RadioCast #4 Paris Olympics 2024 (‼️AUDIO 🔉👂🏾ONLY ‼️)

    🔴First & foremost we over here are mapping like watching the stars of the cosmos/forecasting weather, thee Wax & Wane cycles/patterns regardless if there is or isn’t nefarious Jesuit tentacles involved…

    ‼️(some) Stream notes 📃 🔤 🔢 for “PARIS OLYMPICS” are now on the community wall ‼️


    all right mic check we do have a signal just a quick random stream going to quickly look at some of the news [Music] [Music] in the background quick instrumental I did put the vocal version on the other channel but uh extremely low quality compared to what’s being played now because it wasn’t directly being played but uh any who it’s only a snck teas just to see what’s been happening to fin or on one of the tracks anyway [Music] and again of course just let anybody know and realize yeah big difference with the quality [Music] right and if anything next time when I go live I’ll do uh the vocal version of course and put it back on the other channel and I’ll delete the old [Music] one all right we are going to quickly take a quick look at Paris Olympics just a couple of things I saw the other day and I said wow okay are they gearing up to do something crazy there along with whether they do do something literally of course to maybe just you know wantan to have us on the edge of our seats just like they did recently with the football even though we do know they did have something going on that I covered and other people covered you had the guy in a yellow jacket right he had the gun and the knife remember you had the stadium situation going on I don’t if you remember that going on but uh [Music] but yeah we are going to be quickly talking about that and some of the findings right not too long probably be about half an hour 20 minutes half an hour not really on a long one today um let me pull up my notes which actually was already there they decided to disappear of the screen as they do sometimes with this split screen and pop out business I swear sometimes it makes the workload even uh you know longer to do sometimes obviously you know it does help out you can do do you know multitask and do [ __ ] and then other times it’s like okay does this thing actually even want to work today or this week what was the point they even making this [ __ ] sometimes any who take a quick look at of course some of the news again it’s only going to be audio today probably on the next one I will do like a actual um video visual presentation again if it up to speed you know why I can’t be bothered I can’t be asked I can’t be asked seriously again there’s enough videos showing the same [ __ ] from the whole Community you know so knock yourself out [Music] give me one second here [Music] all right shout out to everybody hope you had a decent weekend hope that your week started okay today old Monday blues as they call it now last time we was looking at Will Smith and whatnot of course the tabloids and the media have been you know putting more of a light on the situation for Martin Lawrence hopefully he’s not next to go cuz as I say if there was ever a time that they could easily take him out and be like oh you know whatever it was that he had going on but really they you know Amplified it or done whatever the [ __ ] they did and then you know he’s not here anymore so as I say We’ll see how it goes down if it goes down and it looks uh suspicious give me one second here literally I did have it ready and this stupid pop out window disappeared so now I’m looking back for the slide that I had up here yeah again we are going to look at the news in real time as well quickly but I just want to quickly go over some of the slides that I’ve got here although you can’t see it again it is just a radio cast again if you actually want a video you know what to do simply ask and or you know if magic if by Magic the subscription goes up there’s some traction okay well [ __ ] knowell maybe some people want to see some [ __ ] other than that again there’s a bazillion videos from this channel and the community showing you the same thing so again knock yourself out get up to speed now the Olympic Games right I was just mentioning the football you had the football went on recently and of course there was putting a lot of fair mongin and fair porn out there to do with maybe you know whatever their name is you got Isis K you got alqaeda this alqaeda that you know whatever their [ __ ] name is yeah it’s the same Boogeyman from the gang the jezeb order and uh give me one second here thought I had my not oh yes I have I have I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here God damn it now when I typed this in I said come on man so they’re calling them Iranian Terra cells right which equals 94 we know Terra equals 94 so that’s one thing yeah you got the two you got a 2 11 in there as well so you got the 47th Prime link we know the 47 is a huge number concerning the gang now if you write out now if you’ve been following you know all those 2011 sacred number Holy Bible even police racism uh state of Israel 2011 Jesuit order 2011 uh what is it J Mario bolio AKA Pope Francis again France Francis you know his name equals 2011 you know they’re General of Leola his name 2011 I mean there’s just pop Francis lives in sweet 2011 the name of the flipping place however you pronounce it equals 21 I mean there’s so many 21s now when I typed in again