The winter is over so walking must commence.

    hello there I’m Tim and uh this is how to murder feet a very long attempt at the England coast PA I made it so far to Essex this is the chelmer bridge in molden uh and I’ve got all the gear ready to go for a thrilling week on the Essex FS uh of course I’ve been screwed by the trains already today so this is actually uh what is it Sunday the 28th of April I think hang on let me check yep Sunday 28th of April and it’s about halfast 2 so uh [Music] yes all the passes by as well not not liking that um yeah so I’ve been screwed by the trains today already so uh a connecting train that I was kind of told by Google would definitely be there and was relying on was 2 hours late well cancelled next one was 2 hours late which means means that um I’m 2 hours later starting than I wanted to be today which means I’ve got to do uh 13 M 6 hours that’s 2 m an hour go go go that way uh and I can’t really talk and and and and gabble on here particularly I’m so flustered I’ve bollocked up the start as well you see I I I can’t even beother to retake cuz I don’t have time so I’ll do a map bit and some some actual background stuff in a way but first I’ve got to find where the acorns go like that way and around that way somewhere I’ll probably talk to you more calmly later Dam It Good Start into that light industrial and business and Retail Park okay here we go press pull some more information Etc you stay on the sea wall yeah definitely let try not that’s will probably quite rumbly uh yeah the microphone out okay so yes uh so today well we’re going way over here somewhere so uh but we’re starting here today and I’m going to try and get to somewhere around here for dropping bag and doing the necessary it’s still very noisy here as well so not feel like can talk too much but yes there’s a single continuous path up to S cot which is good and then I think they’re suggesting get a bus back so we’ll see anyway this is today’s job and I’m running out of time cuz I’m 2 hours late so uh getting all of this done today let’s uh crack on I mean as long as I get Beyond gold hanger I think anywhere around here will do I can C I can make up the mileage tomorrow 13 M today 13 Mi tomorrow as well which uh and I’ll have the whole day to do that it’s always transport nonsense right I need to get away from this really noisy road cuz it’s doing my head in it’s been that kind of day so far right I’m there then so here we go s’s uh taking us into a uh light retail park now uh well Industrial Park offices whatever I don’t know but uh it’s certainly quiet now I can I can hear myself think again less I’m less stunned and PPS by it all so let’s start again hello my name’s TI uh as as part of a sort of ongoing life Journey Quest thing I started doing the Southwest coast path as a sort of week by week holiday hiking trip with backpack about 7 years ago now uh I succeeded again to much to my own surprise four four years later worth four and a bit years later I managed to get to p haror and I thought well what I’m going to do myself now and it become quite a serious major thing kind of what I do in my holidays uh as I get going so here we are this is haybridge It’s a small uh small village town tacked on to the north of molden and we’re heading back out to the uh the chelmer river I think it’s called The chelmer Bridge uh that river goes all the way up Inland about 10 Mi 10 15 Mi to chelms Ford where I just got got a train to and a bus from I can tell you the bus station there is an education uh well I mean no more so than any other bus station in the last major Hub on Sunday afternoon but there you go anyway so here I am now um yes my travel Arrangements went to Ry so the reason I’m doing this on Sunday Sunday the 28th 8 quite the moment and not the Saturday I normally do it on Hello me yeah acorns oh I I I I become physically calmer when I see an acorn you know become pavlovian at this point anyway yes the reason I’m doing this on a Sunday not usual Saturday first Saturday in May or whatever is that um well for starters Eurovision song contest is next week and I’d already promised to go to a Eurovision party so couldn’t book that week but this week yeah this week I’m I thought I’d do it in the early May because I wanted a spare opportunity to book a second week at the end of May if things went really bad weatherwise and they did almost you’re seeing the tail end of a pretty biblical storm that came through here yesterday uh Saturday evening which fundamentally would have meant me spending a night on the F in a tent with black cloud 2 raindrops according to the net office uh so I thought well rather than trying and trudge through all that put the tent up and tent down I my tent’s waterprof and everything once I’m in I’m fine but it’s the setting up the taking and then about half a day each sides of walking in the morning in the afternoon and all in all I decided to shunt it backwards a day so start on Sunday instead of Saturday and here we are but of course Sunday trains that’s when all the engineering Works happens I don’t think a reason was given for the council to Great Western link that I needed this morning but uh I could have looked it up I guess but yes so I had to wait for the next one to connect through and that meant I’d missed the last the bus that I was going to use from Chelmsford to molden oh no there but then that’s that’s travel isn’t it you watch your Michael Palin and your Simon Reeves and people like that race around the world on bbcs and other series at the moment they’re doing South southeast Asia like Japan Korea Vietnam that kind of thing very exciting um but yeah mine’s a bit more of a modest Endeavor so I’m in molden more or less you can just see the steeple in the distance still from the center of the town there uh which interestingly enough it’s 13 mil north of South End on sea which is where I got to last September I’ve been doing winter day trips all the way since then only man 13 miles in straight line it’s