Catch the cutdown replay of the exciting pro race from the 2024 IRONMAN European Championship Hamburg

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    m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to Hamburg major port city in Northern Germany it’s Germany’s second largest city and it’s rich in Triathlon history and today it plays host to the Iron Man European Championship hurg today is the pro- female European Championship the Pro male European Championship will take place on August 18th over in Frankfurt today is the sixth stop of our Iron Man Pro Series and the second Iron Man event in the series and our second stop in Europe I’m your host D gree Bower live in studio along the four-time Iron Man champion and multiple other longdistance titles including extreme try Laura Sid Sid welcome to halberg what else is on the line today for our athletes thanks stee it’s great to be in studio with you well today at this women’s race we have six Pro female qualifying slots available for the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in nce five of the women on the start line already have qualified for KN so there’s plenty opportunity for the rest of the women in um more points on the line today as well with the winner earning 5,000 points towards the Iron Man Pro Series so we can expect a big shake up at the end of the in the series with the point standing after today where every second matters and of course $877,500 prize purse for today where the winner taking home $28,000 all the way to paying through to 10th place for $2,000 not a bad day and checking out the weather we can see that a little bit overcast at the moment the weather um by Roa it’s 16° C 61 de fahrenheit as I said a little bit overclass uh the water temperature is 18.9 de C 66° fahit so wet suit swim and we can see obviously on screen our Pro females now getting ready we’ll go through the colored caps shortly um pick out some of the notables but I can see Maya stage Nelson on screen now talking with Jackie Herring uh down by the Waterfront in Hamburg that’s right our athletes going about their morning rituals getting in a little bit of a pre swim warm-up we have such an incredible field here today for our professional women befitting a European championship event we’re going to talk about so many of those athletes uh once we get underway but up for grabs as we said a lot of points in the Pro Series standing a lot of prize money six qualifying slots for the Iron Man World Championship in nce and AG group slots available as well we do have AG groups a age groupers competing both men and women today yeah I think we’ve got 75 slots for age group females and 45 slots for age group men so obviously it’s a pro female only race but we have obviously got age group men and women racing so lots of lots of opportunities for everybody to get to either the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in nce or Kona this year in O September and October and as we take a look at the swim start here we can see the crowds starting gather and I can tell you said in chatting with some of our professional females pre-race one of the things they we’re most looking forward to uh in racing here in hurg obviously the fast course looking for fast times today but the German Spectators the German Spectators are Next Level when it comes to their love of triathlon first up we have bib number F1 is cat Matthews from Great Britain and she’s in our dark blue swim cap she won Texas Iron Man Texas a few weeks ago and wearing bib number two F2 from Great Britain written finel langri she is wearing the powder blue swim cap she’s currently fifth in the Pro Series ranking and had her first Iron Man win at Western Australia just last year and with bib F3 is German probably local favorite Daniela bla she’s obviously from Germany she’s in our pink swim cap uh it’s her first Iron Man Pro Series event for the year but she did um she did win Hamburg back in 2017 and wearing bib number F4 out of Denmark it’s Maya stage neelsen uh she will wear our orange swim cap today she’s currently 12th in our Pro Series ranking s she’s a former national team golfer uh with several top five finishes and today could potentially be her first Iron Man win and bib number F6 is Jackie Herring from the USA she’s in our light blue swim cap uh she’s currently eighth in the IM man pro series after second place at the Iron Man 70.3 Chattanooga this is her first full distance since 2015 and it’s her first Iron Man in Europe as well and wearing bib number seven F7 that’s Sarah Spinx from Sweden she is wearing a dark blue swim cap today just a couple of weeks ago uh we were in studio in myca where she finished third this zapiro Iron Man 70.3 Alcudia mayorca she currently sits 31st in the pro series of rankings at Sarah sens and f8 is Laura Jansen from Germany she’s just in our silver swim cap this is her first Iron Man Pro Series event she was actually fourth at Iron Man Frankfurt last year one of the local German favorites the Germans certainly going to be giving a lot of shouts out to Laura Jansen today following Laura Jansen is wearing bib number nine F9 from the Netherlands this is ell’s Visser she will be wearing a purple swim cap today this is her first pro series event she had strong 2024 results however with a first place at Iron Man 70.3 Lapu lau and a second place at Iron Man New Zealand and F10 is a little better kuori from Italy she’s in our yellow swim cap she’s 37th in the standing she was six at the safiro Iron Man 70.3 Alcudia mayorca again the race that we were both both at a couple of weeks ago um so yeah I think she’ll be good fairly solid across the board and rounding out our top 10 women here today wearing bib number 11 f11 out of France it’s Julie YOLO she’s wearing a pink swim cap uh she is currently 43rd in our points standings she finished Ninth at the zapiro Iron Man 70.3 Alcudia Mya and this is her first full distance Iron Man as a pro well there we go um that is our top 10 but there are many other athletes in our field today strong athletes vying for one of those six qualifying slots for the Iron Man World Championship in nce um as well as a lot of prize money $887,500 in prize money up for grabs as well so the athletes saying their final goodbyes uh to supporters to race organizers as they make their way into the water Dei what are you excited about today what are you looking forward to I’m looking forward to the excitement um several of our competitors are already qualified for niece but there are as we said six slots up for grabs and so I think it’s going to be really exciting to see which women uh secure themselves a spot to compete uh in nce on September the 22nd and also to see what happens in our Pro Series ranking we have a little bit of a tit fortat going on between European Sy or Europe races and uh races over in America so let’s take a look at our course here today we will get started with the Roa swim course it is a one laap 3.8 2.4 M swim in water start with a counterclockwise flow athletes will start at Yun Jing jelly Jetty uh through the bisl uh Bridge into the Alon alester uh before heading back I totally butchered that and I apologize my German will get better this is this is didy grease bow with a German name the the full guest bike course it’s two laps um it goes along the city center taking in some of the idyllic sites of the Reaper Barn um the fish market before it out to the countryside but it is a very fast and flat course of course this takes us to the Roa the Hoka Run course which will be four Loops totaling 42.2 kilm expect really fast run times as the course takes aths through the Heart of the City of Hamburg along the western Bank of the oler lake athletes will have to pass the Finish Line a total of three times before they get to enter that final finish line shoot is that extra motivation or extra pain as they see the finish line that many times I think I always used to hate that running past the Finish Line it’s a little bit of both but we have our professional athletes getting in the water it’s a little chilly this morning so as we mentioned air temperature 16 degrees cels water temperature 18.9 degrees cels so the athletes taking their time getting in the water they don’t want to necessarily catch a chill some will have gotten in uh probably an on land type of warmup with with temperatures being that chilly this morning um particularly those that struggle in the cold we’ll do a very very short um warmup uh before getting underway let’s take a look at our current uh Pro Series point standings right now Danielle Lewis holding on strong to the top position she’s raised four pro series events never finishing any worse than ninth she’s been very consistent uh and of course in second place Emma palent Brown from Great Britain she moved up six spots with her win uh at the cutter uh Airlines uh Iron Man 70.3 in Chattanooga she earned 2500 points for that win Kylie Simpson has moved up one spot with her 11th Place finish at Iron Man 70.3 Chattanooga Alice Albert’s also a mover she moved up six spots with a six Place finish at the Qatar Airways Iron Man 70.3 Chattanooga and Jackie Harry moved up 12 spots to put her inside the top 10 uh she’s currently sitting in eighth she finished second to Emma uh in Chattanooga just a couple of weeks ago and of course with all the points on offer today uh look for Jackie Herring to potentially move up as well yeah that’s right and obviously finel cat Penny Slater lty wils and Hannah Berry who aren’t here today but finel and Kat are they haven’t raced since the Memorial Herman Iron Man in Texas but they’re still in that top 10 ranking so I’m sure that like we said after today there’s going to be a lot of shake out this is an Iron Man aren it is 5,000 points um remember the pro female and male ironmen Pro Series champions those that have earned the most points at the end of the series will win $200,000 each places 1 to 50 will share a year-end bonus price per totaling $1.7 million um as well as the prize money from each of the individual events and I’ve actually gone through and we’ll talk about it later in the day I’ve worked out how what the deficit from the winner a lot of those athletes need to be to take over from Danielle Lewis at the top of the prize series well let’s talk about how those points work so the Iron Man uh Pro Series uh female and male winners will be determined by the be determined by the total number of points each athlete earns throughout the series first place at an Iron Man event earns 5,000 points so 5,000 points up for grabs for our women today at the vinfast Iron Man world champion uh will earn 6,000 points points for all the remaining Pro finishers behind first place will diminish at a rate of one point per second deficit to the first place time so as soon as that winner crosses the Finish Line we start our watches and the points start evaporating every second that passes before the next athlete gets themselves to the finish line so lots of racing still to go we’re still early in the Race season lots of points lots of movements um in our series rankings uh and you better believe that with each week every athlete uh Tunes in to see uh what happened at the races and where their points standings have them in the series so far welcome back to the Iron Man European Championship Frankfurt our professional women are in the water and ready to get under way did I say Frankfurt you did Hamburg hurg the men will be racing the men are racing in Frankfurt big gym in we’re going to be there at some point we’re going to get there I I we’re get we’re getting there I need another cup of coffee coffee someone our professional women are underway here at Iron Man European Championship Hamburg uh underway here on our Roa swim course let’s look for some those colorcoded caps Sid that’s right and we’re going to talk about hamburgers later as well which is going to make it en force you to say Hamburg so cat Matthews is in our dark blue cap bib number F1 finel language is in that powder blue she’s probably going to be one of the caps at the front Daniela blell is in the Pearly pink Maya stage Nelson is orange Jackie Herring another light blue Sarah Spen Sara Spen sorry is in a dark blue again El vissa in the purple uh elizabetha kidori in the yellow uh Julie yo is in the pink and Carolyn ler Ryder is in the green and as we look at our athletes underway here some of our stronger swimmers in the field keep an eye out for finel langage I have no doubt she will make an early mark on this race Maya stage neelen also a strong swimmer cat Matthews has made great strides on her swim and she’ll want to keep vanilla in her sights yeah cat was very confident about her swimming and where it was at leading into the race so um I mean I think finel in theory should be clear out the water with a few minutes lead but hey you never know in the race and if someone can jump on those feet and and hang with it as much as as long as they can absolutely ah Fabia uh marami also a pretty strong swimmer some of the athletes that are going to have to be uh super on the money here to minimize the gaps would be uh Daniela blel a very very strong cyclist but she’s not the strongest swimmer in the field so she’s going to be one of those athletes one of our favorites looking to uh minimize her deficits as they get underway here on the Roa swim course that’s right and I think I mean at the moment there there we can see finel at the front with um I’m guessing that is Julie as well in the pink cap next so she’s a very good swimmer um trying to get that break away from a silver cap behind I think that is um the women when we saw it looked like they were a little bit spread out as well but I kind of seeing like finel and Julie might be up ahead but then actually cuz this is first this is Julie’s first Iron Man full distance so got know sort of rankings on what she can do but we know from her half distance racing she’s a very good swimmer yeah she’s got a very very strong swim background actually said that uh she didn’t actually want to be a swimmer her parents made her uh forced her to get in the pool um and it wasn’t her passion when she found Triathlon she did find her true passion but uh certainly has an excellent Foundation as a swimmer Sid do you remember back to your first Iron Man is there any reason if you’re ju Julie YOLO right now and you’re swimming stroke for stroke with finel language do you defer it all do do you say hey this this is a woman who knows what she’s doing uh she’s been around the block a few times at The Iron Man distance um maybe just get on her feet and and let her drive the pace for a little while I love that you asked me if I was in that situation for my first Iron Man I’m always an optimist always an optim at the front of the race in my first Iron Man and never have been since um no I would look she’s she’s got the confidence in her swim and that’s her is her background but with it being a first Iron Man I would probably you know we know finel is a good swimmer I would probably defer to finel and maybe tucking on the feet uh maybe they’re just trying to get away at the moment they’ve they’ve sort of got a bit of a gap but they’re not clear water it’s sort of you can see there was what six athletes there but sort of in two and two and she is swapping back now I don’t think finel I don’t know maybe she was expecting company I’m not sure she will want the company she’ll probably want to get away on her own I would imagine she’s going to want to get away on her own particularly since you’re dealing with a pro in her first full distance race as a pro might not have the HPA to uh to move to the front of the race ahead of someone I would be intimidated swimming stroke for sure with finel Lage I wouldn’t want to be so presumptuous as to is to take over that lead but uh it doesn’t appear that Julie’s gonna want to do a whole lot of work for finella either no and I’d be quite annoyed if I were again in my huge experience in swimming and anyone drafting off me is in serious trouble but I’d be quite annoyed if I was finel and had Julie sitting on my hip like that you know I would say just yeah drop back onto my feet uh sit there that’s we can talk about that um a bit later about the positioning although now we’re seeing Julie sort of come up level shoulder Tosh shoulder um we are underway with the Iron Man Hamburg women’s race it’s a women’s only race and we will come right back to you with more of this swim after the break and and looking on our screen you can see that finel may have gotten a little upset with Julie being sort of on her hip there and has decided to take a free ride and get on her feet it’s smart veterans move it it is um but they’re not quite getting away I think we had a bit of a a view panning back a minute ago and they’re not they haven’t got a gap fully yet from the rest of the field I think they will be hoping that by the end of the swim that is a little bit more you know I think sort of that three or four minutes is what we you see now we can see here there’s um I think that’s an orange cap we can see which