Cycling to Switzerland with @ChrisHallRides and @benjaminlechappers

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    #cycling #bikes #bicycle

    [Music] hello Ben are we still going yeah of course we are are we really yeah of course you are why wouldn’t we be going just because Lawrence decided he didn’t want to come I know he’s a silly boy I’ll be an hour we’ve timed this trip perfectly definitely on purpose with a heat wave so expect loads of moaning about the heat for the next couple of weeks cuz we’re really English I think I’ve been stitched up again Nick last time I went bike packing with Chris his bike was way lighter than mine like way lighter and I had a miserable experience and it wasn’t because I was really unfit it was because of the bikes so let’s weigh them cuz you got your machine I think it’s not’s cheating you could how what’s the weight limit on your machine I don’t know we’ll find out 50 kilos I don’t think it’s going to work okay let’s start off with how much do you two weight like who’s heavier what’s the weight difference you have to carry extra weight no cuz no cuz big people have more power I’m agreeing with you I’m agree with you I’m disagreeing with both 24.1 something I hope you’ve got good stabilization on that it’s much LC this one 19 something 25 great packing success that’s a win for me now I have all the excuses I’ve got an idea for you to save wait just get one of these instead of this massive camera you haven’t also added on the weight that camera that’s going to be in the back of there Point yeah that’s another 10 kilos and I haven’t added the weight of all the gummy sweets I’m going to buy just on time you’re in kit and everything why you not ready I am ready why have you two got less than me it’s 19 and a half I think it is it’s 19 20.5 both of them are cheating I’m the only one with a heavy bike that’s it I expected more from him thank [Music] you now we are riding to the ferry which is about 1 hour probably less from here must be downhill cuz it’s at the sea this is the final crew for the trip we’ve got Ben and we got Chris it’s also Ben’s first ever bags on bikes trip so he’s got to pass the initiation you bought a card and C keys there and if you just head down l number one when he already lovely thank you very much I really thought there would be nobody on bikes here but there’s two cyclists over there just come off the ferry three in front of us more going through the passport thing this is a way to do it apparently you know I used to use these on boats as well I believe it’s called a ratchet strap oh my God oh my God matter how many hours you it doesn’t matter really we just yeah I don’t know how many we got all day and we have this here tonight A lot of girls waiting for you oh why is cheers guys lots of girls was waiting for Chris at the Disco y I got to press the big red button so far this trip is off to an excellent start and we’ve made friends with the guys who could potentially get us in the VIP upgrade suite and what number are we I don’t know I be when I see stairs I follow them for clarity I’m not going to the Disco gen oh my God it’s going to be cozy tonight boys shotgun not a bunk bed shotgun not a bunk bed which bu bed you want Ben there you go fris ow oh [ __ ] very small room Ben very small room it’s going to be super cozy very hot in it do can you open the window what on a boat are you sure what we’re above water we might we might not be though Bo’s go under water there this is a painter line this is our life raft when we when we yeah when if we if it gets rough if it gets rough you pull this it’s called a painter line and they go they all go into the sea and then you have to get in one so we got s to it inside like there’s like a a break which like a fishing there and you know like you put it in it break you if you go too fast yeah what else a whistle yeah um he’s looking at his own reflection thing isn’t he was I yeah you right I didn’t even realize I was doing it you just went look how good he is plan for this trip we’ve got eight days of riding we’re going through four countries Netherlands Belgium France for a long time then Switzerland each day is like 130 100 140 km average should we get Ben pres for his first bike packing trip he needs something to remember it thinking something big well he said he was a size we are going to Amsterdam why are they like children’s size why do they sell children’s weed slippers he has to build it on the trip this is $6.99 the Lego was like 200 the deluxe one $61.99 Ben has got a son who would really appreciate this so it’s a really good present for Ben’s son actually is yeah yeah yeah it’s good and we’re buying it as a thank you for letting your dad to come out and hang with us shs missiles real Walking Arm Control 50 actions at once thank you thank you so the uh bike ride is is quite flat so we thought getting something heavy wouldn’t really be a problem Ben has a son so we thought the robot would be something that he’d really want there might not be another opportunity to buy a robot on the route going through some quite secluded places like Farmland it’s not every day you find an elite Trooper just on the Shelf in a shop so I’m sure he can find a a good way to lash it onto his his bike think if I just leave it here on his bed maybe if I present it nicely yeah believe you now you you’re hard to figure [Music] out this fery has an all you can eat buffet which is very good for bike packing trips already this has been a fantastic choice better than flying better than the train you can get a train to now you can you your star what is that make sure you eat it all up like a big strong boy Ben you having a laugh man I’m not carrying that yeah it’s present it’s easy to carry look it’s for your son we can fix it onto your bike look straps goes on top of the tail be fine right on top of the tail do you know I thought if they buy me clogs that’s really annoying but this is more annoying you think that’s a great present for your boy wouldn’t he love that it’s for five plus he’s five isn’t he arm control arm control I spent an hour in my hallway taking t-shirts out and weighing my bik I was awake 26 times last night belgian’s Neverland FRS Belgium Netherlands