We commented on Scottie Scheffler’s run=in with police in Louisville…the new Venu Sports streaming service…top College Football villains…and the best teams over the past decade in the major sports leagues. Our guests: Austin Ward of THE Podcast, Ohio State Strength & Conditioning coach Mickey Marotti and AJ Hawk

    [Music] rise and grind ladies and gentlemen it’s about to get bumpy time to attack and dominate this is morning juice with Brandon Beam at Bobby Carpenter and here we go on Friday attacking and dominating our way to 9:00 a.m. every single weekday morning right here on the fan Brandon the beam the general Bobby Carpenter and of course our fearless leader and producer Mark the shk general we’ve navigated our way to Friday what’s going on man good to talk to you after a little In-N-Out New York City yesterday yeah crazy it was uh it was surprising that travel went surprisingly smooth so I probably burn that up for a for a future trip where hey you know what when I don’t need my my flights to take off on time they did next time you’re screwed yeah both of them got there when they needed to but them left when they needed to and felt good about it outside of a guy tripping over my feet falling on the ground and then going to throw up in the bathroom oh God on the way back oh boy we’ll get into that later be I was like dead asleep I wake up and there’s a dude who’s falling on my legs like what the heck and then they come help him up you guys a little bigger and he go he goes in the bathroom and doesn’t shut the door hear him throwing up I’m like what is it too many airport beers I don’t know it’s unknown but maybe it’s not like we were delayed or anything but maybe that was still the case yeah outside that I mean everything was pretty good well there was I mean it was windy as all get I’m talking British Open style wins like 30 40 massive Gus like to where your ball you could hit a good shot that would be blown like wouldn’t even land on the green you could be at the flag stick dead center blown into the bunker to the right wow I mean my Knockdown Game was strong yesterday good yeah well you’ve always said that the British Open is your favorite major 100% I love everything Brit uh British man I know you do uh why I call you British Bob we play with Club sticks so like house sticks and I mean I had a nice n degree driver which really plays oh yeah H Stinger burners off the te which the problem was our first three holes we played into the wind I’m like is this for real is this going to be all day start going backwards and then we uh then we get to go into it the problem was I couldn’t get it to elevate at a 9 degree driver at that point I couldn’t I couldn’t get any of the benefit of the wind so it was fun though it was a good time you know Urban was there a bunch of Buckeyes were out there it’s there’s like some crazy number I want to say 1,700 students at Ohio State from the state of New Jersey or something really yeah t of Jersey folks there was actually a guy who was there who I was in grad school with he was actually at Morts and we took a uh he was in law school here we took a couple of classes that overla together was in my group and then one of my former students was actually there as well good to see you’re doing well I mean it was it was pretty wild so it was it was fun but a good time uh Swani Golf Club really nice yeah it looked off pictures look sweet yeah they’re redoing they’re getting Senior Open out there oh cool yeah and so they they they modified some things changed it up it’s it’s very link style course beam yeah look I mean it looked like it right on the water open the bunkering kind of with that like they got like Heather out there a little bit and so that was still growing in which was nice because you can find your ball lot easier than in that thick nastiness you it’s like late summer early fall that starts to grow up and it just gets gnarly so they did some work on it so it was still like growing it was still growing into it but I think they’re going to make it a yearly deal in the spring so it was pretty fun really enjoyed it good glad you had a good time had a nice little uh Thursday sounded good yeah we had a good time yesterday finally got a hold of Jeff was that yeah face down in that red drank he likes so much he really was fact that he was like texting shark and then I had texted the bat line number like why did you why are you blocking our call yeah exactly too cool we called him every Friday of the blue jacket season should be spam like why how right how did that how did that happen just because we haven’t called you in like the last couple of weeks so oh yeah it’s a good show yesterday went home my mom watched William yesterday I played a little golf over at Scarlet with Timmy uh and ski and then Chad from learfield uh yeah it was a great time man it was beautiful here uh in central Ohio too I know that you were out in Jersey uh but it was drop dead gorgeous yesterday out here so had a fun time with that uh and then Gulliver our boy Gulliver’s back he’s moving into his new place today he stayed the night with us last night so he got to uh experience the full like William show he hasn’t seen him since the Billy show yeah he hasn’t seen him the last time he was in town was the Michigan game so he wasn’t even like crawling then now he’s running around all kinds of craziness so uh that was good good to hang out with him last night he’s back in town officially cuz he graduated Howard Law School uh last weekend so he’s getting ready to move into his place it was good to see him last night so really really nice set his room up for him no so it was funny you said move into his place I was just making sure it’s not our place I didn’t know he’s got his own independent place this time which is good uh it’s getting ready to go to bed and he was like all right man see you tomorrow I’m like no you won’t like you’re going to be out of the house before I get home hopefully cross my fingers like don’t just don’t pitch a tent in here all right let’s go and uh he’s getting ready to walk into walk into what was our former guest room and we shuffled around everything from upstairs to downstairs and moved William all around and he’s like getting ready to open the door I’m like don’t do that that’s not you go to the other room you go the other room is yours now don’t walk in there he’s like can I take a shower I’m like no you can’t do that either I’m like cuz it’s no noises past like 9:00 yeah it’ll be deathly silent so it was a really awesome day that we had we got a great show lined up for you here this morning uh herbs in an nil situation had some pretty good thoughts on it I tend to agree with him on that we’ll do that coming up here in our next segment we’ve reinvented cable uh we got that going for us which is nice what are the best villains in college football there’s a great article posted earlier in the week we’ll do that coming up here the top of the 7 o’clock hour Austin Wards 7:35 AJ Hawk at 8:35 and potentially a special guest in the 8:00 hour yeah we’re going to Mick him right at some point he’ll be in there uh promote they’re little like you know the competition session going to be over at uh St John’s here in ear mid June I think June J 21st yeah so excited so make sure you get your tickets for that and he’s going to talk a little bit more about what it is and so everybody can get there and and uh enjoy that and get closer because it’s really going to be a chance to engage with the players yeah so he’s got a meeting uh this morning so anytime sometime in the 8 o’clock hour he’s he’s going to join the program when his schedule frees up so awesome show but before we get into anything else today it is Friday the 17th day of May 2024 Sig for today in [Music] history time to get smarter morning juice presents today in history here’s your professor Bobby Carpenter sponsored by Dr Mark Levy if you’re snoring and not sleeping call Dr Mark Levy at 1 800 more Le all right bab what do you got lined up for us this morning buddy oh it is May 17th Friday 138th day of the year 228 days remaining this 2024 uh this day 19 or 1792 the New York Stock Exchange is formed under the butterwood agreement all right uh getting some of the financial instruments up and running here in the United States you how long ago that was 19 1792 long after the founding yeah uh this day 1875 the first running of the Kentucky Derby won by aristides uh that was back when in the track was a mile and a half not the mile and a quarter that they run right now okay in 1928 the ninth Olympic Games open in Amsterdam over there beam the Dutch getting that done MH uh 1939 Columbia and Princeton playing the first televised uh uh first telis sporting event the uh collegiate baseball game took place in New York City nice how about that uh in 44 Eisenhower sets the D sets dday for June 5th yeah I had to push it back push back day cuz a little weather like fog wasn’t it I believe there’s some weather they couldn’t get everything going but they set it for June 5th had a little obvious a little play there with that uh then this day 1954 Supreme Court of United States hands down the unanimous decision on Brown versus the Board of Education overturning the SE sep but equal policies that were in the United States prior to that uh 1975 That’s The Way of the World hit by Earth R and Fire Hits number one and then on this state 1970 Hank Aon becomes the ninth player with his 3,000th hit how about that beam couple uh some birthdays today uh Ronald Wayne turning 90 one of the co-founders of Apple uh with jobs this day born on this day 1936 unfortunately we lost him almost 15 years ago Dennis Hopper uh one of my favorites out of hoer is Apocalypse Now lots of other stuff I am holding Bruce Missi shoe man do you know what Bruce does in these shoes man bad things man I mean bad things things that I just I just can’t uh possibly talk about you know what Bruce would do if he found me messing with this shoe man bad things man bad things man that was one of my favorite uh Reebok commercials Bruce Smith Dennis oper Nike I was Nike sorry Nike commercials he did a great job with that bad things man bad things there’s a whole series of those uh so happy birthday to deceased Dennis Hopper uh Marshall Apple White Bor this day 1931 one of shark’s favorite leaders of all time founder Heaven’s Gate so get that going ride the back of uh uh what was that Comet uh Haley’s was that no it was a different was it Haley’s Comet it was like a different comah is that what it was comic cahoot Tech yeah what was what was their name like zo and Mo and toe I don’t know but back there they said there was like a there was some existence in that tail there was a civilization living back there corre they had to drink the punch I told you I watched that documentary on HBO about it then you started making some Kool-Aid about your Nikes you’re ready to go uh Bill Paxton of Twister Fame born on this state 1955 as well look look just let me go there there’s no need to kill me hey Carlos the game’s over your career as an international terrorist has been well documented oh yeah oh yeah no no I’m not a terrorist I’m actually a complete coward if I ever saw a gun I oh God no please don’t don’t kill me I’m nothing I’m Naval L I have to lie to women to get laid and and and I don’t score much I got a little dick it’s pathetic oh god oh would a spy pee himself and that is Bill Paxton out of True Lies the other voice you heard was Tom Arnold um in there really good movie that’s a shark I brought Bill Paxton he’s like I gotta play this I said go for it it’s a good scene uh sugar that was I’m good on a Friday now I’m just going to just going to cruise for the next couple hours that’s great bring a little levity to the situation uh bill or Sugar Ray Leonard turning 68 Bob Saget I hope you got the one that I asked for shark I don’t know if that’s acceptable to play uh would have been 68 unfortunately we lost him a couple years back even when I did the thing I’m sure you all saw the Full House you ate it like meatloaf you love the damn full house right love the Full House and I had a bant and St had a mullet and Kier had like a reverse sting Flock of Seagulls piece ofit on his head I don’t know what that thing was but if you see somebody without on their head you shoot that thing off cuz that is wrong and I love him he’s like a sister to me I love him he’s a good guy if he could learn to wipe front to back he’d be fine that’s amazing how many foms you have to cut out out of there a lot I bet exactly listen marijuana’s not a drug shark oh simply a plain you light on fire absolutely uh and it’s the singer turning 63 would love to hear that Trent resner lead singer in 9in Nails turning 59 today uh Danny Manning and the Miracles turning 58 Matt Castle turning 42 shark’s fourth favorite Cleveland Cavalier Channing fry turning 41 NBA champion with the Cleveland Cavaliers Channing fry and then Matt Ryan who you’re now going to hear on CBS I believe on the desk turning 39 uh some passings today passing away 18-29 first Chief Justice of the United St John J John Deere passed away in 1886 and Donna Summer the queen of disco passing away in 20 uh 12 beam we’ve got some holidays observances if my computer will unfreeze here for just one second we’ve got endangered species day we’ve got International child helpline day uh National Defense Transportation day NASCAR day how about that cherry cobbler day rides Your Bike To Work Day mushroom hunting day Rat Pack day National pizza party day Walnut day hypertension day beam that’s high blood pressure uh telecommunications day as well and National Peno gregio day so make sure May’s in on that nice crisp Pino GRE absolutely on a nice rainy Friday and those are your historical events your birthdays your passings your holidays observances for this date May 17th 138th day of the year with the mere 228 days remaining this 2024 very well done on that General as always former bucka head coach says nil is being implemented in the wrong way that’s next morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic center hey there and good morning right now we’re tracking multiple issues across your interstates the first one on I 270 westbound just beyond Alum Creek Drive the right lane slightly blocked off over there and if you’re coming in from the South Side this morning i71 Northbound has some lane closures because of a crash this is right near the Frank Route Road State Route 104 exit so expect that over there and over in the ganic area the left lane is blocked on I 270 southbound right near Hamilton Road because of a crash I’m ttv’s Amy sterwald with your fan traffic fan traffic is sponsored by Sears Heating and Cooling Sears Heating and Cooling is a locally owned family business and for 72 consecutive years Columbus has counted on Sears Heating and Cooling to keep them comfortable Legend has it underneath the njm insurance offices lies a Mysterious Room of long forgotten moldy mascot memorabilia often pitched by ad agencies always ejected by njm is it real we may never know but what is real is njm’s dedication to doing what’s 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Transportation van weather from the Logan AC and heat Services weather center rain is back in the forecast for today look for off and on showers with a high of 75 tonight look for a nighttime low of 62 on Saturday look for scattered showers with a high of 78 and on Sunday look for mostly sunny skies with a high of 82 I’m Doppler 10 meteorologist still in robber Shad on 971 the fans FanDuel is the exclusive online Sportsbook partner of morning juice just sign up at fanduel.com sju the fan Ohio Sports destination keep on swiping that card baby keep on swiping that card charge it to winning this is morning juice Friday edition of the program Brandon B and Bobby Carpenter Mark the shark and coming up here 7:35 Austin Ward sometime in the 8:00 hour Micky Mora he’s going to join the program and then AJ Hawk you guys going to get golfing today yeah yeah I think so they said they they were going to go the the people over at the good folks over at uh U Golf Course were pretty confident the weather was going to break here midm morning okay and I think that the rain isn’t bad it’s a drizzle like it’s not a hard rain yeah it’s not too bad I said I can get drunken rain like this it was I mean yesterday I was in a wind tunnel beam I was hitting like a driver 140 yards in and I’m not kidding you it’s not a joke bet it’s not a joke like the worst part was I hit this one just approach shot pretty our putts were moving with the wind yeah that’s that’s when you know when you see the geese and the Ducks walking instead of flying I said that’s there go there’s so much Goose crap out there so much Goose crap a dog out there well that’s what they said go the guy’s got an Australian Shepherd ago how about how about he gets three or four of them starts ringing the neck of those geese you get Theo out there oh let him go there’s some baby geese listen get them too cuz they’re just going to grow up to be big Nemesis there was Goose crap everywhere like start taking them out right now and uh but I was I was approach shop sh we hidden and it was covered by trees and some of the homes there you guys playing Scramble uh yeah W and I did a two-man scramble oh nice yeah so uh it was fun though so we’re hitting and we’re not feeling any wind and he’s like I think the wind’s about look at the flag stick over there looks like it’s about to rip off like it was the point where you’d have to twoand the flag stick back in the hole sometimes and so that was one I hit really nice I’m like aiming and then for some reason then the wind would stop I like aimed a left edge of green no right to and then it just stayed over there I’m like what is going on flag sick moving ball not you couldn’t get a feel for any of it wow um but it was it was a lot of fun yeah the win so we’re going to play today schlags is going to be there AJ he’s going to call from on the way to the course he’s going to drop Lenny off uh his daughter at school at 820 so I was like I’ll meet you over there you and I will probably be there about the same time so I’ve got my golf shoes on right now beam traveling yesterday I was debating whether I should wear my golf shees through the airport or not clack clack clack clack and I mean I even have my glove you got the soft spikes or you got the little Nubs uh they I don’t know you think these are the take a look at them the Nubs yeah yeah you got the little Nubs on there those are nice you can wear those doing anything I could I mean I could work I could work out in these yeah they’ve got like even the cooler ones now that look even more like tennis shoes these are pretty close these old