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    England vs Bosnia and Herzegovina Live watchalong with Mark Goldbridge. England prepare for Euro 2024 with a friendly at St James Park.

    oh me back me bloody back ah hello everybody and welcome to that’s football I hope you’re all doing very well today I don’t know why I’m doing a Scottish accent because it’s not Scotland it’s England playing I hope you’re all doing well we can have a bit of a chat and a bit of get together it’s all about the buildup to the Euros Now isn’t it and uh England playing tonight and on Friday night we got watch for you both nights lots of chat lots to get involved in and of course listen to the goldbridge saves football podcast where I’ve announced I’m leaving talk Sport and was also talking about the beta Squad game so if you want to talk about that of course you can um and uh the England team is uh just the eie and boen and Palmer and Gallagher and Trent playing in the Midfield and dunk and guy and conza and trippier uh we get to see some of the uh uh players that haven’t been playing so much uh obviously know Bellingham and rice and people like that so it’s good uh to see um and I hope you’re all doing very well this evening um nice little bit of uh summer football which is always good um and I’m looking forward to the Euros it sort of starts here a little bit doesn’t it um we’ll be keeping an eye on some of the other games that are going on um as well and uh Bosnia and Herz Herz vinia Herz svenia I always get that name wrong um are the opposition today don’t know much about them so if anybody does well I do but um they’re not um I don’t think they’re in the Euros are they I don’t think they’re in the Euros um but uh rub says let him speak Simon let’s get this Euro party started I am buzzing yes so am I actually I’m looking forward to the Euros we’re going to win the Euros if you’re English by the way England are going to win the Euros um you heard it here first I’ve been saying this for a long time and I’m very anti- Southgate as you know um I I don’t think he’s a very good coach but um I I think despite that we still will win the Euros we should have won the last Euros we should have won the World Cup and we are going to win this Euros in Germany we’re going to win the Euros in Germany so we beat Germany in 66 in England and now we’re going to win the Euros again in Germany in in 2024 it’s going to happen definitely and the journey Starts Here of course some of these players need to get trimmed down so Southgate will be looking at that over the next few days um can some of these players force their way into the England setup um I’ll go through the team for you again in a moment but let me just get the game up and running um ten Harker England manager it’s in the Stars it is in the stars um put your house on it Mark yeah but who gets the house if we don’t win it why is that red that’s from United stand that is there we go my back is absolutely killing me today um I don’t know whether it’s because I was stood on the touch line so long yesterday or whether it’s because I moved the desk to do the hoovering behind it but I’ve really hurt my back get your questions in a couple of super chats coming in as well if you were the one to cut seven from the England squad which seven would you trim down say Jamie um it’s a great question actually does anybody have any thoughts on that I mean it’s a good question I have to I think it’s multifaceted um if I’m being honest so um I will have a think on that uh while I’m having a think on that by the way we’re sponsored by manscaped on the show trim the grass to make the yard look bigger if you don’t know what manscaped is it sort of pivots around this the uh the Midfield I call it um down there um but the lawn mower will sort you out trim the grass to make the yard look bigger it’s got a light on it for a more precise shave um but effectively it’s for down around your balls uh and uh you can get 20% off and fre worldwide shipping with the code footy fantastic bit of Kit especially with the summer coming up you know you don’t want any stray hairs popping out your Speedos or anything like that or if you get lucky or whatever you you want you you want to look pristine down there so check it out brilliant bit of kit quality products as well with manscaped they really are the best you can also get the beard trimmer it’s got 11 different lengths on it I use this more regularly than down there because really every couple of months you’re sort of down there really depends well if you want to be bold completely maybe not uh they got the weird whacker for up the nose or the ears if you’re over 60 uh I don’t know when you get here hair I haven’t got any yet uh and they’ve got the uh handyman as well which is your traditional take it around with you and uh that will tidy everything up for you clean shave you as well very quickly manscaped 20 % off free worldwide shipping links in the video description or scan the QR code next to me to get your 20% off and free worldwide shipping uh Bosnia just on the attack here thank you very much to manscaped for that um and don’t forget to check it out let me just go through the bench for England as well as the starting lineup there’s a lot of games going on at the moment tonight um England uh Scotland beat jalter 2-0 by the way earlier on which you would expect because jalter are [ __ ] uh christye Adams scoring for Scotland in that they really went for an easier game there Germany are playing Ukraine and uh Croatia beat northst Macedonia 3-0 uh we’ll go through the Euros I’m going to do an Euros prediction video at some point but we’re not quite at that point yet um but the England lineup for you which uh we can get up on the screen for you anyway England of course um playing um not in white even though we are classed as the home team but we are in white on the screen there so England lining up with pford in goal they’ve then got conza and trippier um with with as fullbacks Duncan guy at Center back then you got Connor Gallagher Trent Alexander Arnold and Cole Palmer and then you’ve got eie Watkins and boen I mean a lot of the these are a lot of these players would be potentially not making it through from the seven that will get cut I think next weekend um people like eie boen guy dunk conza they’re going to be players that that might be in that sort of situation on the bench you’ve got three goalkeepers I think Gomez um soorry ramsdale Trafford and Henderson are on the bench but warton’s on the bench uh Curtis Jones Harry Kane Madison greish Tony Rice K Quanza brane so again I think Joe Gomez K Quanza um Curtis Jones Warton would be amongst that group that might get cut as well so it’s all about getting on an impressing me as’s just won a free kick here and uh with a good bit of Play Down The Wing uh hi Mark it’s been a while says melons sounds wrong but I know what you mean uh would you have taken tossing at United looks like he’s joining Chelsea says alas no I think there’s better center backs out there I think the value of tossing is that he’s free mbappe announced by Real Madrid versus inos announced Southgate says Mario yeah some clubs are big clubs aren’t they um I’m Hayden Banks says hi Mark my back’s killing as well was it the game cheering you on from behind the dugouts so disppointed embarrassed about the invasion and uh Mark have you seen uh the new fans video says Daniel um and inspiration from South Gates wardrobe yesterday says na no I just think I wear it better um Look in relation to any videos that people are doing about the United stands let them crack on I’ve got no interest in it I have got no interest in it at all um I I don’t really understand it like if you are so good and you are so fantastic then why don’t you just go off and do football content why is it always talking about something else that we’re not going to get involved in because you’re doing it for a reason and we’re not going to get involved in that um I’m not doing talk sport next year and if you listen to the podcast I explained why I’m not slagging talks bought off saying oh they didn’t know what they had oh they’re horrible this that and the other because it’s like I enjoyed doing it and the reason I’m leaving for leaving is because it just doesn’t work for me anymore but I don’t need to start slagging talk sport off or anything like that because you just you just move on um if you’re so good then you trust yourself and you crack on with being good um if you start getting bitter and twisted about it then that sort of doesn’t display a confidence in yourself because you can’t move past it if you’re going to leave or you’ve been told to leave or whatever then leave crack on with it you know simple as that so um and and respect this this industry is tough you know I slagged the mainstream off a lot but I went on talk sport for a couple of years and I did the show and um I just feel my time is best served out where and I think I could have done a lot more on there and I didn’t get the opportunity to do it but as I said I it’s well worth listening to the podcast it’s explained all in there um we move on in relation to uh the beta Squad thing yesterday thank you for everybody who contributed whether you attended or watched it and if you you know please do give to the charity which a great cause look I was in the dressing room afterwards if anybody didn’t watch it it ended in a draw um we were winning five too by the way I mean some people say we shouldn’t have let them back into it look in hindsight in hindsight we could have parked the bus at 52 and won the game but it’s a charity game you want to keep it open you want to keep it interesting and a penalty shootout would have been great and charity did win ree that’s the bottom line so of course there’s disappointment a lot of people were disappointed in the dressing room but it was for charity and I think some people lose sight of the fact that it was for charity um there was an amazing trophy which I got to see in the draft and we would have won on penalties like had no doubt we would have won on penalties but you got to back yourself you got to be confident haven’t you but I’ve got to be honest