Catch the full replay of the exciting pro race from the 2024 IRONMAN European Championship Hamburg

    00:00 – Pre-Start
    04:19 – Pro Intro
    15:00 – Swim
    1:05:30 – Bike
    5:37:00 – Run
    8:33:50 – FPRO Finish

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    a [Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to Hur a major port city in Northern Germany it’s Germany’s second largest city and it’s rich in Triathlon history and today it plays host to the Iron Man European Championship hurg today is the pro- female European Championship the Pro male European Championship will take place on August 18th over in Frankfurt today is the sixth stop of our Iron Man Pro Series and the second Iron Man event in the series and our second stop in Europe I’m your host d grease power live in studio along the four-time Iron Man champion and multiple other long-distance titles including extreme try Laura Sidle Sid welcome to halberg what else is on the line today for our athletes thanks Dee it’s great to be in studio with you well today at this women’s race we have six Pro female qualifying slots available for the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in nce five of the women on the start line already have qualified for n so there’s plenty opportunity for the rest of the women um more points on the line today as well with the winner earning 5,000 points towards the Iron Man Pro Series so we can expect a big shake up at the end of the in the series with the point standing after today where every second matters and of course 87,500 prize purse for today with the winner taking home $28,000 all the way to paying through to 10th place for $2,000 not a bad day and checking out the weather we can see that a little bit overcast at the moment the weather um by Roa it’s 16° c 61° fahit as I said a little bit overclass uh the water temperature is 18.9 de C 66° fahit so wet suit swim and we can see obviously on screen uh Pro females now getting ready we’ll go through the colored caps shortly um pick out some of the notables but I can see Maya stage Nelson on screen now talking with Jackie Herring uh down by the Waterfront in Hamburg that’s right our athletes going about their morning rituals getting in a little bit of a pre swim warmup we have such an incredible field here today for our professional women befitting a European championship event we’re going to talk about so many of those athletes uh once we get underway but up for grabs as we said a lot of points in the Pro Series standing a lot of prize money six qualifying slots for the Iron Man World Championship in nce and AG group slots available as well we do have AG group a age groupers competing both men and women today yeah I think we’ve got 75 slots for age group females and 45 slots for age group men so obviously it’s a pro female only race but we have obviously got age group men and women racing so lots of lots of opportunities for everybody to get to either the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in nce or Kona this year in O September and October and as we take a look at the swim start here we can see the crowds starting to gather and I can tell you said in chatting with some of our professional females pre-race one of the things they were most looking forward to uh in racing here in hurg obviously the fast course looking for fast times today but the German Spectators the German Spectators are Next Level when it comes to their love of triathlon they are the Germans really do Embrace Triathlon and I think something that’s quite unique about uh Triathlon is the city center races but first up we have bib number F1 is cat Matthews from Great Britain and she’s in our dark blue swim cap she won Texas Iron Man Texas a few weeks ago and wearing bib number two F2 from Great Britain finella langri she is wearing the powder blue swim cap she’s currently fifth in the Pro Series ranking and had her first Iron Man win at Western Australia just last year and with bib F3 is German probably local favorite Daniela bla she’s obviously from Germany she’s in our pink swim cap uh it’s her first Iron Man Pro Series event for the year but she did um she did win Hamburg back in 2017 and wearing bib number F4 out of Denmark it’s Maya stage neelsen uh she will wear our orange swim cap today she’s currently 12th in our Pro Series ranking Sid she’s a former national team golfer uh with several top five finishes and today could potentially be her first Iron Man win and bib number F six is Jackie Herring from the USA she’s in our light blue swim cap uh she’s currently eighth in the IR man pro series after second place at the Iron Man 70.3 Chattanooga this is her first full distance since 2015 and it’s her first Iron Man in Europe as well and wearing bib number seven F7 that’s Sarah Spen from Sweden she is wearing a dark blue swim cap today just a couple of weeks ago uh we were in studio in my Orca where she finished third this zapiro Iron Man 70.3 Alcudia mayorca she currently sits 31st in the Pro Series rankings at Sarah sens and f8 is Laura Jansen from Germany she’s just in our silver swim cap this is her first Iron Man Pro Series event she was actually fourth at Iron Man uh Frankfurt last year one of the local German favorites the Germans certainly going to be giving a lot of shouts out to Laura Jansen today following Laura Jansen is wearing bib number n F9 from the Netherlands this is V she will be wearing a purple swim cap today this is her first pro series event she had strong 2024 results however with a first place at Iron Man 70.3 Lapu Lapu and a second place at Iron Man New Zealand and F10 is a little better kidori from Italy she’s in our yellow swim cap she’s 37th in the standing she was six at the safiro Iron Man 70.3 Alia mayorca again the race that we were both both at a couple of weeks ago um so yeah I think she’ll be good fairly solid across the board and rounding out our top 10 women here today wearing bib number 11 f11 out of France it’s Julie YOLO she’s wearing a pink swim cap uh she is currently 43rd in our points standings she finished Ninth at the zapiro Iron Man 70.3 Alcudia Mya and this is her first full distance Iron Man as a pro well there we go um that is our top 10 but there are many other athletes in our field today strong athletes vying for one of those six qualifying slots for the Iron Man World Championship in nce um as well as a lot of prize money $887,500 in prize money up for grabs as well so the athletes saying their final goodbyes uh to supporters to race organizers as they make their way into the water DD what are you excited about today what are you looking forward to I’m looking forward to the excitement um several of our competitors are already qualified for nce but there are as we said six slots up for grabs and so I think it’s going to be really exciting to see which women uh secure themselves a spot to compete uh in nce on September the 22nd and also to see what happens in our Pro Series ranking we have a little bit of a tit fortat going on between European Sy or Europe races and uh races over in America so let’s take a look at our course here today we will get started with the Roa swim course it is a onlap 3.8 kilometer 2.4 mile swim in water start with a counterclockwise flow athletes will start at y Jing jelly Jetty uh through the bisl uh Bridge into the Alon aler uh before heading back I totally butchered that and I apologize my German will get better this is this is didy grease bow with a German name the the full gas bike course is two laps um it goes along the city center taking in some of the idyllic sites of the reaper Barn um the fish market before it out to the countryside but it is a very fast and flat course of course this takes us to the Roa the Hoka Run course which will be four Loops totaling 42.2 kilm expect really fast run times as the course takes aots through the Heart of the City of Hamburg along the western Bank of the ster Lake athletes will have to pass the Finish Line a total of three times before they get to enter that final finish line shoot is that extra motivation or extra pain as they see the finish line that many times I think I always used to hate that running past the Finish Line it’s a little bit of both but we have our professional athletes getting in the water it’s a little chilly this morning so as we mentioned air temperature 16 degrees CS water temperature 18.9 Dees C so the athletes taking their time getting in the water they don’t want to necessarily catch a chill some will have gotten in uh probably an on land type of warm-up with with temperatures being that chilly this morning um particularly those that struggle in the cold will’ll do a very very short um warmup uh before getting underway let’s take a look at our current uh Pro Series point standings right now Danielle Lewis holding on strong to the top position she’s raised four pro series events never finishing any worse than ninth she’s been very consistent uh and of course in second place plays Emma palent Brown from Great Britain she moved up six spots with her win uh at the cutter uh Airlines uh Iron Man 70.3 in Chattanooga she earned 2500 points for that win Kylie Simpson is moved up one spot with her 11th Place finish at Iron Man 70.3 Chattanooga Alice Albert’s also a mover she moved up six spots with a six Place finish at the Qatar Airways Iron Man 70.3 Chattanooga and Jackie Herring moved up 12 spots to put her inside the top 10 uh she’s currently sitting in eighth she finished second to Emma uh in Chattanooga just a couple of weeks ago and of course with all the points on offer today uh look for Jackie Herring to potentially move up as well yeah that’s right and obviously finel cat uh Penny Slater lty Wilms and Hannah Barry who aren’t here today but finel and Kat are they haven’t raced since the Memorial Herman IR man in Texas but they’re still in that top 10 ranking so I’m sure there like we said after today there’s going to be a lot of shake out this is an Iron Man aren it is 5,000 points um remember the pro female and male Iron Man Pro Series champions those that have earned the most points at the end of the series will win $200,000 each places 1 to 50 will share a year-end bonus price per totaling $1.7 million um as well as the prize money from each of the individual events and I’ve actually gone through and we’ll talk about it later in the day I’ve worked out how what the deficit from the winner a lot of those athletes need to be to take over from Danielle Lewis at the top of the prize series well let’s talk about how those points work so the Iron Man uh Pro Series uh female and male winners will determined by the be determined by the total number of points each athlete earns throughout the series first place at an Iron Man event earns 5,000 points so 5,000 points up for grabs for our women today at the vinfast Iron Man world champion uh will earn 6,000 points points for all the remaining pro- finishers behind first place will diminish at a rate of one point per second deficit to the first place time so as soon as that winner crosses the Finish Line we start our watches and the points start evaporating every second that passes before the next athlete gets themselves to the finish line so lots of racing still to go we’re still early in the Race season lots of points lots of movements um in our series rankings uh and you better believe that with each week every athlete uh Tunes in to see uh what happened at the races and where their points standing have them in the series so far your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the vinfast yeah it’s got 402 horsepower all whe drive over air updates and a 10e unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in okay infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for [Music] Joey open up the SK cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the station did you [Music] go here’s Elizabeth in the middle of The Perfect Workout for her to create it we analyzed her Biometrics and genetics her recovery rate injury risk and aerobic potential her recent training sessions the temperature humidity and elevation the demands of her next race and billions of data points from athletes just like her with tri do Elizabeth gets faster faster and what does she have to do I just been triot and did my workout Tri dot we do the technology you do the training welcome back to the Iron Man European Championship Frankfurt our professional women are in the water and ready to get underway did I say Frankfurt you did Hamburg Hamburg men will be racing the men are racing in Frankfurt a big G City we’re going to be there at some point we’re going to get there I I we’re get we’re getting there I need another cup of coffee coffee someone our professional women are underway here at Iron Man European Championship Hamburg uh underway here on our Roa swim course let’s look for some of those color-coded caps Sid that’s right and we’re going to talk about hamburgers later as well which is going to make it en force you to say Hamburg so cat Matthews is in our dark blue cap bib number F1 finel language is in that powder blue she’s probably going to be one of the caps at the front Daniela blel is in the Pearly pink Maya stage Nelson is orange Jackie Herring another light blue Sarah Spen Sarah Spen sorry is in a dark blue again El vissa in the purple uh elizabetha kidori in the yellow uh Julie yo is in the pink and Carolyn lerer is in the green and as we look at our athletes underway here some of our stronger swimmers in the field keep an eye out for finel language I have no doubt she will make an early mark on this race Maya stage neelon also a strong swimmer cat Matthew has made great strides on her swim and she’ll want to keep finella in her sights yeah cat was very confident about her swimming and where it was at leading into the race so um I mean I think finella in theory should be clear out the water with a few minutes lead but hey you never know in the race and if someone can jump on those feet and and hang with it as much as as long as they can absolutely uh Fabia uh marami also a pretty strong swimmer some of the athletes that are going to have to be uh super on the money here to minimize the gaps would be Daniela blel a very very strong cyclist but she’s not the strongest swimmer in the field so she’s going to be one of those athletes one of our favorites looking to uh minimize her deficits as they get underway here on the Roa swim course that’s right and I think I mean at the moment there that we can see finel at the front with um I’m guessing that is Julie as well in the pink cap next so she’s a very good swimmer um trying to get that break away from a silver cat behind I think that is um the women when we saw it looked like they were a little bit spread out as well but like kind of seeing like finel and Julie might be up ahead but then actually because this is first this is Julie’s first Iron Man full distance so got no sort of rankings on what she can do but we know from her half distance racing she’s a very good swimmer yeah she’s got a very very strong swim background actually said that uh she didn’t actually want to be a swimmer her parents made her uh forced her to get in the pool um and it wasn’t her passion when she found Triathlon she did find her true passion but uh certainly has an excellent Foundation as a swimmer Sid do you remember back to your first Iron Man is there any reason if you’re ju Julie YOLO right now and you’re swimming stroke for stroke with finel language do you defer it all do do you say hey this this is a woman who knows what she’s doing uh she’s been around the block a few times at The Iron Man distance um maybe just get on her feet and and let her drive the pace for a little while I love that you asked me if I was in that situation for my first Iron Man at the front of the race in my first Iron Man and never have been since um no I would look she’s she’s got the confidence in her swim and that’s her is her background but with it being a first Iron Man I would probably you know we know finel is a good swimmer I would probably defer to finel and maybe tuck in on the feet uh maybe they’re just trying to get away at the moment they’ve they’ve sort of got a bit of a gap but they’re not clear water it’s sort of you can see there was what six athletes there but sort of in two and two and she is swapping back now I don’t think finel I don’t know maybe she was expecting company I’m not sure she will want the company she’ll probably want to get away on her own I would imagine she’s going to want to get away on her own particularly since you’re dealing with a pro in her first full distance race as a pro might not have the HPA to uh to move to the front of the race ahead of someone I would be intimidated swimming stroke for sure with finel lagid I wouldn’t want to be so presumptuous as to is to take over that lead but uh it doesn’t appear that Julie’s going to want to do a whole lot of work for finel either no and I’d be quite annoyed if I again in my huge experience in swimming and anyone drafting off me is in serious trouble but I’d be quite annoyed if I was finel and had Julie sitting on my hip like that you know I would say just yeah drop back onto my feet uh sit there that’s we can talk about that um a bit later about the positioning although now we’re seeing Julie sort of come up level shoulder Tosh shoulder um we are are underway with the Iron Man Hamburg women’s race it’s a women’s only race and we will come right back to you with more of this swim after the break introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro [Music] Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at full you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next [Music] welcome back to our coverage of the Iron Man European Championship Hamburg our professional women are underway here on the Roa swim course if you’re tuning in to find the professional men they will be competing in Frankfurt for the European championship in August today is all women for the professionals but they’ll be followed by our AG group athletes who will get underway with a rolling start uh 15 minutes after our professional female so in about eight minutes time that’s right and we can just see where got the front two lead women so finel language in that light blue cap and Julia yumo in the pink cap they have just gone under the Kennedy Brooker the Kennedy Bridge um as this swim it’s sort of in a two-part swim almost they they start in the on the young St uh um Jetty and then swim through the inner aler or the bin and aler we’re going to be amazing you with our German pronunciations today uh Under the Kennedy Brooker and then they are now in the AL ala so the outer aler and they do a uh clockwise Loop in this part of the part of the house aler uh before coming back to the t2 T1 even single Loop swim course love them hate them thoughts I hate swimming no um I think I prefer yeah one probably put you in the same company with 90% of your athletes you say exactly exactly that’s why I’m engaging with the engaging with our community um I actually I don’t know because if you do a twap and you have a Aussie exit which is where you come out the water and you get to run along the land for a bit um I can probably make up a little bit of time there using the Run not the swim um as long as we don’t have to dive back in U because I’m not very good at diving either I do I do find the exits it tends to elevate the heart rate a little bit um and I think for most swimmers they’re pretty much doing all they can in the water so it’s nice to have information about where you are and who you’re around if that’s good news but sometimes it’s not good news and You’ just rather not know now you did a race recently you did Iron Man Australia in Port MCC now that has a a wear in the middle of it that you have to climb up and over so a little bit like an exit was that what was that like does that just send your heart rate actually it wasn’t that bad there were just a number of stairs and you could sort of dive in on the other side so um it was sort of a it was it was a fun Twist on a swim course for sure it’s that diving issue diving thing the whole thing did keeps promising me that she’s going to teach me how to dive at swimming but we’ve not done it yet well if you are just tuning in and joining us here for the Iron Man European Championship Hamburg I invite you to draw your attention to the bottom of our screen and our ticker we’ve got some race announcements uh we will have race updates there race standings both for professionals and some of our age group athletes when that information becomes relevant uh race announcements and and other um interesting tidbits so uh take a look at our predictions ticker along the bottom of your screen um some good some good tidbits there uh too early for your predictions for the winner on this one today dee oh goodness I your you know I look at cat Matthews performance at uh the Memorial Herman Iron Man Texas uh back in April was it uh and coming off a calf injury uh was still able to win now we’re several weeks post um that and I we one has to imagine that that calf is healthier um she has said publicly that she has spent a lot of time uh on the bike in between Texas and now Mak meaning she’ll be even stronger um I do know that cat has posted the fastest marathon time of anyone in our field uh and she’s a she’s a brilliant cyclist so assuming uh everything you know goes according to plan for her today I think Kata is going to be very difficult to beat uh but I know that finel langri is certainly Keen uh to put another win uh under her belt and Daniela blell will certainly have um the support of the local Germans here today she makes her home closer to Frankfurt uh but certainly she will get a lot of support from the German crowd today and looking on our screen you can see that finel may have gotten a little upset with Julie being sort of on her hip there and has decided to take a free ride and get on her feet that’s smart veterans move it it is um but they’re not quite getting away I think we had a bit of a a view panning back a minute ago and they’re not they haven’t got a gap fully yet from the rest of the field I think they will be hoping that by the end of the swing that is a little bit more you know I think sort of that three or four minutes is what we you see now we can see here there’s um I think that’s an orange cap we can see which could be Myer stage Nelson or um I think we have another athlete in an orange cap as well but it could be could be mea there actually they have got a bigger Gap so that was my apologies just getting the wrong camera angle we can see those two breaking away at the front but um and finel sitting behind I think finel she had that win she won Iron Man Western Australia at the end of last year which was her first um Iron Man win and she’s sort of been getting on the podiums a lot but hadn’t quite got that that win under her belt um I think she’s had a pretty mixed start to the year she’s sort of very been very strong and dominant In The Swim of the bik but her run hasn’t quite clicked yet I I don’t think so I I feel she’ll be wanting to write that today and have a have a good run off the back of her her solid her solid swim and bike well certainly the course sets up for in the conditions on the day set up for it uh it’s a little bit overcast we had some rain this week uh not meant to rain significantly today it looks a little gray and somewhat blustery um but that could be you know the cooler temperatures could set up I mean I I think if you looked at her run from Texas would certainly be marked as a a disappointment um compared to what she did in Western Australia uh but the conditions on the day it was a brutal brutal bike course back in Texas uh with the wind I I think that took a lot out of the athletes and and not very many athletes including the winner and Cat Matthews um ran PR Marathon times off the bike on that day but you know that’s it’s just a it’s a valuable lesson in that we can go into racing with the with the best plans but uh as my coach reminds me often uh we are not machines we are human and we are uh fragile to the conditions that the the race Day presents so uh I agree she’ll be looking to write that but looking at PRS on paper it’s it’s a big ask she’s going to have to get up and get out uh ahead of cat pretty fast yeah I think probably she needs about a 10-minute Gap off the bike I think if cat’s on if cat’s on a running form and cat was cat was pretty koi leading into the race she’s cat’s not shy of um saying her her goals and stuff for the race and saying what she wants to get out of it and she sort of but she did coily sort of say oh I don’t think I’m in record baking shape um but then sort of wink wink and I think with cat I feel she’s either a sort of go big or go home athlete she she doesn’t race that much but when she does she wants to put down a performance that really makes people kind of sit up and and and take notice so I would imagine that’s what she’s she’ll want to get I have a feeling she might be going after Laura Phillips um record course record in Hamburg this year U but yeah finel was certainly wanting to be putting a much time into or hoping to get as much time in the swim and and and Ride Hard like she did in Texas to keep that lead off the bike I don’t think she’ll have as many women with her on the bike though today as she did in Texas there was sort of that group of four at the front yeah I I do think based on swim predictions perhaps uh for today’s race and in past performances uh these women may be a little bit more spread out uh than they were uh in Texas but it is a very very flat course um which makes it kind of harder to break away but also simultaneously if there is a gap out of the swim harder to make that up you’ve also got some really strong bikers um that will be in that sort of Chase pack in the water so you know Daniela blim Maya stage Nelson Jackie Herring Sarah Sara spanks El vissa I think like El Vista to me um has really gone kind of under the radar coming into this race she has raced a lot this year so maybe that’s you know I think she’s this is her eighth race uh she was second at Iron Man New Zealand back in March um she’s had some fantastic results over the half distance race a lot and she’s just improved so much over the last few years and is really a contender but I think leading into this race you know she’s gone she’s sort of flying under the radar um she’s running really well she’s a really strong biker it’ll just be sort of again what deficit she has at the water but her swimming is going pretty well as well and if she’s got a bit of a pack with her I think there’ll be a strong Chase pack on the bike yeah she she has turned in some extremely strong performan is on the bike and run again not the same PR level as a cat Matthews and she will have I think a deficit even perhaps to cat out of the water uh time obviously will tell but to your point she is an athlete who likes to race a lot I think I counted up her results from 2023 there’s like 12 races yeah you’re right in 2023 it’s it’s astounding um that someone can race and recover that quickly and and it’s it’s it’s absolutely unbelievable and five of those were full races yeah yeah so um and a great camera angle here we can see our two leaders that is Julie Yolo from France and finel langri from Great Britain have opened up a pretty sizable gap on the rest of our female Chasers yeah and I think um I mean as always those first sort of 400 meters are pretty pretty hectic what’s your tactic In The Swim is it sort of do you do you go out at that Sprint speed or is it sort of more build into it you know I think for that for the full distance racing anytime you tow the line at an Iron Man there’s always a certain degree of adrenaline um and I think that’s one way of calling it well it dread um fear nerves it yeah Port portal portal stops good question your life’s choices no no seriously folks Iron Man racing is great um I think what I’m saying is with that adrenaline comes that early speed so that if you do try to gun it on top of all the adrenaline I think you can put yourself in it in a in a bit of bother uh by the 200 meter Mark which certainly when you’re dealing with a race that’s 140.6 miles long uh you certainly don’t need to be getting lactic in the first 200 meters so taking that first two to 500 M strong but not spinning your wheels and and really trying to build into it I think is a is a smart strategy that being said if you’re on a line and all of these women these are smart athletes they have studied this start list they know they knew who was who was who I I would bet that finel again hard to know because juliia moo doesn’t have any full distance race results in her pro career but to your point looking at her 70.3 results we know she’s a strong swimmer so I think Vanella will have known that she may have had company but my point is these women study the start list they know who they want to swim with um ideally they know who they may want to get away from um and they probably will develop a strategy around that uh to try to get on someone’s feet to try to get away from someone if you know that you’re swimming to get someone with great get out speed then you might want to try to go with them if you’re swimming with someone who’s a more gradual starter the the pace can be more more composed at the start but there’s a strategy combined with based on racing the people in the race is a in addition to ring your own race that’s yeah you’re right and I’d also think that like as a the two at the front and and Julie that we’re looking at at the moment like as a a background in swimming you have they have that ability to change pace so they have probably that faster gear at the beginning whereas probably somebody who isn’t a natural swimmer probably doesn’t have doesn’t want to go fast out and like you said build into it conversely saying that Lauren Brandon who we know is you know a friend but one of the best swimmers in the sport she has a very gradual build into the race and she does build into it rather than that she does not have she does not have get out speed no she doesn’t uh and in fact you know people will watch the start of a race and be like well I thought she was supposed to be a great swimmer and it’s not really until that 500 meter Mark where all of a sudden that sort of threshold Pace kicks in and and she she’s just gone and and she can hold it for incredible amounts of time uh finel Langridge