could be Myer stage Nelson or um I think we have another athlete in an orange cap as well but it could be could be Meer there actually they are have got a bigger Gap so that was my apologies just getting the wrong camera angle we can see those two breaking away at the front but um and finel sitting behind I think finel she had that win she won Iron Man Western Australia at the end of last year which was her first um Iron Man win and she’s sort of been getting on the podiums a lot but hadn’t quite got that that win under her belt um I think she’s had a pretty mixed start to the year she’s sort of very been very strong and dominant In The Swim of the bike but her run hasn’t quite clicked yet I I I don’t think so I I feel she’ll be wanting to write that today and have a have a good run off the back of her her solid her solid swim and bike well certainly that the course sets up for it and the conditions on the day set up for it uh it’s a little bit overcast we had some rain this week uh not meant to rain significantly today it looks a little gray and somewhat blustery um but that could be you know the cooler temperatures could set up I mean I I think if you looked at her run from Texas would certainly be marked as a a disappointment um compared to what she did in Western Australia uh but the conditions on the day it was a brutal brutal bike course back in Texas uh with the wind I think that took a lot out of the athletes and and not very many athletes including the winter and Cat Matthews um ran PR Marathon times off the bike on that day but you know that’s it’s just a it’s a valuable lesson in that we can go into racing with the with the best plans but uh as my coach reminds me often uh we are not machines we are human and we are uh fragile to the conditions that the the race Day presents so uh I agree she’ll be looking to write that but looking at PRS on paper it’s it’s a big ask she’s G to have to get up and get out uh ahead of cat pretty fast yeah I think probably she needs about a 10-minute Gap off the likee I think if cat’s on if cat’s on a running form and cat was cat was pretty koi leading into the race she’s cat’s not shy of um saying her her goals and stuff for the race and saying what she wants to get out of it and she sort of but she did Coy sort of say oh I don’t think I’m in record baking shape um but then sort of wink wink and I think with cat I feel she’s either a sort of go big or go home athlete she she doesn’t race that much but when she does she wants to put down a performance that really makes people kind of sit up and and and take notice so I would imagine that’s what she’s she’ll want to get I have a feeling she might be going after uh Laura Phillips um record course record in Hamburg this year U but yeah finel was certainly wanting to be putting on much time into or hoping to get as much time in the swim and and and Ride Hard like she did in Texas to keep that lead off the bike I don’t think she’ll have as many women with her on the bike though today as she did in Texas there was sort of that group of four at the front yeah I I do think based on swim predictions perhaps uh for today’s race and and past performances uh these women may be a little bit more spread out uh than they were uh in Texas but it is a very very flat course um which makes it kind of harder to break away but also simultaneously if there is a gap out of the swim harder to make that up you’ve also got some really strong bikers um that will be in that sort of Chase pack in the water so you know Daniela blim Maya stage Nelson Jackie Herring Sarah Sara spanks El vissa I think like El vissa to me um has really gone kind of under the radar coming into this race she has raced a lot this year so maybe that you know I think she’s this is her eighth race uh she was second at Iron Man New Zealand back in March um she’s had some fantastic results over the half distance race a lot and she’s just improved so much over the last few years and is really really a contender but I think leading into this race you know she’s gone she’s sort of flying under the radar um she’s running really well she’s a really strong biker it’ll just be sort of again what deficit she has at the water but her swimm is going pretty well as well and if she’s got a bit of a pack with her I think there’ll be a strong Chase pack on the bike yeah she she has turned in some extremely strong performances on the bike and run again not the same PR level as a cat Matthews and she will have I think a deficit even perhaps to cat out of the water uh time obviously will tell but to your point she is an athlete who likes to race a lot I think I counted up her results from 2023 there’s like 12 races you’re right in 2023 it’s it’s astounding um that someone can race and recover that quickly and and it’s it’s it’s absolutely unbelievable and five of those were full races yeah so um yeah and a great camera angle here we can see our two leaders that is Julie Yolo from France and finel language from Great Britain have opened up a pretty sizable gap on the rest of our female Chasers yeah and I think um I mean as always those first sort of 400 meters are pretty pretty hectic what’s your tactic In The Swim is it sort of do you do you go out at that Sprint speed or is it sort of more build into it you know I think for that for the full distance racing anytime you tow the line at an Iron Man there’s always a certain degree of adrenaline um and I I think that’s one way of calling it well it dread um fear nerves it yeah po portal portal stops questioning your life’s choices no no seriously folks Iron Man racing is great um I I think what I’m saying is with that adrenaline comes that early speed so that if you do try to gun it on top of all the adrenaline I think you can put yourself in a in a in a bit of bother uh by the 200 meter mark which certainly when you’re dealing with a race that’s 140.6 mil long uh you certainly don’t need to be getting lactic in the first 200 meters so taking that first two to 500 meters strong but not spinning your wheels and and really trying to build into it I think is a is a smart strategy that being said if you’re on a line and all of these women hey these are smart athletes they have studied this start list they know they knew who was who was who I I would bet that finel again hard to know because Julia moo doesn’t have any full distance race results in her pro career but to your point looking at her 70.3 results we know she’s a strong swimmer so I think vanela will have known that she may have had company but my point is these women study the start list they know who they want to swim with um ideally they know who they may want to get away from um and they probably will develop a strategy around that uh to to try to get on someone’s feet to try to get away from someone if you know that you’re swimming to get someone with great get out speed then you might want to try to go with them if you’re swimming with someone who’s a more gradual starter the the pace can be more more composed at the start but there’s a strategy combined with based on racing the people in the race as a in addition to racing your own race that’s uh yeah you’re right and I’d also think that like as a the two at the front and and Julie that we’re looking at at the moment like as a a background in swimming you have they have that ability to change pace so they have probably that faster gear at the beginning whereas probably somebody who isn’t a natural swimmer probably doesn’t have doesn’t want to go fast out and like you said build into it conversely saying that Lauren Brandon who we know is you know a friend but one of the best swimmers in the sport she has a very gradual build into the race and she does build into it rather than that she does not have she does not have get out speed no she doesn’t uh and in fact you know people will watch the start of aace and be like well I thought she was supposed to be a great swimmer and it’s not really until that 500 met Mark where all of a sudden that sort of threshold Pace kicks in and and just gone she’s just gone and and she can hold it for incredible amounts of time uh finel LD swam with Lauren Brandon at at Iron Man Texas so um we know that that she’s got the goods in the water as well uh but both of these women doing a great job of it we see a little texture on the water is again we saw the weather’s been a little bit unsettled uh a little bit of wind uh some storm came through earlier in the week again rain not expected today but we can see uh with those little bumps on the water that they are fighting a little bit of a wind and uh just to put it into perspective for those of you who do have some swim knowledge behind you we just get a a nice pan back yeah they’ve put a huge gap into the rest of the field so Julie y YOLO she swam a 429 400 and a 1752 1500 now I know that the Olympic qualifying time for the 400 is 415 approximately um for the trials that is for the US trials um just long course meters just to put we don’t know if those times are short course me no I don’t um I mean and 15 seconds is a long a big a big gap but just to try and like she is a legit swimmer um and these two are certainly pushing the pace and when we got that angle back there now that Gap that didn’t look like it was appearing at the beginning is quite it has quite exploded yeah I think they’re looking at at least 100 meters at this point um um and again we’ll we’ll have to check that that camera angle but uh the athletes making their way around the outermost turn buoys before they head back in uh toward Shore so approaching the halfway point of the swim yeah that’s right so um and how long how much do you think they’ll get what what would be a good you know when finella gets out the water into into T1 what would she be hoping to I mean she won’t she won’t probably know the Gap actually it’ll be the ones behind at that point yeah like I think she’s just looking to get out and get gone um you know I think of her competitor she’s certainly probably got her eyes on um you ‘s Visser certainly cat Matthews definitely and is going to want to use the strength of her swim knowing that compared to those two women in particular um it’s an asset for her so she’s going to want to leverage it and we’re here getting a good percentage of the way through this Roa swim course looking at our leader that’s Julie Yolo from France racing her first Iron Man as a professional uh she is giving a ride to finel langri who is using um those veteran skills to to catch that Free Ride catching the draft of Julie YOLO uh as we take a look at the coveted finisher medal that all of our athletes will um long to get when they finally cross that Finish Line several hours from now um a lot of athletes out there for their first time uh that’s a pretty special medal to get and I I I think even for our athletes who have been in several Iron Man races um it’s pretty special to get every every Finish Line is special as we see Fela langri saying trying to say see you later to Julie moo and and trying to make a move now um you know there’s not necessarily a significant strategic Advantage when athletes are swimming this close to being the first out of the water but certainly uh there could be some some benefits if you’ve got partner swim partners um will offer a swim bonus for first out of the water um I don’t think the bragging rights necessarily mean anything with everything else that’s online today um but you know a strategy for finel that says hey I’m feeling pretty good I got other women that I’m worried about who are coming up from behind and uh let’s get on and get going and see if I can’t get another couple of seconds through transition on uh the Chasers behind yeah that’s that’s it and just looking at that closeup we had and you can see it now when the camera’s Pann back two very different stroke Styles there so finel language is quite a high turnover rate quite a choppy stroke uh Julie um a little bit more longer Stoke this is me obviously as a swim expert here um but yeah a little bit stronger a little bit slower turnover both very effective um and and both moving but finel just looks like it looks like it’s hard to work but that’s just cuz the stroke rate’s higher well certainly it’s it’s a higher stroke rate and some would argue that when the conditions are choppy uh that that higher stroke rate is actually more effective uh because the water the water that you’re grabbing isn’t as pristine Julia moolo classic example pool train swimmer the water in the pool nice and calm you’ve got Lane lines to keep it that way between the lanes um so that long lovely stroke you’re grabbing sort of firm water when the water is more turbulent and today is not extremely turbulent conditions but there’s a little bit bit of bump on that water uh fighting through chop or choppier swims you’re not grabbing as pristine water so you’re almost rewarded for taking more Strokes per minute so you’re taking less efficient Strokes because you’re spinning your arms at a more rapid rate but you’re getting more of them in uh through less perfect water so um but it also is what you’re used to and what you’re comfortable with and and things like arm length make a difference in that regard uh also of note Julie YOLO breathing almost exclusively to the right and almost every stroke occasionally she’ll breathe every four but um and vanel alternate breathing pretty consistently throughout the entire Roa swim yeah yeah that’s right and also I mean it could have been that vanela upped her um her turnover rate to to get ahead and to move to make that move past uh Julie um Julie’s now sort of trying to move back up onto the hip so yeah that could have been another reason I did laugh when you uh talked about the the pool swimming being nice and pristine it never feels like that for me always feels like I’m in a washing machine and and the thing is with like with swimming that it it’s such a technical element and it’s so much about feel of the water as well it’s such a hard thing to sort of learn and teach well and that’s why if you are an adult onset swimmer the frequency of your swims I think matters more than the duration um while it’s inconvenient to gather your belongings drive to the pool get in the lane etc etc these women having a little tit fortat at it here in the Roa swim course neither one wanting to give an inch um some frothy frothy swimming out there how how many times a week do you think a pro like finel and and Julie as good swimmers would be swimming you know it’s there there’s two schools of thought I remember back to uh the great Andy pots a wonderful swimmer Collegiate swimmer swam for the University of Michigan back in the US uh would lead out uh lots of of Iron Man and 70.3 uh swims uh back in the day and he took the mindset that he had been swimming you know 18 to 20 hours a week since he was 10 years old that more time in the pool at that point he needed to maintain some of the swim feel um but the fitness could be developed better his attention could be better spent on the other two sports that being said it’s also a stressfree way to build that aerobic engine uh without the impact um like running you know presents etc etc I would say most high level swimmers are swimming five to six days a week anywhere in the 20 to 25,000 um meters per week um for for for a top level Pro but I guess my point is that if you are an adult onset swimmer getting to the pool more frequently you don’t necessarily have to turn out a 5k swim every time but touching the water almost every day even if it’s for 15 and 20 minutes swim a little bit easy do a couple of drills feel the water and get out and get on I think is is a helpful way because it is so technique oriented yeah and as we see uh Julie y YOLO has moved back back in front of finel so I’m not sure if these two are communicating as such and sort of taking it turns to take that lead and so the other person sits on the feet and gets the drag or if they’re just having sort of a a bit of a battle out there and each neither one wants to give up that that first out the water spot or that that lead in the race it could be like I think finel definitely tried to make a strategic move when they made the turn and and heading for home to see if she could distance herself from Julie take advantage of the fact that she’s slightly fresher having you know sat on the feet um for quite that long I think if I’m finel and Julie goes back by at this point you’re kind of like well okay yeah although there are potential swim partner bonuses to be mindful of but I don’t think that that’s top of vanilla’s Mind certainly and and we know from our catchup uh in a fighting chance with Julia moo she certainly has other goals outside of the swim uh yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a head structure for me me I think if I was Julie in that situation I and finella came around I might say okay yeah you take you take a turn now um and would have been happy to sit on her feet but but she’s got a different agenda we’ll have to find out after the race yeah that’s right yeah we’ll see see where they get