NIHL North 1 Semi Final – Solihull Barons v Blackburn Hawks – 06 April 2024

    [Music] well George the anthem’s out the way it’s the last game of the day but the fans the fans are acting like it’s a fair super atmosphere I love it this is going to be electric the winner of this matchup goes forward to face League champions of Billingham Stars and we’ll have the the job of trying to upset that fairy [Music] tale as we uh just check oh we’re not going to check on the goal EA see if we from here we know start for the bar St for the bar we expect KY will be in that for yeah we can see looks like it KY is getting the nod and Ben KY has been superb all season for the Hawks 19 years old another back how many great goalies are we seeing today it’s absolutely superb to see the talent of net minding coming through at British level but I’ll tell you what going to be big asss up the other end the experience of lerick a lot of weight rests on that man’s shoulders he’s going to have to put up against some fire [Music] power as the starting line get themselves ready [Music] who do we think the lineups will be and it does look like is it Crawley pollet and and L witch I think yeah L witch there he is and you’re going to have Phillips de Mayo in the back for the Haws y going the other way well it’s white and we’ll we’ll wait and see that’s [Applause] yeah where been s oh OT ‘s there right so look which notson in for the draw all to play for puck drops and away we go and it’s a baron Who come out in front first oon knocks It Forward chased on by white into the corner plays it around early opportunity couldn’t quite reel it in it’s bed stop off the leg pad of Cy out front again Haws quick to react and here comes lwit the other way Jacob lwit down the wing looks cut inside will he go out in front no goes all the way round ridden into the boards hard and San brings his man down in the form of Crowley Crawley does he not to come back with the puck bareno hold up shot great flash of the Leather by Cy as he denies the baron early on and they are coming out fighting a feed up back another shot back on attempt KY gets there goes post to post and web is not letting KY rest Barons have absolutely come out throwing everything that second save he made it in a full splits position quick line change for the Hawks and then the yeah the defensive bar are changed as well we’re now seeing the liks of roids and Ricon now there Roy tries to bang It Forward bodies on from the Hawks just creating that bit of Separation allowing them in Barnes couldn’t do anything it’s kept alive there by cross Barnes was dispossessed they look to feed it down the wing re comes back to the Hawks day picked up Ric streetle [Applause] gets across as quick as he could there’s Roy surely beats up Maurice Smith s forward to where Watson’s picked it up and there’s no mistaking Luke Watson when he’s on the ice Smith again Watson great pressure Stokes manages to play it out house only he gets it as far as to Dan Hyde Hyde looks for space tries to go over to number 59 that’s Jordan Charley with turned around good shot on by the Hawks Watson picks it up sends it back in urinex Watson he’s got Davis in the middle for the option finds him Davis sells the Poke shoots off the GL off the leg sorry lavick and well that was a well Weare play there George it was super chance nearly picked up the rebound as well again throws it dangerously towards net Watson just sees Stokes up he going to be picked up once more by Crawley as we go for another line change Haw now start to put the pressure on after weathering that storm it’s picked up once more by Phillips Phillips he’s been outstanding all season with the Hawks looks to ska in on that is Crawley thrown towards net there by pollet and now the Byron down the other way great poke check this is some absolute end to end hockey oh lwi trying to dig his way through close whistle there no I’m going to catch my breath George yeah well we’ve seen it both ways didn’t we I mean you you could the first shift OTS was out you could see what he’s got he’s got skating in the hands to get like inside positions to get to danger areas but then the Hawks towards the end of that passage of play starting to push back getting changes under control Po and Ric just one two in it there but it’s intercepted by Webb web bups it in he’s going let that run where picked up by Mayo Mayo sends it back Phillips takes his time looks up his apologies poet poet plays it up will look witch now and L witch can take a hit and he does so for um sod white great stretch pass round his man back Bailey challenge wow what a goal wow and this is what we said he can come from anywhere absolutely outstanding hands from the defenseman Bailey challeng stepped in off the wing dangled his man showed a little bit to uh we see the celebration there and then backhanded it top shelf unreal what a fantastic solo effort that is and it’s Sol Hall Baron one black Ben Hawk’s nil and Matt Morris jumps on that loose poke immediately but it’s going to be cross who dives in there and shuts him [Applause] MTH well I tell you now most pundits would not have had that as the opening goal nichas oton with the assist streetly sends it through barons 5 look to clear the Zone cross sends it back in Barnes flips it in Barnes goes to go to ridik couldn’t get there rck he’s got Roy Roy pulls it down gets into a tangle with race digging away on the board who’s going to come out with it Barons do try and play The Zone again Hawks hold it up on the boards and they’ve managed to get it out there’s a man over here out gets it over Morris shoots K great save and great defensive work to get it out the Danger Zone by rck Barnes now pures his man put s back in line change all around that’s an icing call 1443 in this first period gone wow well listen the I love morally hockey the Hawks have had the territory they’ve had the pressure but that’s twice where they you look they’re looking at being caught on the break by Sol hell coming away the challenge goal and then that chance there for Morris Watson goes in for the draw but the Barons have come out with it round to warno warock rid will check it’s cleared away again and mclin’s called into action but there’s that man Muller he’s straight over there Watson has done well to fling it in Davis is going to chase that one it’s picked up and turned around by Crofts still driving forward that’s Moody sends it back hide takes a little hit for his trouble Moody comes off Watson sends it low but it’s picked up this time by the Hawks as they look to gain control VN send it around urinx to oton oton has got ice in front of him that’s dangerous he calls in warno great stretch pass trying to find challeng on the far side and now back up the other way HKS just forcing Sol Hall into their own Zone great little play by Poet body on from L witch as he finishes his check wise great pass out and nearly had an open you know what you called it there just doing enough to get around the back of the Hawks every time again Soden dumps that one in floats in where K’s just going to calmly freeze that one up under the watch fer web well George 1305 it’s going fast and it is furious yeah you feel like you you can’t relax watching it because it I especially the way solell have started here you know you feel like it could just turn around well they take take the page out of bingham’s book and just throw the kitchen and sink at them to start but here come the Hawks winning that face off and that pace it’s Crawley well Crawley Slams on it’s going to be a tripping [Applause] [Music] call well that’s going to be a dangerous situation because now Hawks power play get to come out as we said in the in the Preamble Hawks have got super dangerous power play cross check but a power play that that that has been caught several times short-handed this season and I mean you can imagine it based on the on on the way Hawks have played in this in this period you know they are they push push push forward and there’s room at the back for Counterattack well