just like you can type in Islamic terrorism you get 2011 and lo and behold if you write in Iranian terrorism cuz remember you just had the big plane crash a helicopter crashed the other day right did you not see it check out some other channel I didn’t personally cover it and I said okay they’re going for it pretty obvious just like when uh you had the plane crash is it Tran which is Iran you remember the Tran situation basically a few years ago probably about 3 four years ago maybe even about four years ago you had the plane crash when Trump was still kind of in Office or coming out of office there was a big plane crash going on but if you looked at all the numbers he say oh come on man remember they had the Black Box situation going on with the player was like oh come on come on and all the numbers that checked out so anyway Iranian terrorism equals 2011 like Islamic terrorism interestingly and it’s literally a full house that’s the other thing apart from one that’s different which is in the same ccii the dark blue one but it’s still relevant numbers in there though 84 and 93 now the news article says uh funny does hold up wait wait wait wait oh I can’t remember does Terra equal 40 I know 689 does it no it’s 41 41 excuse me no worries I’m looking at the picture ahead big number 40 from the street sign where the picture was taken anywh who web of Terror it goes on to say in the sun Israel exposes Iranian Terror cells in Europe with Fox Truck Yeah so Fox truck gang led by Kurdish Fox plotting attacks before Olympics so again you’ve got the Olympics coming up in France big part of the you know Illuminati jze Order came out of France so go figure with all of that so you know it could be foreshadowing something here I mean look at all the mad that’s going on the other day in uh Germany right did you see that I said [ __ ] you know and now I just saw yesterday night I looked in the news I see the update the policeman died they say the policeman died he’s 29 years old again stabbing and stab W 29 I’m saying to myself it’s just a sad reality that’s what what else is there for me to say you know if it’s not an eye opener you know it’s just such a sad reality however this thing goes down again with Ritz and I know it’s still going to be an indirect because of the again MK Ultra Utopia at hand but however it goes down you know whether it’s direct from them or the indirect of you know the environment and then you’re growing up and you don’t know what’s going on and all of a sudden you’re aliak barin but you’re not from you know the boogeyman Terror cells directly from the Jes order if you know what I’m trying to say here and that’s why it’s just so crazy because the way it affects people and then you’ve just got you know what ensues from the madness right so again Germany Madness that was was going on the other day there you had another big stabbing the other day in a French tube I think three people got stabbed it wasn’t a big one that was on the news but I I caught wind of it I said wow D that is interesting the you for going mad everywhere every other story you know oh the girlfriend stabbed them or she was cheating with um somebody else’s hubby and um she killed the the the um lady and she stabbed her to death it’s like [ __ ] hell remember all the stories we’ve been covering you know people switching on their kids killing the kids it’s like okay what the [ __ ] is going and again whether the store is real or not that’s beyond the point yeah just look at what the [ __ ] going on so again for it to be a real story [ __ ] now and we know there’s going to be real stories like it but the world is absolutely berserk at the same time we do in understand that they do amplify the news in a specific way with the patterns and the way they deploy it and again if you’re none the wiser you ain’t got a clue why they give you the numbers the time stamp the date duration you know all that type of stuff when they give it to you on that day sorry the the um say have to give you a video the video duration excuse me you know again we’ve gone over all of this a bazillion times so we’re going to do that all here today but I do just want to quickly touch base on some of this cuz it’s pretty Bonkers to be fair so again war on terror war on terror it goes on to saying the Sun News again you can look up with the article again it’s the Iranian Terror cells Sun News you can read along you know ride shotgun at the same time but anyway even though I’m not doing a major decode today but anyway so it goes on to say Iranian Terror cells are plotting attacks across Europe ahead of the Paris Olympics Israel has warned again Israel yeah remember put out remember when I was putting out the dates for the months I said oh you know look at these days in whatever month and whatever remember I put out before was it January 15th I said well look out for something on that day and then lo and behold you had uh uh one of the classic ones you know they drive into people then they start you know get out the cars stabbing people and it was like was it the Israel border something like that it was Israel something like that so again it’s not me just oh cherry picking a date and blah blah blah no or even hoping oh you know I hope something goes down no I hope nothing goes down but as I say there’s a reason with these wax and wind Cycles why people are more likely to do something on a specific day