Because we live in 2024, we often forget what went on back in the day. If that’s the case for you, you’re in for a treat. Join us, as we look at 25 strange old videos you must watch because they will change your view of the past.
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    Getting contacts fitted

    Being fitted for contact lenses isn’t a difficult or uncomfortable procedure. After a few minutes in the optician’s chair, you’ll be out the door with your prescription in hand. However, it was not so easy in the early days of contact. In the 1940s, the suckers were thick, made of glass, and came with an outrageously uncomfortable-looking fitting procedure. To achieve the exact shape of the lens, the optician had to squish some impression-forming slime onto your eyeball using the end of a suction cup-type apparatus. It was like having a dental impression done but on your eyeball. After the impressions were taken, trained workers began making, sanding, and filing little discs of glass for users to insert into their eye sockets. The newsreel even refers to the lenses as “glasses,” and the model appears to be uncomfortable wearing them. At least the external glasses did not have to be removed from their eyes every six hours.

    Soviet Robots

    This video depicts the final of the All-Union Robot Competition, which was conducted in Russia during the summer of 1967. Sepulka, the legendary robot guide, is on the far right and currently lives in the Moscow Polytechnic Museum. In the foreground is the competition winner, the robot Neptune, which was built by a group of students from GPTU-9 in Kaliningrad and directed by electrical engineer Boris Vasilenko. Another intriguing detail is related to this competition. Alla Pugacheva debuted on Central Television with her song “Robot” during the All-Union Robot Competition. On the left, you may see a future Soviet stage diva. By happenstance, Kaliningrad, Pugacheva, the robots Sepulka and Neptune, and the entire USSR, with its trust in scientific and technical advancement, were twisted in time

    two-year-old Paul’s really above the age limit for this kind of Ky Caper still Sally gets a kick out of life when he’s [Music] around because we live in 2024 we often forget what went on back in the day if that’s the case for you you’re in for a [Music] treat an attempt to prevent fatal injuries in football I have invented this new type football [Music] helmet join us as we look at 23 strange old videos you must watch because they will change your view of the [Music] past 23 getting contacts fitted being fitted for contact lenses isn’t a difficult or uncomfortable procedure after a few minutes in the optician’s chair you’ll be out the door with your prescription in hand however it was not so easy in the early days of contact in the 1940s the suckers were thick made of glass and came with an outrageously uncomfortable looking fitting procedure to achieve the exact shape of the lens the optician had to squish some impression forming slime onto your eyeball using the end of a suction cup type apparatus it was like having a dental impression done but on your eyeball after the Impressions were taken trained workers began making sanding and filing little discs of glass for users to insert into their eye sockets the news reel even refers to the lenses as glasses and the model appears to be uncomfortable wearing them at least the external glasses did not have to be removed from their eyes every 6 hours 22 Soviet robots this video depicts the final of the all Union robot competition which was conducted in Russia during the summer of 1967 sapula the legendary robot guide is on the far right and currently lives in the Moscow Polytechnic Museum in the foreground is the Competition winner the robot Neptune which was built by a group of students from gp9 in kaliningrad directed by electrical engineer Boris vasilenko another intriguing detail is related to this competition alap pugacheva made her Central television debut with her song robot during the all Union robot competition on the left you may see a future Soviet stage Diva by happen stance kenrad pugach the robots sapula and Neptune and the entire USSR with its trust in scientific and Technical advancement were Twisted in time our thumbnail is strange to say the least on the left pick we can see what baby cages looked like back in the day we will discuss this concept in more detail later on the right pick it’s a pick of the people who participated in the world’s ugliest man competition I guess these men were proud contestants 21 female bodybuilding during the mid 20th century there were several unusual weight loss Trends in the 1940s women visited slenderizing salons where machines claiming to shape their bodies were utilized such as the slendo massager the Walton belt vibrator and the Vita Master fat massager the vibrating workout belt was devised in the 1800s but it did not achieve popularity until the 1930s and again in the 1950s research suggests that body vibration activities are not effective for weight loss but it seems that most people did not want to put forth the effort to lose weight everyone wants a shortcut but that’s just not how life Works 20 car catcher since Londoner Bridget Driscoll became the first pedestrian to die in an automobile accident in 1896 businesses have raced to tackle the problem of Automotive deaths The Pedestrian catcher introduced in the 1930s was a particularly creative approach this device sometimes known as the safety scoop or car catcher was created to prevent pedestrian deaths indefinitely the contraption included a grooved roller