there was always a fear that what happened would happen um and there’s not a lot you can do when there’s a pitch Invasion because it’s very hard to get those people off and get them back sat in their seats so yes it was very very frustrating but I I spoke about it more on the podcast really um it’s difficult because it’s a different type of crowd a football crowd would do it very rarely and they would do it they wouldn’t do it when it’s going to be a penalty shootout because they’ want to see a penalty shootout but some of those players weren’t footballers they were you know massive celebrities and a lot of the people in the crowd weren’t necessarily there for the football they were there for the celebrities so when they get off when they get a chance to go and I mean I think the first guy that runs on is running with his camera to get a selfie with was it Kai on the center circle when it’s just gone 55 I mean what sort of mindset does that really Watkins good save could have gone down and took a penalty but um yeah the the first guy who stormed on the pitch was running with his camera towards Kai to to get a picture with him at five all and you’re like that’s not somebody who’s completely focused on the football that’s somebody that’s there because they love Kai isn’t it so it’s a different uh it’s a different uh it’s it’s you just the end of the day charity wins it was a great day it would have been nice to get the penalty shoot out but it is what it is and yeah thoughts on mbappe to Madrid and what it means for the rest of football say skeletons I don’t necessarily look has mbappe won the the Champions League with PSG no um the fact that he’s going to Real Madrid who know how to win Champions League makes it interesting because mbappe with Madrid could make them a lot stronger um but I still actually believe that man city are the best team in the world um I think Real Madrid have this amazing ability to to grind out results through just amazing mentality but I still think Man City are a better footballing team than than Real Madrid and Man City have knocked them out twice in the last three years and once you know the last three years we’ve had Real Madrid win two and man city had won one it could have been Real Madrid winning three um and it could have been Man City winning three so I still think even with mbappe Madrid MD can be got at but they will be stronger um but you can’t really knock Real Madrid because their transfer policy that they have at the moment is rather unique in the sense that they just go and buy these young players with amazing talent and then integrate them year after year after year I mean you got kaminga Bellingham um Rodrigo venicius Jr Kell Kellan ba is no teenager of course but um they’ll win the league they’ll win La Liga next year I mean that it’s bad for La Liga because Barcelona won’t be able to touch them or Atletico Madrid Champions League I don’t necessarily know you know what if what if Madrid play Man City in the quarterfinals next year or Arsenal and get knocked out will Madrid fans be going oh mbapp is a success then they got HRI as well so look there’s a pressure with it there’s a pressure with it on the one hand people will say yes mbapp is going there they’re going to be too strong they’re going to win it and that’s if that happens you’re right but if they no exitting the quarterfinals with mbappe then the question will be asked about well surely with mbappe they should be winning it uh thoughts on mbappe to Madrid that’s that what do who do you think is the dark horse in the Copa America says enx I’d be lying if I gave a [ __ ] honestly won’t take much notice of it if I’m being honest is Luke Shaw gonna make the squad says Martin I have a feeling he will but obviously he’s been injured since January so you know he’s it’s it’s going to be touch and go um welcome to members Club Bob appreciate that um mbappe announced by Real Madrid yeah I’ve done that one as well thanks for the super chats by the way appreciate that um why didn’t South Gay call backup left back with sha not 100% says a Toro because you can play he can play Joe Gomez there can’t he he can play here and trippier there and he’d probably rather do that than just bring in a specialist left back with no experience uh just a bit of a drop ball going on here uh uh do you think the bonisha hate is Justified or do you think it’s rooted in racism super curious the skeletons you’d have to tell me what the haes all about um you know venicius Jr for me is one of my favorite players in World football I watch him sporadically because I don’t watch La Liga so predominantly I watch him in the Champions League and I don’t have the audio on because I’ll be doing a watch along but um I think he’s a fantastic player and um so I don’t know where the hate really comes from because I just think he’s a fascinating player to watch um why didn’t Southgate have done that one as well thank you very much for that um just having a quick look at something here I’m trying to find it for you okay I’ve got it now yeah sorry sorry sorry uh get rid of that uh Germany are playing the Ukraine and um Germany’s lineup for the Dark Horse for the Euros how can Germany ever be a dark horse for the Euros but also um they’re the hosts but I’ve got them down as a dark horse because loads of people had written them off um they’ve not put their best best team out today because obviously it’s a friendly but just looking at their team muzala gundan hav andrick vers T Anton gross mlat kimich and Noya and then on the bench you’ve got Rah gruda F furck bman Müller Nubble Reitz enri testan Co palovich unav obviously everybody who was part of the Dortmund game won’t be involved so there’ll still be some some others as well but um the old host thing could help Germany it’s mostly about his Antics on the pitch like diving dancing but he seems to get a lot more hate for it as skeletons I just don’t get it I think he’s such a fantastic player if I’m being honest um when do you think your managerial game will be I don’t know what that means I’m Hayden Banks South Gate’s getting a water oh God I tell you what I’ll never be doing that look look at what southgate’s resorted to now because I’ve upstaged him in a bloody waste coat yesterday he’s got his bloody mum’s jumper on t-shirt sorry actually I shouldn’t say his mom because I don’t know whether his mom’s alive he’s got his wife he is married he’s got his wife he’s got his wife t-shirt on um he’s played the game uh thank oh skeletons has just gifted 20 memberships by the way what an absolute Legend what a Legend So if you’ve got your badge in because of skeletons make sure you smash a like on the video and give them a bit of love with a W um I will be getting up a lot more regularly today I’ve got massive lower back plane I’ve got a groin injury which I had to manage a bit yesterday at salers Park there’s tripier I I want us to get the ball to eie because I think oh here he goes again I mean E’s just an amazing player isn’t he just he’s he’s in the form of his life Connor Gallagher with the shot I just just get the ball to eie get the ball to eie he looks absolutely bang on form doesn’t he he could be a real late Contender because he’s you know he’s grabbing the ball with the horns isn’t he really he really is 25 e he though I mean that’s not old but um it’d be 26 this year but he’s he’s got to grab it amazing amazing for me thing about eie is that um it’s only a I think it’s only second cap for England in it or third could have played for Nigeria U just reading here he’s of Nigerian and ancestry and he has trained with the Nigerian national team but uh obviously they missed out there oh god um is this England team who’s the most underrated Al in this England team who’s the most underrated also what’s your favorite Euro mine was 2004 oh always 96 96 was an amazing time I mean the ’90s were amazing anyway music football film just an amazing time but um Mir 996 was just amazing apart from losing the semi-final um Crystal Palace in advanced as he talks with Spurs is killing me says Na and Evan says eie is such a smooth player with the ball at his feet would be a shame not to make the Euros look Evan I think that I I think with Crystal Palace they’re they’re playing Amazing football at the moment and well obviously the season’s over and if I was Southgate you can’t go on reputation you’ve also got to go on form and if he can take that Crystal Palace momentum into this England team then then why wouldn’t you and also if he’s playing off the left who starts off the left for England like you could have eie and sacka with Harry Kane and then you could go rice Bellingham foden if you wanted to be more attacking uh Chris says the only reason Bruno would leave is he’s not entertaining another manager cycle says Chris how was s’s part yesterday was it falling down says gazzy I find you know what I find about these football grounds that’s really really interesting is that you see them on the TV and I’ve never been to Crystal Palace before uh CIS Park you see them on the TV and you had just have a sometimes you have a per of what it’s like surrounding it and it’s basically in a residential estate um but you know when you’re there actually playing it doesn’t feel like the ground you’ve you’ve watched on telly for years it was weird um yeah it was a bit like when I went to Charlton as well but um I enjoyed it I mean I’ve never played in front of 30,000 people before so most I’ve ever played in front of is about 500 so I was just really intrigued when I went on the pitch CU I’ve played in empty stadiums before but there’s no you know it’s amazing to do it but I’ve always been intrigued about playing on a pitch where there’s loads of people watching and it was exactly the same to be honest you just focus on the game and it’s a background noise unless a goal goes in um I was playing for the beta Squad I don’t know whether I’ve got my top I’m not giving this one away but I do have one to give away have a spare one there this one’s not going to get given away this is a match one Kino and Carrick um thoughts on Venus Junior being the new Neymar says Joshua well I mean look Neymar is a smooth player of