they win the face off Jordan Stokes goes the Box five two minut sorry for cross checking but the Barons doing enough Barnes wait SL on tags up bar shoots laick has to get the glove off quickly otherwise he was taking that one between the eyes I think he did take it between the eyes checks his helmet now Shak it ah head well we call him telephone shot because you’ll hear that ringing for hours everything’s back where it needs to be streetly this power power play C back here for the Hawks look to see get through through him stet and they’re just taking the time now with Ric working this Puck round lovely rotation cycling well takes the shot down the throat from roids in the middle yep good set up Hawk power play looks looks ready to fire Barnes out wide in that kind of shooting position and then he just pulls it out further wide and Fe feeds it inside to roids and they’ve managed to get control of it again Barnes out just cycling it Round Street Le sees an opportunity drives to the net they decide to play back out and spread them once more look for the redirect Baron’s clear that one down as we approach a minute of the power play gone already fresh legs on thrown up to L Rik on the line lwi takes his shot goes to go high block aside but leri gets enough on it to spill it away Cy just take some venom out that one from urinx twist and turns escaping the re got be careful here oh urinu took a little risk there taking on the second man look witch he’s got support where does he go back to ur in it lit again jaob lwit formidable forward but great clearance and 25 seconds left now on this power play hwo banging on the door look which one more decides to open my legs up a little bit looks to C inside L goes all the way back absolutely text book wow who is this well that’s Crawley Crawley that was all Jacob L witch he drove hard to the net back hand defended that puck all away and then last second released it by the time he drawn laer in back door was wide open where Josh Curley was sat it’s now suly Hull Baron’s won black B Hawks won and the face off gets straight back as Roy drives forward and throws the puck straight back on netor by [Music] number Hawks go back to work against web streetly digging away on the board and it plays it up where s’s going to skate on Ric Ric sorry is there challeng do you know what Bailey Chalin has got legs and hands for a big guy oh oh yeah that move for his goal you’re just not expecting it to come from someone with such a such an imposing physical frame yeah but that’s the thing he he knows how to be physical as well with it he’s a dangerous unit okay as white just gloves that down sent back through where ot’s going to knock it in and just pen the Hawks in their own Zone cross to Street Le strictly doesn’t like that goes into the C sack turns back ridic up to cross barns in the middle feeds it to Barnes Barnes thinks about it let one rip Watson does well to keep it alive on the far side battle in shoes with Anderson Anderson manages to play forward and Morris is wide open Matt Morris oh yes all the time in the world the Hawks went to sleep Matt Morris The Silence of sassine on the blue line such a such Vision to catch him there and Ben KY was left out to dry wow that’s Morris’s second fantastic chance this game where did he come from I didn’t see him ghosted ghosted up this swing and uh Barons found him so quickly and the Finish is absolutely clinical low blocker finish Barons two Hawks one don’t go to sleep if you blink you will miss something [Music] and again if this is the sort of hockey we are being treated to now I can only imagine what the crown Dela creme tomorrow is going to be [Music] like well puckers ended up in one of the benches with 931 left in this first period it’s the Sol Hall Bayside who lead by a goal for the good put a black be side in Black I’m not good take it lying down as Davis now on the FL check bu is thrown all the way down the other end where Ruck formerly the witness wild and then joined blackb halfway through the season he’s had some great time there warno gets it out Davis couldn’t quite chase that one and again they’re finding these Wide Open men sends it around where’s hide hides there just loses out and Davis has space in front of him Davis thinks about taking it goes through Haywood rides that one past Croft oh wow well yeah nearly squeaked in there hide picks it up flung round where it’s going to be picked up by Poet pollet loses out send back to waro we just take the time po it again floats one in lck happy to see that and drop it hide has to react quickly there goes that stretch pass again this time it’s Moody looking for one yeah but they’re wise to it now you notice how the Defenders are staying deep they’re offside here so Mayo to C Crawley Crawley drops it to L witchu Fan’s one L just pulls it out the air 802 remains still 2-1 to the Barons well it’s yeah it’s compelling stuff I mean the the Hawks push push push in the baron Zone but you you you blink and the Barons are out and they’re out so quick um and here’s the dangerous thing they’ve not got the mulai playing either you imagine break away a oh he tried to pass he was looking for web they’re set up now web down deep dispossessed look what which does well fighting away Crawley rides that one oton tried to just send it inside Hawks do the clever thing dump it away s takes his time send inside wse why looks for the wrap around it’s come off the leg paty back out into the corner Hawks have to react quickly streetly plays it across day through the middle to roid roid lovely knock onto Barnes but again snubbed out by that defense of the Barons they picked the loose one up a sudden Phil Morris yeah shrugging off a couple of check there back in Barnes looked like he was trying to well move but he got back in oh never something coming now Barnes is going to get called here for crosschecking into the corner will’ll chase out his race I touched up he bumped the Hawks player off his uh bumped the uh The Baron’s player off his feet well they find themselves in dangerous position now because with fire power and presence the Barons have got the man advantage AG 630 left in this first period will the Hawks be able to weather this storm so yeah I mean Barons have got also an exceptional power play it’s been really really firing for them this year but uh Richard Crowe who I think normally quarterbacks that power play is is not not icing today so they start with what I I would think is probably their second unit yeah and they’ve managed to clear that straight away down towards the net of lack I would thought they’d try and get otter out fairly fairly sharpish as go with Morris down that left right right wing sent back to the point where Stokes couldn’t keep it in he’s going to be forced to backtrack and at that Anderson [Music] drop here he is oton sends that round Anderson on the other Wing gets it back got a man down low in the form of Jacob ree uses that sends it back and you can see them rotating through now in any minute one of them will Dart to the net take a shot spilt up Anderson tried to knock it under the Blocker of Cy and Hawks do well to clear that away 52 seconds remain on the power play Baron now forced to reset fresh legs on for the Hawks as Watson showing a bit of pressure white holds his own round Watson takes it all away still puts it through the crease no one there oton takes one looks for the redirector is whites playing the screen 20 seconds left good attempt so far by the Barons but the Hawks doing enough out in front cleared away the Hawks Defenders crucially yeah do it for the uh we well both teams have had a power play now and they both set up really well Barnes bar back out plenty of good high danger chances there challeng into the corner turn looks for support still Bailey Chalin panes a shot again does tur into the corner Phillips knocks it around Mayo looks to play it up S intercepts it ridic couldn’t quite keep out thrown forward by Chalin again streo go back for that one and Mayo’s caught short Roy comes in for help