actually been about 75 to 100 or so of of actual day staging because of the ridiculous nature of the river river eseries around this part of the world which carries on today so today starting in molden and 20 mi that way as the crow flies is Clon on sea a Seaside town on the Essex Coast I don’t think I’ve even reach suffk yet uh and 20 mi if I walked in a straight line and had a reasonable early start could do in one day quite comfortably but uh I’ve actually managed to plot out a coastal path rout I’ve got all the of paper I’m not going to get them out right now but all the route planning planning stages for the England coast path from the website got all those for this bit uh I think there’s four pieces of paper there and it describes a wiggly zigzaggy sort of line that essentially means I’ve got a 80 mile week going to travel 80 Mi to do 20 M of progress um yeah so Sunday today uh Monday will be further they up into tollesbury I’m trying to get to TLS Brey Wick today there’s probably not much use without a map I’ll probably get a map out a bit later when I found some proper shelter it’s a little bit Breezy weather’s settling out down now I think to be honest I think this right now it’s a little bit splattery here and there but I think this is probably the worst weather I’m going to expect all week because I put it off a day I missed some really bad weather and now I think I’ve got a good week so that’s good um yeah so yes basically up to Mercy Island we go to sucot where the uh the path ends uh well the finished path then there’s a bit detour road work and then we’re going to the aisle of Mercy along a Causeway thing and going to circumnavigate that there’s a pathway way around that although the ECP planning stage doesn’t think so we’ll see what we see when we get there then because I’m not allowed to use faeries i. the ferry from Mercy straight across the brightling sea uh I have to go up River to Colchester quite far that way up a river whose name I haven’t looked up yet then back down the other side of that River all the way down past brightling sea around the corner and up of it to Clanton on sea which has a pier which I’ve decided will be the end of this week I’ve deliberately kept this a short week cuz I’m a bit nervous about it all I’ve um last time I’ve done any proper big backpack hiking stuff was last this time last year coming out of Margate and that was a bit of a disastrous week really by my high exacting standards only managed 4 days out of the plan seven and I only did about half of the distance I planned but then I had planned about 150 mi in in 7 days which was just mad I’ve been much much much more careful with the measuring this time and I’ve been very conservative of my estimations as well so I think 80 Days in 80 Days 80 miles in 5 days should be reasonable um so that’s what we’re going to try and do I’m going to make some more progress and I’ll talk to you again soon but that’s a bit of a overall high level notes bullet points as it were let’s see where this goes it’s for a relaxing pan shot I know I am so that’s a prominade park I think on the other side we came through there at the last the end of last time it’s molden its Majesty big old Hill on the top there fortunately coming down only this time got the bus to the top and then from wandering down lot of development here big flood plane the old uh relatively recent modernish looking estate here it’s quite nice quite quite pretty do like that a sort of tricycle with the two wheels at the front anyway yes so yeah we’re basically hooking onto this side of the river now I’m just following it all the way back out to the sea I mean we’re past OC Island I think the C way to that saw that last time probably got to see North the island as well but the cause way for that was on the other side so that’s what we see there yeah weather seems to calmed a little might get a few more splatters here and there but I think this stuff is just the tail end of this enormous Lo pressure super rain flont thing that came blasting through here sat Friday and Saturday the right old mess of the place that’s the problem although although uh I’m I’m assured by the Met Office there’ll be no more inclement weather for the rest of the week uh it rain quite a lot and make this quite uh wet and slippery which may impede my progress somewhat I’m not too worried we’ll get where we get to be honest and then drop the bag us once it’s too dark to continue but I’d like to get to try and keep some sort of schedule running if I can honestly didn’t think I was far enough away from where I live now to any day whole days of traveling and then staying in a hotel or B&B or whatever that may come soon that may come before too many weeks heading north trains are just really unreliable I’ve been doing this on and off for about 7 years now four trips a year on average fly train in this manner you know there and back twice September and May and I have this I think I’m probably running on about 60% trips went the way I wanted them to and weren’t the way I planned them you know looking at at least 40% of all the engineering works or the railway just didn’t want to work or there was a strike or something I don’t remember in my childhood if the rails everyone talks about nationalization and I do remember British Rail I do remember the old slam door trains in the’80s we had first second and third class back then and I can’t honestly tell you right now if they were more or less reliable than they are today cuz I just don’t remember so I don’t know if nationalization will help so there it is I think what will help is me just really giving a lot more margin of error time I mean I’ve used i’ essentially put two hours of spare today for the vagaries of the trains and whatnot and I’ve used them up so I’m pretty much exactly on the wire now basically nothing else can go wrong today which is fine so yes once again striking off into the into the back country with a heavy bag and uh a sense of push push push push push