The biggest issue with Electric Cars is the EV Charging Infrastructure! The UK are set to BAN the sale of new Petrol and Diesel cars in 2035 but the Charging infrastructure is not rolling out quick enough. So I drove my All Electric Porsche Taycan from Leeds to Blackpool in the North West of the UK which has been voted one of the worst places in the UK to charge your Electric Vehicle.

    #evs #evcharginginfrastructure #electriccar #electricvehicles #electricvehiclesarethefuture #motoring #cars

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    oh hello my friends do you know what I feel like I spend 90% of my life in this car well I’m in the car again and I’m taking you guys with me because today we’re off to Blackpool uh and but first of all we’re going to leads first because I’ve got to go to John leis to pick some stuff up that I’ve ordered uh otherwise I’ve literally got I’ve literally got one more day before they send it back I think you get about five days so we’re going to go and pick that up from leads I’ve got to also just wash my wheels down because I parked my car um at my girlfriend’s house across the road and they stmed the lawn and it’s gone all over my wheels so I was I’m like you could have asked me to move the car I’m in the wrong lane here uh so now I’ve got grass all over my wheels and it’s gone inside my wheels they must have strimmed it and it’s making a woring noise as I’m driving so uh there we go they could have just asked me to move the car I mean it was outside their house to be fair um cuz the road is lined with trees so you basically wherever you park you get Bird poo all over your car my mom would have said chop the trees down get rid of them but then I would if I said that on here I’d get lots of people saying oh we need the trees for oxygen and CO2 Etc and blah blah blah anyway we’re not going there I’m going to take you with me I don’t know where today’s going to be honest this is probably the worst video that I’ve ever made I’m taking you with me we’re also going to Blackpool which is a charging desert by the way um for electric cars it was in the newspaper it’s got the least amount of charges of car charges so the council needs to take note of this and I know one of the guys at the council so uh there we go take note you need more car chargers come on you need more car chargers in Blackpool it’s cloudy again today but I knew it was going to be cloudy from looking at the skies yesterday say no more Jeff bu cars will know anyway if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button click the little bell for notifications of when I upload new videos now without further Ado my friends let’s [Music] [Applause] go oh do you know what they’ve done they’ve surfaced the road and they’ve done it cheap they’ve just put Stone chippings on it I don’t yet hate that especially when you get a new car as well you’ve basically gone to the garage you’ve got a new car this time of year and then you go on the roads and the councils have been tight GS and basically just surfaced it with stone chippings and you can hear all your paint workor getting smashed into and damaged oh I don’t like that at all anyway I won’t moan oh speed camera ‘re because today is going to be an interesting in day I’ve got 179 miles of range 76% of battery uh and I’m not sure how many miles it is to Blackpool yet I’ll let you know once I’ve been to John Lewis another little dilemma that I’ve got as well because I’ve got to go and pick this stuff up from John Lewis but the car park is that narrow this car’s so wide I could curb my Alloys so what I might have to do is park on the road outside but I’ve got a load of stuff that I need to carry so I’m going to probably have to make two trips cuz the car’s so wide to house the batteries so uh that’s another little dilemma I’ve got so but we’ll get around it we’ll get around it Anyway come on I’m going to wash this grass and stuff off my wheels first [Music] onwards somebody outside of Pub is any halfast 8 in the morning who goes to a pub at Half 8 in the morning that’s nuts isn’t it oh in only thing I want in the morning is coffee right let’s overtake this Lorry here [Music] [Applause] [Music] right let’s go and wash this grass off my wheels first and then we get on the way just got my car valed last week as well now it looks like a golf course anyway let’s get it washed off and let’s get to Blackpool and we’ll go and see whether we can find a car charger up there as well and who knows maybe some fish and chips for a change select CAU rins high pressure that’ll do it there we go I feel like S A all Schwartz an Egger with this oh come on wa oh get out of it what you doing getting me all wet ah he it’s literally not my day is it I only wanted to wash and rinse my wheels and it’s leaking from up there so it’s got my entire car wet and I’m wet this day is not starting off well is it this could only happen to me I guess it’s all for good content but I’d rather the car not be this wet now I’ve got to dry all off lucky for me I carry a leather in my car that’s what my dad always taught me to do in a plastic bag just to let it breathe and then if you go and wash your car anyway you can uh leather it down thanks Dad right let’s hope today goes better than it’s already started by the way there was an RAC van over there a minute ago and it said on the side we charge electric cars so if you run out of electric I guess they come along and charge you up give you enough uh charge just to get to the next charging Point rather than just carrying a