oh my how does he notice me how does he when he’s in that state how does he how does he Notice Me welcome back welcome back to the city of Dreams yay okay welcome to the junction we got fun and games we’ve got new homeless people crutching around picking up the money from people stuck in traffic you can have anything you want but you better not demand old Britain you are [ __ ] totally [ __ ] talk to me Goose man you didn’t tell me you’d met someone and had four kids oh Manchester it’s not all bad let’s get a zoom in oh [Music] a so when you’re really selling a building it’s empty and uh you really don’t want pigeons going to into your covered Canal section but the Chad pigeons burst through as the little red sign says there no moing in the canal arm although I see lots of uh boats mored in the canal arm so massive condolences this morning to the family of the young he was only 29 the young Manheim German policeman who lost his life when a knife wielding Jihadi decided to try and murder a whole bunch of people in the city Square the young policeman made a mistake In the Heat of the Moment he he had a millionth of a second to figure out who’s the attacker who’s the victim and he got it wrong and for his mistake he’s lost his life and he didn’t just die there at the scene the blade pierced his archeries um pierced his skull damaged a blood vessel in his brain you saw him stumble away butth he got poorer he got more poorly his health got poorer and poorer until uh the doctors could do no more for him I uh don’t I don’t think people should make fun of him I I’m not going to join in on that saying oh look political correctness he attacked the white guy and now he’s dead he honestly did what he thought was right he got it wrong and he paid the price and uh that Jihadi I could tell by his movements he was there for a mass casualty event and uh with our policeman deceased man we remember he was wearing a bulletproof vest St prooof vest and the as salant went for his head and for his neck Che this side look at this having a fish I like this bit here as well that’s nice oh but uh German policeman we remember you and uh our thoughts are with your family and the people who loved you here’s some nice canalside apartment Flats lovely there’s a free house a pub here called the the warf Warf you dirty cling on the greatest hits radio and uh they’ve they’ve done a good job around here these are all old Victorian warehouses from the industrial era for when Manchester was a cotton Cotton Center textile center industry Center so all these red brick all these red brick warehouses are now hipster apartments and businesses as we stay under the skyscrapers or Sky ticklers these are all very new we look at the warf anyone fancy a pint pint of uh English England’s finest alses on the side of this house boat here I’ll give you guys context quickly cuz we all like that he’s used a Disney font and he has the yin and yang sign for the Yorkshire White Rose and the Lancashire red rose No More War of the Roses when you got to live with your whole family on a giant house boat versus the bachelor’s house boat Stumpy oh here we go come on goose you’re a bit older than the other ones we’ve seen you can do it come on you got mommy and daddy encouraging you come on you can do it come on come on you can get up come on there’s a good spot go on look look at your friends on the grass having a great time come on okay guys I’ve given up hope of this baby goling Ryan’s got no chance here good to see I’m not the only giant house boat Enthusiast everyone’s interested because they’re quite interesting this is like a whole Kitchen in there look very nice look at the deck chairs nice luxury boat living that we are at the brink if you can see this Goose you are the resistance no not allow okay I promise this is the last aquatic feathered dinosaur shot I just like the look of this little non-mandarin sorry non- malard what are you not sure how I feel about this cream colored Corner one it looks good now give it a decade when it gets a bit moldy Manchester the movie Set Manchester the YouTube set Manchester the Stage Theater of the Charlie Beach show Ari Ari makes cameras Manchester the permanent movie Set here’s all your cherry pickers I’m following these thick black wires from the Lorry I’ve just filmed [Music] see here they’re they I think they’re at The Scouting stage there they’re testing angles and then once they like the angle then they get the dangle going there is a disadvantage of living in these shiny shiny shiny tall glass and metal is that a lot of the times it’s a lot of young people with no class and uh I’ve heard stories about uh the bin area the smells the parties the problems the rats the infestation anyway we’ll leave the bins behind we’ll come along the side here here’s some slightly older hipster Flats smoking balconies the lucky sods to have a balcony these days oh I don’t even have a garden but then again I’m in an apartment so what can you do hi you okay was this guy wearing school uniform I think so that’s a big student big boy I like this a lot it works well the glass the beige are brown and white I like it a lot now I have a friend called Chris who’s got one of these cars the v85 L version and he looks good in it but these ones here look how shiny they are they’re all posers look even got a fake snorkel hello viewers darling people welcome to Manchester Central Square look at it and what have they got I’ll turn the camera around welcome to heart attack world this is back to the patient Back to the Future it’s the British cardiovascular Society they look heart attackyoutube that’s what this conference is about it’s all the different oh I can see Phillips there’s other machines in there so heart attacks are big business and and if I was in that conference I’d be showing off my new Charlie VD def fibrillator 2000 I’m not coming I’m just having a look that’s cheers thank you it’s okay we’re here at the beautiful Midland Hotel and uh we’re not allowed to talk about the big fire that happened at Mr Cooper’s restaurant here can you see the slight uh crispy boy Archway can you see the slight fire damage we’re not allowed to talk about it on this channel so I won’t nudge nudge wink wink I promise you it was not crackheads that broke in there and uh accidentally Set Fire to the place in there the generate ways I promise you it wasn’t that now don’t panic everyone there’s a fire is that sadik Khan no it’s not um there’s a fire at Manchester City Council look at all the public sector workers get an extra break don’t get too comfortable guys you got to get back to the desk soon says the manager anyway always uh interesting seeing the civil servants in charge of our uh Administration here hello how are you mate good to see you oh good Dr oh um folding well it’s a slow news day so fire alarm at the council is what I’m is a good news day hopefully yeah these car ramming of Peace barriers have uh tape on them silver tape and black and yellow tape to stop highp speed highs speed cyclists ramming into them I was going to say high-speed Somalians there until I realized it’s actually high-speed eritreans most of the deliveroo guys right most of the delivery guys are errans very high speed errans and they don’t want them crashing into the barriers oh naughty naughty naughty on the tram line not allowed not [Music] allowed not sure if the turquoise guy and the guy with a shiny head and the beard are under covers or what but I do know that the tennis ball guy with the checker board is over cover I think it took too much to took too much hey M you okay one step over the line he took too much he took too much think uh other things I think narcotics I he took too much one took over the line although his foot looks sore oh my how does he notice me how does he when he’s in that state how does he how does he notice me how the [ __ ] so what so he’s he’s acting like he’s like ring in pain and he can’t act reasonably and then all of a sudden he’s he’s angry at me filming I don’t understand anyway watch him miraculously get better now and go to his next uh his next experience where ever it may be reinforcements have arrived the man with a sore leg with a cramp in his leg um I don’t know how and why the sit we’ve got three overcover police we’ve got two undercover police or should we say plain clothes and the man is behaving as if he’s in a lot of pain I think uh this is the V view the V Theory the V working hypothesis I think there is a feeling that he might be antisocial and uh cheese cheese and uh they’re just thinking about I don’t know in fact I I have no idea guys I’m going to make theories and they’re all going to be wrong so I’ll just let you watch oh look a stallen Burnham bike Burnham being the mayor and the nickname for these uh Council bikes is Burnham bike and you can often tell I know I can’t tell by the Light there but they’re getting questioned all quiet as we go through crackie Gardens very quiet let’s go see what’s happening down by Picadilly train station but before we do we are outside Queen Victoria statue stand up to racism easy too easy a Target when you’re at my level you know oh [ __ ] they kicking off about me recording just a very funny moment I saw a crackhead walking massive beard disheveled with two large Starbucks coffees I was like he can’t afford 5B of coffee then I looked closely and it he had a utility belt on and steel toed cat Steel Toad boot boots and well you guys agree there’s a lot of Tradesman and a construction workers who have the crackhead aesthetic yet they’re earning £100,000 a year impressive I was just admiring my lovely collection of car ramming of Peace barriers and before I turn around and see the thing that caught my eye pjo pero this is a fringer corpse I will zoom out for context and I think I recognize that skinny frame and Powerless body I think that’s crutchy I really do do a decorum EST propatria Mori let’s go in so uh nice chat with my Bulgarian friend he’s just quit his government job he was working for the for Universal Credit the man with a sore leg still on the bench and he still looks like he’s got a sore leg hello mate how are you oh let me go go live the crackheads the see still not a tra mate but if you got to go down there you got to go down there okay guys welcome back to Salford sford and uh no won and sford we’re at par folds Park and you’ll never believe what they found you’ll never believe what they found in yet a further Salford Park did you guess body parts ding ding ding ding this just spoke to the two cops there I said is their access and they were very polite I’m afraid not sir I was like they called me sir hello hello hello M oh hello hello hello I know that kid one of my mates’ sons said hello from the car and uh what can we add here except uh people in Sulfur need to stop disassembling the Autobots because uh to put together a a meat Transformer isn’t easy especially if you’re missing a part think puzzles are hard try a human if you’re going to disassemble someone I wouldn’t recommend doing it in Great Britain this country has a very high High murder solving rat and they’ve already solved this one the victim was called Stuart Everett and the people that did this to him weren’t the nicest of people so I was just leaving and I want to say that whoever put the biohazard sticker on the the kind of council Salford city council thing that’s not funny why am I laughing it’s it’s not funny you it’s not funny