Ricky fowers pulling out a golf club out of your pocket course I mean be ready I had to go anytime anytime a golf match strikes beam I uh I’m ready to go so that was it was fun but they I like get stuff out of my golf bag and then it’s like I feel so naked cuz I have a they got a million compartments and I know where everything is all my stuff’s in there like to bring a box of balls with me I was really pumped I only lost one sleeve of golf balls which is that’s great especially with I mean water and wind oh yeah oh yeah it was all that goose crap everywhere it’s terrible but yeah that’s one zwick lost more balls than me I said you know what that’s a record first time ever that I’m not the leader of golf balls lost I brought he I brought two sleeves that should be enough and usually give you a sleeve or two when you get there yeah and I I brought a whole box smart and then I was like okay I got five sleeves 15 enough and only only need three well then you got you now you have four for today yeah I’ve got four hopefully I’m only losing sleeve today not yeah Scarlet I mean there’s areas where you can get in trouble but you can find your ball it’s mostly oh yeah it’s spots that you’ll be able to find I me you’re usually playing off a fairway which Fairway that is might might be your option but things and this was like an old school course cuz it’s all tucked in it’s not like the ones now you they’re up in double the new ones with like the finger out like like mirfield so I mean it’s all on top and trying to like navigate where we’re going like to just weave in and out of each other groups coming down you guys are going there was one this is no joke there and I’m not for that was everybody I’m not a great golfer I mean I’ve never proclaimed to be I’ll hit a great shot every now and then it’s enough it’s enough to bring you back but there was there was uh one t-shot that we were shooting and there was a cart pad that the like halfway house was like right there beside us and the car path went like right in front of the t- boox I’m like do they not inherently realize how dangerous this is like number one I’ve got a 40 mph headwind in my face so I’m not trying to hit in the air second of all I might hit the I could hit the halfway house I mean it was only about 20 degrees to the right I go that’s in play it’s only that’s right in my smoke it’s about 20 yards up now I’d have to hit it really bad but I’ve hit that shot before that’s in there unintentionally so that’s that’s I got it in I’m like before somebody drives across here and I hit them in the temple with a golf ball I I can hit a nice burner 5T off the ground that’s not out of my the realm of possibility and frankly it’s probably a higher likelihood of that than hitting a 200 yard right down the middle oh and then you gave me a it’ll go 200 you gave me this n degree what are you asking me to do here that thing already inherently not getting 30 ft off the ground hitting with a dinner plate well I’m glad you had a good time hopefully the weather uh breaks for you guys today uh this came from I was reading 11 Warriors as always they do a great job over there um this came from the Lou Holtz podcast um listen you tell Ryan D and I think Notre Dame is still the best team in college football they’re the toughest so he they tried to play the final play with only 10 players that’s how tough they are they had uh Urban well I should say they Lou had Urban on his podcast Urban M he’s co wide receivers for me that’s so good your impression is so good I’m jealous that you can do that have a have a fake list yeah exactly well even the I think it’s more in herly in there I’ve had to coach it out of my out of my lexicon so he had Urban on and here’s what Urban said about like the state of nil and I think it’s pretty interesting out of him because I think nil I sat in those committees for many many years I think it’s great I I think if it’s capitalism for example if a great player like Marvin Harrison Jr in some car dealership in town wants to hire him they want to put his name on a billboard they want to pay him money sign autographs he want to put something on Instagram or sell that uh that’s great amazing Urban referenced Instagram in this he did he said Instagram not my face Facebook but that’s not what happened what happened is cheating and then he said America’s build uname image likess if Lou Holtz or Urban Meyer or Marvin Harrison Jr or CJ stra want to go and use their name to help sell cars help a business that’s great but to have a 17-year-old demand money for a pay visit uh and to pay these players a lot of money to go visit a charity for 20 minutes and then right back a check for $50,000 that’s cheating that’s not what all this is about I’m very disappointed in where it went inherently agree with him yeah the problem was is how are you going to bifurcate coming here and getting the money versus people inherently promising yeah money upon arrival and now kids like want money for visits and things and so there’s a he’s right and then the here’s part of the thing is the fact that the NC refused to act for so long that then the states started acting and then the Supreme Court got involved and now they’re like well you can’t stop any of it so what are we going to do they should have got on the TV revenue and all these things the gene was talking about five years ago got ahead of it once guys listen to us once they saw yeah once you saw the hole in the Dyke like let’s put the finger in it and then try to figure out a solution not just try to finger plug all the different hes like shark does on a weekend yeah I mean at this point Bob it’s just a sinking ship and they’re trying I mean they’re at least I give them credit now because they’re trying to turn into the Black Pearl right or the Flying Dutchman flying maybe it turns into the Flying Dutchman but you have to have dead people on it to be able to drive it that’s true the ghostly ship like that we’ve just re I think that might be our first Pirates of Caribbean reference in four years beam yeah we have not many of those that we get I really love Pirates the Caribbean I do too Johnny Depp perfect character tons of eye eye makeup on there very very interesting guy Johnny Depp one Mega pint of oh he’s the best I feel like that might be actually Johnny Depp’s real character Captain Jack Sparrow I think it incepted I think it took over his life either I think you’re right I think he may have became the gimmick I think he did you know and that’s just like Russell Wilson I was having that conversation yesterday with some folks there too about Russell becoming the gimmick and I think I think Johnny Depp is now just yeah it’s like you can’t get out of that Captain Jack Sparrow mode a great to Sharky hates streaming I’ve got good news for him because we just reinvented the total cost of NFL viewing we have just reinvented cable that’s next morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic center hey there in good morning right now we’re still watching a crash out in the Gan area on I 270 southbound the left lane slightly blocked off near Hamilton Road because of a crash if you’re coming in from the south side on i71 expect some slowdowns near Frank Road 104 exit as the left lane is blocked for a crash and we’re watching cruise clear up a crash on I 270 westbound just beyond Alum Creek Drive I’m ttv’s Amy sterwald with your fan [Music] traffic fan traffic is sponsored by whiskey War by high Bank Distillery drink local drink High bank at triaa it’s our policy to look on the plus side and AAA Plus members tend to take the same view take Martin last Monday his coffee surprised him with an extra 10° of Fahrenheit it was just the jolt of energy he needed later when he walked into a door he was happy to provide entertainment for his co-workers okay and when his car battery took early retirement he knew expert roadside assistance was only a call away hello triaa become a AAA plus member and experience peace of mind on the plus side Towing is subject to a 7-Day waiting period terms and conditions apply always at the Forefront of new technology Tire Discounters announces our latest breakthrough TD chat BS this software allows us to detect untruths deceptions and even outright lies let’s 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testosterone and hormone replacement therapy feel great columbus.com the fan here’s a list of Undisputed facts Beamer is round shark was a swinger and no one derails a show like Bobby Carpenter no one this is morning cuse hey by the way you always stream the program our app our website anywhere you get your streams from you can always listen to the podcast streams after the show around 9:05 shark there’s a great job putting that together we’re also now on YouTube that’s right you can watch us live in the morning just go to YouTube www.youtube.com it’s a new website that they invented just a few months back so we wanted to be early H YouTube to come in here and shoot this for us yeah they came down to film it uh we wanted to be early adapters on this so you go there in they have a search bar on there you can search anything you want what you need to do it’s defined by the magnifying glass up in the corner and you click on it you click on it and then there’s a thing it’s called a keyboard and you type in 97.1 The Fan talk about be you just press the talk to text and you yell at your machine that’s true I don’t know how any anything Works type in 97.1 The Fan there will be a thing that says live stream you can click on that and you can watch the show that’s right you can watch the show uh this morning which is which is very cool and throughout the I guess the rest of the history of time you’ll be able to watch us as we do stuff so I I um I was thinking to myself the other day because we did a fan poll on this like how many streaming platforms do you have and you would be so proud of me this morning because I had I told you shark didn’t put my answer down unknown yeah and that should be it truly should be an answer how are you paying for unknown I don’t know I have no clue and you’d be proud of me because I I saw this story come out and I’m like I don’t use Disney plus but I have Disney plus I canceled my subscription this morning morning to Disney plus just in time for the summer for William to like want to watch Disney plus so I’ll probably jump back in on it at some point uh but I did see this come out so the Jo this is so dumb The Joint sports streaming Venture from Disney Fox and Warner Brother yeah that’s coming out to like Discovery announced the brand name for their service yesterday so we are repackaging everything and we know this like it’s been a pain of the butt everything has been sold individually you know you got the peacock you got soccer games on there you’ve got big 10 stuff on there now like you had to watch Buckeye basketball games on peacock last year one of the games was the Maryland Maryland game Purdue was it Purdue yeah I I was watching in California in a hotel lobby because they couldn’t get it up to the they’re trying to plug the HDMI cord into my computer yeah so like you’re telling me you don’t have the ability to get an app on this yeah that Purdue game probably should have been a peacock game U so you got that going for you I mean you’ve got like if you’re a crew fan you got to get Apple TV and you don’t have to actually like subscribe to Apple TV but you got to pay for the season pass which I think is like 80 bucks a year uh to get the to get League wide pass uh I’m trying to think of others their stuff on like I don’t know if Hulu has any sports but you’ve got Amazon Prime who’s getting into the mix I think they’re showing some WNBA games they obviously have NFL games uh on Thursday on Thursday nights during the season you have I don’t even know all the different streams Disney plus right ESPN plus I think that’s all like one big family and Hulu uh the platform which will combine the Sports Programming from ESPN Fox Sports and TNT will be called venue sports sports is TNT GNA have if they lose the NBA it’s a great question I’m not the NCA tournament that would be it they have sports that I care about beam do they own TBS does TNT own TBS is that the same I believe broadcasting that’s right uh and then True TV which we fire up for March Madness uh I guess they do have some Premier League stuff too but not a lot it’s going to be called venue Sports the joint service was originally announced in February and is targeting a fall launch you will have ESN ESPN 2 U SEC network ACC Network ESPN news ABC Fox FS1 FS2 BTN TNT TBS True TV and ESPN plus so I feel like if you’ve ever watched Game of Thrones in the first handful probably five years how you know they all kind of start out together so take the beginning of Game of Thrones is cable and then everybody in westero separates they go their own little Expedition they go on their own little mini Adventures that’s where I feel like we we were kind of at a year ago where every single station and Company had their own platform and you had to pay I want any more platform five to $10 to $15 a month God for the premium non-commercial version of it so now I feel like we’re at the end of Game of Thrones where everybody’s like okay you know what this was dumb uh people are subscribing to that but they’re not subscribing money you guys losing money we’re losing money everybody’s hemorrhaging money so you know what we should do we should combine under one umbrella to make one surface that is just called cable we’re going to drive down our operating costs we’ll charge more together we’ll have a a unique offering that everybody will actually want so instead of being of choosing one of the three or two of the three you can just buy all three and we’ll split the dollars up and somehow they figured out some sort of pie portioning of who’s getting what dollars if you just gave me a sports bundle I mean which is essentially what this is and a lot of what I like is on there I feel pretty good about that so you have with those networks you’ll get NFL and MLB coverage through Fox and ESPN so you wouldn’t get the CBS games ah you wouldn’t get those games and you’d get the NHL with TNT and ESPN you would get big 10 games that are available through Fox and BTN so you wouldn’t get the NBC games and you wouldn’t get the CBS games that are now going to be on there and ESPN ABC have all the rights to SEC football NBA and WNBA games will be broadcast through ESPN and ABC but it does say in here if tnt loses NBA media rights then that could affect the entir of this package do they get voted off the island shark do they have a ceremony they put their little flame out they’re done now they’re watch has ended the tribe has spoken the tribe has spoken you’re out of here done TNT you give us Sports can they still do the halftime show with Barkley and Ernie and those guys I’ll just watch that of them not broadcasting a game yeah they can just do the halftime show yeah I think honestly it would be great content like during the season like let’s just play hypothetical for a second and say that TNT loses their broadcasting rights because NBC’s rumors have like a it sounds like more of a if than when or when then if so what NBC has offered I think like two and a half or $2.6 billion dollar for the media right deals for the NBA and then the NBA has come back and said unless TNT offers us $2.7 billion like it’s almost 90% that it’s going to happen that they’re going to move to NBC and maybe they’re playing strong arm maybe if tnt comes back with an offer that is similar uh you know how those negotiations work Bob like you get to a similar number it’s just easier uh I do think it would be great though like even if tnt didn’t have like NBA the media rights if they just had just a talk show with those guys yeah think a half hour long talk show at 7 o’clock at night I would tune in to watch that just and then not even talking about the NBA just talk about whatever Ernie just be the host of the show they go a half hour they go an hour just topic to whatever they want to get into I’d watch that be a half hour Chuck and Shaq going back and forth Kenny laughing about it Ernie trying to Wrangle them all in great give him some his Ry smile and some throw some other grenades in there that’d be fantastic we’re just going to a point now where everything at some point in the next like four or five years will all be back under the same 100% because they realized that there was the sustainability of this wasn’t going to work and so now we’re all like you said merging back together we’re on a journey we’re on a quest beam to get the ring to return to the mountain Vision Quest no more froto Quest it’s just taking a long time by the way I watched thebo then froto as well I watched the I know that you did the other day but I I watched the preview for the rings of power the second season that’s going I know people get upset about it cuz it’s not I told you I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t watch the first season of it what I didn’t watch it yeah you a loser I Yes actually I might be a loser for watching it but I’m not sure my kids love it and I enjoy it so I did I didn’t hop I’m there to watch for the if nothing else it’s great scenery yeah I I would like to live in Middle Earth basically living in uh New Zealand does sound pretty cool it looks awesome what lands Mountain Doom in the background absolutely where would you live in Middle Earth Mordor well they used to be called the Southlands it was pretty nice if you go watch the first season of rings of power you’ll see Garo I think ruined all that yeah it’s you’re not going to like it but what did you think of the trailer the second one thought it was great I thought it was great it makes me want to watch the first season there you know what you can binge it get it’s only seven episodes I have Amazon so I can do that there you go hop on in be it’s just another streaming platform that I have you may like the New York Jets owe the NFL and quick hitters next morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic center hey there and good morning watch for Crews clearing up a crash on I 270 westbound just beyond Alum Creek Drive Lane slightly blocked off over there as Crews work to clear this up and out in the Gana area I 270 southbound near Hamilton Road Cruise also clearing up a crash I’m ttv’s Amy ster world with your fan traffic fan traffic sponsored by Custom Air this is the time of year when you can get sunburn and cross bite in the same week don’t let your house feel the same be prepared schedule an appointment today at custom a columbus.com great coaching can make all the difference especially when it comes to your money at right pack Credit Union our financial coaches are on