Jerry can of um petrol with you that’s a good idea actually isn’t it petrol cars carry a little can with you or better still don’t run out of petrol or electric onwards right okay let’s get to John Lewis now then if you enjoyed the road trips that I did with Jeff by’s cars where we drove down to Benidorm and through FR France Etc hope you enjoyed it more than I did it was a bit of a nightmare on the way back however we have a new challenge that is coming up because we’re going to be going to leemon now Jeff bought a car to go down to Lemon on in and I said to him why don’t we do it a different way cuz I was just going to go with him and I said let’s do it a different way why don’t I take now he’s going to work out the logistics of this why don’t I take the um Channel tunnel train or whatever it’s called the shuttle whatever it’s I don’t know what it’s called pop it in the comments section um and I’ll race you to France in your car so you drive there get over on the ferry or however you’re doing it and I’ll race you there and he’ll pick me up at a certain train station so we’re going to have a little race it’s going to be like a little Top Gear Challenge anyway onwards my [Music] friends I have to say every time I go into a petrol station or whatever in an electric car I feel kind of is is it wrong I feel a bit embarrassed it’s like I feel it’s a bit cringe with it it’s like I’m pulling in to a garage where people just fill up their car with petrol and I’m pulling in in a battery car it feels a bit embarrassing I have to say I don’t feel I belong I’m not one of them I’m I’m not one of the I’m not a evangelist either [Music] [Music] now a lot of people’s been asking me to do a breakdown on costs of what my trip actually cost me to get to Benny Dorman back in my electric car now you’ve got to in incorporate into that the toll charges cuz there were a lot of toll charges now I’m dreading them coming through because I haven’t seen what they are I don’t even know what they are so they could it could amount to anything really so I’m waiting for them to come back and as soon as I’ve got the um charges for that I’m then going to go through uh what the costs were to charge my car and I’ll give you an entire breakdown of what it cost me to get down there and back uh in my electric car because also uh and we’ve got to take into account really I guess um a hotel uh on the way back because I got a hotel on the way back I could have made it I reckon if I’d have got a diesel pretty much in one go I would have just set off early in the morning and then just got there later on uh in the evening but obviously charging the car it took I’d say about 4 4 to 5 hours more than in a normal car for charge stops Etc and then also while you’re there you’ve got cofes that you got to take into account bagets or whatever you know pastries all these things Mount up over time [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I’ve got a dilemma because I’ve got quite a few packages from John Lewis and if I park too far away I’m going to have to make two or three trips to put them in the car whereas if I go into John Lewis’s car Park I could curb my Alloys cuz I’ve been in there many times in Sarah’s car and that’s a VW Golf Diesel and that’s a squeeze and I’ve often said I would I get my car in there is it worth risking I just I haven’t got time today I just want to get done what and get in the car and get to Blackpool do I try and risk it they’ve got what they’ve the D thing is they’ve actually got car charges in there as well so just make it a little bit wider make the entrances [Music] wider here we go come on Easy Does It Easy Does It oo come on let’s get a ticket watch the side of my wheels there one second am I far off the curb there I can’t reach the ticket got the ticket right going to watch either side of the wheels come on we’re good we’re good we’re good we made it we made it right just got to get out now I need to get to the level where there where is where the collection is basically let’s find that that means going up another level we should be all right won’t catch anything fingers crossed right outside John Lewis customer collections get in he shoots he scores the day is going better maybe the day is not going as well as I thought I don’t think they open till 10:00 and it’s 9:26 so we’ve got half an hour to wait right do I go from here right well I’ve moved my car over there now cuz this is collections only and I thought it’s only over there I’ve parked in uh face first so I’ve got my boot at the bik so I can put my stuff in the I are spank you with the parking charges here don’t they and card payments only you can’t pay by cash cash all those people saying that cash is King unfortunately it isn’t nowadays is it we should have a choice 8 hours 25 quid for eight hours does that come with Vaseline gez John Lewis right we’ll get the lift downstairs I’ll uh go and have a a wander around see if I can get a cup of coffee or something by the way tell you what makes me laugh is right there’s a woman just gone around there in a Range Rover very nice Range Rover we’re in sunglasses now mine are reactor light I’ve shown my as now transitions right so I can’t help it but there’s no sun out so she’s only wearing them sunglasses just to look cool it doesn’t look cool you look like a wble driving around when it’s not sunny in sunglasses doesn’t look cool I can’t help it because M are reactor like transitions which just look like some kind of geek anyway let’s get in the lift ah here we go opening hours oh