attached to the car’s extension beam when deactivated it functioned like a bumper when a pedestrian was in danger of being hit the driver simply pulled a lever and the grooved roller descended to the ground one of the creators demonstrates catching a jaywalker with a pedestrian catcher in the video when the scoop is open the jwalker simply cannot be run over and perhaps it is more than he deserves The Pedestrian catcher however was not as infallible as advertised if the car was driving too fast or the driver didn’t pull the lever quickly enough enough The Pedestrian was in Jeopardy a few more types were tested including a shovel on a car in Paris in 1924 and another pedestrian catcher that imprisoned individuals on car hoods in 1974 19 hamster wheel in the early 1930s the car of the future only had one wheel that wheel represented the entire car the dinosphere as inventor Dr JH perve referred to it provided a cabin within the circumference of the wheel for the driver and passenger to sit tracks around the whole inside of the wheel the motor was geared to the track so when the engine was started the motor dragged the track toward it causing the wheel to move the center of gravity was low to keep the Wheel from tipping over the weight of the motor and driver was sufficient to keep them parallel to the ground if the driving apparatus was light enough the motor could climb the geared track rather than hauling it and the associated wheel around speeds of 30 mph were comfortably achieved with two people in the seat when the driver turned the wheel the lattice work in front of his eyes disappeared he flashed so quickly that he could see clearly down the road perv created two prototypes the larger one had a 2.5 horsepower gasoline motor which was adequate to propel the 1,000 lb wheel the other operated on electricity pervy created a bus version in 1935 with larger seating capacity if not for steering and braking issues one-wheeled electric cars and buses might have taken over the highways and altered the course of Automotive History 18 B baby cage dangling baby cages gained popularity following its invention in 1922 although their true Origins may be traced back to Dr Luther EMT Holt’s 1884 book The care and feeding of children EMT outlines in detail how babies must be aired in his book fresh air is required to renew and purify the blood and this is just as necessary for health and growth as proper food according to him the appetite is improved the digestion is better the cheeks become red and all signs of Health are seene essentially the belief was that this was part of a process to toughen the newborns and make them more resistant to Common colds it was believed that exposing infants to cold temperatures both outside and through cold water bathing would provide them with immunity to mild ailments while Specialists like Dr Luther EMT Holt recommended merely setting an infant’s basket near an open window other parents went a step farther elanar Roosevelt who said she knew absolutely nothing about handling or feeding a baby purchased a chicken white cage following the birth of her daughter Anna she hung it out the window of her New York City apartment and brought Anna inside for naps but a concerned neighbor threatened to denounce her to the authorities Emma Reid of Spokane Washington filed the first commercial patent for a baby cage in 1922 the cages gained popularity in London in the 1930s among apartment dwellers who lacked access to backyards it is unclear when the popularity of the baby cage began to diminish but it was most likely due to increased worries about child safety in the second part of the 20th century 17 Ronald McDonald clowns used to be everywhere the kids couldn’t get enough of them they had clowns at their birthday parties clowns on their bed sheets and clowns on their televisions wherever there were children there was certainly a clown around so what would you do if you wanted to entice children into say a restaurant of course you bought yourself a clown this is what happened in 1960 when Oscar Goldstein a McDonald’s franchisee in Washington DC chose to support his local television station production of Bozo’s Circus which starred future today weatherman and National Treasure Willard Scott as the titular Bozo the Clown the effort paid off increasing McDonald’s business in the Washington DC area by 30% because once again Boomer babies adored clowns a few years later Willard Scott’s career as Bozo came to an end and Goldstein decided to make him an offer he couldn’t refuse Goldstein offered Scott the opportun to construct a clown character and sell Burgers on Regional television filling children’s hearts with a sense that was absolutely positively not bone chilling horror Willard Scott was a skilled showman and accepted goldstein’s offer Scott came up with the idea for Ronald McDonald the hamburger happy clown which featured a cardboard box cap a paper cup nose and the Magical Power to make hamburgers in the area surrounding his belly button that’s the kind of highquality entertainment that youngsters used to Rave about Scot thought soon began filming a second commercial which appeared to imply that children should never accept food from strangers but if that someone was a clown it was perfectly fine 16 a real life UFO in the early 1950s Canada attempted to construct a supersonic vertical takeoff and Landing fighter bomber which became known as the avocar however its round shape resembled a flying saucer from science fiction films of the day Avro Canada’s design concept for the Avro car was based on using turbojet engine exhaust to power a