up to so there we at the the female women in the immen European championships in Hamburg Germany um the women are about 38 coming up to 38 and a half minutes through the swim so we’re probably I’m guessing 10 just over 10 minutes away from them being out of the water the uh and that’s that’s based on the the swim course record which was set by who we’ve been talking about earlier Lauren Brandon who swam a 4745 so I don’t think these two are quite Lauren but who knows it’s a bit hard to tell at the moment um how far they are back to T2 they haven’t gone back under the the Kennedy Brooker bridge yet so um yeah still a little way to go probably about 10 minutes or just over 10 minutes I’d be guessing to yeah I’m guessing about 800 M to go perhaps um but yeah a decent amount of swimming left but they can start to maybe turn their minds towards the bike we’ll see once the athletes exit um the Roa swim course here they go under the bridge uh on their way so we we are getting to it starting to think about the bike a little bit uh changes that you might want to make I mean both of these women on camera here have a pretty strong robust sixs speed kick uh but if you’re an athlete that doesn’t kick that much uh towards the end of the swim you might want to think about bringing the legs uh into it a little bit just to get some blood flow back into the legs we’ve been arm dominant now for uh 39 minutes we want to get those legs ready to to do some work so uh as you approach the end of the swim a good idea to sort of bring the bring the uh the legs into it a little bit um and then just in your mind start thinking a little bit about uh your to-do list in transition very very long run for these athletes through transition here today so we have that to look forward to as well that’s right I forgot that Iron Man Hamburg does have one of the longest transitions uh on on the sport so we just saw the athletes there they did that was them going under the Kennedy Brooker uh so they are now entering back into the inner aler uh or the b aler b aler uh I should say in my again our German um so it is a huge Bridge it’s got like a double two- part Bridge so yeah either Lane so that’s why they’re they’re still going under the bridge um so they are on their way back to the swim exit um and then they do have that long long run through transition cuz it’s all kind of like it’s almost like every bike is individually laid out next to each other to make the the the length of the Run yeah it’s pretty and we see right now our camera see I love our camera guys they they’re hearing us they’re going to take us through uh the exit ramp um and and the athletes will make a hard leftand turn uh through that Roa signage there and make their way down the very very very well I’m just going to keep saying very until he gets to the bike racks but it’s a long run I’m just glad he turned around because I was worried he was going to fall over backwards and we’re just going to get H yeah but it is should we carry out very very very very long uh they haven’t even got to kind of their their bags and stuff like this so I’m not actually sure how long this transition is I’m sure one of our factoid people can get on to that um and uh we were talking about a couple of weeks ago we were talking about uh mayorca having a very long transition but I think this one has it beat well I mean this is long for transition I would challenge with Iron Man Wales which is a k about a kilometer run from the beach to transition and includes 18,000 steps and includes 18,000 steps so here you see their transition bags that the athletes are going to pick up uh the red and the blue bags for the the run and the bike and the Run and then they still carry on running and now we hit the bikes and I would imagine the pro bikes are at the far end yes um so they’re pretty much going back down the swim course here um all the way to all the way to the bridge the other end yeah pretty much yeah I think I actually I believe they bike out on that same road as the the Kennedy Bridge so it’s uh yeah it’s a long way so the point being I mean and this is great footage of exactly how long because we’ve been talking for quite some time now uh and they are still going through transition but but this does benefit some of the runners in the field I mean this is going to be a four four minutes worth of running uh as they make their way through transition so some of your faster Runners if you’ve given up you know three or four minutes in the swim you can easily make back at least 30 45 seconds through transition yeah that’s it and then we get to the bike and then they are back out on the uh full gas bike course so yeah a huge huge huge transition there um and we will come back to you with the length of that one of our factoids is on the case and I’m sure they’re going to going to come up with the goods shortly as we see back to our leading two females uh Julie YOLO YOLO sorry from France in her first full distance as a pro um and then sitting just behind her is finel language the interesting thing about Julie I think or say Julie I should say in my is she has a bing it is that she has a border of Collie but I was going to bring that in and the viol on but let’s go to dogs no um I think because she’s French she will be very keen to qualify for the Iron Man the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in n and also because nce was her very first Iron Man 70.3 Triathlon sure um and she um so yeah I think that might be a big goal for her today as well she she said to us in in our conversations pre-ra that one of her one of her favorite sort of memories um was seeing her entire family on the Run course uh when she raced the 70.3 in pance she lives very very close to that race site so I think she will have a similar kind of support uh where she to qualify for the World Championship in nce on September 22 again six slots available for our professional females and uh a number of them already pre-qualified so a lot of our athletes um have that to look forward to today yeah so pre-qualified for it more vinfast World Championships in nce is cat Matthews uh finel has already qualified Maya stage Nelson has qualified El Vista has qualified and also Erin shenl from Canada has qualified so five out of this field have qualified already and there’s six slots so that’s huge opportunity for a lot of the women in this race you know one of the goals for for a lot of them uh to keep in mind because every athlete will start a line start a race with a long list of of goals and things how they want to execute the race etc etc and it’s important to keep all of those goals in mind some of them you have to let go depending on how the race goes but something like that is going to be in the back of the athletes mind throughout the entire day and some of them by the end of the day you move the goal posts and decide that your goal was something different when you when you get to the Finish Line at the end of the day if you get to the Finish Line we hope everybody we hope all of our Pro women that get to the finish line and also all of our age group athletes who will be in the water already we didn’t see the age group athletes start but they started a little bit behind our Pro women um Pro women only race today which is always super exciting because the women get the chance to cross that Finish Line first um so I always yeah always love to see that no it’s a great it’s a great opportunity to showcase the the great women in our Sport and have them have their day out on the race course and nice that here in Hamburg they have a 15minute gap back to the AG group athletes so they will have a nice clean uh Fair bike course for them as well so yeah and we are now coming through to the final final few hundred meters in the um Roa swim course um Julie YOLO leading the way she looks like she’s about to lose her swim cat but hopefully that goggles are going to going to keep it on that’s my other Pro tip no conditioner the last three days going into a race is that right makes your head less slippery I did not know that you go son’s conditioner for the for the three days you heard it here first y you heard you stop using conditioner on about Wednesday of race week every day is a school day I never knew that H so this is interesting as well how El do you think I keep my swim cap on my head every day well there we go very dry brittle hair goggles I was going to say because we’ve had this uh conversation we um you talk about the headbands that athletes are wearing I’m going to say Caitlyn Clark even though we’ve probably got no Americans watching but she wears this headband and you do it as well Dei it’s a very thin headband that just keeps your hair off your face I wear one of those and it just pops off the back of my head cuz I’ve got a teeny teeny head so but I don’t have a huge issue with my swim cap fortunately um but anyway I did not know that no conditioner for three days there we go you heard it here first kids and of course we talk about uh the popularity of triathlon here in the city of Hamburg uh it was a long long time ago uh it was called the Holston City man triy was popular amongst the hamburgers the residents with over 10,000 locals racing it eventually became the itu SL now we call the wtcs hurg uh and that race alone over 250,000 athlet or Spectators come out uh to watch and cheer so this is a city that knows and loves the sport of triathlon as we take a look at our women’s leaders it is Julie YOLO out of France in a time of 5038 followed by Vanilla langd from Great Britain time 5040 uh and they are off and running and Julia moo leads finel langri down the very very long very very very very long transition run yeah and there we go we got the our swim time uh presented by the Wahoo element rival Julie Yolo from France 50 point 50 minutes 38 seconds for our Roka 3.8k swim I love how um it Germany is a huge Triathlon nation and yeah the as you said there with our a bit of History info um Hamburg World Triathlon is one of the most popular in the series I just love how we call Ham the residents of Hamburg hamburgers I think they refer to themselves I they yeah yeah no that’s no and it is we will come on to it it is where well there’ll be an argument here it is where hamburgers were originally or the meat was originally made different it’s different different anyway we added the bun the Americans added the bun and that’s why I was going to say there was controversy but the Hamburg Hamburg uh they um designed the meat Patty if you want to call it that so this is Julie YOLO she’s picked up her bag finel language right behind her so they blue transition bags for the bike as they are stripping off their wet suits um and then they will leave their bags uh by transition and here we go the chase pack so they’re actually a good they’re going to be a good four or five minutes behind yeah at least uh that orange cap again we are speculating uh we have Maya stge Nelson in the orange in the orange cap um five of them there group yeah a group of five as I you know and again finel language is going to be gone uh she’s going to be out on her bike before the women even get out of the water and that is just how she wants it she wants to get out and get gone uh amongst her likely chasers of we’re guessing cat Matthews certainly MAA stage neelon uh in that group I’m guessing um uh that the uh the American Jackie Herring will be in that chase group group as well so and also just a little bit of an update but I think um we might get one of the team to confirm that I’ve heard that uh Carolyn L Rider is out of the race um she apparently wasn’t feeling to well yesterday but we will try and confirm that uh as we see this Chase pack out the water and we’ll be able to see who it is I think we’re thinking it’s Maya but let’s see if we’re we’re right on our spotting on on caps I think we did well on our Smarties today oh Skittles cat I was going to say what are smartest it is my stch Nelson in third her time unofficially 5326 so that’s 2 minutes 48 seconds cat Matthews in there Sabrina Roth also in there and Jackie Herring amongst the Chasers there Jackie Herring uh the last one there you see her peeling her wet suit in that pink kit that is Jackie Herring the American who is racing her first Iron Man since 2015 and Sid you and I talked a little bit um pre-race about how like I’m so excited to see Jackie Herring race because she’s a completely different athlete than she was in 2015 she took a a break from Full distance racing while she raised her family she’s got two young kids at home and now they’re School AED uh she’s able to dedicate a little bit more time uh put the volume in that is required for Iron Man racing but you know when you look at some of her predicted times and some of her historical splits for you know Swim Bike and run the evolution of Jackie Herring as an athlete you know she’s going to put out times across this full distance race that she never dreamed of back in 2015 I suspect yeah that’s right and she had a great career like as an Iron Man athlete back there she did 16 Iron Man’s over or 15 finishes one dnf but as you said that was 9 years ago and the Hiatus is because she’s had two kids since then so she’s a mom the kids are now at school she’s got she said that being a mom and doing Iron Man triathon is hard enough so you can only do one at a time now the kids are at school so she’s brought back in Iron Man but she also it was also cuz she’s excited about the Iron Man Pro Series but yeah I there’s cat Matthews yep I think we’re going to see a completely different athlete out there so it’s quite exciting to see what Jackie hering’s gonna do now the race Dynamic that’s developing here we’ve got sort of a lone wolf in finel langage who is off the front certainly juliia moo is is is in there somewhere but I think finel is going to get out and get gone but we have a tremendous Chase pack in mayia stage neelon cat Matthews Jackie Herring all going to be working together to reel in our women’s leader yeah I’d say the only two that may be a little bit of surpris that they’re not in that swim pack uh not not fully sure would be uh Daniela blal um and also Sara Spinx um two very good powerhouses maybe not they I think they probably would have had a good swim if they were in that pack but they would be the two that I would say are missing at the moment as we see Maya stage Nelson running through transition with cat Matthews right behind very similar to Texas those two came out the water in Texas together they rode very well together um they did both almost also get penalties uh in Texas so I’m sure they’ll be very aware of that um cat says she’s over the penalty but then brought it up at the press conference so so maybe there’s a bit of fire burning over it yeah yeah yeah our top 10 are officially out of the water now we’ve got Laura Jansen uh in eighth place she is 5 minutes back she came out of the water with uh elizabeta kurador um who is 504 back and Sarah svens who is 507 back so another Trio um given given Chase uh in our sort of second Chase pack we’ll say yeah and the other athlete that I forgot to mention that would be missing or looking for to be out the the the swim now is El vissa again super strong on the bike so Daniela blal we we’ve not seen yet and El Vista um they would be our two kind of favorites that we’re looking for but we’re going to come right back to the full gas bike course after this break welcome back to the Iron Man European championships in Hamburg we are now out onto the full gas bike courses this is two laps it’s 178 km brand new bike course this year new bike course that’s right as well uh still taking in all the city center sites as well as some of the uh German Countryside of Hamburg so we’re with are two race leaders these two were together in the swim so that is finel language from Great Britain out in front and Julie Yolo from France sitting just behind her uh these two swam together and had um was it Oh I thought it was more than that but yeah 2 minutes 48 over the Chasers out of the out of the swim and we’ve got a couple of of strategic Chase packs that are developing uh in our first Chase pack uh key players Maya stage neelon with cat Matthews and Jackie Herring uh and then we’ve got uh Sarah svensk uh back at 5 minutes back she’s riding alongside elizabeta kurador and Laura Jansen uh and then out of the water now a bit back El vist but she is with Diana Daniela blel so those two could be a force to be reckoned with both extremely strong cyclists so I think uh they’ll probably get together and do some work to try to to get themselves back to the front of this race yeah I think ‘s will be a little bit disappointed with that swim and and I think Daniella as well but I think the fact that the two of them are together they’re really strong on the bike and I think they will uh then work together um to reel in the the the chase the the women up ahead as to as so to these two women gosh I can’t get my words out already um Daniel Daniel blind I did some I did some trying to approximate what some of these gaps may be of course we