well it gives me time to go to the Nespresso store cuz I bought myself an espresso coffee machine um with a little frer as well so I can make my own little lates and save on Costas however that’s no good is it CU I’m going to end up using it while I’m charging pretor pret do you reckon that’s any good the coffee there what do you reckon pretor Starbucks or Costa which is your favorite or we’re missing out Cafe Nero never think about that one Sarah likes a cafe Nero you know as much as it pains me to say leads as a city is really really good very vibrant up and come in lots of shops whereas Nottingham what’s happened to Nottingham I mean Nottingham is my city and it is now it’s just a shadow of its former self whereas leads it’s thriving they still haven’t got a football team that’s in the Premiership though have they take that right so this is the Trinity Center in leads and we’ve got an espresso down there so I’m going to go and get myself some coffee capsules um I’m confused there because I just want coffee I mean I don’t want all this daff almonds and all the other stuff that’s in it and nuts and things like that I just want coffee of fact you can get the cheap imitation brands at Aldi if you want them that’s no good though is it what’s the point getting an espresso and then going to Aldi for the Caps the Fall Guy now I like Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt I like em Emily Blunt a lot more than Ryan Gosling that’s another story but the Fall Guy it’s he’s not the Fall Guy is he C SE is Lee Maes you know the TV series stop trying to remake stuff just make new stuff otherwise we just going to keep getting remates what do you reckon am I wrong or am I right the full guy is Lee majes and that is it just stop it now I’m thinking I could save myself some money here and not have a coffee from Costa wherever and just go and taste the coffee at an espresso and then buy some pods and have same yourself some money right I’ve got my espresso pods got my uh voluto there’s too much choice for me I just want coffee no Hazel not and stuff I’ve got a free coffee here which is a what’s it called again altissio altissio and I’m going to taste this one and that tastes that wow that’s actually really nice that is good and it always tastes better out of a glass mug which is a bit weird is it it is yeah yeah it does tastes better you agree with me it justes tastes better out of a glass mug cheers right let’s get to John Lewis now uh pick up my goods pop them in the car and head off to Blackpool I’ve got to say just confuses me all that coffee I just want coffee just give me like Nest cafe or mellow birds in a pod and I’m good to go right I shall see you back at the car cuz you don’t need to see me collecting boxes from John Lewis two lamps from bed in it’s all boring stuff uh Rock and Roll Lifestyle I have you know I’ll see you back at the car right got all my stuff I just need now to put them in the car and then pay for my parking ah get in there I put some in the boot as well there we go in there you go right let’s go pay for the parking and get shafted again can’t get my wrist in there right get in the car I’ll see you in the car in a minute we got to get out now through that narrow exit right let’s get out of here and let’s get on the road to Blackpool here we go right can we get out of here without scraping my alloy Wheels let’s find out ooh should be [Music] okay I’ve got say driving through leads is uh a little hair raising because you never know it’s like a a sort of like an obstacle course avoid the bus lanes avoid the new car Lanes they basically have make it made it really difficult to get anywhere without getting fined lead city council shame on you you money Grabbers you money Grabbers right where am I going here I need to get out of here come on let’s get out of it it’s a nightmare not as bad as Paris though I have to say Paris was Paris was 10 times worse absolute Madness that was at least you haven’t got motorcycles and scooters coming in and out right going past asda’s head office there [Music] just going past the Le United Stadium there Ellen Road it always reminds me of that uh that that movie uh about Brian clu where he goes to work for leads for a week I’ve said this before and he says right you can take all your medals all your trophies all your pots and pans chuck all your medals and all your your caps and all your pots and all your pans into the biggest flipping dust spin you can find because you’ve done it all by blowing cheating you’ve done it all by blooming cheating didn’t last very long did they [Music] right we’re on our way to Blackpool so we’ve got 159 mil of range 67% of battery my friends and 77 miles to Blackpool uh so when we get there I’m going to try and find some way to charge as I’ve said I’ve been there before it’s a nightmare to try and find charges there they’ve even put it in the local press and the national press about Blackpool and that area being a charging desert so hopefully I’ll find somewhere I did point one out to to Steven Walk On The Wildside from Blackpool before and I saw there’s a car charger there and he said no that’s just for taxis only so imagine being a taxi and having to charge all the time you’re not going to be able to take many fairs are you anyway we’re going to get on the road now got a little winge before we do that just rang back to my uh daughter and they’re on the way they’re off out with the kids and I went what do you mean I said the school holiday was last week they went oh yeah it’s an insert day I said