course but uh vishas could be better he could actually be better is this England team uh who’s the most underrated says pilgrims talk um who’s underated in this England team I don’t really know who’ve got anybody who’s underrated you know is May new spot solidified after winning the cup says AB for Man United it is I don’t know whether I don’t think it is for England I don’t think you’ll start for England to be honest Bosnia putting a good Corner in there uh pigford’s the keeper for England oh yeah I just wanted to do I wanted to do this actually I wanted to just go through the Euros um I don’t know one’s done it yet so just going through all the Euros teams um group a you’ve got Germany Scotland Switzerland and Hungary um actually that’s not the way to do it there’s a better way to do it than that surely all I want to see is the teams God there’s so much [ __ ] out there just I know tell you what I wanted to know how how old is Daniel Stage 34 bloody hell bloody H you can turn that around and I’m still older than that 34 storage uh United should sell Bruno and buy eie says Joe and would you keep Mayu in the man united squad or send him out on loan keep why would you send him on loan he’s absolutely ready who do you think is going to be the most disappointing team in the Euro says Dougie I would say Belgium or the Dutch might flatter to deceive is uh is my thought but let me just go through all of the uh teams in the tournament so group a is Germany Scotland Hungary and Switzerland I’m actually going to do a preview where I go through every game and you know tell you who’s going to win it but Germany Scotland Hungary and Switzerland uh you’ve got Spain Croatia Italy and Albania Slovenia Denmark Serbia England Poland Netherlands Austria and France Belgium Slovakia Romania Ukraine turkey Georgia Portugal Czech Republic a lot of people quite fancy Portugal is England oh good block from con’s Cross shot uh with El to the Olympics will it affect his transfers say aoro it is interesting that Michael L’s been picked for the French uh uh Olympic Squad because the Olympics of the last week of July and the first week of August so they’ll have a training camp a couple of weeks before that so if alisi leaves Crystal Palace then he’s going to miss the crucial month of preseason for whatever Club he goes to uh do you prefer Trent at right back or midfield for England says Dominic it’s a great question Dominic let’s just see what happens with this corner which Trent is on should be one nil good Save By The Keeper um look Southgate prefers him as a right back sorry as a midfielder never really rated him as a right back um obviously klopp rated him as a right back uh I think you want to get Trent Alexander Arnold into positions where he can put crosses in um but I you know I personally think for England he should be playing at right back like most of the teams we play we should be doing most of the attacking so I think Trent should be playing it right back because a good question here from Al alpl what’s your front six for England does Palmer start well my front six for England is rice Bellingham foden sacka Kane and then take your pick for a left Winger I don’t know why he’s not giving a foul there clearly catch just a terrible terrible decision by the referee not to give the foul um if tenard gets fired and and man united somehow are successful in the inos and a new manager and manager how do you think Ronaldo interview would look ten hog in don’t think Ronaldo’s interview’s got anything to do with it shabas to be honest um Belgium wasted its golden generation says Evan and uh done that one from Dominic as well thanks for your super chats by the way I will keep reading them out um what’s this ref on says Tom yeah I’m I’m just looking at those groups I think Germany and it’s going to be Germany go through the group and then Scotland or Switzerland Group B it’ll be Spain and Italy unless Croatia can upset maybe go through with Spain uh Group C it’ll be England and then probably Denmark Group D France I mean Netherlands a Austria a Austria could get through ahead of the Netherlands Poland never get through um group E Belgium Slovakia Rome Romania Ukraine that could have a shock in it and then group F will be Portugal and probably um Georgia uh gacho has not been included in Argentina’s squad for the Olympic Games sorry I was looking at something there uh what’s the chancees city have not cheated oh Jack can we have a non- city chat Euros this is all about the Euros now Premier League’s over Man City won again let’s focus on a summer of transfers and Euros it’s a Man City free zone for two months Walker at Center back instead of Maguire and Trent at right back says DEA I I I think that’s one of the criticisms of Southgate really isn’t it I think he can be a little bit too defensive and he doesn’t seem to be able to change that I mean even in this game against Bosnia like we should be having more opportunities than we’ve actually had it’s not been I know it’s um I know it’s not our strongest team but people are playing people are playing for like going to the euros and um look we’ve had three shots to On Target from 70% possession in half an hour Bosnia have had nothing like um yeah I I don’t I don’t really I don’t really get what I mean Ronald kumman um is a funny guy he’s quite opinionated and somebody just said there atoro just said cuman’s an idiot for not calling up Matson and xery I would have thought Timber would go as well because he is fit now so either he’s a genius and he’s got enough players but Matson should have gone xerx he’s had a good season as well and I would have took Timber anyway because he’s a good player so look we’ll have to wait and see with the Netherlands but I think I think I’ve got a feeling they might not have a great tournament uh Ben says uh Ben Elam says I missed the United stand earlier what’s the news on ten hog uh there’s not really any news in the sense of a decision being made but apparently they have been talking to other the managers again crazy really um love that love that thank you very much what are you most excited to see in Arie slot says I’m Hayden Banks as a man united fan I wouldn’t say I’m excited to see anything about Arie slot um I’m intrigued to see how Liverpool react to losing Jurgen klopp because you can’t say that Jurgen klopp is amazing which I think he is and then expect Liverpool to just carry on doing what they were doing before I mean there’s a part of me that thinks it might not go bad for Liverpool but there’s also a part of me that thinks well klopp was clearly boxing above expectation with what he had available to him so surely that can’t be replicated by slot they’ll either get really lucky in bringing in a coach that’s just perfect for Liverpool and ready to take it on or there’ll be a little bit of a you know transitional period um I mean exclusive gem says Liverpool were only good because of klopp without him they’re nothing and and I think that’s the Intriguing thing is is to see you know how that works um oh have you seen this this has come out as well uh amra bat’s brother has just said casmiro was not injured in the cup final he found out that he wouldn’t start so he thought to himself okay I’ll sit in the stands then he was fit to play God football’s just so odd I don’t know whether it happens at your Club I don’t know whether this happens at your club but this is the problem at man united everybody wants to Gob off whether it’s an agent a brother even a player it’s incredible to me like so his a his brother has just sat there and said casmiro wasn’t injured he didn’t get picked so he sulked in the stands I mean these are meant to be teammates it’s just as much as it’s in it’s great for us because we get a bit of drama maybe a bit of truth but in a club sense it must be a bloody nightmare I mean that’s Amat at man united anyway isn’t it um what do you think about moresa at Chelsea can bring to the Prem do you think it will work and maybe poch managing England after the Euro says Dominic and Jack says foden and Bellingham have to start best players we’ve got says Jack I think they both will start it’s just he might put foden on the wing which I don’t think is the best use of him to be fair um maresa at Chelsea well I did a video last week um I I when I was doing talk sport last week we got a few last year got a few Leicester fans calling in and they said look it’s great that we’re getting promoted but we won’t do well in the Premier League because the football’s not that great so there were some Leicester fans that weren’t even that happy with moresa but then Chelsea fans are trying to say oh yeah he used to work under pep we going to be amazing so bit of a watching brief I think with moresa um I I definitely think Chelsea a run badly and that they shouldn’t have got rid of Postino after one year especially when they’d like won four of their last five and finally bedding down but um I don’t know I mean I I wouldn’t have gone from Postino to maresa but that doesn’t mean it won’t work I just think if it doesn’t work for Chelsea what do you do next great contents what you thoughts on alisi to Chelsea says snap well they could get the deal done because Chelsea do get a lot of transfer deals done don’t they um so I wouldn’t rule it out South Gates ball is so boring says Jack yeah we didn’t play well in the March Internationals remember we were [ __ ] oh just talking about talk sport by the way please do check out the podcast as it goes around scan the QR code or just search goldbridge saves football on Spotify um gra cracken episode this week um I’m leaving talk sport also speaking about the beta Squad game and um I did an end of season School report on every Premier League team giving them their grades and where they need to improve so for example um I gave Bournemouth a c a c plus and people weren’t happy about it but the explanation is there so check out the podcast and and support it um and I just want to say as well a lot of people have been messaging me today saying um being very supportive of me leaving talk sport so um appreciate that um obviously I’m not leaving it in bad circumstances and I’m certainly not slagging off an