and again it all follow through in why the news and the media in general music you know Eminem just drops on the other day again if you don’t know go on Dr Savage’s Channel I went to share something the other day but you know YouTube they do all this extra [ __ ] now even to just pin a comment you know what I mean they want you to uh uh uh you have some uh photo ID do this other [ __ ] bollocks so it’s just like okay can I just [ __ ] pin my [ __ ] comment like what the [ __ ] is going on here but anyway if you go on Dr Savage right as one word Dr Savage his channel will come up I usually share his post I’ll try and share it today but he put up some really good uh Intel by the Numbers concerning who de and the latest Eminem uh Slim Shady stuff going on there very very interesting to say the least just like we or it was Zach and whoever else when it was the Las Vegas shooting situation again that was forecast you know months in advance you said look out for XYZ in the land of sin right Sin City Las Vegas and uh lo and behold you had the situation which was very H how would I say I’ll say more on the hoax false flag with then obviously people some of the people in there n the wiser some of them are going to be wiser and it just seemed to me was they just playing gunshots out the speakers I don’t know it was very strange I don’t know I don’t know that was a very strange one the Las Vegas uh situation that was going on even the singer I mean it was all covered what was that guy’s name on a sidebar about it too long but what was his name James something I remember we had the tattoo the revealing tattoo something I can’t remember what it was now but it was covered heavily in the community and we was like what kind of [ __ ] is this of all the singers with that tattoo with the timing and then Eminem had the song with the Las Vegas shooting was like okay you got to be kidding me right was that when you brought out the album as well music to be murdered by if I’m not mistaken so very interesting to say the least so anyway on this news article it goes on to say again talking about the Iranian Terror cells are plotting attacks across [Music] Europe oh God why can I not get the rest of this up here hold up I not get the screenshot so why oh excuse me so Iranian Terror cells apparently allegedly plotting attacks the Intel coming from Israel about the Paris Olympics situation is about a a a Kurdish was it who’s led by the Kurdish FRS platin attacks uh basically I think they called Fox TR so again Israel spy agency claimed in a rare statement that Iran is increasing its support of groups including foxt which has been linked to murders and large scale drug trafficking [Music] Iranian terrorism 93 not the main number that we’re focusing on with the 93 but just picking up on something Paris Olympics 2024 equals 93 interestingly also if you at Olympics if you right at Olympics excuse me you get 41 40 is in there as well if you pay attention to what I said earlier about the street signed and then I put it to the side when I realized oh yeah [ __ ] Terror equals 41 not 40 Paris Olympics 67 remember from Mas 67 again if they are looking to do some blood sacrificing and you know death on a big major scale or small scale you know we still up for doing things in little pockets little pockets of Madness cuz it all adds up at the end of the day back to the network and then back into your thinking or you know the fair mongering and whatnot and do remember Terror equal 68 we’re going to get to 68 in a moment now the Olympics when is it 26th of July to 11th of August again 2024 I’m sure Fox drop was 118 we know death equals 118 even homicide equals 118 also is Illuminati 120 48’s in as well propaganda Force flag hoax but anyway 120 I’m sure Illumina is 120 Olympics 2024 120 I’m sure order at of kills is 183 Paris Olympics 2024 and his new world order 75 interesting then you got the 93 on the end in single reduction yeah that is interesting again did not put it past them to do something at the Olympics or you know just before the Olympic starts to have you on extra Edge so getting it begins the 26th of July right and lo and behold on a day of a life lesson of 41 unbelievable and please note I’m sure some of these numbers is the same that I had for uh remember when I did the forecast for even I didn’t know the area but I said to look out for stabbing in a Madness on a specific day I was going through you know the days that I chose that was you know more spiky for the Highlight points they said okay key point of Interest look out for something on that day of the month that day missed that day missed these couple of days they out for this day that day and then obviously it was in November and we had uh Dublin Island right remember we had all the stabbing then you had the riots going on the same day the day that leaves for 38 days of the year stabbing and stab knifing and more you know Murder type of words killing and whatnot equal 38 again what are the odds now imagine so again 7 at 26 2 at 0 2 of 24 equals 41 Again Terror equals 41 the Olympic starts on a day with a life L of 41 Olympics equals 41 as I already just said moments ago and uh again if you just joined we are looking at the Kurdish group called Fox truck how’s it called again hold on let me just get up real quick it was called Kurdish Fox Tru Kurdish Fox and they’re called Fox truck and uh you know another