because my arrangements have let me down or the people I’ve been depending on to make to to facilitate my arrangements let me down perhaps anyway I don’t want to start off this week on such a downer but uh things will only get better certainly in terms of weather terms of distance scenery Etc not going to be anywhere near another major road until we get cold chest there on day [Music] four so yeah I had to mark on my Ms where I think shops and pubs are cuz it might be a little bit remote on some of these day stages brought three lers of waters this time was an improvement from last go last time I seriously had had to get one of these had a lot of trouble looking for water every day because fundamentally I’ve done a lot of research on this looking up websites and blogs and things people say it should be like 1 liter for every 6 miles or so of travel which you know I suppose varies by climate be sweating a lot today I don’t think but but what I find is 2 lers will just about do me for a day’s hike and then I’ll have none during the night and it turns out I do actually need a fa bit of water during the night just to recover just to Aid my sleeping and recovery and so on so three is probably right though extra kilogram more wait see so yes today’s plan then is just to get as far along here as I can I’m made somewhere called tuls brury Wick uh specifically tlsb Wick Wick Railway Pier once upon a time there was an Old Railway that used to run out onto a pier I don’t know why for historic reasons probably some Mercantile thing um I get some vague idea that molden is famous for salt I don’t think that’s the case these days but table salt something to do with that evaporation pans and it all goes out onto a train to a p have to go on a boat perhaps we’ll see when we get there probably maybe today perhap early tomorrow otherwise there’s not much there now but it look to me like a good place to just do a quick necessary you know do an overnighter but I shall see basically I don’t know don’t know how how fast I can get along here 2 mil hour is not unreasonable but it doesn’t leave me much time for stopping and Doling or sitting on benches but then that’s okay cuz the rain has stopped there’s a bit of a breeze which means I don’t want to be just sat on a bench a long periods of a time got enough gear survival gear layers Etc under layers Marino set and such coat and such so to be all right particularly once I got the tent and bag up tent up in the bag it should be all okay but it is a bit cooler than it normally is this time of year certainly in the earlier part of this week about 5° less don’t know I think I’ll be all right got it’s a three three season sleeping bag so but um yeah just a few challenges this week set me up with good so I think if we follow this Round We join a canal that runs along that back back Edge there the chelmer navigation it’s called cuz all that clutter up there isn’t suitable for taking a narrow boat through so so there’s another way around which then forms a canal that leads all the way in L to chelon perhaps Beyond I don’t really don’t really know our nation’s Canal networks very well it’s not really my bag I’m more of a coast guy this might be a famous canal route start or something don’t know I’m not sure you really want to be taking narrow boats out to see anyway but there should be a lock somewhere up there the far corner of that pond there’ll be a lock Bridge we can cross over onto the actual River Edge proper and then yeah we just start working our way out to sea again see what we can see nice to see the sea I mean I’m looking forward to Clon has a pier I do like a pier as regular followers all know I should probably try and get an ice cream regardless of the temperature just just to be defiant but yeah mostly it’s going to be this kind of thing I think in the nail of Essex River eseries for pretty much of the week and that’s okay needs doing and then we’re through and we’re on to the next thing although I think looking at the next bit which is up behind Felix St and Har um I think there a lot of very long inland TOS up Rivers as well may may calate a visit to IP switch at one point so you know who knows not going to worry about next week I’ll get through this week first it’s nice to be out again I to have the big bag on I know it’s heavy it’s it’s wearing but does give me a sense of adventure a sense of purpose doing doing the thing again you know the thing I tell the thing I bore everyone about the rest of the year the sad parts if I couldn’t do the thing anymore all right well bye-bye molden won’t be seeing you again probably not ever thinking about it don’t have to come back through here on the transport route home I’ll go back to to go back on the train through Colchester and back through chord I think yeah we’ll never see this River again I could be uncharitable and say good but it’s all part of the thing I would little Sailing Club or yacht school or something over there ping up the river nice oh it is good to be back it’s is good to be doing this again and the through hiking too you know they’re not having to worry about driving home worries of a different kind I suppose yeah yeah yeah so that’s hybridge Bas up ahead Marina locks Etc boaty yards and the like uh so I think we’re looking at the looking at the northern side of North the island I mean the Deep Channel goes through this side so there’s no way onto there from here Causeway was over there we saw that last time didn’t actually go on it never mind uh OC Island further on so we can really see that properly yet now let me just come back in Zoom mode wish you could dynamically turn that on and off you have to stop and start filming to actually do it right so in the distance that’s Bradwell Power Station we got aluminium boxes decommissioned silencers the grave we were there a long time ago midwinter sometime uh but tlsb Wick the the the area I have in mind is somewhat opposite that across the river so we got quite a bit of way to do today still probably