Criterium du Dauphine Stage 2 Race Finish.

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    sorry the camera just threw me then a little bit but Amad still leading 25 seconds over but the road starts to tilt upwards a little bit here Matt Stevens getting as emotionally invested as many of you watching at home I’m sure because this could be barring that national championship and pulling on the Jersey at the time trial the biggest victory of his career he’s 2 and A2 km away from the line but the Gap has started to fade and melt away 25 seconds as we can now probably count out Mar bison who’s at almost a minute now yeah good effort though I mean there was definitely a glimmer of hope but now it’s moving away best part of 30 seconds despite the best efforts of everybody around him but uh here we go hindley looks around it’s only vas off now I tell you what if Uno X Mobility want to bring this one back they’re going to start to have to start assist they need to start assisting now shorter turns on the front harder turns on the front is what they need to bring back amii but he’s resisting he really has 2.2k to go and the Frenchman as you say he’s on the cusp of the biggest ride of his career 2,000 m to the line pson now gives up the ghost he knows that is that yellow Jersey for a day at the doin at the minute it’s passing onto the shoulders of Brun Alay he started the day at 10 seconds from Mar person so aliray might not only be on the way to that win but also pulling on the yellow Jersey as as a Frenchman of one of of the biggest french stage races this would be enormous he certainly would he’s got a almost like a half a fan club that’s an ag2 fan club at the side of the road a mini um fan club encampment 1,800 M ago this man is right on the very very edge right into the red zone now and thankfully for him this road twists and turns just a little bit it then spreads out 20 seconds is the lead but 1700 M to go around 20 miles an hour but the road now just drags all the way to line no more descent for this man the Finish Line remains obscured in the mid oh and those conditions still clouding the result it could be anything yet it remains shrouded in mystery because just 21 seconds now as vlasov tries to give the last little bit of energy in his tank to bring it back after that the question is will Uno X ability be mobile enough to bring back Al in the final one and a half KS on the current evidence it does not look like it and there you can see he can’t see too much Bruno and he is on his way to a day of Glory 1K to go amii he looks tentatively over his shoulder and he will see now the pelet on the remnants of this shattered pellet that 50 so Riders being led by Uno X Mobility they he still got a lead of about 20 seconds but this road does not relent all the way to the line 900 M to go a gap of around 150 M over the bunch there Rob I was just about to ask why unox Mobility had left this so late to cont say yep they’ve left it very very late indeed they might actually run out of TAC here or have they timed this perfectly let’s look backwards I think the look down the road doesn’t does isn’t worth too much today given the conditions but Alay has to Pedal his heart out here this is a huge opportunity to take another giant leap forward there were eyebrows raised question marks asked when he left Kama last year but he’s moved to a team that it’s on the way up it cannot stop winning this could well be win number 24 of the season for dick at AAL a little half Glimpse over the shoulder don’t waste that energy puno 500 M to go he’s still out there in front the time Gap is as much of a mystery as that Misty picture behind well there they are they’re just coming into view now there it’s like a almost like a great white shark through the darkness they’re actually coming in very quickly now the road just kicks up a little bit is he going to hold on Rob there’s only about 50 m between him and a rampaging pelaton as they surge through the mist and brunai may well be about to get his heartbroken 250 m to the line he’s running out of energy those gears get harder to turn and here comes the bunch 200 M now they’re going to launch and launch very early indeed now then here we go it is unox who made the move it’s Jorgenson who’s chasing on behind we come to the line now they’ll be a winner we can’t quite see who it is it looks as though it belong to Uno X Mobility second place for RIT I think it was Magnus CT Nelson just saw that mustache through cutting through the miss well what a stage that was you oh my heart goes out to Bruno Amir what a brave strong effort it was but that was cruel let’s just double check who that is there it is marus marus Court who made the move


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