it’s flung back in again KY forced to cover up that puck with two Barons plays circling out in front 344 remains Solly Hull two Blackburn one yeah it’s good Baron’s power play lots of movement lots of control lots of dangerous looks they’ve had a couple of chances since then game’s just s slowly swung in their favor since since uh since Blackburn took that penalty streetly from the face off Ric looks to play forward we go does barns Adam Barnes whips one and takes it into the chest and off up the mask in the end of larck but he carries on Barnes is dispossessed in the far corner and the Hawks playing that familiar drop back hockey is all I can say if it was football they’re playing the long ball that’s what they’re doing and it seems to be working for them well Barnes there a couple of times he’s had a had a shot and tried to go on the short side or go gone High I think earlier he hit Larick in the mask with a shot this time he just missed that top corner you feel like he could be finding his range look which the next one could be lethal oh Chang Direction there yeah Phillips put the shot in it was changed in the traffic good drawing in by LT holl he’s managed to get it through oh big body on there and in the middle now holl does well to keep it alive look wit holds the shot get it off it’s built up back of the net is that man again Josh Crawley he’s two for two well it all come from the play again the pressure of L witch L Witch is the playmaker yeah and it’s his it’s his it’s his active feet and his skating and we just catch the end of it there well yeah it is it’s the pressure that Lit is pushing forward the rebound came out look what you done all the hard work he drawn the Barons and Larick to one side Bor agains wide out for Crawley it’s now Su H Barons to Black B Hawks to and there’s 2 minute 50 left in this period cwy Crawley making his case for man of the match early assist 20 as a shot oh what a shot as it rings the iron work from White testing the Ws in the corner mayor was brought down there picked it up from Phillips right into the glove of Cy well this it’s a slug Fest to going punch for punch pound for pound I love this [Music] sport what a game I seeing and it’s only the first period can they keep this Tempo up shot in again C has to react hws look to clear it Davis gets it over clent SK it through sorry hey yeah Watson sent the urinx plays it back down floats one into the corner again with Watson just going to help that round Davis looks to go out in front and you can see what the play was there but he caught that a bit thick and sent it up out play just turned their back on urinox for a second there you could see the defensive coverage just lapsed and uh could have could have been costly 1 minute 45 remaining this first period white and roids going for the draw challeng comes out with it now looking to clear the Zone they get feet moving with web dangerous play Hogs bit dicey but they’ve cleared it challenge again as caddy juggles out almost juggled it into his own NE streetly to the rescue do you think I’m going to I’m going to say something that really really shouldn’t but do you think that those goals have unsettled Ben KY no no I think uh he I mean he’s seems confident just to go out and grab that grab that shot and then calmly juggle it over his head a little bit perhaps he’s uh rid the adrenaline half he showing off there cross out up be his own net cross a pace down that Wing he’s got to Paul does so feeds it forward for Barnes overcomes s out in front he’s looking for ridick couldn’t rail it in and now Phillips for the Hawks to roids s back over Davis sod pinches in on him out in front again Jolly rolls his man cleared up and out challeng back hands it down where Hy just going to float one in on CY drops it 10 seconds left in this period picked up by ridic sent back the other way one second two one and they just going to ride that one out I’m going to go and catch a breath after that George what a period of hockey absolutely fantastic you know as I said you can’t choose between these two could be anyone here today well I’m just hoping that Tempo carries up for the next period you can find out as you join us right after this short break welcome back for this second period of what can only be described George as a bond Storer well as Michael Jackson once sang this is Thriller Thriller night M two all one period gone blow for blow pound for pound I didn’t believe you before when you said you couldn’t fit a rler between the two yeah you’re making a believer of me well I just hope we get another two periods of this just going go for goal just end to end action um you know Hawks P pushing sort of pushing into the baron Zone and then Baron with that ability they’ve got to just just catch on the break very much so well you can see the time of there 35 seconds left before the fun begins and we’re looking out there right now it’s going to be Crawley lwit and can’t quite make out who the other Hawk player is cly look which uh poet poet yeah on the far side we’ve got oton white on the near side and web and that’ll be yeah Charlie web so two goals already for [Music] Crawley uh We’ve also seen a wonder goal from Bailey challeng yeah Mr storing as efficienty as ever and away we go for this second period is poet immediately puts a body on Haywood Phillips goes to work Baron looking for the wrap around early get out in front KY saves it with the leg pads white puts it back in spun round oton couldn’t get it past Phillips Phillips goes to the ice that was a great job from White there for the Barons to get that to the front of the Hawks net oton again the Hawks going into defensive mode early here challeng at the point sends it back in picked up once more that’s going to be flung out where white manages to get into challenge Bailey challeng with that wonder goal as you say before absolute Peach of a goal oton has got a man over takes it himself though Nicholas oton opens up the scoring in the second period just like that well what a goal that was KY had to respect that the pass was on here it looked for a second like oton was going to was going to make the pass and then sweep put it underneath the blocker well it’s now Solly hul Barons three like B Hawks to didn’t have to wait long did we no 49 seconds so according to our script now um Haw it’s your go it’s yeah it’s black F turns to score now as Davis goes to work across sorry apologies you feel like the the the complexion of the game could change couldn’t it if a team got themselves two or three ahead then it then it would be different straightly It Forward where Anderson’s going to skate that one back seconds that’s go for the bar but yeah you hit the nail on the head there George it literally takes that one goal cushion and it could change how the whole feeling of the game Hawks trying to get out of the Zone Anderson’s going to chase in streetle there first Anderson puts a body on streetle roids returns to favor and you can see now it’s woken up oh no big hit the Barons they are hungry to get another one physicality certainly stepped up and here come the Hawks plays it out to ridic rck goes back into Barnes Barnes couldn’t control it get out from under his feet to rid rck back hands goes wide round the back of the net picked up by white as he tries to clear it apologies that was stoked Bond takes a very very tight angled one he needed to butter that one up to get it P and now they play it forward again looks if H Roy’s inside does so he’s got Barnes in the middle tries to feed across does so but it’s that man Graeme lavick who’s there to seal it up well was that Barnes there with the slap pass looked didn’t quite catch the number on that one but uh quite a clever little play wound up as if he was going to take the slapper and then tried to slap pass it across to the guy on the far Wing but that was intercepted by Baron’s defense Watson goes in for the draw for the Hawks hide and it is the baron to come out with it but they’re still scrapping away as in on it now he’s R sa Ur strong backhand