inser day why don’t they have that inser day on the Friday what’s all that about another day off school I tell you what if you’re a teacher you get it easy don’t you but I’m just kidding calm down calm down it’s only a commercial calm down dear it’s a commercial I’m only acting jeez but you know in fact explain it to him if you’re a teacher why don’t you have the inser day on the Friday the last day of the bank holiday or that what the the school holidays or whatever why do you have that extra day squeezing an extra day out squeezing an extra holiday out aren’t you e just kidding relax it’s a joke you can’t say anything these days I don’t know good grief what’s the world turned to can’t have a joke and I have to say teachers never liked me at school and they always said Davey you will never amount to anything and they were right I’m just running around with a phone on a stick in fact I’ve mentioned this before but in case you missed it my best friend at school was a lad called Richard Brown and he watches the uh the Vlogs brownie I know you’re watching and I ended up on his school report and it said and I I quote and I think he’s still got this actually if I’m sure he’s still got his report you’ll have to send me a a screenshot of it or a photograph of it Richard and it said Richard would be an exceptional something like this along these lines Richard would be an exceptional student if it wasn’t for the fact that he hangs around with a certain person called Lee Davy I was a bad influence good grief fancy that [Music] [Music] got to say subtle with Moors a little bit Grim right I need a Wii got to find uh a Services I’m always having a Wei do you know what coffee I think it’s a thing it’s a trait of being an evangelist isn’t it cuz you have coffee charge up have a we coffee charge up have a we it’s a kind of a a cycle that you go through isn’t it as an evangelist you have more Weis and more [Music] coffee I think what I might do when I get to Blackpool cuz I’m going to go and film some fish and chips or something for a different video don’t worry it’s not in this one uh so if you’re a foodie then you’ll see some fish and chips or some kind of food uh from Blackpool but what I might do is I might use zap map when I get there to see what charges I’ve actually got around Blackpool and I’ll use that CU they always say the evangelists I think you’re fine that’s their favorite favorite phrase I think you’re fine you should have used zap map I think you’ll find you should have done this whatever you do if I use zap map right and it doesn’t work and the charges are taken up or whatever right they’ll say well I think you’ll find what you should have done is they always have an excuse whatever you do it’s wrong even if I use zap map and that doesn’t work they’ll say well I think you’re fine you should have got a Tesla this is one that’s funny for you right so there is a um a viewer on my channel commented and she said I have a disability and the electric charging cables would be too heavy for me I’d have an issue with that I don’t think I’d be able to pick them up so that’s a good point you have to take in to into account people with disabilities Etc and somebody had actually put yeah I think you’ll fine though if you have a Tesla the charging cables are lighter I what what the charging cables are lighter if you’ve got a t there’s always an answer isn’t there good grief I mean that made me giggle I think you’re fine if You’ got a Tesla the the charging cables a lighter welcome back to England’s roads just jam-packed sned nobody going anywhere overcrowded Road Works British UK highways agency shame on you shame on you UK highways agency you are pathetic pathetic sort yourselves [Laughter] out Viva of France I’m just I’ve lost the plot I’m just kidding somebody will say well go to France then and stop stop slating England go straight on onto M60 towards Ring Road West Plus be honest there’s never any road Works in France cuz they’re always on strike oh dear that’s a few French people unsubscribed anyway moving swiftly on I’m just kidding moving swiftly on let’s get a move on let’s get to Blackpool let’s get charged up I’m looking forward to the leemon trip against Jeff B cars that’s going to be good it’s going to be a nice challenge I’m not going to be in my electric car I’m going to be on a train um trying to race him down there so we’ll have a chat to him about that and also um I’m heading over to the states to do uh a east to west um trip road trip in an electric car which will be a Tesla and also I’m trying to figure out the Australian road trip crossing the nullor uh in an electric car against a diesel I’ve still got to work that one out whether that’ll be this year or next because I think it’s coming into their winter Now isn’t it so I want to do it more in the summer time and I have to say my Australian trip that I did their weather was amazing in Perth it was it was lovely it was day after day after day of sunshine it was like getting hit around the head with a rainbow it was absolutely gorgeous [Music] right I’m just going to stop and have a wait ah new Tesla Chargers there coming soon and we’ve got a grid serve there let’s go have a look should have got a Tesla I think you’re fine you should have got a listen I don’t want a Tesla because they look like vomit right so we’ve got grid serve over here look but look at this Tesla owners oo you’re going to be getting all excited coming soon look at this all wrapped up for you look at that all in wrappers look at that oh hey actually the