swam with Lauren Brandon at at Iron Man Texas so um we know that that she’s got the goods in the water as well uh but both of these women doing a great job it we see a little texture on the water as again we saw the weather’s been a little bit unsettled uh a little bit of wind uh some storms came through earlier in the week again rain not expected today but we can see uh with those little bumps on the water that they are fighting a little bit of a wind and uh just to put it into perspective for those of you who do have some swim knowledge behind you we just get a a nice pan back yeah they’ve put a huge gap into the rest of the field so Julie YOLO she swam a 429 400 and a 1750 2500 now I know that the Olympic qualifying time for the 400 is 415 approximately um for the trials that is for the US trials um long course meters just to put course we don’t know if those times are short course meters or long I don’t um I mean and 15 seconds is a long a big a big gap but just to try and like she is a legit swimmer um and these two are certainly pushing the pace and when we got that angle back there now that Gap that didn’t look like it was pairing at the beginning is quite has quite exploded yeah I think they’re looking at at least 100 met at this point um and again we’ll we’ll have to check that that camera angle but uh the athletes making their way around the outermost turn buoys before they head back in uh toward Shore so approaching the halfway point of the swim yeah that’s right so um and how long how much do you think they’ll get what what would be a good you know when finella gets out the water into into T1 What would she’d be hoping to I mean she won’t she won’t probably know the Gap actually it’ll be the ones behind at that point yeah like I think she’s just looking to get out and get gone um you know I think of her competitor she certainly probably got her eyes on um you ‘s Visser certainly cat Matthews definitely and is going to want to use the strength of her swim knowing that compared to those two women in particular um it’s an asset for her so she’s going to want to leverage it [Music] [Applause] [Music] for 12 years for 4,383 sunrises across millions of mornings we’ve been working to make one thing better this ag1 is foundational Nutrition a science-driven formulation to support whole body brain and gut health with just one of these or one of these once a day welcome to foundational nutrition welcome to ag1 start at drink [Music] welcome back to the Iron Man European Championship hurg we are in the middle of the Roa swim course our professional females about halfway through you’re watching our current race leader that is Julie YOLO who is Towing along finel language juliia moo one of the pros in our field not yet qualified for the Iron Man World Championship in N we actually a chance to catch up with Julie uh to talk about her hopes and dreams for today’s race yes the season has a great start for me I did uh two 1.3 races in Maya andon Province uh the goal of those races was to be prepared for this one because this one is the big goal of my 2024 season uh it will be my first full distance on the Iron Man level so not very sure what I can do but I already did One race uh of the distance but he won in France so hope to go very faster on this past course also you’re known as a fast swimmer so potentially first out in the swim out lead of the course how’s that feel to be out FR and and and reading um yes it’s not very difficult for me because it’s not a pressure I see this like um an opportunity and a gift to as the the chance to start the race in the front front and uh to try to keep the front as long as possible uh it’s not uh yeah it’s not a problem for me it’s like a a good opportunity to be with the best athletes and uh I try to keep with them as much as possible and uh yeah it’s very good like uh I can feel the the feeling of uh being the position to win a race so it’s uh it’s giving more more energy yes uh I think I did very good uh work on the bike this winter and um I think I’m better biker than the previous years I feel very better so I hope to show it on Sunday on the bik course and um for the Run also I think I can be maybe better on the full distance because uh maybe I don’t have a lot of speed for the half maraton but I’m sure I can have the endurance you know raises an interesting point Sid um since you and I come at Iron Man racing from two different strengths uh we meet in the middle and then we diverge again but I I’ve had I’ve long had this debate uh it’s great for Julie YOLO uh to be out in front uh setting the pace in the race but as a strong swimmer I I have to make the argument that it’s it’s not your best asset if you’re a strong swimmer I’d rather be a stronger Runner interesting this is funny cuz I’d probably well I don’t know I would like to be a little a little bit better at swimming so you’re not quite quite chasing down the rest of the field I think as a strong swimmer um often you have more cards to play potentially in terms of race Dynamics cuz you’re at the front so I guess it does depend obviously then what your bike and run strength is as to whether you can charge or you know people are coming from behind so do you conserve a bit till they catch and then you you go again um but yeah interesting yeah Dynamics yeah do you know we’ve never actually raced each for me it comes down to to pure mathematics in that these lead swimmers will get out of the water somewhere between I 50 and 53 minutes y um and some of the Chasers might come out in right around an hour to just over so we’re looking at about a 10-minute Gap there are 4 and 1 half to 450 hours on the bike to catch and another 3 hours of the marathon to make up that P little your little 10minute lead doesn’t feel very substantial when there’s all of that volume of Racin left to come I think uh you I’m just taking out my teeny violin for all the strong swimmers out there well I I was going to say I think the strong swimmers out there would all be campaigning for a longer swim uh to or put it at the end yeah or to put at the end now that would be interesting let’s see that one uh but yeah a longer swim to perhaps balance out th those distances so that the the strengths of each athletes if it’s Swim Bike or run they do sort of maybe they perhaps more even but we we you know it’s interesting we do see some strong swimmers who are still very good bike and run and can hold off that run the sport demands it at this stage exactly I think we’ve we’re now seeing the way the sport is going like you can’t really have a weakness at all you have to be strong across the three um I mean I I know we we want to talk about the women but if I look at someone like um a Sam long at the moment who who’s racing who I think he’s been last out the water in the last couple of races but he’s still coming through with a very strong bike run to finish second so it can be done um but I think the racing we’re seeing like you just have to be so good across the board and you have to have that that good swim and it it might not necessarily be that you are the fastest out of the water but a lot of it with Iron Man is can you get through the swim as efficiently as possible saving your ener less energy expenditure certainly less anxiety if there are uh poor conditions in the swim etc etc but what a great opportunity for an athlete like Julia yo a relatively new Pro um racing her first full distance uh event here in in Hamburg and and a great opportunity for her it’s part of the uh Pro Series so inclusive that any athlete can be a part of it and she’s getting the opportunity to race sort of Legends in the sport like finella langri and and Cat Matthews and El Visser and uh Sarah spank and and Maya stage neelson so great opportunity for beginners as well as veterans we’re going to take a quick break don’t go away okay we’ll be right back [Music] [Music] man oh God beyond the Finish Lines our commitment goes the extra mile we are the Iron Man Foundation we’ve given back more than $55 million to support our mission of leaving a positive impact throughout race communities without our amazing athletes volunteers and givers we wouldn’t be where we are today together let’s continue this journey of impact join the Iron Man Foundation and be a part of something extraordinary welcome back to the Iron Man European championships Hamburg which is brought to you by Roka find faster with rer and by Tri dot better training results in less time with fewer injuries and we’re here getting a good percentage of the way through this Roa swim course looking at our leader that’s Julie Yolo from France racing her first Iron Man as a professional uh she is giving a ride to finel langri who is using um those veteran skills to to catch that Free Ride catching the draft of Julie YOLO uh as we take a look at the coveted finisher medal that all of our athletes will um long to get when they finally cross that Finish Line several hours from now um a lot of athletes out there for their first time uh that’s a pretty special medal to get and I I think even for our athletes who have been in several Ironman races um it’s pretty special to get every every Finish Line is special as we see finala langri saying trying to say see you later to Julie yo and and trying to make a move now um you know there’s not necessarily a significant strategic Advantage when athletes are swimming this close to being the first out of the water but certainly uh there could be some some benefits if you’ve got partner swim Partners um will offer a swim bonus for first out of the water um I don’t think the bragging rights necessarily mean anything with everything else that’s online today um but you know a strategy for finel that says hey I’m feeling pretty good I got other women that I’m worried about who are coming up from behind and uh let’s get on and get going and see if I can’t get another couple of seconds through transition on uh the Chasers behind yeah that’s that’s it and just looking at that closeup we had and you can see it now in the cameras pan that two very different stroke Styles there so finel language is quite a high turnover rate quite a choppy stroke uh Julie um a little bit more longer strike this is me obviously as a swim expert here um but yeah a little bit stronger a little bit slower turnover both very effective um and and both moving but finel just looks like it looks like it’s harder work but but that’s just cuz the stroke rate’s higher well certainly it’s it’s a higher stroke rate and some would argue that when the conditions are choppy uh that that higher stroke rate is actually more effective uh because the water the water that you’re grabbing isn’t as pristine Julia moolo classic example pool train swimmer the water in a pool nice and calm you’ve got Lane lines to keep it that way between the lanes um so that long lovely stroke you’re grabbing sort of firm water when the water is more turbulent and today is not extremely turbulent conditions but there’s a little bit of bump on that water uh fighting through chop or choppier swims you’re not grabbing as pristine water so you’re almost rewarded for taking more Strokes per minute so you’re taking less efficient Strokes because you’re spinning your arms at a more rapid rate but you’re getting more of them in uh through less perfect water so um but it also is what you’re used to and what you’re comfortable with and and things like arm length make a difference in that regard uh also have note Julie YOLO breathing almost exclusively to the right and almost every stroke occasionally she’ll breathe every four but um and vanel uh alternate breathing pretty consistently throughout the entire Roa swim yeah yeah that’s right and also I mean it could have been that vanela upped her um her turnover right to to get ahead and to move to make that move past uh Julie um Julie’s now sort of trying to move back up onto the hip so yeah that could have been another reason I did laugh when you uh talked about the the pool swimming being nice and pristine it never feels like that for me always feels like I’m in a washing machine and and the thing is with like with swimming that it it’s such a technical element and it’s so much about feel of the water as well it’s such a hard thing to sort of learn and teach well and that’s why if you are an adult onset swimmer the frequency of your swims I think matters more than the duration um while it’s inconvenient to gather your belongings drive to the pool get in the lane etc etc these women having a little tit fortat at it here in the Roa swim course neither one wanting to give an inch um some froy froy swimming out there how how many times a week do you think a pro like finel and and Julie as good swimmers would be swimming you know it’s there there’s two schools of thought I remember back to uh the great Andy pots a wonderful swimmer Collegiate swimmer swam for the University of Michigan back in the US uh would lead out uh lots of of Iron Man and 70.3 uh swims uh back in the day and he took the mindset that he had been swimming you know 18 to 20 hours a week since he was 10 years old that more time in the pool at that point he needed to maintain some of the swim feel um but the fitness could be developed Ved better his attention could be better spent on the other two sports that being said it’s also a stress-free way to build that aerobic engine uh without the impact um like running you know presents etc etc I would say most highlevel swimmers are swimming five to six days a week anywhere in the 20 to 25,000 um meters per week um for for for a top level Pro but I guess my point is that if you are an adult onset swimmer getting to the pool more frequently you don’t necessarily have to turn out a 5k swim every time but touching the water almost every day even if it’s for 15 and 20 minutes swim a little bit easy do a couple of drills feel the water and get out and get on I think is is a helpful way because it is so technique oriented yeah and as we see uh Julie y YOLO has moved back in front of finel so I’m not sure if these two are communicating as such and sort of taking it turns to take that lead and so the other person sits on the feet and gets the drag or if they’re just having sort of a a bit of a battle out there and each neither one wants to give up that that first out the water spot or that that lead in the race it could be like I think finella definitely tried to make a strategic move when they made the turn and and heading for home to see if she could distance herself from Julie take advantage of the fact that she’s slightly fresher having you know sat on the feet um for quite that long I think if I’m finel and Julie goes back by at this point you’re kind of like well okay yeah although there are potential swim partner bonuses to be mindful of but I don’t think that that’s top of vanilla’s Mind certainly and and we know from our catchup uh in a fighting chance with Julia moo she certainly has other goals outside of the swim uh yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a head structure for me I think if I was Julie in that situation I and finella came around I might say okay yeah you take you take a turn now um and would have been happy to sit on her feet but but she’s got a different agenda we’ll have to find out after the race yeah that’s right yeah we’ll see see where they get up to so there we at the the female women in the immen European championships in Hamburg Germany um the women are about 38 coming up to 38 and a half minutes through the swim so we’re probably I’m guessing 10 just over 10 minutes away from them being out of the water the uh and that’s that’s based on the the swim course record which was set by who we’ve been talking about earlier Lauren Brandon who swammer 4745 so I don’t think these two are quite Lauren but who knows it’s a bit hard to tell at the moment um how far they are back to T2 they haven’t gone back on under the the Kennedy Brooker bridge yet so um yeah still a little way to go probably about 10 minutes or just over 10 minutes I’d be guessing to yeah I’m guessing about 800 met to go perhaps um but yeah a decent amount of swimming left but they can start to maybe turn their minds towards the bike we’ll see once the athletes exit um the Roa swim course here they go under the bridge uh on their way so we we are getting to it starting to think about the bike a little bit uh changes that you might want to make I mean both of these women on camera here have a pretty strong robust sixs feed kick uh but if you’re an athlete that doesn’t kick that much uh towards the end of the swim you might want to think about bringing the legs uh into it a little bit just to get some blood flow back into the legs we’ve been arm dominant now for uh 39 minutes we want to get those legs ready to to do some work so uh as you approach the end of the swim a good idea to sort of bring the bring the uh the legs into it a little bit um um and then just in your mind start thinking a little bit about uh your to-do list in transition very very long run for these athletes through transition here today so we have that to look forward to as well that’s right I forgot that Iron Man Hamburg does have one of the longest transitions uh on on the sport so we just saw the athletes there they did that was them going under the Kennedy Brooker uh so they are now entering back into the inner aler uh or the b aler b and aler uh I should say and in my again our German um so it is a huge Bridge it’s got like a double A D two- part Bridge so yeah either Lane so that’s why there’s they’re still going under the bridge um so they are on their way back to the swim exit um and then they do have that long long run through transition cuz it’s all kind of like it’s almost like every bike is individually laid out next to each other to make the the the length of the Run yeah it’s pretty and we see right now our camera Miss see I love our camera guys they they they’re hearing us they’re going to take us through uh the exit ramp um and the athletes will make a hard leftand turn uh through that Roa signage there and make their way down the very very very well I’m just going to keep saying very until he gets to the bike racks but it’s a long run I’m just glad he turned around because I was worried he was going to fall over backwards and we’re just going to get uh yeah but it is we carry out very very very very long uh they haven’t even got to kind of their their bags and stuff like this so I’m not actually sure how long this transition is I’m sure one of our factoid people can get onto that um and uh we were talking about a couple of weeks ago we were talking about mayorca having a very long transition but I think this one has it beat well I mean this is long for transition I would challenge with Iron Man Wales which is a k about a kilometer run from the beach to transition and includes 18,000 steps includes 18,000 steps so here you see their transition back bags that the athletes are going to pick up uh the red and the blue bags for the the run and the bike and the run and then they still carry on running and now we hit the bikes and I would imagine the pro bikes are at the far end yes um so they’re pretty much going back down the swim course here um all the way to the all the way to the bridge end yeah pretty much yeah I think I actually I believe they bike out on that same road as the the Kennedy Bridge so it’s uh yeah it’s a long way so the point being I mean and this is great footage of EX how long because we’ve been talking for quite some time now and they still going through transition but this does benefit some of the runners in the field I mean this is going to be a four four minutes worth of running uh as they make their way through transition so some of your faster Runners if you’ve given up you know three or four minutes in the swim you can easily make back at least 30 45 seconds through transition yeah that’s it and then we get to the bike and then they are back out on the uh full gas bike course so yeah a huge huge huge transition there um and we will come back to you with the length of that one of our factoids is on the case and I’m sure they’re going to going to come up with the goods shortly as we see back to our leading two females uh Julie YOLO YOLO sorry from France in her first full distance as a pro um and then sitting just behind her is finel language the interesting thing about Julie I think or say Julie I should say in my is that she has a bing it is that she has a border of Collie but I was going to bring that in in the vi later on but let’s go to dogs no um I think because she’s French she will be very keen to qualify for the Iron Man the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in Ni and also because nce was her very first Iron Man 70.3 Triathlon sure um and she um so yeah I think that might be a big goal for her today as well she she said to us in in our conversations pre-ra that one of her one of her favorite sort of memories um was seeing her entire family on the Run course uh when she raced the 70.3 in pance she lives very very close to that race site so I think she will have a similar kind of support uh where she to qualify for the World Championship in niece on September 22nd again six slots available for our professional females and uh a number of them already pre-qualified so a lot of our athletes um have that to look forward to today yeah so pre-qualified for Iron Man War vinfast Iron Man War championships in nce is cat Matthews uh finel has already qualified Maya stage Nelson has qualified El vissa has qualified and also Erin shenl from Canada has qualified so five out of this field have qualified already and there’s six slots so that’s huge opportunity for a lot of the women in this race yeah and and certainly you know one of the goals for for a lot of them uh to keep in mind because every athlete will start a line start a race with a long list of of goals and things how they want to execute the race etc etc and it’s important to keep all of those goals in mind some of them you have to let go depending on how the race goes but something like that is going to be in the back of the athletes mind throughout the entire day and some of them by the end of the day you move the goal posts and decide that your goal was something different when you when you get to the Finish Line at the end of the day if you get to the Finish Line we hope everybody we hope all of our Pro women that get to the Finish line and also all of our age group athletes who will be in the water already we didn’t see the age group athletes start but they started uh a little bit behind our Pro women um Pro women only race today which is always super exciting because the women get the chance to cross that Finish Line first um so I always yeah always love to see that no it’s a great it’s a great opportunity to showcase the the great women in our Sport and have them have their day out on the race course and nice that here in H they have a 15minute gap back to the H group athletes so they will have a nice clean uh Fair bike course for them as well so yeah and we are now coming through to the final final few hundred meters in the um rer swim course um Julie YOLO leading the way she looks like she’s about to lose her swim cap but hopefully the goggles are going to going to keep it on that’s my other Pro tip no conditioner the last three days going into a race is that right makes your head less slippery I did not know that you go son’s conditioner for the for the three days you heard it here first yep you stop using conditioner on about Wednesday of race week every day is a school day I never knew that H so this is interesting as well how else do you think I keep my swim cap on my head every day well there we go very dry brittle hair goggles I was going to say cuz we’ve had this uh conversation we um you talk about the headbands that athletes are wearing I’m going to say Caitlyn Clark even though we’ve probably got know Americans watching but she wears this headband and you do it as well Dei it’s a very thin headband that just keeps your hair off your face I wear one of those and it just pops off the back of my head because I’ve got a teeny teeny head so but I don’t have a huge issue with my swim cap fortunately um but anyway I did not know that no conditioner for three days there we go you H it here first kids and athletes again getting close to the exit here and and my supposition is that the Gap that these two women have is going to be pretty significant the fact that our cameras haven’t picked up our Chasers in quite some time but I’m guessing that chase pack is going to include Maya stage neelson cat Matthews potentially Jackie Herring as well yeah I I think you’re right as we just seen the clock has just um clicked over that Lauren Brandon’s or about to 47 minutes 45 seconds Lauren your record course record is still still safe um Lauren Brandon’s sleeping soundly she’s sleeping soundly she’s actually she’s actually I think partying and I bether at a wedding but that’s beside the point um she maybe should be up watching this uh but yes your record is safe Lauren as these two leading females do enter the last few last 100 meters or so um In The Swim we haven’t had a a look back to the the chase pack so it is a little bit difficult to know quite how big a gap this was it certainly was um exploding and ballooning out in that sort of middle middle third of the swim course so I would imagine as you said it’s going to be a going to be a few minutes but with that long transition I would imagine and we’ve got some fast runners in that chase pack um they’ll probably try and make up some time I would imagine as well going into transition finel is going to charge through transition I I think finel will Gap Julie I I can say that with I don’t want to say certainty because nothing is ever certain but with confidence uh that that will be the case and if you’re just joining us this is Iron Man Hamburg the European championship for our Pro women our proen will compete in their European championship in Frankfurt uh in August so this is all pro females today uh alongside a host of age group athletes who are also uh competing for slots at the respective World Championship events in nce on September 22nd and of course in kyua Kona Hawaii for the men so slots available for our age group athletes and of course series points for our Pros 5,000 points on offer for the winner of today’s race in the Iron Man Pro Series I think actually one of our age group athletes is the Iron Man social media manager I think he’s racing today as a as an age grouper um I think if you check out on uh the Instagram you might see a see a you you might not have seen his face but I think he did do something to say he was racing today but you’ve certainly SE them post that he puts on uh as we can see these women coming to the end of the Roa swim course all crowds uh lining the street now or lining the banks of the aler um as the as Julie Yolo from France in that pink cap and finel language from the UK in that blue cap just behind are just about to exit the water and of course we talk about uh the popularity of triathlon here in the city of hurg uh it was a long long time ago uh it was called the Holston City man triy was popular amongst the hamburgers the residents with over 10,000 locals racing it eventually became the itu SL now we call the wtcs Hamburg uh and that race alone over 250,000 athlet or Spectators come out uh to watch and cheer so this is a city that knows and loves the sport of triathlon as we take a look at our women’s leaders it is Julie YOLO out of France in a time of 5038 followed by finel Langridge from Great Britain time 5040 uh and they are off and running and Julia moo leads finel langage down the very very long very very very very long transition run yeah and there we go we got the our swim time uh presented by the Wahoo element rival Julie Yolo from France 50 point 50 minutes 38 seconds for our Roker 3.8k swim I love how um it Germany is a huge Triathlon nation and yeah the as you said there with our our bit of History info um Hamburg World Triathlon is one of the most popular in the series I just love how we call Ham the residents of Hamburg hamburgers I think they refer to themselves I think they do yeah yeah no that’s no and it is we will come on to it it is where well there’ll be an argument here it is where hamburgers were originally or the meat was originally made different it’s different different anyway we added the bun the Americans added the bun and that’s why I was going to say there was but the Hamburg Hamburg uh they um designed the meat Patty if you want to call it that so this is Julie YOLO she’s picked up her bag finel language right behind her so they’re blue transition bags for the bike as they are stripping off their wet suits um and then they’ll leave their bags uh by transition and here we go the chase pack so they actually a good they going to be a good four or five minutes behind yeah at least uh that orange cap again we are speculating uh we Maya nson in the orange in the orange cap um five of them there group of five as I you know and again finel language is going to be gone uh she’s going to be out on her bike before the women even get out of the water and that is just how she wants it she wants to get out and get gone uh amongst her likely chasers of we’re guessing cat Matthews certainly Maya stage neelson uh in that group I’m guessing um uh that the uh the American Jackie Herring will be in that chase group as well so and also just a little bit of an update but I think um we might get one of the team to confirm that I’ve heard that uh Carolyn L Rider is out of the race um she apparently wasn’t feeling too well yesterday but we will try and confirm that uh as we see this Chase pack out the water and we’ll be able to see who it is I think we’re thinking it’s Maya but let’s see if we’re we’re right on our spotting on on caps I think we did well on our Smarties today oh Skittles caps I was going to say what are Smarties it is my Nelson in third her time unofficially 5326 so that’s 2 minutes 48 seconds cat Matthews in there Sabrina Roth also in there and Jackie Herring amongst the Chasers there Jackie Herring the last one there you see her peeling her wet suit in that pink kit that is Jackie hering the American who is racing her first Iron Man since 2015 and said you and I talked a little bit um pre-ra about how like I’m so excited to see Jackie Herring race because she’s a completely different athlete than she was in 2015 she