your team we’ll help you create a winning game plan that’s customized for your unique needs so you can make the most of your hard-earned money and live the life you want to live best of all right pack Credit Union serves all of Central Ohio so getting in the game is easy let’s win together stop by one of our Central Ohio member centers to get started today Equal Housing Opportunity ensured by ncua there’s a 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6139 us tax yield 800 494-6139 two guys drove to work neither guy wore a seat belt one guy got a ticket one guy didn’t the same two guys drove home one guy wore a seat belt one guy [Applause] didn’t one guy made it home the guy not wearing his seat belt didn’t don’t risk it click it or tick it paid for by Nitsa van weather from the Logan AC and heat Services weather center look for a scouted showers with the best chance of rain being late this morning into the early afternoon a high of 75 today tonight we get down to 62° and on your Saturday look for partly the mostly cloudy skies with a high of 78 there will be a few showers on your Saturday I’m Doppler 10 meteorologist Dylan Rashad on 971 the fan the fan guest hotline is sponsored by Sears Heating and Cooling and Bryant doing whatever it takes to keep you and your home comfortable the fan what’s the going rate for a good babysitter also shark needs a raise you’re listening to morning juice here on the juice brought to you by our good friends over at Affinity whole healthy leader in testosterone and hormone replacement therapy you can always visit them on the line at fgr columbus.com before we get into Quick hitters a crazy situation Brewing it Valhalla this morning so PGA Championship being down there second round has been delayed due to an accident near the course now watching some live coverage here this morning and it looks pretty awful like getting in there uh I don’t know exactly what’s going on but the crazier news coming out of this is that and this came from Jeff Darlington and I’m watching Jeff on the TV as I’m reading his tweet said breaking news world number one golfer Scotty Sheffer has been detained by police in handcuffs after a misunderstanding with traffic flow so the road looks like it’s like shut down again not sure exactly what’s going on there a video of him right now getting into the back of a c pop car said after a misunderstanding of a traffic FL led to his attempt to drive past a police officer into Valhalla Golf Club the police officer attempted to attach himself to sheffer’s car Sheffer then stopped his vehicle at the entrance to Valhalla the police officer began to scream at sheffler to get out of the car when Scotty exited the vehicle the officer shoved sheffler against the car and immediately placed him in handcuffs he’s now being detained in the back of a police car that’s one of the crazier stories I’ve ever heard I we got Scotty Sheffer just being per walked on the highway in the entrance to this place Bob’s getting in the back of a cop car that’s a crazy story this morning that is wild and what do you think beam he probably guessed he tried to get around the accident yeah so the way that the way that it looks like I mean there was on like the right hand side and I don’t know exactly uh it said it’s not related to the accident yeah but I’m I’m saying there’s so there’s an accident like the right Lane looked to be like all shut down traffic was a mess and just thinking like if he tried to go around the police to like say hey I I’ve got to get in here I’ve got to go I’ve got to get in here I have a tea time in a couple hours that’s a wild situation this morning yeah um that’s I wonder if he’ll be back play I would have to think I would think so what’s he detain if it’s a traffic related violation that isn’t you know a DUI or a hit and or something like that what are we talking about if he wasn’t involved in the accident he’s sober nobody was injured in anything like what could he have possibly done that would justify him being arrested and like detained like that if that doesn’t just write the guy a ticket and let him go yeah yeah I don’t know what’s going on so if we have an update about that we will certainly fill you in on everything that’s going on down in Valhalla hopefully with that accident everybody’s all right looks to be a little bit of a scary situation right now let’s do this morning juice presents quick hitters sponsored by shottenstein roofing for top quality and a price match guarantee visit shottenstein roofing.com sh yes happy Friday Friday oh my gosh what a great day to be alive you know the NFL and its Network Partners love them some Aaron roders last season Aaron’s Jets were given five Prime Time games how did that work out so the NFL and its networks doubl down in 2024 putting the Jets on Prime Time six times mhm in fact the Jets will play six night games in the first 11 weeks the most for any team ever Mike North is the NFL’s vice president of broadcast planning I didn’t know that was a category oh you got he’s got to decide all the games that might be one of the most important jobs you could have in the NL I’ve never heard of that title vice president of broadcast planning well I mean it’s it’s scheduling essentially he says Bobby that because of rogers’s season ending injury in game one last season that quote the Jets kind of owe us one absolutely I’m going to get him out there people wanted to see him he put him on Prime Time open the season he TS Achilles four plays in and then we had to watch him on Prime Time other games trying to flex him down they’re thinking what are the odds of him tearing his Achilles again hopefully pretty bad well you put him back in that Monday night spot off a jump street oh yeah they’re trying to test fate but we’ll see what happens B yeah and it wasn’t only for the game that you owed him for the Monday night game last year when he tore his Achilles I mean what’s the max you can have five I think across the is it seven seven Prime Time games whatever it was Dallas has that’s the max they were Max and they were maxing out the Jets last year too and we got a lot of bad New York Jets football uh in prime time without Aaron roders so I get it from that understanding it’s like yeah this team Aaron Rogers you do kind of owe us one because we put we probably didn’t lose a lot of money because the NFL is not in the business of doing that rarely do they ever you know lose any coin but they certainly didn’t make a whole lot of money on them last year either so yeah I mean I guess they do owe him one in that sense Leo Messi is the mls’s highest paid player no surprise there making just over $20 million a season for inter Miami that is according to the MLS Players Association and that’s just his playing contract he’s making like five times that in endorsements there are 29 teams in the MLS Messi by himself makes more than 25 of the teams in the league the Columbus Crew your MLS Cup champion Beamer has a payroll of just over $15 million yeah uh they’ve done more with less over the last couple of years yeah the interesting note about the crew too is Diego rosi is making more money than cooo so like it’s kind of interesting with that going on uh but yeah I I don’t think this is a surprise to anybody and they had their manager who drives me nuts Miami’s coach does and he was out there saying he’s like MLS rules aren’t Fair we should be able to sign more players like man your one guy that you have already makes more than 25 entire payrolls you shouldn’t be the one complaining about dollar spent and how you need to acquire more Talent they dong Arbor has bent the rules for you to be able to navigate this salary cap they are literally acquiescing and saying please win something that would be nothing great for us if you don’t if you guys get if we get through this entire Messi situation with you not winning any championships like that would be a disaster so it doesn’t surprise me that Messi is making more than 25 team salaries combined no I mean he’s arguably one of the most popular people on planet Earth oh yeah that’s why he came here they want to try to publicize him as much as possible promote him as much as they can they want him playing in the championship beam they want him on n on the national television scene I get all that I mean I don’t know why they just don’t go to the full European model beam just say you know what spend as much money as you want see how it goes well the euromot is actually taking a book out of MLS because England is going to start introducing a salary cap really yeah yeah finally they had enough and then MLS is going to say yeah screw the salary cap we’re going big game hunting I like it that’s the time snip snap you Ying when they Yang you Zig when they zag we are 111 days away from the NFL season opener baldemort at Kansas City on a Thursday night but it’s never too early to bet on those week one games perfect odds are already out odds are already out for every game of the regular season the Patriots and Panthers are the only two teams that are not favored in any game this season in fact New England is the biggest Underdog in week one Bobby the Bengals are eight and a half Point favorites to beat the Pats who you got that sounds about right I’ll lay the points I mean Drake may you got a rookie quarterback that’s out there if he’s not out there that speaks more about that situation the Patriots don’t have a lot of talent anywhere else and I can see why the Panthers and Patriots are in this situation they’re have talent topled rosters and they have young quarterbacks it makes sense it does make sense uh so Sharky when we get to our NFL picks 111 days from now Mark it down I’m laying the points I’m going with the Bengals in week number one who are some of the best villains in college football history we’ll get in that in the rck next morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic Center hey there and good morning right now we’re watching slowdowns near Alum Creek Drive on I 270 because of a crash from earlier this morning also watching slow traffic on 33 westbound near Plain City and out on i71 near Polaris I’m tentv Amy sterwald with your fan traffic fan traffic is sponsored by glow fiber glow fiber business is now in Ohio with prepackaged and customized fully fiber optic business internet Solutions call 1833 want glow or visit glofiber bus.com today it’s good to to drive Honda and save thousands with low 1.9% financing all your favorite Honda models are in stock save big on cars SUVs and trucks like the 2024 Honda ridg line now with low 1.9% financing it’s a good time to search your local Honda [Music] dealer dealer for financing details for well-qualified buyers offer in 7824 com man and T-Bone here for the sports book at Hollywood Casino Columbus it’s our absolute favorite place to go for that live VIP Sportsbook experience 12,000 ft of Sportsbook action two huge walls of TVs not to mention delicious food and drink but your experience can be even better if you download the pen Play app y you can get up to $140 in rewards it’s so easy dummies like us can do it got to download the free pen playay app today and cash in your bonuses plus you never know and you’ll see man and I lurking around I’m lurking must be 21 or over gambling problem call 1800 Gambler the standing room only with all lies on the 18th green there was some speed to this the sudden Roars gauged it just right that Sunday celebration from Oslo to Ohio Victor hoflin is the champion it’s better luck join us at the Memorial tournament presented by workday June 3rd through 9th visit Memorial tickets.com today this summer click into cordless power with Memorial Day savings at the Home Depot tackle more than half an acre of grass with the convenience and gas-like power of the ri 40 volt battery powered mower and keep your flower beds fresh with a 40 volt cordless string trimmer then clear debris with a 40 volt jetfan leaf blower click into Memorial Day savings happening now at your cordless power source the Home Depot how doers get more done get ready to Fan out this football season because NFL tickets are here scor great great deals on great seats from Vivid Seats the official ticking partner of ESPN experience every tackle every touchdown and every heart pounding play live and in person from the first down to the final whistle Vivid Seats has you covered with a great selection of tickets for any team for the upcoming season plus they’re the only ticket company that rewards you for purchasing just visit vividseats.com or download the app today Vivid Seats experience it live broadcasting from the Lindsay Honda Studios Honda makes the cars Lindsay makes the difference visit Lindsey honda.com wbns FM HD1 Columbus the fan good morning I’m Mark the shark golf second major of the year the PGA Championship got underway yesterday at Valhalla in Louisville Xander Schley set a course record with a nine underp par 62 he has a three-stroke lead over three others Rory Mary sits at minus five and tied for fifth Tiger Woods Bogi his last two holes in his tied for 85th at one overp par seven Reds relief pitchers contributed to a 7 to2 win over the Dodgers in Los Angeles la de la Cruz had a double three singles three runs scored one driven in and four stolen bases for Cincinnati the Guardians finally got a day off after playing 16 days in a row and going eight and eight during that span Cleveland is back home tonight to begin a series against the twins in the Stanley Cup playoff second round action Carolina took a 3 to1 lead into the third period against New York but the Rangers scored four times in the third to win 5 to3 clinching the series four games to two Chris Cryder has a hat trick for New York scoring all three of his goals in the third period breaking sports news on the fan in high school Bobby was a District swimming finalist also Beamer still wears floaties this is morning juice hour number two of the program for us on a Friday Brandon B Bobby Carpenter Mark the shark coming up here 7:35 Austin Ward he’s going to join the program we’ll talk some bucke eyes with him if he answers doesn’t block our call like sabota did yesterday coming up sometime in 8:00 hour not sure if it’s going to be in the first or the second segment Mickey Mora he’s going to join the program talk about their little Friday nightlift they got going on June 21st over at St John uh Arena so that’ll be cool excited to get be able to talk to him and then what are the future you know workouts what does this plan look like this summer for the Buckey so Mickey morat he’s going to join us sometime in the 8 o’clock hour and then AJ he’s going to join the program coming up at 8:35 you guys got some bad news delivered to you though yeah I stood outing we were going to play and got canceled so or postponed rather AJ was not happy about it neither am I I’ve got my golf shoots on already yeah AJ said he’s had his jock on since last night ready to go so he’s ready to rock I was ready to rock clubs are in the back gloves on the desk here ready to go with me I didn’t bring any of my workout stuff so now I’m going to go do that instead but I’m going have to stop at home first so and I was planning on getting drunk this this afternoon man you can still do that yeah but it’s not as much fun with I’m not going to be with you know those guys and it’s harder to justify just random day drinking if you’re not at an event like a golf course you guys just go to like Bob’s bar or something at like noon yeah I don’t know if that’s in the plans maybe The Ruck Moore yeah that’s that would be we can go to The Ruck Moore right after the show I think they open I think they’re open it since like 5:30 I don’t know if they ever really close I don’t think they do they stop serving for a couple hours uh yeah I mean you could do that but it’s not as much fun like being outside even if it was going to be a little rainy I know it’s raining pretty hard now it’s supposed to clear up in the the afternoon which is unfortunately this is more of a morning tournament event so I wish they started maybe at 10: but it is what it is man got to deal with it they’re going to reschedule it hopefully it works the way that it does now we can all play again yeah absolutely keeping you informed about what’s trending this morning it’s time for a little rck on morning ju sponsored by Billiards plus your destination for top-of-the line grills with up to 30e warranties bards Plus on Dublin Center Drive in Du all right so an update to the situation going on in valhal and again if you’re just now joining us another golf news not dealing with the tournament at all so I saw this from Randy Randy Scott a vsn whose dad was what a naval Naval fighter yeah he was a called he’s Top Gun pilot yeah Top Gun pilot uh two star rear Admiral so Scotty shler red detained by police outside of alh gates this morning Randy had this to say and this is him and Darlington reporting on this cuz they’re down there right now doing their live broadcast said a pedestrian fatality occurred on the way into Valhalla backing up traffic for Miles Darlington reporting that sheffer’s vehicle tried to get around the traffic to enter Valhalla police told him to stop sheffler didn’t police officer chased him down officer pulled him out of the car in hand I don’t know if that’s a arrestable offense traffic violation for sure not maybe s necessarily obeying you know police officers my my question is you got a fatality yeah why do we have to block off the whole Road like we’re not saving anybody at that point well I think they I think they blocked off understand it’s a crime scene push the cars off to the side at that point let people go there’s one thing if you’re cutting people out of cars and everything else is going on yeah I I don’t think they blocked out off the entire although it does look what’s down in one lane what’s that other lane doing blocked off they got all those cones sitting out there yeah I don’t know I don’t know that’s such a wild story but I mean there’s because it’s right in the entrance so you have to think like you’ve got a news cameras look it’s a major championship there’s a ton of cameras here had a video this morning of Scotty sheffler I’m being being cuffed and thrown into the back of the cop car then the cop car leaves with him in it yeah are they going to like Louisville County Jail it’s exactly where are they where are they taking him where is he going that’s what I’m saying that if you’re not arresting me I’m not letting you put like I’m not getting in the car like am I under arrest and if I want if you’re being detained no then don’t put my handcuffs on me that’s that’s not what being I mean being detained includes that listen this is United States of America being if you’re going to if you’re going to