cables are a bit lighter aren’t they they were right look at that thin cables thin cables right and then you go over to grid serve which has got a big thick cable there looks thick and heavy so we can laugh but the Tesla owners were right they’ve got thinner cables that’s yeah look at this look how thin that is should have got a Tesla should have got a Tesla one of us one of us I think this actually got voted the worst services in the UK I’m pretty sure it did have a look online and pop it in the uh comment section down below I’m pretty sure it did and uh I asked about that before cuz I st I stopped here before and that police officer I think he got uh I think somebody told me actually what happened to him it was early in the morning or something let me know again in the comment section down below right let’s get back in the car and let’s get back on the road but look at all them Tesla charges you Tesla owners eh wait till the wait till Tesla opens it up though to all other cars You’ll be annoyed then you actually thought that BMW Grill was a good idea it just doesn’t work you know every other BMW I’ve had BMWs and every other BMW that I’ve had you’ve looked at it and you’ve thought oh not sure about that I prefer the old one then after a sort of while it grows on you but that that’s not grown on me at all in fact it’s just awful Isn’t it talking of growing it it just looks like oh no gross I’m just looking actually the people have come back to the uh BMW I love looking at electric car owners and see what they look like see whether they are evangelists he’s got like a white knitted top on uh she’s got her sunglasses on her head even though it’s cloudy and the stripy top and biren stocks yep sunglasses when it’s not sunny and you’re going to say my glasses have gone dark I’m wearing sunglasses I’ll stop you right there minor transitions reactor lights I can’t help it mine have gone dark because of the UV light but it’s not bright at all so there we go anyway wearing them on top of her head as well trying to look cool onwards my friend [Music] friends [Music] one one of us [Music] I’m just thinking about some classic cars you know from Times Gone by obviously I’ve told you many times I like the Ford Capri but remember the Ford xr3i I mean they were awesome at the time wer they were cool and you had the massive spoiler on the back huge spoiler on the back of it and then what others they they actually updated the Ford Capri you remember when Ford brought out the Ford Probe and and it was it was terrible wasn’t it it was just awful I don’t know what they did there they ruined it it at the time people were like oh look at that but I know somebody who had one and he went it was the worst car that he ever had and then there was what else was there there was the Lancia beta back in the day as well then there’s the 205 GTI that the persio 205 GTI that was a beast of its time wasn’t it the iio 205 GTI then You’ got the uh they did one did they do a version of the fiesta I can’t remember XR was that an xr2 was it or something the xr2 they had some great cars of the time and then You’ got the Renault Cleo Williams which was blue I believe with gold wheels and that was I actually pulled up at the side of uh a Cleo Williams when I had a I think I had an M3 or an M4 more and that thing believe me could shift it was unbelievable the cars of the back then I just absolutely loved them and obviously let’s not forget the Golf GTI back in the day they were they were great the golf is a classic car my uh girlfriend has got a a golf diesel and she’s had it for years and years and it’s never let her down it’s been absolutely perfect in fact she’s had that car as long as we’ve been together and I think we’ve been together now 13 years lucky for some and uh she’s had it as long may maybe the car will Outlast me I’ll say that before [Music] you clithero Preston Blackburn and clithero clithero clithero that is where most of the evangelists live isn’t it in clithero [Music] you know I’ve mentioned this before on other videos I’ve literally just pulled over into the left un Lane there to exit for Blackpool and I indicated and my indicator went off cuz I was sort of like pulling back and my Lane assist yanked the wheel out of my hand and shoved me back into the other lane I had to grab a hold of it and push myself back into the lane that I wanted to be in because my indicator had disengaged itself it then thought well I’m not turning so that’s when the lanus is kicked in it’s dangerous and I was told by one of the viewers in the comment section that that is an EU thing apparently apparently it’s a totally do you know what the EU are the most pathetic organization I’ve ever known first of all Cookie warnings that’s really annoying you go on a website you ruin the web you have to yeah don’t care about cookies just go away cookie warnings that is from the EU now we’ve got Lane assist and then we’ve also got them telling Apple that you can’t have lightning ports you’ve got to have USBC who they think they are it’s an amalgamation of beige wearing corn beef eating corn be sandwich eating idiots morons that’s what you are unbelievable they’re just they’re basically an amalgamation of counselors who comb their hair over they’ve got a little bit of hair and they comb it over I know my hair’s terrible my hairstyle but there you go but it’s not like a comb over like that there we go the EU pathetic sound like what’s his name Victor meldrew but he was great wasn’t he what the bloody hell [Music] [Music] I had somebody on the