Drive Davis sends it back in David JX again it’s Come Away Byron SK it through the neutral zone with moha Moher dumps it in picked up by moody moody sends it back down behind the net where ruk picks it up Callum rdck again does enough Davis puts it into space we turning thrown forward by Croft HKS just need to settle on the puck for a minute and get themselves some control and Davis decides now he wants to dump it in CRT tries to clear it out again and does so this time Anderson’s going to chase it up but he’s not going to get there and that’s ning call 1635 remains in the second and it’s Baron that draw First Blood this period yeah well it’s been a lively start definitely uh same Pace as we had in the in the first period both teams finishing hits first shifts and then uh good chances at either end [Applause] throw forward L witch get around his [Music] man [Music] erson look to play it across loose Puck jumped on happily by little witch’s got crow in front of him throws it Forward incepted by challenge challenge gets his head up looks to find a man in front in former web bit too much on that and it’s going to go all the way down to Cy who’s going to freeze that one up so not a player that I’ve I’ve seen a lot of but uh White I like his speed yeah you know there been a couple of shifts where he’s really really got the legs going and uh I’ll be honest I fell into the Trap of thinking that because the maai brothers weren’t there Sol hle weren’t going to be as strong they were yeah but this and they might not have quite the depth well this is the thing so hle have been playing everybody of the fool knowing they’ve got these aces up their sleeve white is actually listed as a defenseman but he’s definitely playing as a forward here Crawley weaves and twists and turns as Gary would say like a twisty turny thing there’s a good chance there for Polly saves Barons able to jump on that down send it back in web’s going to chase it up well Phillips is there to get the icing call so no change for solel these guys have been out a fair while yeah white seems to be centering this line of with Ottis on One Wing and Webb on the other so yeah you might have missed it earlier when we were talking about but Ethan Mayo celebrator milestone in his career today 150 appearances in the haulk shirt and he’s going to want to obviously celebrate that by taking a step into the final tomorrow but there’s still a lot of work to do as the Hawks now back on the attack with cross lovely play forward to Barnes Barnes challenge read him beautifully there just dangles the trailing leg and stops that little deak this line is staying out they change now I think but uh yeah white webon challenge go off possibility streetly has got options takes a shot it’s out well they’ve blowing it dead it was Barnes that made the initial contact after the streetly shot I don’t think the Hawks will love that quick whistle because the puck was loose but uh was on the far side of lerick so our referee uh pairing couldn’t possibly have seen it face off left hand side of GRA leri’s net Watson wi to draw quick shot in and he had to drop and block the five Davis sends it back round you’re in a Hawks are getting good looks now they’ve had a a good few shifts Davis creates some space shix comes in for support Aaron Davis again couldn’t quite scoop that up you can see what the play was Morris looks to clear it [Music] down sent back in off the skater ball KN urinx again chasing it down Davis couldn’t reel it in [Applause] mclen and race go to work jaob race it’s gone to Anderson Anderson he’s got a man over oh well Morris was a man over couldn’t get his stick down in time but it’s not over yet as K’s in the full split is a call coming call coming against the Hawks here for tripping KY athletic once again did the splits there to deny race and that is just pure Instinct that’s forced this uh hooking call well it’s Ben mlen that goes the box so two minute power play in favor of the Sol hle Barons right as the Hawks were building momentum face off left hand side of K’s net is won by Crawley apologies it was po looking at the number Baron’s now starting to work to put round well that was side netting close that just Graz the side netting that’s out the zone as they’re for to retreat oton working well with challeng challeng takes his time sends one into space where the Hawks jump on that and they do with L witch L witch can he beat white out streetly still streetly picked back up by the Barons looking to find erson they’ve got a man over oh the waight on that pass from oton was just right for sodan the Hawks had to be Lively there to clean that get caught short on the PK and the don’t streetly gets back clear it all the [Music] way oton thought about it it’s jumped on and he’s away to the races look wit round one man look for support wow 39 seconds left cross denied on the Breakaway but it uh just fell for poit to absolutely nail a one-time Roy is going to get there for the Hawks and all of that happened because otter took his eyes off the puck Oh shot in from yck and took a shot with with the puck not on his blade 10 seconds left to this hach penalty Clan gets to his feet ready to come back out knocked on into the corner Mayo’s going to get back second round where race picks it upks to full strength HKS back to full strength rushes to the bench gets the tackle back on Mayo corals his man around the boards out in front urinx looks for that stretch pass but it’s easily pulled down by Stokes Morris good blocker save by caddy barns looks like he was trying to pinch out on the back pocket and the Hawks have got a little bit of breathing space for a second but these passes to keep going astray which are open them opening them up there’s the icing call they’ll they’ll like that 11 minutes and 1 second remain in the second period Baron came out and scored early well Adam Barnes if you watch the way he he skates when uh when when the Hawks are transitioning he’s just swooping around from Wing to Wing just looking to get open and if if they find him and he does get in behind well it’s Barnes now and he’s crowded out by those white shirts cross is in a foot race with Anderson Anderson gets sent hard to the boards Haws out just blind passes again which needs to settle in a good job there by Hawks number nine Matt crossle couple of strong plays Heywood lose to clear it out cross again you see now they’re using barns more as a distraction cross gets it to well about to say gets it to Barns he doesn’t hey would gets there first to web plays it around Jolly off the board couldn’t find Moody open wide KY has to come out and assist that round Barnes has got knocked it on he’s got a man inside if he can find him takes a shot himself stands tall as laick but Hogs have done well to recycle the Pu barns again can he get it under him takes the shot this time it’s into the leg pad laick who just easy is it out heywood’s now going to slow the momentum down just take the sting out the Hawk’s [Music] attack fighting [Applause] away Ro tries to hand his man in the middle Charlie has the door slam shot on him by Mayo good hit there by Mayo just to shut that down now of R still out there shot of R and lab’s forced to put everything behind that one to block it 905 left in the second period you can see how much Barnes wants the score when he’s out there you can see he’s just getting a little bit frustrated you can see how how much he wants the pack he wants to score holl swist one way goes the other gets it out in front there’s a baron down well there’s a baron down there’s going to be controversy it’s Josh CW if it stands and we think it [Music] will well the baron play is still down see on the replay pick this up well was it a polit high stick possibly polit elbow possibly High stick one chance on lerick and then the rebound just fell to Crawley Crawley’s been feeding on those rebounds today all three of his goals come through this and is that challenge yeah the officials is it Bailey challenge I can’t tell I don’t think it is now or is it I’ll