Boogeyman you know as I say you got Isis K alqa this one that one outbag daddy whoever the [ __ ] you know [ __ ] you know but any Who and the day the Olympic starts leaves 158 days of the year also the day numerology is 33 again masonry police People Order Society secrecy equals 33 I’m not sure if that is a leap year date or any of these days are affected by the leap year but anyway this year’s a leap year and 158 days are remaining as of 26th of July always remember they are playing godov you with this and I’m sure terrorists equals 101 the 26 Prime equal 101 remember God equals 26 just always remember they are playing God overall us with this simple knowledge and other things that factor in as well but this is a key component or one of the key components and a glue that keeps every everybody in a [ __ ] Groundhog Day now what’s also funny the day the Olympics finishes again Fox Dr equals 118 it finishes on 11th of August again death equals 118 as well homicide 118 but anyway isn’t it interesting that you we’ve got a numerology of 63 and A Life Lesson of 27 and that day leaves 142 days of the year terrorist equals 142 remember 911 they made the documentary after the fact that they said all um what is it again 102 minutes that change the world which equates to an hour 42 and uh think about race and racism Again On A Day With A Life Lesson of 27 a numerology of 63 race equal 27 racism equals 27 and racism also equals 63 chaos equals 19 you got a day numerology what that will never change of 19 chaos equals 19 and always remember it was 19 hijackers as of 9911 when they took down the Twin Towers even though it was three buildings that came down but of course the third building building 7 no plane even touched the building how did that just magically crumble and then as a say you know we pointed out bazillion times we’ve got the lady for BBC you can even go on watch it you’ve got the woman at BBC News talking about building sevens come down but yet we can see the building in the background uh hello [ __ ] uh what the [ __ ] are you talking about we can see the and then all of a sudden it comes down when it comes down and if you didn’t realize the infal structure of the twi Towers again the two towers that came down went to zero then they put up the New Freedom Tower whatever it’s called so two towers that came down to zero that became one so again 2011 the jeze order 2011 we’ve gone over this a bazillion times again if you write out sacred number that equals 2011 so I think there’s something to it with what they’re doing yeah I don’t think it’s you know just arbitrarily done oh we’re just done choosing this number because oh we just want to know obviously for all the Crusades and them learning you know realm Dynamics I’ve got you know I’ve gone over this in my own way how many times and as I always say Don’t just come to my channel go and check out Zack want check out all the other people so you can get a a a a you know a rounded picture panoramically all right so yeah don’t ever think that those buildings were built without being made inside the infrastructure with whatever type of dynamite thermite bombing equipment obviously there was yeah look at the big fire that was going on many years ago or not that many years ago sorry probably about maybe 3 years ago in Dubai one of their main I don’t know if it was the Khalifa one of those huge structures that was crazy Flames how come that never came down whatever building has come down via come on man now we know something hit the building but I’m saying how many come on man and the way it came down that’s my point it just you know crumbled into its own foot you know what I mean how is that possible showing you that it wasn’t the impact of what hit you know the plane or whatever impossible to to crumble in that way impossible it was so obvious that that was you know demolition so anywh who we’re going to quickly also look at the uh cuz remember we had the plane Crush right we’re going to look at that date as well and we’re going to see something and you’re going to go oh wow now that is interesting again hopefully fingers and toes cross nothing happens right so again if you just joined if you write out Olympic Games Paris that equals 2011 if you write out Iranian terrorism just like Islamic terrorism just like state of Israel just like the jeze order just like um The Holy Bible just like you know brazillion other things that I can’t remember right now that we’ve covered so many times but just know 201 is a special number to these people yeah wow we even got 84 and 258 in there as well and a 102 [ __ ] hell the number of the Beast 258 so again Olympic Games 211 Iranian terrorism 21 Islamic terrorism 21 I know Islamic terrorism Iranian terrorism Olympic Games Paris that’s all in the same Cipher that’s all in the same [ __ ] Cipher and again Iranian terrorism and Islamic terrorism is literally a full house aside from the dark blue uh uh reduction CER go figure on that also aren’t we in the time of the 366 Pope as well so go figure about that because Olympic Games power race 2024 equals 266 again Fox Tru equal 118 we spoke about that again 11/8 like 11th for August good I’m not going over everything here but just the main takeaways how long have I been streaming here half an hour okay probably got about another 10 15 minutes at the most what is this here so if I’m not mistaken the helicopter crash with