In this video I spend a day in Denmark (Copenhagen) and show you what I saw!

    🇩🇰 A country known for Lego, Vikings and extremely high prices. Or maybe it is the country that together with Sweden has had the most wars and battles in history, or which founded my hometown of Tallinn in the 13th century? Well in this video I visited the capital city of Copenhagen and filmed my experience to show you what this place is all about as the finale of my three-part Scandinavia series!

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    For YouTube: this video is in NO WAY shape or form made to break YouTube guidelines and is purely a joke, satirical and sarcastic interpretation of an educational travel/vlog video. all statements are in some way saturated with humor. if there’s an issue, please contact me beforehand!

    hey guys as you may know I’d like to start off this video by saying a few words in the native language and today we have Danish [Music] so oh in other words welcome to Denmark and welcome also to the mini finale of this three-part Min series on my summer mini trip across Scandinavia we met up great people sry places V could have seen more and today we go to Denmark for the finale a tiny country in Europe and country in North America which has recently gained land well half of a small rock in the Arctic the size of just over a kilometer and the Dy Razer but to the Colonial Empire business DeMark is still running is a story for 100 time so what else is Denmark known for well as I showed before the Scandinavian languages or as I like to call them dialects go like aside from that Denmark is on to Lego Google Maps somehow being labeled Scandinavian even though they’re not on the peninsula and have their normal most point at the same latitude as the S most point of Estonian that we niic by way and the oldest flag continuously news which comes from Estonia that’s right [ __ ] Demar is a place that V has been of great interest to me has always fallen under the radar since you don’t really stumble upon the place too often taking into account its surroundings and the rest of but that changes today so we went to Denmark on a super luxurious huge epic that cost us exactly Z or zero cron we managed to get a deal where on a new really expensive ship the tickets were completely free I mean look our only cost that they were the incredibly complicated system of norian parking and getting scammed buying a magnet that doesn’t even feature Estonia so all of that I’m not complaining now de this not sponsored is on to something they play a whole intro for the fair or Cru listen this is another talian head situation it’s like I’m [ __ ] sing get eventually we hit the open SEO and as we do I’m going to tell tell you all about the history of the country and the city like the rest of North Europe Denmark was covered in a big ass ice sheet for a long time until it eventually wasn’t now turns out Denmark is a rich prehistory and I’m sorry but I ain’t making all that funny and edited combined with the arriv Dan the Romans being not too far away hell many D even enlisted in their armies Germanic culture and other things led to the one thing that the nordics had to be proud of the Vikings while the swedes sailed to Constantinople and made the longterm mistake of future Russian cities and the Norwegians sailed West until they got Bard the D instead pulled up to an English Monastery and decided to stay in the area for the next few hundred years aside from doing things that would get R the mon simply explaining about it in Ireland establishing their own kingdoms down south and even beating up the iberians Italians the French and the Germans but one dud managed to unite all that mess into one Kingdom and attempted to do so across all of its surroundings which went just about as well as you’d expect following that a long period of chaos followed regarding unification and collapse blah blah blah until 11:54 a certain vmar the great ascended to the throne and started making rapid development to both the at that point fishing Village of kopman Merchant Harbor AKA kban hav which ended up receiving the city Charter 100 years later as well as the whole country as it began expanding and triggering their neighbors in 12 um we can skip this part and then eventually after trial and there it managed to completely unite the three noric countries under one Banner well barely What followed was an Union with Norway but because it was much more Danish than equal of course then I will simply refer to it as Denmark one Reformation War later Denmark Allied mainly for trade is the Dutch p and even swet Monarch and seemingly city planner Christian i 4 in Copenhagen the economic milit and cultural capital not only for Denmark but for the entire noric region much of it being planned by their Dutch allies which why parts of it may resemble Amsterdam today Denmark reaches Golden Age until the so-call protector the Protestant cause sounds similar by the way got absolutely violated with the Danish Fleet destroyed its position severely