another eight miles or so before dark but Sun’s quite high and we’re now into late April early May uh I think Sunset is 8:30ish 8:15 something like that in the evening so actually got quite a long time it’s good we are in British summertime now since probably since last we spoke so uh yeah got optimistic about my progress my knees are okay I I had a bit worry I thought the bag won’t be too heavy for the knee um after you know last time’s trip ending ended trip um uh but no he’s fine I haven’t had any quirks from the knees all the time I was doing all the day trip stuff along there but that was only with like a I don’t know 4 kilogram bag you know so but I have been doing little bits and pieces of hiking all throughout the uh the winter after I finished in molden I I managed a trip to to Wilshire around Stonehenge to a big of 7 m 8 m round trip yump one Sunday and then I think I did lot of did a bit around Western super mayare just to get a sneak preview of The Coast paath at the far end you know spoilers I couldn’t find it actually I know for a fact it runs along the prominade at Western super but there were no signs anywhere um yeah and I climbed a local Hill called Brent n which s of sits in the middle of this massive flat sort somerset levels area uh and from the top of there you could see the little little glint of white in the far distance to the Southwest which marks out the uh super gy outdoor awning thing that they have at butland Holiday Camp in Min head so I actually saw the end of the England coast paath about two or 3 weeks ago in the distance but uh in terms of actually walking long way to go there so yeah uh some concrete there don’t know what that was and we’re cracking on you can see the windmills south of Bradwell just the Horizon yeah looking forward to this I’m looking forward to getting to the end of this River mouth and then seeing what lies Beyond um which is actually might not even happen but I suppose once we get to M sea we’ll be looking at the North Sea properly we’ll be out of this estery certainly oh well let’s go let’s do more that’s the uh haybridge Basin lock Gates and you can see how much rain there’s been recently this is just it’s just a wear at the moment there fairly high tide as well out there but this very high yeah that’s the start of the canal bit goes further off that way somewhere not my problem today Ah that’s my problem good pretty enormous Beach Huns here this one’s got a f written on the side you’ll have to pause and try and zoom and read it’s quite a lot of the madness all right working our way along the north still it’s all good should be at hybridge soon very high tide just reach the M Beach Resort around me nothing there for me just look at these Skies though fantastic a dark patch gone over at the moment but I don’t think it’s actually going to drop anything on me few splatters over there but that sort of seems to be going kind of that way a bit on the south side of the river might be all right yeah these Sky fantastic can’t decide if I want my coat on or off if I keep going keep you know keep working hard it’s uh better with it off but as I stop I start to feel the breeze a bit big old lugger or something it’s nice in a in a sort of brooding kind of way bit of sural surreality for you the beachs of OC we’ll all be living like that one day so here we are at the OC Causeway which is private no unauthorized access go away etc etc etc I mean it’s it’s high tied as well anyway so I was going to go and pop over there if I’d arrived with Time and Tide on my side but today is providing me with neither and anyway it’s private so there we go I think you could go to North KN Island and have a look around at some of its National Trust but no no Coastal AIS rid go away hand yeah strictly no trespassing ooh oh that makes me want to try but unfortunately your massive moat seems to be effective oh I don’t expect there much on there anyway it’s a private private land some Manor little Manor Country Mega Cottage of some sort all right anyway we’re going this way looks like we’re leaving civilization behind Which is far into this holiday Park and this all looks a bit more wild uh so there’s a village called gold hanger somewhere on the left but uh I’m not planning on detouring in to go and see it my research showed that there was a pub there but I just don’t have time to sit and sit and drink you know not even a pint lemonade in a bag of crisps we’ve had some stuff on the trains and things all right but yeah well it curs to me I’m not driving home I am allowed to drink have a point of something or other but not today maybe on Future Days as we Meander along this Coastline I mean tomorrow I’ve got exactly the same M to do as today only I start about 10 hours earlier no about 6 hours earlier I think so yeah it’s a bit more uh easygoing I so I’ll show you some maps later but I don’t really want a deag at the moment I mean there’s two 16 mile days and then some more smaller ones 133s and 12s really really really tried to keep it short this one you know try and do a proper week try and get some actual progress done on the old ECP but uh I need to I don’t know I just so much Co Trail I just sort of feel like I need to work back into it again my confidence has completely taken a knock over the last year’s Shenanigans I mean I I managed to cover lot of ground last year um you know 2023 through to now but that was all day trips which feels like cheating a bit doing it doing it this way I haven’t done in Al basically since this time last year and even then I failed that trip had to bail early so I yeah I do feel like I’ve taken a knock I do do wonder if I can still do this which is why I’ve kind of planned myself a a quite an easy week compared to some I’ve done I hope I can manage that we’ll see we’ll see I’m feeling okay at the moment hail and Hearty nothing obviously wrong so far so yeah let’s just crack on I suppose but yeah it’s just this bloody push push P push first day again I’m going have to have a