the what is his name the butcher something like that you know you got these characters anyway whatever Boogeyman whatever his name is whatever you know however he comes to be whether it’s directly from them or indirectly because of the environmental conditioning and you know you want to join whatever you want to join and be like okay Gard or whatever the [ __ ] you know what I mean however it is uh oh come on man if I’m not mistaken May 19th was the helicopter date right and imagine you got the 68 32 oh my God you got 68 numerology and a 32 life lesson basically it’s all Islam you know Islamic type of numbers and Terror and imagine it’s 68 days from May 19th remember chaos is 19 now remember the 19th from is 67 we SP about 67 earlier rewind the video with whatever I said that went with that it might be Olympics or 67 something like that but anyway not only again you got the May 19th is 68 days from the helicopter crash to July 26 and alternative span is 2 months 27 I mean come on Race racism Terror 68 race racism 27 [ __ ] you know ritual equals 27 so as I say for something to happen on this day at you know the start of the Olympics again I haven’t looked much on days beforehand cuz I know they all say know you know there might be um you know the Islam was it the state of Israel the intelligence whatever it is they all their bollocks like MI5 giving us their [ __ ] Intel like they don’t know W gu or like they don’t know who’s really behind XYZ you know what I mean when they’re the ones that are giving us the [ __ ] Boogeyman it’s you you know as I keep saying if you [ __ ] all of these cuns off what you think is going to be going on brighter days there’s not going to be no covid bollocks there’s not going to be you know what I mean not saying [ __ ] can’t happen or you know what I mean you know naturally in a sense but there’s not going to be some nefarious people that are going to be ared we’re going to want to inject with a madis and put you on lock down and give you Boogeyman everywhere left and right and Phantom [ __ ] bollocks apparently in the air put your face mask on then you got another terror attack at your local school like no that that ain’t going on that’s not going on yeah o 84 on 120 oo spoke about that a little while ago what was those again it was uh what was that 120 we had hold up so alternative span on the DAT we’ve got 223 huge Skull and Bones 2 two three and then we’ve got alternative span 12 weeks zero days and the other one is 84 days wow and that’s without include the end date right go figure right so quickly local news for the UK in woit you had 12 people arrested after a mass brawl again in wage UK London I mean what the [ __ ] is going on again you had the we slightly covered some of it the uh the turkey place the other day now they’re saying what what did they say the update was again is to do with some drug I can’t remember if they said Terror cell or drug sell it might be a combo Terror and Drug sell related cuz you had the Turkish German guy in the wheelchair I saw the picture of him but anywh who of course the initial post time is 46 minutes pass and the update time is 27 minutes pass again this is for woit right woit in the UK 12 arrested after Mass brw but anyway stabbed equals 46 so again initial post time is 46 minutes past the update time is what 27 minutes past knife equals [Music] 27 another news you had the which I did Cover before in the Stream but you got Amy gray he was stabbed to death in bouth Beach you got the suspect you got the name release 20 years old nazin sardai or Sardi from Cen of all the places and he was arrested on May 29th again stabbed and stabber in 29 he was arrested on 29th again first and foremost we’re just looking at the patterned nature of things and in standing the cycles and why things may happen or you may be prone to be either the person doing it and or caught up in XYZ and again we’re looking at regardless of whether it has nefarious activity from the gang but of course don’t let it Cloud your judgment when looking at certain stuff from the Masonic media again it’s not always the case but you know a good piece of it also is just like a good piece of it is that isn’t from the gang but knowing how they do the news to give more amplification with the frequency that you know you’re none the wiser about again with the time stamp with the release of the news the time stamp the initial post time the duration of a video the type of caption that they give you you don’t understand the numerical value behind it and then lo and behold boom so again it’s a mix bag whether it’s real not real a mix of True Lies or one of their full-blown you know [Music] situations and of course if you don’t know why I said wow quing of all the places when I mentioned Quin moments ago of course we had the big situation last year with the girl on the way to school please check out all the videos that I did for that very important playlist there so it’s handy and uh you know knock yourself out but don’t stop there again if you’re new to it don’t stop there just go through all the entries that I’ve put out for knife crime and terrorism concerning knife crime and whatnot and uh you know do the obvious if not don’t worry about it put your feet up relax there’s nothing to worry about you know this information isn’t for you so don’t get bent out of shape again I’m just you know being journalistic you know