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    Continuous Glucose monitors are popping up all over the health technology and wearable industry. Biohackers and athletes alike all looking to get that last little edge are hopping on the CGM train.

    But do CGMs (Continuous Glucose Monitors) offer any benefit for those who don’t have prediabetes or diabetes? The answer is unlikely. In this video, I break this down and look at the current evidence that’s out there when it comes to CGMs.

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    00:00 Intro
    00:23 What is blood sugar?
    00:49 Will monitoring blood sugar be helpful?
    02:00 The problem with CGMs
    04:11 Reverse causality
    05:10 CGMs in Sports
    07:22 Should You Buy one?

    If you have any questions or want any general advice/tips I’ll be more than happy to help. Send me a DM on Instagram or drop a comment down below.

    👨🏽‍⚕️ Instagram – @adammc192 / https://www.instagram.com/adammc192/
    🖊 Twitter – [@adammc192](https://twitter.com/adammc192)

    For coaching inquiries: visit:
    🌐 Website – https://www.healthmastery.co

    For the Algo:
    Are continuous glucose monitors worth it?
    Should I buy a CGM?
    CGM. Continuous Glucose Monitor review
    Performance Nutritionist breaks down CGMs
    Are CGMs a Scam?
    Should I buy a continuous Glucose monitor

    are continuous glucose monitors the biggest Health scam of 2023 a continuous glucose monitor as its name suggests is a way to give you realtime information about what your blood glucose is there are many VC back startups that are investing Millions into the development of these devices that are potentially going to give you the Competitive Edge over your biology but are these products going to disappear just as quickly as they’ve come on the scene everybody has sugar in their blood about a teaspoon worth and our bodies are engineered to keep it roughly at same level if you eat a triple serving of chocolate cake your pancreas will release insulin to store that excess glucose and if you go hours and hours without eating or you fast for multiple days your body will release glucose from your liver in order to keep those blood sugar levels topped up so if you’re somebody that’s looking to optimize your health and performance is monitoring this blood sugar going to give you that edge well let’s find out if you’re new around here my name is Adam MacDonald I’m a performance nutritionist with an msse a competitive natural bodybuilder and a high performance health and fitness coach and lately I have began my doctorate in human performance and innovation in this channel we break down complex health and fitness topics into practical application blood sugar is an energy source particularly for our nervous system our working muscles and our bodies we use more or less depending on the type and intensity of the activity that we’re doing and most people have heard of diabetes which is a chronic illness that affects blood sugar management essentially your body can’t keep sugar in this tightly controlled range by itself and very low or very high blood sugar can be fatal for diabetics therefore people with diabetes need to constantly check their blood sugar levels to adjust their food or medication accordingly to keep it within this range as you can imagine this is a huge pain in the ass so in 1999 the FDA approved the very first continuous glucose monitor a device that track your blood glucose without you having to constantly prick your finger and in this video I’m going to be referring to them as cgms for short since that day almost 25 years ago the industry has evolved to a point where these devices are now available to anybody willing to Fork out the cach to buy them even if you don’t have diabetes and and this is potentially a problem for diabetics these devices can be life-saving and most certainly life-changing but the Silicon Valley tech industry has started to Veer off course from the science and beun pathologizing normal fluctuations in human physiology so is there any utility in cgms for otherwise healthy people well let’s take a look the common claims made by these companies are that cgms can stabilize energy levels help you lose weight improve athletic performance and improve your overall metabolic health is there any truth to that or is this just another marketing gimmick well it’s a little mix of both when it comes to weight loss most people now know that a calorie deficit is required it’s simply the conservation of mass one of the most fundamental principles in physics there are some people who argue that carbs and Insulin make you gain weight independent of a calorie Surplus but the carbohydrate insulin model of obesity has been robustly debunked by now so the cgms help you burn calories well not directly but this study did ask people with diabetes who used the CGM a bunch of questions and 90% of participants felt that they had adopted a healthy lifestyle after they started using one now we don’t have any data on weight loss nor are these people what we would characterize as otherwise healthy individuals but there does seem to be some Merit to the idea that what gets measured gets managed you could potentially get these benefits though from a food diary or even a Fitbit for people who are already eating well and exercising this effect will have less of an impact on you if any at all and it’s hard to say how long this effect would last or if it’s just a novelty metabolic health is definitely a point of contention blood glucose nearly always stays with in a range of 70 to 140 mg per dcil or 3.6 to 7.8 m per liter for people outside of the US and pre-diabetes and diabetes are diagnosed by looking at these levels there are various tests now used by