serious world with myself about what we planning in future don’t just take cuz Google does a great job of plotting you know you say I am here and I want to go here show me Roots by public transport and it does all the connections for you it shows you what platform everything is is on that’s fine as long as nothing sudden and unexpected happens you will get there pretty much when Google says you will but anything even slightly goes wrong and it all has to recalculate and then you’ve missed your your planning your planned start wouldn’t killed me to plan to be here two to be at the start at molden 2 hours early and then just sit in a coffee shop until I want to start or to start early whatever still there it is Lessons Learned I guess bit more contingency planning still adaptability is half of it when things do go weird what do you do break down and cry no come up with an alternate plan and do it basically so there’s that you know it’s nice not to need the alternate plan every godamn time these clouds are fantastic Supernatural almost I can’t believe I’ve been rained on met met office said it wouldn’t happen so said there was going to be some overcast but very low chance of actual rain in this latter part of the day these are just spectacular they really are start taking a few photos yeah it’s it’s a bit of a chill wind I mean I’ll be right once the tents up try and find some wind Shadow I’m not hopeful given the spot I’ve got picked out I look a bit bleak but my tent should bit a hope should bit a cope should bit a hold we’ll see don’t even know if I’m going to make it to where I had picked out today I get too dark to continue which case I will just look for something where wherever happened to be I get less choosy as the night goes on generally that’s worried all right so still quite a long way to go today though regardless of of where I end up still still need to try and get the best part of the mileage done for today even if I don’t exactly hit the 13 I should hope to at least get 10 done before dark so yeah cracking on what time is it any completely lost track 16:23 okay so I’ve been going about 2 hours so far uh and have about 4 hours still dark I don’t know what that quite to in in distance but uh it’s doing well doing well long day though it’s the travel I think to be honest I think further north from here I might have to start doing a Saturday travel day stay in a hotel start Sunday anyway like I did for like penants and padstones and hives just starting to be such a f to get out here even took me 6 hours to get here I mean obviously it takes 3 hours to drive but I think normally if that train hadn’t broken or gone missing it would have Tak me 4 hours but it’s still even with public transport it’s still not day trip anymore we are well into the uh through hiking week Expeditions territory again now right keep going enjoying this path though it’s very well laid out in theory I should have a a clean clear well-marked uninterrupted path all the way to solot which is like Midway through well to be honest the end of tomorrow more or less to my planning Beyond there it all gets a bit dicey a bit weird significant Inland Road detours have to see find my way as best I can but yeah the path is technically open and complete up to Soul cop from here so yeah enjoying enjoying the lack of navigational Channel which is good cuz it helps me get more distance in this stuff’s easier going than a peep bog with no signage all right keep at it actually I’m using the Bradwell Power Station as my sort of guiding star just sort of see it look those shrubs they basically end up more or less across the uh opposite the bank from there I think we’ll see there go Heron iys stalk sideways understand whatever it is quite windy maybe Heron see a few of those around the business part where I work see me I think Flappy stringy feather headress type Arrangement who knows unusual red don’t know what that is looks like that stuff which I want to say is Heather but it’s probably not something else that uh comes in a red variety I think you know there something very wrong with that plant see a couple couple of them over there as well although I thought those were roaded engines red field this almost almost uh Devon [Music] like know what causes that distant dogs going mad good stay distant how are we doing it’s uh yeah just coming up on 5:00 got 3 and a half hours to go 3 hours should get me another 6 miles I’m not quite sure if I’ve reached gold hanger yet I think there might be gold hanger over there I think I do turn a corner and there’s like a little Jetty or wolf or something so I might have to uh give myself a sit down for a bit I know one the clock and push push push whoops trying to drop the phone as well yeah say um yeah know I’m on the clock and everything but uh probably need to have a little bit to sit down just to rejuvenate the muscles a little still Liv these Skies turbulent week well last week certainly wasn’t so much rain all over the place we’ve had more rain like since last October than any other year since records began it’s like a record rain fall season winter whatever lots of farmers particularly in the west country Gloucester and so on comp complaining that lots of their crops are underwater and just won’t grow wait lost harvests it’s probably too late to plant something else as well so yeah don’t know what that means so means I need to pack more waterproofs when I do this kind of thing anyway but yeah is that the new normal and as British like to complain about the weather certainly but there’s limits right so I think we swing around to the left and go up towards gold hanger see what’s what and to be honest anything beyond gold hanger and before tulsy is good enough for me I think but we’ll see I just want to keep going as much as I can today make up a bit of ground well at least kept to the schedule if nothing else this it’s pretty quiet out here now quite remote quite far from everywhere haven’t seen any uh other pedestrians since that last