took a a break from Full distance racing while she raised her family she’s got two young kids at home and now they’re School aged uh she’s able to dedicate a little bit more time uh put the volume in that is required for Iron Man racing but you know when you look at some of her predicted times and some of her historical splits for you know Swim Bike and run the evolution of Jackie hering as an athlete you know she’s going to put out times across this full distance race that she never dreamed of back in 2015 I suspect yeah that’s right and she had a great career like as an Iron Man athlete back there she did 16 Iron Man’s over or 15 finishes one dnf but as you said that was nine years ago and the Hiatus is cuz she’s had two kids since then so she’s a mom the kids are now at school she’s got she said that being a mom and doing Iron Man Tron is hard enough so you can only do one at the time now the kids are at school so she’s brought back in Iron Man but she’s also it was also because she’s excited about the Iron Man Pro Series but yeah I there cat Matthews y I think we’re going to see a completely different athlete out there so it’s quite exciting to see what Jackie herring’s going to do now the race Dynamic that’s developing here we’ve got sort of a lone wolf in finel langage who is off the front certainly juliia moo is is is in there somewhere but I think finel is going to get out and get gone but we have a tremendous Chase pack in Maya stage neelon cat Matthews Jack hering all going to be working together to reel in our women’s leader yeah I’d say the only two that may be a little bit of surpris that they’re not in that swim pack uh not not fully sure would be uh Daniela blal um and also Sara SPX um two very good powerhouses maybe not they I think they probably would have had a good swim if they were in that pack but they would be the two that I would say are missing at the moment as we see Maya Sage Nelson running through transition with cat Matthews right behind very similar to Texas those two came out the water in Texas together they rode very well together um they did both almost also get penalties uh in Texas so I’m sure they’ll be very aware of that um cat says she’s over the penalty but then brought it up at the press conference so so maybe there’s a bit of fire burning over yeah yeah yeah uh our top 10 are officially out of the water now we’ve got Laura Jansen uh in eighth place she is 5 minutes back she came out of the water with uh elizabeta kurador um who is 504 back and Sarah svens who is 507 back so another Trio um given given Chase uh in our sort of second Chase pack we’ll say yeah and the other athlete that I forgot to mention that would be missing or looking for to be out the the the swim now is El vissa again super strong on the bike so Daniela blal we we’ve not seen yet and El vissa um they would be our two kind of favorites that we’re looking for but we’re going to come right back to the full gas bike course after this break hey man do you have a non-alcoholic beard actually tastes good I think you mean athletic excuse me do you have that great non-alcoholic beer I’ll found do you have a favorite non-alcoholic beer on menu [Music] mhm ah athletic it is she’s funny [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the Iron Man European championships in Hamburg we are now out onto the full gas bike courses this is two laps it’s 178 km brand new bike course this year new bike course that’s right as well uh still taking in all the city center sites as well as some of the uh German Countryside of Hamburg so we’re with our two race leaders these two were together in the swim so that is finel langage from Great Britain out in front and Julie Yolo from France sitting just behind her uh these two swam together and had um was it I thought it was more than that but yeah 2 minutes 48 over the chases out of the out of the swim and we’ve got a couple of of strategic Chase packs that are developing uh in our first Chase pack uh key players MAA stage neelson with Kat Matthews and Jackie Herring uh and then we’ve got uh Sarah svensk uh back at five minutes back she’s riding alongside elizabeta kurador and Laura Jansen uh and then out of the water now a bit back el v but she is with Dian Daniela blel so those two could be forced to be reckoned with both extremely strong cyclists so I think uh they’ll probably get together and do some work to try to to get themselves back to the front of this race yeah I think eles will be a little bit disappointed with that swim and and I think Daniella as well but I think the fact that the two of them are together they’re really strong on the bike and I think they will uh then work together um to reel in the the the chase the the women up ahead as to as so to these two women gosh I can’t get my words out already um Daniel Daniel blind I did some I did some trying to approximate what some of these gaps may be of course we can never quite do that but uh Daniela blel one of her best swims was at 5653 so she’s she’s right in line with that so yeah I actually think that it’s probably a good swim she’s just up against a field of strong swimmers yeah yeah the yeah I think you’re right and I think um but her with then El’s on the bike will be super strong and we take a look at our transition times brought to you by Morton our fastest transition again our runner El Visser uh at 3:31 finel language at 3:35 and Laura Jansen at 336 so uh again those transitions matter um and you can pick up valuable time particularly uh with a transition like this that is so very long yeah they’re quite unusually long transition time so if anyone’s looking at that that and thinking what the hell were they doing in um in transition having a sit down having a hamburger exactly that is exactly what they’re doing um it is because the transition in Hamburg does go on forever um as well so yeah just confirming that uh Caroline L Rider is out of the race unfortunately she didn’t actually start this morning um she was sick yesterday I think so she she a non-starter today but we are with our leaders uh finel langri and Julie Yolo from France as they are going through City Center Hamburg in Germany yeah looking through looking through best times and and swim splits I actually think both El’s and Daniela blel had pretty strong swims um historically speaking um but again when you’re up against it with the stakes this High um they’re going to have to get to work to to reel in the front of this race as we check in uh with MAA stage Nelson that’s right and just looking back at I need to go back and have a look at the times in Texas to see what those Gap the Gap was from finel Back to the likes of cat and Maya um you know two minutes or three minutes they are at the moment down off that lead which doesn’t I don’t think is very much really for for Kat and Meer I think they’ll be pretty happy with that they’ve also sitting with Jackie Herring that’s a really strong bik group and I think that’s a super position for Jackie herring to be in as well in her first race back after 9 years uh in a full distance so I think she’ll be pretty stoked to just uh hopefully sit behind uh Meer and Cat let them do let them do the work and Meer and Cat rode together in Texas so they’ll be pretty pretty used to each other and hopefully can work together again um obviously all legally at a 12 m a 12 M draft range uh we can we’ll comment on the race range unit uh a little bit later on the bite you can see there’s a there’s a little uh unit that’s sticking out underneath Myers’s uh water bottle cage which is the the race Ranger unit and that um helps the athletes know how that whether they are 12 M or hopefully further behind the atlet in front but we we’ll come on to that later uh as we just get this yeah good picture that was Maya and then back to Julie YOLO yeah Julia moo making a statement here uh I thought that fin would have gapped her by by now but uh as we heard in her Fighting Chance segment she put in a lot of good work on the bike over the winter and certainly has her sights set on one of those six qualifying slots that are up for grabs yeah being as we said being French she’ll uh very much want to make a get a slot for the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in nice uh 22nd of September I think is the date is that right how do we recognize that date I think that’s somebody’s birthday isn’t it 22nd of September DD greear if everyone wants to uh just log that one down it’s not just the Iron vinfast Iron Man World Championships but yeah Julie YOLO her first full distance race and she is yeah I mean obviously early days on the bike as well you know they’ve got two laps and 178 km as we um fortunately yeah heads keep your heads up as uh yeah the going I me this is this isaz this is second largest city in Germany so that surprised through the city it is um always always heads up riding not only because it’s a major metropolitan area and and while our operations team you know roads are closed you never know who’s going to pop out and do something silly um but also Road quality you can see there’s quite a bit of patches on the road I remember back to uh I think it was last year Laura philp actually La launched her uh nutrition uh through this city section so and uh Road quality is a little tougher in major metropolitan areas but I tell you what the athletes have ahead of them once they get out onto those Country Roads uh it’s going to be it’s going to be a quick quick bike course but uh things a little bit more technical here through the city center but they’ll be through it in just a just a moment’s time I was going to say it’s quite unusual because Germany is renowned for having super fast smooth roads but obviously we are going through a city center the other thing that did surprised me that you said Germany Hamburg is Germany’s second larest largest city I did not expect that Wikipedia here I know I I got I I wrote that down as well I had that as my note but that did surprise me so which is the biggest I’m guessing it’s Berlin FR well Frankfurt or Berlin and then Munich but I guess Munich was a lot smaller it’s got to be frankfur yeah so Frankfurt we must be the that sounds a little bit more like the the biggest city uh our factoids are on the case um we didn’t actually get we might be able to oh there we go I was just about to say we didn’t get our transition fact but it is transition itself is 500 me from the swim exit is about 200 M so about 700 M in total uh is our transition zone um as we are out on the full gas bike course and we will come back to you right after this break introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike coures from the Iron Man Pro Series [Music] challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at full you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking looking for what’s next [Music] [Music] Iron Man European Championship Hamburg is brought to you by FAS real roads Real Results and by vinfast boundless together so did before we went to the break we were talking about how Hamburg we were both well I was surprised that it’s Germany’s second largest city uh we were debating on the biggest city uh go on what’s the what’s our uh what are we Reckoning as the biggest city Berlin is the largest city both by population and by area Berlin has a population of 3.67 million that is as of 2021 uh it is also the biggest city by area so Berlin Hamburg then what’s our list uh Berlin Hamburg Munich uh cologne interesting frankfurt’s not in there I Frank’s actually quite frankfurt’s down at like six or seven wow did not know that but then obviously my German geography isn’t that good uh by population the 2021 estimate only 750,000 people live in Frankfurt as compared to 3.6 million in Berlin and 1.9 million here in Hamburg that’s it well we hope I’m not sure all of that 1.9 million uh billion million million million are out watching the race but hopefully there are a lot of hamburgers out watching uh that was the chase pack we did have on screen and we’re now back with our two leaders so this first bit of the bike course uh it’s quite twisty Atty technical yes uh compared to a lot of these women raced in Texas which um is pretty much on the the freeway and and straight apart from the first it’s it’s actually a fairly similar bike course in that regard and that you go through the town you do you do a little out and back and make a uh a absolute U-turn and then you do a couple of twist and turns before you get to the freeway so this is actually a pretty similar setup and that as you exit the Town Center City Center uh it’s a little bit more technical but then you get into the flat fast riding on the more rural roads well in the case of Texas it’s a highway but um and the athletes will take absolute advantage of that uh for sure and a new as we mentioned a new bike course uh so this is a two Loop whereas it used to be an out back now it’s more of a lollipop shape um that’s going to take athletes on some some new roads but uh Topography is still identical um as we look at our two lead women finel langri and Julie YOLO who are through our first timing mat at 9.4 km uh so we’ll see if the Chasers behind if there’s been any shakeup uh to those gaps of course out of transition we had our first Chase pack Maya stage neelon cat Matthews uh and Jackie Herring all at two minutes and we’ll call it 50 seconds back uh and then it was uh nearly 6 minutes back to the likes um of El’s viser and Daniela BL which is interesting CU I just checked back to the results from Iron Man uh Texas and Maya Sage Nelson and Cat Matthews were four minutes behind finel uh out of the water in Texas now that swim was led out by Lauren Brandon uh Fela was so she had a better toe yeah so three minute deficit this time uh out of the water so and here we are we do have that Trio Chase pack so I think it’s Mya stage Nelson at the front cat Matthews currently in second and that is Jackie herring in a fantastic position uh with these two Riders ahead of her so that’s our Chase pack of three currently sitting in third fourth and fifth so it’ll be interesting to see when they go through that time split that 9 km time split what if they have made inroads in already to to the lead of um finel and Julie now uh for those of you watching as well um we have along the bottom of the screen the full gas bike course profile and it it’s really good it can you can see where the leaders are along the course and how far they’ve got left and it shows you a little bit of the uh terrain and topography Topography is that the right word tography is that the right word correct yes that is the correct word now doubting myself the ups and downs on the RO ups and downs on the road not the ups and downs of the athletes themselves altion be great if we if we had a graphic that could show that and back to the action here as we’re watching our women’s uh Chasers make their way through the city um High turnover there of that athlete I was just I’m trying to get a bib number there I kind of want to say to her move up a gear yeah change gears you look like some people actually like to ride like that they do um so through the through the first uh 10 kilm uh that the trio of Chasers of Maya stage neelon cat Matthews and Jackie Herring actually lost 10 seconds to finel langage and Julie imolo yeah which is which is interesting but it is a very sort of technical section so athletes sorting themselves out yeah yeah navigating through I I don’t think we we didn’t anything into that at the moment um I’m trying to get a a bib number on that I’m wanting to say it’s curs and leopole but it isn’t because I don’t think we’re we’re further up the field than that but it looks a little bit like her as we go back to the the two leading uh females and uh Julie YOLO is yeah hanging with finel uh obviously it is still early days they are through still in the city center section of looking at that orange light on uh finel langri’s bike is a good segue perhaps for us to talk a little bit about race Ranger yeah that’s right so uh the athletes in the Iron Man Pro Series are using the race Ranger units um on the bike these are units that sit on the front of the athletes bike and on the the rear um and they show a light uh so the we’re looking at the behind Julie so she’ll be looking at fela’s bike and because there is no light showing that means that Julie is beyond 7 m behind finel um there’s a drafting limit of 12 M um and if that athlete encroaches that so now we can see this athlete overtaking and you can see the light of the rider on the right hand side was flashing that’s because that athlete overtaking entered that 12 meter draft Zone um and once she’s gone past the light’s reset you can see again the light just went through a red and then a blue and an orange and then onto no light so that’s the athlete going from a 12 meter so so if the athlete is 12 to 20 12 to 14 m a blue light will show if it’s a solid orange light it is 14 to 17 and no light is beyond 17 M but obviously if it is red flashing that means the athlete behind is within the 12 meter draft Zone and they need to make a pass so it’s a fantastic uh device um obviously penalties will still be given by the technical officials as technical officials still need to be on the road uh looking and assessing the uh dynamics of the race and and what is happening with the athletes but these lights is a great Initiative for the athletes to be able to see where they are to take ownership of the draft Zone and give them specific knowledge without question we’re no longer looking at um you know lines in the center of the road or reflectors in the roadways that we had used as guides for years and years and years this technology definitively gives you those ranges um and it’s a tool for the athletes to self enforce uh the drafting it’s also helpful for the officials in that the officials can monitor a larger group of athletes so if there were a pack of 12 athletes say it’s hard for the official can’t be in between each of the 12 athletes in a line so they can’t see specifically the distances but they can certainly see uh flashing lights on the back of bikes and and address situations uh but to your point the penalty needs to be addressed by the technical official on the course that’s right and we can see now both these athletes have so that’s cat Matthews and Maya have got orange lights on which means that Maya is sitting between 14 and 17 meters behind cats and Jackie is 14 to 17 meters behind uh Maya so that’s a good position to be in they don’t want to get any closer and go into that blue light and obviously the red lights uh as we’ve said Maya and Cat both were awarded penalties in Texas so I know those two are going to be very aware that this time the it’s also a great tool if you are in a long line to know if you can see the light two bikes ahead of you to know whether or not you can make a pass and then legally slot in you cannot slot in if the athletes are riding draft legal but if that light is orange it would imply that there is room for you to make a pass and move ahead I think on our last shot from the rear of this Trio that included Jackie Herring I believe Jackie Herring was getting gapped um maybe our cameraman can go back I I assume she has to be because the Moto is now driving where Jackie would be riding so it looks like Jackie Herring has been uh disposed of off the back here we have Jackie Herring is that Jack that’s not that’s not Jackie I don’t think that’s Jackie but you would hope so from where that motorbike was positioned that um yeah it certainly wasn’t between uh Maya and and Jackie the other thing I like about race Ranger and what they can do and I think some of the athletes and some race is are finding this out they obviously collect the data from the race and it summarizes into how long the athlet spent in the draft Zone public make make it public how many times the athlete entered and came out of the draft Zone pumpkin and cun cumulative time and some races are now taking that information and sending it anonymously obviously at the moment to the athletes just to say hey heads up you spent X number of minutes in the draft zone or you went in and out this number of time compared to what the average was for the race is it you know good bad and it just and there is then yes the opportunity that we could take this further and then yeah make it public so that everyone can see um and as you see these this is um uh finel and finel language and Julie YOLO they are now coming there is is a little bit of an out and back section whilst they are still within the city center Center so they’re coming back along um the aler I think it is before they head out into the countryside and you can see the athletes that are in the coming the other direction on the other side of those yellow cones that’s the athletes that are going um coming out from T1 so there’ll be the first chance that finel and Julie YOLO get a chance to see cat and um yeah Jackie if she’s still with there but from where that motorbike is I would hope or I would imagine Jackie is yeah I like they had gone around a corner and it looked like Jackie was a little bit off the back there and certainly with cat Matthews at the front driving the pace it would not be surprised um if that if that pace was pretty solid so uh certainly Maya stage neelon taking advantage of that and matching the pace but maybe just a little too rich for Jackie Herring um we’re going to take a quick commercial break but when we come back we’re going to get an update on the likes of a charging El’s viser uh and Daniela blell as well will those superstars on the bike be able to reel in the front of their s on the full gas bike course as we are getting underway on the bike here in hurg we’ll be back don’t go away beyond the Finish Lines our commitment goes the extra mile we are the Iron Man Foundation we’ve given back more than $55 million to support support our mission of leaving a positive impact throughout race communities without our amazing athletes volunteers and givers we wouldn’t be where we are today together let’s continue this journey of impact join the Iron Man foundation and be a part of something [Music] extraordinary open up the sky cuz I’m coming up to you [Music] so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the station to [Music] goe your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the vinfast yeah it’s got 402 horsepower all whe Drive overare updates and a 10e unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey welcome welome back to the Iron Man European Championship hurg we have just started the full gas bike course our two lead females are finel language followed by Julie YOLO there’s a Chase group that includes Maya stage neelen and Cat Matthews Jackie Herring had been dropped from that group and just passed by Sabrina Roth before that break and on screen now we have F28 which is Hannah Aram from Germany um she is sitting a little bit further down uh coming out the water um and looks to be in no man’s land riding on her own at this bit yep just navigating some of the turns through the city center before we make our way onto the more rural roads um in the countryside this is a very flat and very very fast bike course we’re going to see some amazing bike splits from these women today these women in Pursuit Of course of Victory but also in pursuit of valuable points in the Iron Man Pro Series it’s 5,000 points up for grabs today uh in addition to $887,500 in prize money as well as six qualifying slots to the Iron Man World Championship in nce France that’s right and we saw then that that we had that split for Hannah Aram she’s uh 13 minutes off the lead as we go back to our our leading Duo um Julie YOLO um is yeah sitting in second place currently just behind finel language now is it too early for fun factoids no it’s never too early okay Hamburg hamburg’s official name is actually the free and get my German pronunciation right htic or htic city of Hamburg a name which dates back to medieval times when the city played a crucial role in the economic and trade networks of Northern Europe significantly shaping its history and architecture today the city state is one of 16 in Germany and remains one of the wealthiest and most influential cities in the country I think Hamburg was also and and probably for a reason of that was also known as the gateway to the world uh because of Key Port yeah it’s a key it’s a key port and and has been for for quite some time oh Jackie Herring is with that group still so here we look at Jackie Herring she is wearing bib number six uh she currently sits eighth in the Iron Man Pro Series ranking she’s 39 years old made the trip from the United States over here to hurg to take on uh some of these European powerhouses her first Iron Man since 2015 she’s had four Iron Man podiums between 2011 and 2013 but that was I mean that was that’s ancient history um as we were discussing I mean she is an entirely different athlete and has made strides Leaps and Bounds in her her bike strength uh and in her running during the time uh the years that she’s been raising her young kids or kids are still young they’re grammar school aged kids but uh they’re in school now and so she’s uh taking a bite of this full distance Apple once again and seeing where all that um 70.3 speed will land her uh now at the Iron Man distance yeah I’m really excited to see what uh what Jackie’s run is like she’s very one of the better Runners over the the half distance Triathlon um and this is bib no we just got on screen now F18 that’s Stephanie wonderly thank you there we go Stephanie wly so our first time seeing this German athlete now she’s got an interesting story because this is her first year as a pro but she’s actually aged 40 uh she won her age group in LTI at the 70.3 age group Champs last year um and then decided to take her Pro license so yeah um first year pro at the age of 40 uh age is just well just a number not a number no it’s not no it’s not she also she also like Jackie has three kids 11 eight and two um and I know from Reading up her one of her facts was she was very proud of that race in in Lati and being first in her age group especially because she said she has a had a stress fracture um within 10 km now I do not recommend doing that at home kids do not race with a stress fracture do not probably push through um however Stephanie uh vay did and did finish first in her age group and then took her procard and she is racing here today uh at imang European championships Hamburg if we go back to her I want to comment on her bike position because it’s pretty unique oh dread uh we’re looking at cat Matthews who is having a problem with her Arrow bottle uh this is the BTA bottle we call it between the arms uh she’s trying to peel some tape off of it it looks like uh this is terrible terrible news for cat I mean it’s not game over I mean there’s a lot of racing still to go uh but it looks like it’s come clear off I’m assuming it’s come off and at this point I would probably just attach it and throw it away um although it is very on early I think that’s what she’s doing now she’s trying to get rid of the tape so here’s her dilemma she’s not in a station so she’s not able to discard it discard it um she also is not able to chuck it down the front of her kit uh that is an update to the rules or a clarification of the rules uh we saw a lot of athletes um in in the 2023 season using water bottles uh down the front of their kits as a convenient storage place perhaps but also um wind tunnel data suggesting that it is faster uh but she is not allowed to put it down the front of her kit uh she is able to put it down the back of her kit right now it looks like she has it not sure where it’s gone hand so no it’s in her hand she’s put the tape There She Goes she’s going oh no I thought she was going to find that garage going go to the garbage which I think you’d be able to do um she’s put the tape down her top she’s going to hold it as long as she can till she can get rid of it um disappointing not the end of the world it’s still a long day to go cat has come back from um setbacks on the bike for so I’m sure she can I’m sure for cat it’ll just add fuel to the fire now I would have think she could probably put it down her top for now to carry it she canot she throw it but she can put it down she can put it down the back she can put it down the back that’s true um it actually specifically came up in a rules briefing uh that if you miss I I raised the hypothetical specifically if you’re at an aid station and you miss the last chance drop zone for lering are you able to ride with a bottle temporarily until you can dispose of it and the answer was definitively no you can put it in a back pocket you could put it down the back she could slide it while she was standing there she could have slid it up the leg of her pants um but she cannot put it down the front even temporarily even if it’s to avoid littering so um she’s going to hold it apparently in her hand and we’ll see what the time penalty is uh we’ve got quite a ways before our next timing mat um so we won’t know necessarily that impact as we come back back to the front of the race but we are getting um if you look on the right hand side of the screen we’re getting some good updates of all the field all the females in the Iron Man uh European championships in Hamburg so you can see all the splits we can see El vissa has moved up into Ninth Place um Sarah Spen now in that top 10 Danielle blell moving up as well and we will come back with the rest of the splits and the update from the women’s field after this break introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro [Music] Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on full gas Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at full oh God [Applause] [Music] w [Music] back to the action here at Iron Man European Championship Hamburg if you’re just joining us we are in the early stages of the full gas bike course we’ve got our race leader finel langri she is followed very closely by Julie Yolo from France these two led the swim and enjoyed uh a nearly three minute gap on their competitors and through 10 kilometers of the bike have increased that ever so slightly we have had a development um that cat Matthews has suffered some technical difficulties we’ll get to you uh more to you on that but right now A check-in with our race weather presented by our good friends at Roa current air temperature 15 degrees celsus that’s 60 Dees