Je réalise mon trajet vélotaf de 37 km en vélomobile Bülk, sans assistance électrique et sans être un athlète. Le résultat est sans appel : 48,7 km/h de moyenne à l’aller et 40 km/h au retour, un moyen de locomotion individuel, confortable et sportif extrêmement efficace !

    👍 Abonnez-vous à la chaîne pour ne pas rater les prochaines vidéos !

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    Crédits musique :
    LIQWYD : Bloom – In Time – Stream – Soothe
    Sorry, i forgot to credit you on the previous Bülk video 😉

    hello everyone welcome to passion velomobile today it’s raining so it’s an excellent opportunity to take the bulk and do my old Vélotaf journey the distance will be around 37 km on the way there and 37 on the way back I’m going there just to do a formality a signature and I come back it’s gone ok the mirrors set the counter to zero welcome on board I sit quietly we’re all good lights on battery charged everything works ok the brakes and off we go then it you should know that this start of the journey is extremely noisy since the road is very bad [Music] there is a small section which runs better but it is not yet finished the gravel will come back there I am 50 km away hour [Music] 78 km/h it went up almost as hard and there I am still at 40 km/h this is the advantage of the Velomobile which offers inertia we will take advantage of the descents to maintain our momentum then go up the next hill c here we go the surface is perfect there I’m at 60 km/h so there’s a false flat descending it’s really comfortable there I turn my legs very little I only accompany but it’s a real TGV this bulk I’m almost at 70 fortunately they put a speed bump otherwise I crossed the city at 80 come on I force it a little it allows you to follow the vehicles and that’s how we integrate into the traffic while driving there I am at 45 km we are in town so there is no problem but it allows us to be in the fluidity of the traffic so it is important to know that I am not in good conditions to make this journey from a point of physical view if I take the last 6 months I spent more time doing workshop site company formalities or other than pedaling fact that if I have 1000 or 2000 km in my legs in 6 months this would be the maximum and then another Ultra negative point for me is that I don’t have the gloves and without the gloves it’s a bit as if I were completely naked which I don’t necessarily feel at ease but now we’re going to change the subject we’re arriving on the Melle ring road there I can accelerate up to 90 if I want to then there’s a little wind the road is wet so we’re going to moderate ourselves, here 80 kmh is already reasonable and there it’s starting to go up [Music] 85 kmh what’s sending this bulk I’m at 80 there 75 it’s still going up and there I’m at 50 kmh and I’m almost at the top I still feel that my physical is not in top form 60 km/h 65 and we attack the hill at this level it always goes up I am at 37 km/h there is a truck behind me look at what safety distance it will overtake me come on big guy, have fun the road is clear look at that I have others following behind [Music] they all overtake me as if I was in [Music] car isn’t it infinitely safer than being on a classic bike where people avoid us with a simple flick of the wheel, here I am at 55 km and it’s going back ah the police it’s been a long time since I’ve been stopped in fact that makes me lacking a little I must admit [Music] again a big descent with a big climb that follows when you know the route it allows you to anticipate these accelerations a little [Music] I arrive at the top at 47 km/h [Music ] there I have a hill after the roundabout it goes up less quickly because I’m not a year old so I’m at 30 km/h there I have a false flat I attack a hill again at 50 km/h the wind is picking up I will try to note what the exact weather forecast was oh a radar I would really like to be flashed but every time they start at the top of the hills I am not going to drive at 95 kmh up a hill anyway there I arrive at 60 km/h in terms of effort there I could say that I accompany the pedaling in a sustained manner but without really being in a condition of exploit I turn my legs but I don’t let my heart rev up, that’s what allows me to be as regular as possible and then to adapt my effort according to needs 59 km/h [Music] we’re still lucky with the weather I expected to have rain throughout the journey but ultimately it’s almost frustrating because sometimes we are happy to have rain we are on a velomobile so we are infinitely better placed than on an exposed bike in the rain and the cold [Music] uh 59 km/h yeah that’s it a little fuel [Music] it’s impressive how we hardly feel the variation of the relief as long as it stays on false flats the Bulk he’s tracing what he’s really slowing down a little there I’m still at 57 km/h and it’s climbing a little what come on we’re going to go to the roundabout and we’re going to turn around from there the average speed is going to drop it’s not well that’s what we’re going to try to stay honest the truck it’s good it