stop me you’re going to detain me you’re going to arrest me to take me in otherwise I’m going to go about my day so either step up and arrest me Scotty Sheffer known rule breaker he needs to sack up a little bit all right let be honest you just became a dad last week you need to grow up I’m trying to go win a major right now that is a crazy story it’s right in me it’s four under 848 T time it said that the tournament has been delayed I was like traffic issue and again they have a fatality pedestrian fatality I just that is one of the weirder things I think I’ve I’ve ever seen the fact that they got him out handcuffed him and threw him in the back of the car we have video of it and then left like where are you going yeah where you where you going you go interrogate him about what he did you want to write him a ticket send him a fine do all those things and maybe maybe they will maybe they will that’s fine but why is he leaving he doesn’t need to go you go there question him about what was going on his involvement in the homicide or the fatality like come on SO Darlington said on Sports Center that after somewhat chaotic confusing Exchange sheffler tried to enter the property he tried to continue driving into the golf course so he tried to flag him down yeah right said you need to stop we need to get your ID or whatever sheffler tried to continue driving on the golf course and the officer started yelling obscenities at him uh then when sheffler rolled down his window the officer reached into his vehicle and grabbed his arm well that was a mistake then he should have only cracked it I’m going force you to smash just now the sheffler Handcuff situation moved very quickly very rapidly very aggressively and at one point who was with the police at the time looked at Jeff Dar so Jeff Darlington was like at the gates watching this whole thing who was also entering the property and said please help me yeah just trying to play some golf man oh my God I’m telling you that’s ridiculous that was excessive I don’t know why that that would be um I don’t know why it had to elevate to that level shout out to Nate he tweeted us he said I played Valhalla I said there’s one played valala one Road in and out traffic has to be nuts the course is slightly outside the city with a state route type road going into it so I’m almost imagining cuz it looks like just a two lane road Bob like that 161 is kind of like a highway so I’m trying to imagine maybe like a Route 62 like a state highway like out in the middle of the country like if you’re going out you know like Northeast of Columbus here like just outside of the state Li yeah that sounds about correct like that’s kind of what I’m envisioning so yeah traffic has to be already a disaster so my guess is that he was blown by traffic went probably around the cops and then the cop had a problem with it and then the situation just evolved evolved to him getting cuffed and arrested and thrown in the car yeah he’s getting per walked yeah I if we have an update and then they took him away which now I’m trying to figure out the purpose of them leaving the scene with him where are they going they doing yeah where where are you taking him like where where are you going to interrogate him on what why he did what he did you could do that from the back of the car yeah you either arrest me or write me a ticket and let me go if we have any updates of what’s more is happening down there we’ll definitely let you know grow a sack Scotty about that uh crew play tomorrow night they’re in Chicago at soier field taking on the Chicago Fire that’s 7:30 start for them good they coming off a win as well kind of getting back into form cooo I don’t think practiced yesterday he’s got a little bit of a back injury so we’ll see what happens on that front who would you say are some of the best villains all time in college football cuz the athletic put together a piece with some of the writers and I think some of their answers were pretty good um I mean like is Nick Sabin is he a Villain Like does that count Ari werman his they did four they did like a Mount Rushmore of like their top four was like the boss on there the boss was on there for Ari so the way that they did it like individually uh number one for Ari was Larry Scott Pack 12 commissioner okay I mean I don’t view him as a bad guy I just view him as an idiot like there’s a difference I mean I wouldn’t say he’s an awful human he’s just sucked at his job number two uh for Ari was herbs Urban Meer Florida Ohio State I say that generally if you were not a fan of the team that he was coaching he would be generally dislikable okay I could see that I mean won a lot of games that’s I was trying to figure out like if you don’t I would put want a ton of games and it’s the same thing with saing right how i’ put ni Sav in that category like and whenever you’re really good I mean every won 3 national championships of two different schools people may not like the way that he left some places and other things I mean I don’t put him on any and maybe Savin kind of came back to Earth a little bit with the last couple of Seasons I think he probably did I think the height of his power everybody was not liking him and so maybe there’s a recency bias of how you view him at this point Jim Harbaugh number three for Ari I get that lot going on over the last couple of years with him and then Brian Bosworth of course of Oklahoma Sam Khan said Mark Emmert former NCAA president I like that uh Sherwood Sherwood blown blunt shwood Sher blunt uh SMU booster of course back uh oh he’s the one that yeah and then they got the death penalty the U the entire 1980s era Miami Hurricanes now that’s a villain I can get behind in college football it is and they were because they were so good yeah that people hated them so I get that like you you become so successful you be you be hated number four for Sam uh was Notre Dame just the Notre Dame football program I don’t know how you can hate Notre Dame though cuz I think it was the same situation with the U and Notre Dame back in the ‘ 80s I mean it was the whole Catholics convicts thing they think I mean literally holier than th like I I kind of understand been any good like at a high level they’ve been right on The Fringe like how can you hate a team that is close but just is not quite there like they don’t they don’t have an A hatte ability to me maybe that’s because I’m too close to Marcus and you know I can’t sure with that but even when Kelly was there I mean they weren’t hatable to me because they haven’t won anything that’s my point they haven’t been like dominant enough to be hated Mitch light said George Klay afof I I don’t disagree with that yeah uh Steve Spurrier on there for him Charlie Weiss of Notre Dame in Kansas I didn’t think Charlie was a hatable figure how can you hate Charlie that much yeah Barry Switzer Oklahoma coach maybe maybe I’m trying to think uh so Nick Sav did make an honorable mention for what it’s worth I’m trying to think of like my top four if I had to make four people teams of most like dislikable figures of college football who would it be I I’ve I I got to put TBO on that list for me personally that’s okay so that’s what I was goingon to say he’s got he’s got to be on there for me I think there would be people that would choose Tim TBO for that and you’re not wrong in saying that just due to probably overexposure and over saturation with it Tim’s a great guy but you know there are people who don’t like him who view him as what you say the most hatable gosh that’s Hate’s a strong word I don’t like that’s why I used dis I used a dislikable yeah I would say that’s better hate is a strong word and I like to throw that out there lightly I did I did not like him when he was at Florida and especially when they beat Ohio State like that was and that was the whole Chris leak situation too they’re running like two gun quarterback situation Cam Newton makes honorable mention in this I could see that to cam at Auburn and then what he did at Florida Hugh freeze Hugh is dislikable for his own Ventures I could see that that makes sense Johnny Manzel on this list now Johnny Manzel I think is a guy that’s polarizing and then people start did not like the way he went around his business he was there was a Cockiness and arrogance to him so I get that as well Bobby patrino Arkansas Louisville Western Kentucky yeah makes all the sense jamus was on the list Sheamus Winston Desmond Howard on the list okay I like that makes sense Baker at Oklahoma for sure was dislikable at the very best he played heel as good as anybody but he like enjoyed that and I think that was what he was going for like everybody else can hate me but Oklahoma fans yeah I’m trying to think of just back to all of Baker’s stuff that happened at Oklahoma had like the crotch grab against Kansas that was a huge deal flag plant here flag plant here the running from the cops like great juke move I was impressed with that cops open field tackle I was too he skinned him up against the plan Bo he did did a nice made G him a oneway go Baker tried to take the one way step step sunk his knees he uh bend your knees and hydrate he was ready to go struck him tackled him on the planter box Dion uh ranks number nine honorable mention Dion after this year could jump from like N9 to four he could he could he could get into it doesn’t work you’ve been talking a whole lot of junk Tommy tuberville uh in there I don’t know how he’s even like that’s I couldn’t have an opinion on him he’s not he and they just not the division he doesn’t create any Buzz for me Craig James in there is an honorable mention uh as well yeah I guess I could see that when he was doing some analyst stuff I mean he got pretty uh intense you know who would get on there is May Mark May Mark May so far gone from ESPN for a while now you could still put him on the villain list yeah you’re up like count Jo count chocula and then the last one uh was going to be NFL or not NFL college football television rights holders yeah I think we can all agree all yeah you’re very dislikable at the moment especially now you’re creating that bundle for you though beam yeah that’s going to be good hey if you didn’t already know this the Buckeyes are absolutely loaded for this year that’s next morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic center hey there and good morning right now we’re watching One crash out in the Dublin area on I 270 southbound the left lane slightly blocked off just past that 27033 split expect delays in that area I’m ttv’s Amy sterwald with your fan traffic Ohio ready for some quick mental health facts let’s go nearly 2 million Ohioans live with a mental health condition in the US more than 50% of people will be diagnosed with a mental illness in their lifetime depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide so why are some of us still stigmatizing people living with a mental health condition when we know all of this let’s listen to the facts and beat the stigma Ohio challenge what you know about mental health at beat the stigma.org Bobby Carpenter here for Affinity Whole Health the leader in the testosterone and hormone replacement therapy game and weight loss too that’s right affinity offers semaglutide injections for weight loss in addition to their testosterone treatment so you can lose weight and build 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models must be applied as down payment must take delivery by 7824 limited inventory warranty is a limited powertrain warranty to retailer for details with Spring ball behind us we’re officially gearing up for the most anticipated football season ever excited nervous terrified to your very core think of us as your emotional safe space always your home of the Buckeyes the fan Care Heating and Cooling honest technicians honest pricing call 1 1800 cooling score a goal with the love my crew checking account from Pathways the checking account that rewards you for supporting the crew learn more at pathwayscu.com pathway Financial Credit Union official Credit Union of the Columbus Crew federally insured by ncua I’m Kelly burus a partner at Cordell and Cordell if you’re a business owner navigating through divorce presents unique challenges you’re thrust into a world where every penny you’ve earned is examined and your assets are on the line these situations demand a tactical defense rooted in 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Nitsa van weather from the Logan AC and heat Services weather center rain is back in the forecast for today look for it of and on showers with a high of 75 tonight look for a nighttime low of 62 on Saturday look for scattered showers with a high of 78 and on Sunday look for mostly sunny skies with a high of 82 I’m Doppler 10 meteorologist and Robber Shad on 971 the fans FanDuel is the exclusive online Sportsbook partner of morning juice just sign up at fanduel.com slj the fan Ohio Sports destination the hardest part of your work day is over you’ve managed to get out of your fart sack attention campers lunch has been canceled today due to lack of hustle deal with it this is morning juice coming up here in our next segment around 7:35 Austin Ward he’s going to join the program we’ll talk to Buckey with him what’s going on here uh saw this I mean if you obviously thinking of if the Buckey are going to be good this year yes they are going to be very good um so on Bonita fish big being are Bonita fish big uh so I was looking at this and on three Bob does a bunch of different stuff obviously with the college game sure um saw this and it’s not quite like Pro Football Focus units um where they grade everything and again I my whole thing with data and Analytics when it comes from Pro Football Focus like can you it can it help you yeah it’s a tool it’s a tool do you want to dive in and it’s not the only tool like total baseball stat cast on it no probably not but on three was ranking the top units across college football and Ohio State as it is currently comprised right now has the top running back unit for 2024 the top wide receiver unit for 20124 and the top defensive line and Edge unit for 2024 well is like those subjective measures like I want to know how they was this by the grades of guys returning or is this just their thoughts moving forward don’t know and I want to know who the best defensive back group is for 2024 cuz I feel like Ohio State should be in the running for that if they’re lower than second or third I would be very disappointed which unit do you think is the best on this team because there’s I think you could there’s an argument to be made for multiple groups um oh the running back cuz it’s such like one dude or two dudes was on the field old and I would say like that’s the easiest to say you have two really good starters out there and you got a couple young freshman that are really good so I think that like that’s the easiest to just look at and say hey there’s a lot of great players here and it’s a small quantity of them to have to play defensive back I mean people judging five six you know going seven eight deep how are you judging how good some of these guys are cuz if that’s the case like you have then Burke and Davis man who are going to be top one two combo they’re great Jordan Hancock is one of about as good a slot as you’re going to find yeah you just brought in the best safety in the country and then you have lean Ransom who’s a fifth year senior coming back uh not to mention that you’ve got Germaine Matthews who won freshman of the week or something a couple times last year when he played Big 10 freshman of the week yeah I mean like so he’s obviously a very Adept player um who else play his cornerback there I don’t know they’ve got but they’ve got a ton of good players like that’s that’s not a deal so I’m just curious like a lot of guys play but that’s also a good thing when you you need more good players to make sure there’s no glaring weaknesses so we were talking about this yesterday when we were listening back to suar when he was in studio with us and then he was talking to Bo and I thought he made a really good point with Bo and we we’ve asked him this before when he’s been on in the past but like how do you manage your roster knowing that you could be upwards of playing potentially 16 games in a season and so I’m listening to that I thought it was interesting Bob and Austin and I were kind of talking about it yesterday and we can ask him again coming up here at 7:35 in about 10 minutes time when he joins us um just the amount because you know that I mean it’s going to be a battle of attrition at some point right like you know you’re going to have injuries and you’re going to have to to work through some guys and you know injuries are going to pop up working through dudes we got to work through the dudes and nobody does that better than sches instead of having you know clearing your bench when it’s 42 to nothing in the fourth quarter let’s say it’s the middle of the third quarter and it’s 28 to nothing yeah I think you might you start working guys in I think you’re going to see guys worked in earlier often this year just because you don’t know when you’re going to need to rely on them in big spots I think you’re going to see rotational elements that happen running back receiver uh defensive back dline especially maybe in somei linebacker too where the only place you I don’t think you really roll guys is the offensive L you start getting guys in you know later in the game but you want your unit to be together and be cohesive but the rest of those groups and it was something that kri Colmes started doing they here like if you are good enough to play you’re going to get on the field like Germaine Matthews should be on the field he should be on the field like 35 to 40% of the time and that’s going to keep him engaged it’s going to continue to improve him and it’s also going to give those other guys rest and it’s going to Sate Germaine Matthews cuz he’s he knows that he’s out there playing and it also will show the other guys like hey we have two really good starters we have a really good slot Jermaine can move around play a couple different things he has earned the right to be on the field so the young guys models the behavior for how to get on the field and how to do things right like you don’t just have to wait until guys leave and in doing that it’s going to keep the other guys fresh and if there is an injury then you have guys that are that are geared up and ready to go so it there’s a million reasons why depth is good and it’s just not having it it’s utilizing it to make sure you’re taking advantage of everybody who can be on the field have you seen the price tag for the new college football game from EA Sports I was like $79.99 or something