Danny is in Manchester City where he decides to give it big licks!

    nothing guys how you doing back on the road again and today me C on we’re in Manchester and we’re going to go to big licks we’re going for a Big Lick at Big licks we’re going to see what’s going on Burgers Shakes desserts the job block I’m not too bothered about dessert because it puts a bit of Timber on but Burgers I am there let’s go Manchester big licks whatever you got we’re off to Big licks off to Big licks and big licks what a name of a place Big Lick I mean I suppose it is quite good if you’ve got a big fat joicy burger and it’s dripping down your fingers you’re going to give it a Big Lick at you I wonder if that’s where the names come from I wonder if they’ve got all cheesed up Jo all over it job let’s Lick It Up licky licky licky so Cameron what do you reckon parking how do you think we’re going to get on it doesn’t look like it’s slap banging center right now we’re not far off but you know what it’s like Manchester you know there’s there’s a there’s a c out there but it’s a bit of a way down here and then all all of a sudden there’s no car parking then there’s get gets M stressed out parking in Manchester this it here say we’re right big LS look at that big Tong o ice cream right hope there’s a park inside here hopefully we can get in here yes look at this we’ll get here cameraman do you know what I think that’s first time we’ve ever just like in Manchester just like pulled up into a space without having G out block 15 times cuz we usually go past it with it being one ways and all that we end up losing as well I think we’re in there I think we’re in all right got sh parking out let’s go see what big Lick’s about come on Big Lick we’re coming for [Music] you there we go cameraman woo it’s not far up there is it little bit of a jog big licks all right oh just enough room there just enough what we’re going to get to all Bart here we go here we go here we [Music] go right let’s check a nice brief brisk brief walk up to Big licks that’s a big building there to Manchester all right pal bit of traffic now we’re going to like it but might get took out by bicycle BOS couple of them right here we go BOS we’re off theyy up look told uh tugs right my take away tug tug bats yeah I still reckon we should get that me and you talking long camera man big lips we’re going to go to big licks F some big lips and it’s big lips big licks big lips oh having too work for it today like being back in Ticky just not weather right guys here we go big licks let’s go in see what’s happening get laked this is a big old place is it oh ice cream I see ice cream ice cream ice cream i m you’re all right I’m very well thank you welcome to Big been here before I’ve not been here before I can obviously see that it’s got a lot of ice cream yeah but I’ve come to try burgers and things you you do Burgers yeah we do bur yeah oh is this sh you this is our menu here so what do you recommend on there then this is our famous SMH dangers Burgers here right single all the way to quod patties four patties four patties man um I’ve seen I’ve seen a lot of people get taken down by those FES so yeah better how hungry you really are no I I think because I just want to taste the food okay I’m going to go for a double partty actually gives a bit of a bite yeah everything on that one I’m guessing uh yes please everything on beautiful what’s this loaded flat top hot dog the hot dog good that’s perfect that’s my favorite right there is it I’m a fan of hot do when we got that on the menu I was stars in my eyes so U it’s kind of like the loaded fries here you get cheese on there you get a the jalapenos crispy onion up F proper loaded right I’ll have one of them then please the loaded flat top H dog yeah some then some and then I think I’ll go for the cat so chicken loaded fries please mate perfect and then just some water please there some water there noes at all de is there any sweet C no cuz so I know cuz that’s this is a thing sometimes on hot dogs yeah they put relish don’t they if it’s got corn in it and it’s not analogy I just can’t stand the stuff Devil’s phone thank you very much is thank you very much thank you yeah thank you mate thank you minut yeah lovely thank you well I’m going to take a I’m going to put my table and chair outside mate if that’s all right yeah yeah yeah perfect I’m thinking to myself as I walked in here I felt that nice old blower and it’s not so hot out there but we’ll see cheers mate thank you right caman let’s go set up outside get sorted out man right we’re going to have to go so we’re going to have to sit here B AR we going have to just so that we’re not in people’s way coming down Main Road right this set up here on in it is that all right for you banging oh right here we go like herbs around here let Got knacking Away J Test guys here we go oh so we’ve got big licks I’m going to put that up and put that in here cuz it’s glass bottle we’re just above cine I’m going to be all right somebody comes past and swats your bottle know bike that be funny as out never had anybody Nick food I have in leads so I’ve going for double smash Patty I’ve going for a flat up dog what that’s all about and then catsu Curry loaded fries bottle of water it’s cost me £ 3450 £150 foot Burger £150 fot dog10 50 foot cat so Curry fries three quid foot bottle water we are in man we are in Manchester but it seems to be a theme of 1050 1050 1050 so let’s see big licks D get am I going