Fahrenheit it’s over overcast cloudy uh the wind is coming out of the West Northwest at 6 kilm per hour and 93 % humidity we did have some rain here in Hamburg earlier in the week but uh the forecast is that today should stay pretty dry uh I would say almost great well I was going to say almost perfect almost great doesn’t make sense great great conditions for racing uh that over I mean the humidity is high obviously that 90% uh so it will feel warm but I think that overcast and the cloud will make it feel um a little bit easier and so potentially in for some super fast times uh today as we uh look at the the tracker or the leaderboard we can got the top 10 females on screen now and then the top 11 so we’re now seeing Danielle blell is moving up uh so is Ain shenl down at she’s 10 minutes off the lead but she’s moving through um so yeah the the and the last we think so um 20 minutes back 23 minutes back to uh alas um so not too spread out with the women’s race but certainly a bit of movement at front we’re going to I think we’ve got a replay of um the cat Bott issue that cat had with the bottle so you were going to take you back uh to that replay um with cat Matthews we saw her standing on the side of the road and we did have a camera on it so we are getting um that replay available for you but now we’re looking at Maya stage neelen with Jackie Herring minus cat Matthews who again suffered here we go this is cat um the BTA bottle fell off um she struggled to take the tape off of it that’s the cage she grabs the bottle out of the rear puts the bottle there because she doesn’t want to lose that maybe that’s valuable nutrition and then she bikes off with the cage and the bottle in her hand she looks around there is a trash bin there that I think she could utilize if she wanted to um but it seems to me that she wanted to get the nutrition down but why she would hold on to that cage I don’t know she is eyeing those trash cans I don’t know why she did not uh I would have thought you would be able to yeah dep dispose of it in a trash a legitimate trash can so her dilemma is that she’s not at an aid station so you cannot litter that is that is a penalty there’s obviously a camera there um so she can’t do it on the sly um she also is not allowed to tuck that bottle down the front of her kid that is a rule clarification uh that they are now enforcing it is a fairing so to speak and it is no longer permitted to have something down in the front of your kit she could have put it in the back um but not the front so what do you think she she what do you think was in the front bottle that she didn’t want to lose or didn’t want to lose the bottle that she put that in the back and then took the one from the back to hold in her it could be a calorie Source versus an electrolyte and she’s assessing well it’s cooler today maybe I can sacrifice electrolyte um I think this is demoy Lee duke it is the Duke I I I have to say I messaged him earlier this week just to give her a shout she is an OG we haven’t seen her racing a lot lately she uh makes her home uh out in the asia-pacific region um Thailand yep uh part of Jurgen Zach’s training group out there I have a ton of respect for this woman back to uh a race at Iron Man Texas years ago where she was just really disappointed with some of the race Dynamics and actually pulled out of the race because she didn’t want to be she didn’t want to compete against what she saw as unfair racing now in the day and age of race Ranger um athletes are better able to enforce they’re drafting uh helping officials to monitor it better as well and I love seeing demo Lee Duke out on the race course yeah she’s currently sat in 16th Place uh just over 10 minutes back from the lead but she has a real Affinity to German races so yes she’s she’s Australian uh comes from the Western Australia the Perth area but lives over in Thailand now but has raced actually Iron Man Frankfurt a lot uh was third in 2022 I think that’s one of her probably the best results of her career and sees it as a highlight and then raced three other times in Frankfurt 27ths and and a dnf so I think was really excited to get back to Germany and Hamburg yeah we haven’t seen her race a lot um she’s been around for for quite a long time and and her racing may be winding down um she’s not very active in social media so getting you know exactly what’s been going on with her but uh just a lot of respect for that athlete and love seeing her out racing she is not um the world’s strongest swimmer so she is back a bit but we can expect to see her uh make her way through the field um as we actually let’s take you back at what happened ear earlier this morning uh during our Roa swim course it was a inwater start for our professional women as we got underway um we had some key swimmers we thought would take to the lead and we were not wrong in that assessment it was finel langri out of the UK and Julie Yolo from France the two of them would go back and forth and back and forth quite a bit throughout this swim didn’t they they would yeah and they soon uh managed to get quite a sizable gap on the rest the field and really push the push the pace um as the swim went on uh yeah there was no sort of uh I don’t know maybe they were taking it in turns but it suddenly looked like a little bit of a battle uh between the two of them but it was Julie YOLO that exted the water first uh finel langri on on her heels as they started that huge run through transition as we come back to Dem Duke I’ve got something for you go on so I you got for few you so you can go first I have a fun fact there we go uh hurg is often called the Venice of the north no this was my fact this was such a good one I had this one it boasts over 2500 Bridges which is more than Amsterdam and Venice combined these Bridges weave through the city’s Rivers canals and water Rays creating a picturesque and enhancing landscape that’s perfect for exploring by a foot bike or boat um so yeah just a fascinating City here in in Hamburg we’ve really really enjoyed our time here um the the the people themselves are are fantastic uh the culture it’s a very open-minded City uh with with that’s rich in in history culture uh and of course uh Triathlon fans uh was so excited when I found that fact about the bridges and I just think that’s amazing like bigger more bridges than ven Amsterdam which you would M you think you think of Venice you think of Amsterdam you think of River Cities and just the number of you do not think of that of Hamburg uh Hamburg also going to be um uh popular for vest and um uh sausages and German sausage now I have a little bit so obviously on the tracker that we’re seeing um they’ve gone through 9 kmers and our next split isn’t actually till 60 km so what you’re seeing there is Cat still still shows she was with um Maya and um Jackie um obviously we’re going to um that’s going to have dropped down a little bit but our top five or I’m going to say top four at the moment Jackie herring in fourth um have now lost the lost the in third Julie YOLO in second and finel langage our current women’s leader and back to the action here with our race leaders it’s finel langage with Julie YOLO uh catching the same ride that uh that finella caught off of Julie throughout most of the swim that’s it thank you for digging me out of that hole um just before the break but um I’ve got a little bit of information so the front bottle uh that cat put in the back was actually full of f gels so that’s why she wanted to keep that’s what I was saying the calorie Source versus potentially an electrolyte which on a day like today is probably less important uh because of the weather conditions but the calorie the density of calorie being uh certainly more important and I don’t think she’ll have lost a little that much time with that stop it didn’t look like she lost that much time and certainly like we you know I don’t want to harop on about it she lost five minutes at Texas and still managed to bike her way back up to that that group so I don’t think it’s a disastrous position for cat Matthew she’s been here before she knows that she can bike it in almost when things like this happen to cat it just fuels her and it just kind of makes her ride that little bit more all the fight from the I as much as I hate to say it cat was leading that Trio of uh herself MAA stage neelen and Jackie Herring and I think by her stepping off for a moment now it’s forcing ma stage neelson to do the work I think which over the long run could actually be a benefit to cat it’s hard to have that mindset but I think cat works one of the things that cat works very very hard on is her mindset uh particularly through injury um she was pretty vocal on social media about focusing on the things that she can do and and really working on that mindset and not just saying it but believing it and and it’s something that she has gotten uh Stronger with uh and certainly to your point I think it will fuel her uh as she moves uh through this full gas by course yeah and now perhaps we’re just starting to see a gap uh separate from finel to Julie YOLO in second um together in the water and out on the side of the bike uh it could just be momentarily Julie might catch back up but it does look like that the gap between the two of them is just starting to stretch and it it’s hard to know with Julie because this is her first Iron Man so we don’t really know how her strength is over the over the bike and um we do know that finel does ride very hard and very fast at the starts at that point Julie doesn’t know her strength over the over the F distance so maybe exact looking at the power meter thinking this might be at the outer range of what we were planning on that maybe you just need to settle down and let her go and and focus back uh on racing her race uh we are also getting an update from our rules official our head official uh Jimmy rotello that if she had physically put it in the trash bin um that would have been perfectly legal so it while it’s not an official aid station sltr Zone you can utilize trash bin that are available otherwise which is what I think I might have done with the with the with the uh cage um but obviously she wanted to keep the bottle yeah that’s right so I think you know I think but she was probably you know she doesn’t want to test the system in a race she’s had two you know those bad experiences before so she she did the right thing she kept it at be to see then where that next is she’s doing doing with it now oh my kingdom for an aid station that’s right as we are just with um one of our next female athletes we’re just trying to get the number if anyone has got better eyesight than an aging me and Dee to see the athlete thank there we go thank you Mr cameraman on the bike f25 that is Katherine gyo Christensen did I get the name right cuz I’ve been practicing that cuz she has got one of the those names so this is uh kathen uh she is our German a German another German athlete um very uh sorry no I lie she’s a Danish athlete I apologize I should have guessed that from the fusion kit that she’s wearing it’s a Danish brand as well and and the letters in her name and the letters in her name yes exactly uh great uh Katherine gr ball is spelled um yeah very Danish but yeah so Danish athlete apologies not German athlete she was back uh a bit out of the swim and is working to reinsert herself and move up as well it’s hard when you’re sort of in no man’s land um to not necessarily keep the focus you’re racing your own race but the athletes aren’t getting a lot of information out there um certainly out of transition she would have known uh where she was she came out of the water in 18th as moved up one spot in the early stages of the bike so Kine has an interesting story as well she is an ex 500 met kayaker and she’s won World and European medals at an under 23 level uh she’s also another mother we have quite a few in the race today she has a daughter she is also and I think this is quite um uh interesting given given the timing of this race um she’s a civil engineer with biomedical technology but she’s a sleep scientist oh yeah that’s quite fascinating okay good to know as we come back to Julia M she’s hanging in there right we thought that Gap was getting stretched um she still got eyes on her um certainly not getting any benefit off of her other than engagement uh and focus up the road someone up the road exactly exactly and probably until I until Maya Jackie yes potentially c c catch her I think they would will catch her by the end of the bike obviously it’s 100 we got a long time to go we’re only 1 hour 46 into the the women’s race um we’re only on the early stages of the full gas bike course um as we go back to uh Katherine uh who looks like she is catching um the athlete in front of her um my partner in crime will uh be able to deduce closest she was closest to dim Lee Duke but I don’t think that’s di I don’t think that’s dim either cuz di was definitely in the blue so um yeah we’ll be able to see in a minute when she she gets a bit closer but as we talk about some of the history and Heritage of Hamburg uh the city actually was founded in the 9th century as a mission settlement um to convert the Saxons and since the Middle Ages it has been a critical uh Trade Center of all of Europe uh the port there being uh pretty key uh to all of trade in Europe which is no surprise then it’s the port city with um that many bridges and I think that is F21 that would say that’s not F21 31 Erin shenl from Canada ah there we go so she is one of our already um niece vinfast Iron Man World Championship niece qualifiers already she qualified at Iron Man Florida at the back end of last year she actually qualified in her first Iron Man race uh which I think was not Lake Placid the one before that um actually it was Lake Placid I’m correct to myself she did qualify in Lake plid for cona last year but actually cona clashed with her wedding so wasn’t able to race but has qualified for vinfast Iron Man World Championships niece this year at Iron Man Florida last year as we’re back with Julie YOLO looking very arrow and T in took us through her position yeah I mean she’s got a relatively high-handed position there tucking her head down every once in a while she picks the head up uh to look up the road but that Arrow helmet uh sitting nicely in between her shoulder blades I’d like it if she could keep her head down for longer stance uh certainly when she tucks that chin down the way she does right there uh to be able to hold that position I think would be advantageous obviously she’s got to keep her eyes on the race Ranger uh in front of her but since has moved quite a ways away this is a nice flat smooth Road surface so keeping that head a little bit more down as she is uh I think would be my only critique but uh she’s got a good position there um and yeah she looks great losing time to finel but uh but holding her own yeah that’s right and for those of you who are watching the or keeping track of the age group race you can see along the bottom of our screen we have the male age group overall swim times on the the ticker at the bottom for the Iron Man European championships Hamburg we will be back with more racing after this break [Music] [Applause] [Music] for 12 years for 4,383 sunrises across millions of mornings we’ve been working to make one thing better this ag1 is foundational Nutrition a science driven formulation to support whole body brain and gut health with just one of these or one of of these once a day welcome to foundational nutrition welcome to ag1 start at drink [Music] Iron Man European championships Hamburg is brought to you by Morton get used to it and by ag1 better finishes start with ag1 back to our action here on the full gas bike course we are joining for the first time this is bib number 16 this is Rebecca andery out of your motherland she is and uh she is coached by Tim Don as well um she is um field hockey to try athlet and um but also a qualified pharmacist and was Frontline working uh during covid um but yeah I think she’s um she um position wise a little bit further off the leaders and looks like she’s riding solo she’s a fairly new Pro yes very new um I think probably first first year or so I think a funny funny story about her um her mother claims she rode into a bush in transition once which I don’t think Rebecca says is quite what happened in the story um so we need to find out we’ll have to ask her get the cameraman to ask her maybe and find out a little bit more about that story I think we’re going to come on to later in the race funny things that have happened to athletes in in races and transition Daniela blal has a great one um at Iron Man Frankford but yeah Rebecca andury on on screen at the moment was in 14th position at 9 and a half kilometers um which is holding even with where she uh came out of the water uh but she was catching pretty aggressively uh elizabeta kidori so she may have gone by her um in in the interim uh as we come back to Jackie Herring uh again we’ve talked a lot about Jackie she had not a tough year last year she had some illness that she struggled to to get over and got it together in the in the late half of the year she actually made a coaching change working with Ian O’Brien uh now who many will know coach Taylor nib and and I think has more of a reputation for short course athletes but uh it’s been a great it’s been great for Jackie uh her results have have sort of bounced back after her illness and I think it can be good to have a new healthy fresh perspective uh and sometimes a new coach can can offer that and certainly a great adventure for her you know when you’ve been racing as long as Jackie has coming back to a distance it sort of feels fresh again um we actually got a chance to catch up with Jackie pre-race in our fight and chant series and here’s what she had to say about in here in hurg it’s so cool to be somewhere new that’s fun this is the first time you’ve done an IM on on European soil right that’s 100% true yeah why are you in Hamburg why are you doing Iron Man Hamburg what’s the story Pro Series over winter I was watching all the Iron Man’s um on my trainer and this one actually looked really beautiful so and having never raced in Europe and the hype of Tron in Germany I thought it would be good to experience it you had quite a big big Hiatus you on between like 2015 and now on the Iron Man circuit what’s the big reason to is it just a pro series or I had two kids that was a Hiatus um yeah I didn’t think I’d do Iron Man again because it just takes so much time and so much energy and raising kids two years apart I already felt like I was was doing a really hard thing on a really daily basis and Iron Man is really hard so you can only do so many hard things so now that the kids are both in school I’m feeling like I guess life is too easy so I need a hard something hard to do again the pro series really did spark a feeling of like wow this is a cool Challenge and a challenge just to be able to get that many quality races in in one year is actually the biggest part of the challenge like can you consistently do well at five events that’s hard in one year so the halves were good knocked those out so now I just need to do three good Iron [Music] Man I’m going to say air quotes just three good Iron Man’s but I mean Jackie is a great Iron Man athlete um certainly the sport has evolved significantly since the last time she raised Iron Man but Jackie has evolved since the last time she raced Iron Man and and has been I think more competitive as a 70.3 athlete than she had been as an Iron Man athlete and I think she’s going to take that level of competition uh here into her return uh to Iron Man racing it it’s funny yeah because she’s done 16 Iron Man’s over her career and that was back obviously before 2015 but when she was Jackie ERT yeah that hurt my brain pulling that one out look at that go de yeah um but it’s almost like she’s coming in as a rookie again like completely fresh it’s new to racing um I mean she’s if she’s riding with um Maya stage Nelson who we saw just overtake then and is is now on on screen um that’s legit riding Maya is known she’s Maya is a fantastic yeah actually interesting thing about Maya again like she’s had so many I think she’s raced about 16 Iron Man’s U not quite 100% on that one she’s been on the podium and we know her as such a good athlete and she’s high up in the rankings she’s just not had that win right she’s just not had that Iron Man win and it’s funny that you you kind of think she should have had because of her the caliber and because of the results she’s a huge name in the sport yeah but doesn’t have doesn’t have the W and at some point that might feel like a monkey on her back that I’m sure she’s going to want to but here’s the thing she doesn’t shy away from Big races she could go to some of the smaller races and probably get her first win but again I’m going to come back to her history as a golfer and the mindset the golfer’s mindset and this is something that I have intimate knowledge of because my husband is a golf super freak but the the mental I think you meant to say Super Fan didn’t you there not super freak both both Sorry’s not listening he’s back at home in Colorado in bed he’s not going to listen to this but the golfer’s mindset is such a unique mindset in that when we talk about Iron Man in in the position that cat Matthews is in right we talk about mindset and how important it is and how she’s got to put that in the rearview mirror to quote one of your favorite shows what’s the happiest animal or creature on earth goldfish because they forget they have they have the shortest memory but for golfer part of what makes them mentally strong is having an incredibly short memory you you make a shot you move on to the next and I remember talking to Maya at a race that we both raced this is a couple of years ago um but people were melting down right left and center and she really held it together and I talked to her after the race and I I congratulated her and she just sort of tapped on the side of her head and said it’s all mental strength and I think a lot of that comes from her background as a golfer and having a short memory and always staying in the present and looking forward to the next and so tenuous link from golf if you are a lonely millionaire as many golfers are yeah with a taste for cavar then this is fun fact by the way viewers if you didn’t get that one but um if you’re a lonely millionaire with a taste for carier then Hamburg might be perfect for you with 994 Millionaires and 11 billionaires already calling the city home and the finest caviar on speed dial no seriously there is a caviar emergency service here I did not know that look it up apparently um this is the high so Hamburg has the highest concentration of millionaires and billionaires found in Germany um if you’re a lonely million what if you’re not if you’re just lonely and you need to find a millionaire billionaire should we be going out tonight um yeah fun fact so Hamburg has the most millionaires highest concentration of millionaires and billionaires I’m sure the athletes will be uh searching for that we’re going to get back with more racing uh in Hamburg right after this break [Music] open up the sky cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the station ready to [Music] go beyond the Finish l lines our commitment goes the extra mile we are the Iron Man Foundation we’ve given back more than 55 million dollar to support our mission of leaving a positive impact throughout race communities without our amazing athletes volunteers and givers we wouldn’t be where we are today together let’s continue this journey of impact join the Ironman foundation and be a part of something extraordinary [Music] [Music] we are back to the action here at the Iron Man European Championship Hamburg and if you were with us right before the break we were talking about Millionaires and billionaires and joking a little bit about the triathletes going out after the race to go I’m going out I’m leaving you in the studio for the rest of for me it was a great opportunity to talk about how triathletes are very quickly becoming millionaires maybe not millionaires yet but let’s talk about the total Pro prize purse money breakdown for the Iron Man Pro Series uh the event prize purse is 2575 million us the yearend bonus pool is $1.7 million in addition to that the non-iron man Pro Series event prize purses amount to 1.65 million us so if we add that up by my quick calculations 2575 million plus 1.7 million plus 1.65 million equals a lot 5.92 five million up for grabs for professional athletes racing Iron Man either Pro Series or not uh that’s a significant amount of money which brings me back to my point um it’s a great time to be a a professional triathlete uh and certainly every moment matters out there because every moment equals dollarss yeah every second matters for sure yeah no it’s a fantastic time to be a pro at the moment and the pro series I mean as we heard Jackie Herring it was certainly one of the attractions and draws um to get bring her back to the full distance racing and just doing those three good Iron Man on screen now we have elizabetha corridori uh she is from Italy um we caught up with her before the race so we’re going to flip over to see what she had to say about racing in Iron Man Hamburg Iron Man Hamburg any experience here what do you know about the course tell us about maybe a little bit of your race prep coming into this race what I can say is that my preparation have been very very good like I had eight months preparing for for an Iron Man because last year I stopped in September knowing that my preparation wasn’t good to do another Iron Man at the end of the year so I just said the only way I can be competitive is with a lot of training and I knew I wanted to be at a level that I knew I can race and so that was my way to prepare like eight months a lot of training and a change coach I’m working with Joel fil old now and like I feel very ready to to do to race an aroma now on a flat course you can just like it’s all about the preparation how long you can stay in the arrow position and yeah just being very smart racing smart knowing that it’s a long day that many athletes tend to over over a bike and yeah that’s something I don’t want to do I just want to do my honest space and then try to make up some time on the Run eventually hopefully welcome back to Iron Man European championships Hamburg that was El elizabeta corridori um we heard her chatting about the race so she’s had a long preparation leading into this race she is Italian I do know she lives in banola in Jona um or just outside of Jona and she said there she changed coach and now works with Joel filiol um interesting thing about elizabetha is her father who is 71 years young is an Iron Man world champion in the 70 to 74 age group he competed at the Iron Man vinfast Iron Man World Championships in nce last year winning his age group in a speedy 12 hours um so yeah definitely a family affair well she’s another one perhaps with an eye on one of those qualifying slots to the Iron Man World Championship uh in nice uh but she does have a dog named Kona so obviously she’s a fan of the world championship although her opportunity should she get a slot today will be in n and we’re back with Maya stage Nelson who doesn’t have a dog but wants a dog a lot of her Instagram and social media is about dogs and she doesn’t have a dog um I feel like I’m talking about my myself here but I am actually talking about Maya stage Nelson um we do have a lot of um athletes that do have dogs uh yourself included DD I have I like them so much I have two I would get a third but then my husband says it would make me look crazy but we talk about this uh Iron Iron Man Hamburg course as being so fast and the athletes really uh sinking their teeth into it to try to set uh PRS and have a have a fast race um and when athletes try to compare well I raised Texas uh six weeks ago eight weeks ago now how does my time at Texas compare like what can I expect from myself in my time at Hamburg and our friends over at Tri do have actually developed uh their Tri do race index uh which helps sort of gauge course difficulty uh based on over a 100 data points uh to to graphy weather conditions uh etc etc etc um the race index runs from zero which is an absolute ideal uh race situation it’s perfectly ideal conditions for racing should uh result in extremely fast times PRS um and a high finish rate for the athletes uh things like racing at sea level no wind uh perfect uh temperature which by the way is 15° C or 59 de fenhe and we are just about there the one thing that is not ideal humidity Perfection would be 30% humidity and we’re significantly higher than that today uh a very difficult race index score it maxes out at 100 so think Iron Man Lera which has quite a bit of vertical uh very very much wind if you catch that on a hot day um that would be a very high score so what it enables you to do is sort of make an Apples to Apples comparison of course course or in fact an apples to oranges comparison if you raced lanzera and I raced Hamburg we could sort of compare our Times by applying the race index so you can see on screen what that race index calculation would do um if on a harder day today’s race index is 22 which is very low it’s it’s pretty ideal racing the humidity I think is the only thing that’s that’s bringing um things up a little bit it’s a a very fast course um and so we look at what racing today with a race index of 22 would do to an elite triathlete who might race eight hours might on a day like today race 820 for a mid-pack triathlete who has race 12 hours um in the past on a day like today could anticipate a race time somewhere in the 1243 56 range and for a slower triathlete a beginner um who is less familiar with the with racing and is new to it whose expected time might be 14 hours in ideal race conditions with today’s race index score of 22 can anticipate a finish time of 15 2334 so if you head over to tr dot they’ve actually got a section on their race on their uh website that is dedicated to this race index uh and helps sort of normalize uh race courses around the world so that you can compare even my performance at Hamburg last year where the race index was say 11 uh today is 22 you can expect to go a little slower as a result so um some fun predictive uh tools available to you uh as well as pacing uh guidance uh based on your