decreased and only more and more Wars from there on Sweden and Denmark kept fighting back and forth until one break and surprisingly it was Sweden or so it was believed because being neutral was some guy from the Napoleon Movie suddenly became important was very bad hence the Brits pulled up to the function and blue [ __ ] up but hey the Le SP afterwards so was an epic win even before that vote Copenhagen endured seizes by Sweden and a number of fires but clear that that wasn’t enough so the Brits dropped a sequel and this time completely destroyed one of Europe’s most powerful navies and transformed the city into one of their own this prompted Denmark to join the French which everyone knows is always a mistake itself anyway the dissolution of the Union of Denmark nor who oh right Norway One recovery and then 1848 later it established a new liberal constitution in 1849 which is still largely stand today and defeated the Coalition of Germans even supported by their longlasting nor and Swedish Rivals I mean anything but the Germans am right which the D to this day are still so proud of that they would rather step on a Lego than talk about what happened but eventually they got their [ __ ] together and updated to copenhagen’s at that point ancient fors as well as industrialis in the country and all the fun that came with it the USA bought some islands not green Lev in one Denmark did well nothing of course though they did still get affected by it but hey they got part of schic back and they still have to end which totally didn’t end up in a heated crisis and also aan gentleman never recognized their borders as went to war well okay Denmark has never been important since 1864 so it was more or less just a speed to get to the nor Eisen Felder if you could even call it that since the country was overrun in a matter of 6 hours hell you couldn’t even drive across the country by the time it was conquered dear’s position in World War II was built different on one hand the king rode across the crowds every day and when a German officer asked him where his body guards were he would simply respond that the people were just for that the D also helped most of their Jewish Community Escape over the border to Sweden but on the other hand resistance was limited and only kicked off once German fully occupied the country in 1943 yes themark pretty much acted independently until that point and of course everyone suffered and all that but I’m just saying I don’t see much Danish city is level to the ground on like T or Wars so also there’s the story of Hitler congratulating King Christan the 10’s birthday to which he responded with the same copy paste as to anyone else which really got him F and ended up having Denmark’s armies expelled from Youthland and this cabinet replaced anyways Denmark was liberated without a real fight only that somehow the sovs managed to occupy one of their Rollin and buom it for a year cuz that’s how we do it and from their own granted Iceland Independence gave Home Room to the Pharaoh and Greenland Islands became a founding member of NATO and Still Remains kind of important I guess oh and also get this when I was there the Danish Monarch was different from of is today so I sure do hope nothing wanky like this happens or has happened in other European monarchies I’ve [Music] visited I don’t know you see it guys but that’s the that’s the thing over there is even that’s the Bri of con Denmark and there is Denmark where we head or other way I actually can’t so with that lecture through just like the Dan came to aonian 2019 it’s time for estonians to come to Denmark 800 years later and quickly make it to the first attraction The Little Mermaid no hen Hagen’s most overrated Landmark the reason for which I’ll never understand I mean is it because the son of the founder of K be commission it is it because he gets vandalized so many times for absolutely no reason I don’t know and I think the merid has a similar stance because even tried to look away from the city due to being so tired from all this [ __ ] but when we pulled up to the Statue something was about to go down right across the canal I now I don’t know what this dis bless of Scandinavia but as soon as I arrived into Copenhagen a parade began well since like Penh Haven is already a success later I did find out that the Norwegian King was playing a visit probably not on the same board as me but hey you never know and months later I found out that what was played was a Norwegian March but at least that’s one more copyright claim push under the rock so enjoy the [Music] Montage [Music] there we have it the most well-known attraction in all of Denmark aside from maybe the goers mer made the new hav ctro stemming from the late 17th century which is simply put unreal of course touristic cafes restaurants and souen shops don’t make it feel all that much realer but this is seriously one of the most beautiful pieces of concrete I’ve ever seen I mean just look at this [ __ ] me no wonder why this city has one of Europe’s highest standards