circular turbo rotor that generated thrust by directing this push downward the turbo rotor creates an air cushion that allows the aircraft to float at low altitude when thrust was delivered to the back the aircraft accelerated and gained altitude the first prototype the avocar on exhibit was sent to NASA wind tunnel experiments revealed that the aircraft lacked enough control for high-speed flying and was aerodynamically unstable the second AOC prototype performed flight tests which corroborated the wind tunnel results the AAR demonstrated uncontrollable pitch and roll motions when it flew more than 3 ft above ground which the Avro Engineers dubbed Hub capping the avar could only achieve a top speed of 35 m per hour and all attempts to stop the Hub capping failed the project was canceled in December 1961 15 inflatable Furniture 1968 do you remember inflatable Furniture if you were a fan of deas catalog in the late 1990s you will however the plastic sofas and chairs were not invented during the Britney Spears era for the first inflatable chair will have to go back 30 years to the 1960s the US military began experimenting with inflatable constructions in the 1940s albeit they were not yet considered Furniture engineer Walter bird designed a series of Ray domes inflatable domes constructed a fiberglass cloth to shelter the radar antenna that monitored the sky over the Arctic in Canada and Alaska bird went on to design a series of air supported structures for civilian usage including the pool enclosure shown above by the 1960s Inflatables had taken on a bit of a countercultural connotation 1967 saw the founding of the house Rucker Co an avantgard architectural Collective that challenged existing ideas of what buildings could be often using inflatable structures 1967 also saw the introduction of blow the first mass-produced inflatable chair designers were fix ated on Inflatables throughout the 1960s the 1968 exhibit in Paris showcased a wide range of Fantastical inflatable constructions including an inflatable Pavilion replete with inflatable Furnishings that same year Vietnam born designer quazar KH launched Aerospace a collection of inflatable Furniture featuring blowup chairs sofas tables and even lamps in Groovy 60s patterns inflatable Furniture returned in the late 1990s which is probably when most viewers remember it although it was popular for a while inflatable Furniture in the 1990s suffered from the same issues that plagued Ika designers sagging discomfort and almost inconveniently lightweight this however hasn’t kept a new generation of designers from experimenting with Inflatables 14 football helmet every now and then an image appears on the internet of a man wearing a helmet as he crashes head first into a wall the image which looks to date from the early 20th century is supposedly a test of a football helmet’s Effectiveness this humorous video shows a man testing his American football helmet Innovation which he believes would avoid fatalities and injuries he has several men kick him in the head and Bash him with a baseball bat before he rushes head first into a wall only to fall back on his derer thereafter in case you’re wondering this video was shot in 1932 13 wing suit flying fron Carl reil also known as Henry franois reil after his French naturalization was an austr Hungarian born French tailor inventor and parachuting Pioneer sometimes referred to as the flying tayor who died by jumping from the Eiffel Tower while testing a wearable parachute he designed rilt had grown obsessed with creating a suit for aviators that could turn into a parachute and allow them to survive a fall if forced to abandon their aircraft in midair although he constructed and experimented with numerous prototypes of wings and parachute suits over the years they were largely unsuccessful to the point where it was a source of disagreement between newspapers after his death as to whether any of his designs were ever practical 12 full-on Airship rescue on April 15th 1928 the dirigible Italia took off from Milan Italy intending to become the second Airship to reach the North Pole over a month later on the 24th of May Expedition Commander Umberto nobil transmitted a triumphant radio message to a ship anchored at the airships base camp near ni alisun in the Norwegian archipelago of svalbard stating that the mission was successful it would be the base Camp’s last message from Italy 10 days later a teenage Russian with a homemade radio detected A desperate SOS broadcast from 1,180 km away on its return route the Italia crashed on sea ice north of spalart leaving nine survivors who were desperately trying to contact the base ship to send rescue the Shipwrecked crew could hear a news station from Rome 2,485 M away but no matter what frequency they use their calls for Aid could not reach their camp on the other side of the spard islands the stranded crew was eventually rescued after several weeks on the ice 11 nor soup creepy advert 1985 the commercial in this video was broadcasted in 1985 for nor soup it shows a scarecrow waking up in a field after it begins to rain the Scarecrow begins to dance probably a tribute to the movie Singing in the Rain as he moves from location to location in the rain until a man lets him in his house to get a taste of the amazing amazing nor soup I personally find the Scarecrow fun to watch but kind of creepy at the end of the video after he slurps some of the soup what about you let us know if this commercial frightened you in the comments below 10 TV helmet around 50 years ago a man wore a submarine style white helmet that spanned from front to