Video z cyklistiky v Slovenskom raji organizovane Bajkerteamom
    Zastavka na ceste v smere na Pilu a do Podleska.

    The Slovenský raj (the slovak paradise) mountain is considered to be one of the most beautiful natural regions. You can visit it also by using a bike. There are several cycle paths for the mountain bikes situated in the Slovenský raj mountain. The known is the path leads from Podlesok to Kláštorisko. Through the col Kopanec in this mountain you can come to Dedinky village from the north and you can also ride your bike in the Geravy region. Many cycle tours in the Slovenský raj mountain are characterized by the fact that you must often put your bike on your back and carry it along the terrain impossible to ride on. At pres Sent there are eight cycle routes here, which are situated especially in the conservation area of the National Park. There are also a few unmarked paths situated here, on which you can experience equally the beauties of nature and interesting views with joy in this National Park.

    Radfahren in dem Slowakischen Paradies
    Die Qualität der Markierung der Radwege und die Wartung dieser Routen ist unterschiedlich.

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