institution that I’ve been listening to for for a very very long time and it was a it was a you know an enjoyable experience to have my own show there on a prime time Saturday night scenario and it wasn’t a decision I took lightly but I just think really for bandwidth reasons and you know I just don’t I didn’t want to be on the hamster wheel again doing the same thing for another year I I I started doing it with the ambition of doing other things um you know I backed myself and I said look I’d love to just have a go at present the breakfast show or something like that but the opportunities would never came about and that’s their choice so as it’s my choice to not do it next year but um lots of people have messaged me saying fair play you know I think it’s the right choice so I I appreciate that um because a lot of you used to tune in on on a Saturday night as well because I used to see in the live chat so appreciate your support um Mark great thought yeah I’ve done that one thank you very much E’s a special talent says Keen I’d like to see us get the ball to him a little bit more 40 minutes gone here and good play by Trent I don’t think coner will go if I was conza I’d be worried I mean he’s done all right at right back but the fact that he’s playing at right back in my head I’d be like yeah I’m not going if he’s putting me at right back and I know kza can play at right back but I just don’t see then again you could flip it the other way and say the fact that he can play at right back and Center back makes him you know utility player doesn’t it I used to get very stressed about who was going to be in the squad but really I think Will said this on the podcast a few weeks ago if you’re in the 15 to 25 you’re probably not going to play at all anyway it’s only the so we don’t really to care um Kevin says who was the mystery player on Sunday in the beta Squad oh what a question so if you watch the beta Squad charity game thank you if you didn’t watch it there was this charity game yesterday for the bait Squad I was the manager and then I came on for 20 minutes the opposition team had a professional footballer playing for them who wore a mask and I was like saying on Saturday night I will instantly know who it is they can wear a mask they can put fake tattoos on they can wear a wig I will know who it is cuz I’ve played the game I’ve watched the the game and I can tell who a player is and I was watching and I couldn’t figure out who it was and then in the dressing room afterwards when we got took off for the pitch Invasion both teams were sat in the dressing room like chatting he was sat right bloody next to me chatting away I couldn’t figure it out I couldn’t figure it out a lot of people said it was Jed Spence I don’t think it was Jed Spence I really don’t think it was um I mean it’s a long time since I’ve seen Jed Spence play but it didn’t really I don’t think it was Jed Spence I really don’t a lot of people said that but I don’t think it was him it eie it wasn’t e imagine if it was eie it wasn’t aobi no no he was he I mean I know they say the camera adds 10 pound but I think aobi is more um more more muscular um Nico says I’d definitely listen to you on the breakfast show Mark instead of the current lineup you would do great on the show I reckon says niik well it won’t be happening but it was a privilege to be on there and uh obviously we move on when the Southgate to man united rumors appeared did you have nightmares of getting rid of Glazer’s man Eric tenh Haren you get Southgate delivering this plodding dross it’s Grim I know JC it is for it was definitely wasn’t Jeremy Clarkson was it entia says Eric M Parker says how good was that FA Cup Final man pep was dizzy this has been poor from Southgate again hasn’t it go bloody spell DIY yeah I mean this is it this is somebody’s just taken the piss because I said England are going to win the Euros and I I have to acknowledge that you’re you’re absolutely right to to to to play the banter card because I look at the England squad and it should win the euro but then you watch England and you go yeah the biggest barrier I think we’ll win it despite Southgate definitely not because I think if I could put Eddie how in charge of this team we’d win it easily put the Bournemouth manager in charge of this team you win it easily the only thing that stops England winning this potentially is Gareth Southgate uh Daniel Sturridge wasn’t the mask player because Daniel Sturridge came on as the player so yeah he did the reason the player was masked is because he plays for a club so it was to um well I don’t know what the reason he was masked up for I don’t know whether it was I it could have been because if his Club finds out he’s in trouble but um I it’s a brilliant bit of curiosity nice ball in here Palmer no does keep it in though Watkins keeps it in Palmer tries the cross keeps hold a bit let’s it back Bo in straight to the keeper the mystery player was Jude Bellingham it definitely wasn’t um Lewis says I still think it was Manny’s brother Jed as he plays for Crawley a few people said that yeah but just to add another twist apparently the player it was has a connection to the Premier League so that’s got to be fit as well um the football has been dog [ __ ] I hope the full 11 gives us a chance to winning the Euro says gold yet yeah but the full 11 played in March and it was [ __ ] I know this is only your friend L Southgate is awful even with these players how are they this bad says Insanity it’s just the way he sets us up I think it’s precaution first with Southgate like I know it’s only a friendly and you can struggle in a friendly to play well but if I’m the coach or you’re the coach and you say to your team get higher up the pitch and press play on the halfway line when you get the ball play with a bit of tempo then those things will happen won’t they it’s just Southgate Style is very pragmatic and that’s why the team always is very pragmatic you very rarely see an England performance that is exciting unless we’re playing real minnow uh this football yeah okay I still think it was Manny’s brother from Lewis thank you very much uh it was aobi Spence or elisi apparently says Elf oh you know what if I was sat next to elisi then I could have said come to United I mean I did nearly say it but I didn’t know who it was it might be someone [ __ ] um but they I know what they they were saying it was really difficult because um because they had the mask on it was like your peripheral V vision is sort of gone isn’t it so it’s difficult to look down and look around they should I mean realistically they should have we did well to get back into that game because we started off really [ __ ] with our strongest team they missed two penalties we started off really [ __ ] and they had basically two Pros on their team Chris MD um X oh what was his name no we had dintino what was the guy sv2 he’s really good they had some really good players it was a lot closer than I thought it was going to be but 52 we had the game won I think we just took the foot off the pedal and it got to a point where I think we were sort of like penalty shootout would be good fun didn’t get it um it was fake hair says Jaren yeah I think it was fake hair as well but um gems has gifted five memberships you’re a legend Gem and uh thanks everyone who’s tuning in make sure you subscribe to the channel by the way make it makes sense how company got the buying job says Zach it’s the managerial Market mate that’s the man managerial Market isn’t it that’s why for me all these clubs scrambling around for managers I find it quite funny because the managerial Market is absolutely terrible uh Vincent company as Bayern Munich manager having been relegated by Burnley is it might work out but it’s not logical um let me know who think’s going to win the heroes as well I want to have a little bit of a chat about that uh please do subscribe to the channel by the way we’re only uh we’re only actually uh 50 subscribers away from 160,000 which means I can change that to 1.16 so bottom right hand corner to subscribe thanks everybody for tuning in and don’t forget we’re sponsor by manscapes get 20% off and free worldwide shipping with the code footy through that scan the QR code or go through the link in the description trim the grass to make the art look bigger fantastic bit of product um I can’t turn it off there we go what’s that button do minut I don’t know okay there we go yeah busy weekend it was very very busy I meant I meant to be playing another one on Saturday but I’m I’m injured in more ways than one got a bad ankle from anfield I’ve got a groin injury from Villa Park and now I’ve got a back injury from yesterday um goldo says oh I like hey I’m always up for a bit of this as much as it’s a football channel it’s a community as well everybody is welcome and Agony Bridge can help and I’m very much open for conversations about anything to do with nature so you know if you want to uh know who would win between a PO bear and a lion I’ve got the definition but goldo has come to me with a problem and says mark my girlfriend wants me to go on holiday with her parents her m is irritating as [ __ ] advice from agon bridge would be appreciated well what’s your girlfriend doing while you go on holiday with your parents that’s what she she that’s bloody cruel you go on on a day with her parents to bloody Butlins and she says stays at home and has it off with your mates like what’s all that about why why you why you what’s she up to while you’re going on H with her parents for a start like oh I’ve got an assignment to do what on internal investigation yeah and I know what yeah what’s going on like why are you going on all day with the parents and what she’s up to that’s the first thing I would worry about um and what he said her mom is irritating advice from Agony Bridge yeah well first of all establish what she’s doing uh no she’s going as oh goo’s fallen for it she’s going as well well at least you’ve got her for company um bit like Bayern Munich but yeah I mean look I need to know like is it the holiday where you go on the parents and they’re in a separate hotel room you get a bit of privacy you can go off to restaurants