so the standard just a guess the standard I bought a video game um I mean maybe I have for my kids without me knowing but I haven’t consciously bought a video Bob why did you why did you why why did you allow him the credit card the PlayStation store we had to get our we had to get new credit cards issued cuz we were getting random charge from PlayStation that weren’t real VR bucks yeah I don’t know and that’s when my kids had bought stuff on there and I’m like now that’s what happens they’re main credit card so you had to get it all taken care of I was on Wednesday I’m trying to bid on Sherman’s sword and everything else and I’ve got a a dead credit card that I’m that I’m trying to get another one and thankfully for the great gr the great folks that it’s like a city MasterCard like they they got over quick so good for them appreciate it like well done on well done out of you but yeah we had to get that redone because the kids bought some on Playstation I haven’t bought a video game consciously since oh goodness I think I bought some stuff for the Wii back in like 2009 that’s even aging yourself saying the Wii buying a game that’s a long my wife has bought all this stuff for the kids switch the PlayStation games they’ve all I don’t know how that works yeah they buy those you don’t even need discs anymore you down you just download it from buy those on the line so I’m not sure buy the v-bucks buy the games the Skins whatever so the regular base model the hold on what’s what’s that what’s there some sort of souped up model yeah the standard edition game is $69.99 okay that was close the deluxe edition which I will tell you gains you three-day Early Access so you can play it earlier 4600 college football points alma mater Ultimate Team pack cover athlete Ultimate Team pack bring Glory home Ultimate Team uniform and a Heisman hopeful Ultimate Team pack which ultimate team is the death of all these games it’s awful I just I get so mad playing FIFA Ultimate Team that I had to quit that like five years ago that’s a $999.99 that’s 100 bucks and then if you want to bundle that together with Madden you can get Madden and EA college football just transition them right there that’s a buck 49.99 for the two pack one Glory hold to the next beam you go from NCAA to Madden that sounds great going to waste so much time when William is napping and asleep on EA Sports college football a new game great just hey think about eight or nine years from now you’ll be able to play Old bellly in these games that’s true you’ll have a new partner and then he’ll be playing Uncle Mike and then I’ll throw the controller and quit when he beats me exactly at the TV who you playing over there William Uncle Mike yeah hey Brandon Michael what are you up to nothing hanging out Tuesday afternoon yeah what do you shouldn’t you be like reading some briefs or something nah he’s out here playing career mode B Billy deciding on which Mac team that I want to take to Glory exactly and then take a job at like Alabama or Georgia and run them into the ground then go back to the Mac that’s what I’m going to do that’s my plan Austin Ward joins us next unless he blocks our call like faot yesterday morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic center hey there and a happy Friday to you right now we’re watching One crash out in the Dublin area on I 270 southbound the left lane slightly blocked off in those southbound Lanes just beyond the 27033 split I’m ttv’s Amy stugger Wald with your fan traffic this is the sound of a well-tuned air 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morning juice is sponsored by Affinity Whole Health the leader in testosterone and hormone replacement therapy feel great columbus.com the fan one of these guys thinks Clintonville was named after Bill Clinton you’re listening to morning juw FR edition of the program PR to be Bobby ker Mark the shark as we do every single Friday we check in with the commiss a guy who considers himself the mayor of laramy Wyoming who holds the shuffle board record at the Ranger and most impressive the commissioner of the Central Ohio Twan scramble leag here’s Austin Ward Austin is brought to you by awaken 180 weight loss as we head out to the Briant heating and cooling systems fan guest hotline first of all thanks for not blocking our call Commish this morning thanks very much for that I tried to ask Jeff how to do it but it didn’t work second all I don’t think that if you were the commissioner of the PGA Tour that Scotty sheffler would be detained on the morning of his second round tea time uh heading into a major championship if you were the commissioner of the PGA Tour Austin uh no this this police officer would be going away for a long time he has crossed the line uh can you imagine Here’s my thought though being like let’s just set aside how unusual the story is and that it Loops in the number one player in the world how rattled would you be if you were on the way to even just I don’t know Scarlet yesterday and you got detained and handcuffed and then had to go try and play 18 I would be so incredibly rattled from that experience I don’t think I could play at all so I know I’m different than Scotty Sheffer in basically every single away but isn’t today going to be like the ultimate test of oh this man is unflappable he’s so cool nothing faces him he was in handcuffs and then he’s got to go play in a major championship assuming that he’s gonna get out of whatever wherever they took him they just are in a cop car Austin and they took him to some unmarked destination like we haven’t got an update if he’s on the grounds if he’s coming back I know they delayed the tournament by an hour he had an 848 T time so that’ll be pushed back to nearly 10:00 but like who’s to say that even comes back for it you know who’s not happy about that delay is the TV folks cuz now what are they doing Austin for the next hour trying to figure out what to put on there talk about this well they this should be the easiest task they ever have because uh ESPN uh Jeff Darlington the reporter there was the one who had video and was the one who reported it because he actually locked into being in the same spot apparently as as we’re all gathering information on this like the world number one player the reigning Master champ going for a grand slam potentially you know just at the leg two here goes out and shoots a great opening round like ESPN has tailor made content I don’t know of anything like this the officer said to him there’s nothing so this is D like darlington’s right there all right like he’s right next to sheffler when this is happening Sheffer turns around to him and says please help me the officer said there’s nothing you can do he’s going to jail it’s one of the crazier stories that’s that’s what I’m saying like that that’s that’s not being detained that’s being arrested if you’re putting him in if you’re saying you’re going to jail like that is crazy that yeah saying that is I mean inherently saying that you’re being arrested it’s just to your point Austin I don’t know yeah I don’t know if I could like swing a club if I were even able to be able to get back to the course absolutely Bonkers I just that’s why we hire private security for the Marysville marathon and don’t rely on local officers who who don’t have an appreciation for world class golf oh yeah absolutely how how did you enjoy being on with beam yesterday Austin was that good I was listening to some of the show uh I love it uh I wish I wish that I wasn’t in your chair Bob like it it feels like sometimes I should just be invited like on days when Ryan day gets to come in the studio like let’s you know we should have a three three man booth going like it’s such a wonderful experience to get up early in the morning and uh you know hang out in that studio and M of Sunrise um yeah you’re trapped in this gray box in here yeah I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m really jealous so um the option is like start actually inviting me to hang out more or you need to take more vacation so that I can hang out with them I get 30 days a year I mean a it only take so much I mean I’m just one man I mean I was just surprised you want to be in here with a three dudes on one dude situation when Ryan day’s in next I mean he was there for an hour I thought it would have spiced it up a little bit that is probably true maybe next time we have like a player in we can have you come in help facilitate some of those conversations we’ve got great such great guys here at Ohio State they do such a good job on air very personable well spoken they check all the boxes for you they do and I I think that I had this this conversation and this experience again uh I mentioned with Beamer yesterday like Jack Sawyer we did the buck n uh you know golf interview episode with him this week that’s coming out uh probably early next week we’re at the Fairway Columbus with him on Wednesday and I was like man they’re like they were blown away like he’s such a he’s so personable and when yeah like when when the cameras are off and like so appreciative of you know the opportunity to go do that and you know be in the simulator and see this business and and pick their brains like there and they said this like all six of guys that we’ve done this with they’ve been so great and I said yeah I know like ber and I talk about this all the time Bob mentions it beam talks about like these are the people that they’re recruiting the quality of guys on the Ohio State roster is different like they are they are high achieving quality individuals and I think that people assume that we’re like blown smoke or it’s hyperbole um when we mention this because like we cover the team and we must be biased in some way about it like I If there are bad dudes on the roster I’m not afraid of occasionally subtly pointing that out uh that’s not the case with this team pretty much from top to bottom it’s about as quality as you could uh you could recruit and I think that’s why it’s not coincidence when you see the the classes sticking together for one more year like this one did or you know the community outreach and the community service that a lot of these guys are doing like it’s it’s by Design like you’re you remove some some element of the headache of roster building when you make an effort to go after guys who you consider to be in the upper echelon he is Austin Ward with us here in the Brant heating and cooling systems fangas hotline Austin we were reading an article from the athletic um came out I think yesterday about the best villains in college football uh do you have one that stands out taller for the rest of you or a few guys to name teams whatever biggest villain in college football um yeah I I think it’s Lane kein for me I just and mainly it’s because I think everyone else seems to be so amused by him which I just can’t wrap my mind oh he he knows how to use social media he’s hilarious no link kein is not hilarious he’s he’s got like one of the most unusual quirky personalities when he doesn’t he’s not boiled down to five seconds he knows how to give a sound bite in a press conference and he does know how to use social media but um the rest of the things are not for me so the appreciation that so many others seem to have for him compared to my own experience around him makes it um I just there’s no part of me that will wrap my mind around or my arms around oh funny Lane kein is great for college football I just simply don’t agree oh that’s terrible I mean I I enjoy the fact that he likes to play the black hat someone has to do that Austin I mean that’s that’s the thing like you need a good villain or else the world can’t be full of Heroes but not actually but that’s I mean maybe it’s just like a contrarian point of view he’s a villain to me and everyone else doesn’t he he doesn’t actually wear the black hat he doesn’t actually do things that cross the line I’m not I’m not trying to suggest that he is an outright villain in that regard because it doesn’t fit him doesn’t fit his personality he is he’s very laidback he he’s when he left Tennessee it was partly because uh I think the pressure of that that job and the expectations there had worn him out after less than a year like he’s not he tried to be that he accused Urban Meyer of cheating and two two months into the job at Tennessee he told he said he was gonna sing Rocky Top and talk and tried to poke the bear at Alabama and then lost that game he lost to both of those those programs and then immediately left after L of year I don’t think he’s actually comfortable being the villain but he tries to act like one and I think that’s partially why it does compute for me like it’s out of character for him some of the things that he does to call attention to himself and um I I I prefer the version that was more like himself which is what he was doing at USC uh and that didn’t work either ksh always appreciate the time have a fantastic weekend buddy and we’ll check it again soon all right I will see you boys there you goes awesome word with us here on the Bryant heating and cooling systems fan guests hotline tons to be Juiced about here on this Friday we do that next morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the Butler plumbing services traffic center hey there and good morning right now we are still watching One crash over in the Dublin area this is on i27 southbound the left shoulder slightly blocked off just beyond the 270 33 split as Crews work to clear up a crash I’m ttv’s Amy sterwald with your fan traffic fan traffic is sponsored by Buckeye Lake Marina your go-to destination for all your on thewater needs the good life the lake Life Starts at Buckeye Lake Marina hey Mountain Dew drinkers it’s the Mountain Dew Baja Blast 20th Baja versary 20 years of Baja Blast being a Taco Bell fan favorite to celebrate this year the tropical lime flavor of Baja Blast is in stores everywhere all year long 366 days that’s right it’s a leap year and for a limited time you can collect coins for a chance to get Baja gear or a Taco Bell deal the Mountain Dew Baja Blast 20th Baja versary no purchase necessary open to Legal residents of us8 plus subject to official rules at bah blast.com and 6524 void where prohibited have you heard there’s always more at Speedway like Big Bite hot dog and big gulp drink for only $2.50 we’ve got what you’re in the mood for and now you can get more with less get your big meal deal for only $2.50 with Speedy Rewards Val 31725 Speedway has the right to end this 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your favorite fan shows are available when you want them head to 971 the fan.com and hit that subscribe button the fan Ohio Sports destination if you make a wise crack about Dayton Pizza Beamer will murder you dead ah humor I have it too this is morning here’s log here little Friday edition of the program by the way you can stream the show wher you get your streams at can download the podcast after the show’s over every single day shark does a great job putting that together you can also now view Us on YouTube that’s right go to youtube.com in the search bar type in 97.1 The Fan and our live stream our video will pop up it’s so nice we had YouTube come down and film the entire thing so all day long you can watch uh our shows and then they’re put together if you’re not able to watch it live you can go back later in the day and watch it as well so cool stuff we got going on here what’s got you Juiced sponsored by Newman Roofing call Newman Roofing today at 614 new roof or visit online at Newman roofing.com bye Bob big Friday buddy I know you’re a little upset this morning obviously your tea time got canceled it does that stinks the negative juice it’s raining you getting ready to play golf with some of my some of my guys ‘s got a little golf event was getting ready to go play with AJ schls and James and was excited got to do it last year flew back just to be able to make sure I could do that this morning and unfortunately OSU they said it’s too rainy too wet it’ll not be going on so they’re going to postpone that so hopefully we’ll be able to get to do that sometime in the future some negative juice to Scotty shuffler situation how he was detained what happened here I mean if he’s not being arrested then if you’re detaining me you’re detaining me for what like I there’s a lot that goes into this I have immense respect for our law enforcement everything that they do but what happened seemed excessive given what occurred and I’ve got a little levity that we’re going to bring to the show here as well but I said this people have complain there’s a there’s a death that occurred and that’s tragic and I you know my thoughts and prayers go out to the family I give them great sympathy if I die in a car wreck beam anybody listening push my car to the side of the road and let traffic go on I don’t need to inconvenience anyone else all right I mean if that’s a single car accident and it’s my I’m out there do not you can pull me out of the car whenever but make sure the traffic flow is normal I don’t want to inconvenience anyone else after I’m I’ve done enough inconveniencing of people while present on this Earth once my time has passed I don’t need inconvenience another Soul so just get the bulldozer out get the cruiser push me to the side and let’s go let’s keep it rolling shark this will hopefully bring a little levity to this situation God created which okay that’s the F God created the dog and said sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past for this I will give you a lifespan of 20 years the dog said that’s a long time to be barking how about only only 10 years and I’ll give you back the other 10 God agreed then God created the monkey and said do tricks and make people laugh for this I’ll give you a 20-year lifespan the monkey said tricks for 20 years how about I give you back 10 like the dog did God agreed thereafter God created the cow and said you must go into the field with the farmer every day have carves and give milk to support the farmer’s family for this I will give you a lifespan of 60 years the cow said that’s kind of a tough life for 60 years how about 20 and I’ll give back the other 40 and God agreed again then God created man and said eat sleep Play Marry and enjoy your life for this I’ll give you 20 years but man said only 20 years could you possibly give me my 20 the 40 the cow gave back the 10 the monkey gave back and the 10 the dog gave back that makes 80 okay okay said God you asked for it so that is why for our first 20 years we eat sleep play and enjoy ourselves for the next 40 years we slave in the Sun to support our family for the next 10 years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren and for the last 10 