Viajando pelo Sul da França: De Carcassonne à Montpellier
    Deixando Carcassonne para trás:

    Nossa jornada pelo sul da França continua, agora rumo à charmosa cidade de Montpellier. Partimos de Carcassonne, cidade medieval famosa por suas muralhas fortificadas e seu centro histórico encantador.

    Estradas cênicas e paisagens deslumbrantes:

    Em vez de seguir pelas autoestradas, optamos por rotas alternativas, pelas estradinhas vicinais que serpenteiam pelas paisagens provençais. Essa escolha nos presenteou com vistas de tirar o fôlego: campos de lavanda floridos, vinhedos verdejantes, vilas pitorescas e colinas ondulantes. A cada curva, um novo cenário de beleza inigualável se revelava.

    Montpellier: A próxima parada:

    Montpellier, nosso destino final, nos aguarda com sua vibrante atmosfera universitária, arquitetura histórica e praias convidativas. Mas antes de chegarmos lá, ainda há muito para explorar pelas estradas secundárias do sul da França.

    Pontos turísticos imperdíveis:

    Canal du Midi: Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO, este canal centenário oferece paisagens bucólicas e oportunidades para passeios de barco relaxantes.
    Imagem de Canal du Midi, FrançaAbre em uma nova janela
    Canal du Midi, França
    Pont du Gard: Um aqueduto romano monumental que se ergue majestosamente sobre a paisagem provençal.
    Imagem de Pont du Gard, FrançaAbre em uma nova janela
    Pont du Gard, França
    Les Baux-de-Provence: Uma vila medieval situada no topo de um penhasco, com vistas panorâmicas de tirar o fôlego.
    Imagem de Les BauxdeProvence, FrançaAbre em uma nova janela
    Les BauxdeProvence, França
    Arles: Cidade histórica com um rico legado romano, incluindo o anfiteatro romano e os Alyscamps, um cemitério antigo.
    Imagem de Arles, FrançaAbre em uma nova janela
    Arles, França
    Camargue: Uma região selvagem com pântanos, flamingos e cavalos selvagens.
    Imagem de Camargue, FrançaAbre em uma nova janela
    Camargue, França
    Um espetáculo de beleza sem fim:

    A cada quilômetro percorrido, nos encantamos cada vez mais com a beleza da região. Não há exagero em dizer que a paisagem do sul da França é um verdadeiro espetáculo para os olhos. Cada curva da estrada revela um novo cenário de tirar o fôlego, desde campos floridos até vilas charmosas e monumentos históricos. É uma viagem que aguça todos os sentidos e nos deixa com a certeza de que estamos presenciando algo único e especial.