on your own they go to different Beaches they go on day trips you hang around by the pool or is it they’re in you sharing a bloody Cottage and every minute you’re sharing time together because that’s the main thing s says you could fake an injury yeah you could do that uh how old are you in that photo on famous birthday says jelly I didn’t even know I was on it and Goldie says she’s going as well thank you very much are you playing at ilon town this weekend says M more I meant to be playing in it um I’m G to have to use the magic sponge I think um because I’ve played a lot of football in the last two weeks probably more than I’ve played in the last two years to be honest but um my biggest problem at the moment is my groin it’s always been a problem everybody it’s a big problem in the groin but um silly Jokes Aside um it’s probably a proper growing strain and I probably do need three or four weeks but I’m playing with an injury so but people are saying don’t play but that’s my last one now really I haven’t really got anything else lined up for quite a while so I I do want to play um but apparently there might be two games so it might I just thing is I I said this yesterday we had this thing like where I had to storm down the touch line in my suit come out with a kit which I thought was a nice bit of choreography I enjoyed it to be fair uh I think I went a little bit too far cuz when I was walking down the tunnel acting angry uh somebody in the crowd booed me and I proper thought it was WWF I was like [ __ ] off went too far it was the person was only six but it’s not good for me at my age to be coming onto the pitch in the 65th minute with zero warm-up time it’s really bad like I if I’m going to play I need to start I need to do the warmup and I need to start and then I need to come off and not come back on again so um Callum says I’m new to the channel he just giving us A50 Super Chat mate thanks Legend keep up the great work I hope you’re well it was my birthday on Friday well happy birthday Callum and welcome to the community everybody is welcome here make Callum feel welcome James has just bought tickets to the uston match earlier on for a good cause well probably will see you there then James because it’s not the biggest ground in the world um and I think the United stand should do some sort of Charity match it’d be great uh I’m Hayden Banks says I definitely think it was Jed Spence I seen running comparison looks exactly like him also had same eyes and mo phone in photos also love the content um but the stupid thing is I know somebody who knows Jed Spence really really well and um that they they said it’s not and they would know so um thank you very much for that what’s your top four in the Premier League next season Mark I was asked this yesterday actually um it’s a bit early to predict it but my top four for next season is going to be Man City Arsenal Liverpool Manchester United yeah yeah I think you’re awesome you make my day says Darren thank you mate I think you are as well uh and fabito just tweeted saying we’re in for an says Dan um yeah I don’t I I don’t know look we’re in for a different Center back every day really so he is he’s a good player um well what he actually says is that Liverpool are both Liverpool and man united have both been monitoring him he’s got a worth release Clause of60 million EUR um yeah and that’s not new news to be fair to be honest with you that’s been going on for a while you see this nonsense the UK had the warmest May and spring on record since 1884 according to the Met Office I think it’s been the shittest spring and May in years it didn’t feel warm at all that’s all about uh what do you think about [Music] um the casmiro story from amra bat’s brother well we spoke about it a few minutes ago um and basically [Music] um we SP about a few minutes ago and uh basically um the person who yeah um hold on a minute hold on hold on a minute hold a minute I’m not confirming who the mystery player is by the way great detective work by those who’ve been analyzing everything but I don’t know and I wouldn’t confirm it to you anyway I um no I wouldn’t um where is Mayu he’s not even on the bench says the 86 I I think he’s linking up a little bit later because he played in the FA Cup Final so basically bellingham’s obviously not part of it because uh he played on some Saturday night Sancho’s not part of it because he didn’t get selected um Mayu also played in the FA Cup final which is a week after the Premier League finished so that’s why Mayu has been given a bit of extra time yeah uh would you manage the beta Squad in America if they do a rematch says Min I don’t know how that had work mate I don’t know how that would work I mean look all all I would ever say about that is I really want to do a proper football charity match one day that we sort of do as a community because I think we’re capable of doing it um but it’s always a privilege to get asked and you know I’ve done the Sid Men twice the beta Squad once that’s three I’ve had a good Innings and I’ve loved doing it um and I’m always willing to to do it if I’m asked that’s that’s that’s what I’ll say but um you know don’t take things for granted is is my motto because you might not get to do it again so so live in the moment um I do a lot of people say do you need to win one I mean I think I don’t think people understand the concept of Charity football matches um the first siden game we were the better team and we lost 87 and I just think that came down to goalkeeping um and that’s not me blaming the goalkeeper I just think it was literally just it just came down to pieace making the save from the free kick that would have made it go to penalties um I think in hindsight we all thought that was going to go to penalties the second siden game we did well to make it what was it 8 five or 86 because when we lost the oaka they had the better team it was really really difficult um and then yesterday we’re 52 open you know I think we took the foot off the gas because it was like it was just a great day and we wanted it to to keep on going so um I’m just GED that nobody got to win that trophy because the trophy was Bloody brilliant so heavy as well who would win a gorilla or a kangaroo I say kangaroo says Darren mate a gorilla would absolutely obliterate a kangaroo I mean the kangaroo would if it lands a good kick it’s all right but a gorilla would kill a kangaroo uh atoro says do you like Chala and would you take him for United um I do like Chala but all I would say is I’d be very surprised by man united signing him because I just don’t I just don’t necessarily I don’t necessarily believe the story you know so I I don’t really respect the story that we’re actually in for him um and it’s it’s very left field it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t happen but I I just don’t believe that we’re in for him really so I just really haven’t given it much thought it would be a shock signing if it happened um hi Mark do you not s think Southgate could offer some stability to a frantic club would love a shout out for my Channel please says woodsy loves ababi Southgate and stability at man united that’s like giving a bloody bread stick as a walking stick to somebody who’s drunk that’s not stability mes it’s bloody dangerous no absolutely not better start by England here and uh we’ve won a corner um weather met office said this spring in April may have been the hottest Years Mark says Tony absolutely stupid not from you Tony from the Met Office Mark they made a meme that your team was losing so you decided to go put them boots on yourself social media is really on to you says chance they made a meme that your team was losing so you decided to go put them boots on yourself that’s what I did do that was the whole thing like we concede a goal and I go I right I’m going on it was just a bit of fun that was the story um hi Mark what’s your favorite bird not a lady says hulls yeah well I would I don’t call women Birds my favorite bird is probably a bluetit and not because the name’s funny I just think they’ve got remarkable appearance uh where is Mayu not even on the bench says Halls thank you very much hey says what’s what did the mystery player smell like I wasn’t that close mate favorite cereal says hulls probably crunching up corn flakes but I I don’t eat it anymore cuz one bowl is never enough and I know that was the saying but I just yeah why didn’t I play AFC today mate I was all set to play it and then I can’t get I don’t know whether it’s a glitch in the game so I’m top of the league with man united with six games to go and there’s a couple objectives I haven’t done so it keeps sacking me but I’ve got a save and one of the objectives is sign three players under the age of 20 with an average rating that’s higher than you your average Squad rating so I signed the player and it won’t click it off so it’s [ __ ] I mean it’s it’s just the first career it’s been the hardest career mode I’ve ever done because the game is really weird this year and then I’m getting sacked for being top of the league so I can’t finish the career mode because I can’t find a way to knock these objectives off um it’s just been a been a nightmare let’s be honest been an absolute nightmare lacklin says if you don’t appreciate Southgate your ball knowledge isn’t very good and uh Watkins was nearly into to score there I’m hoping they’re going to one thing I do want to do on e e AFC is I want to do a Euros thing I’m hoping they’re going to release the like you know you know when they like like the update is like you can play the Euros I’ll win the Euros with England defo um Nelly says you looked average yesterday what’s that about mate I don’t really care I played in front of 30,000 people had a great time and um loved it end of conversation look I wasn’t happy happy with a couple of the passes I played um but you know is what it is um you look very lean around the face the healthy eating must be going well I think it’s going too well mate I actually have been on a healthy eating thing for a few months now and I think I’ve lost a little bit too much weight around the face so if anyone’s got any tips on I don’t want to get back to