metrics uh available over at Tri dot so go head on over to their website and check it out I feel like just went through a school lesson yes a math lesson it went through a math lesson yes I feel like one of uh was it Katrina Gall Christ uh Christiansen she was a civil engineer with her she biomedical she would have been all over that um as we were back to we had a brief look at finel language so our current just to recap where we are obviously only at the 9 km split our next split isn’t until 60 km so there may have been a little bit of movement but our top five as it was at 9 kilomet Jackie herry in fifth cat Matthews in fourth we know she had issues with a bottle Maya stage nson in third Julie y YOLO in second and finella language is our leader and we are back and if you take a look at the bottom of your screen not the ticker but just above that you will see our bike course profile and what makes today’s full gas bike course one of the fastest on the circuit uh you can see it is very flat there are very few bumps along that course and you can also see uh that our leaders now are through 28 miles past the 45 km Mark uh so they are making Headway not quite to halfway but getting there on this very flat very fast course it what what we we can’t see there is like a little bit of sort of elevation that we can see at sort of the start and end of the lap as they they come back into town obviously we don’t know the the depth of that compared to the rest of the course it looks quite big as we’re looking at it but we know that was through the city center so I wouldn’t imagine there was a huge amount of elevation but I know I am about to be told how much elevation there is on this course um obviously the tracker underneath that is scrolling along the screen that is our Iron Man Pro Series men’s standings at the moment obviously today in Hamburg um it’s the IR man European Champs it’s the women only race the men’s European championships will be at Iron Man Frankfurt which is in August on screen at the moment in Good Vibes only all the way is British athlete finel language she is leading the way um Julie YOLO was with her or the two of them were together in this out of the swim uh but vanilla has taken charge of this bike course and is leading the way a position that she’s very accustomed to that’s for sure and uh sitting currently back in third place now the the female on screen Maya stage Nelson so this bike course elevation profile is a total of 300 M which is pretty darn flat um a couple of I would call I wouldn’t even call them Hills I mean up and over the bridges maybe I think that’s what it is it’s over those 2,500 Bridges or it’s the little I don’t think they go over all of the bridges little tiny speed bumps that they go over that’s it amounts to that but this is definitely a course that tell me this when you prepare for race and you’re going to race Hamburg um how do you prepare your yourself differently than if you’re going to race Iron Man like plaid which is if we I mean I’m sure Tri do would be able to give us our course information on plaid but Placid is a very hilly course about I know it in feed is about I’m going to say 6,000 feet of elevation game yeah so I think if you are training and preparing and you’ve chosen to race a course like Hamburg which Hamburg Hamburg which is very flat course so you’re training in theory lots of time on the TT bike lots of time in the arrow bars just get accustomed to that real time traling position and not much movement as opposed to if you look at a Lake Placid course uh with sort of hills and Rolling Hills or some Punchy climbs where you have a lot more movement of getting up out the saddle you can get up off the bike and stand up as you’re pedaling and in your training you probably want to include some elevation in that so you are gaining that height during training whereas Hamburg is just I would say finding those flat roads of where you can around uh where you live and just getting used to holding that position for the dra also cornering because it it was quite technical through through the city center at the start well let me ask you a question what if I live in a flat place and I’m trying to prepare what if I live in Hamburg but I’m trying to get ready for Iron Man lake plet that is a fantastic question Dee uh if you are if you lived in Hamburg and we’re trying to get ready for um Lake Placid you could use the full gas um bike program where you can go and ride any of the uh Iron Man courses uh out there so you could go in and load up onto the full gas um course profile into the system sit on your bike trainer and get used to uh riding the profile of um Iron Man Lake Placid and as we talk about some of these Amazing Race courses around the world I want to introduce you to Iron Man Portugal Casas the sun is rising over the horizon in Casas Bay at Iron Man Portugal Casas on October 19th 2024 it’s go time you dive into the calm Waters of kashk bay the day goes on as as the bike takes you through the Centra mountains a UNESCO world heritage site through the asoral Formula 1 circuit and past iconic monuments to Lisbon the Run course takes you through the center of cases Casas where which vibrates uh at your passing you can register now for our late season Iron Man event at as we check in with our weather uh brought to you by our friends at Roa it is one degree warmer than it was at the start of today 16° celsi 61 degrees Fahrenheit but we know that is close to Ideal uh for our Tri dot race index bar our humidity yes bar our humidity Which is higher up at 86% ideal humidity according to Tri dot is down at 30% the UV index is zero so no sunscreen required today uh and the wind pretty steady there at 5 kilometers out of the West Northwest I’m going to I’m going to argue with you I think you should always wear sunscreen well okay fine that’s being picky on that what’s your favorite race Didi what’s if you you know pla we’ve just talked about Placid we’ve just talked about um Iron Man Portugal C Portugal casc you’ve raced classid yes it’s on my bucket list what about other races have you raced Hamburg before I’ve not raced Hamburg I raced Frankfurt um the German fans are pretty spectacular it’s it’s pretty next level um I raced in Asia I I loved Iron Man Taiwan back in the day um that those fans were amazing too for me it’s it’s I mean the coures yes I love a a good challenging course which is why I’ve Loved Lake plid for me being an East coaster original it was my quote unquote home race um and there’s something to be said for that but I think the things you take away you certainly want to pick your courses based on strength as an athlete um so I might want to choose a course with a harder swim um and a challenging bike and a downhill run if ever there was one oh Iron Man Gods above please answer my prayers put the Boston Marathon at the end let’s create irmen let’s put an irmen event in Boston so we can have that downhill I think the thing the thing that I take away from most races is the overall experience having just come back from uh Iron Man Australia at the start of May I didn’t have a fantastic race uh by performance standards but I had just a tremendous experience and I think these amazing host communities around the globe uh play a big role in in what sort of experience you have almost regardless of race performance certainly I look back at you know the the venues from my Iron Man winds and those will always play a special like have a special place in my heart but uh also the amazing communities that we get the opportunity to to visit as as Iron Man athletes yeah uh definitely I just um I I want to come back and talk about the races and and what you said there we’re just looking so here we’ got ‘s vissa on the back of a group I think that’s Daniela blell just in front I’m recognizing that blue suit so this is one of the chase packs I’m guessing that’s with Sarah Sara SX as well in that group so uh and what we saw before was Julio yo who was in second but there was no finel language with her so there’s been a lot of change on this bike course our last split was only as we’re seeing was at 9 km but we know from that full gas um bike course profile on the bottom the women are come are past 45 kilometers so they’ve probably got about 10 kilometers to go before we get the next split uh but this is El’s vissa sitting at the back of a group which I am guessing is uh Daniela byal it actually looks a little bit like um cat cat and Maya but that I’m just a bit confused on that one cuz uh they weren’t together but it could be Sarah Sphinx and cat so she could be in that group but we will um try and get that that that group of athletes for you but uh we caught up with El’s Visa um before the race so going to catch up with what she had to say I think this is my eighth race of the year um but yeah I’m like super happy with how I recover after each race and I think we also picked them like really like good that first I did a good Block in New Zealand then a few races in Asia and now uh the European season has started any experience of this race course uh it’s my first time here in Hamburg so um yeah uh will be a day full of surprises but of course I’ve been out on course to uh explore it a bit where does this uh course sue you where’s your strength tie I believe that the bike course will be like pretty hard it will be like a false course and like flat course but because it’s like flat you have to be like in the bars 180k and you have to push the pedals for 180k there’s no like break so uh yeah I think like my St my strength will definitely be on the bike but then I also believe that I can like be able to run a really good Marathon off the bike well there you go backing herself to have a a really strong bike and then and then hold her own on the run as she makes her way through uh this string of athletes she has gone past um uh Daniel blell and then uh cat Matthews who has joined this group uh and she’s made a big move to the front of the group of four I didn’t catch the number on that I think it was s s uh which would kind of make sense for for that gr another powerful bik group I mean I think obviously cat lost some time from that bottle incident but she’s now found herself with actually a really good group to with say if she was going to have to get punted from the position she was in she’s certainly landed in a pretty strong spot uh with some very very capable athletes um to work with legally obviously we’re using race Ranger and finel language through 60.4 km start your watches uh we will get an update on the shakeups um throughout this bike course as the athletes have finished finished or are starting to finish the lollipop section and will make their way back um towards town pretty soon but cat reengaged with a very very strong bike group there as we take a look uh at Daniela blel this is one of our first um chances to see Daniela she was back a bit out of the swim she’s a five-time Iron Man Champion uh she’s from Germany so she obviously will be getting a lot of support uh makes her home nearer to Frankfurt uh she had a devastating race in Frankfurt a year ago where I think the cold actually knocked her out um and she had a dnf earlier this year at Iron Man South Africa so she will be looking uh to make her mark on the Iron Man pro series with this event we’re going to take a quick break but we’re going to come right back don’t go away here’s Elizabeth in the middle of The Perfect Workout for her to create it we analyzed her Biometrics and genetics her recovery rate in iny risk and aerobic potential her recent training sessions at temperature humidity and elevation the demands of her next race and billions of data points from athletes just like her with tri dot Elizabeth gets faster faster and what does she have to do I just open Tri do and did my workout Tri dot we do the technology you do the training hey man do you have a non-alcoholic beard that actually tastes good I think you mean athletic excuse me do you have that great non-alcoholic beer I’ll it found it do you have a favorite non-alcoholic beer on the menu [Music] mhm Ah that’s what I it is she’s funny [Music] back to the action here at Iron Man European Championship Hamburg you’re looking at Julie YOLO she is your second place Athlete on course uh and she is headed back as she takes a look at that was Jackie Herring uh and Maya stage St neelson going the other way so they are probably making inroads uh right now the only two athletes through 60.4 kilometers or finel langri and I I got to give it up to Julie moo who’s only given up a minute 10 uh to finel langri in this in 60k so she’s riding exceptionally well she is um and before we had a group of four that’s um Maya Sage Nelson sorry no apologies start again cat Matthews and and now I’m getting all my words El vissa Daniela alel and Sarah SPX are together um and they were the next group so we’re waiting for them to come through the 60 km see how much ground they have made up on that that front pack obviously cat was with Maya and Jackie uh at the start of the bike and then had a issue with her water bottle and so it’s dropped back but into dropped back into a very good bike group and and this little section of the bike course it’s just after 60 kmers uh on the first lap it is an short out and back section uh so they will get chance as we saw um to get eyeballs on to each to the other the other women in the field yeah this uh on screen is uh Katerina wolf uh this will be our first look that we’ve had uh at her today she’s uh she’s a she’s a smaller athlete um which I think on a course like this is difficult uh for them to to make inroads typically we see some of the smaller athletes Excel on based on a power to weight ratio on a on a Hillier course uh but she has chosen to compete here uh she was back a little bit uh out of the swim uh but looking to reinsert herself um a little bit further up the road that’s right so and now as with seeing the athletes coming through that 60 clay 60 km they’ve actually lost time to finel at the front um they’re now Maya Jackie is 420 and 423 but interestingly look at that El vissa and Sarah Spanx just threw up only 30 seconds now behind Maya and Jackie so as with Texas Daniela and Cat exactly so as with Texas when cat got the 5 minutes she biked herself back up up to that group and then actually rode through them uh it’s not going to be long before that group of Visa sanks blal and Matthews are with uh neelson and Herring and maybe that you know they’ve lost time now over this first 60k to finel she’s certainly pushing the pace she’s got one minute 10 over Julie but then with that if you think of that bike pack of six of them uh the bike power in that group I I wouldn’t be surprised if we then over this second half of the bike course start to see that time to finel come back down absolutely could be I mean it’s it’s I don’t want to say it’s binary but it’s somewhat binary either they’re motivated and organized and systematically reel her in or they’re not and it could actually work against them that they aren’t organized and don’t work together in a way that’s productive um in terms of chasing down finel but again when we come back to run PRS um even if they gave up another four minutes what do we talk about finel wanting at least 10 minutes that’s going to be on the 8 to n it’s it’s anybody’s match at that point still yeah and I think you know the like even over the likes of Els vissa even over the likes we don’t know what J Jackie herrings run is like at the moment but we know her half distance run is very good but El vissa is a I would say a very good run now around that 3-hour Mark Sarah SPX used to be has had a couple of years of injury but is coming back into form but she’s put down one of the fastest Iron Man times yes when she raced Iron Man Barcelona uh we know what caliber cat is so yeah but do we here’s my question is that cat who has run what 249 250 uh off the bike in in an Iron Man what’s the status of her calf she didn’t do it at Texas part of that were the conditions but part of it is she was she was babying that calf she walked nearly every aid station by Design to take stress off of that calf muscle now we’re significantly removed from Iron Man Texas but she did say that a lot of her time has been spent on the bike in the interlude which to me would say that the calf isn’t entirely in the rearview mirror so does she can she run 249 today yeah and obviously in Texas it was a a three-hour Marathon which I think cat would have can considering her CF was probably pretty happy with she got through of relatively unscathed but certainly wasn’t the yeah the 249 that um she’s running Texas before and is not I think the course record here in Hamburg is Laura philli from 2022 and it’s 245 and I would imagine if cat was fully fit that’s definitely a goal that cat would like to have as a Target I know she likes to set those goals um but also said she’s been conservative uh in her she has a big season she has a huge season and won’t want to sacrifice the rest of it to run 45 here yeah so it’s actually interesting and they had this at the press conference um before the race and the way the Iron Man Pro Series works with uh you know every second matters and if you are winning a race do you push on to create a bigger deficit so that the the girls beh the women behind you get less points it might not matter in that race today but actually at the end of the year the cumulative points could be really critical too early to say at the moment but we will find out when bit later on in the race but we will be right back after this short [Music] break your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the vinfast yeah it’s got 402 horsepower all whe drive over air updates and a 10-year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey [Music] [Music] for 12 years for 4,383 sunrises across millions of mornings we’ve been working to make one thing better this ag1 is foundational Nutrition a science-driven formulation to support whole body brain and gut health with just one of these or one of these once a day welcome to foundational nutrition welcome to ag1 start at drink back to the action here we’re joining cat Matthews who is riding alongside El’s viser Daniela blel and Sarah set as they make their way through a pretty twisty turny area through through the city here uh we do see that flashing red light that would imply that uh cat is in the draft zone of the athlete in front of her obviously race officials observing this are going to take into account where they are and what’s going on certainly things like Aid stations uh and Technical parts of the course where there is a little bit of an accordion effect uh that’s why we don’t use use race Ranger as a a penalty assessment uh but rather a guide for the athletes uh and an assist for the technical officials that’s right and um you also saw when we had that visual on cat actually she’ lost both her bottles so that front bottle that she had issues with which we we found out had all her gels in and she put that in her rear bottle cage but it it wasn’t there so whether she’s discarded it at an aid station or whether because it probably didn’t fit it didn’t fit proper um in the bottle cage it might have been ejected obviously uh not intentionally uh but she didn’t have that so I do wonder what nutrition cat Matthews has with her uh for the bike course we are only sort of 60 kilomet into the race um so yeah we’ll find out a little bit further on uh what situation that is with cat on screen now oh I was going to say it’s it’s a good it’s a good lesson for athletes watching um age groupers perhaps that you may have your own nutrition on your bike but the potential for a launch is always a real one so one of the things that I do is always study uh the OnCourse nutrition we know we have uh Morton gels uh available uh we actually have the Precision hydration now a partner in in Europe so take a look um at the nutrition that’s available and compare it to your own labels and know that if you do launch your personal nutrition uh what it’s going to take when you’re grabbing off of uh the course to replace what you’ve lost just to to be prepared for any eventuality but back to Laura Jansen that’s right yeah Laura Jansen on course now she’s currently sitting in ninth position uh a little bit in no man’s land behind that big group uh up ahead um but front just in front of Sabrina Roth uh but we caught up with Laura Jansen she’s one of the German local she was fourth Iron Man Frankfurt last year in her debut Pro and we caught up with her before this year’s race in Hamburg it’s my first time here in Hamburg and I’m very excited I have family in the north of Germany but uh I’ve rarely raced here so I’m very excited for Sunday’s race so the Johnson family are going to be shouting the loudest uh part part of the family yes uh I think they will be loud what do you know about Iron Man Hur the course do your racing style uh I think uh what’s the first in uh for me is a very flat bik course uh I have raised flat courses but uh I think the last two years I have uh done more hilly bike courses um and yes I have not much experience in Iron Man racing because I only did uh three and uh so yes it’s every time uh a new new new part you where’s your strength lie in this in this particular R in Hamburg you mean uh I think my strength is that uh I have mostly a good run no matter of the bike uh I uh yeah in the races I did I not always felt great on the bike especially in Kona but uh I yeah even there I had a quite good run and I hope so for Sunday I think the Dynamics on the bike uh can be very uh make can make a decision for the race uh but I think uh it’s much time on the run you can uh put in so uh it will be interesting uh until the Finish Line you know predictors before the race set of Laura Jansen she’s a little bit of a Dark Horse um she’s definitely one of those athletes um who does not yet have a qualifying slot for the iron World Championship I think she would certainly like one and so she’s going to see what she can do uh to do that took up uh Tron during her medical studies because unlike Jackie Herring she likes to do all of the hard things at once I was going to say because medical studies Jackie is like I don’t want to do Iron Man and raise kids because you can’t do too many hard things at once meanwhile uh Laura is like yeah medical school yeah let’s do Iron Man Too medical studies is not hard enough that’s the the message you get from that lot but yeah I think Laura Laura yansen she kind of surprised every every W last year um she was fourth at Iron Man Frankfurt in her debut and that qualified her for the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in Kona uh she was then 19th in in cona at the world championship so um she’s still relatively new I think this is then her third then full distance or third Iron Man um she had a dnf earlier this year at Iron Man South Africa but um she is a very good runner she ran a 306 in cona which is nothing y shabby and she’s at a Podium this year at a 70.3 70.3 at kashow uh earlier this year so she’s off to a off to a good start and uh with six qualifying slots up for for grabs uh it could be her day yeah definitely think there’s a huge opportunity with so many five of the women um already already have those slots for slots for nie um here we are back with cat uh looks like she’s just dropped off the back of of that group which is a tad surprising um I mean that is a very strong group with El’s vissa pushing the pace my thought when we saw her coming into that turn was that she had gone to the front of that group not at the back of it so yeah very surprising but it does look like she might be catching back up so it could have been just an issue through and that motorbike could do with moving ideally up the road um but I mean it is a strong bik group it looks like they’ve actually caught jul no Maya Maya stage Nelson and Jackie Herring so that is a a strong group cat is going to come back onto the back of that group I’m I’m pretty sure um if we could the cameraman could just uh let that technical official uh move a little bit to the side and move up but I am going to be interested because cat has lost um her it looks like she’s lost her nutrition and we’re getting to the point now where that’s going to play an increasing role um in terms of you know any any stores you have sort of in the in the body the glycogen stores you’re going to deplete those pretty quickly we’re getting deep into uh this full gas bike course and so any calories that are missing are going to start to play a bigger and bigger role and I I mean she’s got the internal bladder in there she’s still got that straw but I didn’t see any other bottle on her bike no I didn’t I didn’t think that was anything so it’s just now you go into like what are you picking up from eight stations um obviously you as well you’re in a pack which are pushing the pace um so you might not want to necessarily stop at Aid stations they’ve got all their nutrition on um but just to recap where we are up to in the race we have finel language from Great Britain out in front uh Julio YOLO YOLO uh is second at the last split about a minute 10 back and then we now have this big chase Group which includes May stage Nelson Jackie herin El’s vissa SAR Spen Danielle Bal and Cat Matthews and back to it here this is where the heads up riding’s got to be important and where race Ranger plays a big role in helping the athletes uh observe that distance and and and keep it where it needs to be as we take a look at that orange light on the back of uh Maya stage Nelson’s bike that is indicating to the rider behind her um the distance that they are that they are riding legally it’s flashing red is which you do not want to see but when the athletes start to stack up like this um that becomes more and more important yeah and so orange is is is all right it’s 14 to 17 meters now what I find interesting here we had that group of el vissa uh SAR spank Daniela blal cat Matthews El vissa um definitely pushing the pace at the front but those lead three from that group went straight past Maya yep and Jackie and Maya and Jackie and we’re actually seeing El’s going back to the front again now um overtaking on the left overtaking Daniela BL out Maya yeah Maya’s seeing seeing the break or seeing the potential split so she’s making a move as well I think she probably also found that she was sort of getting to that going too close to the athlete in front and suddenly realized she’s got to go all the way through and this is now again what Sara Spanx is doing she got too close she’s got to go past because you can see the light in front now yeah but these are the things too that when you’re in a group like this with riders of this caliber are they going to go anywhere you’re certainly looking around you and deciding who you don’t want to be behind if there is a move that’s made you want to be riding behind someone that you feel can cover it but a lot of this monkey business here in the out and back are burning matches well I think perh without a huge benefit I I think perhaps it’s more that they encroached on that draft distance and so she realized because there’s cameras here and stuff there’s probably that to offic technical official was there not wanting to get a penalty once you see that light coming down you’ve got to make that move through um and maybe that rather than the Tactical cat and mouse of I’m going to go to the front and and push the pace but um Maya has gone to the front now although it looks like uh and I think ‘s is sitting behind her um on this narrow piece of road and we caught up with Maya stage Nelson in one of our Fighting Chance videos Before the Race so you’re fresh back from America yeah how’s it been going tell us Pro Series yeah the pro series is say a cool new advention and I had my first go in Texas not quite as I had hoped but I feel like the last four weeks has been super good and now I’m ready to give it a new try I was looking at your your bio there 16 16 career Iron Man so far and seven podiums yeah actually I had this thought the other day that I’ve done quite a few but I kind of like to go into the race with the mindset of it’s being the first obviously I want to have all the experience I have and don’t make the same stupid mistakes again but at the same time be like yeah just open-minded and just do it and have fun what’s next where you going what’s happening what so this one first stop and then I go to Lea and do 7.3 uh then the plan is to have sometime in the Summer where I can go to nice and have a nice Camp get to know that course and we’ll race 72.0 European championships in Talon just before knce and then go to knes and race and hopefully I will then by the time also have a slot to 70 country WS uh and CH it up with that yeah I would say it’s very straightforward course super nice crowd and I guess that’s what you really need in an Iron Man race somebody to cheer you on and help you get to that Finish [Music] Line you know I love that attitude of trying to keep it like your first Iron Man to to bring that level of excitement and and open-mindedness to you know know as Iron Man slogan anything is possible um so super super attitude to have I think once you’ve raced as much as a lot of these women has ra have raced you kind of lose that spark and lose that excitement um and it’s great that she can maintain that uh even now I I think Maya’s there’s she’s there’s a lot of athletes I respect I think Maya is one of those athletes I have a lot of time and respect for because she just has such a good attitude and approach and energy and she put and like we were saying she puts herself in the races I think I’d love to see her win an Iron Man at some point whether it’s today whether it’s another day I think she’d be a very popular winner as well amongst the pro women um she’s just one of those athletes and she’s got so many race results but she just hasn’t quite got that win yet but I know she would be when she does get it um which I hope she does she would be a very popular winner yeah but like I said like she chooses the you CH the ches the she chooses to to be a part of the the pro series um and and isn’t chasing that win she’s chasing the opportunity to race uh the best in the world as we look at this large group of athletes now moving through the twists and turns on this technical section of the course um this is one heck of a race we’ve got going on here it is isn’t it because all the main players