of living I pled money from at least a quarter for my bloodline too for a place like this but again this isn’t some well- hidden secret just Google Copenhagen or Denmark or Nordic City and see what the first results S I did go on and on but I last this isn’t the Glamorous troubl show but rather me making fun of think H look at all these dumb tourists eventually we’ll make it to another well-known Masterpiece christens Borg Palace while the Danish royal family realized amalian Bor this one is known to effectively be the house of parliament while many castles and palaces were built here in the past the mod day one is from the early 20th century sitting next to a church the bisen and yet another Canal moving on we hit the state which is your mandatory pedestrianized European Main Street home to cafes shops and whatever else in need the street goes on for a while some for of Nova inoma until you eventually make it the Ros plason which the the city hall overpriced hotels and the railway station and T Gardens theme park from there we backtracked a bit had to go for a Marx Pate because I was not going to spend a penny on cruise ship restaurants and made her way past the university building a complimentary average at best luer and church T toor which is nothing more and nothing less than what the name says and very nice and quaint neighborhoods until eventually reaching rosenborg Castle I don’t really think that it surprised many of you here at this point when I say that this Tu was commissioned by none other than Christian the fourth as a summer house in the early 17th century today it is amusing Museum or whatever I don’t really know but they and surrounding Guardians are a real nice place indeed at that point my camera died so I’m going to have to leave it with this crisp fun quality of the local church of Copenhagen as well as the beautiful Frederick’s church I then made my way to the last attraction of the day castellet or the Citadel today one of the best preserve fortresses in Europe commissioned yet again by old Christian but as it endured sieges it was expanded again and again until it more or less became copenhagen’s main military thing for yes it’s s action in 1807 and not so much in 1940 but since then it’s been replenished and it’s a great place to to chill and have a walk around which is the exact opposite of what I was doing as I had to get back on that boat there’s also monuments to World II and all the wars Denmark has been in since 1948 damn it’s 17th century itself would be proud but that concludes castellet and my day of tiing in Copenhagen as a whole and then we hit the sea once again until I realized wait they’re giving us a free tour of not only Copenhagen or Oslo but two more cities on our way North we got to see them to T of Hing hburg and hinger look Skyline and Hing after arriving back in norb I went to explore Christian no and shortly after headed home which you can watch all about in my last video but that will be it for my day trip to demo now I know I’m about to lose all the support I’ve G from my sweet Bros over the last few months but I got to give it up to Copenhagen it was truly wonderful and I would say it is the greatest City I visited in the Nordic so far after dalan of course the vibe was great and the architecture really got me thinking why old cities can’t just be like this n about this listen to Walmart and car park hell they even made a parade like anywhere else denark has a lot more to see and give him my fasination to to the ntic I’m sure I’ll be back here at some point but with all that said this is also the end of the three part miniseries on Scandinavian I hope you enjoyed all these Vlogs and thanks to everyone but most the channel members from last summer and now who helped make all this possible so where to next I don’t know but let’s end this series on a high oh no we’re doing this again Fu [ __ ] for fck for this fck for the [Applause] nice if I did pronation [ __ ] you I’m done with


    1. I visited Denmark with my friends for a few days around a week ago and it was a really great time when we actually properly explored the place, especially since it felt somewhat similar to cities from my own country like Glasgow yet it had its own charm.

    2. i am Danish and here we apriceate the king or back then the queen with evrything idk but around 25 procent of our taxes goes to the monarchs also tax rate is 56 procent

    3. Given by the fact that you believe your country is the best, while still admiting that the other nordics are very nice countries, you qualify for being a nordic person.

    4. I don't blame you on the little mermaid. As a Dane I think it's nice to have statues of fairy tale figures. But it's really giving out the "Is that it?" feeling. Like with the Mona Lisa in France, too overrated. xD But glad you enjoyed Copenhagen.

    5. Denmark might be the worst in the universe at fighting wars, and doing deals that benefit them, but they go hard with the Lego and welfare ig

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