being a journalist somewhat in some way shape or form and uh now this individual’s name stabbed equals 1753 and 26 nazine equals 26 even got a 28 in there as well kill 28 again kill 17 as well stab 17 as I already mentioned just now his last name Sardi equals 38 25 and 34 all murder death kill right rip well time yeah you know what I’m saying um CH stab equals 66 is full name equal [Music] 66 Amy gray the victim again her name is was 79 43 as well remember murder and killing equals voila 79 and 43 26 and 19 her first name Amy last name 24 like the word blade = 24 and then the day that he gets arrested stab equals 42 you D will 34 as well right again I don’t want to St this one for too long today did he go straight to court on the Saturday short blade 15 or 51 basically life lesson and numerology and do you know don’t worry about it scol now the day that it happened again just quickly going over this the day that it happened was the 145th day of a leap year and I’m not sure if this is natural day but we are in a leap here but anyway whatever the case may be in the leap here is the 145th day the year Bournemouth again it’s the 24th again blade equals 24 Bourn withth equals 145 and wasn’t the guy’s name 53 yeah nazine his first name 53 like Bournemouth oh what really I’m going to have to double check I think it is 153 the the court dat if I’m not mistaken June 1st against stabs equal 61 mental health 61 but just know and it’s the dead at least 23 days of the year death 213 but anywh who It’s usually the 152nd day the year I’m sure it is and Bournemouth as well as equal equals 145 we just spoke about the day question right 145th year Bournemouth Beach Bournemouth equals 145 you got 152 for June 1st if I’m not mistaken that’s the day that he went to court go figure what Al to that the lady was from pool p l e so Amy gray was from pool pool equals 27 knife equals 27 so go figure on that remember he got arrested on a day of a lifeless in the 42 remember stabs equals 42 police were called at 11:42 when the incident was going on go figure right what is this here okay so I’m moving on so founder of this is now going back to hacky situation they say the young girl who was sh she’s on being on a ventilator and stuff like that absolutely crazy anyway it goes on to say with this small update here gang Revenge founder of gang targeted in drive by shooting that left the girl 9 years old in CR critical condition was linked to hitting Spain three men linked to drugs gang hack me bombers that’s why it was floating in my mind you know I forgot it was that’s what I was saying is it Terror related remember what I said that earlier go figure that’s why that was flirting in my brain because they’re called it goes on to say three men linked to drugs gang hacky bombers were injured in the dolon shooting right doesn’t B the update time is 14 minutes pass bomb equals 14 unbelievable wow remember dead and end equals 14 bomb equals 14 if you’re not up to speed on just quickly say if you’re not up to speed on Liverpool Women’s Hospital explosion in the UK feel free go and find the playlist so we on this channel we’re on a different channel of mine knock yourself out I remember when I saw that day coming up and I said oh 47 days are left oh o it’s the [Music] 40 and uh it all checked out with the movie shanqi which came out on the same weekend I’m not going to go into that all right now but go figure I said wow now that is interesting and at the time I forgot it was um basically 14th of November is Prince Charles Prince Charles who’s now the king that’s his birthday 14th where he had all the remembrance stuff for Wars that was going on around that time and you know the we the puppy flower and all that stuff so yeah yeah and then I’m sure it’s going to go on to say or show you cuz this is pretty new and fresh so you again quickly go on uh whatam call it and have a look but yeah hacky bombers Kingpin Abdullah B Bassin babasin whose mob once controlled 90% of Britain’s heroin trade was deported for drug and gun crimes right so again the founder of the gang was the founder of the gang of which oh my God the founder of the gang which was targeted in a drive by shooting that left a 9-year-old girl in critical condition was linked to a hit in Spain last month and again Hackney bombers Kingpin Abdullah babasin or babasin who once controlled 90% of Britain’s her and trade was deported for drug and gun crimes here he is just looking at him now in his wheelchair above in the wheelchair looking at the picture was seen in Barcelona restaurant last month with drug lord teken cartel almost like cartel right but cartel k a r t a [Music] l Tekken cel this his name t e k i n anyway he was shot dead soon after leaving the rule chair used gangster 64 was seen in Barcelona restaurant last month with German Turk drug lord teen cter he was shot dead soon after leaving members of the babasan clan went on social media to deny involvement yet last wday a leading fig bason bason old gang was the intended target of a shooting at a restaurant in dlon which was the UK one right Hackney Northeast London at the Turkish place the Turkish uh restaurant sparking fears it was a tip fortat revenge and again one of their names they go by is the Hackney bombers yeah or one of these gangs or whatever you know who’s involved in Okie do the men link to the hacky bombers was injured they aged they were aged excuse