stops ah I lifted a wheel it’s gone [Music] so I told you eh when I’m taking a velomobile trip this n It’s never just for fun because I need it to go and sign papers at the Niort aerodrome because in fact I am the owner of an aircraft and there everyone is going to jump to the ceiling what David is flying with a plane that pollutes ah we’re going to park here there and there we are we’re detaching here hop I took 45 minutes to do 37 km all around that gives me an average of 48.7 and knowing that I’m not in a lamentable condition my shorts are almost dry that’s great 86 km/h maximum speed and uh that’s all good it’s already pretty good well I arrived at the airfield I signed my little papers and now my problem is that my sound recorder is out of battery and that’s a real problem because as much as a camera cuts out well we have two I have spare batteries for my device as well of sound well I didn’t expect the battery to be so weak and so if there is no sound it’s much less interesting so I jumped 500 m to still show you in small parentheses look where there are beautiful machines there say so see this is my modest aircraft a small single-seater machine which consumes 7 L to achieve 150 km which is entirely reasonable when you think about it but hey here I’m showing it to you because in ultimately aviation is my first passion I was almost born into it at the age of 2 and a half or 3 years old I made my first flight with my uncle and it gave me a first virus so I I admit that I have a deep love for aviation, everything that flies, and before letting you go with your criticisms in the comment section, know that it is thanks to aviation that I was able to discover later the world of velomobiles there is a bridge which is very close between the two because we like the small narrow cabins a bit risky it scares everyone and then at the same time it’s very technical it’s exciting it makes us dream and well this is what my roots look like it’s aviation it’s everything that flies we go there the rearview mirror I modify a little bit that’s how it’s not bad like that I see clearly this those who follow me and here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here I am here I take with the phone because my microphone cut off as expected more or less I am at a distance of 36 km for this return journey there is a difference compared to the outward journey I don’t know anymore it’s curious I don’t really know why there is a nuance however the route is exactly the same mystery good for this distance I I did an average of 40 km/h and here it is all in 53 minutes the conclusion is very positive in fact I am in a completely comfortable physical state in any case the experience on the road was very favorable very relaxing serene obviously I I took roads which are really safe in my opinion which are ideal for covering a maximum distance with the minimum of energy the terrain of the region is relatively favorable also it must be admitted yeah I really have the feeling that to do long distance travel then we have a velomobile which is efficient therefore the volumes on board are a little limited but finally there is scope for long distance and when you lie like that it’s very comfortable I don’t have pain anywhere really I feel that my leg muscles have a little bit of a little work so they are hot everything is fine but otherwise well I’m happy to be in this bathtub and to do such great speeds distances you imagine uh here I’m doing a demonstration I’m doing a round trip so it’s not not necessarily ultra revealing but on a Vélotaf journey you realize a little bit of what we can envisage with a velomobile it goes well beyond what a classic bicycle or a bicycle even with electrical assistance could offer us we are in much safer conditions in terms of traffic on the road and then uh well I have my comfort with me there I have a backpack with a change of clothes I still have a lot of space if I I want to add a small laptop, a tablet, office equipment or even work clothes, there would be room to accommodate them without a problem , so we are typically on a journey that can replace the equivalent of the car there I took 53 minutes to return by car I took 40 minutes so you see there is not a difference which is monstrous I made an effort which was healthy regular almost throughout the whole journey so I didn’t even have no more need to pay for a subscription to the gym since I didn’t go there finally I have even less need to go there you can imagine a little bit of this this conclusion which is only positive so obviously it’s not for everyone I ‘m not saying that the velomobile will replace all the cars of the entire population no no I’m just doing a demonstration for a use and then you do what you do with it If you want, don’t hesitate to subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already done so, leave your opinion in the comment area, leave a thumbs up, I don’t know if it’s really useful, but anyway. if it’s there it’s perhaps for a good reason and I’ll see you very soon for a next video on passion-vélomobile [Music] [Applause] [Music]