years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone life has now been explained to you thought you’d enjoy that bee that’s good it’s I was wonder where that was going I heard I’m like you know what Kudos whoever created that well done shark what’s got got to say like Snoop Dog there with a Corona The Good Life Lavita whatever I don’t even know what it is that would be a great Tik Tok video if I knew a Tik Tok mhm Lavita whatever live in Lavita Loca Lavita mosina whatever that means uh I saw this stat yesterday the over the last decade Kansas City Chiefs have the best winning percentage in the NFL that’s not a surprise the Golden State Warriors have the best winning percentage in the NBA no surprise there the Dodgers have the best winning percentage in Major League Baseball but also in the last 10 years the they didn’t have the NHL my te for 8:00 segment I don’t know yeah thanks for reading the prep [Laughter] sheet I don’t see it on the prep sheet okay all right go ahead anyway uh over the last 10 years the Cavs have the 11th best record best winning percentage in the NBA the Browns have the 29th best winning percentage in the NFL which was surprising I would have guessed it was 37 second J I mean over the last 10 years it’s been pretty bleak but my friends the Guardians have the fourth best winning percentage in Major League Baseball over last they have Banger they get a banner for that show they did not uh they did get to One World Series and lost in game seven uh the reds are 28th by the way over the last decade but uh things are turning around down there in Cincinnati um you hear thatat the Dodgers last night they did two third and beat glass now too one of the best pitchers in baseball um you hear that a playoff series is going to a seventh game and you think man that’s been a great series I’ve been watching this nuggets I wanted some of that nuggets Timberwolves game to be good I was actually to watch it go I mean it was I mean it it was good you’re a wolves fan it was entertaining Denver was up 9 to2 and then Minnesota scored 20 straight points and the game was over and then they scored 16 straight in the fourth quarter to balloon the lead to like they were up by 50 and they won by 4 but so far in this series Minnesota has won its three games by 726 and 45 points the nuggets have won by 278 and 15 points so gosh I hope we get a good game seven CU it has not been a riveting close series no so far Beamer did I steal your juice uh you didn’t steal my juice I had it my tease was going to be it’s been a grim last decade for a couple of pro sports teams uh in the state of Ohio that was going to be what we were doing in the next segment okay instead we’ll do something else um wait a minute I didn’t do I didn’t change your topic yeah no that’s the topic that was the topic the great reveal that was the great reveal that was coming up in the next segment we were going to do that oh gosh Sharky it’s okay we’ll do something else I’m sure we’ll find something else to do uh what’s got me fired up here this week and heading back to Dayton uh Bob it’s my grandma shout out Janet Janet Helen she’s turning 90 years old today big the big n90 man uh love her told these guys yesterday yeah I think she likes a little appar she likes that she likes an amoretto really anything her favorite wine is reeling she goes oh it tastes so sweet uh so she loves that what’s your favorite drink the next one the next one Mikey she loves her mikeys which is Mike’s her lemonade Micky yeah any she probably likes that too yeah likes that with the uh was it jenesy the cream ale yeah I think anything she her hands she likes it that is gross yeah um so that’s that’s great she’s turning 90 years old today so big big happy birthday uh to my grandma man she loves and she loves yeah I’m bring a case down to her uh after the show so going to go down there uh today and celebrate with her we’re having a big family cookout uh on Sunday so super super fired up about that she had surgery she broke her elbow uh on a cruise a couple of weeks ago she had surgery yesterday got out surgery and apparently he’s feeling fine so uh was super thrilled to hear about that yesterday that she got out and she’s uh on the men so big big happy birthday uh the big 90 uh to my grandma shout out Janet for that man she is the absolute best and I’m sure that she’s going to have a few cocktails tonight coming off a surgery for her 90th birthday uh so all that’s got me fired up since shark stole my teas I don’t know what we’re going to do in the next segment we’ll read some of the YouTube comments we’ll read some of the YouTube comments and at some point you’re going to listen to the actual situation that involves Scotty sheffler because Jeff Darlington was right on the scenes we’ll give you that coming up next morning jupes right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic center hey there and a happy Friday to you watch for cruise clearing up a crash on I 270 southbound in the Dublin area this is just beyond the 27033 split again out in the Dublin area on 270 southbound I’m tentv Amy sterwald with your fan traffic the best outcomes for treating cancer come from early detection and early diagnosis the James Cancer Diagnostic Center at Ohio State is designed to provide rapid evaluation and clear diagnosis we are transforming Care by giving patients direct access to cancer experts who study and treat cancer every day if you think you have cancer the choice is clear choose the James Cancer Diagnostic Center now at UDF buy three everyday favorites with udrive plus to quickly stack an extra 20 cents in gas savings that includes snacks like Fritos and Doritos candy like M&M and 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lost back-to-back games for the first time in four weeks Nick Martinez got the win in relief allowing no runs on just one hit over five innings the Guardians had the day off they host the twins tonight the Clippers split their double header against Louisville at Huntington Park winning 9 to3 then losing 6-2 Columbus remains in last last place in the IL West just one game in the NBA playoffs in Minnesota the Timberwolves destroyed Denver 115 to70 out scoring the nuggets in every quarter and tying the second round series at three all game seven is Sunday in Denver the sports center is sponsored by BMI Federal Credit Union BMI has been voted best credit union 6 years in a row by seabs top picks visit bmifcu.org to learn more Bobby is known as the general Beamer is known as Bamber this is morning juice hour number three of the program for us on a Friday Brandon B Bobby Carpenter Mark the shark coming up here sometime in the next couple of segments we’re going to check in with Ohio State uh strength and conditioning coach Mickey morat he’s going to join the program we’ll find out to he’s in meetings he got busy morning on him uh so we’ll check in with him sometime coming up here AJ Hawk he’s going to round out the program with us coming up here around 8:35 a little bit later on keeping you informed about what’s trending this morning it’s time for a little rck on morning juice sponsored by Billiards plus your destination for top-of-the-line grills with up to 30-year warranty bards Plus on Dublin Center Drive in Dublin all right we have some news uh about the Scotty sheffler situation so we know this going back this morning I don’t even know when this was Bob like an hour ago like 6:45 we were get yeah we were going into Quick hitters and like all this was kind of coming out here so this is like 6:30 in the morning that so there’s been there was a fatality on the way into Valhalla and it said that it was a shuttle bus uh in a pedestrian so traffic is a mess uh Nate tweeted us said B to Valhalla a couple of times it’s basically it’s it’s outside of the city limits of Louisville it’s just it’s kind of out there and it’s just a state road getting in it’s just a two-lane road that they have so like think of like a like a Route 62 like just kind of going out uh up Northeast in Columbus like that’s kind of what I’m envisioning and that that kind of what it looked like so this is at like 6:30 6:45 Scotty Sheffer are trying to get around traffic they got the road I don’t know if it’s blocked but I don’t know if they’ve got flaggers like cars going one way cars going other yeah it it looked to be a mess and so Scotty sheffler trying to get around that because he has an 848t time so he’s trying to get around the traffic go into Valhalla to get ready where all these people are in line to get into the tournament are going to watch him number one golfer in the world and so he’s detained by a police officer now now the good news is that Scotty has been released so he’s I don’t know if they took him to jail they said okay this is crazy yeah free Scotty so Scotty’s out Scotty Doesn’t Know they backed up the tea times 80 minutes so he originally had an 8:48 tea time that means he’s going to be off at like 9 10:18 this morning so he’s still got a couple hours before his tea time gets rolling and underway but here was so Jeff Darlington of ESPN who’s been all over this this morning like he’s on the desk on ESPN he was probably setting up to do some sort of live cut in scene of the traffic like outside of the gates of alalla he is right there as all of this is unfolding this is what it sounded like Jeff is recording this on his phone Sharky hit it guys guys Darlington guys dude uhuh step back I’m back I’m back I’m cool man be cool you’re game one right guys what do we tell you I’m saying back here’s the thing right now right now he’s going to jail okay okay he’s going to jail and it ain’t nothing you can do about it period i there’s there’s nothing you can do about it okay I okay now do you have I’m a I’m media I’m a reporter okay that’s all I’m just I just want to make sure that’s need to step back here no problem you got it okay okay so in this entire situation you can cut it now shark um in this entire situation with what’s going on I mean you can see Sheffer like five feet away from Darlington like he’s walking after him as they’re like putting Scotty into a cruiser like Sheffer is being perw walked like hands behind his back handcuffed officers coming up and talking to him Darlington I think is trying to relay The Point again like if I was in Darlington shoes too I’d be like okay well I’m not going to press the line for you you tell me to get back yep sure you got it it needed to be said like this Scotty sheffer’s trying to get to his tea time like trying to get inside the ropes I quite frankly I you know officers may not watch golf no clue like that’s their assignment that week you might not know who Scotty Sheffer is like that’s that’s okay um that’s just one of the more wild scenes that that I’ve seen like ever on the morning of a major championship where Scotty just won his second Green Jacket last month and you know you always want to be respectful of law enforcement officers and and Jeff did a great job with that and I think they had a good dialogue and interaction um you know and thankfully Scotty’s out now now they is he getting the police escort back to where he was I would think so that he’s going to be on a the sirens are going to be on and he’ll be FastTrack to back to Valhalla because I mean they’ve got some massive issues right now that he’s not there and if that traffic is still standing yeah and it’s unfortunate there was a fatality there and someone lost their life and that’s obviously very tragic so you know they understand the protocol that they try to put in place you know just trying to figure this out I don’t know if you need to put him in the car and if if you that’s fine you ask some some questions in there great did you need to take him down to the station like what was the purpose of that I don’t know unless you were going to book him and arrest him and that’s and I don’t I don’t know the protocol on that oh again traffic laws down there I’m not sure if he broke any if it’s a breaking a law like well I mean he didn’t follow exceeding a police barricade something like that obviously yeah he obviously didn’t do what was instructed and so yeah there’s going to be ramifications for that um it looks like traffic the traffic is Flowing a lot better now so hopefully everything’s in a much better place and looks to be a little rainy down there not as bad as here but uh yeah it’s that’s very unfortunate so I’m just imagining because he just had you know his kid like 10 days ago right I mean his wife mared is probably at home with the baby oh talk about the tweet that what’s her name sent oh yeah uh Adam hadwin’s wife Jessica hadwin I don’t know what her name is I’ll find that sure but imagine so you remember go ahead so I mean imagine what his wife like may she might not be up yet I don’t know I mean you know Bob this better than anyone like the first 10 days like you got to wake the baby up every three hours you got to make sure they’re fed like all kinds of different crazy stuff so imagine her like if she’s not up yet and she she wakes up to seeing this Dad 10 days ago number one player in the world you’re husband arrested released and is now going to play it has to play again in two hours that would just be so hard to Fathom but Jessica hadwan had a great great tweet so if you remember back to I think this was last year A couple of years ago it was last year I think it was last year too shark he watches all this Cory Connor won the Canadian open for the I think it was Cory Connor it was maybe it was Mackenzie Hughes it was some Canadian won the Canadian open for the first time in like forever right and Adam had do Jan know who that is that’s a big deal in your household I think it was uh Taylor wasn’t it Nick Taylor Nick Taylor okay one of the Canadians so Shar no he married a Canadian and didn’t he bury a Bama like a playoff hole too like a 60 foot putt or something CRA maybe 40 feet and he buries a bomb and Adam hadwin as a fellow good teammate friend Countryman is on the green near again he’s a PGA Tour player like he’s allowed to be inside the ropes on the green and so the place is going nuts right first Canadian to win since whatever year it was and Adam hadwin comes like bolting on to the green to like celebrate with his guy this and we talked about it at the time you could see this I private security guard I respect to hustle man he saw that video as schls he was not he was ready to go and this cop/ security guard I don’t know if it private security or if it was a police officer you could see his eyeballs like he’s track and had one cuz he thinks he’s just a fan like coming up to mob this is my time to be great his eyes got wide he got into a nice stand bent his knees he’s hydrated all day he’s ready to rock and he just boom smokes Adam hadin like on the green and then he gets up because everyone’s like trying to get the police officer like oh he belongs here he’s he was just finished up a couple hours ago like on the screen you’re a golfer too he’s good yeah you look like a golfer but so does everybody I can’t tell cuz fans are wearing spikes and so are you so Adam aen goes running onto the green gets blasted so his wife at a great tweet bringing some levity to the situation this morning so there’s only one logical step after this latest incident have you been wrongfully arrested and or tackled while your job as a professional golfer you might be entitled to compensation that’s a great tweet good job by her or for you with that eagle fly it’s Valhalla I feel like there might be an eagle like that soaring around the winner should Ascend into Valhalla that was an amazing tweet Well Done by her I’m sure I cannot wait I wish if they had video of what the locker room was like when guys oh I everybody is just watching comes walking in there today we need a live we need Darlington to get inside the locker room on the reaction when he walks into that clock it’ll be so tremendous the stuff that the guys will be doing the fake arrests and everything else oh Scotty thought you could drive around the police how’d that turn out for you Scotty Doesn’t Know thought you were Above the Law maybe they’ll have some Sky he doesn’t know in there maybe by the time he gets there you might even be able to have Matt Damon down there and with that neck tattoo and a shaved head ready to sing Scotty Doesn’t Know for him do we get to Matt Damon to Louisville that quickly I think we can oh I’m sure Liv in Boston it’s just a couple hour flight it’s not too far away yeah it was a crazy situation this morning but he’s supposed to go off again his tea time like hasn’t been delayed so he’s going to go off like 1028 1018 again backed up 80 minutes uh from a little bit earlier on but one of the crazier situations that you will find uh across that shy so you said um the top 10 wins uh all time not all time but in the last 10 years Bas to 10 in the last 10 major league baseball NBA NFL team equivalent based on winning percentage in the last 10 years so the number one teams across those three Sports were the Dodgers Golden State and the Kansas City Chiefs number two on that list Astros cheaters there’s an Astros by that one Boston Celtics and the New England Patriots number three Los Angeles Clippers which is shocking to me that the Clippers are the third best winning percentage over the last 10 years you got to think they I mean Chris Paul you at the teams had there I mean it’s they Chris Paul for a while didn’t they and uh that was still when Blake Griffin was good yeah uh who else was Ka ka’s been there for a little bit now for a couple years but before that I mean they had a run who was their third they had someone else that was really good too oh DeAndre Jordan was there for a little bit the yeah Center so yeah they had I mean they had a squad number four uh the guard share of the mantle with the Milwaukee Bucks and the Green Bay Packers that’s nice those are your nice traditional like small markets too guards buck and Packers got to go till 11 till you find the next Ohio professional team on this list that would be the Cavs obviously with what they did with LeBron LeBron brought their winning percentage up I know they’ve done well over the last couple of years but between that was some lean years for the Cav they work to bring it back down the Reds on the other hand rank 28th they share the spots with the New York Knicks and the Chicago Bears now the last team on this list is currently comprised is the Detroit magic not the Detroit magic Detroit Magic the the Detroit Tigers the Orlando Magic the Detroit magic that’s a whole it’s a whole new subset of team we just created and then the Browns are 29th now I was wondering if NHL percentages where would our Columbus Blue Jackets jackets exercise and futility unfortunately that was during well half that’s going