tell you now uh yes it is [Applause] actually so Bailey challenge got caught up high there wasn’t a call the P gets played out in front but he’s going off to get treatment Hawks score straight away with uh one of Baron’s strongest defending players out of the play but so currently there’s a an officials meeting between pin and Gilroy the scene of this Blood on the Ice well we didn’t see a penalty called initially but I also can’t remember seeing the referee signal pointing to the goal yeah it is it is just pointed to Center ice so we do have a good [Applause] goal well and the score now stands at 33 the script right now pling A for Baron’s not happy OT just stating his case to pering not going to change anything you wouldn’t think think hard to see exactly what happened there to challeng but something clearly hit him up high whether well action going to resume it’s now Sol hul Baron three black Ben Hawks three Hawks fans cheering are booing yeah Josh Crawley celebrating the hatrick number three for the Morris plays up back immediately number 10 [Music] Josh Smith play it Round Shot on again it’s gone up and high into the net in out the way well was that look witch I think I don’t know if the puck stood up on his stick there you could see him just rolling his eyes that was an absolutely fantastic chance and he sent it clear clear high of the [Music] crossbar face off will be left hand side of lck’s net Hawks win it but it bounces down onto a baron stick Baron come charging forward with oton down this Wing drives hard behind the net on the back hand circles all the way round drops it up to the point Soden puts it back in where it’s going to be picked up by web web has to react quickly as Phillips comes in on him Mayo gets something on that can’t clear it all the way out so and puts it [Applause] in hul stepping up the physicality making sure they’re getting to the puck now now as’s Crawley watches that one bounce behind him Stokes comes off the back of web decides to dump it in where K’s going to let that run for Mayo Big Stretch pass forward to B urinu David urinu gets it across where Davis was waiting I think he knew he had Davis there but he could couldn’t quite see past his Checker to see where Davis was Watson comes steaming over Luke Watson and they called it late [Applause] there well that was tight I must say by whitle is50 well if we’re going to be uh if we’re going to be strict about this and follow the pattern it is Sol Hall’s turn to score yeah and then Hawks to level again see how this works y I do and we 736 left let’s see if we carry on this [Music] script CR sends it forward out FR Davis he’s digging away at there well there going to be a battle CT and Davis coft and Davis is not happy well they’re both going here I think Crofts and Davis are both both getting sent but that was just a the the the puck was in L lerick was flopping like a fish in his crease and the whistle oh because of the roughing perhaps between uh Davies and Crofts so these will be offsetting miners I you see there both D and CR you can you believe this can you believe it get sit down there don’t we the Hawks had a chance there so not a great whistle for them 732 Hawks with the opportunity as the face off in the baron Zone and they do come out as the winner of that draw white though quick to change that throws it up where oton takes off like a rocket and look at the strength he’s got this is a battle this OTS and Barnes and Barnes has hold for too long Barnes is taking a holding penalty here on Ottis well ot’s drawn that penalty by by good skating getting his legs moving B didn’t have much of an option really so we going to get play could let him couldn’t let OTS go to the inside [Applause] holding Advantage Solly Holland of course that plays right into the script so yeah it’s a chance for Solly Hall to to get their first Power Play marker they’ve had a couple of chances uh and they’ve looked pretty sharp but nothing to show for it yet out in front KY makes the initial save jumps on the PO snapped on and tell you what the officials are quick with the whistle yeah I think they uh I think they they they they know that uh if they if they don’t blow up quick there’s going to there’s going to be you know rcks in front of the net yeah Soden shooting K saved he’s dropped it oh and it’s been sh shoveled in and it’s allow and it’s there I say we called it let’s see that again it’s so straightforward it’s just it’s just a shot from the point that KY doesn’t handle well we’ll see from the face off initially takes the time S ripes one in KY spills it up the and is it web it is web Charlie web shoves it in it’s now suly H Barons four black Ben Hawks [Music] [Applause] three face off gets us back [Applause] underway place your bets HKS to score next as dumbed to the ice was the hatrick scorer Cowley L feeling comfortable to come right out of his [Music] nest takes his time thrown forward for white web plays it to white white looks for someone out in front oh he’s hammered there absolutely beautiful hit and now here comes Phillips Phillips slams it on shoots just over the top of the bar Mayo takes a big hit from [Music] we Weise holds it holds it holds it good bit of back checking there by Crawley to shut that down coming in off the far Wing Reed turns it round oh effort by White Hawks looking to play [Applause] out 53 remains in his period H can’t quite control that pu sett it down [Music] Phillips so Davis and Barnes will be back at the next breaking play as we go back to full strength oh save KY there on anderton Morris I think he just got a bit of it Baron’s looking to put themselves two in front here Anderson throws it towards net again it’s knocked on by ridik barns back on the ice shot oh oh just misses so of course it’s going to be uh Barnes feeding streetly now now keep your eye on the this pair Barnes and streetly Barnes has been looking frustrated he’s had plenty of shots but he’s not been able to get good angles for his shots it’s going to be cofton Davis the come back isn’t it on the the next break and now he’s in again sh off pops the bottle a little bit makes it jump with the side netting watch out here he comes nearly stripped that puck from Muller taking the time Hawks looking for the pass that will unlock this Baron [Applause] defense good rotation around again Morris couldn’t reel that in that’s going to go for icing and back on to the ice comes cson Davis 358 George in this second period it has been absolutely glorious to watch it’s been a thriller and you know there’s very little to pick between these two teams they’re just two very attack-minded Dynamic skillful teams it’s just been a joy to watch Watson wins a draw Hawks with mlen put it in Great redirect by Watson he thought it was going in but it runs wide another acing here for solal I think is it no they’ve allowed it m plays it up quickly where Davis has to react quickly urinx he’s got warn up in support [Music] this is going be tripping call here I think is it it look like Davis put the triping and then there was a little bit of a hit to the head a little bit awkward I think he got Reed got kind of we got nothing that’s what we’ve got no not a call here okay it was icing I think then y so solle just being told to hold the change Reed wanted to go off for a skate problem but face off right hand side of L’s net Crawley oh miscommunication yeah Mayo play [Music] forward Baron look to cut it out HKS back in possession shot comes in from the blue Mayo’s there to pick up the rebound feeds it to L wi L wi skate it in deep looking out front winds up takes shot L gets G golden chance for Crawley it’s up in the netting what a young player the Hawks have got here in in Crawley I mean he just looks so Lively low center of gravity handles a pu really well head up all the time finding the right spots on the [Music] [Applause] ice shot not too far over the cross [Applause] part back the other way cross good battle with white oton picks up the Loose Change and he’s brought down oh he’s there’s no hand up here so the