France right turn here so we’re off the ferry in the Neverland the land of amazing bike Lanes can’t remember what side of the road we drive on today we have 140k to do decent distance we uh have only just got off the ferry and it’s 10:30 Ben seems in a bit of a bad mood I can’t really work out why and getting our priorities straight we’re heading straight for ride out which is a coffee shop in Amsterdam where Chris knows the people so say hello to them make sure the bikes are all good and then be on our way to be fair that fairy coffee wasn’t cutting it it’s pretty wild here you have complete priority on a roundabout if you’re a cyclist so cars have to stop to let you go before they can get off the roundabout so you can basically just bomb straight through them although it feels very scary doing that nice yeah nice I’m the tall Dutch guy why are you so t two reasons why Dutch people are tall reason one is we eat a lot of cheese and milk and the second reason more important I got a lot of kicks in my butt when I was a kid from my dad this is Chris another Chris just to confuse things we now have Chris with us showing us a much better route than we had planned which is a good thing never underestimate local knowledge hey you’re going to join us for the whole ride yeah well the whole only today right oh you’re going to do today all day today yeah if you could just sit on the front just there that would be it’ be [Music] great I look it’s quite good Chris being the tallest man in the world isn’t it makes a great drive you okay babe I’m okay yes I’m enjoying it it would uh it probably be a lot quicker without the robot on the back nah nah slow one so people can ride like scooters on here yeah they can but it’s like scooters without helmets they they go 35 km an hour oh right it’s an equivalent of 20 miles so yeah it’s saish yeah yeah the thing is if people are looking out for two wheeled Vehicles then it makes it safer anyway doesn’t it yeah true we’re on a designated cycling pot that that’s what makes it safe for all of us there are no Cars [Music] hello these are a lot longer than mine like my to’s here okay Chris’s feet really smell so your shoes are now do they it’s okay I spend a lot of time with him we we smell anyway you know that is the thing you do you look horrible as a cyclist you smell and you love it speak for yourself well and and then the other thing is I think I look pretty [ __ ] cool especially with this jersey and then my girlfriend always it still looks you know with this diaper in your say that’s just below Newcastle here ah okay yeah he definitely does this on purpose he’s got to be on purpose yeah of course he’s a model is it gone he is yeah I thought so he’s beautiful isn’t he we only bought him to look at that’s it will it be roll it nicely get on the mic it’s one two three that works that was good I must apologize I seem to have very bad allergies since I’ve arrived I thought it was the ferry and the air conditioning but I think it might be because I am sat surrounded by flowers I’ve basically just been sneezing for the last 20K not much video has been filmed but antihistamines are uh being found you like benad yeah benad yeah I have six just hit the Pharmacy it seems to be a police chase basically my he fever got so bad that I had to literally stop and I’ve sniffed like seven sniffs of a nose thing and smash some tablets hopefully that’ll do the trick uh-oh oh we it now on the plus side I think pseudo epidrin is highly performance-enhancing so I might be flying for the rest of today’s ride maybe tomorrow as well my mistake but I was so focused on that nice Road over there with all the lanterns and stuff I wanted to go there that was good that was a true Dutch cycling experience that is true though definitely no 45k to go we’ve all been uh wishing for a shop to appear for the last 10K or so we found one luckily and now we’re just cramming in calories I say as I drink a Coke Zero Bells Are Ringing B is not singing what does this happen every half hour we get this song imagine living in the flats [Music] there he’s enjoying it now with bonded box is a bit damaged we might have to take him out might have to take him out the box and give him a better [Applause] view got to take a ferry Elric care for the robot last little leg of the ride now 40K to go temperatures dropped to a lovely [Music] 29° so welcome to this video series where we sail to Switzerland yeah indeed it’s way better that sailing is the new cycling it is second Fair of the day too many you have go back no the back that one back yeah that’s it I think this is a lesson in modeling Ben is a model it’s like being in a Zoolander movie though is it every day it’s going to [Music] [Laughter] be look at all them Garmin 1040s last 5K now I forgot how hard cycling was Ben how are we going to do this for the next seven days we’re not going to go this quick I don’t think should we just go well easy tomorrow well easy well easy to be fair this box actually has some weight to it you’re going to be flying today imagine Arm Control day two of cycling to Switzerland we’re going to visit Sun God in verier 140 km to ride today and we’re changing countries we’re heading into Belgium the land the very steep cobal climbs [Music] yay so yesterday was our first proper day of riding and it ended up being a bit of an epic because we got off the ferry pretty late and then we went to a bike shop to see some friends and then that meant we kind of hung around for a couple of hours and then we got here well just as the sun was setting so we haven’t had very much sleep I’ve been editing these videos on the Fly we all woke up this morning feeling absolutely wrecked but in very good spirits because cycling in the Netherlands is basically a tree I mean look at this this whole thing is just for bikes we woken up a little bit earlier today just so we have a bit of a head start hopefully don’t get back as late take things chill and really try and recover after what was just quite a Savage today yesterday give me a 10 10 if you got the ramp accepted we’ have officially crossed over the border into Belgium and we know this because the cycle Lane has gone from silky smooth to bump I do love Belgium though there a lot of