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    right I’ve been on the pool double hype train for a while but anyway turns out big man made on Lantern Rouge but this is actually way bigger than anything he’s ever done racing I reckon another com he’s got rocker corba pretty outrageous this one is the most ridiculous one I’ve ever seen um on the day 57 kilos so it’s 7 wats per kilo for 20 minutes pulled over got the Santi Marta sakam climb and he punted Good People by quite a long time so we’ll have a look at this segment but yeah like top 10 and T well third on turkey and then also top 10 in the Brit are like having a really good year I made a video early on saying he’s going to fly and yeah obviously I was right so 30 seconds quicker than jayvine Jay Vine did 460 which is a lot you know it’s a pretty fast climb you can see George Bennett 23k an hour Richard good Beno Conor 440 like these people are good James Knox this was before he signed World Tour 380 he’s small as well like 58 kilos so you can see like Simon Yates as well like there’s all big names here and they’re doing good vam as well um this is actually a really good one to have a look at you get to see like Mel bu I think he on 480 up here yeah there he is 480 Mikel bu um so yeah you can see like basically this is a really good place for a 20- minute test and yeah pull doubles down 400 watts 17 54 V 2035 so puts 30 seconds into davad Dela Cruz you might go you know davela Cruz J Vine not the best in the world agree but 400 wats is a lot when you’re 57 kilo and yeah like just if you kind of look at the whole effort like beforehand pretty fresh I think total was like um you can see here 943 K so yeah not a lot basically fresh basically just a warm up 4 minutes 250 260 10 minutes 290 bit of cadence variations um but yeah so pretty pretty crazy one of the most wild things I’ve seen brcka cor’s got the com as well that was good slightly longer effort not as many wats as this 397 what you can see as well like it’s just it’s just bananas 398 cuz I think the little bit when he lapped it wasn’t uh wasn’t perfect but yeah like super super quick 1728 bam like that does add up if that makes sense it’s not like oh it’s p me over it’s like nah he’s just gone really really quick so any interest to see if B get some big results towards the end of the year but um yeah like just ridiculous 100 Cadence as well super high Cadence which I guess makes sense 400 wats is a lot of Watts so yeah like just all around big big wats and if you wasn’t on your radar before uh on rock corcom and obviously as results in races this is like another like wow wow wow this guy is so so good um so yeah excited to see if he can replicate it at the end of races and if he can get close then boys are in big trouble so anyway cheers for watching hope you enjoy this video I’ll see you in the next one


    1. His powermeters cooked he’s obviously not doing 7w/kg for 20 minutes, literally just think about it for a second, 7w/kg is as good or better of a performance then anything vineggard or pogacar has ever done, I kind of doubt he’d be struggling to win races if those numbers were true

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