Detroit Bikes has partnered with New Belgium Brewery out of Fort Collins, Colorado to produce their iconic Fat Tire bike. This short piece is a preview of the project.

    new belgium for something like 15 years has been producing bikes they give them to their employees on that our first anniversary with the company they also give them to some of their key accounts well that design on the label it’s got that kind of beefier bid on the top tube I think that’s very American that’s like a classic old American bike style this is the first time that New Belgium will be ordering bikes that are mass produced in the u.s. in fact it’s probably the biggest order of american-made bikes in decades so it’s hugely exciting it’s a big shift in the industry and you know just an amazing show of support from New Belgium to this company into the burgeoning American bike manufacturing industry certainly gives us some credibility and some authenticity in the marketplace that that’s going to give us our first foot forward really going into year two got this great deal with new belgium so we’re just wrapping up production getting ready to those bikes out the world

    1 Comment

    1. On behalf of the Combined Veterans of Berwyn we would like to thank Both Detroit Bikes and New Belgium through Binney's Beverage depot and the Chicagoland Beverage Distributors for giving us one of these amazing Bikes which we are raffling off to benefit the Veterans programs here that we do in Berwyn, Ill.Thank you all for this amazing work of art which will be used to help Many Veterans.

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