to be licking me lips or licking me wounds I’m getting myself good it Cameran coughing right I’m going to have a bit of Manchester’s finest for M oh got the strength on nice bit of water bit of a LS I’m theor how do you not want us to film careful it C don’t you all get run over how you doing oh my boyfriend loves you he’s got tsht with you he’s got a t-shirt with me on as he oh what a picture of my face or just one of Miss Logan’s picture of my face that’s a ripoff one ripping him FaceTime him work is it to do a little video do my video be really jealous is it your girlfriend wife now ring me now do it now then pal how you doing well she tried to ring you but you’re too busy sving people popcorn up and I’m here having a burger so I wish you all the best get a t-shirt from my M store stop getting these rip offs with my face on I’m get all thank you that’s so cute yeah of course you can you want him to take it for you it will he just don’t talk you know how ignorant he is have you been to this place so far we went in and milkshakes look a bit pricey all right a no it’s not big CU it’s I’ve got a burger a flat hot dog and a Lo of fries and they’re all 1050 each it’s quite good but well yeah cuz milk shakes are only four quid thank you enjoy cheers love take care bye-bye there you go no I think I did look at the milkshakes I think they’re like seven or eight quid each so they are all right mate how you doing Paul yes what are you having today I’m coming here mate big lips big licks keep calling it big lips and it’s not big licks oh it’s not big lips it’s big licks [Music] good mate good where are you training today I’m training here today big lcks big lcks big are you work in there try out I’m work in there no I will just saying there had a lot of messages for people tend to try at bars when you come here get the chicken and that’s sign dish is it yeah it’s a s dish um lemon pepper cream sauce chicken all the top sounds nice yeah oh if I want have some much some here do a double bubble and come and have some of that but I should I should have a takeaway off split half the table of that b yeah I know take care mate take care ah there you go should do that one day oh here we go look at this there’s our flat top loaded hot dog Flat Top Dog wow is that the W that’s a big portion that a it that’s a big portion that right cheers guys no that’s that’s all good guys thank you very much enjoy thank you woo sorry love right guys so look at this so we’ve got the top flat dog I wondering what the flat dog was I thought are they going to cut it up and put it in a round bun which would have been a bit disappointing for me because when I have an hot dog I want it to be in that long bone looks like they’ve just sliced it looks like it’s a nice beefy hot dog I’ve then got the lordy fries with a catso sauce Oh my days that looks absolutely amazing the smell coming off this is’s a bit of buttermilk chicken on there crispy fried onions the smell of that smells really really good then you just nestling away over this side we have got the double smash Patty burger cheese a bit of burger sauce lettuce onion some girkins on there so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to leave that bad boy just sat there nestling away for you to have a look at and I’m going to make a start on these so let’s start off with the hot dog it’s in a nice soft Bros bom we’ve got a beautiful beef hot dog we’ve got some sauce on there some crispy onions we’ve got some jalapenos oh I might have to just like be a little bit cheeky and scrape a couple of them back I don’t want to do myself in spice it minutes proper do me in so I’ll have one or two see what it tastes like together but we’ll go the smell of it it’s really good the bun feels really nice and fresh to be fair let’s go for it oh wow W they are strong I’m going to have to ditch them off so we’ve got the bit of naturo cheese sauce as well oh wow oozing with flavor you’ve got some kind of butter I think there full of chili flakes and mustard seeds adds a bit more of a Pizzaz to it the actual hot dog itself nice beefy hot dog Nao cheese sauce then like a spicy p pettry on top guys this look at that nice soft BOS bun look really juicy full of flavor crispy onions give it that right nice Crunch and bite to it covered in cheesy sauce all of them it’s up oh it’s all up me nose but you know what I like that I think for me I had it with the alapo on just to try it I preferred it when I’ve scraped it back a little bit all right Paul how you doing mate I do like that Brios bum put this out you can you can see toasted on the inside it’s nice and soft holds up really well beautiful beef hot dog then you’ve got that nice sauce on there the cheese sauce absolutely gorgeous a crispy onions you know what as far as hot dog goes that’s all right nice and tasty full of flavor alos have got me right Let’s Wet The Whistle and get into this catle cie again I’ve got to look at this because I can see some I don’t know if that one’s falling off the hot dog might have done actually got inside there pop that there now here we go look at these so it looks like we’ve got skin on fries do you know what I’m just going to go straight in first see what comes out oh big bit of chicken I think P nice big bit of chicken covered in a catle curry sauce crispy onions oh there beautifully cooked chicken all the way across look that skin on fries and that goody sauce absolutely delicious Che mate thank you you’ve then got what I