back his entire head vanished into the futurist capsule with only the title indicating what was happening the TV helmet invented in 1967 is a technological Gadget that isolates the user while immersing him or her in an endless network of information blocked off from the outside world the wearer is entirely focused on the screen in front of his eyes Walter peer created TV helmet which not only formally anticipates the cyberg glasses developed decades later but also articulates content questions in relation to the media experience long before the virtual world was discovered Walter Pickler was most likely already a media critic at the time but he was also a philosophically thinking artist who began to invest instigate space outside of the four walls and architecture of cities Pickler named his Innovation the portable living room his groundbreaking Creations the prototypes were pneumatic plastic living Bubbles from the 1960s that sought answers to problems about tomorrow’s customized life somewhere between design architecture and art peer’s futurist sculptures with their references to space flight and modernist materials evoked a desire for the future even if his statements were claimed to be skeptical or cynical in tone nine swimming lessons in kilo County CLA an alternative technique of swimming teaching was highly successful kilo County CLA is located on the banks of the Shannon River many youngsters from kilo and surrounding bolina congregated at pierhead on a regular basis for swimming lessons which were taught by Peter Lacy over a 100 youngsters were able to swim confidently and enjoy the water thanks to this volunteer swimming instructor who also worked as a painter and decorator it was never a case of flinging them into the deep end all newcomers learned safely with the help of a rope harness this popular hobby was facilitated by a man who stated that his teaching was completely theoretical he himself did not swim in the absence of a communal swimming pool Peter Lacy decided a few years ago to conduct swimming lessons in the River Shannon himself as a founding member of the local swimming club he received sound advice from an experienced swimmer he was assured by an experienced gentleman that if he performed the leg kick and arm movement everything would be okay the quantity of young youngsters enthusiastically splashing around in the Shannon served as proof that Peter Lacy’s lessons worked this man enabled all the town’s children to swim and have a great time eight first London Olympics game 1908 the 1908 Olympic games were originally awarded to Rome but were rescheduled for London when it became clear that Rome would not be ready despite the short notice the games were extremely well organized for the first time a stadium was built specifically for the games and swimming competitions were not held in Open Water dando Petri of Italy entered the stadium at the end of the marathon and it was immediately clear that something was a Miss dazed he went in the wrong direction and collapsed the officials assisted him in crossing the Finish Line in first position therefore he was disqualified for getting outside assistance but his bravery gained him immortality sportsmanship existed on a scale unfathomable in today’s more competitive environment one excellent example occurred when the middleweight Greco Roman wrestling final between f off Martinson and moris Anderson was rescheduled for one day to allow Martinson to heal from a minor injury Martinson successfully rebounded and won the marathon was the most noteworthy event of the 1908 games the games organizing committee set the Marathon course at 42 km and 195 M with the final5 m added to justify the route from Windsor Castle to the Royal box in the London Stadium this distance became official beginning with the 1924 games 7 entering the fifth wheel this 100-year-old video shows how cars back in the days were capable of automatically releasing their fifth wheel located at the back of the vehicle with the push of a button the wheel would snap out of position and slide to the ground allowing the car to rotate 360° so it could easily swerve out of a parking space as you can see in the video it’s surprising to see the sort of gadgets that were invented such a long time ago six giant human chess in this movie we return to Len in 1924 Peter romanovski and Ilia rabinovich two Chess Masters at the time competed in an unusual chess encounter they apparently called in their moves over the phone and had real life chess pieces humans and horses move around a massive chess board that covered Palace Square the black pieces were made up of Red Army soldiers while the white ones were made up of Soviet Navy sailors the annual 5-hour contest aimed to promote chess in the Soviet Union five total electronic home believe it or not in the late 1950s Westinghouse provided advertising materials for 16 different all electric home floor plans built by five different Architects each priced at $10 and ranging in size from 900 to 2,000 ft The Architects were also commissioned to design model homes in various parts of the country the Westinghouse Total Electric home was officially opened for public visits on Sunday April 24th 1960 the house which measured 1,64 ft featured two courtyards sections known as Outdoor Living centers three bedrooms a living room an entertainment center and a food preparation Center situated in the center of a big open area visitors were asked to take note of the built-in appliances as Westinghouse intended visitors to imagine it as a home manager with numerous electrical helpers rather than traditional techniques