are in this group and uh this is cat Matthews at the the back of this group um probably not not the position she would like to be in um but I I would imagine because of losing her nutrition is maybe being a little bit conservative go well I’m GNA say that the other thing too is that if I’m cat Matthews given the fact that she has no nutrition on her bike she’s going to want to be further up going through Aid stations to get access to what she needs she wants to be first in line because traveling at a rate of speed through an aid station unintentionally athletes will bounce bottles will bounce gels from volunteers and if she is the seventh athlete in line uh hands may be bare by the time she gets um you know through the Aid Station with all of the athletes in front of her so that that’s another strategic consideration for C athl that as she gets to the aid station I would want to be further up knowing I my bike is empty essentially yeah that’s right she knows she needs to take on um uh gels and nutrition at the Aid Station um but I would imagine cats and Mark Matthews her husband have done their work they know I’m sure they’re very calculated on how much carbs and hydration she had in those bottles how much she’s got left on her how much she’s taken already and what she would need to pick up from the aid stations I’d imagine they’ve also done their homework on um as you said as well like what is what is the OnCourse nutrition what how many cars how many gels how many bottles how many cars has it got in a gel that she can pick up from that from that there’s so many great nutrition products available now from you know the Precision line to the the Morton products are are amazing um but athletes still have their preference for what they know and what they like but it is a good lesson to study what is available and what you might need to to replace yeah so and we saw an announcement a few weeks ago that Precision Fuel and hydration is a partner with the imn European series I know you use precision Fuel and hydration I do myself what’s your what’s your pick what’s your favorite product from the Precision Fuel and hydration what do you like to use uh I actually really like the flow gel based on um the the density of calories and the viscosity of the product itself is is is easy to get out I I also love the Morton gels like nutrition science has gotten so good now that so many of these products back in the day back when I was a baby Pro we weren’t consuming nearly the number of calories and part of that was because the nature of the calories made them harder to digest but nutrition Sports Science has gotten so smart with the fueling and and how these products break down in the gut so now athletes are consuming most women in excess of 90 to 100 to 110 grams and some of the men upwards of 130 grams an hour um that’s a lot of calories to be throwing down your gullet so uh it makes it you know the the quality of these products and the the ease of digestibility um has just raised the game which is allowing these athletes to go as fast as they go so what we what did you when you were doing your first races what were you fueling on because I know our Co like we have we have the same coach uh Julie dibbon a British uh athlete who was a very accomplished um Olympian 70.3 world champion Iron Man World Championships Podium numerous ET and we joke that she used to fuel on like one Cliff bar or something like that well or a Mars bar I actually had looked back at some of my notes from some of my old Iron Man races and I I think there was one Iron Man where on the bike I I was really proud of myself because I got down four whole gels and one bottle of Gat raid so yeah uh times have evolved and we are going to continue to involve with this Iron Man European Championship hurg after this quick break don’t go away we’re going to be right back for 12 years for 4,383 sunrises across millions of mornings we’ve been working to make one thing better this ag1 is foundational Nutrition a science-driven formulation to support whole body brain and gut health with just one of these or one of these once a day welcome to foundational nutrition welcome to ag1 start at drink [Music] [Music] oh [Music] Iron Man European Championship Hamburg is brought to you by Precision hydration and by Nirvana enhanced athlete experiences powered by Nirvana well gosh said during that commercial break we did see a lot of um jostling for position I amongst our uh Chase group here which is now uh quite large we’ll call it second Chase cuz Julia moo we believe is still out in no man’s land between finel language and this group but Maya stage neelson Jackie Herring El visher Sarah svensk uh Daniela blell and Cat Matthews a lot of powerhouses right now Jackie Herring uh making the choice to sit back and try to stay out of trouble uh and a lot of bouncing around in the middle these you you made a good point these are twisty turny roads and as athletes take the corner athletes getting caught up in that flashing red light and with a technical official there no one wants uh to run that risk do you want to be at the front do you want to be at the back do you want to be somewhere in the middle uh I want to be finel language at the road on my own yeah it’s um it’s actually really challenging for this group like they’ve got a great it’s a great group of athletes in there they’ve got some great Firepower so to speak on the bike but it’s really difficult to manage these roads and they’re narrow and it’s twisty and turny and yeah they really don’t want to get a penalty when they I I don’t think any of them are are trying to and it’s just the nature of the road and now we you know bit of wet and tunnels and bridges and sharp Corners as they go and so there’s going to be a bit of concering um and they they know that there’s a technical official there as well so I think like they’re just being cautious they don’t want to get dropped off the bat but they the lights mean that if it gets to that shorter distance they’ve got to make the move to go past and I believe this is finella going back outbound uh not yet starting this she’s still headed back in sorry she’s still headed back in um we talk about though the level of racing now uh amongst the professional women and it used to be a time not that long ago where you would have groups of two or three if you’re luy out on a bike course but mostly it was you and your power meter uh racing your competitors but racing your race and sticking to your metrics now with the level of competition being so high and where it is we have a large group like we have here of six seven athletes some of the women aren’t used to racing in that Dynamic and how many of them are now being proactive and changing the way that they train uh you and I share a a squad with Matt Hansen who is you know featured High um in the men’s Pro Series at the moment ranked number one ranked number one that’s what I mean by High um but he trains differently because the style of racing for men is different so the structure of his workouts is Catered around what he’s going to in face on the race course um you and I train slightly differently based on where you come out of the swim versus where I come out of the swim and what our focuses need to be when we start on the bike but a lot of women haven’t necessarily really adapted their training to account for this group dynamic is relatively new and I’m saying in the last couple of years as the level of racing gets so high for the women that’s right and there’s the depth of racing so as we’re getting more female Pros coming through as we’ve got you know I would say like a Daniela Reef who has set the standard and now all the women are would you know that that lifted all the women through uh a cat Matthews is another one a Taylor nib now as well coming into the long course racing sorry Lucy Charles Barkley yes definitely didn’t mean to forget her like at all rate I just didn’t want her to get mad at you I know exactly yeah fellow Brits and Annie how even as well of all men that the the rest of the women have raised their game and it’s super exciting Fe the female side of the sport is so exciting at the moment but it is evolving into a different style of racing as we get more women in more women pushing the pace this pack riding and so yeah you’ve learning to live in a pack learning to live in a pack learning to those those spikes as you concertina concer out um or move out again learning to if you now want to go past these five athletes in front how much power are you going to have to put in to go past the whole group rather than yeah as you said it was just potentially like you and your parameter I like to think it was you in your head um just playing games and having conversations with yourself but yeah it’s it it’s a different Dynamic but it’s super exciting for where the female side of the sport is going I I think it’s so exciting with the athletes and the characters that we have in Long course racing now and and putting Taylor nib in there as well um she’s obviously heading off to the Olympics for the USA but she’s dabbling in dabbling not not quite dabbling very successfully racing lorse and I think she’s going to really change the game when she steps up fully you know we just saw her win the US Nationals time trial uh championships and get a slot for the Olympics in time trialing um and then you look at the half distance the 70 Iron Man 70.3 uh and ashney gentle as well changing the game of that kind of racing um so I think we’re going to see more and more of this this Dynamic a and women having to adapt their strategies and how they prepare for races because they will encounter situations like this more and more and more and it’s what we’re saying when we got to the swim like the racing that like you really can’t have a weak right component of your r race anymore like you really have to be strong and solid across the Swim Bike and run and yes you can still have one of those that is better or you are you know a better athlete that but you can’t really have a weakness now it’s interesting as we get into I mean obviously we’re headed back into the city to then turn around and head back out on the course for the second lap but you look at a straightaway like this and it becomes fairly straightforward in this group of six or seven athletes now is when you just want to okay now I can sort of sit in um it’s more efficient for the women um sitting in not being on the front but through some of those technical sections being in the middle or being on the back was somewhere you didn’t necessarily want to be because of the accordion um the accordion effect going on in and out of turns uh but as they stretch out so based on where you are in the course might also impact where you want to be within this group yeah other than being Fela language yeah yeah that’s right and we are just waiting for um finel to complete that first lap and get the split and also Julie yumo to see where she is and if where this pack have uh brought back time on Julie um we’re just seeing Maya again going uh going past Sarah Spinx on screen we were both commentating on a race a couple of weeks ago uh 70.3 mayorca that Sarah SPX came third uh and we C up with Sarah before the race today yeah well I started with uh the 7.3 in mayorca which resulted in the third place yeah it was a solid start at least uh and I had it was a great grace and I had so much fun what do you know about am on hurg and this particular course and where does it sue you and your strength uh well since they changed the bike hor I don’t know much about it really I was out checking the course yesterday and it’s told to be fast it didn’t feel that fast but let’s see on Sunday it might yeah it might feel faster on the bike than in the car uh it’s not that challenging it’s super flat I think yeah there said 300 M of elevation which is nothing how’s this how do you think this race is going to pan out for you what do you see like how do you visualize it I’m gonna I’m going to be hunting hunting hunting you know if I think back to Sara’s performance at my Orca post race uh she had made the comment that her bike legs hadn’t shown up for her that day she was sort of disappointed but it looks to me like she’s having a much better day of it today yeah that’s right she’s um renowned or or was I know she’s had a year or so of some injuries but she was very much I mean she’s always been a solid swimmer but then it was very much she had this very strong bike and uh and then run um as we’re just seeing the athletes coming to the end of their first lap but going through an aid station so a little bit of shuffling around uh obviously the uh technical officials do um give a little bit of leniency as they go through that aid station uh with the lights as they’re all trying to get uh their drinks bottles and nutrition cat presumably getting nutrition but we’ll come back um shortly after this break introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe Globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro [Music] Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at fullgaz docomo and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next [Music] [Music] welcome back to the action here at Iron Man Hamburg the European championship for women if you are looking for the men they will be in Frankfurt in August they are not here today it’s our Pro women only alongside our field of outstanding age groupers are women nearing the end of the first Loop of this full gas bike course but right before the break uh we saw our Chase pack of mayia stage neelson Jackie Herring ell’s Visser Sarah svensk Daniela blim and Cat Matthews go through an station and there was obviously an accordion effect but what we did see was cat the last one out of that aid station and we had talked about cat Matthews losing uh that very important bottle full of uh nutrients uh off her bike very very early on so now she is relying on the aid stations Which is less than ideal for a number of reasons number one there there are great products available she’s going to grab some Morton gel she’s going to grab some Precision hydration and have everything things she needs but it may not be what she’s used to training on uh which is one downside the other downside is that she has to be super careful through those Aid stations to get what she needs and um it’s going to slow her down so it’s it’s just an added challenge when she’s biking with a group that’s that large both in terms of inserting herself into a positive position so she can be one of the first ones through to get that first grab um it’s just an added challenge for cat Matthews out on course today yeah yeah totally right and this is um you know the women now coming to the end of the first lap uh this is with vanel language now did you see her bottle on the front of her bike y she got a straw coming out of the side of it which is interesting and a really great idea because it means in that Arrow position she doesn’t have to move out of the arrow position she can just drink through that straw but you can’t refill it but you can’t refill it that’s what I was thinking yeah like unless maybe she’s maybe that’s a bottle that she is going to go through the personal needs section uh and perhaps reload that bottle with another straw um but definitely it has the benefit right she can use her or she’s got nutrition or hydration in that that she is using for theing for the whole so it could either be super concentrated most athletes will do as uh Daniela blell is here and have a a third party uh BTA bottle uh in in her casee she’s got two different straws so she’s got two fuel sources uh right there with that straw which is super convenient you don’t have to break Arrow one’s vodka one’s Coke yeah exactly no that’s what we have here in the booth down on course maybe not yet for them maybe not till the Run not endorsing drinking fans Not endorsing drinking sorry that’s just a but it is interesting that she has a traditional squeeze bottle with a straw drilled into it because part of the benefit of those third party bottles is that you can refill them on the fly through an aid station they often have a flip cap uh that you flip up squeeze the bottle into it and and reclose it so interesting strategy from finel language yeah and obviously now finel is coming back through the tunnel so very close to the end of the lap you can see the full gas bike course profile on the bottom has pretty much got her at that 56 M 90 km so we should be getting a split any moment now um before we do we’ll do a a fun fact a fun fact time or a little bit of a pub quiz um DD question for you what is the most famous band in the world the Beatles I thought you were GNA say like I don’t know you would be a close second yeah one of those uh The Beatles obviously and famously where did they come from well they’re from the UK but they got their they made their Mark here in Hamburg they did they are in the red light district they are of course from Liverpool which is in the UK the city of culture a few years ago uh but I bet you didn’t know that the famous four actually launched their career in Hamburg performing across the city in various clubs between 1960 and 1962 these early performances in Hamburg helped the brand hone their skills build a following and set the stage for their later Global success today the Beatles Connection in Hamburg is commemorated with the Beatles plats a Public Square featuring sculptures of the band members and also I mean Hamburg is now known as a rock and roll City so not only have you got Millionaires and billionaires and 2,500 Bridges um and a caviar line on emergency dial it’s also Rock and Roll City of The Beatles there you go and while we were discussing the Beatles finel language was going through the city center doing finel language things always taking the opportunity to engage the crowd she you you you get what you give and she is giving energy to the crowd and the crowd is loving it and giving it right back to her so finel doing finel things that’s right and she is through that first lap so uh bike split of um 2 hours 1208 but uh 3 hours 0622 for the full race so that’s including the swim but 2 hours 1208 for the first lap on the bike that is fast it’s very fast it is very considering she is by herself especially um not saying that she is as we take a look at our uh vinfast performance analysis uh on the bike for finel language um average speed over the last bit of 37.8 kilometers and and I’m going to I’m going to be honest that’s not that impressive because that’s through the city um she is traveling at a speed much much higher than that um but super impressive like if you were a group like this group of six or seven moving like putting out a a split of 212 like sure impressive if you’re organized and taking turns legally at the front that group is going to travel faster but finella to do that all on her own is super impressive yeah and I’m just looking at Laura Phillips bike course record it is a slightly different bike course so you can’t can’t really judge but um but we will CU we got something to talk about um Laura Phillips bike course record in 2022 was 43114 so um finel would be on record to um beat that after after the first lap we’ve got Sarah fence down I believe that was s they were coming in to a 180 degree turn here we have it again they got bunched up it looks like she hit her brakes and slid sideways that Sarah Spinx down it clipped ell visser’s back wheel who did an amazing job at staying up recovering she put her foot down got right back to it but we’re going to get an update on Sarah sens that was really really tough I just think they were carrying too much speed in that again race Dynamics in a in a big crowd she’s walking it off let’s see if she gets back on her bike I think they didn’t realize there was a sign we saw coming in that said 18 degree turn whether I don’t know whether they clocked that but um I I don’t think they realized quite how tight that corner was um of being a complete 180 um and on a slight downhill um so here we have Sara she’s looks like lost the chain storting out looks physically like she a bit shaken um we’ve got a technical official just making sure physically she’s okay and obviously seeing if that bike is okay and she can get going and and now back with um finel who is our lead we’ve uh also just to update Julio uh y YOLO is now through 90 kilm so 344 down so I would imagine that that chase group it’s 15 seconds down there we go they’re about to swallow her up yep yeah it’s yeah they’re all through that now let ah she’s back up she’s back up y she’s back up um that’s going to be tough for her because now she is all on her own fighting a group of they minus Sarah fence plus Julie YOLO yeah if you’re just tuning in that is our latest update um but great to see uh Sara back on the bike hopefully she she’s okay um obviously what we are seeing now on this course is is they are having to navigate some age the age group athletes who are out on their first lap um we saw a little bit earlier as finel was just starting that second lap just having to check the brakes a little bit to go around a corner um you know it is really important that the athletes keep their heads up on on this course on this second lap now as they are going to be passing age groupers um that could make sure that the second lap might be um a little bit slower and maybe you know because of that but at the moment vanela that 212 was certainly a super fast time for that lap first lap so but what’s interesting is it’s not even the fastest time Daniela blind threw in 209 because she was further back out of the swim so uh some really really impressive riding from our women here and right now our top five as it stands through one laap finel language in first Julie YOLO in second but quickly being caught by Daniela blal cat Matthews El Visser Maya stage neelson and Jackie herring and here we have finel still doing finel things taking advantage of that crowd as she is in the city center getting some nutrition on board grabbing that Morton gel uh getting it on board uh yeah I mean it’s it it’s part of the nature of the course it’s one of the things we love about our sport that makes it so unique is that our pros and age groupers share the same course on the same day but it does require a different degree of racing uh when you are on a multi-loop course that’s right and uh fantastic views over the city of Hamburg there you get an idea of the some of the 2,500 bridges that uh I didn’t realize Hamburg was such a a port city and had so much many waterways of bridges you’re certainly getting the way to the Middle Ages that’s right you’re certainly getting a good view and a history lesson here today uh the other um we were talking about bike splits on that first lap and obviously finel did a 212 and you mentioned that Daniela BL did a 209 and obviously El’s vissa as well with a 210 so some re and Sarah thanks actually was 212 so some really really fast riding and even like even cat Matthews with the issues that she had with her drink spotter was 213 so as we predicted weather conditions are really good today um the bike course is very fast and flat and I think we’re going to see um a pretty pretty Speedy time at the end of the it is 178 K as well yep y 2ks makes all the difference y uh no doubt absolutely no doubt about it and uh I’m so relieved to see Sarah Spen up and back into the race hopefully she can re-engage and isn’t physically hurt uh and certainly emotionally it is going to take a toll but um like um be a goldfish uh Ted lasso Ted lasso says be a goldfish uh eyes forward uh what’s in the past doesn’t matter she’s got to she’s got to get back on it and see if she can see if she can get back into this group uh she gave up about a minute and a half she’s now um well a minute and a half behind that chase group so uh pretty amazing considering she was flat on her back uh had to render some Aid to her bicycle and then get herself back moving so only a minute and a half sacrifice but certainly that’s a that’s a tough break for Sarah smz yeah also super impressive that um El’s vissa didn’t come down she managed to keep her bike upright um and hopefully there was no no subsequent damage to that as is the way if you’re riding in a group um where you know if your front wheel is hitting that’s the loss of stability if if your rear wheel gets hit often because of the weight in the back of the bike uh you can be more stable and as it was uh certainly that was how it played out but Sarah fank front wheel touched the back um and so Els was able to maintain the stability while it just it just rocked uh Sarah down to the ground yeah so here we are today at uh European championships Iron Man Hamburg and we’re going to go from one European city to the next and Iron Man CA Barcelona which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year uh and it couldn’t be a better competition for you to set your personal record with record times under 8 hours you can enjoy the breeze of the Mediterranean Sea a fast bike course and a fast a flat Run come to ca Barcelona and join us on the 6th of October 2024 there we go back with our race leader finel langri who is making her way out of the city for the second time now navigating some age group some uh age group Traffic as we check in uh with our race weather from our friends at Roa current temperatur 16° C 61° Fahrenheit overcast with clouds this forecast unchanged from our last winds continue to be 6 kmers per hour out of the West Northwest UV index of zero and the humidity fairly high at 86% I am betting that that building is caus a cheese grater I bet it’s I bet do you not think it looks like a cheese grater it looks a bit like a cheese I’m sure our factoids can come back with that I’m there is a building in a city in the world that is called the cheese grater I haven’t made that up I don’t think it’s in Hamburg I don’t think it’s that one but that did look like a cheese grater but it could be but it could be we’re just going to blame it pretend it is um as we uh I would imagine at the next uh so we got finel out in front Julie YOLO is Yolo sorry is in second but I would imagine she was only 15 seconds ahead at the turn so I would would think before we get to that next split that she is part of that big pack we are seeing on screen now that is Maya stage Nelson and in fact that is Julie y yo just in front of Maya Ste Nelson so in the middle of that group I could imagine I’m guessing El Vista is at the front and Road straight past Julie as she did when they caught the other other women earlier on in the race and my guess is that if I’m Maya stage neelson knowing that they have reeled in Julia moo from a three-minute deficit out of the swim that as soon as the opportunity presents itself uh with the race Ranger she is going to try to make a move past Julie uh and slot in back to that group that she’s been with uh for quite some time now this is where you don’t want to get pinched out of a move that’s happening up the road as you can see uh quite a line of athletes now some of those may be age groupers overtaken on their on their first lap uh but we have a a large group of women here starting the second lap of this full gas bike course at Iron Man Hamburg the European Championship we’ll be right back don’t go away your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the vinfast yeah it’s got action 42 horsepower all whe drive over air updates and a 10year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in okay infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what websites for Joey hey man do you have a non-alcoholic beard that actually taste good I think you mean athletic excuse me do you have that great non-alcoholic beer I’ll found it do you have a favorite non-alcoholic beer on the menu [Music] mhm ah athletic it is she’s funny w [Music] and welcome back to the European championships Iron Man Hamburg we are onto our second lap of the full gas bike course uh currently on camera is cat Matthews uh she looks like she might be at the front she was definitely in a Chase pack she had a few issues at the start of the bike with her bottles it looks like she’s managed to grab one from an aid station which is fantastic cuz we’re starting to get a bit worried about cat’s having no nutrition left on her bike she is in a Chase pack we have finel language up the road and then the chase Packers all come together with uh cat Matthews Danielle blal Julie YOLO or YOLO sorry Els vissa Maya stage Nelson Jackie Herring uh Sarah Spen SAR SPX was on that she had a slight crash coming into the end of the lap uh so lost a bit of time um but we are going to go out and and speak to another pro-athlete another British athlete uh cat Matthews is one of our Brits on course as with finel language but we are gonna speak to Ruth AEL um who’s uh calling in from the UK uh can see you now Ruth how are you doing Ruth yeah I’m good seems like summer has finally arrived here so the sun’s out and um yeah looking forward to to actually going for a nice ride rather than getting rained on yeah fantastic and have you been watching the race what are your thoughts of the the race so far what are you seeing yeah um obviously I’ve not been watching from the beginning so that was a little bit early but yeah it’s um I think it’s so far kind of playing out probably as you’d expect with the the ladies that are racing of other than obviously cat losing her bottle and having to stop to try and sort that out um yeah I like they’ve got quite a strong group there like you said it looks like cat’s just gone to the front so I think she’s um she’s maybe taking some of that energy from uh and frustration and trying to sort of work her way back up to the front I mean I think she’s probably pretty confident she can outrun everyone here by quite a lot but I think she would also not want to be where she was in Texas having to chase and probably wants to you know wants to be starting from the front on the Run anyway yeah yeah that’s that’s right and um now Ru you were originally planning to uh race Iron Man hambur I know you’ve put the the Iron Man Pro Series as a priority on your race calendar um we’re down to race 70.3 muor and then Hamburg but have obviously sort of had to change a few plans uh with s give us an update on on where you are at the moment and what’s uh how the calf is and then what’s what’s going to what’s the next few race next race looking like yeah so um I had another frustrating car injury um