me 37 again shooting 37 and 44 and one’s age 42 interesting so again huge shooting and shooting equals 37 and 44 two of the suspects age one’s 4 1’s 37 and one’s 44 wow what are the odds was it just your time are you just prone to it because cuz you know the numbers don’t lie when you know how to Red the ganta tea leaves yeah this is always a Fallout with people looking to exploit weakness in rival organizations it goes on to say there’s no doubt police will be looking into the wider context huh so Kingpin interestingly equals 37 and 44 that is interesting right to be fair shooting shooting 53 as well Abdullah Basin hne bmers got the 237 in there and the two times3 time 7 141 excuse me all right time to round up as I say it was just a random stream thought I just quickly go live just to say what needed to be said just to put it out about the upcoming Olympics again maybe the next stream I may be asked to go back to a bit more normality with presentations but oh that talking cartel that guy his name is Tekken Tekken cartel you got the 41 remember Terror right first aim 59 kill 59 then you got the 45 99 18 and 63 basically race and racism long story short again I don’t know if this is full-blown boogeyman going on here from the gang but I’m just thinking it’s a bit suspicious I mean to be called like what I mean a gang to call like a drugs gang to call themselves Hackney bombers I mean I got I mean come on man come on man really Hackney bombers really on to other news that got cancelled quickly not surprising but he was just talking about the ready to blast off boing sty owner that will take humans to Mars launching this week and then there’s a tiny little thumbnail next to the big thumbnail and it says o space JB Boeing’s launch of the 1.5 billion Starliner spacecraft called off moments before lift off take off yeah no [ __ ] all right let me quickly look at the news in real time just to see what’s going on in the sun quickly then I will get out of here I’ll catch you on the rebound again this was just a quick a quick transmission and it heads up about Paris Olympics something else something getting to say I’m sure there is any who if I don’t say it today catch you on the next one give one moment I’m just scrolling on the news just to see if there is anything to quickly look at maybe [Music] [Music] right can’t see anything off the bat sure was something man oh I know you had the I think I mentioned I can’t remember I mentioned it before but we had the the stock up situation right with the food [Music] mic check all right we got a signal stupid thing kicked me out I’m about to get off here anyway in a sec as I said I’m just quickly scrolling through just to see if there’s anything coming in the news just to quickly the same old Bullocks right Fair Mong greine War nuke War stuff about new pills for cancer bike tragedy cyclist um [Music] yeah all right I think it’s time to end transmission just get to the bottom of this flipping page just remember they can always have money for Wars but they can’t feed the poor you know think about the Arctic Shelf the Arctic Circle how is it that all these people that apparently are always fighting each other in the news but yet they can be like wow you know what you’re not allowed to go and explore at this part of degree in the Arctic you’re not allowed to go over yeah so what’s that about what is that telling you so you’ve got the Arctic Shelf yeah like a 200 foot how however High the ice wall is there ain’t nothing out there if anything you’re going to freeze to death before you can even see is there another Pond of life just like we’ve got the Earth Pond where we are is there another Pond or how you know what I mean like what what is the big deal of stopping somebody you know to go and explore and see other [ __ ] or you know what I mean like why why would you do that so got to think about that so want to think about things that make you go hm I did message uh wheelie King the other day okay remember I was [Music] [Music] stupid thing kicked me out again so annoying right we back working yeah funny enough as I was rudely interrupted from streamyard so uh wheelie King’s video that he just put out I think you put out another one since but the one before today he said the Illumina is real oh man I left a message I said have you seen the video or the audio you know again if you want me to do literal video let me know but you know I left a message again I’ll check to see if there’s any response there or anything but I won’t hold my breath so touch a tiny piece of this instrumental as I quickly close out [Music] still working on it but hey check my other channel you can hear it a tiny bit of the vocals in there still going to add a bit more vocals and some things [Music] yeah cool man it’s pretty moody in the UK for the weather to be fair I don’t think maybe you might get a Sprinkle of some Son um you know before comes back around but I’m not going to hold my breath on it they did actually say in the news I did catch when that um it might be a bit of a soggy summer this one for the [Music] UK so hopefully we don’t have to get the bodies out anytime too soon you know what I mean maybe if you start [ __ ] around with the skies you know maybe but uh [Music] yeah oh [ __ ] sake how annoying I cut off the song by accident there but hey catch on the rebound Hess

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