Nice, a lively city on the French Riviera, is a great place to start your adventures to Monte Carlo, Cannes, Eze, and Antibes. Check out the fancy casinos in Monte Carlo, the sunny beaches in Cannes, the old-world charm in Eze, and the quaint old town in Antibes, all just a short distance from Nice.

    For a FREE Packing checklist and Personalized Travel Itineraries:
    0:00- Intro
    0:08- Day 1: Nice
    2:25- Day 2 – Eze and Monaco
    4:10- Day 3 – Antibes and Cannes
    6:08- Day 4 – Nice


    if you’re in your 20s and wanting to travel to south of France on a budget this is the video for you trying to make this as cheap as possible while seeing all those bougie places first day you’re going to be landing in niece obviously you have your hotel in nie because for one it’s going to be a lot cheaper the night life is great when you come back from your day trips you can still look forward to something to do in the city it’s right in the middle of everything you get to do so many day trips you get to see so many places at once so get your hotel and nie get it in the oldport area or in the John M Johan m area I’m sorry if I’m butchering that name there’s a johnatan Avenue street right in the middle of it which leads to the main Square best place to get your hotel from there you want to lie down by the beach maybe tan a little bit so you’re going to go to one of the beach clubs there I have two recommendations for beach clubs there’s one with the blue and white umbrellas there’s no way you can miss it it’s called the rule Beach Club I think the day beds are around 23 per day so not that bad compared to other places but if you’re looking for a more bougie urious type of feel definitely check out lco lco this beach club is part of this hotel that was made in 1913 it’s beautiful inside it’s definitely a lot more bougie than rule Beach Club but you’ll definitely be spending some going to head back to your hotel freshen up a little bit go all around the Jean Medan area this is where you can find a lot of cute bakeries shops restaurants best place to just walk around and discover every nook and cranny that n has to offer as you’re walking down down je you’re going to get to plasa which is the main Square it’s a lot prettier at night trust me there’s resin little statues definitely get crepes while you’re there I 100% recommend the Crepes right by plasmaa as you’re walking from plasmaa to the beach there’s going to be little stands full of Crepes and little bakeries and ice cream all of them are good I’ve tried a bunch recommend now something to consider when visiting the beach is that the beach is Rocky if you’re looking for a more Sandy type of beach definitely hold on on your Beach St until you get to can or anti is it Con or can and on my Tik Tok everyone’s commenting like you’re saying this name wrong if you’re planning to walk on the beach or anything keep that in mind it hurts a little bit if you’re walking around get water shoes if you can or hold on your beach day until you get to other cities for food get sooka it’s this Regional traditional specialty kind of like a pizza you can get it from sheay I love these names day two you’ve slept well you have the energy we’re going to do a lot of walking we’re going to go all the way to S I keep getting so many comments on Tik Tok asking how to get to asz and what the best way is my recommendation go with a bus you’ll get a beautiful view from there it costs a lot less by train you literally have to wait until a Bus shows up and they come around every 40 minutes to an hour don’t do that get the bus from nice to EZ sit on the right side of the bus the views are phenomenal as itself it doesn’t need an itinerary every single place that you go when you’re visiting this place is literally out of a Disney movie now fun fact Walt Disney actually used to say an SZ and he got a lot of his inspiration for Disney movies from this Village you’ll definitely see what I’m talking about now with Monaco I definitely recommend going a little later in the day so you can enjoy the night life as well once you get there you’ll get to walk right to the main Square the main square is the best part of Monaco a casino is located in hotel de par which is a movie where Selena with star in called Monte Carlo when you get there go to the cafe for sure even if you’re just going in to just see the cafe itself it is beautiful inside take into account if you’re planning to enter the casino to gamble you definitely have to have your passport with you if you are a non-european resident now you can enter the casino for free you don’t have to pay anything if you’re just looking around but you can’t go in that area there also a bar in the casino as well where you can grab a drink just enjoy the views and then head back to nice if you’re planning to stay for the night life take into consideration on your way back the last train is around 8:00 p.m. so make sure you don’t miss that we’re going to Cans now you have two options if you’re planning to visit as many cities as possible definitely make a stop at anti before you go to can you can go to billionair Bay which is this beautiful area in the middle of the rocks and it’s this like secret type of beach it’s more of a family City so I wouldn’t spend too much in antique to be honest unless you’re very into yach yachts and you just want to go walk around and look at Yachts or you have a yacht if you had a yacht you probably wouldn’t be looking at this video either do your beach day at anti or go straight to can now can is the perfect mix between Beach life and a city life my favorite Beach Club there is L Mandela it’s this very cute Beach Club it’s pink and it’s bright and we actually got there on a wedding so they were doing all types of celebrations and popping champagne and everything it’s just very bright and alive and you definitely will have fun there we didn’t get any day beds there but we did get drinks and we only like got to enjoy all of that with like what €7 you can either go to the beach club or you can go to the public beach area you don’t have to pay anything if you’re using the public beach but take into consideration if you’re bringing any belongings with you make sure nothing is valuable cuz there is no place for you to put those things but it is Sandy the water is very clear beautiful area I’ve said beautiful a million times but this is south of France of course I am and then spend the the rest of your day just walking around there is this Hollywood strip area where on the ground there’s like the handprints of different celebrities I saw Angelina Jolie also the canned red carpet so you get to take your pictures all the way there keep walking there’s this other can sign on top of a hill just like Hollywood it’s like can is the Hollywood of south of France I would say and then you get to spend the rest of your day visiting the Oldtown area now this is where you can walk around grab food and and buy some souvenirs in the shops there so there’s been 3 days till now and you’ve seen almost five cities we’re doing good now day four you can definitely either go back to n actually get to enjoy maybe Mar FL n sign and castle on the hill or you can go to Menon Menon itself is this very colorful City it’s also I would say you can spend a whole day here I’m not sure about the nightlife can and niece and mono’s night life is a lot better than Menon from my knowledge for a day trip it’s defin itely worth it to just go around walk around during the day and then go back to nice especially if it’s on a weekend in nice the main Square which is called plasma Senna there’s going to be live music there’s everyone dancing around there’s always something happening at night so always look forward to going back to n visit Mario FL in the morning make sure that you check their opening hours they’re open from 9:00 a.m. to 10000 p.m. I believe they’re closed on Mondays so time it right then explore the old town as well the old town has a lot of the best and authentic food and nce and do some shopping for handmade products and souvenirs here while you’re visiting the Oldtown close by is going to be the castle on the hill this is where you get the best view of nce itself you get to see the whole city you have to walk a couple of stairs until you get there but it’s definitely very nice photo spot you get panoramic views of the French Riviera right beside it is Port limpia right on the left side as you come down from Castle on the hill then you get to walk to the ey love n sign it’s huge you won’t miss it and you can definitely search on Google the I love n sign there’s literally a location pinpointed at that place and while you’re a niece I definitely recommend renting out a bike to just go around prominade Des zangl stretches from the I love n sign all the way to the airport and you get a beautiful view of the ocean itself and while you’re there make sure you go to a local bakery to grab breakfast I recommend bang Janette if you have extra time definitely go to the Prima Castle chatau DEA at sunset for free wine you’re welcome got my Tik Tok account I have so much free information there I also have this group chat on Instagram where I’m connecting everyone visiting niece Monaco and other cities in the south of France just meet up they’re giving advice and their reviews of different places you’ll definitely benefit from that so make sure you follow my Instagram give me a DM there and I’ll add you right up thank you so much for watching this video and I will see you next time


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