channel the other week you viewer and uh you’re probably watching actually if you mention politics again I’m going to unsubscribe do you know what I am the least political person ever I’ve had so many comments saying oh you’re a conservative voting whatever I don’t even vote and then you I’m going to get people saying well then you don’t have a voice listen it’s like at the moment right the general election is going to come up what is it July the 4th I believe it is um Independence Day that’s a joke isn’t it have it on that basically it’s like choosing who do you vote for it’s like having two sacks of dog poo that they’ve just curled out that’s steamingly hot right and you’re carrying it towards a bent and you have to choose which one that you want to taste first and Sample basically you’ve got two it what’s the point and then you’ve got America at the moment as well with a guy who doesn’t even know his own name the most powerful country in the world and I’m sorry I’ve got Americans that watch and I lived in America okay America at the moment has got extremely expensive my mate Dave Big Dave who’s been on the channel and he watches as well hi Dave um and he said you cannot go over there and get a burger and fries and a drink for less than 20 odd dollars it’s it’s ridiculous probably more so than that the price of stuff in the States has increased dramatic ically it’s crazy I mean who do we choose from I think we need a whole new sort of like Get rid of everybody and maybe bring in I don’t know a younger generation of people or something just just the whole system needs just changing doesn’t it and get rid of this stupid EV policy of 2035 and you’ll have people in the comment section again saying oh well oil’s running out and you know it’s killing the Earth and blah blah blah we listen too much to the news and I’m having a bit of a rant now turn the news off stop reading the newspapers stop listening to the news certainly turn the BBC off because it’s all absolute CS Wallop isn’t it you look at the news the other day it said Heatwave to hit Britain and I thought all right yeah okay that’s fair enough and then a day later or whatever it said cold snow nap to cross the UK and it’s just fearmongering all the time where’s he going fearmongering all the time turn the news off do me a favor don’t watch the news don’t listen to the news turn the TV off watch YouTube instead just watch different various channels that lift your spirits or have a little bit of fun it’s like I go around and I’m filming every day just trying to bring a little bit of sunshine a little bit of little bit of laughter I’ll make a complete tool of myself if it brings a smile on somebody’s face stop listening to the news The Whole World’s Gone Crackers hasn’t it do you not think am I wrong I don’t know maybe I’m just talking CS wall at myself I just think it’s gone absolutely crazy I’m not Middle Lane hogging by the way the lane back there went off and Fe veed over there we go I’m getting hungry now I want fishing chips and I want to I want to eat him by the seaside but that’ll be on a different [Music] video interestingly enough I think most of you agree with me because I did a poll on my Community page about a month or two ago and I said who would you vote vote for uh in the next election and I put little rishy and I put Kia starm or whatever and then I put some couple of others and then I put the mm and I think it I can’t remember how many votes it got it got quite a few thousand votes and why is this taking me this is the wrong turning I I I basically won the I basically won the vote this is taking me to the NorthShore this is wrong I need to get back on the motor again I think [Music] so I’m looking on my map here on my Dash and it shows where all the charging points are high powered charges Etc not one around here is showing so I am going to open up zap map and have a look at that and try and find a charger in Blackpool H if not then well I’ve only got 91 mil of range now 38% of battery so I do need to find a charger um before I head north CU I’m heading up to the late District after this so I need to find a charger going to have to use zap map right we’ll come back to you in a minute let’s find somewhere to park [Music] now I’m going to be crafty here and I’m going to get free parking because I’m going to park in the Premier in where I’ve stayed before and I’m going to run in and I’m going to tap my license plate into the computer in there so I don’t get done for parking so there we go even though I’m not stopping at the premier in it’s kind of is that it’s kind kind of not being honest is it but there we go these parking companies this is what I say to the parking companies right milk float off so what I’m going to do now is I’m going to leave you here I’ll be back in one second don’t go anywhere because it will only be a few seconds for you I’m going to go and film a quick video for another Vlog that I’m doing uh in Blackpool so don’t miss that one and I’ll see you in a minute then we’re going to come back and then we’re going to find somewhere where we can charge up on zap map in this charging desert that is Blackpool so I’ll see you guys in a minute right okay so I’ve looked on zap map and have a look on zap map yourself I’m near yeden way uh near Premier in and I cannot find any good Chargers around anywhere the nearest one uh was the one that I used last time which was at um lithum sent ANS booth and that was instav VA I think what I’m I might have to do uh is put in Porsche South Lakes in my uh satav