doctors to gather fasting average and acute blood glucose levels for example the oral glucose tolerance test you would consume 75 g of sugar wait 2 hours and then if you had a blood glucose response of over 140 or 7.8 then you might have pre-diabetes but what happens if your CGM says your glue glucose goes up to 160 30 minutes after eating but back to 100 2 hours after eating well we simply don’t really know and it probably doesn’t matter all that much increases in blood glucose even when above this normal range for a short period of time doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s something wrong and it’s important that we don’t use cut offs for current tests and apply those to cgms which are monitoring something different we just don’t have enough data and healthy people with regards to minute-by-minute changes in blood glucose but fluctuations within the normal range is nothing to worry about and it’s what your body is designed to do a common misconception is that because diabetes is diagnosed by high blood sugar keeping your blood sugar low will prevent it this is not accurate as high blood sugar in diabetes is a result of beta cell dysfunction rather than the other way around this is what you call reverse causality for example a sign of a brain tumor is a severe headache however severe headaches don’t cause brain tumors if you had really elevated blood glucose and switched to a low carb diet to reduce blood sugar responses all you’re really doing is putting a plaster over the problem and if you swap out carbs for higher saturated fat options like processed meats or butter then you’re potentially making your health outcomes worse not better as godarts law states when a measure becomes a Target it ceases to be a good measure now there may be some utility for cgms in sports and performance-based settings most people know our bodies use carbohydrates for fuel during exercise and blood glucose makes up a portion of that and many have proposed cgms to be used as a gauge to see how much fuel you have in the tank but energy usage during exercise is a bit more complex than that and muscle fuel used by the body will come from muscle glycogen and fat stores both of which won’t reflect in blood glucose levels it’s also important to note that during exercise blood glucose can Spike even when you haven’t eaten anything this is essentially your liver releasing stored energy further complicating things but in theory they potentially can be used to manage energy levels or avoid bonking during exercise some people may experience a hypoglycemic or low blood sugar event after eating a high amount of carbohydrates often referred to as a sugar crush or rebound hypoglycemia for some people this may result in impaired physical or mental performance and if you’re monitoring what you eat and how close exercise you’re eating it you could look at manipulating that you might even be able to prevent low blood sugar dips proactively during a race before you feel any symptoms if you see that your numbers are starting to dip now this is all really speculative we don’t know what the ideal blood sugar looks like during exercise and not everyone is going to feel or perform worse when their blood sugar does dip to add to that blood sugar is impacted by stress sleep and exercise and this makes things a whole lot more complex and in fact this paper showed that the same person had two completely different responses to the same meal given on different days according to Dr Nicola guess who researches dietry prevention and diabetes while personalized nutrition companies might claim that they are personalizing diet based on a person’s individual biology the available evidence suggest that they are in fact simply recommending A reduced carbohydrate diet to everyone if you’ve purchased a CGM you might have noticed this when the first heart rate monitors were released for for commercial sale in the 1980s people didn’t know what to do with the data they didn’t know if 140 beats per minute when running was good or it was bad or even mattered at all right now we are at this point with cgms the data is often inconsistent this paper showed that two popular brands gave the complete opposite readings on the same person and the technology is just too far ahead of the science right now so if you just like to collect data on yourself and you’re happy to spend up to $400 per month on this then I have nothing against that with that said if you are looking to maximize your health performance my one-on-one coaching is cheaper and will be more effective but I am biased so cgms do have potential in my opinion in the next 5 to 10 years they will become an invaluable tool much like heart rate monitors have but right now the information isn’t all that useful however if you do want more useful information then I invite you to check out this video that I made all about electrolyte supplementation


    1. Great content, it’s very interesting, relevant & helpful. Your editing is fantastic & keeps my usually poor focus completely captured for the entire video. Well done ✅

    2. Great video. I dont think you need to do the click bait thing with "scam" in the title. As far as i can see this business model is just how some new tech is marketed – sell a less than perfect product and let the early adopters funds more development.
      I suspect that the interesting long term benefit of this won't be around performance and productivity rather than general good health.
      I wouldnt be interested in a service like this until it can provide real time information about my nervous and digestive sytems – stress responses, hormones, stomach acid, blood flow etc etc. These factors might be useful too: sleep cycles, menstrual cycles, weather and seasons.