to be the torella era which was probably minus the probably the most successful fiveyear fouryear run in Pro uh organization history do you want to know where the Blue Jackets ranked the last 10 years in wi percentage I’m going say 22nd shark I was going to say 20th he is frantically typing well I saw this the other day and I just wanted to make sure it’s right because I saw that they were dead last dfl in the in the last 10 years they’ve actually made the playoffs and what a playoff series they made the playoffs four straight years huh regular season they’re not they are 22nd yes on the nose you got it on the nose Victory hey put that in my duel for Don wins put that down shark B the next time we do that segment you’re going to have a oneup lead starting off starting up one up I feel you know what I feel really good about that outside of the guards everything has been 10th or below in professional sports in the state which kind of makes all the sense in the world former bucka head coach that nil’s being implemented the way that’s next morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic center hey there in happy Friday right now we’re watching lane closures on the ramp to 270 Westbound from both i71 North and Southbound on the north side of town crews are responding to a crash that has that westbound ramp slow moving I’m ttv’s Amy sterwald with your fan traffic fan traffic sponsored by pellow Windows and Doors voted by Columbus homeowners as the leading and most trusted window brand find out why at pel columbus.com or at their brand new Polaris showroom Ohio ready for some quick mental health facts let’s go nearly 2 million Ohioans live with a mental health condition in the US more than 50% of people will be diagnosed with a mental 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gullets is their specialty join man and bone for fat boy food tip live at three or on the podcast your home for fat the fan Care Heating and Cooling when you need a company you can trust call 1 1800 cooling score a goal with the love my crew checking account from Pathways the checking account that rewards you for supporting the crew learn more at pathwayscu.com Pathways Financial Credit Union official Credit Union of the Columbus Crew federally insured by ncua hey there friends Bo here you planning that summer vacation skip the long lines in the crowded cities get away in an RV from my friends at rcd RV summer nights will soon be calling and rcd RV is here to take your camping experience to the next level they provide the Best Brands the best service awesome after sales support they are family-owned and operated in central Ohio for over 50 years you will feel it the second year walk on one of their Lots over 650 new and pre-owned RVs in stock three locations to serve you in central Ohio or online anytime at rcd rv.com hey folks it’s game day and the betting’s going to be intense Drew you said it Dave but a good pregame routine keeps betting responsible that’s right you got to pause before you play good call sports betting is hot but it can be risky and pausing to set limits is an All-Star move that’s right Dave if you bet on sports pause before you play to set limits recognize the risk and know when to stop learn more at paup [Music] play.gym it home the guy not wearing his seat belt didn’t don’t risk it click it or tick it paid for by nza Van weather from the Logan AC and heat Services weather center rain is back in the forecast for today look for off and on showers with a high of 75 tonight look for a nighttime low of 62 on Saturday look for scattered showers with a high of 78 and on Sunday look for mostly sunny skies with a high of 82 I’m Doppler 10 meteorologist Dylan robers Shad on 971 the fan FanDuel is the exclusive online Sportsbook partner of morning juice just sign up at fanduel.com juu the fan Ohio Sports destination counting down the days until shark’s retirement you are listening to morning juice not long to go for Sharky now I mean we’re within the 14-month countdown for him going to be Bobby Carpenter Mark the shark Friday edition of the program right now we’re heading out to the Bryant heating and cooling systems fan guest hotline checking with the high State strength coach he is Mickey Mora coach thanks so much for the time always appreciate busy morning over at the Woody we got some meetings coming in guys in the office what’s going on oh yeah it’s always busy over here at the Woody yeah we just got done with a team meeting um kind of set off our summer training and uh get everybody on the same page with all the players coaches and staff and uh it’s always it’s always a great time to get uh get the thing rolling so what does the next couple weeks look like coach I know you said they’re back from discretionary time at this point launching the rest of the summer kind of what are the goals and how do we kind of structure all that yeah so um yesterday we had uh we uh we voted for leadership committee so we had 21 guys on a leadership committee then we broke them into three groups uh line big skill and skill uh we have three squads per each uh position unit or group unit and then we had a draft which is fun um you know first rounders and third rounders and who got picked last and uh so it was a fun meeting yesterday and today we got together and uh just talked about all the goals and um objectives for the summer and we’re GNA start Monday and uh and then it starts for real here uh next week coach I know that uh you know guys get something cool really cool coming up here and it’s something we have not been able to see here in Columbus and you know we get a look into what you guys do in the off season when the social media put out you know videos of like Matt drills and winner loser and I think everybody enjoys that it’s a really cool opportunity coming up Friday June 21st going to be over at St John Arena open to the public uh in a workout that you guys are putting on if we’re going to that event what should what should we kind of expect because I think that’s really awesome yeah no uh appreciate that uh just came up with the idea of uh you know how we could help some of the things that are going on right now in college football and you know I just said you know what we we made a commitment to uh St John Arena uh it’s no longer the basketball you know the tradition of the basketball and all the things that went on in St John Arena now it’s a we call it the PowerHouse so it’s we turned it into a gym or not really even a gym a training facility so we have we have turf we have racks we have 29 racks for all of our athletes to use and it’s a great way to get our entire football team um to train at once because the Woody Hayes Athletic Center weight room is not big enough so and then you got how many seats 18 19 ,000 seats in there whatever it is so we came up with the idea talked to some of the leaders and they were fired up and uh we’re going to have an event it’s a training it’s actually a training day um starting at five o’clock then go before about an hour and a half and uh it’s really really everything we do speed training to power training to competitive stuff to to strength training to all the things that we do and in an event to where people can see kind of what goes on behind the scenes um never never shown before um you know we we kind of keep what we do a little bit of secret and uh now we’re kind of putting it out to the public and putting out to the fans to come see and watch and be around our players and uh actually uh your partner there Bobby Carpenter is going to be our MC um we’re going to kind of walk around explain what we’re doing and talk to players as they training and and really get a good Insight of uh what goes on is Bob going to give us all an example before you actually go through the list are you going to put him through the circuit first yeah uh well he’ll probably put him self through but he’s got to keep his shirt on we can’t have him with with his shirt off all the time absolutely so what Mick like this is more than people think of just like training lifting weights but this is going to be like competitive environments then also you know maybe some chance to maybe a chance to interact with the players maybe before or after as well yes yes exactly so uh there’s some opportunities to meet with players uh before um and then also as well after with some autograph stuff um and yeah it’s going to be a competitive environment uh where we’re going to you know we got a DJ set up we got a it’s a great environment to train in and you know as a as an next player you know when you get these opportunities where you’re in front of people it just brings the best out in you and um like I said our guys are fired up and uh we’re we’re excited for it absolutely I think that’s the one thing Mick you’re talking about so you’ve got this unbelievable you know venue it’s a basketball arena that’s been converted this way room so it has like the real Coliseum feel everybody will be able to kind of see and look down inside and watch these guys train and like I think the point that you were making is phenomenal where this is a not a normal workout to guys with everybody there it’s going to be heightened intensity and that winner loser element that I love you guys put in there so much that’s going to kind of be prevalent with all this intensity going on oh no doubt and uh you know a bunch of the players have come up to me and they want to know if they can load the bars up and you know kind of show off a little bit and um definitely be winner loser definitely be a competitive environment and just just to give you know the you know Buckeye Nation a look at kind of what we do and and and what you know the meaning behind it and and again just to get to see the players you know with their helmets off and in a training environment where they’re actually preparing for the season um they’re going to train anyways so we figure you know what let’s let’s let’s see if we can make this a great event and um you know give give people some insight which they they’ve never had before yeah it’s going to be really cool as we checking with Coach Mick here on the Bryant heating and cooling systems fan guest hotline coach I mean we know it changes and we had coach Dan here a little bit earlier on the week and uh changes are crazy in college football right now but I mean do you have a favorite part you know time of the year I mean I know that you guys are in the lab and you got winter workouts and right now it’s kind of over the last couple weeks kind of a discretionary period guys start coming back in then you get into fall camp in the season like do you have one part of maybe the calendar that you look forward to uh than than the rest no great question um I think number one for me is that that February um Matt drill kind of uh time period just because it’s it’s raw it’s it’s intense it’s you know it doesn’t really care how many stars you have or uh if you’re an All-American or you’re a starter it just kind of puts everybody on the same level and probably my second favorite is is uh is right now because the kids got a break you know they’ve been they’ve been away for two three weeks just to clear their minds and clear their souls and you know just get away from the just get away from the you know the football kind of world for a little bit and then they come back with a fresh attitude uh you know the transfer portal is closed now so we got our team we got our uh we got our leaders and uh it’s just fresh and the the cool thing with our players right now is you know summer school you only take you know maybe one or two classes so your your academic load is is uh not that great so a lot of the football um you know a lot of time is put into football and you know film study and training and just being around each other and that’s one of our goals um this summer is to get closer you know try to be the closest team in the country and uh you got to be able to spend time with with guys in the Woody outside the Woody on the golf course you know we got a big contingent of guys that like to golf yeah my challenge to them was grab some guys that don’t Golf and you know take them out and teach them how to swing a club because that’s a lifetime skill that we all think we’re good at so absolutely Mick and if you want to see how that culture is made and created it’s made and created in the weight room the Friday night lift at the PowerHouse Friday June 21st it’s going to start at 5:00 make sure you get there 1870 society.com to sign up coach Mick thanks for spending some time with us today I know we can’t look can’t wait for that event no I appreciate it guys and uh you know looking forward to that 21st of June and let’s uh let’s kind of bring it absolutely see you coach there he goes coach MC M with us here on the Bryant heating and cooling systems fan s line very nice for him to give us some of his time on what I’m sure is a very busy part of the year as all parts of the year are oh they’re very excited they’ve got VIP tickets they got family packages 1870 society.com you know this is they want to give people exposure you want to see how culture is built you want to see how guys the togetherness the competition everything and it’s going to be St John’s there’s not a lot of ways to get into St John’s anymore and I can’t think of a cooler cooler way to do it um but something else that’s maybe not as cool cuz if you’re thinking about spending money replace your home’s windows and you’re thinking W you really don’t get excited about that not the same way you do about watching the Buckey get after it uh but you do it because your energy bills they stink your current Windows well they’re too messed up but I was working with the local p p Columbus team my eyes they’ve been opened new windows can legitimately change the entire look of your home they’re like the eyes of your house you throw a little makeup on there and they’re looking real nice they’ve got windows and colors and styles like heck never even seen they can change everything so go check them out their Polaris showroom or visit them online my friends at Pella at pel columbus.com AJ Hawk is going to join us next and we’re going to ask him if he ever if he’s ever been purped like Scotty Sheffer was this morning that’s coming up morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic center good morning right now expect lane closures on the ramp 2 I 270 Westbound from both i71 North and Southbound on the north side of town crews are responding to a crash that has that ramp slow moving I’m ttv’s Amy stagger with your fan traffic fan traffic is sponsored by BMI Federal Credit Union BMI Federal Credit Union has been voted best credit union for the past 6 years in a row by cus top picks visit bmifcu.org to learn more life it’s full of strange twists and unexpected surprises but at AAA it’s always been our policy to look on the plus side and our AAA Plus members tend to take the same view take Martin for example last Monday his morning coffee surprised him with an extra 10° of Fahrenheit oh it was just the jolt of energy he needed to start the day later when his shirt was targeted by the mustard on his Burger he became a proud trendsetter Martin looking good and when he walked face first into a sparkling glass door he was happy to provide some much needed entertainment for his co-workers I’m okay and of course when his car battery took early retirement Martin felt no resentment he knew there was a plus side aaa’s expert roadside assistance was only a call away hello Tria are you in a safe location while we can’t all be like Martin we can become a AAA plus 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pledge to [Music] you f i lock up my Old Spice Fiji aluminum free dry spray to keep that 24/7 lasting freshness safe for myself fresh coconuts palm trees in the wind it’s like catching waves in Fiji actually I just talked myself into a refreshing Spritz of Fiji My Old Spice is missing [Laughter] no Progressive knows finding your new home was a dream come true you wanted it close to town with a picture window overlooking a yard and you found it now when you sit down to dinner you’ve got front row seats too your neighbor’s daily pickle ball game Progressive can’t save you from your noisy neighbors but we can save you money when you bundle your home and auto with us get a quote at progressive.com Progressive Casualty Insurance Company Affiliates and other insurers not available in all states morning juice is sponsored by Affinity Whole Health the leader in testosterone and hormone replacement therapy feelg great columbus.com the fan you’re listening to Rob manfred’s least favorite radio show this is morning juice here’s log here had a conversation with has strength coach MC Mora that’ll be on the podcast coming up around 9:05 YouTube shorts watch on YouTube live go back and watch the show Live on YouTube I mean just all kinds of good go back and watch it live go back and watch it live go watch it live in the future too cuz that’s got to see it live got to see it live a man with many career achievements leading tackler in Centerville football history bleading tackler in Green Bay Packers history still afraid of Larry knf singer and the crowning achievement the third member of the island boys AJ Hawk sponsored by FanDuel the exclusive online Sportsbook partner of morning juice just sign up at fanduel.com juu andn now the Bri heating and cooling systems FAS hotline Checker with our good friend AJ Hawk age happy Friday to you buddy sorry your tea time got canceled I know you’re a bit upset about that oh I know I was going to get out through the my my first round of the year I was looking forward to him playing with Bob and schlags and James but I mean what are we doing with Scotty sheer can we bail this guy out of jail this is ridiculous watching oh of course we’ve been all over it it happened at like 6:30 this morning so he’s out and I just saw some like he’s actually he’s being charged with things it’s a second degree offense of assaulting an officer reckless driving failure to comply and there was something else that was thrown in there but in the meantime of that we have the mug shot now of Scotty Sheffer which is pretty impressive they got him booked that quickly and here’s the kicker AJ he’s been released and they got him back to the golf course via Louisville Police Department helicopter of course I saw the uh I I saw the mug shot so that’s real in the the orange little jumper yeah I mean Scotty he’s going to go win this thing by about 30 Strokes now I mean what are we doing like all those charges will most likely get dropped I would imagine they’ll figure it out like it seems like a wild scene down there in Louisville I said I mean if they want to you know