George Galloway & Workers Party: Introducing New Candidate Aroma Hassan | Election 2024 Update

    Join George Galloway in this exclusive update on the Workers Party campaign for the 2024 General Election. In this video, Galloway, the current MP for Rochdale, introduces the dynamic new candidate Aroma Hassan and outlines their ambitious plans to secure as many seats as possible in the upcoming election on July 4th. Discover their strategies, key policies, and what this means for the future of British politics. Stay tuned for insightful discussions and powerful messages from the heart of the campaign. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more updates! #GeorgeGalloway #WorkersParty #Election2024 #AromaHassan #UKPolitics #Rochdale

    I’ve just been doing my constituency surgery here in my office in Chatum Street in rale as the general election draws nearer let’s get an update from George Galloway and the workers party we have many problems all of us even the people in here but our children are not having their heads blown off our children are not being carried out of the rubble without their legs without their arms mothers are not lying dead on the street their blood running into the sand our people are not living under the rubble living under bombs and Rockets and shells from land from Sea from air our people are not in a cage from which they cannot escape and our people don’t have the world’s richest and most power ful country trying to kill them but the people in Gaza have all of those things and more and when a young boy shouted from the back of his bike to me during the B elction it’s Gaza Galloway he was right when I die the word Gaza will be found written Across My Heart it is of the utmost importance to me I make no bones about that or apology for it because I know these people you see they’re not numbers to me they’re not strangers on a screen to me one of our staff young woman here is from Gaza she works for me my wife is wearing the Palestinian dress for a reason these people are not foreign to me alien to me in any way I’ve been there 100 200 times I’ve walked in all the streets that are now demolished I’ve walked in the refugee camps now destroyed I’ve kissed the faces of men who I then had to watch on television digging through through the rubble with their bare hands to collect their children children that you can now see if you can bear it dead in the mouths of dogs in the Gaza Strip can you imagine if the parents of that child I just saw the picture an hour ago if the parents of that child saw what happened to their child that dog was carrying its body in their mouth can you imagine the horror terror evil of what’s happening in Gaza K starmer said Israel had the right to cut off water electricity medicine food from the Gaza scrip he said it on television he said it Israel has the right he said he’s a human rights lawyer by the way who doesn’t even know the law since the minute that the international court of justice delivered its verdict that Israel must go for trial for genocide K stammer has not said one word about that court judgment some kind of lawyer that is is he said that the decision by Mr KH KC the chief prosecutor of the IC to issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu was unhelpful was a diversion who’s going to vote for such a person what right thinking person could vote for such a person now you may get some labor candidate saying oh well I’m against all that that’s not the point even if it’s true which it probably isn’t looking at your record but it’s not the point if you vote labor you’re voting for K starmer to be prime minister of Britain you’re voting to reward k starma for complicity in genocide who wants to be among those who do that so as long as Gaza is burning so long as the blood of the Palestinian people is Flowing so long as Britain is complicit in this great crime the greatest crime since the second world war as long as that I will have Gaza as the number one issue on my political agenda and I hope that all of you will be with me in that I make no bones about this it’s a brutal thing to say anybody who considers themselves to be a religious believer who intends to vote for K starma the genocide agent should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves should forget about the eat should forget about fasting should forget about praying you think God is listening to someone who’s praying one day and voting for K th the day before what kind of a Believer would that be how would you answer that if you if you’re a religious believer you believe in the Judgment Day how are you going to act answer that question what did you do when the Palestinian child was being carried by a dog what are you going to say I voted for it I voted for the political leaders that enabled it what kind of a Believer could possibly answer that question in that way and hope for Success watchale you proed before and you’ll prove again that the only leader the only leader not just for the Muslim um but the only leader that stands for the people of Gaza the only people that stands for the people of Kashmir the only people that has been the voice for human rights and people that cause atrocities and use the money to profit tear from Wars is the only person that is George Galloway let’s send this message loud and clear wherever we are whoever we are whether I be a candidate or a member of the workers party we stand firm and strong that we are the only choice well good afternoon ladies and gentlemen you’ve just heard all the reasons why a Hassan is our candidate against the deputy leader of the so-called labor party in this election what a breath of fresh air Aroma will be for Ashton underlining what a breath of fresh air in the feted atmosphere at the top of the misnamed labor party but this is the third launch that I have done in less than 24 hours our campaign all over this country with hundreds of candidates is well and truly underway they thought they were pulling a surprise election well it may have been a surprise to some but not to us we have been on a permanent election footing since the people of Rochdale on the 29th of February changed the political landscape in this country and we won’t stop until the 4th of July and only then for a week or two last night I was in wik where our candidate Khalil Ahmed who stood for labor last time in 2019 a bad year for labor and he pulled 20,000 votes in the Wickham constituency and I said last night if he pulls 20,000 votes again on the 4th of July he’s going to be the EMP with a landslide in high Wickam and we are confident that we can do it yesterday afternoon I was in eling Southall launching our huge campaign in London where we have scores of candidates practically a candidate in every constituency in the whole of greater London that’s how often and running we are our campaign has started exceptionally well while Kier starmer’s campaign has blown up in his face Kier starmer’s a block of wood I saw Birds trying to nest in him just the other day on the campaign Trail he’s clunky he can’t think on his feet he needs a barister brief in order to bore the judge to death well you can’t do that in a general election you got to be nimble Jack be nimble Jack be quick Jack jump over that Candlestick K stammer would trip over the Candlestick in fact he placed the cell stick down there so he could trip over it this man is ident prone and he’s going to be found out when the general election hones in on which of these two people will be the Prime Minister who would trust them to run the country when they can’t even run their own household Affairs so he tried to get rid of Dian Abit and the public in Hackney and sto Newington just just like the public now in chin font have risen up against them please subscribe to this channel


    1. A politician callig for an end to the occupation and now genocide in Gaza is a rare thing. How very sad, so lacking in morals this country has become.
      Avoid Starmergeddon. Vote for an independent candidate.

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