Hi, I have a 10k run coming up in almost a months time and I am using vlogs as a way to track my progress anyone who wants to tag along for the ride is welcome to do so!

    Any love on the video is much appreciated pls like follow and subscribe!

    [Music] morning right it is not a great day in the old Belfast City it’s really windy and it’s raining so I think we’re going to go and do a we bit of sightseing the day we all run so let’s go and get Rondo so that’s what say at the botanic gardens it’s absolutely stunting Mega we on so got do a we bit of sightseing R the city of the day so got a we view where we city um so check in as run on [Music] that’s 2K just run past C Hall other know um just pushing on F heading towards the Alber clock now see you in a minute [Music] so that’s was just 4K in pushing on quite strong just coming up to Titanic build see you in a minute in fact I Show’s The Game of Thrones thing first and who’s this Len Hardy is that who that is game of throws come on let’s go [Music] [Music] fol like off B for especially F got com but I absolutely love it like just love it [Music] yo so that’s 8K done just under an hour so we’re not too bad there at all kind of got there on the end up but uh we’re heading into the we coffee shop now so outrage coffee time [Music] that’s just Scottish people [Music] [Music] [Music] listen thank you very much for that right see you later yo so we’re just at a Blue Train Coffee there it’s on University Street so I mean the coffee was really really nice H it wasn’t like bite the back of your throat it was it was really good um so if you’re ever on University Street Blue Train Coffee get in it was lovely I mean score for me probably like w like 8.4 yeah defin really really nice nice we spot funky cool coffee was good and the design sted right to the bottom of the drink perfect so thank you very much Blue Train then 8K today hold the runner Bast the SES of like like tourists and stuff we like to see so we thought it was pretty cool so kind of hope he enjoyed that um so on Sunday here we’ve got the 5K for cancer the charity run so that’ll be good up near storment again so should be a tough for you run but we’ll get through it um again just how much I love that City like it’s unbelievable I love it just run and run it like didn’t make the the 8K was so easy just trying to run run um not easy but it’s when you’ve got so much going on run about you it’s like 5K is 8k but it was fine could have went home for me but we had to get the coffee shop in Co coffee shop as well um but that’s it it’s another we run in um I hope he’s enjoyed we on his on his chair um but anyway listen thanks very much for loving the videos and hopefully catch you on the next so if you want to follow along just hit the Subscribe button thanks very much for watching peace and love

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