holiday park they’re all coming back I’m I’m heading out it’s getting late for heading out unless you’ve got uh Arrangements bench to sit down on some nuts in a minute but I’ve just there’s this weird shed here as well I don’t know what it’s for certainly not war vintage it’s more recent than that it’s got a hatch ice cream shop something do with sailing I don’t know look out tiny Beach generic warning triangle yeah there two benches I’ve spoiled which one he got the most imaginative plaque make them compete for my for my posterior come shrub 1935 2010 sailing on yeah certain Simplicity to that one now this one looks more elaborate what we got Sam cross Sam loved his daily walks along the seaw wall with Roxy taken from SE in the heart you stay loved and missed every day 83 to 23 he’s quite young yeah taking far too soon 40 H I don’t know then maybe I’ll sit on that third one over there that one has nothing to say no judgments to make let’s keep going there people coming along the path the other way yeah I think I’m over over there next we go do this Inlet and then we come back along that to side and then onward TOS Brey see what we can see here we go this is a just a bench I think I generally feel happier just sitting on this all right I’m going to force myself to take 15 minutes of water and peanuts peanuts you heard me uh and then stare at the sky for a bit look at that one look like a sandworm erupting on wheels’s over there too yeah I was going to stare at the sky for a bit fantastic ah a good sit down there some nuts good what difference the day makes this time yesterday I was at home wondering if my own roof would hold against the rain that worry about camping there look blue sky the Sun the evening session yeah it’s taking the edge off the wind quite nicely that could just be the shelter of that whole section there cool very pleasant all of a sudden you almost believe it would be may this week I think I’m out on May Day am I what day is it today 28th today Monday 29th Tuesday 30th is it 31 or 30 I can never remember but either Wednesday or Thursday will be the 1st of May yeah it’s good yeah there all those wind turbines to the south of Bradwell went past those along the Deni marshes it’s the problem with this part of the world you go a long way and not get very far at all I don’t know is that a metaphor cly following the coast paath anyway zigzagging ins and outs taking days and days to reach you know the other side of a river that’s only like quarter of a mile wide yeah it’s all right what it is I don’t mind I i’ like to finish it before I become physically unable to do this sort of thing anymore but it’s the traveling it’s the doing that’s the thing well I’m being followed by a dog and people right I better stop gabbing on and they get head down and get involved in some horrific overtake race yeah I’m just starting to enjoy myself some uh shadow in the way some information here Joy’s Marsh a list of birds that can be found here not seeing Adder on that list which admittedly is not a bird but still reassuring by its absence right it’s just got that magic Golden Light afternoon thing going on now I’m enjoying myself mentally cuz to be honest this morning I was finding myself a bit down and a bit uh anxious about the feasibility of doing this at all obviously I’ve done it before but how do I know I can do it again I don’t know you just have to go through it I guess anyway now it’s all turning out fine so you know it’s like day one of a six day trip but you know I’m optimistic confident even all right so I’m to get down to the end of here so we’re back on the river again after this big Bay and then I’ll do a bit of M work bit of uh working out where I am what time it is ETC it’s still a bit Breezy to be unbagging all the actual root maps and stuff I’ll do some of that tomorrow if I can show you where where’s what’s what but I mean you know the more the more a student of you can probably find it all on Google open Street reader as well my excellent side by side tools some sort of building over there going to go past that some sort of boat house or something don’t know if we just keep walking we’ll find out still tracking OC over there or no as I like to call it a big fat no when you try and go there Dr No it’s clearly a sort of shabby second rate bond villain lir isn’t it who knows what guns over there I bet there’s a missile silo of some sort good feeling the push a bit but it’s a wholesome kind of burn so I’m just going to keep at it what’s in there sheep they’re gray I I’ll find out when I get nearer okay moving on locked up don’t if it’s necessarily abandoned probably not any one in there at the moment just uh chatting to a trap coming the other way with a big bag on the sticks he was some uh re retired guy he saw my big bag and said I was the first he’d seen with with the tent and everything today likewise yeah he’s B andb here he’s some retired chap who’s doing basically the opposite direction doing the path so he told me about some of the conditions up past s cut where apparently it is that high on the path instead of this I mean I kind of knew that Beyond Soul cut the path was pretty much non-existent so you sort of get some confirmation though so yeah it’s prob to a bit of Inland road to do tomorrow then no not tomorrow Beyond tomorrow yes other day confusing myself yeah he’s been he’s he he’s made a lot more progress than I has he been doing it less time than me but he pointed out he was retired I only managed two weeks of this a year now going north maybe more maybe I can squeeze more in but certainly I can’t just crack on out every week and do bits of it all the time right so to head down and keep moving I think I’m beyond halfway of my plan today I don’t think I’m going to make my chosen spot today cuz apart from anything else there’s 2 hours of daylight left and uh it’s 6 miles away I think which means i’ have to do 3 m an hour which is a brisk walking pace under normal conditions like feel way to work or something