bike races here fantastic chips spit it again yeah make sure the ceiling gets everywhere the tubist does work sometimes yeah what [Music] manise hey turn right on knowledge Tak Dr connecting my garment to my phone to the speaker and now it gives me directions through the speaker which is actually quite good got a little Bluetooth speaker all right uh no it says no entry except for bikes cool that pretty much sums up the city we’re in antp did I just say that we’re in antp it’s actually a beautiful city and as the weather is extremely good right now everybody is out enjoying it including us you good Ben how are you so good I see you’ve adjusted the the robot situation to be a lot more Arrow I can feel it as well yeah he’s got a better view now he’s out of the box we’re now over a third of the way through the ride so actually making really good progress sh steady on the climb steady on the climb Sorry probably not supposed to be here but there’s other people on bikes doing it so thank you I’m control where she having lunch over there just FaceTime my mother it seems that we’re very in sync hello how you doing yeah good Chris this is embarrassing I’ve been saying thank well to all the people in the supermarket well the one lady that I spoke to in the supermarket we’re not in the Netherlands anymore so she can’t have understood me been in Belgium for about 30k we’ve been in Belgium for a long time feels different doesn’t it we haven’t got any fruits though dinner just just just fruits so if you’re ever doing backpacking trips and you want to keep the costs down eating at cafes is expensive so going to a supermarket and having a little picnic is the way to go always nice actually food ends up being nicer CU you get to choose exactly what you want um I’m a fan of the supermarket picnic rolling picnic rolling picnic Tri of humus I only got one one a one of humus humus Sol I just asked this lady in the shop for a toilet she goes yeah yeah follow me puts this code in takes me through the staff room down the stairs and she goes yeah it’s just there everyone’s looking at me like with their sandwiches drop my bread oh Arm Control I bought the haros that I thought would pick be good pickme UPS happy life funny mix win a prize every hour it’s cuz it takes an hour to get the sticker off got it I got it I got it nothing there should I go in should I go in and just start ripping them off the bag oh it’s two St give I think I might have won a giant pair of bare feet [Music] [Music] what we’re going to do today is look out for a bike ride I don’t know what’s happened the light has g off but the light is flashing sometimes I don’t know what I’m doing hey fris you got how we were with a local guy called Chris yesterday Chris other Chris I really thought other Chris was joking about Belgium cycle lanes and roads being really bumpy he wasn’t I don’t remember him being in bumpy in the races literally all day we’ve been on the harshest like tiles on the ground and it’s like cuz the bikes are so heavy slow it just everything like rattles you boom now Ben’s got his new era robot he seems to like riding really hard I think we might have to get him another present you notice he’s riding too hard for well he wants to get training doesn’t he does he yeah he wants a training benefit and is he had like a if he had something heavier or bigger we get model of the ferry we came on than go now I know I’ve done some bike rides in much hotter temperatures than this about 34 35 not riding into a hair dryer though especially if you’re not used to it I can’t moan I can’t moan gave the mer dick didn’t I you didn’t it wasn’t the M it wasn’t the M now look What’s happen where’d you get that no no no no no no no no no another successful ride these these look a bit weird just Dr that look weird as well it’s a fantastic piece of artwork here um I think it really shows the rainbow giz Splat it’s finally happened oh so when you’re doing a bike ride this long the rides both been 7 8 hours you need to eat as much food as possible so we ordering um chips and bread with every single meal you basically can’t eat in enough which is a great position to be in if you like food some reason Chris keeps ordering salads Ben I think we’re in trouble because today took us 8 hours and 40 minutes elapsed time there was a bit of faffing around and it was 140k with like 300 M of elevation and tomorrow is 140k in hotter conditions with 2,000 M of elevation and basically no descending and have to set like a 5 a mlr and Chris is grumpy cuz he doesn’t want to wake up that early 34° it’s going to be 22° here at 1:00 tomorrow morning I suffered from insomnia I just laid there till 3 this morning listening to you what noise was it making really nice sleeping noise what I wanted look at littlebody go silly on the road again we’re progressively waking up earlier and earlier as we get more and more worn down by the sun bit of a slower start this morning because Ben needed to get sorted after not enough sleep and today we’re riding from Belgium are we going into France I think we about 10K okay we’re going into France and then leaving again just a nice oh smooth taol Lane to start things off we’re really enjoying this bit of the the morning cuz there’s a little bit of hazy cloud cover the name of the game today is going to be stay hydrated we have to stop five times to keep getting water that’s what we’re going to do cuz you have to remember on a trip like this you’re eating and drinking for tomorrow there’s no point in digging deep getting back half an hour early 20 minutes early and then suffering for it the next day and the day after and the day after that so couple of electrolyte tabs big bottles of water drinking every 10 minutes 15 minutes even when it’s not was hot it’s only 25° now [Music] lovely oh [Music] nice Ben has said a grand title of one word this whole ride he’s riding his bike backwards though so he must be in an all right mood 20K now we’re on a lovely bike path the I found a present for Chris what have you found what free as well small than the robot no Chris yeah I found you something good your present for the trip what model is it it’s like a Vieira one of those oh is it Panasonic if we just put it here yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s not very arrow that way mate what if we do it we put it that way it’s actually probably faster than not having it at all and if I hold it with my butt cheeks it would be pretty steady wouldn’t it it’s like a like AA foil you know when like era helmets are long and like a tailed at the back how many HDMI points got there two we can watch our favorite YouTubers GCM [Music] how you feeling Ben 5 miles time we halfway so I think I might make it good it’s made it a bit more interesting having a few heels yeah I honestly think Hills are better than completely flat I just get uncomfortable riding on flat too long unfortunately uh Chris hasn’t got his present with him see uh we couldn’t figure out we couldn’t figure out how to strap it onto the back of his bike so we’ve left it where it was and we’ll get him to ride back later we can get you one of those um you know those trailer things you put children in oh yeah and pull them along probably for sale in verbi put Ben in it you can ride back oh yeah yeah yeah pick up the TV and ride back again it’s a new tail fin Edition isn’t it we’ve got into eating lunch at 11:00 a.m. which I don’t really have a problem with quick stop at little starting to heat up now I’m sure as soon as we start riding after this stop it’s going to feel absolutely horrendous out there on the plush side we’ve got through what was basically a very horrible town the ride went from beautiful Farmland to Industrial just cars and infrastructure nightmare few bad overtakes and we’re had it so nice stop hopefully when we start riding again everyone goes and has lunch uh and we’re going to get some food in now salty things some kind of mystery dip and a shot of circumin M so good on a very positive note we are nearly at 60 Mi and it’s only 11:00 a.m. onto a winner fake ham you edit a sound a b bang in that please oh H I didn’t have Sal this was supposed [Music] you’re a salty boy Francis cave it is you see how much salt is I just show yeah that was quite hard that last bit we feeling a little bit cooked but legs are okay we think we’ve got 40K to go hopefully a bit less last 10K doesn’t count I had a few comments asking to give you the information about where we’re stopping and where we’re going but in order to do that I’d have to know where we’re stopping and where we’re going so that’s why it hasn’t been that in the video so far I just follow the Garmin route that Chris has planned do you know where we’re going and stopping I feel like once the route is planned and you put it on the head unit and then it’s removed from brain bless you camera’s getting heavier should we leave the hottest place on Earth it is so hot isn’t it I was just finding this nice l [Music] [Music] 41° Ben yeah that red strips a cycle a mate see going safe that’s all right everyone gets you here this is the hottest I’ve been since Kelo it’s still only five on the keler though suck milk from that right now would you I’m not thirsty haven’t checked in to this video in a while it’s been very hot that’s all I have to say oh actually no I love cycling we have stopped at a weddingz there was one of the Caterers standing outside smiling at us she’s brought us water she’s actually brought us water but we obviously look like a mess I’ve never been that first seat in my entire life and I’m not even joking that’s not me being dramatic want to hug fris yeah every meter up is a meter up mate oh you can’t argue with that 7:00 in the evening I don’t know if it’s enough got to the hotel Chris checked us in there was good news and bad news the good news was that we could bring the bikes into the room which was up three flights of stairs and then we realized there was a lift after that bad news is that we’re in the middle of nowhere and this hotel has a restaurant which is shut so we had to get the man who speaks French to help us because we don’t speak very much French definitely not enough to order a pizza to order a pizza you recovered from the ride yet Ben getting there are you you still kit I’ve been here for an hour and a half time in the shammy the saying is time in the shammy is time on the bike as a serious note as I said earlier if I wasn’t on a really long bike ride half this pizza would have just been put on the side and I would have grazed on it but the rest of the pizza is actually for tomorrow so now I’m just eating to provide me with more energy tomorrow I’ve stopped enjoying it so Francis had eight slices 2,400 calories and now he’s on the bed he doesn’t feel very well it was the cycling that’s made me not feel well not the pizza cycling is bad for you day four day five mm- four h we’ve only been running for 4 days [Music] mhm you good B so cold 22° this is perfect I’m so happy about this long sleeve Jersey weather it’s Sunday today which means everything’s closed except for one Spa Supermarket so we’re heading straight there going to stock up on some stuff some bread some extra drinks and then we should be set for the day just in case we don’t come across anywhere to refuel nice little breeze in the air in the middle of paradise here things are good things are good Paradise Paradise par don’t drive your car close to me don’t drive your car close to me that’s it that’s all you got got know I’ll you go that was a great morning and then I had to tell off a man for driving too close to us I think he understood enough English to get my point everyone understands right what are you doing I was letting the air out to reduce I bit a hole in it to that is clever to reduce space we found the spa luckily it was just off Route not by very much distance but by a lot of elevation which is annoying we’ve basically come down a big hill and now we got to go back up the big hill hooray she got to go back up that hill yeah I was trying to whisper on your s with a RAR RAR RAR r a b e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] r first climb and only big one of the day got like 3K 11% average which feels quite a lot when you got bags in your bikes luckily it’s only like 25° tops today so we’re not going to have a repeat of yesterday but the salty men why am I talking to the camera now you got funny hair coming at your helmet oh I got a [ __ ] a [ __ ] toter