    3. I like the editing style, the sound effects can be odd, and will note while I have thought previous content (and this) were great I definitely get turned away from click-bait titles and thumbnails. I know, the YouTube market demands this, but I think your information and delivery does cater to a different market. I won't decry you continuing to use that, but it can muddy the message.

    4. For diabetics, especially type 1, this has been a game changer. My mom has one and it has been much better for her. It's a life saving device.

    5. You should do a video on « Jessie Inchauspé » aka the « Glucose Goddess »

      She is a scientist and share her data, statistic
      She has been a guest in a multiple podcasts, about that

      She gave advices, Tips, hacks on how to avoid glucose spikes

      A lot of people in the YT comments said that it works and it’s a game changer

      Curious to know your thought on that

    6. As a person T1D, I can say that these devices are life-saving and essential for blood glucose control.
      I can't imagine why someone healthy is going to wear this voluntarily. It's just an additional anxiety to check your blood glucose continuously. If you don't want a high blood glucose, just don't drink cola and don't eat hyper-sugary candies, that's simple.

    7. Your video should've been titled, "The Truth About Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) for Fitness". That would've been a proper and honest title, but you wouldn't get clickbait clicks which seems to be your focus.

    8. 00:00 🩸 Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) offer real-time blood glucose data without constant finger pricking, potentially aiding health optimization.
      01:08 🩸 Blood sugar is crucial for nervous system function and energy, managed by the body's insulin release; diabetes affects this regulation.
      01:49 🩸 CGMs were initially life-saving for diabetics; however, the tech industry has expanded their use beyond diabetes, which might pathologize normal physiological fluctuations.
      02:17 🩸 Claims of CGMs stabilizing energy levels, aiding weight loss, and boosting metabolic health have some merit but aren't direct solutions; managing what's measured may impact lifestyle changes.
      03:27 🩸 Understanding blood glucose levels (70 to 140 mg/dL) and diabetes diagnosis criteria is crucial; CGM readings might differ and require more research.
      04:37 🩸 Lowering blood sugar alone doesn't prevent diabetes; it's more about addressing beta cell dysfunction rather than solely managing glucose levels.
      05:18 🩸 CGMs might have potential in sports settings by indicating energy levels during exercise, but blood glucose levels aren't the sole indicator of fuel usage during physical activity.
      06:27 🩸 Managing blood sugar for performance during exercise is speculative; blood glucose responses vary among individuals and are influenced by multiple factors.
      07:21 🩸 Current CGM technology might provide inconsistent readings and lacks definitive scientific backing; while they hold potential, their utility might increase in the coming years.

    9. What about measuring glucose level in the morning, you know, before first meal. We know it should be aroud 90 for metabolic healthy individual, and with cgm you can easy measure that, and it's quite reliable measure.

    10. How the song would change if cgms was in line with plant based eating. Cgm would be touted as the greatest health monitoring device ever. lol

    11. The 3 tests you talk about are all spot tests, 2 of them need a formal blood test ordered by a doctor and the third requires a blood glucose monitor and regular finger pricks. None are an alternative to a cgm which gives 24 hour readings for 14 days. A cgm is awesome for giving you practically real time information.

      For people with pre-diabetes or worse, it’s invaluable to know which foods make your blood sugar spike. First example, for me, any form of oats is a high spike then crash, even though most studies would see this as a slow release complex carb. If I kept eating porridge for breakfast it would not be good for my long term health. Just one example.

      I don’t think we should all wear a cgm all the time, unless you are diabetic, but many people today will develop some form of insulin resistance with the wrong diet. So testing foods with a cgm every so often is powerful info.

    12. Carbohydrate and Insulin realted to Obesity has been debunked ? Is that what I heard ? Would like more details for that. Studies can be designed to show what the companies financing the study wants to show.