here Porsche South Lakes let’s see what this is uh s p p o r s I’m spelling it right I need to spell it right chg uh and then South Lakes and hopefully well that’s 26 miles away and I’ve got 82 38 mil away 38 mil away and I’ve got 82 miles of rain left so it is pushing it 40 well 40 odd miles it it’s getting a bit close for comfort for my like him but we’ll head for Porsche South Lakes and we’ll see exactly what that’s cost but have a look on zap map and tell me where you evangelist tell me what you would have done which one would you you have used would you have gone to lith them sent hands that’s kind of out my way so I don’t want to do that let me know in that comment section I’m sure you will just give me the uh I think you’re find you should have used whatever anyway onwards [Music] more cones here just miles of cones with a lane blocked off on the m6 with nobody working at all just cones it’s like they just want to slow us down and annoy us and just stop us getting around basically isn’t it UK highways agency shame on you shame on you UK’s Highway agency anyway right okay we now are 59 of range 25% of battery and 18 M 18 minutes to Porsche South Lakes now the big issue is here every time I’ve been there it’s been busy I’ve had pole stars on there or I’ve had like a Tesla on there once as well stay on your own network Tesla stay on your own network with your lighter cables um if that is busy then I’m going to have to wait because the next nearest one is bone and then olston and that’s going to be cutting it fine I will be nipping buttons off the seat then so there we go hopefully fingers crossed it’s not taken up and one’s [Music] available right now this is the bit where you your stomach turns a bit and you think please don’t let there be anybody on the charger I just want to charge I want to be on my way and if there’s somebody there it’s going to take ages again this is where it’s annoying because you never think that when you turn up to a filling station do you or a gas station if you’re uh over in the States you just pull in fill up and go it’s not quick enough is it that’s the problem doesn’t matter how quick these things are yes the new Porsche tyan is quicker at charging but it’s not quick it’s not as quick as filling your tank with fuel please don’t let there be anybody on it please don’t let there be anybody on it I’m tired I’m tired I’ve had enough today I about enough please don’t let there be anybody on it please don’t let there be anybody on it I need an available charger I need an available charger please please please please please yes they’re available yes they’re available they’re both available they’re all mine here we go right okay 40 m of range left 177% we’re now at 537 in the evening 5:37 p.m. how long is this going to take uh let’s find out milk float off let’s get it charged up choose your language English Deutsch espanol Italiano France and then I don’t know what that last one is you’ll have to let me know let’s get my uh pors charging card out tell you what I’m not looking forward to the invoices from Porsche this month with all the charging that I’ve done through Spain and France by the way don’t forget I’m going to do a complete running cost of that itemize it all including toll so keep an eye out for that one right uh I want English I want English I want English okay it’s just stuck on English at the moment choose your language select there we go plug into start plug it in plug it in here we go get in there charge up give me some vaults give me some vaults come on right okay it is charging now I’m running out of battery on my phone batter is rubbish aren’t they uh on my camera phone here that I’m using there um so so let’s have a look we’re at 17% it’s now 540 so hopefully it shouldn’t take too long 252 Kow come on you bad boy 254 Kow give me it give it to me give it to me 255 Kow come on we’re now down to 61.2 KW slowed down think we might just leave it there right we’re up to about 83% so I’m going to stop this now um let’s take this out come on and then I’ll see you back in the car and we’ll figure out what it’s actually cost us come on get out get there we go that’s it see you back in the car oh right battery’s running out on that now it’s already run out on that everything’s running out of battery right okay uh so that cost me £278 uh 56.1 2 kilowatt started at 540 uh and it’s now uh well finished at 2 minutes past 6 so 22 minutes in total that’s not to give me a full charge that’s give me 83% of battery and 198 miles so not overly great what’s that noise oh oh it’s a 911 oh that’s just now that’s wrong that’s just teasing me right well that is all from me today I hope you enjoyed that little run out up to Blackpool uh on the uh West Coast which is a charging desert really isn’t it bit of a charging desert right we’ve also got a j is that a oh no Lexus Lexi we got a Lexus charging up on the Porsche charger RZ 450e direct 4 is that hybrid or electric Lexi anyway that’s all from me today I I’m shattered I shall catch you guys that’s the thing at the end of the day you don’t want to be waiting around charging do you you want to be getting filled up and getting on your way I’m absolutely shattered right I shall see you guys in the next one don’t forget hit the thumbs up for me and also hit the Subscribe button if you like the content lots more content coming your way lots more road trips with Jeff bu cars I’m looking forward to it kind of not the electric charging bit but the road trip I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye


    1. 'I think you'll find', Lee, that Tesla charging cables are now liquid cooled – and hence lighter. No doubt the next thing will be that all charging cables become liquid cooled – and more complicated. Assuming EV's and their drivers haven't disappeared up their own fundamentals by then.

    2. Car designers regard the front of the car as it's 'Face' and I've always thought BMW grills give it the face of Minnie Mouse. Perhaps that's why BMW drivers usually drive like they're living up to the name – Bloody Minded ?ankers? 😀

    3. Tesla cables are water cooled because the thinner cables get quite warm compared to non tesla cables, so tesla chargers waste more energy (as more goes up in heat)

    4. Obvious why the EV charging stations are not up to standard and not available in the numbers required. Because the national grid cannot supply the amount of electrical power required. Imagine in 10 years time when the power required will have increased by 10 fold, you will be allocated days you can drive your EV on. It is an EV nightmare on the horizon, for a country with 0.8% carbon pollution. For reference, China 34% carbon pollution. We the masses are being scammed, by our own Government.

    5. Correction Lee at 0:05: **you spend 50% of your life in the car and 40% waiting for it to charge / complaining about it 😂. Keep up the videos 👍

    6. No ! You will get swirl marks doing that with a wash leather especially after not washing it properly . That has triggered my car cleaning OCD !

    7. Costa Coffee the best, Pret, Cafe Nero and Starbucks the least best coffee. Thanks to The MacMaster I’m sitting inside Inverness’s Three Witches Marstons pub eating a Prawn Cocktail and a fish & chips! 😂

    8. My husband and I have the same car and we are delighted with it. It saves us around £20 a month in fuel costs. You just seem to be looking for problems. You should charge your car overnight like we do, that way you have sufficient battery power for any journeys you wish to make the following day.

    9. Would you ever consider doing a series in Fuerteventura only Canaries not seen on here. “
      Bring back old day macmaster vibes excursions!!!!!!!! 😁

    10. Here's one for you..Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer was on a plane together and Rishi chuckled and said to Starmer I could throw a £1000 pound out of this window and make 50 people happy, Starmer replied I could throw £50 out of this window and make 20 people happy,and the pilot and the copilot over heard this and pilot said to his copilot I could throw them both out of this window and make 64 million people very very happy 😊

    11. I used to own an Escort XR3i….brilliant! But then I suppose I should 'fess up to once owning an Allegro. Mind you, that never let me down either…

    12. F—- ing electric cars they are that quiet you can’t hear them on nearly took me out yesterday while crossing the road it pulled out of a side street 😡

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