but uh probably won’t make it that’s okay cuz I’ve Just Seen loads of spots that would would do in a pinch just to throw the tent down you know so I don’t think I’m going to have much of a problem finding somewhere and I can make up the uh make up any lost mileage I meant to do today tomorrow cuz tomorrow is a 13 Mile day only I got 15 hours a daylight to do it in so plenty of time to catch up play catch up good all right on going to do a bit more zen-like trudging see where we end up yeah off good living here just the bit where I get murdered looks empty right I might keep going for a bit I mean I’m not going to have any trouble finding anywhere it’s just a question of when I want to stop at think there like these every every couple of s of half mile I say or something like this new footpath okay keep it going so yeah worried need to choose when to stop start seriously looking at half s or good yeah I don’t think I’ll get the mileage done that I was hoping for for today but that’s okay not going to push it or break myself trying to catch up for something that’s not my fault feel good 6:30 going to make myself do another 10-minute rest cuz it seem to help to have beneficial recuperative properties restorative properties whatever don’t think I need any more nuts just now but uh certainly a swiger water all there bench of the day here we go uh Nick F Dead 1977 to 2006 something something something Ling Ling a rest in peace looks kind of like rest in peace it’s really quite far from anywhere but uh I’ll sit on it nice you what we looking at is that the AR end of OC over there I think there must be that mland sea that’s the uh don’t say Marcone Sailing Club yeah and steeple is further in land so that must be Mand sea I think and then further around is Bradwell water side can’t see that from here okay well there might be some nice twinkly lights to look at this evening no no great ocean goinging liners or anything but little villages on the other side of the river which might be nice yeah yeah right 10 minutes then going to drink and I think just relax and enjoy trying trying to remember to actually enjoy some of this this week you know yeah still out here 10 7 so I reckon I’ve got about an hour of daylight left but that looks like it’s going to go into some clouds as it sets anyway which means it’s going to get a bit darker and gloomier earlier per I mean that all looks quite menacing Cloud wise but actually that’s just going to be overcast I’ve just checked um yeah just check the M office right and and and they say right it’s going to be okay um yeah there’s no rain forecast less than 5% chance of precipitation for this area for tonight so that’s going to just come over like a blanket and keep the night temperatures relatively High it won’t be like open staright and uh condensation all over everything in the morning if that overcast stay is up so that’s good actually helps that’s actually good uh yeah so I reck about a mile and a half short of where I thought I was going to get it’s not bad cuz had two hours stolen from me today so I might just start looking for something soon actually like that Forest there little Cops is that Plantation or something it’s got meticulously trimmed hedge all the way around the outside who knows what goes on in there druidic things possibly pheasant rearing I don’t know maybe it’s someone’s house in the middle anyway I’m not going in there no I’m going to try like try and keep it path adjacent where possible you know right away adjacent so probably down in that side there I hav seen evidence of it being patrolled by 4x4s I mean there are wheel Mark grooves in it but they’re not fresh it ought to be possible to pull to one side and get tent up out of the way even if something does come through in the middle of the night which is quite unlikely but we’ll see let’s see I got this is the time I start canvasing for spots now canvas see yeah I probably won’t make it to where I wanted to be to three peer head rail Wick thing but that’s all right it’s only about a mile short or so by the time I stop I think pick that up tomorrow just if it gets too dark to continue i w still need to I mean I can broadly do my tent without without seeing it you know by touch alone but helps to have a bit of a glow in the sky still yeah start looking for decent spots now going to sleep well tonight I think well this might have to be it there a big section with the actively grazing sheep in the next bit I think that goes on for at least another mile or two so can’t go in there even though they have really kept the grass nice and tidy that must be tomorrow I think right well dog door obviously dogs come through here must be on leads so I’m thinking somewhere around here actually if it’s is a farm track or a public road to look that up but I think just off to one side and some of this Greenery the D itself makes an excellent windshade in that direction doesn’t look like it’s too inundated down here we got here oh a lot of spiky thistles and I know my new my current ground sheet is not very thick so need to a bit careful with that look at there brambles dear okay um have this side we do it on the actual gravel gross be useful got here few thistles in there I can see on the hallway yeah something around here don’t want to block the actual gate cuz that’s that then constitutes as aggravated trespass but uh as long as I’m not in anyone’s way that’s the way to do it all right well I’m going to scout around I don’t think I’m going to get much further today anyway so somewhere around here uh do the thing I’ll probably talk to you again soon and once I’ve set up and sorted myself out but yeah it’s not bad it’s about a mile and a half short of where I wanted to be maybe 2 miles short it’s all right pick that up tomorrow just hope no boy Racers come thumping down here late at night and doing donuts and whatnot what am I looking at with these tracks well we’ll see I’m sure I’ll be all right Sunday night H good pushing on a bit had a quick look