    13. It's disappointing that you completely ignored the huge role of INSULIN RESISTANCE in tyepe 2 diabetes! The disease starts with hyperinsulenemia creating a vicious cycle of ever increasing insulin resistance requiring greater insulin production to compensate and keep blood glucose in check, after a while, beta cell dysfunction and burnout pick up speed! You dropped the ball there! Sadly you are in "good company", a lot of early interventions could stop of significally delay type 2 diabetes development if people got checked for high fasting insulin levels! It's a major preventive medicine fail at this point! That would be more effective tahn a CGM in that respect. The CGM will THEN show the person howw foods and time of day choices affect them.MAybe make a viideo on hyperinsulinemia if you haven't? It's an important and criminally neglected topic!

    14. You are spreading wrong info. Of cos there is a limitation of cgm due to lag time of interstitial glucose vs vascular blood glucose, and MARD etc. In fact the glucometer reading is also not as accurate as the reading running with actual laboratory machine. Please read more actual scientific peer review journals on cgm etc.

    15. I’ve been using one for two weeks now and seeing weight loss on Keto diet. I know this would happen without the monitor but having been a bit disconnected from the best eating for various reasons, this is giving great insights into what affects blood glucose. I’ve a six-week pack and will reevaluate then whether to continue with it.

      I do feel some guilt about health inequity, I’m very conscious that many T1 people who would benefit cannot afford these devices.

    16. The conventional blood tests like OGTT only shows points of the graph of your blood sugar and will indirectly give you a picture of your trend. A CGM is a real time measurement and shows the reactions to food. The value of this is to see how your body reacts to certain foods and teach you how to time and choose the food on a real time basis. There are no side effects or any risks. To gain progress in your diet accurate measurements are key. And if you believe that you can eat all the carbs you want and keep within the certain calorie per day, then I'm sure you will fail from hunger pans to spikes in blood sugar because carbs get digested and absorbed so fast you will be hungry after 2 to 3 hours. I 'm 50 and by choosing my food well and monitoring my blood glucose really helped me stay away from any maintenance medications.

    17. Yesss FINALLY another "The truth about.."-video without any plot twist or new information that would warrant this clickbaity title. I really needed a waste of time today. Thx

    18. I'm going to trust Dr. Peter Attia far more. CGMs are a phenomenal tool, even for non-diabetics. This is called upstream prevention. I used one for only six months and it provided all the information I needed to inform my diet. Because of the CGM, I can eat much healthier but still have room to indulge once in a while. The CGM allowed me to recognize the various levels of certain junk-type foods that affected my blood sugar. Therefore, I now know not to eat as much of one vs. another. It also allowed me to monitor my alcohol consumption on my blood sugar. The bottom line is that the CGM has provided me the opportunity to enjoy eating the foods I love.

    19. Thanks for this video!! These companies are taking advantage of people who want to improve their health. I was scammed by this popular company that was referred by a YouTube influencer. I only signed up for one month but i was charged for another month and was told that when I did the questionnaire I signed up for a subscription. It’s also in their policy no refunds or exchanges under no circumstances. I did google this company and found out they had scammed others the exact same way! In order for them not to charge me again I will cancel my credit card. Others beware of these companies like he said it’s cheaper to hire you a nutritionist, have blood work did or a coach.

    20. Once he started talking about keto being a temporary fix I knew he had no idea what he was talking about. So based on his advice, eat those carbs and keep that blood sugar spike so you'll get insulin resistance which will spiral you into type 2.

    21. My personal experience tells me that the glucose release into the ISF is very very different for different body types. I'm rather obese, weigh 105 kg and all 71" tall. In fact, the CGM readings were so much lower than the readings from my glucose monitor (capillary blood) that my physician thought my problem was that I suffer from hypoglycemia! I later researched and understood that adipose tissue comes in the way of glucose absorption by the ISF. I abandoned the entire project of continuous monitoring and junked the data after 14 days!

    22. Wait! Carbs and Insuline model has been debunked?

      Being on Keto and Ketovore changed my life. Restricting calories or the calories in calories out model didn't do crap. That model kept me starved or yo yo in weight & health management.

      I eat two meals a day and my calories in/out is not a big deal for me. I eat mostly protein, fat and low carb. My once a1c at 6.7 is now 5.2 and glucose of 110-115 is now avg about 100. My cholesterol is 210-220 avg. I lost 20lbs in 7 months and my triglycerides 136 (hoping to ge this even lower).