eating bread and sugar and stuff like that but I could do with eating more stuff that um isn’t bad for you new FIFA is crap I went back to FIFA 2001 playing as IP switch just signed R9 and zidan had to tap triangle to Sprint says dan all the good old days would you have asked Spence to come to United Mark says I’m Hayden I did actually want Jed Spence at man united a couple of years ago I don’t really know you know whether it was him or not yesterday I don’t know but um I do think he’s had a bit of a falloff when he was at Forest on loan from middlesbor and when he went to Spurs I thought they had a really good signing there and I don’t know what that’s all about really is it a mentality thing I don’t know more protein says Daniel there we go all good block Marvin L says happy birthday to Cen for Friday lovely message there eggs are good for you yeah I do like eggs actually Aaron says he can’t get into the leads team I think he’s at genua at the moment Alex G says I’m going to be at the Euros any recommendations um I was going to say something funny but I thought you know just enjoy it mate what is that t-shirt that southgate’s wearing give it back to your wife he should spend more time on his tactics and less time on trying to be in a a fashion Guru Joel says are you tired I have had a very busy weekend um I didn’t get until midnight last night couldn’t go straight to sleep was up at 7 this morning didn’t sleep particularly well on Sunday was up early on Friday driving back from Devon so I could do with a good night’s sleep oh that’s what I was going to do do that’s what I was going to check Daniel sturd is 34 10 years younger than me and an ex very good footballer oh that’s a good ball into Cole palmer but it’s not a great shot even though the keeper fell over it was always going to go wide I believe in love it’s all we got another cross comes in dunk and goes wide another Corner crossy says I didn’t Like You on talk sport anyway didn’t suit your personality I don’t know what that means don’t it’s a good one head it away lots of people talking about calorie intake Ian says it’s all about calories in and calories out you can eat anything in moderation mate uh s South Kake can dress himself says Rolando but he can’t dress the team make some subs now says Cali 205 days till Christmas says Mr do no halftime subs for a friendly I’m sure he’ll start making them at some point uh 2K are going to make the next FIFA game Mark what your thoughts on that but they do they do a good job on the wrestling I think the big problem with eafc this year it might be because they had to rush it after you know breaking the relationship with FIFA is the consistency of the game I love career mode and you can have a game you can have a day where you just feel like you’re you’re walking on water and then the next day you pick it up and you feel like you’re drowning here we go surely a goal Cole Palmer blocked took too long uh what’s your opinion on mbappe signing for Madrid says melt uh we’ve already spoken about it mate um here’s eie let’s just see what happens with him um we’ve already spoken about it I mean look fantastic player it’s about time he um left PSG you know he needs to go and play as arguably the best player in the world he does need to go and play in one of the better leagues and um it’s going to be very interesting I think they’ll win La Lia easier with mbappe and their team but the true test will be what they’re like in the Champions League and there’s no no reason to think that Real Madrid won’t just keep getting better because the likes of venicius and kaminga and Bellingham are still ridiculously young so should get better year on year um Southgate does look hunky to be fair says GP and um who is one realistic signing that you want says Ryan for United well get in the chat we might have Chelsea fans we might have Arsenal fans what’s the one realistic signing that you want this summer for your team and tell us what team it is United need more than one um in fact it’s hard to say one realistic signing because it won’t get anywhere near solving our problems we need more than one um I would say that I would like Edison from Atalanta I would like tobo from nce um I mean we need a hell of a lot more I would like frong from Leverkusen as well those one of those three I’d be very happy with all three I’d be ecstatic have you completely left talk sport Mark says goldo um look I don’t know is the honest answer I mean I sometimes do get asked to go on a Tuesday morning or something like that and do a little slot but um I’m not going to do the saturday night goldbridge show anymore I I I’ve done the mark goldbridge show for the last two years at uh half seven till n during the season and um I’ve said I don’t want to do it this year this next season um so maybe they could bring back Cole Colmore that was always quite popular don’t know whether people want that sort of thing anymore but it was um it was popular good look to whoever whoever that takes it on it’s a good it’s a good slot ten hog to sign new contract That’s My Signing says dan yeah well I wouldn’t mind that yeah uh Chief says I’d like to see isak to Chelsea uh let me just read some of these out foden to Notting and Forest says Harrison yeah it’s got to be realistic I don’t think he’s a secret lifelong Forest fan Luke Shaw for Newcastle says Kevin I don’t know whether that’s a man united fan selling him or a a Newcastle fan who wants him uh Tottenham need a striker I’d get full C from Dortmund says Felix uh they’re doing V checks on [ __ ] friendlies for [ __ ] sake uh they’ll give it because it’s a pull of a shirt I mean he’s never getting the ball yeah I don’t know who this referee is um he was always going to give the penalty though because I don’t know who he is he he he’s been pretty [ __ ] but it’s a penalty for England which at least means we might get a goal ten hog to sign I’ve done that arigi or Balotelli says who to blame Balotelli definitely a better footballer definitely um who’s going to take it co Palmer Harry Kane’s coming on but I don’t think he’ll get on in time I tell you what I’d love Harry kanee to run on and take it I’d love Harry Kane to run on and try well he wouldn’t wouldn’t get to take it but I’d love him to try cold Palmer won’t miss get ready for the cold Palmer he loves it he loves the pressure it’s a prodigy feel the pressure oh c to what keeper nearly went the right way good penalty though just shows you keeper goes the right way if he hits it well enough it’ll always go in and uh one0 to England I’d like to see this again wasn’t saved Jacob I’ll read you super chat in a minute Lee I keeper should have saved it actually keeper should have saved it got a good hand on it I don’t know why he didn’t save that actually do I think it was a penalty well olle Watkins shoved the player before that but he’s pulling his shirt there we go uh inos you turned on sacking ten hog news Outlet all put it out meaning they do care what fans think it’s about what he can control in his new contract says Lee um interesting uh some substitutions now for England uh e he comes off probably not done enough to be honest started off well but didn’t get the ball to him enough uh Cole Palmer comes off as well greish comes on sunite Madison comes on branth weight and Kane and Warton will be interesting to see I mean some people think Jack Green English is a bit lucky to be in the England squad let’s do a poll up we’ve not done enough polls everybody got to get on the polls like a dancer um does greish deserve to go to euros yes or no who is one United Legend you wish to have seen live says Ryan well I’d love to have seen d Edwards because my granddad loved Duncan Edwards so I would love to have seen him but to be honest watching a player play in the late 50s football would have been very very different wouldn’t it so but obviously that would be my first answer um second George best 95% probably 98% of George best’s career isn’t on film that that that just blows my mind because 99.9% of Ronaldo’s career and Messi his career is on camera and yet 98% of George best’s get wasn’t even filmed so can you just imagine if you can see what he was doing on the stuff was filmed imagine what he was doing on the stuff that wasn’t filmed so yeah i’ I’d love to I’d love to have seen George bass play as well uh do you know why Mayu hasn’t been training says Joshua it’s because he played in the faup final so the Premier League finished two weeks ago FA Cup Final was one week ago so he’s just got an extra week off that’s all um hi Mark looking to buy an office chair what’s the name of yours it looks strong I don’t know have about it for years it’s a secret lab South Gate’s rubbish stay away from my club says Aaron uh here’s a crazy take if Southgate goes to United ten hog to England after all he did he say he wants to win trophies and has very good comp cup competition since Dan yeah I don’t think ten Hog’s ever going to take the England job to be honest with you yellow card there for gazi begovic um 65% of you are saying at the moment that you wouldn’t take greish to the Euros um I saw an interesting stat the other day that said that gish’s stats for the season are worse than anon’s so is greish just uh a reputational thing um in the sense that he doesn’t deserve to go I mean I I don’t I don’t really I mean I don’t I don’t watch Man City very often anyway so I don’t really know how much he’s played for Man City but I mean I I like greish I really like greish at Villa I think I I think a lot of it’s because some people think that maybe um um sacka and Jon stones are out injured at the moment by the way um maybe it’s to do with um some people think rashford should have gone I don’t know another play there been a lot of injuries in this game a lot of stop and starts uh please do Subs Scribe by the way bottom right hand corner you’re very welcome what the [ __ ] yeah we’re doing every game for the watch for the Euros as a watch along um so we’ve got the studio in Manchester where we’ll do some stuff with them as well but every single game of the Euros we’re going to do a watch along that’s the plan which we’ve done for the last World Cup and the last Euros as well