ref has not made a call he’s Consulting with the linesman R is looking Hon’s either either really hurt or he’s or he’s selling something he’s oh hang on is is his knee it could be uh little bit knee on knee it might have been actually not entirely sure but worrying times for Barons watching OTS well 2 minutes 12 remain in the period it does appear to be leg yeah oh it is is his right leg that he doesn’t want to put any weight on but he going to be held back to the bench well he has now he is putting a little bit of weight on it he’s he’s not gone down not gone down the gang way to the changing room so hopefully he can shake that off and we’ll see him back [Music] out anyway he’s given suel a bit of a a breather after Blackburn have been pushing pushing to level things since suly Hall scored only two minutes and 12 seconds left of this second period I’ve got to say the the clock seems to be ticking fast yeah very much [Music] so everything reset here I believe so little conversation over at the scorers bench between linesman and referee just getting a few Minor Details straightened out [Music] face off goes the way the Barons as Stokes looks to send it in to Morris Morris round to Anderson Anderson in a battle with roids get back to Morris rck stretch pass the ball bounces away oh what a save denies Adam Barnes on the Breakaway and normally you Bank your house on that well Barnes had a frustrating night so far he’s had the shots but he just hasn’t been able to beat lavick but you know he’s going to get more oh of course and it’s just a question of time it feels like he’s batted one past Smith now oh another shot off referee has done the Barons a little favor here yeah stopped streetly from collecting that [Applause] one he’s got support this time in Ric shoot yes and he finally makes it pay Adam BS let’s see that again well every time he’s out I Can’t Take My Eyes Off him because he for this kind of opportunity and it’s a dangerous situation yeah he’s absolutely sniped that absolutely sniped it blocker po the bottle off the off the top of the net and to keep it going it’s now suly hul Barons for black bear and Hawks for 1 minute 7 left in this period I didn’t want to say it but if there was a chance there was any of these games going to overtime well well you’re getting your money’s worth with this one you could you could see it happening couldn’t you this is uh I think Chalin is out now wearing number eight it looks like chall I think he’s probably got a blood shirt on having a quick look that it is Bailey chall is in a blood shirt for those is back out as well so bit of a boost here for the Barons two of their most decisive players have uh got over injury scares [Music] Baron’s post into the corner where it’s picked up by the Hawks helped on by pollet white turn round lwi turns it to Crawley Crawley can he upset the Rhythm poet looks to go backand lack saves it double save has to get up as L witch feeds it out oh fans on the shot just Mayo could not get his shot away quick enough just as L all the way L goes to go back door to Crawley and challeng puts the body [Applause] on well with 6 seconds left five YX takes a shot into the glove of Larick and mat a period wow just wow another four goal period is each claimer F the two goals it’s an eight goal Thriller and we are nowhere near D make sure you don’t miss another beat and catch all the action right after this break welcome back to the conhon noise that is I cheffield for this second semi-final matchup in the Morley division the match up between the black be Hawks and the Sol hle barons currently find it Sol H Barons for black Ben Hawks for George well what what have we seen so far today has been an all you can eat and this is like the ice cream station where you can make your own dessert and I have been a pig well we’ve been talking about the script for this game haven’t we and the script is the Barons go ahead the Hawks pull it back the Barons go ahead the pull it back and so on and so on and it’s just been remarkable and who’s got it to flip the script this is the one now soon as one gets two ahead you feel like that’s that’s the time they’re going to really shut things down because it’s a free flowing open game and a chances just go end to end at times Well notable mentions right now Ottis has been the PowerHouse behind the uh the goals of the baron end but Josh Crawley yeah the Hat trick hero right now and the little combination between lwit and Crawley that has worked really well like you know Crawley’s just been fantastic at finding positions picking up rebounds slipping into uh you know dangerous scoring spaces well the clock reached 20 Mr perin’s got his hand up we’re ready and away we go for the third and final hopefully period of hockey in this semi-final matchup was immediately lwi get it shoots for there he is Crawley looking for the rebound it hopped over his stick could have been his fourth there back the other way thrown in by the Barons good control from the Hawks there sod decides to play it over fed through to white white takes a shot into the glove caddy well White had a lot of space there as he entered the zone so you notice how he uh snapped that one with a minimum kind of wind up but it’s going to take some kind of shot to beat a keeper like K look at the way the book was moving there little bit of sticky ice possibly still out there wasn’t moving as smoothly as we’ve seen it and it’s going to be a Rego a face off infringement so you notice uh Hawks change their line after 40 seconds but uh solal stay with uh White web and Otter draw Win by the Hawks as they look to break up the Zone but under pressure from the Barons in the for of web web sends it backward it’s going to be picked up by cross cross looks to play it out gets it to Ric rck back hands it forward to roids roids drags it over three men to beat out go so back hands it goes wide picked up out in front shot it again by ridic lerick called into action it’s Anderson ji man can he get round cross no he can’t is your answer there cross does well to take it away from oton as well finds ridic ridic throws it over The Far Side shy doesn’t like that just steps back charging forward once more is Bailey challeng as he tries to smash it against the pads of Ben KY well we saw challeng do something really quite special for the first goal of the game similar kind of POS position just dancing in from the right wing little power drive there but he couldn’t he couldn’t get a final shot away on that one face off left hand side of K’s net Watson in for the [Music] draw Anderson looks to go around rides the body of waro goes down for the trouble Lo lovely little move from waro Davis knocked on on towards Ana comes and plays that out Watson slams the door shut Davis goes into retrieve the puck comes out to urx urx what’s he going to do here set up behind the neet goes out in front and no Hawk there to get it rck has to get a move on does so and Carl’s able to bang that off again to Aon picked up by Matt Morris in the middle around just taking the time now the Hawks and you get the feeling neither team want to just rush and throw it on that they are strategically trying to play the pucking they’ve done for two periods smashing at the door the man is becoming wise to it but here come the Hawks with L witch L wit yeah opens up shot on PO looks for the rebounder took them down in in we’re going to get that one called 1720 remains still four all yep you see the speed of L witch there when he gets his legs moving it’s a dangerous first line this for the hawks face off Baron’s Come Away With It time forward to moody moody great little move by Phillips but Moody’s recovered the Pok s round the houses Moody tied up on the board with lwit Baron’s get a shot off KY spills up Into the Danger Zone Moody again Mayo just possesses him there’s a good shift here from this Baron’s thirdd line Moody jolly and Hyde Heyward to throw it in hit hidde up high now here comes Crawley Crawley into the corner slams and breaks on turns back looks to go back the