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    instead of going up, we’re going to go around the south of France some more wine, now the last one of the night here in Carcassone is six degrees nominal temperature, damn the battery is almost gone was it huh? We stopped the panther here, o French people have already been impressed. Rio de Janeiro carioca. Tchê. We like the little town, huh? This little getaway was worth it. Welcome to the Planet Earth Motorbike expedition. One real adventure on two wheels. Objective, explore all corners of the earth. My name is Rodrigo Azevedo and this is me and my bike. Already all the countries of the Americas passing through some of the most spectacular places, roads, mountains, seas and air, heat, cold, sun and rain, three continents, fifteen countries and sixty-five thousand kilometers driven. We’re going to travel the entire planet and now we go together to the old world. We have a lot to deal with, why run while we can still run. Hey France, you’re beautiful, huh? **** just look at the beauty of these roads. And here comes the moment for you, me and my motorbike too, culture. Did you know that France has its origins in Celtic tribes that inhabited the region since the sixth century, before Christ? Then in the first century before Christ, the Romans they conquered Gaul, as the region was known, the established Roman province of Gaul. So, after the fifth century after Christ, came the fall of the Roman empire, that led to the rise of the Franks, a Germanic people that gave the name France. In one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, the French Revolution overthrew the absolutist monarchy and proclaimed the republic, establishing the principles of freedom, equality and fraternity. So we are in Monte Perierê, a city that is based on Mediterranean, southern France, two hundred and eighty thousand inhabitant. Let’s take a walk around here and we’ll get sitting on the bike for a long time. To get to know the region, let’s go to the the Lacomédia square which says it is beautiful, here are some. , bars are relaxing after a whole day. . Even this day riding a motorcycle was really cool. Now there is about ten degrees, it’s cold, but it’s perfectly bearable and the road beautiful, huh? The first impressions of France are best possible. And let’s also talk about this issue here the price, shall we? Of hosting. My impression for now is that France, at least in this region, is so far more than Spain, okay? This hotel here is part hotel, value seventy-five euros, which in reality in Europe is no more , huh? Very pretty. This one is Praça da Comédia, Praça de Lacomedi, I think it has as soon as you say, like the most famous tourist spot, most visited, because it’s very beautiful, full of bars, restaurants, children running around, there’s a carousel. It’s pretty cool, huh? Those stairs, those stairs the colors, full of lights, flags, restaurants, bars and basically just us here too. I’m loving this roll, man. And at the end of the street there’s a fuzuê look what we found dude here dude Cool, cool. I already liked it, right? Look, I’m like a Viking here today, look. This right here, I don’t even know the name that’s it, man. And look at that too, no. It’s beautiful too, , huh? It’s beautiful. Take a photo. Wow, what a top. AND. Well, a day this time it was a patria hotel also at a good price, buddy, It’s not in the standard of OK. Did you think it was ok, beloved? It’s OK. . It could be. Good, good, good or not? Okay, okay, okay. So what’s it like here? Seventy dollars or seventy-five, something like that, it’s a part that’s rented as a hotel, it has a cafe in the morning for example, but the cool thing about it is, microwave, it has a minibar, dishwasher, it has all the utensils, it has a small table for work, there’s a walk, there’s a bathroom here, here’s the to take a shower, everything properly, understand? So Now let’s have a coffee, put things on the bike and then we’ll go to Marcele, one of the city’s great shows show here in France, let’s go, look how interesting this hotel is for this breakfast. The most homely thing, child, because I think it’s a part here, people live here too, right? Here’s a thing more like this guys, shall we? Let’s go. So let’s go. Maybe . Ladies First. I present to you, gentlemen, the pizza tower, already known, first beloved sweet suitcase, this electronics suitcase, this is my suitcase, my backpack, then you hang everything up, including the helmets and hey, what’s up, let’s go around the France, there are still plenty of them, huh? The city of Monte Atelier, but it says that Marcele is even more beautiful, we’ll get to know it, show you everything. Marcele, I freed Iguarité Fraternitê is beautiful, let’s ride as long as we have the power, who would say look at the landscapes that my bike and I have already passed through, huh? Some we’ve already been to all kinds of places, huh? Desert of Atacama Salt Desert, we passed through the snow there where in Canada, we went through the glaciers in Alaska and now we’re here to French landscape. And Pantera looks pretty there, huh? Photogenic, huh, Panther? Paying like French, huh? Not bad, huh? Look at cool guy, huh? The historic center of Monpelier. Come on through the triumphal arch. Similar system. Let’s see if we left. The guy will want to peck his first. Oops, let me leave the Hey! Did Marcele leave? There you are here in this is D half four if I’m not mistaken this one there’s a road here heading towards Marseli or the Mediterranean Sea. is over there and we are right on the edge of the Mediterranean and here have these lakes that are finally interspersed here with the of land and then from there on the Restinga the Mediterranean Sea and ? these parks, some places for you to park, the car and even I saw some sailing playgrounds there where you can rented stretches What is this water? Sweet or savory? It must be salty, right? Salgadinha, right, no, that must be a French version, eh in Araruama Paradinha here on the road there are these little shops, right? What they sell some souvenirs, there are plenty of camping cars here , people stop like in Brazil, you know? On the road they stop, have a coffee, buy a little something, have a drink of water, go a pipizinho. This whole region is curious because it’s on the Mediterranean side, so you see fishing boats, but lots of farms with horses, cows, sheep, we saw a lot of flamingos, right? And here, he sells photos taken from here of horses running for these lakes we visited. So, how do you like it? So, come to Garupa. Sign up now to continue receiving his weekly dose of fun. knowledge and inspiration. Look at the little town, microcity here in our way avoiding the highways, right? We’re going for inside. Just beautiful place. A small town called Arles and then out of nowhere there’s a a modern building, so look, We haven’t seen an ugly place here in France yet, huh? Already I’m practically French. We stopped here and little restaurant in this little town, I don’t even know the name, I looked at the woman and said, mangê and she sent it to me, wow Silvo Play. Let’s make a Blue Coke toast. It’s the same but we’re on a motorcycle, right? We’re far from the city. a little sun here on my back speaks a lot of French, like that. I’m talking a lot. Do you see? I ordered chicken with fries, look at the chicken, how delicious, right? If you want to speak French, you don’t have to. you just have to put one And in the end, Coca-Cola is ready, everything is resolved. Now there’s only a little left for Marcele.


    1. Minha mulher agora assiste os vídeos comigo por causa da sua “doce amada”. Fslou que os outros vídeos não vê mais. Ficou p da vida que vc tomou um shot de cachaça na trilha com a panamerica!! 😂😂😂

    2. Ah essas estradas maravilhosas da Europa, que top mesmo..seria bom que em nosso país as estradas fossem tão boas assim, pois paisagens lindas não faltam

    3. Rodrigão, a sua expedição está ficando cada dia melhor, lugares lindos e interessantes. França pouco me entrou no radar, conheci poucas cidades mas vocês estão despertando curiosidade em ver esses lugares de perto. E que bom que o frio parou de incomodar. Abraço

    4. Parabéns por mais esse episódio belíssimo, Rodrigo! Você também matou a charada! no sul da França os preços são melhores por ser tudo cover: arco do triunfo cover, lagoa de Araruama cover…

    5. Lindas fotos do casal nas cidades, fotos da cidade também bonitas, visual da estrada maravilhoso, uma lição de Historia sobre a França, motoca linda como sempre, (qual o km que esta sua HD esta no momento, qual média de consumo, já se foram qtos pneus desde a troca nos EUA. Bora Rodar quem venha logo o próximo.

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