it looks good yeah it’s pretty isn’t it POG works for pogy it means I’m going to be winning the tour to France next week not even next week that’s the problem going to be chilling in a hot tub next week oh yeah hot tub we’re doing all this just Dro down onto the nicest cycle Lane in the world what was that noise Ben has finally admitted defeat and it’s going to change into a slot a slot [ __ ] slaugh sheave slaugh sheave J really puncher you got puncher tress is that noise what a lovely peaceful relaxing time down by the river first the bik packing always know where your passport is isn’t it do you know what would what would we have done we would had three options we would have left you here and you could have ridden back in your own left you here and we could have gone and you could have just stayed here and lived in this town or option three we could have got them out the hotel to a person hand deliver it he hand delivered us pizza so he might hand deliver us a passport I think he liked Ben he really liked you so you could have gone you could go and live back with him you could go and live at the hotel it’s getting closer fish cakes messy so we’re in this little town everything’s closed cuz Sunday uh man spotted us and goes La we La see Play It’s is supposed to be the cool day this is the fastest day so far I think Burger time I got you a burger you got me a burger yeah oh nice catch it says that’s false advertising that’s a burger it says big yeah yeah that’s a good point on the menu today two of these bread thing of gramo I wasn’t very inspired when I went into that Spa I didn’t do well I shop much better when I’m hungry Elite Trooper robot man got some crisps Ben seems to have just bought a whole bag of cheese good chees looks rough why oh it’s got green on the outside Happy Father’s Day what you doing I’m on a bike packing trip I’m in a little village in France eating crisps oh you only got the farm so far look go only I’ve rod from Newcastle you’ve ridden from Newcastle and then got a a phone oh you make me feel so good about it Dad ow hit me lovely lady just said go around the back of the church and there’s some holy water and all your sins will be washed away so what I’m doing is I’m going to fill up two bottles just to make double Shore you got a lot of ss who has the most sins [Music] def holy rolling [Music] Chris I made a mistake you made a big mistake I’ve still got the room key you have to ride back no no it’s your present there you go if you’re are going to take the TV you have to take that and you have to give it back to the man Ben’s best friend [Music] so today is exactly what we needed a little bit cooler shorter mileage turns out we’ve uh must have cut a bit off the route I think it’s 120 130k instead of the 145 and 158 the day before so it feels a lot shorter there a couple of hours less means we getting a lot earlier we can relax don’t have to rush lunch and stops quite as much and it makes all the difference it’s funny I was a little bit worried about how my body would hold up during this trip CU I haven’t really been riding very much only significant ride I’ve done in the last month or so has been Unbound gravel so that was my training for this but on the whole been okay riding into it being sensible with the fueling makes a big difference we are now on this road for 26k there’s a weird noise coming from underneath the bikes Chris yeah it’s the melted tarmac mate ah it’s supposed to be cooler today but I feel like it was a lie it was a lie an absolute lie luckily we’re not on really steep po luckily we’re not on really steep climbs we’re just rolling which is a lot more bearable in the heat rolling rolling ring if you go bik packing in Spain or France church is a really good place to always find water always or is that just Spain no they both are generally really good Spain 100% France is probably like I don’t know 80% right there’s a SN in here and it’s been waiting for us but it was drying out and it said thought if I sit here long enough he’s hiding from the French [Music] people snake can you ask the checking machine if we can bring our bikes in the room they weren’t that tight before we started this ride but he’s been waterproofed he’s into that kiky stuff I had to waterproof my laptop this morning how s bag I ask reception where’s my glasses this is the problem with this bik packing malaky you lose a lot of stuff you’re always packing and unpacking got you tell me I’ve taken every tablet and Alka seltser and I’ve got toilet roll with me it could be one of them days welcome to day 66 now I don’t want to curse things but we got a Tailwind the ground is wet the sky is dry gravel the road this morning we were on for 26k is super smooth except for that bit of gravel we’ve stuck Chris on the front making excellent progress I can see a square Bush Square Bush we’re all in good spirits despite the fact that Ben has a funny tummy and we’re looking forward to some nice easy CS today no drama nothing going wrong no rain fingers crossed and just like yesterday some lovely country roads all through northern France are we still in northern France we must be mid France now mid France I’ve never been so happy to not be in the sun I feel as if Chris I got off very lightly with the present that you brought me yeah very lightly he’s the lightest ball I’ve ever had he’s really happy keeping me going keeps you guys happy I can’t see [Music] him 24 hours 7 days a week Pizza flag wow your French is good P for commencer God damn it retour retour no oh the guy inside can see you there making it [Music] yeah oh there’s no tomato base on that is there they didn’t have a vegan one so be really careful when you take that out the oven because those metal bits are seriously hot I’ve burnt my fingers do you want some not with my stomach I’m just going to have one slice I’ve got to be honest it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be it’s actually all [Music] right oh Francis monster trucks got time Pon what is he feel like that might have alcohol in it they found a proper French ptis and we created a big queue behind us sorry everybody let it’s a bolog roll it seems the last one left so I thought it must be good existed yeah when in France you