can never quite do that but uh Daniela blel one of her best swims was at 5653 so she’s she’s right in line with that so yeah I actually think that it’s probably a good swim she’s just up against a field of strong swimmers yeah yeah yeah I think you’re right and I think um but her with then El’s on the bike will be super strong and we take a look at our transition times brought to you by Morton our fastest transition again our runner is ‘s Visser uh at 331 Fela langage at 335 and Laura Jansen at 336 so uh again those transitions matter um and you can pick up valuable time particularly uh with a transition like this that is so very long yeah they’re quite unusually long transition time so if anyone’s looking at that that and thinking what the hell were they doing in um in transition having a sit down having a hamburger exactly that is exactly what they’re doing um it is because the transition in Hamburg does go on forever um as well so yeah just confirming that uh Caroline L Rider is out of the race unfortunately she didn’t actually start this morning um she was sick yesterday I think so she she is an nonstarter today but we are with our leaders uh finel langri and Julie Yolo from France as they are going through City Center Hamburg in Germany yeah looking through looking through best times and and S swim splits I actually think both El and Daniela blind had pretty strong swims um historically speaking um but again when you’re up against it with the stakes this High um they’re going to have to get to work to to reel in the front of this race as we check in uh with MAA stage neelson that’s right and just looking back at I need to go back and have a look at the times in Texas to see what those Gap the Gap was from finel Back to the likes of cats and Maya um you know two minutes or three minutes they are at the moment down off that lead which doesn’t I don’t think is very much really for for cat and Meer I think they’ll be pretty happy with that they’ve also sitting with Jackie Herring that’s a really strong bik group and I think that’s a super position for Jackie Herring to be in as well in her first race back after nine years uh in a full distance so I think she’ll be pretty stoked to just uh hopefully sit behind uh Meer and Cat let them do let them do the work and Meer and cat Road together in Texas so they’ll be pretty pretty used to each other and hopefully can work together again um obviously all legally at a 12 meter a 12 M draft range uh we can we’ll comment on the race Ranger unit uh a little bit later on the bik you can see there’s a there’s a little uh unit that’s sticking out underneath Myers’s uh water bottle cage which is the the race Ranger unit and that um helps the athletes know how that whether they are 12 MERS or hopefully further behind the atlet in front but we’ll we’ll come on to that later uh as we just get this yeah good picture that was Maya and then back to Julie YOLO yeah Julie YOLO making a statement here uh I thought that finel would have gapped her by by now but uh as we heard in her Fighting Chance segment she put in a lot of good work on the bike over the winter and certainly has her sights set on one of those six qualifying slots that are up for grabs yeah being as we’ve said being French she’ll uh very much want to make a get a slot for the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in nce uh 22nd of September I think is the date is that right how do we recognize that date I think that’s somebody’s birthday isn’t it the 22nd of September DD greear if everyone wants to uh just log that one down it’s not just the Iron vinfast Iron Man World Championships but yeah Julie YOLO her first for distance race and she is yeah I mean obviously early days on the bike as well you know they’ve got two laps and 178 km as we um fortunately yeah heads keep your heads up as uh yeah I mean this is this is a m this is second largest city in Germany so that surpris through the city it is um always always heads up riding not only because it’s a major metropolitan area and and while our operations team you know roads are closed you never know who’s going to pop out and do something silly um but also Road quality you can see there’s quite a bit of patches on the road I remember back to uh I think it was last year Laura philp actually La launched her uh nutrition uh through this city section so uh Road quality is a little tougher in major metropolitan areas but I tell you what the athletes have ahead of them once they get out onto those Country Roads uh it’s going to be it’s going to be a quick quick bike course but uh things a little bit more technical here through the city center but they’ll be through in just just a moment’s time I was going to say it’s quite unusual cuz Germany is renowned for having super fast smooth roads but obviously we are gr through a city center the other thing that did surprise me that you said Germany Hamburg is Germany’s second larest largest city I did not expect that Wikipedia I know I I got I I wrote that down as well I had that as my note but that did surprise me so which is the biggest I’m guessing it’s Berlin Frank well Frankfurt or Berlin and then Munich but I guess Munich was a lot smaller it’s got to be frank yeah so Frankfurt we must be there that sounds a little bit more like the the biggest city uh our factoids are on the case um we didn’t actually get we might be able to oh there we go I was just about to say we didn’t get our transition fact but it is transition itself is 500 M from the swim exit is about 200 M so about 700 M in total uh is our transition zone um as we are out on the full gas bike course and we will come back to you right after this break and back to the action here as we’re watching our women’s uh Chasers make their way through the city um High turnover there of that athlete I was just I’m trying to get a bib number there I kind of want to say to her move up a gear yeah change gears you look like some people actually like to ride like that they do um so through the through the first uh 10 kilometers uh that the Trio of chasers of Maya stage neelson cat Matthews and Jackie Herring actually lost 10 seconds to finel langage and Julie imolo yeah which is which is interesting but it is a very sort of technical section so athletes sorting themselves out yeah yeah navigating through I I don’t think we need anything into that at the moment um I’m trying to get a a bib number on that I’m wanting to say it’s curs Leo but it isn’t because I don’t think we’re we’re further up the field than that but it looks a little bit like her as we go back to the the two leading uh females and uh Julie YOLO is yeah hanging with finel uh obviously it is still early days they are through still in the city center section look looking at that orange light on uh finel language’s bike is a good segue perhaps for us to talk a little bit about race Ranger yeah that’s right so uh the athletes in the Iron Man Pro ser series are using the race Ranger units um on the bike these are units that sit on the front of the athletes bike and on the the rear um and they show a light uh so the we’re looking at the behind Julie so she’ll be looking at Fella’s bike and because there is no light showing that means that Julie is beyond 7 m behind vanela um there’s a drafting limit of 12 M um and if that athlete encroaches that so now we can see this athlete overtaking and you can see the light of the rider on the right hand side was flashing that’s because that athlete overtaking entered that 12 meter draft Zone um and once she’s gone past the lights reset you can see again the light just went through a red and then a blue and an orange and then onto no light so that’s the athlete going from a 12 meter so so if the athlete is 12 to 20 12 to 14 m a blue light will show if it’s a solid orange light it is 14 to 17 and no light is beyond 17 meters but obviously if it is red flashing that means the athlete behind is within the 12 meter draft Zone and they need to make a pass so it’s a fantastic uh device um obviously penalties will still be given by the technical officials as technical officials still need to be on the road uh looking and assessing the uh dynamics of the race and and and what is happening with the athletes but these lights is a great Initiative for the athletes to be able to see where they are to take ownership of the draft Zone and give them specific knowledge without question we’re no longer looking at um you know lines in the center of the road or reflectors in the roadways that we had used as guides for years and years and years this technology definitively gives you those ranges um and it’s a tool for the athletes to self enforce uh the drafting it’s also helpful for the officials in that the officials can monitor a larger group of athletes so if there were a pack of 12 athletes say it’s hard for the official can’t be in between each of the 12 athletes in a line so they can’t see specifically the distances but they can certainly see uh flashing lights on the back of bikes and and address situations uh but to your point the penalty needs to be addressed by by the technical official on the course that’s right and we can see now both these athletes have so that’s cat Matthews and Maya have got orange lights on which means that Maya is sitting between 14 and 17 M behind cats and Jackie is 14 to 17 M behind uh Maya so that’s a good position to be in they don’t want to get any closer and go into that blue light and obviously the red lights uh as we’ve said Maya and Cat both were awarded penalties in Texas so I know those two are going to be very aware of that this time the it’s also a great tool if you are in a long line to know if you can see the light two bikes ahead of you to know whether or not you can make a pass and then legally slot in you cannot slot in if the athletes are riding draft legal but if that light is orange it would imply that there is room for you to make a pass and move ahead I think on our last shot from the rear of this Trio that included Jackie Herring I believe Jackie Herring was getting gapped um maybe our cameraman can go back I I assume she has to be because the Moto is now driving where Jackie would be riding so it looks like Jackie Herring has been uh disposed of off the back here we have Jackie Herring is that Jack that’s not that’s not Jackie I don’t think that’s Jackie but you would hope so from where that motorbike was positioned that um yeah it certainly wasn’t between uh Maya and and Jackie the other thing I like about race Ranger and what they can do and I think some of the athletes and some races are finding this out they obviously collect the data from the race and it summarizes into how long the athlete spent in the draft Zone public make it public make it public how many times the athlete entered and came out of the draft Che pumpkin and cun cumulative time and some races are now taking that information and sending it anonymously obviously at the moment to the athletes just to say hey heads up you spent X number of minutes in the draft zone or you went in and out this number of time compared to what the average was for the race is it you know good bad and it just and there is then yes the opportunity that we could take this further and then yeah make it public so that everyone can see um and as you see these this is um uh finel and you finel language and Julie YOLO they are now coming there is is a little bit of an out and back section whilst they are still within the city center so they’re coming back along um the Ala I think it is before they head out into the countryside and you can see the athletes that are in the coming the other direction on the other side of those yellow cones that’s the athletes that are going um coming out from T1 so it’ll be the first chance that finel and Julie YOLO get a chance to see cat and um yeah Jackie if she’s still with there but from where that motorbike is I would hope or I would imagine Jackie is not there yeah I like they had gone around a corner and it looked like Jackie was a little bit off the back there and certainly with cat Matthews at the front driving the pace it would not be surprised um if that if that pace was pretty solid so uh certainly Mya stage neelon taking advantage of that and matching the pace but may be just a little too rich for Jackie Herring um we’re going to take a quick commercial break but when we come back we’re going to get an update on the likes of a charging l Visser uh and Daniela blel as well will those superstars on the bike be able to reel in the front of their s on the full gas bike course as we are getting underway on the bike here in hurg we’ll be back don’t go away welcome back to the Iron Man European Championship hurg we have just started the full gas bike course our two lead females are finel langage follow by Julie YOLO there’s a Chase group that includes MAA stage neelen and Cat Matthews Jackie Herring had been dropped from that group and just passed by Sabrina Roth before that break and on screen now we have F28 which is Hannah arlam from Germany um she is sitting a little bit further down uh coming out the water um and looks to be in no man’s land right on her own at this bit yep just navigating some of the turns through the city center before we make our way on to the more rural roads um in the countryside this is a very flat and very very fast bike course we’re going to see some amazing bike splits from these women today these women in Pursuit Of course of Victory but also in pursuit of valuable points in the Iron Man Pro Series it’s 5,000 points up for Gra grabs today uh in addition to $87,500 in prize money as well as six qualifying slots to the Iron Man World Championship in nce France that’s right and we saw then that that we had that split for Hannah Aram she’s uh 13 minutes off the lead as we go back to our leading Duo um Julie YOLO um is yeah sitting in second place currently just behind finel Lang now is it too early for fun factoids no it’s never too early okay Hamburg hamburg’s official name is actually the free and get my German pronunciation right htic or Hy attic city of Hamburg a name which dates back to Medieval Times when the city played a crucial role in the economic and trade networks of Northern Europe significantly shaping its history and architecture today the city state is one of 16 in Germany and remains one of the wealthiest and most influential cities in the country I think Hamburg was also and and probably for a reason of that was also known as the gateway to the world uh because of Port yeah it’s a key it’s a key port and and has been for for quite some time oh Jackie Herring is with that group still so here we look at Jackie Herring she is wearing bib number six uh she currently sits eighth in the Iron Man Pro Series ranking she’s 39 years old made the trip from the United States over here to tomberg to take on uh some of these European powerhouses her first Iron Man since 2015 she’s had four Iron Man podiums between 2011 and 2013 but that was I mean that was that’s ancient history um as we were discussing I mean she is an entirely different athlete and has made strides Leaps and Bounds in her her bike strength uh and in her running during the time uh the years that she’s been raising her young kids or kids are still young they’re grammar school AED kids but uh they’re in school now and so she’s uh taking a bite of this full distance Apple once again and seeing where all that um 70.3 speed will land her uh now at the Iron Man distance yeah I’m really excited to see where uh what Jackie’s run is like she’s very one of the better Runners over the the half distance Triathlon um and this is bib we just got on screen now F18 that’s Stephanie wonderly thank you there we go Stephanie wonderly so our first time seeing this German athlete now she’s got an interesting story because this is her first year as a pro but she’s actually aged 40 uh she won her age group in LTI at the 70.3 age group World Champs last year um and then decided to take her Pro license so yeah um first year pro at the age of 40 uh age is just well just a number not number no it’s not no it’s not she also she also like Jackie has three kids 11 eight and two um and I know from Reading up her one of her facts was she was very proud of that race in in LTI and being first in her age group especially because she says she has a had a stress fracture um within 10 kilometers now I do not recommend doing that at home kids do not race with a stress fracture do not probably push through um however Stephanie uh vay did and did finish first in her age group and then took her Pro card and she is racing here today uh at imang European championships Hamburg if we go back to her I want to comment on her bike position because it’s pretty unique oh dread uh we’re looking at cat Matthews who is having a problem with her Arrow bottle uh this is the BTA bottle we call it between the arms uh she’s trying to peel some tape off of it it looks like uh this is terrible terrible news for cat I mean it’s not game over I mean there’s a lot of racing still to go uh but it looks like it’s come clear