charge him with failure to comply and like reckless driving okay write the guy a ticket and let him keep going I mean AJ can he troll the universe and play in the jumpsuit today you think or maybe at least let his caddy wear it oh what a question what a great idea Bob absolutely he should just you know say oh I sorry guys I got to rest I just ran straight from uh from the cell here we go I got to wear my orange jumpsuit or if his caddy did wear it that’d be pretty sweet maybe we could start a whole new like fashion trend out there maybe he’s gonna have to I don’t know if he would fit in Ricky’s clothes because Ricky’s pretty small like 5 foot five I know Scotty’s like 63 but if you could get like Sunday Ricky’s Sunday orange to wear today I think that would be a great troll by everybody I mean I I can’t wait to hear Scotty’s uh Scotty’s views on what happened like we don’t we don’t he’s pretty cool C and collected at all times it’ll be interesting to see how he handles this whole thing you ever been Perle loed like that AJ oh jeez I have not no I have not my kids asking all the time if I’ve been arrested and I said no I have not you play in the NFL dad tell me about the times you arrested yeah for sure Dad all your friends have been arrested and everyone I guys I see on TV get arrested all the time like no you’re right I do have plenty of friends in jail and guys that have been arrested and luckily your dad is not one of them they said Uncle Pac-Man was telling us about those stories with you guys hanging out together Pac-Man’s the best D I love Pacman maybe ESPN will call him up and let him talk about the Scotty situation I hope so oh it’s beautiful and she said today was going to be your first round unfortunately they’re not canceling AJ they’re turn using the term postpone postponing it so hopefully we’ll be able to get to play it’s my favorite probably round of the year with you you and James and schlags and getting together and four hours beam goes you guys should just just go to a bar and get drunk I don’t know if you can justify go to The Ruck they’re yeah if we’re not on a course but I was really hoping this might be the first round that you get to pull out your shocker glove to go with your peter Putter and hopefully that combo is going to be pretty nice oh I mean you’re right I got to thank you and court for that glove uh I am normally a gloveless golfer I don’t wear a glove ever but I’m going to have to put the uh the Shocker glove into the rotation for sure take it off the I’m going to be a glove guy now I guess thanks to you no I listen you’re telling me no cuz I’ve watched you go Tommy to gloves before maybe back in the day or if it was really like rainy or something but no I don’t even I don’t have a glove in my back normally until now like I said the Shocker glove only for Nostalgia and because you guys were so thoughtful that’s the only reason I’m going to wear a glove now so you you go and you play out in Tahoe and you you just raw Dogg at that thing like no glove on there I’m Raw dogging it all day Bob I get some uh I got some liquid liquid chalk that I put on my hand sometimes if they get kind of sweaty or greasy because as I’ve said it to you before my uh you know my very pasty white skin I’m reapplying Sunan lotion like every 20 minutes so sometimes I need some liquid chalk liquid chalk you know instead of using liquid chalk you could just use a golf club I think that would like alleviate those problems no it’s the it’s the logistics of the golf club I I hate taking the glove off put it in a pocket or get what whatever I just want to play like I and or I could just play in putt with a glove on which is fine I do that I just don’t like I don’t like a glove I don’t know what it is I just like like Bob said I just got to I got I need to feel the the club in my hand you know I’m a feel I’m an instincts player well AJ I know this you are an instincts guy you’ve always been a no glove guy you said it just feels better that’s what you just tell me back in school and like you said that shaft in your raw hand I can only imagine how much better that feels I’ve always been a I putt with my glove on I know you if you don’t want to do that AJ cuz you usually putt from The Fringe or even from the rough sometimes so I’m surprised you just don’t leave it on the whole time I I might you know or I was enjoying watching or listening to your brain kind of continue that that frame of mind and continue and just keep coming up with new ones there so that was actually very entertaining for me try to continue to keep going how was uh hanging out with TR on the podcast I saw you to do that yeah oh he’s the man he’s so awesome um I think his Show’s really good too I mean he was like well you know John Maxwell is gonna be um our first episode like gez okay like you got John Maxwell come on why why you talking to me so he uh Trestle is very he’s very good and like very natural at it you know which is not surprising to anybody that knows him at all so yeah I think he’s excited like I think he going around and talking to people I think he uh I think he’s really enjoying it I think it’s going to be a great show I mean did you ask him AJ like trust can’t you just retire and relax I mean you’ve been doing this your whole life can you just like relax a little bit and let Ellen beat you up on the golf course every day well he I he’s one of those guys like you know we always say I I say a lot coaches coach you know they’re usually they’re going to die with a clicker in their hand in their office he’s not really one of those guys but he’s always going to be doing something always going to be helping people making things better whatever I don’t know he just you know Bob like he’s looked the same for 30 years too the guy looks amazing he has great energy he’s just yeah I don’t know like he he’s such an awesome dude I don’t think he’s ever gonna stop hey before we get you out of here what are you doing now that the golf round is canceled what you got going on this weekend I thought I was going to The Ruck more and drinking 45 beers with Bob and schls and James I don’t know it changed you know we got a lot of I’ll probably see Bob around tomorrow we got lacrosse down in UA things all over the place some basketb ball yeah it’s going to be fun maybe we get the kids hanging out tonight listen if we go to The Ruck more shaft in hand no gloves allowed AJ I know that you’re going to be ready to rock and so hopefully we’ll see each other tonight and uh maybe even here in a little bit for some some AML which I know is one of your favorites so we we appreciate you stopping by dude unfortunately was canceled I’m sure we’ll have it postponed into the future but Mr Aaron you have a wonderful weekend sir all right thanks you guys too there he goes AJ Hawk with us here on the Bryant heating and cooling systems fan guest hland hey remember it’s it’s rainy today but pool season it’s going to be here it’ll be here before you know it and so do not wait go see my friends over to Affinity Whole Health the leaders in the testosterone hormone replacement therapy game but they’re not just here to optimize your tea levels oh no they’re here for weight loss as well that’s right ifinity they can help you lose weight and help alleviate the symptoms that come with low tea but Affinity they also offer semaglutide injections for weight loss in addition to those testosterone treatments so you can say goodbye to low energy and low libbido and say hello to weight loss and muscle gain you can go shirtless wherever just like AJ was talking about you don’t need a shirt or Mickey marad was saying I they’re going to make me wear one if I do the lift unfortunately but you don’t have to that’s the key so go check them out at fgre columbus.com that’s fgre columbus.com we’re going to reveal our fan pole next if we come up with one in the next four minutes morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic center hey there and good morning we are still watching a crash on the north side of town at the 71 270 split right now the westbound Lanes of 270 are restricted on the ramp from Vol i71 North and southbound again this is on the north side of town I’m tentv Amy sterwald with your fan traffic ready to be the change and have a positive impact on your community consider joining the Columbus Division of police starting pay is 70,000 plus growing to six figures after 4 years of service we offer paid vacations paid holidays and health insurance do you aspire to complete your degree we offer 100% tuition reimbursement after you complete your first year of service contact the CPD recruiting unit at jobs Columbus police.org or apply online at columbus.gov governmentjobs the city of Columbus is an equal opportunity employer Care Heating 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bare hands see a little something for everyone this is morning juice we here in the juice of Roy by our good friends over at Affinity whole healthy leader in testosterone and hormone replacement therapy you can always visit them on the line that feel great columbus.com uncle bow and the boy is going to be up next uh they’ll talk about this Scotty sheffler situation that has unfolded this morning uh in Louisville right getting ready to play the second round uh talk about Ellie D La Cruz and his performance last night against the Dodgers they’ll check in with May coming up at 10:33 and then dougl Maurice is going to join them at 11:33 here this morning so latest report from Louisville down near Valhalla is that Scotty sheffler in the air will be on the ground will be on the ground at Valhalla choer him in St uh the Louisville PD so instead of wasting some taxpayer dollars on booking him could you just write him a ticket for uh failure to comply maybe reckless driving call it a day we’ll deal with everything else later whatever like assaulting a police officer that’s going to get dropped it’s not going to stick the dude got out and got slammed into his police car he complied he did well I mean he was he wasn’t belligerent afterwards so the the listen to your police officers but also let’s have some understanding that what’s going on as well so it’s it’s great because on on our new YouTube channel which you can go to youtube.com uh or fire up your YouTube app you can watch us live and we have this chat box the best the chat was the chat cat was on fire this morning and so I’ve I’ve got it pulled up right now and the the ju toos of the Scotty free Scotty Scotty should go to send him to prison it’s great uh it said free one of them says free Scotty that’s from Jay uh Steve said doesn’t matter who he is if this was anybody else he earned his trip to jail Garen said Pro or not laws or laws sandwich in between that Bobby eating those floor almonds by the way I’d like to clarify this I eat a lot of cough drops I do a lot of media and TV stuff yeah and so in the morning I don’t drink coffee I just I go through about a cough drop I try to limit to one an hour beam M so I usually start one about 6:15 6:30 6 7:30 whatever I went to put it in my mouth and I dropped it so then I picked it back up and I ate it so I I’ll eat things off the floor this floor probably not as clean as I would like yeah it’s gross I I I did drop some almonds on the air point for yesterday I didn’t eat those good that was that before or after the guy puked on you he didn’t puke on me so there it’s a gentleman who I was asleep and I was sitting in like the first row behind first class and it’s right where like it had three in one or two seats and one seats for first class and was two and two the rest of the way back so you know where it kind of juts a little bit Yeah so I had the great seat that I could put my feet forward and I wake up to someone like falling over my legs bigger dude flly attend come help pick him up he goes like crawling into the bathroom and then just starts throwing up in there oh God it was remarkable but but I would like to the sushi at the airport exactly JFK International maybe too many too many beers but yeah uh I did need to floor almonds but I will eat things off the floor especially at my own house oh sure and then someone was dogging my head I like this chat app this is going to be a good thing for us they’re be really good or really bad here listen I understand there’s going to be criticism people are going to hate loving everything else going on some going criticizing my headphones said get some new ones these are new ones I had my other ones St like 10 years I just got these two years ago and by the way maybe cuz they’re the same ones is it reer has these I think uh does he yeah he’s got the white Sony’s they’re like how often does another man notice another man’s headphones well I’m going to tell you this you know how hard it is to buy headphones with a cord now oh yeah it’s a it’s a pain they’ve really limited the options here we don’t have Bluetooth technology for this I’ve got a nice pair of Beats but you have to keep putting batteries in them I don’t want to do that anymore so I just bought these jobs sandwich in between you EA and Flor Al and Ward said Ward had a couple of good ones said Sheffer needs to wear the orange jumpsuit today and then he followed it up said the starter should announce Scotty and then remove his handcuffs that’s great I think the fan pole should actually be and I know I know what it is cuz we created it on the fly in like the last five minutes I’m almost thinking back that we would Scotty Sheffer beat you in a round of golf handcuffed now not behind his back that would be crazy he could just but in if Scotty Sheffer is handcuffed with his with his hands and he he has enough slack to get both hands on the club both hands on the club could he beat you in a round of golf while he has his handcuffs on I think yeah I think for sure yes anybody who’s not a scratch golfer that answer is probably yes yeah for sure like it’s probably going to take a couple of Strokes off of his game CU that was yesterday I was like how do these guys go shoot 5 under in the British Open with this 30 mph hour win in their face like this is utterly remarkable uh when I was over in uh playing Swani course Swani Club yesterday and it looked awesome it’s really nice I got some pictures I’ll post them so we get that uh but that’s you know pretty exciting beam it’s fun but I’m excited about this YouTube chat this is is going to be this is going to be great for us the the Scotty mug shot is just remarkable oh yeah it’s it’s gonna be everywhere over Scot this morning I do wonder and shefy now got in on the action of course he did Breaking golf news now said Scotty Sheffer was on the way to Valhalla is he really yeah come on his way on his way I hope it’s to the golf course not the Norse not the Norse Valhalla Chef Chey on Chef shefer shefter on Sheffer yeah chef on chefler coverage love it that’s good I mean the the amount of stick that he is going to get from the dudes in that locker room is going to be crazy dude on dude accountability and how does he react too like he better just laugh about it that’s all you can do at this point just CU you had your green jacket on Scotty you could drive around the police what are you doing man what are you doing saw some other tweet that said too like tiger Scotty Sheffer is taking the tiger comparison’s way too intense that was a pretty good one so you’ve got a mug shot some people said you you haven’t made it beam right yeah exactly another one said it’s about time for Scotty to feel how golf is when you have kids stressful morning in a mad rush to the first te that’s a really good one invading police on the way there Jessica had one though I think had the Tweet of the day talking about do you have you been injured in a uh officer tackling you on a green or arrested for your tea time call call an accident attorney or for you a I do Wonder like his his media availability after the round two is going to be beautiful it’s that’s it’s going to be appointment watching for me that’s at what like it’ll be 3:00 he’s going off at 10:08 I think cuz I haven’t pushed the tea times back anymore for the 80 minute delay I mean his his post round press conference will be like must watch TV it’s going to be great are you going to the rockmore I am not going to the Rock I’m going to go home I have my golf shoes on go in there like that it’s dark in there anyways I’m not going to just get drunk inside if it was going to be anywhere it’d be outside right now um have a I was looking forward to some transfusions they were going to bring them around at the course that’s my favorite um Kayla and mdy they’re the transfusion Squad and they bring them around and it’s everybody needs a good transfusion beam oh of course maybe two or three of them maybe more like six or seven especially on a Friday our fan poll at 971 the fan.com or on Twitter at 971thefan uh shark are we going with a handcuff question or are we going with the original one what’s the higher likelihood that happens which one are we going with I know that you’re back there Fran Ally pacing around the original fan pole was going to bees here it is yep today’s fan pole 97.1 The Fan how do you think Scotty shuffler will play today in the second round of the PGA Championship after being detained this morning sets course record shoots below par fails miserably misses the cut he’s not missing the cut he’s not missing the cut if anything I think shoots below par I think I think he does too I think if anything he goes nuts Boba had so much fun with you this week what do you say we reconvene on Monday if they allow us you go to that let’s do it everybody have a great day hleo and the boys are up next we are back live on Monday morning to break everything down have a great weekend talk to you then morning juice right here on the fan fan traffic from the atlas Butler plumbing services traffic center hey there and a happy Friday to you watch for cruise clearing up a crash on the north side of town at the 27071 split expect lane closures on the ramp to 270 Westbound from both those North and southbound Lanes of 71 because of this crash I’m ttv’s Amy sterwald with your fan traffic [Music] is a fan action update this action update is brought to you by typico ging from call 1800 gamer odds for all 276 NFL games this year are on the board and the San Francisco 49ers are projected to be favored in every single game this year the Panthers and Patriots are projected to be underdogs in every single game and the Bengals are favored in 13 of their 17 games this season in look ahead lines for your typical action update I’m Scotty Vegas [Music] it’s good to drive Honda and save thousands with low 1.9% financing all your favorite Honda models are in stock save 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