have to at least have one orina this reminds me of three reminds me of going on holiday to France little fact that uh YouTube doesn’t know about me I think I’m actually half French my mom’s French I don’t speak any french well more than these guys I can get through a shop experience that’s about it yeah I can’t order a pce from a vending machine apparently I had to put it in English 3 days but we always used to come to France every year when I was little visit family and generally have a very nice time in Dina if anyone’s ever been there britainy we want more fren than me at the moment that’s proper she’s very yellow oh down one baby dropped my bread got your bread mate is it 5c Ru yeah yeah it’s fine how long it I got you get it 5 seconds [Music] yeah9 I don’t think you can do two 5sec rules in a row no last time I ate stuff off the floor in the video I was very sick I ate some jelly beans at the start of I dropped my wall on the floor not doing that again what is that is that like a sample wait did you buy that where’s that from oh it’s inside the right okay I thought you found that on the floor obviously salad dressing isn’t it it’s like a sample of stuff we take to a doctor oh you’re done well that almost looks like real food we’ve all been craving vegetables and fruit so this stop we actually have bought some vegetables and fruit and a smoothie to top it up hopefully that will make me feel better I don’t know if there’s anything you can do to make yourself feel better though if you’re doing this much riding one minute I’m taking it back in did you just buy that no I’m taking it back in yeah I did it’s just broke just said to you this is going to be my forever backpacking Fork we haven’t left the car park yes let let Buddy out he can see buddy do you want some um apparently gray is more my color last time of the [Music] day there hadn’t been enough gravel on this trip Chris I know I like to trck in a bit of surprise every definitely on purpose gravel you guys are okay you got your gravel ties I’m going to check this room I think this is going to be the the best room to have hey I didn’t suggest that I had the single room first welcome to bike packing in luxury on the left you have the uh greenhouse and on the right you have the pool not go to the gym it is nice but it’s kind of like the hotel from The Shining Chris is on the balcony managed to tr out I thought quickly locked him there he can’t get in has he got a handle on his side no yeah no che che out Ben Tan looks good it’s like a cool tribal tattoo we need to get him a new helmet don’t we an arrow Road one that has no vents in it we need to get him some shorts that fit as well good morning and welcome to day six or s or 7 where we will mostly be eating bread riding our bikes and drinking power raid other drinks are available 7 days ago we got on a ferry from England to Mainland Europe we’ve been riding through the Netherlands Belgium and now France and our destination is Sun God in Veria in Switzerland there is three of us doing the cycling and we are all very tired there might be thunderstorms today we’ve got 135k to ride today and looking at the view here we’re in Paradise so that’s [Music] good today we’re climbing we have three days left three riding days so we’re now approaching Switzerland and things are getting a little bit hilly which means slower which means more hours on the bike which means staying on top of fueling and remembering not to ride too hard well of course we got save ourselves for the last day we absolutely can it up the massive climb to Veria today is pretty much rolling all day which is very welcome I hate riding on the flat tomorrow goes up even more and the last day is just it’s just climbing got about 2,000 M to do sun’s out with my mates things things are good [Music] [Music] [Music] i’ got a lot of energy today Chris I think at breakfast there was a coffee machine and I pressed it double espresso and then it only filled up a tiny bit of the cup there very big cup so I press it again yeah and it still didn’t fill up the cup so I press it again yeah so I’ve had six espressos don’t cheat yourself Dave H says love the journey but can someone explain what a titer from a witer means it’s a tooth from a dog a to from a w there Mery thought she was having a go at us I think think she’s very lovely yeah she was very nice I think the time’s come Ben should find Chris present he’s outside he doesn’t know we’re doing this well we’re in little so it’s the M middle aisle this is what the middle aisle is for too much useful it’s got to be done I think we found it it can be a present for fee can’t it it’s got a light that’s safety if we get a large we cover in all bases your bike [Applause] I’m a bit sad so I bought myself a uh a really weird Kinder Egg oh good Lu he’s good hey I like dince yeah he’s really squidy swallow it hey Ben this is how you ride [Music] oh bik [Music] friends how we going to get through you go uh left here and then back on yourself for 110k and then get a taxi you’ll be fine [Music] thank you I think we’ve rode 800 miles to the Sun I was um standing next load of gasoline I was bonking so bad I my head then I was sat on the wheel I’d eaten some sweets I thought I was going to be fine and then I completely like lost all control of anything my legs were going around I felt like like I was in a weird like simulation so we have stopped at a supermarket even though we’re like 1K away from uh our stop bought uh fre coca-colas and a sandwich Chris’s got four ice creams you okay why you not standing with us cuz there’s shade feel like this is a low point in my life not the nicest place to stop is it eventually you’re going to be buying for two R McD yeah I’m do it what cuz you you actually know how to cut hair barber yeah I’ve got an idea as well were you a barber yeah I was I don’t want the idea I just want I just want Arrow Arrow arms looks like it’s a new T it just leave that bit Jesus why you stop why are you laughing you shaved your arms for the national 24 yeah I know it got me a good place yeah let’s a sh up I’ll put it in a little bag now and the highest bidder the highest bidder can bid money to one of your Charities you like have that I’d give you 50 Quid to snort