on Google Maps F some whether might be a bit better yeah there we go this is better so we’re out of the sheepy bit and look lots of unused grass down there I saw those cows and was worried but they appear to be the other side of that drainage ditch moop thing so I think they’re probably fine uh yeah see a bits of fleece that’s people tracked that whe there’d be a lot more of them if there were actual sheep in this bit h it’ll do it’ll do not sure I get much further today anyway there Bradwell Power Station there uh the Ross Revenge AKA radio Caroline still there you can do little day trips onto it but I think that’s all organized from Mercy over there that that hill in the background is Mercy then the lights are on yet but they’ll be twinkling merrily I imagine before too long so I think that one with St Lawrence over there something must be Bradwell water side in the background that way um yeah and no no actual Road access here apart from further along into that field not less likely to be disturbed by late night boy races or whatever you uh yeah say as long as don’t block the gate I don’t think anyone’s going to bother me there’s bits of sheep fleece here and there but I think they might be further much further up that way I don’t know I’m not seeing any droppings certainly unless that’s all blown over from in this part where there are loads and be to keep sheet both sides of that I can see some in the distance but I don’t know if there’s another gate between here and there have to have a zoom around they just escaped I mean sheep are fairly tame I mean they’re not aggressive they’re just curious I still on them you know bumping and rustling around the tent in the night while they’re trying to eat it that might even be goats well that that campsite I camped in I paid money for camping in tinel had loose sheep in the field I heard them tearing grass in the middle of the night next to the tent didn’t damage the tent at all so it’s probably fine anyway yes right so another goat Scout scouting out and setting up probably be down here it’s going to get dark too dark to film well soon so yes yeah I don’t don’t get much well certainly not into the next field and Beyond right okay let’s have a little look see now I’ve seen fresh sheep droppings in this bit too so I need to continue about another mile to the to the next fence and style could go back to that car Parky bit I guess but don’t like going back on myself really and I got about half an hour before Sunset and then there’ll be a bit of light after I know what I’m doing in the dark plus the darker it is the better really for what I’m doing I don’t know this I don’t know yeah no seen the actual fresh droppings on the path so that’s I know this is a field in use so keep going till we find the next style can’t all be livestock along here got sleep well tonight bloody hell push so far trying to get clear of this sheep field that uh well I mean the the peer head that was after is just on that corner by The End by the lake some as just keep going going be another 10 minutes to get there we got oh there’s the sun wow magnificent hang on see I can zoom on that like in a horse and Coach madly trying to get to Castle Dracula before the sunsets 20 time zoom fantastic so trouble focusing as you might imagine okay so yeah I got about 20 minutes until sunset proper ah it is 1 minute past 8:00 in loving M Colin W 1958 to 2013 that’s a bench and a half C these perch oh look it’s got a Blog you yeah go there to learn more about it if the accounts still has active or anything has been deleted in a long time toight uh so still not enough flat space around here looks like another style over there now if there’s wild grazing in there then I have to double back and try and do something with something around here cuz it already is getting late now uh but if I reach the far end of here before and the point where it turns left on the end that’s basically the original mileage I was going to do today hello it’s promising bear that in mind let’s see what we got here if there’s wild animals in here then uh I may have to think again is your dog under control okay no right to cycle okay I have to study the path for droppings seriously that’s what I’m doing it’s it’s it’s like proper Bushcraft and everything yeah cutting it fine but it looks like I might actually get to the point I wanted to get to all along despite my 2hour train Fiasco all right well if that doesn’t satisfy me I’ll have to come back up here and do something with something around here it’s all a bit I it’s definitely no grazing in here but it’s all a bit lumpy and slopy I don’t I’ll be able to fit let’s see what we can find there we go made it sun setting literally as we watch uh yes at one point that was a railway I think coming through here and then up to here which is the uh The Remains the ruins of the Railway Pier and I think that might work just fine grass which means it doesn’t get inundated at high tide it’s high enough not to and big enough forly and I don’t anyone’s going to need access to there tonight that’s just kind of what I was hoping there’d be something I’ll failing that go the other side a bit of grass there to choose from as well and I literally can’t go any further cuz the sun’s freaking set so there we go anyway made it 13 miles in was it 8 30 now 2:30 start 6 hours yeah Solid 2 mph throughout mostly it’s getting too dark it’s saying it’s too dark for study super steury so I’m going to sign off here and talk to you again in the morning we can have a proper look at all that in the daylight probably and all the signage as well but for now I need to arrange for somewhere to sleep so speak to you again soon goodbye good sorted though I totally that’s just something I saw nothing to do with me uh right yeah see you again tomorrow


    1. 31 min bird looked like a Little Egret, which is a sort of heron.
      Was this the first person you met who was also walking the Coast Path?

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