can only describe as a massive handful a crispy onions just dumped on top the chips are seasoned up the onions add that nice crunch to it so I’m going to try and turn the chicken over you see the chicken there look goes all the way along Lads of the stuff pure white chicken fill it sliced nice and thin and then you can see on the top there you’ve got that nice layer of curry sauce the crispy onions the crunch that this gave banging that with a chip now that’s a bit of me the capsule Curry nice flavor reminds me very much of like a chip chop curry sauce £150 I think you’ve got a nice decent bit of chicken filet there class ingredients I like that right oh I’m enjoying myself I’m just trying to stay away from an ice cream let’s let the whistle and then we’ll get on to the Burger righty righty let’s do a quick swapper only Bob that there right here we go so guys looks to be a nice toasted Brios bun we’ve got the pickles little bit of Dill there from the pickles from Special Sauce Cheese now the smash patties if you can see there I’m going to pick it up and show you look at that there’s a nice bit of seasoning there so I’m hoping I’m going to get a nice nice hit of pepper that’s what I like on a smash Patty when I’m having State Burgers not so much then we’ve just got a garnish of lettuce and onion right let’s see how it tastes let’s put it to the test oh wow a real nice crunch with the onion and thece softness of the G Bing quite Saucy Quality Cheese the Bun’s nice smash patties nice and soft and they’ve got they’ve got that peppery taste I’ll tell you some it’s a saucy place this I’m getting it all over myself want to pull some of this smash Patty off just to show you so we seasoned up really well nice and crispy bits there look at them I pull a bigger bit off cam there we go look at that the uh caramelization on the Pat is brilliant the cook meet what they’ve used giving it a really really nice flavor that’s a nice flavor some burger if I’m honest with you right oh wow let’s go through it so we started off with a top dog a beautiful Brios bun hot dog bun the beef sausage has been sliced and then it’s been filled with a cheese alapo onions although the alpos aren’t my thing the rest of it just tastes absolutely amazing but I like to taste things as they come to be honest same with like the pickles on here you know if I were at home I’d probably just take them off but I do like to taste it as it comes unless it’s sweet corn then moved on to a loaded capsule fries nice bit of chicken fillet cooked well sliced really thin skin on fries loaded over there with a chicken ped on with a nice curry sauce it’s not spicy got a nice bit of sweetness Rems me very much of a of a chip shop Curry and then it’s just got a handful of crispy onions that give it that all of a texture give it a nice Crunch and a nice bite that I really did like moved on to the Burger the burger in a beautiful BR buom toasted well held up well there’s a lot of wet there with with a lot of the contrasting sauce and that’s what were worrying me I thought it’s just going to fall to bits it does pour out into your hands but it does taste nice to be fair all right but the smash p patties I’ll try and get one out I know some of you don’t like me doing this taking it all to bit but I just want to show you the quality of the beef the quality of the Patty it is seasoned up really well that’s what I can see visually I can see that it was seasoned well all right it’s got a nice bite of pepper to it but the quality cut of beef absolutely delicious all right guys how you doing go I know it’s oh R out I didn’t recognize it were you nice to meet you mate nice to meet you hope you’re not going to get in trouble now have we just finished work yeah oh all right then people are it’s like old time with interval now they’re waiting for ice cream man that way it g take care guys see you later so now I’m going to be honest right flavor wise each individual thing it’s all there hey I think it’s just pricewise for me I can go with 1050 for Burger because I know what it takes with the quality beef to get it tasting like that right I can go with that I could probably even go with 1050 for the chips because there is a decent amount of chicken it’s the hot dog 1050 that sort of you know I don’t know if I’d want to pay £ 101050 for that hot dog that’s the only sort of thing it’s just on price that’s where I think you know for me that’s I probably pay about 8 quid I want to pay about 8 quid for paying a 10 I want a portion of fries with that bad boy apart from that it’s all been great so if you’ve been here to Big leaks let me know what you think if you’ve not been Cal down try it out hey yeah just drop me car out back mate that’ll be fine you want mate all right you guys good from where s see you later mate there you go yeah SED me m sweet out sweet out T out sweet hey up mate you all right all M good mate good how it doing all right mate all right what you up to yeah I’m enjoyed it m I’ve got through it all right big lits have you had all from here yeah what do you think it’s good is it your place no see you later f so guys if you’ve been here let me know what you think if you’ve not been come down try it out for me guys just because it’s you know I think the the price of the hot dog is a little bit High uh I’m going to give it an ni solid n I’ll see you next time I’m going to crack on with a chicken let me chippies cuz I tell you something this is a crunchy number see you soon