it oh I cut myself look I didn’t cut you didn’t have it no cuz you’re a barber sorry that’s the thumbnail this is your this is your career this is what you do morning you got hood and everything yes looks a bit wet outside good morning and welcome to today’s episode of we could be back in England day eight morale is low I hate going [Music] upill 6K in and it’s been solely uphill the cracks are starting to show I’ve completely forgotten to uh fill up my water bottles something had to give it’s a bit rainy thank God it’s a bit rainy it’s actually quite nice warm rain but it’s that fine rain that gets you really [Music] [Music] wet Stop very very fun and fast descent which meant we’ve uh boy caught up a lot of kilometers that was about 10K long ridiculous roads now are getting wider smoother you get these uh well you’re up at this elevation in Switzerland there are little cracks in the road because of the snow that comes down and they fill them in so they’re a little bit bumpy but uh on the hole very quick very fun I say that but I think we’re still in France we are still in France until 80k 80 we 80k how you feeling today Ben fatigued today if I’m honest yeah yeah is this the most riding you’ve ever done in a row yeah definitely no rest days no rest days it’ll be hard to top it it’s probably the most amount of riding ever do again in a row has it been that bad you know I’m glad you two have been here you would’t be able to do it on your own no I’m glad you’re here thank you been very fun You’ go insane nice gray socks as well fresh the morning him that means you should go really [Music] [Music] oh update from the road we’re on a very big climb 600 M up the rain has stopped we got the tunes going there cows digging Bells everything is well with the world have to ride fairly hard cuz I’ve got just Road gearing on this bike bit of oversight what we’re going to do is get over this climb big descent and climb again to the highest point of today and then it should be downhill all the way home or home the hotel by a nice Lake then we will be in Switzerland and everything will be very expensive I want two chicken wraps you want what two chicken wraps trying to drop me on motorways I didn’t film that bit have to explain to them what’s going on I think we confused the lady with how much we ordered oh oh there’s more M what I’m missing so we’ve just had uh prob the worst bit of the ride so far on a horrible a road with a lot of trucks no hard shoulder it rained and we basically just had to pce line as far get through it as fast as we could so I sat on the front that smells nice so we’re rewarding ourselves with all the pastries and sandwiches and sugary drinks in the world in a little town which is about halfway through the rout there’s more climbing to come but um yeah I’m glad that’s over with cuz that was pretty [Music] horrible Money I so Ben this is your first bike packing trip ever what advice would you have for someone who’s new to it now it’s fresh in your mind 70 M keep right on road thanks lady first of all do it just do it second get someone like Chris the planet and put and put hotels perfectly where your legs won’t fall off if you think you need it to pack it you probably don’t it’s been quite easy for me though like it’s not a true representation because I’ve had you and Chris and Chris did all the plan in on commute and youve sat on the front and pulled me around it’s been amazing man has been brilliant there’s no way he’s going to make it from that side of the road to the other should you give him a hand you can’t Kenya you’re not to pick him up why aren’t you what snow you don’t know which way he’s going I know what way he’s going you can he’s pointing in the direction he’s going yeah hold my bike I’ll what you should do is lay some water be on the grass on the other side that just say sa me 6 days he’s late imagine if he was going that way he left he left that side on Wednesday CH bastard I got this one I’ve dropped my phone as well I’ve pulled my leg I’m not joking I really pulled my leg a massive tractor just went past snow would have died we saved his life we saved his life so peaceful you hear the bird singing [Music] I collect [Music] money we get to like a town can we go get some chocolate and a coffee you indicated yeah wait yeah you okay holy crap we need to stop let’s get a cafe I’ll explain what just happened when we get there I’ve been on edge as I think all of us have all day because the drivers here have been terrible so we’ve all been a little bit on edge and just then there was basically like a guy nearly died didn’t he that was so close so we came to this Junction I’ll put up a clip uh a freeze frame of exactly how things ended up basically the big articulated Lori was turning right swung out with his indicator on and then the guy on the inside tried to cut in and he didn’t realize he was turning I guess and delori completely crushed the van luckily both of the guys were all right and the guy in the truck was rightly very angry and more concerned about us and more concerned about us yeah bit sketchy I’m going to ride really easy for the rest of today okay took him out and he was like I’m pissing it down is it boys I said yes he been pissing it down he was like safe yeah cheers for that one the goal was to get you to Switzerland we are now in Switzerland we had a near Miss crash you probably would have died you would have been crushed to bits see really try to hold it down we are now uh in what was it called morgs L Mor near laan near gen G fantastic ride and by fantastic I mean absolutely terrible the driver’s here Ben he’s giving up cuz he hates cycling now he’s gone cuz we’re in Switzerland he just wanted to get to Switzerland that’s it he got the train now video thumbnail Ben’s go guys behind us at getting very high M so I was going to say yeah there’s no one here that hasn’t got a joint everyone that’s walked past like there was an old lady I thought oh she won’t have a joint she had a joint oh you got three of these not taking them McDonald’s have done our present trick on us cannabis is legal in Switzerland quantity $106 you’re allowed carry in this country and smoke in McDonald’s it seems so it seems that was swas land not Switzerland