to think Visionaries at Westinghouse imagined this 64 years ago is mind-boggling four footage of San Francisco 1906 this film footage of San Francisco in 1906 has been repaired with a sky visual effect applied this was Market Street on April 14th 1906 4 days before San Francisco’s earthquake and fire a motion picture camera mounted on the front of a cable car captured a trip down Market Street between 8th and 9th streets then Eastward to the cable car turnaround at the ferry building the miles brothers who worked as moving picture photographers produced the film a few days later the miles brothers were on their way to New York when they learned of the earthquake they sent the negative to New York and returned to San Francisco to find their Studios had been destroyed for many decades the film’s origin remained a mystery and it was long assumed to have been filmed in September of 1905 after being dated as such by the Library of Congress based on the state of construction of various structures however in 2009 and 2010 film historian David Kean co-founder of the Niles film Museum in Niles California dated the film to the spring of 1906 using automobile registrations and weather data Kean eventually discovered promotional papers from the film’s first release dating it to April 14th 1906 and finally crediting the directors the miles Brothers three how cartoon Popeye made without computer this fascinating and informative 1938 film part of the Popular Science series takes viewers on a tour of flyer Studios newly built Miami Studio during the production of the classic papy film Aladdin and his wonderful lamp The Talented artists can be seen hard at work as they flesh out drawings for the 2D cartoon in extremely early cartoons the entire frame including the backdrop characters and items was created on a single sheet of paper and photographed everything had to be redrawn for each frame with movement which was tedious work and required many artist to complete as you can see in the video it’s incredible to see how simple black and white drawings came to life in beautiful animated color two Model T Ford assembly line one prevalent fallacy is that Henry Ford invented the vehicle this is not correct while he did not invent the automobile he did pioneer a new method of manufacturing multiple Vehicles the moving assembly line was the mode of production used the conveyor belt was the most typical feature on this production line belts were employed in a variety of sectors including slaughterhouses moving the product to the worker looked to be a more efficient use of time and resources the Ford Motor Company team decided to test incorporating the moving assembly line into the automotive manufacturing process following much trial and error Henry Ford and his team successfully implemented this idea at the Highland Park Assembly Factory the moving element was what distinguished this assembly line from others Henry Ford famously stated that the use of a moving assembly line allowed work to be brought to workers rather than the worker having to move to and around the vehicle the automobile started being dragged down the line and manufactured step by step it was initially dragged by a rope before evolving into a basic moving chain system the Innovative procedure allowed the Model T to be constructed in only 90 minutes one miniature Roadster Alf tab was a bike shop owner and trick cyclist from kidderminster worsters Shire he is well-renowned for creating and riding small bicycles as demonstrated in the video in 1938 tab like his father fashioned a 15-in bicycle to display outside his shop as a promotional gimmick curious whether he could ride the bicycle he tried it and discovered he could with a little practice he was then urged to Showcase his act at the nearby glider drone this inspired tab to create other miniature Cycles including an 18-in Tandem and a miniature penny farthing with a 12-in front wheel tab his daughter Peggy and granddaughter Pauline then performed trick cycling for television audiences in the United Kingdom and America he also achieved a world record for uncontested riding a 12-in tiny bicycle for more than 40 years no one could beat tab at pedaling the 12-in cycle more than 5 yards tab’s final formal performance was at a mayor’s ball in 1974 when he was 91 years old and still able to ride his 12-in miniature bicycle tab died in 1976 aged 93 I don’t know about you but some of these videos blew my mind especially the westing house home Concept in the 1960s which one was your favorite why don’t you let us know in the comments below well that’s it for now if you enjoyed this video please give us a like and let us know in the comments what you think check out our other videos and subscribe to be part of the fun click on the notific ification icon so you can see our new videos as soon as they’re uploaded thanks for watching and see you next time


    1. As for the pedestrian catcher:
      1. Jaywalking exists in the united states ONLY. Nowhere else in the world, to my knowledge, is it illegal to cross the street just anywhere. Therefor calling the man a jaywalker is a bit derogative to say the least, given the location of the original video is not clearly communicated.
      2. Especially back then, but now perhaps even more, cars are in the way of people, NOT the other way around. Cities and towns are made for people to live in, not for cars to live in. And so an expression like "more than he deserved" is simply disgusting.

      Yes I'm a driver. But I also have the freedom not to drive, as do others.

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