other way in the front door [Applause] shot straightly so support by roids well Hyde tried to throw a hit on Crawley there and Crawley saw him at the last second absolutely reversed it on him now streety and Barnes are out for the Hawks and you get a feeling that Barnes is not going to be happy with just one goal now as Street’s brought down ridic Tristan hand Reed do well to hold him up bound picks it up oh SL it on and again and double save lavick wow well streetly I think almost it looked like he trapped the puck under his skate blade there for a second uh and then uh well we again now this High Pass yeah he traps it under his skate and the shot and the rebound not sure it was actually roids streetly with a shot back into the action as Hawks pick it up behind the net body on Reids can’t reel it in Haywood send it over the top white winds up takes a shot K he has to get down low sends it into the [Applause] corner web Cycles round again the challeng sending it in from the point OTs [Music] white web twisting turning to get away from Cross oton streetly gets in clears it sending by S onto the Stick of the Hawks ridic to Barnes Barnes thinks about it takes it it’s buil up rik’s got it can’t get the rebound there it is the Watson and this time the Hawks wh the script Luke Watson right down Route One well is this the game turned on its head let’s see that again George yeah it was the work from uh was it ridock and streetle that made this happen yeah right down to Waton skating in on the slot lavick did well because it flashed past his goal uh and they couldn’t finish that what looked like an open chance and then it just bounced out in front for Watson for a relatively simple finish Sol H Barons four black Ben Hawks five yeah broken the yeah but who [Applause] [Music] knows couldn’t clear it all the way that’s out of play blown dead we’ve had 45 minutes of hockey and this is the first time Blackburn have had their their nose in front y but you get the feeling that could change very quickly the blink of an eye almost Hawks do pick up the draw however feed it out to Davis on the wing [Music] Davis Street urinx knocked it forward warock waru looks to play it around but Morris has got different ideas Matt Morris gets past Watson rides the body and now waro sends it back around Davis dumped into the corner knocked almost straightly now that’s nice and C 1331 ladies and gentlemen has been discovered another illegal areed announcement is unforunately there are people in the arena taking it upon themselves to try and uh stream the game on their phones people other than us you mean all yeah I mean would you want to watch some guy shaky hand for Zoom quality or you going to watch this quality exactly that’s all I’m saying well lavick freezes this one and Crofts take takes exception to is it urinox or Crawley there urox urox David urox is a bit of a wind up Merchant waves the finger at Crofts tells him to calm down Crofts does need to keep his cool though cuz his team are trying to get back in the game they’re behind for the first time the face off in the solid hole Zone Hawks pushing to extend their lead good drawing in by the Barons can’t clean the zone now as Hawks looks to send it back in crops for the Barons takes his time it’s going to be another icing it’s going to come right the way back so back up the other way we go Hawks doing a good job of just holding the Barons in their own zone right now but can’t do that for 133 minutes and 7 Seconds Hawks fans have found their voice now that their team is in the driving seat so to speak Crawley oh forgot the puck it’s going to be jumped on by Hyde poet it’s played all the way down to Phillips who has to think quick Phillips pursue by Moody still [Applause] Phillips look his face played off cord turns it back o in that dangerous position fishing round in the middle po again played round Mayo lovely little move floats it in into the corner it’s going to be picked up by Barnes Barnes sends it back back reeled in by streetle second B to the Cherry is L wio and well challeng took offense to that yeah poit had one go and I don’t think the puck was loose he just uh swung his stick at lerick the second time but good looks there for the Hawks look wit again little bit of frustration the bar little quick shot to the uh to the blocker side of lavick and so Reed has gone down the tunnel for the Barons so will Reed makes his way down hope he’s okay [Music] face off picked up by the hawk streetly at the blue sends it in roids goes to work behind the [Music] net couldn’t retrieve it that would run up along the top and that play Hawks asking here for a delay again but the ref’s not having any of it think it’s a good deflection to get it uh to for the puck to get up into the glass [Music] there game’s just slowed down a bit since uh ORS have Tak taking the lead they’ve managed to keep uh solell pegged back in their Zone ridic plays a beautiful pass out streetly to Barnes you can tell what the play is here uh somebody loses his [Music] stick back in Opportunity Ur in it get sorry roid back hands into the corner R goes over to Hell cross shuts it down RS make sure everyone tags up first stolen however by oton oton cross slams the door shot on and brings him down yeah good job by cross but lay a heavy body on a bigger man shot down the throat of Cy as got it he diving to make penalty call here though is it it’s a hooking call hooking call is it against cross yeah he’s been collected here by the linesman soting sticking to OTS as he pinned him against the boards there so OTS has he drawn another penalty here I believe [Music] [Applause] so cross protesting his innocence [Music] but baren will go onto the power play he scored on their last power play set up left hand side of py OTS web and white have gone off but you you’d think they’ll be they’ll be out fairly sharpish once they got a a bit of a rest to re down low place it back up to Stokes Anderson takes his [Music] time shot through traid cooking for the deflection played out Anderson again gets it across to Morris urinx in there looks to clear out and does so 1042 and Ticking as you’ve got 119 on the power plate Anderson throwing in around Morris Stokes through traffic and again it’s Smith out in front it’s the screen Jacob Ry to Anderson Anderson good shot tight Ang angle but again the Hawks free the side of relief as he send that down towards the net of lri HKS uh Baron sorry Chang Personnel here this is challeng he’s got white up ahead jurrick stays with [Music] him shot in knocked out the way of T and played away labri out quickly another change of legs as’s Watson DJ go off 20 seconds left last Rush attempt here for the Barons see if they can get something out of this advantage and Roy sent off the T box they do like their golf down a BL you know great job by the Hawks to kill this one off 2 one and they’ll be pleased with that as we go back to full strength cross immediately comes out and entangles with [Music] white what we got here just the icing nine minutes 10 remains one goal in it Barons four Hawks five and the winner of this goes forward to face the Billingham Stars tomorrow and the morally [Music] final pollet skates forward streetle has to R quickly great job by Crawley to take that pass from behind him super skating wellb him Qui reaction by KY cross plays it out Crawley has got Pace he’s got a support he’s got pollet with him poet L witch L wi oh what a save that right onto K’s P to lerick pads what an attempt well it was a great feed by poit to L at the at the back post and Larick got the pad down and got across to kick it out questions have got to be asked are you looking at the black bear Firepower thinking the struggling with lvi would they struggle with brown and then vice versa the Barons are struggling at times with Cy would they struggle with brown and it’s Moody who puts it in charol send round to Moody just assists it on C back to the [Music] corner Hawks clear it through Middle with barns [Music] B oh crafty move by B sells one sells two Hawks doing off