off I’m assuming it’s come off and at this point I would probably just detach it and throw it away um although it is very on early I think that’s what she’s doing now she’s trying to get rid of the tape well so here’s her dilemma she’s not in an aid station so she’s not able to discard it discard it um she also is not able to chuck it down the front of her kit uh that is an update to the rules or a clarification of the rules uh we saw a lot of athletes um in in the 2023 season using water bottles uh down the front of their kits as a convenient storage place perhaps but also um wind tunnel data suggesting that it is faster uh but she is not allowed to put it down the front of her kit uh she is able to put it down the back of her kit right now it looks like she has it not sure where it’s gone it’s in her hand so no it’s in her hand she’s put the tape there she go she’s going oh no I thought she was going to find that garage going to theage which I think you’d be able to do um she’s put the tape down her top she’s going to hold it as long as she can till she can get rid of it um disappointing not the end of the world it’s still a long day to go cat has come back from um setbacks on the bike before so I’m sure she can I’m sure for cat it’ll just add fuel to the fire now I would have think she could probably put it down her top for now to carry it can until she throw it but she can put it down the back put the um it actually specifically came up in a rules briefing uh that if you miss I I rais the hypothetical specifically if you’re at an aid station and you miss the last chance drop zone for lering are you able to ride with a bottle temporarily until you can dispose of it and the answer was definitively no you can put it in a back pocket you can put it down the back she could slide it while she was standing there she could have slid it up the leg of her pants um but she cannot put it down the front even temporarily even if it’s to avoid littering so um she’s gonna hold it apparently in her hand and we’ll see what the time penalty is uh we’ve got quite a ways before our next timing mat um so we won’t know necessarily that impact as we come back to the front of the race but we are getting um if you look on the right hand side of the screen we’re getting some good updates of all the field all the females in the Iron Man uh European championships in Hamburg so you can see all the splits we can see El vissa has moved up into Ninth Place um Sarah Spen now in that top 10 Danielle blell moving up as well and we will come back with the rest of the splits and the update from the women’s field after this break we are back to the action here at the Iron Man European Championship Hamburg and if you were with us right before the break we were talking about Millionaires and billionaires and joking a little bit about the triathletes going out after the race to I’m going out I’m leaving you in the studio for the rest of for me it was a great opportunity to talk about how triathletes are very quickly becoming millionaires maybe not billionaires yet but let’s talk about the total Pro prize purse money breakdown for the Iron Man Pro Series uh the event prize purse is 2575 million us the year-end bonus pool pool is $1.7 million in addition to that the non-iron man Pro Series event prize purses amount to 1.65 million us so if we add that up by my quick calculations 2575 million plus 1.7 million plus 1.65 million equals a lot 5925 million up for grabs for professional athletes racing seen Iron Man either Pro Series or not uh that’s a significant amount of money which brings me back to my point um it’s a great time to be a a professional triathlete uh and certainly every moment matters out there because every moment equals dollars yeah every second matters for sure yeah no it’s a fantastic time to be a pro at the moment and the pro series I mean as we heard Jackie Herring it was certainly one of the attractions and draws um to get bring her back to the distance racing and just doing those three good Iron Man and we are back and if you take a look at the bottom of your screen not the ticker but just above that you will see our bike course profile and what makes today’s full gas bike course one of the fastest on the circuit uh you can see it is very flat there are very few bumps along that course and you can also see uh that our leaders now are through 28 miles past the 45 km Mark uh so they are making Headway not quite to halfway but getting there on this very flat very fast course what what we we can’t see there is like a little bit of sort of elevation that we can see at sort of the start and end of the lap as they they come back into town obviously we don’t know the the depth of that compared to the rest of the course it looks quite big as we’re looking at it but we know that was through the city center so I wouldn’t imagine there was a huge amount of elevation but I know I am about to be told how much elevation there is on this course um obviously the tracker underneath that is scrolling along the screen that is our Iron Man Pro Series men’s standings at the moment obviously today in Hamburg um it’s the IR man European Champs it’s the women only race the men’s European championships will be at Iron Man Frankfurt which is in August on screen at the moment in Good Vibes only all the way is British athlete finel language she is leading the way um Julie was with her or the two of them were together in this out of the swim uh but vanilla has taken charge of this bike course and is leading the way a position that she’s very accustomed to that’s for sure and uh sitting currently back in third place now the the female on screen Maya stage Nelson so this bike course elevation profile is a total of 300 meters which is pretty darn flat um a couple of I would call I wouldn’t even call them Hills I mean up and over the bridges maybe I think that’s what it is it’s over those 2,500 Bridges or it’s the little tin I don’t think they go over all of the bridges little tiny speed bumps that they go over it amounts to that but this is definitely a course that tell me this when you prepare for a race and you’re going to race Hamburg um how do you prepare yourself differently than if you’re going to race Iron Man like Placid which is if we I mean I’m sure Tri dot would be able to give us our course information on plased plid is a very hilly course about I know it in feed is about I’m going to say 6,000 ft of elevation gain yeah so I think if you are training and preparing and you’ve chosen to race a course like Hamburg which Hamburg Hamburg which is very flat course so you’re training in theory lots of time on the TT bik lots of time in the arob bars just get accustomed to that real time trialing position and not much movement as opposed to if you look at a Lake Placid course uh with sort of hills and Rolling Hills some Punchy climbs where you have a lot more movement of getting up out of the saddle you can get up off the bike and stand up as you’re pedaling and in your training you probably want to include some elevation in that so you are gaining that height during training whereas Hamburg is just I would say finding those flat roads of where you can around uh where you live and just getting used to holding that position for the J also cornering because it it was quite technical through through the city center at the start well let me ask you a question what if I live in a flat place and I’m trying to prepare what if I live in Hamburg but I’m trying to get ready for Iron Man Lake Placid that is a fantastic question Dee uh if you are if you lived in Hamburg and were trying to get ready for um Lake Placid you could use the full gas um bike program where you can go and ride any of the uh Iron Man courses uh out there so you could go in and load up on to the full gas um course profile into the system sit on your bike trainer and get used to uh riding the profile of um Iron Man Lake Placid welcome back to the action here at Iron Man Hamburg the European championship for women if you are looking for the men they will be in Frankfurt in August they are not here today it’s our Pro women only alongside our field of outstanding age groupers are women nearing the end of the first Loop of this full gas bike course but right before the break uh we saw our Chase pack of Maya stage neelsen Jackie Herring ell Visser Sarah svensk Daniela blel and Cat Matthews go through an aid station and there was a obviously an accordion effect but what we did see was cat the last one out of that aid station and we had talked about cat Matthews losing uh that very important bottle full of uh nutrients uh off her bike very very early on so now she is relying on the aid stations Which is less than ideal for a number of reasons number one there there are great products available she’s going to grab some Morton gel she’s going to grab some Precision hydration and have everything she needs but it may not be what she’s used to training on uh which is one downside the other downside is that she has to be super careful through those Aid stations to get what she needs and um it’s going to slow her down so it’s it’s just an added challenge when she’s biking with a group that’s that large both in terms of inserting herself into a positive position so she can be one of the first ones through to get that first grab um it’s just an added challenge for cat Matthews out on course today yeah yeah totally right and this is um you know the women now coming to the end of the first lap uh this is with Vanella language now did you see her bottle on the front of her bike y she got a straw coming out of the side of it which is interesting and a really great idea because it means in that Arrow position she doesn’t have to move out of the arrow position she can just drink through that straw but you can’t refill it but you can’t refill it that’s what I was thinking yeah like unless maybe she’s maybe that’s a bottle that she is going to go through the personal needs section uh and perhaps reload that bottle with another straw um but definitely it has the benefit right she can use her or she’s got nutrition or hydration in that that she is using for the for the whole so it could either be super concentrated most athletes will do as uh Daniela blind is here and have a a third-party uh BTA bottle uh in in her case she’s got two different straws so she’s got two fuel sources uh right there with that straw which is super convenient you don’t have to break Arrow one’s vodka one’s Coke yeah ex exactly now that’s what we have here in the booth down on course maybe not yet for them maybe not till the Run not endorsing drinking fans Not endorsing drinking sorry that’s just uh uh but it is interesting that she has a traditional squeeze bottle with a straw drilled into it because part of the benefit of those third-party bottles is that you can refill them on the fly through an aid station they often have a flip cap uh that you flip up squeeze the bottle into it and and reclose it so interesting strategy from finel langrage yeah and obviously now finella is coming back through the tunnel so very close to the end of the lap you can see the full Gap bike course profile on the bottom has pretty much got her at that 56 M 90 km so we should be getting a split any moment now um before we do we’ll do a a fun fact a fun fact time or a little bit of a pub quiz um DD question for you what is the most famous band in the world the Beetles I thought you were going to say like I don’t know take that would be close second yeah one of those The Beatles obviously and famously where did they come from well they’re from the UK but they got their they made their Mark here in Hamburg they did they are in the red light district they are of course from Liverpool which is in the UK the city of culture a few years ago uh but I bet you didn’t know that the famous four actually launched their career in Hamburg performing across the city in various clubs between 1960 and 1962 these early performances in Hamburg helped the brand hone their skills build a following and set the stage for their later Global success today the Beatles Connection in Hamburg is commemorated with the Beatles plats a Public Square featuring sculptures of the band members and also I mean Hamburg is now known as a rock and roll City so not only have you got Millionaires and billionaires and 2,500 Bridges um and a caviar line on emergency dial it’s also Rock and Roll City of The Beatles there you go and while we were discussing the Beetles finel language was going through the city center doing finel language things always taking the opportunity to engage the crowd she you you get what you give and she is giving energy to the crowd and the crowd is loving it and giving it right back to her so finel doing finel things that’s right and she is through that first lap so uh bike split of um 2 hours 1208 but uh 3 hours 0622 for the full race so that’s including the swim but 2 hours 12 eight for the first lap on the bike that is fast it’s very fast it is very considering she is by herself especially um not saying that she is as we take a look at our uh vinfast performance analysis uh on the bike for finel langage um average speed over the last bit of 37.8 kilometers and and I’m going to I’m going to be honest that’s not that impressive because that’s through the city um she is traveling at speed much much higher than that um but super impressive like if you were a group like this group of six or seven moving like putting out a a split of 212 like sure impressive if you’re organized and taking turns legally at the front that group is going to travel faster but finel to do that all on her own is super impressive yeah and I’m just looking at Laura Phillips bike course record it is a slightly different bike course so you can’t can’t really judge but um will but we will because we got something to talk about um Laura Philips bike course record in 2022 was 43114 so um finel would be on record to um beat that after the first lap we’ve got Sarah sence down I believe that was s they were coming into to a 180 degree turn here we have it again they got bunched up it looks like she hit her breaks and slid sideways that Sarah Fen down it clipped ell’s V’s back wheel who did an amazing job at staying up recovering she put her foot down got right back to it but we’re going to get an update on Sarah sens that was really really tough I just think they were carrying too much speed in that again race Dynamics in a in a big crowd she’s walking it off let’s see if she gets back on her bike I think they didn’t realiz there was a sign we saw coming in that said 108 degree turn whether I don’t know whether they clocked that but um I I don’t think they really realized quite how tight that corner was um of being a complete 180 um and on a slight downhill um so here we have Sara she’s looks like lost the chain starting out looks physically like she’s okay A bit shaken um we’ve got a technical official just making sure physically she’s okay and obviously seeing if that bike is okay and she can get going and and now back with um finel who is our lead also just to update Julio uh y YOLO is now through 90 kilm so 344 down so I would imagine that that chase group it’s 15 seconds down there we go they’re about to swallow her up yep yeah it’s yeah they’re all through that now a she’s back up she’s back up yep she’s back up um that’s going to be tough for her because now she is all on her own fighting a group of they minus Sarah fence Plus Julie YOLO yeah if you’re just tuning in that is our latest update um but great to see uh Sara back on the bike hopefully she she’s okay um obviously what we are seeing now on this course is they are having to navigate some age the age group athletes who are out on their first lap um we saw a little bit earlier as finel was just starting that second lap just having to check the brakes a little bit to go around a corner um you know it is really important that the athletes keep their heads up on on this course on this second lap now as they are going to be passing age groupers um that could make sure that the second lap might be um a little bit slower and maybe you know because of that but at the moment vanel that 212 was certainly a super fast time for that lap first lap so but what’s interesting is it’s not even the fastest time Daniela blind threw in 209 because she was further back out of the swim so uh some really impressive writing from our women here and right now our top five as it stands through one laap finel language in first Julie YOLO in second but quickly being caught by Daniela blal cat Matthews ell Visser Maya stage neelson and Jackie Herring and welcome back to Iron Man Hamburg we are currently behind the or following the chase pack that is Julio YOLO um before we head back to finel language who is our leading female out in front at the last timing split which was 149 km she had a 2 and 1/2 minute lead over Daniela BL um they are now in probably the last 20K before T2 uh we won’t get another split until T2 so we’re just waiting to see what deficit um it is from finel back to Danielle