socks to get involved in as per um Omari Farson has been released by United says Lewis that’s mad that’s mad I mean this is a guy who was getting a bit of game time as well Scott M’s got a 55 for that goal by Palmer good cross into the box good to see Harry Kan back I don’t know how long he’s been back for Bayern because I don’t watch them but he had a bit of an injury didn’t he not too long ago I wonder how long that it’s third time I’ve said Daniel sturd is 34 but I felt like he retired a long time ago and could still be playing at 34 I thought it was about 40 that’s what it was who do you think is the best player in the England team says Tara well some of it positional I mean I think Dean rice is very good for his position um I think Jon Stones is very good for his position um Harry Kane’s very good for his position Phil foden Jude Bellingham sacka but I think bellingham’s the star of the team I think what is one for you Harry Kane with a shot is one for you what about James Madison do you think he goes to the Euros I mean does he go again on reputation when actually how many number 10 do you want to take it’s defo about new contract why would they return uh re uh U-turn says Lee and yure says why doesn’t England just sign mbappe yeah I’ve I’ve heard people say that before why don’t we have a transfer window in International Football I mean yeah it just wouldn’t work um this game is not entertaining says szn well that’s that’s the whole point of watching England let’s have a look for Brit Zano says Omari forson is set to leave man united as a free agent in June after his debut in February for Man United First he’s up for am Mar set for a new chapter uh several clubs interested in him I don’t know I don’t know what I think about that really oh I wanted to get that up didn’t I right um I wanted to have a quick look at the stats have Bosnia actually had a shot no they’ve had one shot they had nothing on target and England are winning because of a penalty which probably was a penalty but be nice to see England score a goal from open play they nearly do there but Harry Kane heads it over the bar who was the mystery player yesterday I wouldn’t tell you if I knew XA Max but I don’t actually know thanks for the Super Chat time for another stretch oh God if only I was if only the body was 15 years younger I’d be able to play every bloody week again I wasted my 30s physically I wasted my 30s should have been playing a lot more I had people yesterday saying oh goldbridge was a bit slow I’m in my mid 40s like wait till it happens to you like it’s science you don’t you’re not as quick in your mid-40s as you were when you were 30 or in in your mid 20s like it literally does go ask your granddad for a race and see if he can beat if see if he beats you hi Mark Le from the United stand I’m telling you England is not winning the Euros Southgate is not a winner and inos still admires him joke says Lee I I still have to believe that um good shot by Kane from distance I still have to believe that England will win the Euros on pure player quality but you’re right in away and I will always say this England England’s big problem isn’t the players it’s the manager and it’s the coaching because if I’m saying we’re going to win the Euros the only thing that can stop us is Southgate those players know that those players know that Southgate is the is the reason is the doubt now if you replace Southgate with a Mourinho or ancelotti you give that team that extra belief don’t you um and in the big moments does he make the right decisions and that’s that’s what it’s going to come down to but I still think I still think we’ll win it um yeah Raz I’m not bloody stupid I I don’t know whether you think I’m like 12 and I’m just started out streaming but I would never read those two words together crap absolutely rubbish rubbish mate never going to catch me out um Aaron says I can send super Chats on here but not United stand please can you or your team check no I can’t Aaron I I don’t run YouTube I don’t understand why those things work and not I don’t know and that’s not me being rude you’re not the first person to say that I just I just don’t YouTube run all that and good luck for getting any help on them Peter says get on the steroids so you can play more charity games I no I need I need two yards a pace mate and to be honest if they had anything for that Harry McGuire would be drinking it so obviously doesn’t exist uh Cole Palmer scored a penalty for England Carlos when is the next eafc episode well it was meant to be today Isaac but I keep getting the bloody sack because the game’s stupid I’m top of the league and it just keep sacking me so I can’t bloody play it at the moment I’m trying to find a way out uh Matthew says FIFA signed players role as important in the contract oh it won’t let me mate I’ve tried it I mean I I didn’t know that fix but um every time I try and say important it says they want to be uh what’s the one you know where they want to be a prospect um a if says I was reading Atomic habits today in chapter one was about marginal gains from David braford big up United stand for teaching me in advance thanks asfs I don’t Lee says I don’t see any other angle other managers are in jobs T Pino derer 89 says we didn’t win the last Euros because of Southgate it’ll be the same again I to be a hell of an achievement to go to Germany and win it though I think I’m getting a migraine I can’t read I can’t see properly I’m starting to get flashing lights my Visions going 15 minutes to go battle through it um Germany are playing the Ukraine who are also in the euros and it’s nil nil after 69 minutes Croatia a 3-0 up against North Macedonia let’s have a look at the creti team liovic yanovich Sosa kovic V erit Maia perisic still plays kramaric they’re a Steady Eddy team Croatia aren’t they got well they got to a they got to a World Cup final didn’t they TJ I can’t read that out who do you think will be the Dark Horse of the Euros I mean and I’m not saying they’ve got to win it I think Denmark were Denmark the Dark Horse of the world cup or the last Euros I think it was the last yearo wasn’t it Wales did it when they went to the semi-finals you don’t have to win it to be the Dark Horse it’s a team that surprises Everybody by doing really well yeah I agree with that Croatia are definitely a team with high chemistry they know their periodic table top Legend says I think Hungary will be dark hor I quite like Austria I do quite like Austria I think rik’s done a really good job there and I’d love him to do well but they’re in a group with who are they who who are they in a group with is it Belgium no they’re not in Belgium’s group I think Austria are in let’s have a look they’re in a group where they might not get out um they are in with Netherlands and France they’re playing Serbia tomorrow um me they beat turkey 61 in March that was more of a friendly I’m just going to have a look at the a game where it mattered and layer but Garder there are some of their parts Austria good chemistry again uh Sebastian says I’ve just got here now how have we played I mean look we’ve had a lot of the ball pragmatic the goal is a penalty greish has got a score there oh he passed it to Kane I think he could have should have had a shot himself I mean look I’ve seen plenty of uh tournaments over the years and I’ve seen plenty of England friendlies before a tournament and obviously there’s players that want to impress but also don’t necessarily want to get injured and stuff but one of the big issues as well is that um it’s not on you I mean England were really bad in the Internationals in March so it’s not like we’re we’re playing great at the moment anyway Darren says Southgate got that top from boohoo man um Dom Dylan says would a king cobra beat a kodo dragon in a fight need to know your opinions on this this match is boring I think a kodo dragon would be a king cobra because it’s very hard hard to get through the skin of a kodo dragon and yet the bite of a kodo dragon is very poisonous so I think the dragon wins quite comfortably because I don’t think the snake’s going to get through the skin uh old cozy said do you think this this golden generation of England players could beat the sengor and Erikson one we didn’t win anything then either well the golden generation of Ericson would have been the likes of Gary Neville John Terry Rio ferand Ashley Cole Steven Gerard Frank Lampard Paul skulls Wayne Rooney Michael Owen um I’d like to think that team would win it but this team’s got better balance shush says Scooby hasn’t got a Southgate hasn’t got a Scooby-Doo uh Jo Jo says this has killed my excitement for the hero yeah but remember we’ve got no Bellingham no rice no foden no sacka no Stones no Mayu no Maguire maybe Luke sha will get back so there’s a lot of players to come back in what could be a Komodo dragon in a fight polar bear I’m going to I’m going to Google that there is a website I’ve got that is very good at telling you what would happen in a fight so basically this is what it says um well what would a tiger do it the dragon’s bite force is weak and it’s the length of its teeth is shorter than the length of the bear’s fur this is not including the thick layer of blubber the polar bear has the only place the Komodo can bite would be the skin on the underside of the pores but the polar bear can probably decapitate the kodo commodo with one swipe the polar bear would likely not even get bitten and if it does the Komodo likely can’t even get through the bear’s fur could a tiger or a lion kill a kodo dragon you know I think they could readily kill each other I find it likely that the tiger or lion would bite the dragon on the back of the head and kill it also find it likely that in the process the dragon would manage to wound the cat creating an impressive laceration laced with blood pressure lowering Venom and pathogen pathogenic P bacteria that would kill the cat likely sometime after it’s finished its meal of dragon that point the other dragons would would home in on the debilitated cat and finish it off and eat it that’s the thing about the kodo dragon it’s the bite it’s a slow kill it’s full of bacteria and stuff cartic says