I’ve had quite a few over the years uh this one kind of came out of nowhere was relatively bad um but I kind of I was hopeful that I might be someone that healed relatively fast with it um yeah I guess for context mine was like similar to cats in terms of severity so I kind of actually took quite a lot of positivity from seeing her come back from hers and I was like oh maybe mine can maybe I can be good too but um yeah unfortunately it’s was taking a little bit longer um so I had to pull out of Hamburg which is really frustrating um and definitely kind of yeah mates trying to do the pro series a little bit harder to be honest with how the races are spaced out but yeah like my main focus at the moment is actually just get back to to proper running um and try and get a good block of some actual run training in um and then yeah probably eyeing up Victoria um if all goes well well um I then have an option that I have to do if I want to make the pro series work which is a little bit crazy so um yeah I’ll get back to running first and then and main focus is try and try and qualify for niece because yeah that course looks amazing so that’s the kind of get my niece qualification done then if there is an option to to still try and do the pro series then yeah take off as many of Day races as I can yeah and I want to talk to you about n because I know you went there recently and sort of wrecked the course but let’s go back to just uh touching on your injury what advice do you perhaps have for any age groupers or or or Pros out there perhaps that are going through an injury and like those ups and downs that you have had with your C like how do you stay you know what are your tips for staying positive or staying focused um yeah depending on when you talk to me I’m probably not the best to always give you the tips on staying positive uh there’s you know I think that would probably be one of my of my thoughts is that you’re not always going to be able to stay positive with it like injuries suck no matter what it is how long it’s been going on um yeah it’s tough to deal with and I think actually probably for some age groupers it can be harder because you know the sport is like your outlet from real life so if that you know part of it gets taken away that’s probably in some ways almost harder um yeah I think it’s just let yourself kind of be a bit sad I’m frustrated about it um you know I think it’s really easy to be like oh I need to be positive and focused on what I can do and Etc but you can also take some time to be like this really sucks so I think that would be step one accept it deal with it have a bit of wallowing and self-pity time because I think actually you need you need a little bit of that to then come out the other side and be like okay I can take this time to you know for me work on my swim um I can still bike there’s you know there’s lots things in Triathlon that you can do so yeah try and focus on that but also don’t don’t be unrealistic about oh yeah it’s great I can take all this spare time because yeah it’s still rubbish so so going on that positive thought and the positive being the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in Nice in in September now I know you are out in nice uh a month ago or so perhaps or maybe a bit less than that and doing a little bit of a wcky of the course can you obviously today uh for the pro women there’s six slots to qualify for but obviously with the age groupers there’s 75 slots for the the age group women what are your what are your thoughts from your your trip out to n and what do you think of the the bike course and the and the the city and and everything yeah I think it’s an amazing course uh I think it’s definitely going to be very different to cona um not only from like a climate but yeah like the course is really challenging um I think think it’ll really I think in cona you can like you obviously still have to be good across the three but I think you can get away a bit more with kind of sitting in a group on the bike and not having to like really burn all your matches whereas I think the course in KN um like you’re going to have to be a pretty strong biker to to get over that and then actually be able to run well so um yeah I think it’ll be really exciting with some different Dynamics um it’s a really cool City like I’ve actually I’ve been there a few times to race uh as an age grouper and yeah it’s obviously different to Kona it’s like a big city there’s lots of other stuff going on but uh it also means that if you’ve got people coming out to support they’ve got other stuff they can do other than just be obsessed with Triathlon and supporting what you know I mean it’s not the only thing that’s out there in the world is Triathlon yeah um you had some pretty good yeah you’ve had some pretty good races in in n as as an age grouper um but what is it now now you’re a pro you’ve been an established Pro you’ve had some fantastic results um at uh Iron Man World Championships in St George and and things what is it now this year with the Iron Man Pro Series that excites you about the sport and I know you’ve had to change plans a little bit but it was it was very much focused and still is for the year but yeah explain to us a little bit about that that excitement yeah I think for me the main thing um and part of the frustration of not being able to do some of these races already is uh like bringing together a lot of those top contenders to race more um you know I think previously you’d see you’d only really see those people in Kaa um so I think the fact that actually you’re now getting more of those top girls coming together you know two three maybe even four races a year like that’s pretty exciting you just get to challenge yourself um and see I think again like different Dynamics on different courses like something like Hamburg here is like so different to what n is going to be like in terms of like a pancake flat bike um so yeah I think it’s that just the general competition I think also having the kind of like the narrative through the year of where people are what races they’ve done like obviously at the moment the leaderboard looks really different to how it’s going to look well even after today but you’ve got some people that have already raced like three or four times and some people that have only one so I think by the time we get to to nice like looking at where everyone’s at and then obviously with the more points that you have at nice that’s going to be quite exciting yeah who who do you think are your uh the the big contenders come the end for the come the end of the series who you putting your money on for being up there the top um and then I’m going to ask you about this race as well but I’m going to give you a little bit more of a a rope to say at the end of the end of the ironmen series uh well it’s probably going to be the same answer I mean it’s probably going to be cat um as long you know as long as she can stay injury free she’s got a pretty hectic second half of the year schedule but um yeah I can’t really see if she performs as we all know that she can and has a good niece which I know that she’s going to be doing everything in her power to do uh yeah I can’t see anyone coming that close to her um but yeah as I said it’s still quite a like obviously there’s other people like you know that have we haven’t seen as much because of where the races have been to someone like Penny Slater who had that great race in Texas um she’s got CS coming up and then some of the other races out there so yeah and I think the other it could all you know say something like a mechanical or something happens in Ni then that that throws everything up in the air because of the extra points so I think yeah even if cat has like looks like she’s in that great position things could still obviously change um but yeah like I think it’s it’s hard to say at this stage of the season because like you said there’s still actually a lot of racing there’s still some of the big races like n and 70 70.3 worlds that could definitely switch out the dyn Dynamics a bit so okay so while you’re sitting on the fence uh predicting the end of the end of series points although you did say cat so I will tell you that um you can’t sit on the fence on this one but I want to your Podium picks for today who do you think what’s the top I’m going to go cat win um I’m goingon to go Maya for second and so it’s probably between Jackie and finel for third like Jackie is obviously a bit unknown at Iron Man at the like from where she was I was she has done Iron Man’s before but she’s coming off some really strong yeah she’s coming off some really strong 1.3s but yeah on the other hand I think if finella puts together the kind of race that she’s capable of um she’ll be up there so yeah I’m going to pick four for the podium four for the podium of three it’s all right they might cross the finish line holding hands together and we’ll see um Ruth thank you so much for coming on and chatting to us uh we’ll let you go out and enjoy some of that summer weather in the UK and get on your bike uh we hope the calf gets better because we want to see you out racing um really soon because we think you can mix things up in the Pro Series as well so thanks again Ruth and uh yeah safe safe training get that calf healed and we’ll see you on a race course soon great thank you wonderful and we’re back to the action here and a couple of updates that have happened while we were getting some great insights from Ruth AEL the athletes are our lead Pros making their way through the city center navigating some of the more technical sections of the course in addition to some of the lapped athletes but uh finel langri continuing uh to lead obviously uh she has now 3 minutes and 46 on the chase women of cat Matthews El Visser Daniela blell Maya stage neelon and Jackie Herring Jackie was getting accordioned out a little bit um through some of the technical sections and of note also Sarah um hurting uh she has now she’s now 245 back she was a minute and a half back after that fall she took but we’ll come back with much more racing after this quick break [Music] [Music] beyond the Finish Lines our commitment goes the extra mile we are the Iron Man Foundation we’ve given back more than $55 million to support our mission of leaving a positive impact throughout race communities without our amazing athletes volunteers and givers we wouldn’t be where we are today together let’s continue this journey of impact join the Iron Man foundation and be a part of something extraordinary [Applause] welcome back to the action here at Iron Man Hamburg the women’s European Championship you are watching our race leader Fel langri she has been in the lead since very early on the bike as she has started the second lap of this full Gap bike course she currently enjoys a 3 minute 45 second lead over Chasers cat Matthews El Visser Daniela blell MAA stage neelen Jackie Herring and Julie YOLO Julie rode alone in second for much of the first lap of the bike course but has been swallowed by the Chasers also of note through the new turn to start the second lap of the course Saras svensk uh clipped the rear wheel of el viser and took a tumble to the ground she is back in Action she lost a minute and a half during the the tumble had to fix her bike uh but now sits 2:45 back so she is bleeding time uh whether it’s the emotional hurt or a bit of physical hurt um she certainly is having a tough time but here we are with cat Matthews who is now leading the charge of the Chasers currently sitting in second place there was her hus husband Mark with the Whiteboard uh giving her some information uh we also have heard uh presumably from her husband that uh cat had a little mishap with a barrier gotten a little argument with it but uh cat has prevailed cat Matthews 1 barrier zero uh doesn’t seem to have impacted her at all uh as she is now leading the charge towards uh finel langage but has work to do as we come back to Daniela blell one of the German favorites and certainly a cycling Powerhouse BL ml sitting in this Chase group she turned in the fastest first lap as she was down a little bit out of the swim turned in a remarkable first lap of the bike will it continue we got a chance to chat with Daniela pre-race and here’s what she had to say about racing here in Hamburg being German this is kind of a this is like a home race for you would you say I know like you’re closer to Frankfurt and Frankfurt is more in your heart but Hamburg great crowds yeah well Frankfurt irman Frankfurt is is my I would call it my home race um but irman Hamburg was I think my very F first big win in 2017 was my second Iron Man win but um yeah the first one on German on home on home soil and the first really big big race so yeah very good memories to that and um can’t wait yeah I did South Africa six weeks ago um which was actually yeah at the same time very good and very very bad um at the same time I had to drop out due to an injury but um the rest of the race was quite quite good so the shape shape is there I think um and from now on um the focus will be on the Iran Pro Series so I’m planning to do pretty much all the European races um so um 70.3 I’m in Victoria and then Zam and hopefully KN if I’m going to get the slot on Sunday so yeah quite a packed season from now on but I think I’m I’m well prepared it’s a it’s a big field big names uh very uh yeah amazing female athletes and um uh I will definitely do my best of course um I’m yeah I’m aiming for the podium and a lot of points for the Iron Man Pro seers so we’ll see it’s going to be quite close racing quite close racing indeed at this point on the full gas bike course Daniela blell no one uh could forget the Heartbreak of her race at Frankfurt last year uh her home race with a lot of local support uh there in Frankfurt and she had to pull out of that race and I just remember the devastation uh on her face I believe it were some of the conditions I don’t know if it was a bit of cold got to her um but she was forced to withdraw there she’s currently not ranked uh in the the pro series as she mentioned the dnf at uh South Africa due to a hamstring injury but uh we’ll see if that hamstring is mended uh once we get onto the Hoka Run course but right now she is biking uh fastest on course uh and now sitting in this Chase group 35 years old from Germany so no doubt uh getting a lot of support there she’s a five-time Iron Man Champion uh and certainly uh worthy of the competition out there today yeah that’s right also a m of two so 35 mom of two so she took a bit of time off um to have her kids actually I was just looking to see I thought cat might have got away but this is El’s vissa uh just overtaking to take the lead of that chase group ahead of cat um Daniela yeah that 2023 Victory would have hurt cuz she was defending champion from Iron Man Frankfurt in 2022 and is a HomeTown race for her um but she has won this race before as well she won Iron Man Hamburg uh in back in 2017 so a few years ago now um but I think the other thing um about coming to this race for Danielle at this time is that they left the kids behind so she says she’s actually feels rested and had sleep leading into the race so again we go back to uh one of the mothers in the sport and then also the importance of that that sleep aspect absolutely absolutely well fastest on course through the first lap we’ll see if she can hold on again when you get into a a group dynamic like this it’s hard to break away particularly on a course of this topography um there are just so few sections where you can capitalize uh because it’s so flat everyone has a chance to respond uh hiler courses are slight woly different um in that you you can be more aggressive through uh some of the climbs and and and establish the separation but we are hearing the wins picking up out on course and that could play a role here in the second lap so to be determined yeah and also just uh from uh one of our one of our team on the course at that 90k turn um little titbits of information obviously just as the athletes went past that uh Maya was looking good Maya stage Nelson so she was looking good uh Daniela blal who will we just spoke about and is riding very fast had that fastest bike split split at the first lap but did look like she was suffering a little bit uh word from the street goes um but yeah we will see there’s still a a long way to go uh they are closing down on on finel now that’s back under that 4 minutes um and yeah so but we have got a little bit of a wait now until we get that next bike split and this is the point of the race I mean it’s it’s hard because it’s such a long day out there um but athletes of this caliber anybody can ride the first half of the bik course right I mean this isn’t the time this is the time during that first half of the bike course where the mistakes can be made that are going to play a role here in the second half of the bike and certainly on the marathon just to recap our top five currently finel langage cat Matthews ell Visser Daniela blell and mayia stage neelen and you know if she you know our spotters on the course saying that Daniela look like she was suffering a little bit you you wouldn’t know it she still looks super strong super powerful um engaging with the bike uh not necessarily dropping the head a lot sometimes you can see that fatigue through the shoulders they get people tend to get a little bit more rounded um but she still looks very engaged yeah and she’s sitting in that group she’s uh second I think that’s ‘s vissa so second behind El’s in that chase pack um yeah you’d like you’d probably think she was was maybe dropping off the back but uh yeah she’s hanging in there and obviously like you said you know every we can all ride that first 90k and um I guess if the wind is picking up that last last quarter of the bike is where it starts to get uh get tough um but again big chase group they’ve got each other to work with and work for um and then you know obviously finel up the road that they’re trying to trying to reel back in and I think with the caliber of athletes in that group and the running ability of some of them um fela’s got well just under four minutes at the moment that certainly if cats fit that’s and obviously we don’t know the effect of the nutrition and her her Cal but it wouldn’t be enough I don’t think at the moment for finel but who knows there’s a long way to go yet and I’m not going to I’m going to now go back and sit on the fence and get back in my box no you’re not allow when you sit in this booth you have to make a call make a call make a call no no fence sitting uh El Vista then oh so great she looks she looks fantastic I mean the volume that this woman races um such just such an extraordinary human she’s a trained surgeon um medically doctor uh by training uh also a shipwreck Survivor we’ve we’ve told her story uh before here in the booth was on a a tour group and the ship sank and some people stayed in the the on the boat on the rescue raft and and and El’s swam to Shore and and survived it and I think you have a life experience like that and whoa goodness gracious yes um and just saw me her life flash before her eyes again and and the right it was before she was a triathlete so she couldn’t swim she couldn’t swim yeah I mean it’s just I think you have an experience like that it is just how can it not change your life forever and give you such an appreciation and El seems to be somebody who lives her life um with great appreciation for all of the opportunities and and capitalizes on all of them I mean travels the world with her racing um certainly you know is is from the Netherlands but is is a resident of the world uh she follows the she follows the race schedule and and makes her home where the races are happening and uh just an extraordinary story for for this woman and I don’t really want to see again which she nearly clipped the cone but also obviously went into the the ongoing traffic just overcooked that corner a little bit as she was going around the age I feel like El has also got about nine lives maybe today she was uh she got had the wheel clipped earlier and then and now obviously they’re trying to navigate around some of these these age group athletes but she her yeah the workload the volume of training and the racing that she can um take on board is amazing it’s impressive and it’s just been really fantastic to see El’s progress over the years and that now like this year she’s up there as one of the best she’s a contender for wins for podiums she’s had so this is her eighth race of the year and we’re at the beginning of June we’re the first first of June second of June aren’t we today um she’s had three wins a second two thirds her lowest was a fifth which was in her last race so it’s it and one of those was Iron Man newand where she came second so it’s a a really heavy race schedule already I don’t think she’s the travel which has been monstrous like I mean from from New Zealand uh spent time up in Asia did a huge race binge uh around Asia as well and has come back uh made a training base briefly in Europe and and is now taking on the European circuit so you add the the volume of racing on top of the travel which does a number on your body as well it’s really extraordinary yeah that’s right she did uh three races in Asia back-to-back weekends which just managing not just the racing but then the heat humidity that that impacts you on a race there so um she’s a really incredible athlete I think she’s sort of like a Silent Assassin as well she always kind of flies under the radar um but the number of race wins she has now under her belt is re is impressive and it’s just been amazing to see her progress over the years to be this um you know she’s always raced a lot but you know maybe wasn’t getting as many of the results and then slowly sort of started getting the podiums and then now like that Contender and consistently can perform yeah I mean that was just did I think there was a lot of talk about her a few years ago as being the next great thing but then it was like a false start she sort of failed to deliver she would race an awful lot but wasn’t delivering the top results now she’s racing a lot and delivering the results and definitely her time uh certainly has arrived yeah and she’s I don’t think there’s any um sign of slowing down for El I’m sure she’s got as many races planned for the for the rest of the year as long as she stays uh healthy and and fit as well um but maybe she yeah back in Europe for a bit of a stint as we come back into this Chase group um that looks like cat Matthews now sitting in second behind El’s uh with Daniela in in third um as they’re going back out on the second lap of this full gas fight course sort of interesting to me we always talk here in the booth about you know camera angles and and when we have you know comment Fields we’ve got athletes being like oh look at the drafting look at the Drafting and I would say from this camera angle that looks close to me but with the help of race Ranger we know exactly what that range is and so I I just love the addition of race Ranger to the Iron Man Pro Series uh not only for as a great athlete as a great tool for the athletes uh to use to monitor their their drafting distance but for us to see exactly what kind of games that the lens can play uh with us here in the booth yeah so um for those of you that might be joining us uh now on the broadcast we are almost just before 4 hours in but yeah the race Ranger that um Dee was talking about is the little the units on the front and the back of the professionals bikes um and they have a light system so yeah our cameraman thank you is just zooming in on that little unit that you you can see below the bottom CA bottle cage on the saddle below fela’s bike who’s on screen at the moment as our leading female um and it’s a light system that shows the distance that the athlete behind is so in Iron Man races we have a 12 meter drafting rule so if the athlete comes into that 12 meters they have to go past but often it’s really difficult to actually judge that um but they can if they get a they can get a drafting penalty so now what race Ranger does it provides lighting system so if the light as the a as the rider the triathlete sitting behind vanilla if she did have someone behind her if it was a red flashing light then then that would mean they were within the 12 meter drafting Zone and would have to make a pass uh if it was a blue light that means the athletes between 12 and 14 M behind the rider in front of them and a solid orange light is the athlete is between 14 and 17 M behind behind the athlete in front uh and obviously no light means that they are well behind the athlete in front um and we’re going to carry on with our race after this break you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the action here at the Iron Man European Championship Hamburg you’re looking at current race leader this is finella langri from Great Britain and she’s held the lead uh since out of the swim this morning onto the bike course she had company for a little while with Julie yo but has been solo ever since she currently through 98.1 km enjoys a 3 minute 46 second lead over a large pack of chasing women that lead was as large as just over four minutes so it’s come down a little bit but can finel continues to be very much in control on this full gas bike course that’s right and you can see she has such an arrow position her head really sucked in almost like resting her chin on her uh Precision Fuel and hydration bottle it’s like a cue for her really to place that there and just know that when she’s Arrow she’s got her she’s got her lips on that bottle uh and it’s a good reminder of how to hold that Arrow position it is it is exactly and I we have heard and I think you can see um it does look like the wind is picking up out on the course we have heard that you can see I know they are going fast past the uh past the grass but it does look like there is a little bit of a a headwind at the moment but we not fully sure we’ll I’m sure we’ll recap on the our Roa weather shortly but um if we want to recap on the race so far um and what happened to date we had uh the athletes starting early morning this morning from the city center of Hamburg um diving into the aler um in water start off the off the the the youngstein uh platform uh Pro women set off we had a few notables colorcoded out the cap but very soon there was kind of breakaway of finel language from Great Britain in that blue cap and Julia Yolo from France uh in her first Iron Man yeah the two uh expectedly uh at the front of this race and they uh were back and forth a little bit we had a small group of Chasers uh that weren’t able to keep contact with our lead to women and our lead two women were back and forth a bit finella tried to take uh the lead of the race throughout the swim but Julie kept coming back on her uh bound and determined to to lead out this swim uh as she would uh from the swim not a record setting performance here uh in the water but uh still a strong swim uh from these two women as you can see uh the back and forth but ultimately it would be Julie YOLO out of the water her swim split um 50 minutes uh and change uh they would take to the very long transition uh run and vanela would be first on the bike uh and off she went Julie YOLO kept touch with her uh for quite some time and then our chases Chasers came and including the likes of ell Visser uh Jackie Herring cat Matthews in that group as well and they would get on the bike and were a little disorganized at first um but would try to get themselves organized we had a little catastrophe for cat Matthews in the early stages of the bike with a arrow bottle uh that she had to uh get rid of came loose from her bike so she had to make a stop lost touch with the group uh but then would back bike back bike back up to it uh here’s cat trying to navigate what to do she was not in a in a litter zone so she’s looking around saying what do I do made a decision on which bottle to keep and which bottle uh she would eventually get rid of didn’t seem to cost her much uh certainly to be determined the nutritional deficit uh but uh she was right back into the action uh lots of back and forth eventually the chasers of uh Sarah svens and Daniela blind would join the leaders and now we have a very large Chase group of women with finel language alone at the front yeah that’s right so uh finel managed to break away from Julie YOLO who was with her for a lot of the time um and who’s now being swallowed by this Powerhouse bike Group which involved as you said cat Matthews El vissa Daniela blell Maya stage Nelson um this group at the end of the first lap we had a bit of a mishap Sarah spanks running into the back of El’s vissa um she was all right she is back up and riding and carried on in the race Els vissa managed to uh hold on to um hold on to her bike as well uh and they are still vanela is still out in front on the bike but this Chase pack is uh doing their best to uh catch back up to finel and close that deficit yeah one point finel enjoyed as much as a just over four minute lead on the Chasers that lead through 98k was down to 345 but we are well and truly into the second lap of this full gas bike course now so uh we won’t get an update uh again until 149 kilomet of the bike so you can see our graphic along the bottom the progress of our Pro women we are at about I’m going to eyeball that graph and say about 110k um and so we won’t get a a split update for quite some time uh but finel language continuing to push the pace uh to try to separate herself uh from the fastf footed in particular cat Matthews as she heads towards the marathon that’s right and for our Pro women today there are six slots for the vinfast Iron Man at w championships in nce on the 22nd of September um five of our females have already qualified uh cat Matthews finel langage Daniela blal um Maya sorry Daniela hasn’t qualified my mistake cat has finel language has Mya stage Nelson Has El vissa has and so has Erin shenol from Canada those five women have all qualified already for the bin fast Iron Man World Championships but with six slots up for grabs there’s uh a huge opportunity for the the the rest of the pro field absolutely also on offer today are 5,000 points in the Iron Man Pro Series 5,000 points will go to the winner of today’s race and once the winner crosses that Finish Line we will start our Collective watches uh as the points decline