we’ve had lots of action in the last little while uh the latest being El’s Visa um getting a flat tire um on her rear disc wheel but it looks like uh she has fixed it she is back on the bike um as actually seeing the first signs of a bit of Grimace maybe of uh finel as she just clears her breathing pipes um to make sure but it’s just looking a little bit strain but then you wouldn’t expect that or you would expect that rather with 20 20ks to go at the last bit and she’s done a lot of this work at the front of the bike on her own oh she’s done all of it at the front of the bike on her own um and and yeah I mean at this point in the bike I think you’re you’re starting to get ready to get off your bike uh she’s certainly an extraordinary Runner as well has had a couple of rougher run splits in past races but we certainly know the potential is there um she has um a marathon PB uh I believe around at three hours um flat um and has run ran 303 on route to that wind at Iron Man wa last fall so uh we know she’s got the goods to run well her run split at Iron Man Texas wasn’t extraordinary but that was certainly an extraordinary day with the condition so time will tell uh but definitely a strong Runner and and I’m telling you if we look at our women left on course uh finel with a run PB of three hours um 3 hours and 36 seconds uh Daniela blel back at uh Ironman Israel in 2022 ran 3 hours 3 minutes uh Maya at uh Iron Man Texas uh ran and that was in 2023 ran three hours flat uh and El’s Visser has an Iron Man PB off the bike of 301 at iron manwa again similar courses which is why I I flat courses uh tend to yield faster run splits but all of these women with really similar run PBS off the bike in the three hours to three 03 uh will they be able to bring the PBS today um if they do things might actually remain relatively unchanged through this Marathon but if we know anything about Iron Man racing uh anything is possible and to turn out a PB uh for all of these women on the very same day would be extraordinary and then we’ve got the likes of Jackie Herring who is a great great Runner hasn’t done an Iron Man in almost a decade so we don’t know where she’s at either so her run PB is somewhere around 320 but that’s ancient history yeah I was going to say really interestingly like we know uh Jackie over the last few years when she’s been racing over the half and 70.3 distance of running has been although I guess the the she’s always been a solid swimmer and then that bike run combo has been a real strength um prior to that when she did do Iron Man her run was that 320 330 nothing certainly wouldn’t be special in today’s um the way that women are running today her bike splits too I mean they just she was a good allaround athlete but she was not and she had been on several podiums and and won Iron Man races but wasn’t what we would consider pointy Arrow World Championship um caliber and really has come to another level through her 70.3 racing yeah so it’s really we don’t really know what Jackie is capable of running in the marathon and off the bike although I am getting uh word from uh from the ground that actually predicted uh they’re saying predicted Jackie could run a 250 or 252 and I have asked uh what the uh predict or what the data behind that and apparently that’s based on training numbers which obviously is a great way it’s what we’ve got at the moment but we will uh we’ll wait to see what happens because uh you know it’s the first time we it is a f racing is different than training racing is different than training um but you know that could be um pretty interesting if Jackie does run sort of that 250 or he’s capable of running 250 252 to uh Maya I think is around that 3 hour uh Danielo is probably the 305 to 310 um so yeah but there’s a they’re coming off the bike with not much um time between them so hopefully it’s going to be more exciting things can and as we’ve seen anything can already happen has already happened so and lots left to happen no doubt uh multi-loop Run course as well uh four laps of this Run course so athletes going to be getting a lot of information out there uh from fans and that becomes the question of who do you trust well fans with great intentions you’ll get a split that says you’re two minutes down and the next minute somebody says oh my gosh you’re five minutes down and you’re like well who do I believe who is who is sipping on their beer when they start started their watch um but point being there going to be so many fans out there that these women are going to be getting extraordinary information throughout the entire um Hoka Run course so there will be full knowledge and it’s what they are able to do with it and how they are able to physically capitalize it that’s going to matter yeah and and the difference with this Run course it’s like you said it’s a four-lap Run course but there’s a lot of out and back sections there a lot of where the both ways on the Run course are on the same path so the athletes get the chance to see each other at those turnarounds when they’re going up and down that path compared to the bike course which has been this one big lap or two laps but a one big loop and so there’s been very there has been a few opportunities that the a like finel has been able to see the chase pack and where they are and here and and things um but the Run course will be really there is an opportunity to clock where your competitors are and that works both ways that works for uh the leader she can see where the Chasers are but also the Chasers first get finally get chance to see where finel is well exactly and and finel will get splits um certainly from her supporters as she comes off the bike and might actually prefer a run and hide type of strategy I think for the leader uh that tends to be a better strategy that you want to get out and get gone so people don’t know where you are out of sight out of mind uh but that is not a possibility on a course like this I mean that was certainly her tactics I think on there when she came through TR T1 after the swim and to get out on the bike course and with that the big lap nature that suddenly what she could do uh yeah it be a little bit more tricky on the on the Run course and she I mean we don’t know if she knows what’s going on behind her and and to some extent it doesn’t really matter because it’s her race and it should be eyes forward and it doesn’t matter that cat El’s whoever else is dropping back like she should just be eyes forward yeah she should be eyes forward but I think it will certainly lighten her load to know that that some of her competitors are out of the race that the Gap to El’s is a little larger than it might have been otherwise I think that’s all going to bolster her um and could potentially change the way she attacks the marathon uh could be a little bit more conservative at the start knowing that you know I think had Cat still been in the race she would have wanted to send a message and gotten out hot and hard uh now she can sort of dial that back a little bit and be a little bit more patient in her strategy but again she’s got advisers there who are not me I I I don’t know if Vanella races patiently yeah that’s true she I mean I and that’s not saying that’s uh you know there are plenty of athletes that race aggressively like she definitely obviously attacks the swim it’s her strength I feel she rides hard on the bike um I feel she she she puts it all out there she races with you know she races to win but there’s there is a mindset going into it that you don’t have to do had Cat still been in the race had ell’s not given up we still don’t know how much time with the puncture she was gonna finel was going to have to pull out an extraordinary race and now finella can go into this race and say I don’t need to do anything different than capable ofing I don’t need anything extraordinary um out of my run I need like the run I’m capable of putting out yep and great to see that finel safely navigated that 180 turn uh we saw some uh uh events happening on the first lap with uh sarra spanks running into the back of uh El vissa on lap one so uh finel safely through uh back into the tunnel so yeah only a few minutes away now from uh T2 yep starting to think about the run now uh certainly she’ll get some information uh she will deposit her bike and get going and more importantly we will get a split um certainly on finel in the extraordinary performance and if Laura Phillips bike course record uh will fall um predicted to to do so I believe what are we now race time is 5:20 uh swim was 50 minutes uh give or take so yeah it’s looking looking like it might be a new a new course record and is this Vanella now loosening off her shoes her shoes so definitely about to come in or very close to transition there’s a penalty tent uh so transition must be pretty soon I think we’re seeing the Riders go to the left to start their second lap vanel is to the right to go into T2 and this is the stuff that finella lives for the crowds welcoming her back to T2 she’ll give a big smile as she Dismounts at the Dismount line and runs her bike in we call this the Judgment Zone and thankfully here in Hamburg we have a very large judgment Zone where we are able to judge uh the athletes form as they stand up and try to stretch out those hip flexors get those legs working as we take a look at our uh bike split presented by our friends at Wahoo element bolt uh time of 42650 uh for the 178 kilomet yeah and and right up her tail holy smokes Daniela blind ml with an extraordinary close to the bike course uh erasing the bike course record now sits at 42047 um for Daniela blel air 26 seconds back of uh finel langage and I don’t think finella will have seen danella coming in and uh finella held that bik course record for all of 26 seconds uh before Dan EAS came and erased it taking off 20 not 20 10 minutes of Laura Phillips record extraordin which is which is pretty impressive and that yeah that Gap you know was with El’s and Danel will be able to see um finel up the road but finel I don’t think we’ll have any clue that danella was so close behind until she gets a until she gets somebody but vanela is looking like she’s running pretty well she looks pretty good there it takes a minute like we we joke in in calling this the Judgment Zone but it is our first look to see uh if the athletes look bent over and who’s able to sort of find their form and get themselves uh upright as she makes this very long run I’m betting she is getting getting information that I mean she would have heard the Roar of the crowd you know the Germans for their own the announcer as well so um oh here we come Maya and Julie imolo into transition as well so we will wait uh still waiting for Jackie hering uh that we expected there and then obviously seeing what the deficit El Visser suffered with the puncture but uh interestingly like that’s a great ride second half of the bike for Maya and Julie they took out a another kind of M minute or so there’s Jackie Herring just through at 2 minutes so actually all of those women have taken time out of vanilla but the point another point I want to make Jackie hering’s bike split of 42548 bests her old best bike split uh by nearly an hour her her previous best bike split was 520 something Jackie yeah as a pro yes and she just biked 42548 uh so congratulations Jackie Herring uh that’s a heck of a p you just smashed your PV she’s got to be laughing to herself like it’s she’s just a different she’s an entirely different athlete um and and how extraordinary to see something like that so look at this the top five women all within two minutes within two minutes which we didn’t we weren’t expect and and this is you know we weren’t expecting uh at the last timing split or halfway through the bike uh we still don’t know where how much L’s lost um as finel goes out onto the hoker Run course um so we’ll wait to see where Els comes in and then start making the judgments on uh yeah how much time she might be able to run in but yeah exciting times we’ve got a race on our hand yeah we sure do but also I mean we we’ve talked about the level of of women’s racing and men’s racing it’s just skyrocketing um week after week after week it seems but not terribly surprising uh for the athletes to be that close this is a bike course that again we we’ve talked about it’s hard to get separation really really hard to get separation on a on a flat fast bike course like this um and I think the results today prove it with our top five women all within two minutes and still waiting on El’s viser that’s right as we’re just uh in T2 Maya um there’s Jackie Herring coming in grabbing her bag uh Maya putting on her h hoker Run shoes it looks like the carbon X2 um as we go back to Daniela running out onto onto the hoker Run course now it’s really hard to tell I would say vanel has a bit more of a a bounce in her step but then that also is her running style she is quite bouncy uh Daniela blal isn’t a bouncy Runner if that makes sense but that doesn’t mean to say uh that she’s not running as efficiently or effectively for an Iron Man Marathon I mean some might say it’s more efficient there’s there’s less energy expenditure she’s not the the the vertical oscillation isn’t as high there’s not the same energy expenditure going up and down um she definitely is more of a a Strider as opposed to a bouncer but again different styles but optically you would look at the two of them and say that right now a tenth of a mile into the H Marathon that finella does look quote unquote I use my air quotes better yeah um but I I I think I mean vanela always kind of goes out pretty well and I think just Daniela has that different style where she just chips away and um yeah uh doesn’t look like she’s running as fast and perhaps doesn’t look like she’s running as well but uh is pretty effective and gets the job done for uh for for the marathon at the end of at the end of an Iron Man and out in third is Julie YOLO um also just sort of always takes a little few kilometers to find your run legs after you’ve been on the bike for the last 4 hours uh we are going to come back to find out how the hoker Run course unfolds right after this break back to our action hereen European champion I ship Hamburg uh you’re looking at Daniela blell Who currently stands in second place on the Hoka Marathon course we have eight of our professional women off the bike right now um finel in first uh Daniela blel out on course second uh Maya stage Nelson has gone past Julia moolo and sits in third um Jackie herring in fifth Sarah svens uh who took a tumble on the bike she is off the bike in six El’s Visser who we now see grabbing her bag in transition she sits in seventh place at 1113 down and the very fast running Laura Jansen now in transition in eighth place she is 1206 down so this is quite a marathon battle Yeah and really interesting uh that El’s obviously lost that bit of time with the flat tire but still still into transition now but if she’s with Laura Jansen and Els I think has a good run in her and maybe they can use each other to to take out some I think it’s a big ask for them to claw their way back to the lead yes that 11 12 minutes um who knows though we’re only in the first couple of kilometers of the marathon we’ve got 42 kilometers to go and anything can happen and if I’m if I’m Laura Jansen and obviously she wants to race well but she also wants a a a qualifying slot for niece I’m gonna staple myself to ell’s Visser uh maybe let her set the pace and and draw me out um and and perhaps in deeper into qualifying slot territory uh certainly in the early stages of the Run use that as your carrot uh distance yourself from the women behind we know Laura Jansen is a very very good runner uh she may not necessarily need that help but take the help where you can get it and she’s sitting and I think from you you were when you worked out the slots and stuff that eighth position was sitting in her there are six qualifier um and there are six slots today for the pro women for the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in nice uh five those athletes have already got slots um uh one of them was Kat Matthews um but finel has uh and Els has and they’re still there and Maya has so huge opportunity um for Laura Jansen to qualify again I mean she qualified last year at Frankfurt for the for Kona in her first year um of racing over the distance and now has got a chance to to get to n as well in September and watching danela blal here on uh camera she’s found her form I would say through transition she was looking a little lower to the ground but she is she has got her stride and is up and running and as we look at our top five finella langri Daniela blim Julie YOLO Maya stage neelen Jackie Herring welcome back to the action here Iron Man European Championship Hamburg you are looking at our race leader finel language but in that second timing segment from 4 km to 8 and 1 12 finala has definitely slowed While others are accelerating and holding steady again minimally but athletes slowly reeling in and you and I had spoken off camera not