es Paulo Escobar or Al Capone I’m trying to think out of the box tiger kills a poer bear definitely not definitely not we’ve done that before um a large female polar bear or a small two-nil England has scored sorry let me I’m sure the polar bear story is more interesting God I just saw an England fan kissing the badge because we scoring we were tuning up in a friendly um that’s patriotism proud um Walton gets a lovely ball into greish little dink to the back post it’s a good finish by Trent actually good Ball by greish lovely technique by Trent I I don’t does he mean it probably I think he probably did Madison’s got a new celebration look that um hi Mark my dad has been a fan of that’s football in United stand Community for a couple of years says Lou says cool Nan um it’s his birthday today could you wish him a happy birthday his name is James happy birthday to James thanks for your support and being part of the community and I hope You’ had a good day um Lis preny says that kodo dragons have a poison in their saliva which causes paralysis and then they eat away at the paralyzed praise guts oh that’d be horrible I don’t like those paralytic drugs um what’s the latest in ten hog do you think there could be something tomorrow says Darren I hope so but you just don’t know I mean what they’re waiting for God knows they’re probably waiting for bloody Southgate aren’t they uh Fel felt something blow my knee in PE do I do footy says Callum it’s probably a shin mates everyone’s got one could be a thought um thank you very much for your super chats appreciate that GRE got an assist yes he did it was a good pass back to the animals a polar bear versus a tiger a large female polar bear or a small male polar bear are about the same size as the biggest tigers and a large male polar bear can be as large as 17 th 1,750 um so the biggest tigers can probably take the smallest polar bears but more often than not the bear would win that’s all about that’s a bit weighst that um good Save By The Keeper it could have been three there but it says here the polar bear would win on size Advantage stronger bites greater endurance and more knowledgeable pro wrestling fighting style would give it the win be an interesting computer generated battle we don’t want to use real bears or Tigers because that’s just cruel oh 3 n Harry Kane he’s happy he just loves to score goals Harry Kane he’s got records to break and uh at the end of the day this is what England can do under Southgate there’s just so many good players in it it’s very rarely exciting but this is why I think we could win the Euros because there’s just so many good players I mean boen nearly scored but uh that’s all going to get given Harry Kane yet they’re looking at a bit of offside but there’s nothing there 3-0 to England Harry Kane gets his goal I think boen thought he was going to score girl hit me up on the app two days after getting divorced do I go through with it Josh well unless she’s divorced you what’s the problem you’re not marrying her are you Kane come to United says Aiden I think that ship sailed mate thanks everyone who’s tuned in tonight um for the hardcore but you know we’re we’re here for the Euros buildup that’s what we’re here for Friday night I think we got England Iceland on Friday another clean sheet another few goals get ready for the uh opener what wins in a fight a BAL Eric tenh or Southgate and his Nan Bingo top says pip Southgate is probably bigger than tag isn’t he but there’s something about tag that makes me think he might be quite tough I’d love I’d love to imagine that ten hog would absolutely batter him but you know you can’t pick favorites tell you what I think could be a good fight a fox versus a badger I think a badger would win wouldn’t it I think put what about a squirrel versus a what be squirrel Hurricane’s not going to get that getting tired now loving the streams Mark ready for the Euros definitely United for life and uh Sylvio says I hope I see Bellingham rice Mayu and foden Saka Kane front three at the Euros I’d be interesting to see what he does with his front six for me I would still go and I think he’ll play Trent but I would go rice Bingham foden saaka Kane and maybe put greish or Palmer on the left but he won’t do that he’ll put foden on the wing he’ll put Trent in the Midfield and put Bellingham more advanced uh make sure you subscribe by the way bottom right hand corner big shout out to manscaped delivered to your door for free with 20% off using the code footy trim the grass to make the yard look bigger some fantastic other products you can get like the beard trimmer and everything these will become a massive part of your maale groom system fantastic loads of people are saying Badger oh yeah of course Badger against the fox yeah of course badgers have got TB would you sack Southgate says Winston well it’s funny isn’t it I think Southgate should have gone after the World Cup but he he’s got the best PR team in football because now apparently they want to keep him and I think he’s massively underachieved I think he’s failed as an England coach I think we should have won the euros and we should have won the World Cup with the players that we’ve got and I think we’ve got to win the Euros but England love losing I I’ve often said this in my life I do question whether as a nation we prefer being sad losers than actually winning we celebrate like 90 and 96 like historical moments squirrel against a rabbit would be good um Asif says is it just me or does Harry K seem a little bit of a slower Sprinter maybe he’s just um protecting himself four minutes added on polar be or an anaconda well it just dep if that snake gets wrapped around you you’re in big trouble but if the polar bear gets it before then um it’s going to get absolutely sliced up like a pepper Army there Southgate in his wife’s jump t-shirt I just don’t know what who’s told him to do that if there’s a load of blos running down to Marks and Spencers tomorrow to buy that you’ve got to seriously evaluate your life you may as well go into the women’s section and get a bra as well terrible fashion um look confidence win for England certainly was it entertaining I didn’t say England were going to win the Euros entertainingly by the way I mean I don’t think that’s I think we might we can’t have a k can eat it I do think we’ll win the Euros whether we can do it playing great football is is probably a little bit too much to ask um thanks everybody for wa for watching we’re back on Friday uh well I’ll be back way before then obviously but we we are going to do Friday’s watch along as well against Iceland uh make sure you subscribe by the way bottom right hand corner and please go and check out goldbridge say football maybe you’re going to go in the bath maybe you’re going to go down the gym maybe you’re just going to lie and relax you can do that by listening to the podcast that’s out today talking about the beta Squad charity game talking about leaving talk Sport and also the best part of it is the end of season review where I give every Premier League team and the pjm um a grade for this season and say where they can do better next check it out scan the QR code or go to Spotify and type in goldbridge say football I’ll see you all later take care thanks for joining me and um speak to you in a bit Legends


    1. Another reason I can’t take VAR seriously is Ollie Watkins straight up blatantly two hand shoved a Bosnian player and sent him flying 5 yards on the England penalty. And it was straight in the middle of the screen in front of the England player getting tugged back.

    2. Took england 60 minutes against a poor Bosnian team and as per usual england get their usual penalty didn't see that coming, england fans would be thinking after 59x minutes england are not world beaters, more money for goldbridge,using united stand studio to watch england his words I don't watch england especially friendlies .

    3. Game was a snoozefest til grealish, kane and maddison came on. I said it months ago I'll say it again, Watkins out of his depth at international level. Did ok but at this level just not enough. Gallagher played surprisingly well, never been a fan of his bit he had a good game Trent has to start at the euros.

    4. I can't take England seriously with penalty gift again! As Bosnian, not a terrible game, as our oldest player at the pitch had like 27 years, and it's our manager first game, but some places will be updated with much better players (Dedic, Kolasinac, Dzeko)

    5. PALMER MUST START FOR ENGLAND – 2nd most goals in the league only second to Haaland and 2nd most assists to Watkins- this tells you over the course of the season he has been the best midfielder in the premiership… why do people question this??

    6. Honestly no idea how it took professional top level coaches so long to realise that Trent should be in midfield.
      Complete stubbornness from Klopp because he loved his workmanlike Hendo, Fab, Gini midfield.
      Pep Linders said himself he was at Klopp for ages to play Trent in midfield and Klopp kept saying no until last season, when he compromised by doing the whole inverted thing.

      I honestly don't get it. It's so blatantly obvious that he's a mercurial talent in midfield, when he doesn't have the extra nonsense being said about him defensively. You don't see people complaining about De Bruyne defensively do you.
      Hopefully with Southgate playing him there, Slot will realise that's where he can win games on his own, which he definitely can. There's no better passer in world football.

      I reckon he'll be the big success story at the Euros, to the point even opposition fans will have to admit he's phenomenal.

    7. Somehow Southgate, as usual, managed to sedate normally aggressive forward-looking players and turned them, as usual, into masters of the back-pass. GARETH SLOTH-GATE… need we say more.

    8. When Argentina won the wc, they were nowhere near perfect in the beginning of the tournament and besides this was a friendly game, no need to criticize the team today. England just needs to be confident. There's no team that can stop this squad.

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