farms ferns ferns Farms a lot of farms and a lot of cows and a lot of lots of firms we are at least I am a bit scared for my bike don’t want to break it until I get to Kiev I don’t want to break it up at all but only a small portion of it I hope I really hope sometimes it just now sorry something like that oh in my face I faced it all and I stood and did it more regrets I had a few but then again too few to mention I did what I had to do sew it through without the exemption our planned each charted course each careful step along the byway more much more than this I don’t hope I don’t have sugar for my coffee it’s crazy I don’t remember any other lyrics on a highway or the highway isn’t that the saying in English my way or a highway no we don’t like highways actually

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