disrespectfully but finel is looking a little worked that’s right and if we uh just uh bringing you our race weather update by Roker um our UV index had just gone up to one that was the thing I was going to say put on that’s what I wanted to tell you humidity continuing to drop humidity still continu to drop uh it’s around that 17° C so like really nice temperature for racing Al be that humidity is quite High uh still overclass which I think is a a great for for these guys on the Run um but yeah this is and and then you can see how close it is now that Daniela blell is going through that aid station that we just saw finel leaving and going around the corner yeah it’s shaking up although I will say I again the camera angle is deceiving but Daniela blind is looking a little bit different than the last time we saw her as well yeah I I think it is so hard like the camera angle um I mean I was watching a video that Julie had taken of me running in training and the running from behind looked awful and then when the camera moves around to the side it looks completely different so running catching the camera from behind uh isn’t necessarily the the best view or the best prediction uh as this is Jackie now coming through that aid station that we just saw um Daniel and you can just see up ahead as well that’s Maya uh stage Nelson so yeah these um top four women all within that 90 seconds and I think that is coming down now that could all be that we’ve they’ve uh gone out pretty hard and and and got excited by chasing down the the women ahead uh so but we’ll see as the as the marathon unfolds I was going to say everyone’s who’s putting their cards on the table and who’s already played their hand uh that is what is to be determined and let’s not forget Laura Janson uh our fastest mover on course in the very early stages uh could start picking off uh some of these women ahead of her as well in particular Julie YOLO uh and of course we want have to wonder where ‘s Visser is that’s right because actually out of everybody on the screen Laura Jansen is our fastest runner well not fast mover but also has the fastest sort of marathon time or predicted time um not by much uh like literally by sort of 30 seconds or a minute over over Meer and and finel but it you know that could could could prove prove important by the end of it I mean we talk a little bit about you know all of these women have extraordinary run uh PBS that are all within the same neighborhood of one another uh however who C who is consistent uh in the application of those those kinds of times and it and it’s interesting as well like there’s no um standout Runner with this lot they are all very similar and so could be the very exciting as the race goes on we don’t have that Runner who’s running a 250 um so they are all around that three-hour Marathon mark on the day and and whose day will it be and who can who can be their consistent self on this day but as we talked about the UV index of Amir 1 if you are looking for a little bit more sunshine on your Iron Man race day we think uh we have the fastest course uh and you can come put it to the test in Sacramento break your best after a PR setting down river swim athletes will take on a flat out and back bike ride through the scenic Farm country followed by a festive run through downtown Sacramento ending at the steps of the California state capital whether you’re hoping to complete your first Iron Man or aim to achieve a personal best you’ll find it here at Iron Man California you can join us on October 27th 2024 for this unmatched Northern California event register today and perfectly timed as we wrap up about Iron Man California and come back to Iron Man Hamburg in Germany not so much California sunshine sh but some some gray Crow gray clouds in Germany as we are on screen now Jackie Herring and my stage stay Nelson um looks like Jackie is about to to make the pass so that would be uh Jackie moving up into third position I believe um Maya but it’ll beting to see if they if Maya can go with her or they they use each other um it would be really hard through this section of t with all the crowds like you’d get carried away wouldn’t you with the pace and you’re just you’re just catching up with Myer and about to overtake someone and then you got all these crowds and cheering you on and yeah trying to keep it under control and Maya can hear her now that’s one of the things with the with the Super Shoes in this day and age that they’re very clunky on the ground you can hear them coming more than you used to be able to what do you think they just said to each other they had a conversation they passw they’re now running what do you think Maya or Jackie said or they pointed up the road so they must be pointing towards Daniela perhaps they’re having a chat and they’re having a smile and I think Jackie is saying why didn’t someone remind me this is how horrible it was although it’s not horrible for Jackie right now I mean she’s she’s picking off Runners right and left and and and having a good go of it and I think if you’re Jackie for an athlete who’s been around and and I’m not commenting on her age she’s still very everyone’s very young compared to me I was say she’s everyone’s young compared to me but um you know for an athlete her age who’s been around the sport as long as she has she’s got to have a little bit of a rookie Euphoria about her coming back to Iron Man racing after a nine-year Hiatus I mean she’s a completely different human than she was when last she left um the full distance and and it’s got to be so refreshing for her to be like hey look at what look at what can happen in just a decade worth of work and and she did say that she did say she feels like a rookie she’s been uh asking the other athletes about their nutrition uh tips and that sort of thing I’m not sure they were going to give her anything or maybe they’d give her the the wrong information as we uh just go and recap our top five in the female Pro Race So finel language in first Daniela BL in second just 24 seconds behind now my Nelson and Jackie Herring we just saw them at one minute back and Julio yo at 237 finella looking a little better to me um still wearing the Grimace a little bit uh she’s got some shoulder roll in her stride uh trying to get the elbows to to drive that stride but she’s got a little hitch in it yeah I think I think she’s looking pretty good uh yeah I mean the others are a slowly eating into her lead but not by huge amounts um and early on and and you know we we don’t know that’s not necessarily finel suffering or or slowing it’s just maybe the others of seen the carrot up the road and are going out pretty hard to catch her and actually finel is just playing the playing the the cool game and and she’s actually going to playing the lasting game she’s going to be the one there at the end we call that the long game the long game that was the word I was trying to think of we call that the long game the lasting game it’s a New Concept if you haven’t heard of it I think it’s a golfing concept actually the long game the long game or the lasting game I don’t know ask Maya maybe she can help us well let’s let’s just stop Maya in her third place assault on uh the Iron Man European Championship May that looked like she was grabbing a um a drinks from the the portal so we’ve talked about Maya who is a golfer uh we talked about Katherine who is a 500 meter kayaker we talked about Els who’s a surgeon and um shipwreck Survivor shipwreck Survivor cat was in the Army we’ve also got Aaron who is used to be a rower oh um and here we have Jackie hering who is now in second place in a minute yeah here we go sorry no no that’s fine it was much more important that we were on the on the race course um uh we’ve got a few medical students in there let’s see if they have the same conversation oh yeah Jackie is very chatty she’s just so chatty I mean it’s I mean she’s obviously feeling good um it’s hard to have those pleasantries I’m I’m sure Daniela might not have reciprocated them it’s it’s easy when you’re the passer versus the passy you might if the passy tends to grunt back back in response but uh Jackie’s having a day she’s having an absolute day out there could we see Jackie hering return to the Iron Man distance and win the whole kitten Kaboodle I was about to say that because I’m GNA and where will she be if she wins today’s race in the standings I will I’ll tell you in a minute once I got over my uh there was a Kristen in the German Youth Olympic team I’d got all these facts right where will Jackie be I’ll come back to you on that one she’s doing math uh she will also be in the lead she would go to so Jackie is currently eighth in our Iron Man Pro Series uh she raced uh she was second in Iron Man 7.3 Chattanooga um and also did St George as well sh up everybody was third in St George uh she’s currently in eighth on 4,759 points so if she wins that means 9,759 points so if is less behind all right do you want me to work that one out all right give me I might need the calculator for that one we’re to see some smoke come out here pretty soon Jackie hering being a good citizen there and pointing out an age group athlete who was about to lose his nutrition out of his back pocket so I think Jackie is being a mom yeah a little bit Jackie is being a mom she’s got no kids there this weekend well but it implies she’s still clear and clear in the head right like she’s she’s noticing things uh taking the time to point them out um yeah I mean I think it’s it’s not long now because at last timing Matt daniell was only 24 seconds behind finel and here we have finella so Jackie now has finel language in her sights um and still looks relaxed it doesn’t look like like Jackie is overexerting herself by any means no that’s right so Jackie is currently the basically 14 minutes behind vanela on a per second Point basis 14 minutes yes so Jackie would have to beat finella by 14 minutes in order for Jackie to take the lead in series not finel think so finel is 834 points ahead of Jackie yes so what’s 834 seconds divide by 60 yes I that’s what I did 13 13.9 minutes there we go 14 minutes got it right we’re starting to worry forcat engineer and math yeah Jackie is looking great let’s see what do you think she’s gonna say this time good like Jackie just do you think Jackie is at this point going oh my gosh why haven’t I been doing Iron Man all along I’m in the lead yeah after nine years two kids thought I was and was very competitive over that 70.3 distance over that half distance had some great results and now has come back to racing thanks to she did say the draw of the IR man Pro Series it was exciting for her she has a new coach as well well we were talking about earlier Ian O’Brien who is traditionally typically coaching of an a coach of short course athletes no but it just goes to show you and a lot of times you know Iron Man athletes will say when when athletes maybe have focused on the 70.3 distance step up to Iron Man that it quote unquote kills their speed right that they can they they’re not as fiery and competitive at the 70.3 distance because they’ve layered all of this volume that this quote unquote long slow distance that slows them down and they can’t tap into that speed anymore but I think Jackie’s selection of a coach um just goes to show that even in an Iron Man distance that speed really does matter yeah and I think like I think it also goes to show kind of that coach athlete relationship and if you find a coach that you communicate well with that gets how you train you know understands her commitments as a mom with kids and as a as a wife as a family and and and jobs and stuff and then the travel involved and what races you pick and stuff like I think that is so powerful yeah absolutely and you trust your coach well yeah I mean if you I’m not saying the others don’t obviously be darned what that athletes you know perceived strength is or specialization is if Ian O’Brien is known uh as a as a short course draft legal coach because a majority of his Squad uh is comprised of such um I I think he’s just proven that uh he’s no slouch at at Iron Man neither I wonder if he’s stayed up I know we should give him a shout up he’s a he’s a former military guy so what it’s about 4:30 in the morning back in the States in Colorado y uh he may be he may be up he may be up may have got up early to see the run and they’ll see his athlete Jackie herring in the lead I wonder if her um her kids are up her family are up watching I wonder if they’ve stayed up all night to watch cuz I think she’s just there on her own I think she just traveled across um which again we talk about some of the moms being a bit of a I mean God bless kids and they all love them but um and a little bit of a holiday it’s a holiday come and do an Iron Man race sounds amazing uh but Jackie Herring is our leading female so obviously the the splits that you see on the board were at the last timing check which was at the end of the first lap at 10.4 km when Jackie was in fourth place but now a few kilometers on she has overtaken Maya she has overtaken Daniela and she just overtook finel and she is now on her return to Iron Man racing after a 9-year Hiatus she is now leading our European championships Iron Man Hamburg she looks fantast she looks super relaxed I think she looks a bit in shock to be honest um she looks absolutely super relaxed she’s got great tortion through the core uh driving sort of the hips and and the pace I mean she looks she looks she looks remarkable calm cool collected we’ll see if she stays that way after this quick break don’t go away we’re going to come right back to you back to the action here in Hamburg for the Iron Man European championship for professional women you’re watching finala langri who held the lead through the entire bike course and the early stages of the marathon she has fallen to fourth place so Daniela blel has gone past finel langri as her Pace has slowed to nearly 4 and a half minute kilomet but up the road ahead through 20.9 km in the conclusion of the second of two laps on this Hoka Marathon course Maya stage neelen has eaten away another handful of seconds on Jackie hering uh Jackie made a move to the front of the race about uh a lap ago maybe a little less than a lap ago uh but Maya has not let her go and has been biting back time from about 29 seconds now just 18 seconds uh both of those women still moving incredibly well at sub four minute C Daniela blal now through 20.9 km as well her Pace holding steady around 411 she has been as slow as 415 uh it really is finel langri who is falling apart the worst amongst our top females so far so it’s getting quite interesting now um I think Maya might be sensing that she’s got a opportunity here to uh take her her first win and we’ve been saying all through the broadcast how she’s had so many great results over the Iron Man distance and and 70.3 but she hasn’t yet had that Iron Man win and I’m just wondering if she’s starting to realize and believe that this could be her day conversely on the other hand Jackie Herring who’s currently leading she’s potentially you know that what a story to come back after nine years of not racing a full distance to come back and take the win and so that’s got to be a bit of a story as well strategically if you’re Maya do you run up and just sort of keep her in your sights and feel comfortable for as long as you can and wait until a little bit later to make a move or do you want to go buy her and I mean obviously you know Jackie’s getting information her husband is there fans are giving her I mean they they can see one another or at least Maya can see Jackie Because unless Jackie has eyes in the back of her head that would be something else but do you sort of buy your time for another lap and wait to battle it out on the last lap or do you take the lead and try to make a decisive move now I think against an athlete like Jackie she may just answer right back she she may do I think though you looked at the way um Maya was running and you go with momentum you go if you’re in Rhythm and you’re feeling good you make hay while the sun shines and I don’t think you rush to catch up but you use the Rhythm the momentum you’ve got with with how you’re feeling to to move a to to catch Jackie if that’s the the case um and then move past her now whether when Maya if she does catch up with Jackie again she surges and picks up the pace to go past Jackie and sort of or put that nail in the coffin or or you know do a little bit of a search to show that oh look I’m feeling really good you’re going to have to you’re going to have to pull something out the bag to stay with me or to bring it back but yeah I think go with go with momentum that you’ve got for that at that point and quite a battle going on right now between third and fourth so Daniela blind had gone past vanilla language but that Gap stays at just 30 seconds so those two pretty much uh locking horns and and deep in battle as well yeah really exciting racing uh like we said you know the top five women I mean they’re still only 5 minut 4 minutes