    1. Ihhhhhhhhh é a festa de PEÃO lá em Manchester, VAI COM DEUS PEÃO BOIADEIRO DE MANCHESTER, peão da fazendo do ESTÁBULO!!!!

    2. Hi Danny you must try Hennighan's fish and chip top shop. It's in a little town called Machynlleth in Wales, the best and freshest fish and chips weve eaten!

    3. I’m from south Manchester .
      The best burger I’ve ever come a cross in my life 🙏🏼
      Captain Jaspers in Plymouth hoe . Half a yard Hot dog is something else 😂

    4. From the online menu posted 10 months ago vs the current one it would seem the 2 Pattie burger has gone up from £8.50 to £10.50 & the quad Pattie burger has gone from £10.50 to £14.50. That’s 23.53% inflation for the dual Pattie & 38.1% inflation for the quad Pattie in under a year. The other items are at the same prices.

    5. Love all your videos . Please select healthy options to try next . They might be boring for most viewers. But do the right thing and teach everyone healthy can be enjoyable

    6. You should try Karens dinner its a restaurant that got good food and rude service lol 😆 its a good laugh x i recommend it mate x

    7. I'm sorry upset you but I have a duty of care he needs to be told so your going to have to tell him its not healthy as I will not encourage obesity it clogs NHS up cheerio

    8. Danny …your not doing takeaways anymore…you've gone shite , to much money earned now I'm guessing so your off to posh places …I'm done watching you now mate which is a shame because ive watched from the beginning

    9. Danny from cudath tha gettin a bit booring nar thi channal int gunna last long same old same old and tha gets thi food better cos tha on camera tha gettin old only watch summer em cos tha pops up keep on like thy r tha r tha guing darn like tarn and most tekaways thaz reviewed have shut darn tha guing Danny

    10. Danny is obviously rich 34 quid for that and he thinks it's reasonable he over paid by 2 quid a dish and the water should of been 1.50 to £2 max

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