    1. German copper chose a side and like most of the coppers in this country and certainly EVERY Metropolitan copper, chose the wrong side.
      I wish them the best of luck with that future.

    2. Their book tells them to aim for the necks of the disbelievers. They think we cant read and dont understand their modus operandi.

    3. 16:19 – This shit seems to be happening all around me these days. I still can't get over that car you filmed virtually parked in someone's living room after smashing through the wall at the top of Lucas Road. This place is getting crazier by the minute.

      "Two men, Michal Jaroslaw Polchowski, 68, and Marcin Majerkiewicz, 42, both of Worsley Road, Eccles, have been charged with Mr Everett's murder." – So they're Polish, which may explain why they're unaware of the meticulous methods and advanced technologies used by the British police.

    4. Hey Charlie have you got the 'hold to review ' setting turned on for your channel? Because a comm of mine has disappeared, it was nothing real controversial but i did mention the dei training of the german plod and now its gone. Another question i would ask is, are you able to delete comms from under your videos? Please answer me fella, im trying to find out if i can complain to youtube about deleting comments that break no yt tos??

    5. Rest eay Rob Burrow, Mr CV may not have commented on the hoarding with the sad news on, but rest assured most northerners who like rugby league and courageous people are heartbroken. Hopefully there will be a great turnout for his funeral. I for one will be there, payong my respects

    6. Hi Charlie, wondered if you might show some love to a fellow content create you crossed paths with recently. Please watch the video Autistic Audits did recently’Pro Palestinian Thugs at Manchester Protest. I think you’ll agree. I felt physically sick with what the human race is becoming. It was like watching a horrible nightmare

    7. the mistake made for that police man was the programming , he was automatically programmed to defend the brown and attack the white as he was programmed to see the white German as the aggressor , this is a western ideology across Europe , and it cost that poor lad his life the blood he spilled is all over the left and far lefts hands he is a victim of woke and liberalism

    8. How many stabby stabs of innocent people were there before mass immigration? It’s a cliche but it’s true – import the third world, become the third world.

    9. How many stabby stabs of innocent people were there before mass immigration? It’s a cliche but it’s true – import the third world, become the third world.

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