apart they were 90 Seconds Apart at the at the first early stages on the run but if we look at that Podium we’re still within like 2 minutes of of each other and still with two laps to go we’re only just halfway or just over halfway through um through the the marathon here at Iron Man Hamburg and I I definit this race is definitely not over I think this lead might change uh at least I think one more time whether that’s back and forth or maybe yeah as you he said Maya might catch up to Jackie and maybe they’ll run together they had a bit of a chitchat at the first the first passing um yeah maybe maybe that’ll happen again certainly could see some out and back but right now to your point uh the momentum uh with Maya stage neelson uh looking very very good uh smiling on her face a little stumble there on the Cobblestone so uh under the bridge the lighting not quite as good just caught her foot there on one of the cobbles but uh recovered nicely no no ill effects and still waiting to get a split on El’s Visser to see how she’s moving back at 19k 407 so she’s still moving very very well and could you know she’s making inroads on Julie amolo if she can hold it together and even dare I say while she’s still 10 Nish minutes back of finel um if vanela continues to degrade uh and El’s can still run strong I mean ell’s can run her way top five certainly top five in possibly Podium depending on what happens with Daniela blell yeah and for those of you uh waking up uh early morning in the US who might be tuning into to our broadcast of Iron Man Hamburg uh finel not finel apologies El’s um did get a flat tire on the latter stages of the bike so how it was pushing the pace in the chase pack but unfortunately had a a flat tire in her rear disc wheel and uh struggled with her CO2 valve to to put air back into that tire with the the valve not fitting the the disc wheel uh so lost uh I think about it was about 9 minutes or so in the end so that’s why uh if some of you are tuning thinking El’s vissa might have been a little bit further up the race than uh where she currently is and that because she had that flat tire with about 20ks to go back to our leader it is Jackie Herring and I’m looking over her shoulder I can’t see Maya back there but it is only 20 seconds so it it can seem like an eternity and every time he mat it’s been a second or two so it hasn’t been any significant great shakes but it’s a second or two here and there here and there but as that time keeps coming down she will get the splits and again it’s hard from the supporters because you look down at your watch was that was that 23 seconds was that 25 seconds and when it you’re sort of nipping away at a lead one second at a time those seconds matter in the accuracy that you’re getting and at this point I don’t think she can see Jackie and as we discussed the crow the course getting more and more crowded as the age groupers uh join in on this Hoka Run course and as Spectators come out I think Maya’s best uh chance certainly Jackie’s wearing hot pink so that makes her a little bit easier to spot um uh but also her her her escort sport cyclist uh is going to be the thing that is probably most visible uh to to Maya I thought you said I thought you were going to say Jackie is wearing hot pants which I guess truit kind of semi is like pants yeah but hot pink definitely is what Jackie is wearing uh Maya is in very I do like Maya suit but it is more subtle it does more blend into the uh environment in fact I think is that the pink up the road potentially can we now see them on this Bend I think maybe uh Maya might have got eyes on of Jackie just as the road the Run course just goes on a slight curve along the banks of the aler here in Hamburg um I certainly think Maya will be getting um excited at the Prospect and I think this is on this longer out and back section uh along the banks of the Ala so at this turnaround they’re going to get a good eyeballs on each other again I mean I I can find no fault with how Jackie is running um but Maya just has a bit of an edge right now and and is clawing her back again it’s not significant it’s not like Jackie is falling apart um but Maya’s not letting her go so it’s just indicative of of how well uh Maya is feeling right now uh this deep into the marathon yeah I mean we still got half half a marathon to go uh here we are they’re both on this Shale section um it’s really hard to tell how Jackie is feeling she’s kind of got a semi smile could be a semi- Grimace but is running really well and looks pretty good to me and the same when we look at mea on screen now uh Maya’s looking really good uh moving well um and I think yeah I mean we’ve still got as we said still got half the marathon to go but um I think this is going to be a really exciting battle between the two of them oh it has been I mean it has been since we had the the huge upset of the apple cart on late into the stages of the bike where everything started happening and it’s all been happening ever since it has it has all been happening ever since um we had El’s with the mechanical we’ve had some crashes corners and uh and the rest um so yeah we’re now um there’s still a lot more that can happen as well I think on this course absolutely I mean the the the drama that that can ensue in the second half of a marathon at the end of an Iron Man uh is is astronomical so you’ll want to absolutely stay tuned as we check back in with Daniela blel uh holding on to third place uh as finella continues to move further behind Julia moo holding steady in fifth place and El’s Visser now 11 minutes down from our leader um but only seven minutes down of Julie amolo so she’s running 15 16 18 seconds per K faster than Julia moo so Elvis are still in this mentally um very much engaged and trying to erase the damage that that uh puncture on the bike had caused her can insert herself into top five possibly long shot podium um time will tell yeah time will tell I think it looking at how much time she’s sort of eaten into that top five in this first half of the marathon it’s not a huge amount um she’s still sitting at seven minutes behind uh Julie YOLO in fifth uh however we will see if El’s vissa can claw back any more time when we come back after this break in her home country uh she’s she talked about you know having family support out there in prance at the 70.3 uh some other race memories um some of the all call them local French races but some of the the wonderful venues that Iron Man Has uh in France those are some of her Fondest Memories and and you better believe that nce uh would just add perhaps a top that list of French memories in her home country uh did we mention also that Julie uh YOLO has a border col yes called Peach I was to say peach called the French version of how you say peach in French exactly that’s the one uh Elizabeth kuori has a dog called Kona yes um I’m going to go through my dog facts now as we are back with Jackie hering as the leader see this to me is is telling in the beginning Jackie would engage she was engaging with people on the sidelines she was chatting with age group athletes she was chatting up the pros uh there we just had um an age grouper try to sort of highfive her and I don’t know whether that’s tunnel vision and she didn’t even see it or if she’s just in a state that even sticking her hand out is extra energy she doesn’t want to race but she is um internally focused right now as she gets ready to take on this fourth and final lap uh of this of this uh European championship at what point do you think in Jackie’s return to the Iron Man Iron Man racing uh today and it’s also her first I think first ever European race certainly first ever European Iron Man she has done 16 before but at what point during today do you think everything came flooding back to her about why she stopped racing nine years ago I’m going to say it was just before that guy tried to high five her and she told him to get get lost not really she didn’t say that she would never say something like that she’s far too kind but uh she definitely is internally focused right now um you know you would think going through a bit of a scream tunnel as we have here with the fans um banking both sides of of this this uh race course as they head out for their fourth and final lap that you would get a little bit of a a boost um a smile grab a high five but uh not Jackie Herring she’s in a she’s in a world of her own right now it is what they said isn’t it as well about the the Run course this four lap and you do run past the Finish Line what is it three times before you get to to go down the Finish and whether that’s three lots of motivation or three lots of pain as you see that finish line and have to go past Finish Line saying n n boo yeah the other interesting fact is uh one of our um Iron Man commentators on the ground till shank is a very good friend of Myers um and has been a big supporter Big Friend for many many years uh in Mya’s racing so I know that whilst he wants all the women to do well and he is impartial in his commentary and does a very good job about that I know he’ll have a and I think we saw him as she did run through that Crow just trying to give an extra big cheer to to really get her to this Finish Line and get her to maybe take that first win that she hasn’t had on the board yet yeah Till’s got to cheer a little harder cuz that last timing split she just gave up a few more seconds again it’s not we’re not talking meltdown but the lead Now 1 minute 15 seconds so we need Jackie to enter a real world of hurt or we need Maya to find another gear but uh Jackie continues to inch away from her as as Maya brought her back in inch by inch Jackie is continuing to inch further and further away and and running out of time for Maya to do anything about it yeah she’s running out of real estate isn’t she and look I’m going to be so excited to see if Jackie holds on for this win I think that’s a fantastic story um I will be a little bit like I think Maya because she is such a a professional athlete she’s going to be super happy with her race I do feel there might be that little bit of um the one that got away again as she comes back with sort of another another Podium place which is incredibly um highly credible for Maya she has an incredibly good resume of of races um it’s just that win that is missing that I feel that she would be great if she could just get and I think maybe it’s just starting to to slip away from her um during this race but if we recap where our women are up to at the moment so our leader Jackie Herring is through uh 31.4 km on the on to her last lap Myer stage Nelson is in second we have German local Daniela Bal in third British athlete finel language in fourth and French athlete Julie YOLO in fifth I think she’ll be pretty happy with the decision she made to to come back to the Iron Man racing I’m Keen to see what her next Iron Man race is I have a feeling maybe Placid back in the back in the USA but maybe the European uh racing has uh yeah has given the bug absolutely so as she gets her eyes onto that red carpet the smile comes across the face all the way from Madison Wisconsin made the journey over here to hurg to compete against Europe’s finest at the European Championship here in Hamburg from Madison Wisconsin your 2024 Iron Man European Champion Jackie Herring uh at just two is and a half minutes down so what’s that 20 3 60 seconds uh again we see those points melting away but the big smile on the face of the Danish athlete uh she is 35 years old currently 12th Place but in a couple of seconds that’s all going to change as well please welcome to the Finish Line your runner up Maya stage neelsen with eyes on the red carpet your first German athlete uh the crowd going mad she makes her home outside of Frankfurt uh but Hamburg close enough to home for Daniel blell uh water performance from her a frustrating DF to start the season uh but here she is 35 years old from Germany third place Daniela [Music] blel and down goes Frasier yeah are they but that that position to me is worse than standing on top of back up now are they are all those women who just crossed the line are they all 35 years old or is that a coincidence or have you just read the same uh stat I have pulled each if you go to the Iron Man Pro Series website Pros series. all of the athlete profiles are up there and can be seen as we come back to finel language you know she made a race of it uh we thought she was going to in a in a tough spot for a while there but uh she is not that far behind Daniela blel yeah no that’s right she’s um really sort of dug deep she sort of started the marathon so well she biked so well as we know she was leading up at the front of the swim uh faded a little bit in the middle but has finished strong with another solid performance by the British athlete finel language and with that as we noted because she is within 14 minutes of Jackie Herring will secure enough points uh to move her overall into first place in the Pro Series rankings at least for this week and possibly another one to come so fourth place finel lankri and we have in third place she’s the first German across the line but third place on the podium from Germany it is Daniela blo her her time 8 28 809 and she will take her athletic Brew to help her celebrate and next up our second place competitor much has been said about the emotion that this woman uh showed all day in racing so solid so strong not the top step yet for the Dane Maya stage neelen will stand on your her second spot on the podium her time 8 hours 21 minutes 54 seconds with a marathon PB of two hours 5545 for the former golfer from Denmark and our Women’s Champion what a story it’s been a 10year nearly Hiatus for the American from Madison whis Consin uh she is back to Iron Man racing and back in a big way she’s been focusing on the 70.3 distance and boy did that pay dividends for her today as she struggles somebody get that champion a ladder maybe she’s just gonna stand there in front she’s going to sit she is AB this is pure comedy I’m sorry I shouldn’t be laughing situation she can’t I think she’s cramping do you know what after the First full distance after a long long time it does hurt so much more than as if you can see Maya and danelo have raced a little bit more recently but let’s give it up for our champion from the United States Jackie hering she will take the second place in the overall rankings behind our fourth place competitor finella langri who did enough on the day to secure the points as our women sit see the women Cooperative I love that Jackie herrings winning time 8 hours 19 minutes 14 seconds with a stunning marathon time of 25232 she establishes an Iron Man PR of almost over an hour uh compared to the last time she competed all those years ago and of course uh let’s be mindful of the socials so Maya with the camera out you can check out Maya stage neel’s Instagram and that will be there momentarily but get the phone out of the way she needs to move the phone for because now it’s time for the athletic Brewing bath celebration and of course poor Jackie is going to get it all because she can’t move the poor thing I did think when the other two were standing up they were just going to pour I will say with the cooler temperatures today that athletic Brew does add a little bit of a chill which might only enhance poor Jackie’s uh cramping there but uh what a fantastic Podium and what a race uh these women put on today the level of competition and the drama uh it was not a snoozefest of an Iron Man there was back and forth there was drama there were penalties there were crashes uh and there were outstanding performances and memories that we will take from this this race result in Hamburg yeah it was a really exciting race uh some fantastic racing by the women some great performances and also lots of change and movement in the points for the Iron Man Pro Series obviously the winnner taking away a lot of points taking away a nice chunk of a prize money cash as well but those points going to towards the Iron Man Pro Series at the end of the year uh I think we now see uh we quite a big change in that ranking uh that we’ll have a look at uh shortly but yeah fantastic racing by the women today and we will certainly look forward to the men contesting their European Championship uh as we take a look at our uh top 10 standing or top 10 results from today in first Jackie Herring she’ll take home 5,000 points second place Maya stage neelen gets 4,840 points uh Daniela blel will take home 4465 points finel langri takes home 4378 points and will assume the number one position fifth place ‘s Visser at 4189 points that’s right and in sixth place Julie YOLO uh she’s 4,11 111 points Laura jansson in seventh uh elizabetha kuori in eighth and in Ninth Place Erin shenl from Canada and she will take home 3,635 points this copyrighted broadcast of world Trion Corporation may not be retransmitted reproduced rebroadcast or otherwise distributed or used in any form without Express written consent of world Tron Corporation

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