cannabis in Switzerland is illegal where’s swasiland [Music] then why you making yourself not look like a warus ow do that hit your lip no is that when went my eyeball ideal conditions for our last day we’ve got little bit of a t flat robbed to sit behind and and a beautiful Lake I mean look at that view this really is Paradise I wonder if he’ll be thinking the same on the last time of the day though probably not bit worried about the rain though it might be raining up when we go up there oh all right we got Chris rubber [Music] ring day eight of Newcastle to Switzerland it seems we have joined in the Chain Gang I’m right last day is always the hardest or maybe it’s really hard because we brought him can you fit three tail fin racks on one bike how many bungee like strap them to his back many straps have we got we we’ll put one on your back as a rock are you happy Robin’s here so happy woke up this morning was like bring a guy called Rob to Switzerland to rip my legs off cuz I want to do chain riding I pulled alongside him I went only my left leg is working at the minute he went bad I went I went I’m having to push down with my with my left leg that go FAS Chris has gone inside uh what we didn’t put on camera earlier is that we left in a bit of a rush this morning went to the supermarket and we got him a second present because the first one took back to the shop because of sponsor issues so uh we’ve got him something much better much more appropriate especially if it rains later think you’ll like it yeah yeah this is what I wanted to get him the whole trip finally found it it’s good good for two reasons if it rains it’s great and he keeps saying he’s on holiday now he’s not showing us around anymore this ultimate holiday item ultimate holiday item that it’s cool lovely building isn’t it yeah so this is the UCI headquarters uh Chris knows one of the guys here called Zach and we thought we’d just come and have a look considering it’s like 5 minutes down the road from the cafe we were just at this one rers next bik packing bike steep isn’t it oh AB especially if you get like to the edges over there Jesus sh drop got to go like uh minimum speed otherwise yeah SL down down the woman’s got the best job oh absolutely did she go up on the ramp on that that polishing machine does 40K an hour we have one question for you okay what’s the UCI fine for standing on your top tube and descending that’s a me a fine there that is that is one Mega F we’re talking thousands thousands of swi right thousands can I ride a bike backwards no well can you yes you can UCI UCI what does UCI say yeah no UCI says no Zach is a UCI it’s got a UCI tattoo on his back have you show us you have haven’t you show us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don’t know how this has happened mate my dinosaur just broke his neck [ __ ] there’s a bit of dinosaur in there what’s that we’ve ridden too hard you scumbag you see the really scary looking clouds where there’s definitely a storm looks like moreor from Lord the Rings that’s fbia it’s just like th000 M up let’s get this jacket I you par [Music] because it’s raining over there yeah might come this way yeah we got you a present yeah to make sure your safe and it’ll probably help you get up the climb cuz it’s like a helium balloon but you like if we put air in it here you go you’ve been saying all day it helped you get up the last that you’re on holiday I’m on holiday yeah so what else would you take on holiday you got any breath no you’ve got BL up oh my God it’s yours pull you up the CL might be a while almost there a couple more breaths and you’ll be done is it probably two more do you think that webcam is watching us thinking what is going on we could have just put a nitrous CO2 CO2 you got nitrous did you bring CO2 or nitrous CO2 okay how am I going to mount this to the bike hry no you’re wear it you idiot how no you wear it you wear it you’ll be safe many hours later you’re taking a piss now Chris to see very good to see you oh nice to meet you nice to meet you well done chaps very good love you both well done well done well done well done Su oh I just realized how much we smell sorry I cried well I’m pretty tired guys yeah we didn’t sleep much did we I’m looking forward to a nice break what was your favorite bit it was yesterday cuz I didn’t think I was going to finish finishing was great you really thought you weren’t going to finish I weren’t going to finish no when I was at the bottom yesterday I didn’t think I was going to finish mentally I didn’t have it in me my legs were okay but mentally I was just too tired I think the best thing for me is finishing The Descent in the rain and I cuz it you know sometimes when you’re descending and everything just feels right it’s one of those ones yeah and I really enjoyed the company oh yeah I really enjoyed having the three of us four of us what was your favorite bit decent yep yep we can do that for you mate glad you made it he said can you not look at the sky next time we go across Europe who was in a bin bag for most of it only only two days knowing that everyone else has been watching our journey as well I never thought interweb strangers would keep me so amused within the comment section but it’s actually gave me a massive push every day failure was not an [Music] option last day in Veria thought I’d give these guys a sun god a present I only want to fly home with this and the sweet powder comes down again wi straight on that you I’ll send you a video of me skiing with this in Winter Yes actually maybe I’ll put a snowboard on for that day cuz snowboards


    1. Can’t wait to watch. Just caught up on Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam and US tours and love this series. Keep it up guys!

    2. Just wanted to say your "Cycling Across ___" 4K Film series is the absolute highlight of my day for the past weeks after a long day of study/work. Immaculate vibes, incredible shots and just a type of energy that always manages to generate a smile and makes me forget about my problems for a bit. Thank you so much for these and please keep em coming! If you're ever making one of these in Germany I'll be sure to pull up

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