    1. Vidéo qui permet de mieux se rendre compte de la réalité d'utilisation d'un velomobile dans la circulation.
      Comment situer les écarts de performance entre un velomobile waw, un quest et un bulk ?
      Merci pour la réponse.

    2. Au départ, je me suis dit que 17 min, c'était long. Et comme d'hab j'ai tout regardé 😉
      Entre 40 et 50 km/h de moyenne, en n'étant pas bien entraîné. Mazette …
      J'ignorais ta passion pour l'aviation. Je comprends d'autant mieux l'avion à pédales maintenant ! 😉 Pas besoin de "se déchaîner sur les avions dans l'espace commentaire". En fait, 7 litres pour 150 km, c'est nettement moins que ce à quoi je m'attendais. Et il a une bonne tête ton avion !!

    3. Ahh vraiment excellent cette video! peut etre que tu pourra bientôt nous faire un aller retour en avion egalement!

      pour la charge de ton micro, faudrai voir avec quoi tu le charges! faudrai voir si c'est les meme tensions entre ta batterie de vélomobile et ton micro!

      Je sais pas comment tu fais pour avoir une tel condition physique! je roule a 30 en velomobile a chaque fois! je galere a mort!

    4. J'adore ta conclusion sur l'utilisation du vélomobile en vélotaf. Tes arguments sont les miens, et depuis 8 ans, je les vérifie chaque jour avec beaucoup de satisfaction. Pour ceux qui voudraient découvrir cet engin fabuleux, je vous signale un rassemblement proposé dans le cadre de l'assemblée générale du Vélomobile Club de France en Anjou les 20 et 21 septembre (Brain-sur-l'Authion). Les 2 randonnées représenteront un cadre idéal pour découvrir, tester et éprouver…. Nous avons invité Passion Vélomobile et sa participation nous a été confirmée 👍

    5. Vraiment impressionnant. Pour ma part je suis à peine a 30 km/h sur mon trajet vélotaff en DF et ca ne vient pas du dénivelé ! c'est surtout que je suis entre 30 et 40 là où tu roules entre 40 et 70 ! Tu devrais installer un capteur de puissance, ça ajouterai de l'objectivité à tes vidéos.

    6. C'est bien l'aéronef, ça nous prouve que vu le budget du vélo mobile c'est bien un truc de riche qui nous font passer pour des nuls. Désolé on a pas fait des mioches pour toucher la caf et financer un mode vie "tellement évident".

    7. J'adore tes vidéos c'est presque méditatif , moi ce qui me plait c'est le coté vaisseau de course un peu comme Wipe Out(Playsatation) j'étais un grand fan de sensation de vitesse .J'ai retrouvé ce feeling avec le vélomobile .

    8. 😉👍👌
      Salutations et merci pour cette vidéo.
      En tous cas, si tu n'es pas un athlète, comme tu le dis, tu es quand même bien loin d'être le 1er "pingouin venu", comme moi par exemple! Et encore, mil excuses aux pingouins bien plus efficients que moi! 178cm et 98kg… je pense que si je rentrais dans le Bülk, seuls les pompiers bien équipés, pourraient m'en désincarcerer!!!!👍👍
      Dans tous les cas, merci pour ton partage, et très bonne continuation.

    9. je connais des 2 passions mécaniques :l'aéronef et vélomobile à pédales. Mais l'avion à moteur m'étonne ! Comment partez vous en vacances avec les enfants ? Quel moyen de transport utilises – tu comme moyen de transport avec les enfants ? ou restez vous dans le plat pays du littoral français ? Après ton voyage aux Pays – Bas , ton atelier doit être bien rempli , toi bien occupé à monter tes bolides . Bonne continuation. D'autres mettent une voile à leur planche et leur vitesse est bien supérieure , essaies !

    10. Vidéo super intéressante, moi qui trouvait ça un peu ridicule je commence même à aimer le design un peu rétrofuturiste des carénages.
      Et l'efficacité de ce genre de machine à l'air au top.

    11. Performances impressionnantes, mais de nature à faire croire à quelqu'un de non averti que faire 70 bornes à plus de 40 de moyenne serait "normal" en vélomobile…
      Ce n'est pas le cas ! David, même "pas au top", tu restes un athlète. Ton vélomobile est neuf et, je l'espère, réglé aux petits oignons. Et comme tu le dis, la géographie est favorable !
      J'ai un DF, sur mon ancien vélotaf de 45 km, 30 étaient à plat avec un revêtement bien lisse et plutôt roulants (une dizaine de ralentissements seulement). Je ne suis jamais passé au-delà des 35 de moyenne… Et je ne faisais pas semblant de pédaler.
      Le vélomobile est un engin formidable mais les performances affichées ici ne sont pas représentatives de ce dont la plupart des gens sont capables 🙂

    12. Bonjour merci pour cette représentation je suis tout a fait d'accord avec toi , mais pour moi la pollution engendrer par les pots d’échappement surtout de véhicules pas entretenus ou anciens c'est rédhibitoire, et aussi le prix quand même , mais le bulk me plait beaucoup surtout pour les grands gabarits

    13. Pourquoi le vélomobile ne s'industrialise pas ? Parce que 10 000 euros la bête … presque le prix d'une voiture ! Est-ce un complot des constructeurs de voiture ou est-ce parce qu'il n'y a vraiment pas de clients ?

    14. 40km/h sans casque c'est une sacré prise de risque. Je sais les casques ne passent pas toujours. Mais vu nos vitesses, perso j'ai opté pour le casque au détriment de l'aero.

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