      Monitoring my glucose helped me make better decisions in my carb intake chosing very low GI fruits & veggies.

    23. Wow. Very good information, excellent presentation, and as far as my knowledge and research to date, accurate.

      I am a diabetic, and began using a CGM 20 days ago after my A1C went to 8.2. My data from on the receiver now shows a GMI of 6.4. I wasn't sure of what a GMI is so started looking for YouTube videos on it. I found that it is close to an A1C reading, and found this video.

      I didn't know non-diabetics were being targeted/marketed for CGM's. If you are not a diabetic pay attention to this video. I can see a lot of "sales misinformation" heading your way.

      Thank-you for such an informative presentation.

    24. Are you a doctor ? Or even a diabetic. Most of what you are saying is DANGEROUS. Delete this vid and get a endocrinologist degree first become a Dotor. You know nothing. The info is VERY useful. STOP.

    25. Please people DO NOT believe this guy. He is discouraging you to get control of your health. CGMs are in invaluable tool! Such an incorrect idea to think that low carb or keto won't work to reduce blood sugar and eventually reverse diabetes. Because that's literally the way you reverse diabetes. What's the good clinical evidence that suggest otherwise? Reduce glucose in, lowers blood sugar, symptoms resolve, stay low carb/keto, eventually fat comes off pancreas unblocking beta cells, pancreas works normal again, diabetes reversed. That's what the clinical evidence actually says. That's what hundreds of years of doctors have demonstrated and said. You're intentionally confusing people. 1 + 1 will never equal 3. It will always = 2

    26. Thanks for the video. If you know, can you give any info or thoughts on CGM usage with people with elite muscle definition and/or relatively very rough physical activity? When seeing these in use, even if the people are not obese, I never see a proponent who has bulging arm muscles using these. It seems that would cause discomfort, dislodging (and resultingly, risk of inaccuracy) – let alone in the long term. I'm a T1D and my doctor increasingly pushes me to use these, no matter how well my sugar is managed (in the US, it seems to me once something is popular, new, and expensive in diabetes care, you're doctor will launch amazingly strong pressure to make you take it). My doctor insists there are no downsides or tradeoffs in lifestyle, but I find that hard to believe. Even if it fit in my body without discomfort, I know I'd have to give up some physical activity that I do. Even a lighter sport like basketball where people back down in the post and get fouled hard, these monitors definitely aren't going to manage. If you are a very sedentary person and your comfortable wearing these, maybe they're good for diabetes management, but otherwise, why choose to use something that limits what you do? For me, that's like expanding a disability, choosing to disable yourself in an additional way.

    27. You didn't mention the main reason for getting a CGM for me. I want to be warned when my blodd sugar has crashed and I am about to go into a coma unless I eat something. CGMs are great for that.

    28. It is a well established fact now that moving a to a low carb diet like keto can reverse/remit early type 2 diabetes & pre diabetes. Your headache analogy is useless & misleading. Just another clickbait video.

    29. Why would changing to a low carb diet if you have diabetes or are prediabetic be bandaiding the issue? It's been confirmed changing to low carb diets as a lifestyle change can reverse prediabetes and diabetes before a certain point. You give yourself an out by saying low carb but high in processed foods – youre doing the same reverse causality bs. stick to bodybuilding and selling your gimmick program, but please stop trying to promote misinformation, especially when you have no experience or training in the medical space, like treating diabetes. Reverse causality…and then goes off pushing reverse causality lolol

    30. I agree with most of that, but diabetes is absolutely not caused by beta cell dysfunction. Beta cell dysfunction is caused by diabetes. You have the causal direction reversed. Beta cells atrophy when the body determines it has too much fat (due to inflammation and inability to create sufficient blood vessels to support the excess adipose tissue) and doesn't want to store any more energy, so it voluntarily decides to stop making insulin. In addition they are probably in a state of stem cell dormancy and not completely dead–they can regrow if diabetes is reversed. It's true that CGMs will not prevent you from overloading with fats and proteins which will still cause diabetes, but that's not a reason to disregard them but rather more reason to create CLM's (continuous lipid monitors) or dual function monitors that will monitor both glucose and lipids.

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