get a tip of the stick on it keep it very much alive andon pays the price for it and now Croft in his own zone taking the [Music] time Mayo Senter forward r wely little knock on Morris gin onto [Music] that Mayo again off the skate of a baron player Smith flung in by anderton Phillips under the pressure of race gets out clear turn back in Once More Mr perin almost get it on the action Mayo as well to avoid the check Davis Watson for the Haw it’s his I go ride to hit well from anderton Morris oh it’s been bought down here that’s going to be a penalty yeah well David was falling and he and he got tangled up with Morris as Morris was uh a few circus tricks with the with the puck it’s a tripping call on Aaron Davis Davis doesn’t like it but that’s a call that is always going to be made I think well he gets to rest those weary legs for two minutes 610 left in this game so another Power Play Chance for the Barons and they they’ll happily take it right now this time they start with that Top Line of OTS white and web and we’ve got Soden here circling high up in the zone white drives in streetly Ming a little bit of a battle with him there’s another long [Music] drive bar looking to come again the hauls fans in full voice straightly into the corner oh there’s a call offside offside wow well we’re going all the way back what is this intentional offside yeah 532 in the game 123 on the penalty today V still lots of time for things to happen a Baron’s goal would obviously just just just completely reset this game oh just to end to end style I think white takes his time still white looks to skate it in goes low in the slot look for the back door and it’s Watson who get there can’t clear it all way as oon saves it to Blue puts it in off the Blocker of [Music] Ky challeng looking for someone on the back door just hopped off the Stick of uh sodan [Music] there oh side netting sodan and they kept it in again San’s going to get another look oh and it was almost loose for challeng there just well not playing off the board couldn’t get his stick on oh there’s a crazy bounce that sent lerick one way and then the other chewing this clock up though 17 seconds left on the power play Anderson knocks it on for challenge challenge takes a shot GL down by Cy well great effort great attempt 9 seconds left on the power play 419 in the game can the Hawks hold out again few Great Looks there for solel but a few times where you just want them to pull the trigger and they’re looking for the cross sort of feed across the Box Smith is going to retreat and pick that one up as time expires Davis is back out on the ice Morris floats one in mayo good work Morris to keep that in which does well is anderton and again urinx toor tried to play out in front Hawks wouldn’t say desperately trying to clear it cuz they could take their time and do better but they’ve managed to break forward is tripping call coming Baron’s penalty yeah [Music] that interference on Crawley I think well Crawley Crawley was the player offended against and Stokes coming to the the bench so here it is this is the chance to really seal the deal on this one two minutes man Advantage 332 left in the game we talked about how dangerous this Hawks power play is when they set the umbrella up with Barnes as a shooter on this side and sort of streetly quarterbacking things that wasn’t a great start cuz streetly played it straight to a Baron’s player KY gets it quickly [Music] up oton oh OTS oh my word so why tries to get a shorty shorthanded OTs just had the puck on a string there for a second sort of uh entranced two of the Hawks players nothing came of it though with the face off down in the hawk Zone face off left ins side of K’s net L and Anderson for the draw goes to Baron’s way Davis has to move out the way of the [Music] ref nice pass by Mayo Crawley’s brought down another call here Crawley’s oh looks like the ref’s going to take both of them so initially challeng was a judge to have tripped Crawley but then Crawley repaid the favor so they’re both going so as far as I can tell this keeps Barons on the power [Applause] play cross [Applause] checking well sorry Bey Pon keeps Hawks on the power play of course yeah we got ourselves a little four on four or four on three four on three possibly no oh no five five on four upset so these guys will have 30 seconds 37 seconds of time after they’re out yeah a minute and five Advantage for the Hawks here Davis drops off behind that get around to trying to dig it out yeah and it is cross checking each oh hooking on challenge play about to Mayo Mayo is going to dump that over where it’s picked up by urinx May St drops it for Davis Davis winds up oh so is the screen I wasn’t sure if he could see that to be honest but he uh regulations if he didn’t he must have used his x-ray vision for it are with the bar that’s why George on never manag to do those Vision drills looking around the blockers Can See Vision dangerous P put back in but the baron are going to clear it all the way down 1 minute 45 with 10 seconds left on the power play [Music] 3 2 one trapo opens Stones comes out full strength oh turn over by the Hawks ridik ridic T off the post roids now poek turns it away great play by Davis oh a sh cross on the far [Music] side one minute left on the clock for this Baron team and you’ve got to wonder to he pull laick I think it’d be dangerous to as Barnes is through Barnes good poek Away by laick [Applause] [Music] Barons can’t get through Davis has brought out offside offside call yeah so craw and CH back out Crawley’s back out yeah time out called is it yeah I think so over at Sol hole Yeah bench and 30 seconds left imagine they just want their top line to get a good breath sry there seconds left challeng will probably stay out yeah there’s about 30 seconds I think by the time once the time out’s done the noise from the fans do you know what since they went ahead the Hawks fans have not shut up which is great don’t get me wrong but they’re bringing the the Barons fans along for the ride as well almost comparable to the Billingham whitly noise earlier on [Applause] wonder how many Wy fans will be cheering for Blackburn tomorrow or or yes or dare I say should they get back in this one the Barons the bar they’ve won the draw here 30 seconds left challeng just mishandling the puck L witch tries to get on there seconds takes his time decides to dump it in 20 seconds and while the Puck’s there lai’s not going anywhere challeng looks with a St cross I get it to White skate through 10 straight back around though that will do it I think he’s gone going anyway gone but it’s too late it won’t make any difference three two is the Hawks and it’s the Hawks who goes [Music] through well we said it’ be the team that flipped the strip and it was black Ben who scored out of 10 and have become Victorious today so your morally final tomorrow ladies and gentlemen the championship winning Bingham Stars against the cup winning black be Hawks what a matchup we are in for George probably one of the best Showcases of what AM Mar’s got to offer right there yeah fantastic game between two evenly matched attacking teams so much skill on on on display I mean I’ve just it’s been a fantastic game really I I feel for the Barons because they they kept getting their nose in front and the Hawks kept pegging them back and then once the Hawks got the final punch in the the Barons just couldn’t get back at them and the Hawks did a good job of closing it down I feel like on another day you feel the Barons could have done that either team today could could have won this game um you know they just seem so finely balanced but tonight belongs to the Blackburn Hall FKS congratulations as they Advance through to the final I just hope the games are half as good of what we’ve seen today we be in treat make sure you purchase those for tomorrow face off times or 1:00 and 5:00 respectively we’ll see you then I’ve been benley I’ve been George Perry and this has been drop the puck hey

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