at a rate of one point per second with a Time floor of 1 hour 23 minutes and 2 seconds until zero points are earned towards the overall standing so certainly athletes buying for a piece of the the the prize purse on offer today but also buying for those valuable series points some athletes well established in our Pro Series some athletes looking to make their Mark for the very first time yeah it’s actually we don’t even need to start our stopwatches once that winers across the line because we get a little like timer of we got graphic that does it for us we got that counts down it’s brilliant sounds better it does sound better we do we do obviously start watch but it is useful to see that you know one one point for every second um once the winner has crossed the line um so they get 5,000 points so if second place comes in a second behind it’s 4,999 did you do that I did do that math all by myself are you impressed I am um everyone else can be more impressed with our amazing maths when we come back after this break your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the vinfast yeah it’s got 402 horsepower or whe drive over air updates and a 10year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for [Music] Joey open up the cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the station ready to [Music] go here’s Elizabeth in the middle of The Perfect Workout for her to create it we analyzed her Biometrics and genetics her recovery rate injury risk and aerobic potential her recent training sessions the temperature humidity and elevation the demands of her next race and billions of data points from athletes just like her with tri do Elizabeth gets faster faster and what does she have to do I just open Tri do and did my workout Tri do we do the technology you do the training back to the action here with race leader finel Ang finella earned her first Iron Man win just at the end of last year at Iron Man Western Australia it was a huge thrill for her one of her favorite uh race memories uh she has quite a few of them she was in the lead for the Iron Man World Championships in Kona in 20122 for a period of time and uh she tends to get quite uh jazzed uh about things like that engagement with the crowd and and you can see there on her right or left shoulder uh Good Vibes only uh that is her Tri club that she represents but it’s also pretty much how she lives her life it is yeah they’ve taken her and her um partner Billy Harris who’s also her coach have kind of set up a let’s talk about that for a minute okay it is a very unique brand of relationship where an athletes partner can also be the coach now obviously in most relationships in most relationships the spouse the partner plays a significant role yep but not necessarily as coach for me personally there’s got to be that line there there there’s no and so for me to Dave I can’t see him being your coach oh I mean and I so I do admire people who have that relationship obviously there’s great benefit to it because in the world very few people aside from perhaps your parent parents and we do have some situations where a parent coaches a child um but there are very few people that know you better than your partner SL spouse um but to me it’s it’s a unique relationship so there is benefit to it in that your coach knows you inside outside you can hide literally nothing from them uh but gosh that’s a lot of togetherness time it is a lot of triathlon together this time I’m trying to think there are other partners who are I don’t know whether there’s a oh Laura Phillip and um Philip syy that’s a husband and wife couple as well I’m trying to think there are other athletes I don’t think it’s coach athlete though I think it’s just very I’m thinking of like Paula Finley and Eric not coach and her Mar is very very involved and and obviously a huge source of support but cat has a separate coach yes um and for me I’ve always seen people whose spouses or partners are their coach and I’ve it just makes me shake my head a little and just to to wonder how does that work exactly yeah I I agre I agree with you it is amazing they obviously have a fantastic relationship um together and make it work with um the coach athlete and then Partners um and have that separation I’d imagine a lot of communication a lot of um okay shut the door well even boundaries set Like rules about like when we’re when I’m talking to my coach and when I’m talking to my husband but anyway I saw that in the notes for for finel language so um you know if Billy if Billy wants to to chime in um go ahead give us a shout out and uh yeah and let us know how that works and also um any uh any one who can think of any other coach athlete relationships that are partner there was a time that Justin mler was coaching Genie that is no longer Al J just announced in social media that Genie is now coaching him that she is the the head coach I didn’t know that I think it’s more of a sounding board type thing I don’t think she’s actually calling the shots there but um factiously um that’s one situation for a period of time he was coaching her I think for a period of time Andre Lopez was coaching Rachel Olen yep there there have to be a number of them but to me it’s always been an interesting study and then Laura and Philip S were the was the other one we’ve got which we think is legit I’m sure our H the triathlon world out there can come back to us if they think of anyone else uh there are obviously a lot of triathlon couples out there um that is a big thing but actually if we’re thinking about yeah um who was a coach coach athlete relationship oh yes just just have one through uh Nikki bartler and beex Mills oh there you go uh who are said to be married very shortly uh here we have a replay of uh finel langage going through the last aid station uh she went to grab some bottles call me a liar where’s our replay uh here we go she uh she went through grabbed a bottle and as soon as she got out of the Aid Station she was looking for another bottle and Whoopsie Daisy it wasn’t there so she is now also riding a Naked Bike um she’s got some BS there in the in the bento box but she has no well she’s got the she’s got the frame bottle she’s now got rid of the one on the front which was had that straw in it which is the one I think she just just tossed but I we haven’t seen where she lost I’m assuming she’s lost it cuz she was expecting it was there um non-intentional cuz she obviously didn’t know about it but yeah it looks like she is now whether she just pitched that BTA bottle and the one in the back was going to replace it I know but she right now other than the frame bottle which typically that is for a lot of athletes put a um that’s a calorie source so no fluids on her bike she’ll have to wait till the next aid station so again not ideal but you’ve got to roll with the punches um and start listening to the body signs maybe you double up uh and get more aggressive through the next aid station but just a lesson that uh those those calories and those fluids matter so take your time through the aid stations make sure you get what you need I think it’s about another 25k to the next aid station which is fairly especially cuz she’s not got anything on her now at all it’s not even that she’s got sort of half a bottle so um yeah we’ll see see how that plays out um but hopefully yeah hopefully she’s stocked up enough that she can survive for a little bit H and I have an answer to your question am I cheese grater yes awesome go for the building is called the elb Phil Haron it’s called that is my interpretation it’s called a what sorry the elb Phil Haron sorry can you say that again elb Phil Haron can you spell that is it yes I can it’s e lb p h i l h a r m o n i e can you use it in a sentence yes I can the El Harmonic concert hall was completed in 2016 and is an architectural model Marvel it is one of the largest most acoustically advanced concert halls in all the world and it is becoming a symbol of modern hurg which is impressive for a medieval city it is yeah and it is impressive because I still think it looks like a cheese grer but I guessed off the back of um the word that you can say again it was a music harmone that’s the one that’s how I’m saying you pronounce it there we go um I’ve got a fun fact few now I’m going to throw it back at you uh one of the unmissable sites of Hamburg is the world renowned Reaper Barn area sorry Reaper bar area sometimes referred to as a sinful mile due to its abundance of Night Club District but despite its R reputation it’s also a place where creativity flourishes with street art adorning its walls theaters showcasing avangard performances uh and music venes music venues hosting diverse acts it’s a Living testament to hamburg’s ability to embrace its past while evolving into a dynamic and eclec destination for locals and visitors alike and with that we will recap our top five this is back at 98.1 kilometers so it’s a little bit old but we’ll update you anyway finel langage on screen in the lead cat Matthews in second El Visser in third Daniela blell in fourth and Maya stage neelen in fifth and back with finel just to let you know uh our motos are recharging and we’ll get back to our Chasers as soon as possible but right now it’s all finel language All Good Vibes only yeah and she’s having I mean she’s so used to here we go back to the chase group but finel is so used it’s like and you shall receive it’s like that team is on points um finel is so used to being in this position at the front with her swim she races hard on the bike as well so she’s used to being in the lead uh sometimes like she was in Texas she had a couple of other women with her but often it is on her own as it is today uh we’re waiting to see what that split is though at the next checkpoint uh we’ve probably got about another 15K to go I think before we get that check to see if this Chase group has made any inroads in to that lead of three uh 346 that finel currently has and this looks like um I’m guessing Jackie Herring at the front of that group with Julie YOLO in second and that is Maya stage Nelson currently third on screen which would imply that cat Matthews and ell Visser may be off the front or could be behind yes so who knows one of the two one of the two one or the other but probably not both You’ got a 5050 chance of getting that right my guess is that they are together and my guess is that they are the third option I’m making an EDG is that one is in front and one is behind correct but and then you have a fourth option that it Swip the other way around and it could be but my my guess is uh that it is probably cat and El’s off the front of this group uh but again we will get our motos to zip round the course but right now spending uh a moment with Maya stage n she looks great yeah she really does she really does look great um we’ve talked a lot about Maya and uh she has raced I think it’s now 16 or so full distance races but her approach that she comes into each race still as it’s a new race and that she’s new um we’ve talked about she’s had some fantastic results and podiums she’s performed well on the the IM man World Championship stage she’s just yet to get that that win that I think but go to their entire career never never get and like you said she puts herself in the big races and I think actually this Iron Man Pro Series is designed for an athlete like my where she is consistently up there and so she’s just going to be collecting points every time she races and she can race quite a lot and consistent and and consistently at a high level and interesting to note that uh she discovered the sport of triath while she was a golf instructor at n none other than Club Lanta on the island of lanzera so uh she fell in love with it uh and the process being surrounded by triathletes who flock to the island to train uh it’s a famous training mecca for a lot of athletes uh during Long Cold uh European Winters we’ll spend time there uh she was a golf instructor there and said hey what what is this thing they’re doing swimming biking and running and lo and behold uh discovered a great talent for it herself yeah uh cless enter in in lanzerotti has a a deep history with the Danish athletes we’ve seen a lot of the the Danish Pros over the years go and spend time there uh I think it used to be owned or is still owned by by Danish or was set up originally um actually another interesting I know we’re on finel language at at the front of the moment but another interesting fact from Maya is that actually recently not just has she been training for the the 70.3 in the full distance and obviously she raced Iron Man Texas and she’s here today at Hamburg she also raced in the Danish Super Sprint and mixed team Rel re relay relay recently and she was uh second in the individual and then she won the mixed relay and said that was yeah super fun experience something completely different but just such a blast racing in that you know mixed team relay environment I will never be invited to be on a super Sprint mixed team relay just I’m just going to drop that fact right there just just in case anybody was wondering the the Super Sprint is probably not in my future not going to get the call up for the US Olympic team I don’t think so which talk about which I know we’re talk about Iron Man but um Olympic teams are being selected I think we get to know this week yeah this week um I know Summer started being an Bermudez I’ve seen their team being announced um Australia’s been announced oh has it been announced oh I miss that ly awesome that’s great to hear I hadn’t seen the official announcement there’s two slots though so they announced I don’t I don’t I don’t know the second I just I know about Sophie oh that’s awesome um obviously Sophie uh trains in Boulder um so see her around and about her partner also a very good gravel racer Alex uh they also have a dog so many so many of the athletes talk about have dogs what is that what we talk about so many athletes have dogs no that wasn’t what I was going to talk about I I was going to say through obviously we’re we’re talking about Iron Man here but with the Olympics uh less than two months away now certainly there’s quite a Vibe about uh Olympic selection and I will say that process for Olympic selection regardless of the country is a complicated one and I one of the most outstanding things is we talk about the level of performance uh across Iron Man and 70.3 r racing all the athletes raising the bar take one look at the Olympic selection process for a number of these top countries from Great Britain to United statesa yeah Germany particularly on the women’s side if we’re talking like selection yeah it it literally is the athletes have given the the selectors a puzzle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a riddle that no one wants to solve yeah and if like we’re looking at some of the you know the the closing it closed at the end of May and their last race was kagari last weekend and you looked at some of the posts from the athletes and it was like raced four races in no three races in four different cont like it was and all the travel involved as well so we talked about el v El’s vissa earlier and the amount of travel that she does and these um the short course the world Triathlon series athletes as well plus the pressure of getting points for that Olympic qualification which for many of them if they didn’t get an automatic slot is completely completely out of their hands and it’s just hope it is which is which is both frustrating but I mean these there’s a lot on the lines it’s the Olympic Games and uh these federations have a lot riding on it so having a uh an art and a science to it is is I’m glad I’m not a selector I exactly that’s what I was going to say I wouldn’t want to be a selector for the US no for Great Britain or for France probably um yeah but what we’re also seeing and this goes back to we were saying about how the race Dynamics in Hamburg is a little bit different that um with the women’s style of racing we’re getting more women professionals the level is going up we’re also going to see that we’re in Olympic year we’ve getting a lot of the uh short course athletes that perhaps didn’t get selected of the Olympics are already stepping up to the half the middle distance we’ll see a couple of them next weekend see a couple of them next weekend at the IR man 7.3 in Boulder obviously there’s a lot of athletes that are based there anyway so it’s a HomeTown race but a lot of them that didn’t make that Olympic selection then after the Olympics I also think we’re going to see a huge step up of many of those Olympic athletes who competed in Paris oh sure stepping up so it’s just going to you get these four the fouryear Cycles in the long course as well off the back of the Olympics which just then takes the sport to that another level again absolutely some new names some new faces and all of them uh hopefully will be a part of this Iron Man Pro Series in 2025 such a spectacular addition to iron man racing uh inclusive for all Pros over a thousand eligible Pros uh able to compete in the Pro Series uh with bonus points uh for performances across the entire series uh really has raised the game and we’ve seen a lot of new faces already and to your point after the Olympic Games we’ll likely see even more so exciting times ahead for the sport of triathlon so if we talk about then the Iron Man Pro Series at the moment so uh no finel is actually sitting in fifth at the moment on the Iron Man Pro Series just ahead of cat Matthews in six um vanela raced Oceanside as well so has two races on on the cards for the Iron Man Pro Series the athletes can have a to they take their best five races over the year three of those can be Iron Man races which is 5,000 points as opposed to uh a 7.3 which is 2,500 points for the win minus the World Championship events which is 6,000 points for the Iron Man world championship and 3,000 points for the Iron Man 70.3 World Championship awesome thank you that which is right and it’s one second per or one point per second is what then the athletes uh get after the winner has crossed the line now I was looking at the current rankings of the pro series and so at the moment Danielle Lewis from the USA is sitting at uh number one ranked just as we see for go through 140 km on the bike so just 9 km till we get that next split for finel language um Danielle leis is sitting at the top of the Iron Man Pro Series she’s currently on 8,915 points Emma palent in second um who is a 70.3 athlete so won’t have a full distance in there at the end of the year now finel is in fifth now for her to take the lead or rather to move ahead of Danielle Lewis she needs uh 3,3 22 points which means she can be 27.9 minutes behind the lead the winner today to move ahead now cat is in six again you’re now checking my maths aren’t you I can see you’re checking my maths I’m getting nervous um because I might be wrong on this I’m just checking my social media because it seems like you’re going to be going for a while I am but we’re going to so cat is in six and she had 5,000 points from Iron Man Texas so she needs to be uh 3,9 115 points to move ahead of Danielle Lewis at the top of the rankings which is 18 minutes behind the leader if cat doesn’t win together today but we will find out more about who’s going to win right after this break introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at full [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the European Channel championships Iron Man Hamburg we are getting to the final stages well the last quarter or so of the bike course uh about 145 kilometers through I think we did just see uh finel go past the 140 uh sign our tracker on the bottom says uh oh yeah that’s at 135 so yeah she’s 140 km in so hopefully going through the next tracking point at 149 km soon so we can see if she is maintaining that LE lead over that chase pack of cat Matthews El’s vissa Daniela blal Maya say Nathan Jackie Herring and Julia YOLO and of note uh through the last aid station uh finel had some issues has if we take a look there at her bike she’s got the one bottle on her frame but nothing in that rear cage and nothing in that spot between uh her Arrow bars there so she might be a little bit low on fluids it’s been quite some time uh since she’s had access uh to a bottle she does have some calories on board we can see there uh in the Bento Box she’s got some gels in there but uh no fluids to speak of so will that have an impact time we’ll tell as we come back to what we believe is our second group of Chasers with Jackie Herring Maya stage neelsen and Julie YOLO yeah now D like a couple of we saw finel but also Jackie and uh Maya I think it is in front um are wearing uh Cal sleeves tell us a little bit about uh the benefits or why you would wear a c sleeve or long sock well like we talked about some of the developments in the Sports Nutrition and how that is evolving some of our Fabrics now in in both what we wear uh there was a time ages ago where athletes wouldn’t wear black because it was thought to absorb the Sun but now the nature of these technical Fabrics that even the darker colors will repel the Sun and be cooling um the calf sleeves as we have discovered when we used to race in just bathing suits all of these technical materials are actually faster than skin so having those body parts covered uh is actually faster so what they’re wearing there was a time where athletes would wear compression for the run because it was thought to minimize the the vibration of the muscles which reduced fatigue in the calves offered a little bit of support now we’re wearing them on the bike because some of these materials are actually faster than skin uh so wind tunnel tested um they can be faster what’s interesting is it’s not the same for every athlete um and different models might be better for one athlete versus another which is one of life’s wind tunnel Mysteries to me but uh no two athletes are the same in terms of uh how they ride and how their body interacts uh with the bike and the wind so therefore different manufacturers of calf sleeves are more or less effective for different athletes and some not at all uh but for the most part A lot of these Pros will have tested that uh in Wind Tunnel situations um and so yeah it’s an aerodynamic benefit and also it depends plus you don’t have to shave your legs this is true uh plus obviously it depends on whether we you have a a wet suit or not on wet suit swim so if today we had the athletes it was a wet suit swim so many of them would have chosen to put the Cal sleeves on underneath the wet suit if it’s a non- wet suit swim then you’re not allowed to wear a c sleeve so then the athlete has to make a decision as to whether it’s worth stop taking a little bit longer in T1 to put on the C sleeve um for then the arrow benefit and the seconds you are saving on the bike right you have to be pretty I mean those are pretty snug uh so they’re tough to put on particularly when you’re wet so in non-wet suit swims uh when you’re not allowed to wear them in the swim um the time savings that they offer probably not for most athletes worth the time it takes to put them on uh but certainly in a wet suit swim that is not a consideration as it was today yeah so it’s interesting to see just more and more of the athletes are wearing the Cal sleeve so um back with vanilla language on on course our lead female she has um been pretty much leading the race as we expect these days from finel uh since the swim she did go back and forth a little bit with Julie YOLO on the swim our French athlete um but now finella very much on her own out in front so let me ask you this um Sid when you’re alone at the front for as long as finel has been and and we’ve obviously discussed that she’s used to racing in this position because she is a strong swimmers and a strong cyclist as well so being alone at the front is not unfamiliar to her but how do you stay engaged how do you maintain that that Focus that drive when you don’t have that constant reminder of your competitors around you yeah I mean does the mind wander not always I mean you would talk about you know an Iron Man race with what be eight and a half nine hours of racing your mind if you can stay focused for for that length of time I think it does happen so for me I break the course down um and break it into segments so I’ve got my my power meter and I’ll have power or or heart rate that I’m looking at and possibly times for different segments of the course that we’ll try and break it down uh it’s trying to keep it really in the moment you’re sort of clocking You’re Now sort of trying to clock down the kilometers uh I think also like on a on a course like this in Hamburg um you you’re keeping focused because you got to keep your head up a little bit with the age groupers that you’re going past but also there’s a bit of fear you just keep wanting to push really hard to make maintain that that Gap you don’t know necessarily where the the chase pack are behind you but you it’s you know it’s eyes forward and just trying to put as much time in front of them but um yeah break the course down break it into segments to ensure you know tick off put it in 10 kilometer blocks or or whatever it is I don’t know how how do you how do you go that position it comes it comes down to I it’s been a half a minute since I’ve been at the front of a race but I can remember back um I break it down to the process right so I have a running inventory of process oriented things you know what’s my heart rate what’s my Cadence where’s my power when’s the last time I ate when’s the last time I drank what’s my heart rate what’s my Cadence what’s my power when’s the last time I ate when’s the last time I drank um you know other things you can add to that position checks uh certainly we saw finel before when she had a bottle uh in her uh Arrow bars there that she was checking her Arrow position by tucking that chin um onto the bottle so your your form on the bike can be something else that you come back to uh to check in with but basically to have a running list of not outcome oriented but process oriented tasks that you want to manage throughout the course of the bike and just keep lather rinse repeat over those critical points of of process oriented goals the Goldfish again the Goldfish again keep it simple but we’re going to take a quick commercial break and keep it simple but we’ll be back don’t go away for 12 years for 4,383 sunrises across millions of mornings we’ve been working to make one thing better this ag1 is foundational Nutrition a science driven formulation to support whole body brain and gut health with just one of these or one of these once a day welcome to foundational nutrition welcome to ag1 start at drink [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] welcome back to the action here at the Iron Man European Championship Hamburg uh we are with our Chasers right now I think this is our second Chase pack of Jackie hering Julie YOLO and Maya stage neelen they are in pursuit of cat Matthews and ell’s Visser up the road and who are in then pursuit of finella language so finel about to approach uh that 149. kilom timing mat and we will have some timing split updates to share uh as well as some other news from the course that’s it and then they uh just have then once we get them through that timing mat it’s just 30 km if my math is correct on that one or just under CU it’s one 178 to T2 where we’re going to start on our hooker Run course now did we’ve talked a lot about nutrition and uh cat had issues with her bottles uh finel we think possibly list um issues with the bottles race week nutrition what is your go-to I’m going to ask you a question that Jackie Herring put up after it was a quite a contentious Topic at the press conference are you pizza or rice are you team Pizza are you team rice I’m both slightly earlier in the week no slightly earlier in the week I would uh indulge in some of the pizza um but closer to race day the day before I probably would be more team rice two days before team Pizza day before team rice fair enough I I don’t like to limit my carbs I I like to love all of the carbs but I just like to love them in a in a somewhat logical methodical order we love carbs um anyone going to the iron Vin Fest Iron Man World Championships in Kona there is a fantastic cookie shop and I’m that’s all I’m going to say cuz you’re going to steal all my cookies but that was carb loading uh Before the Race um but Jackie as a I’m going to call her an Iron Man rookie albeit she’s done 16 but it has been nine years they were um having some light-hearted fun with Jackie about her nutrition uh leading into the race and she was asking everyone all the other Pro women for their advice uh she was very much a pizza team pizza and it was pretty much every other Pro female was uh horrified rice hor yeah yeah they were team rice every day leading into race week which I don’t know I just tend to eat anything really anything that anyone cooks for me well I think that that you know it depends on what your gut can handle what you’re used to handling certainly um we do have finel Language by the way through uh 149. one so start your watches and we will see at last what you some time ago 3 it was 3:46 wasn’t it oh it’s there on the screen I was going to be impressed with my memory but it’s there written in front of me going say it’s back above 4 minutes all right I’m going to go un I’m going to go three you’re going to go under I’m going to go 3:30 I’m going to go over you’re going to go under yeah we like to be controversial are we beding on a bottle of wine does that work no no don’t come on De no give me something um yep there’s a botle a pizza then if we’re talking about food or a cookie or a muffin carbs carbs love we we’ll bet on carbs but here we are with uh finel who is uh been alone at the front uh for quite some time well not alone because look at all the age groupers that are out there with her but uh now through uh we are waiting for the Chasers we expect next uh cat Matthews uh and El’s viser who had seemingly distanced themselves Daniela blal is is sort of missing in that group as well she probably would likely be with Matthews and Visser uh but momentarily we will have that update for you but those are next expected athletes based on pure logic and based on the last timing split certainly yeah and obviously Maya stay Nelson in there as well uh Julie YOLO in there um Sarah spanks uh she had that crash here we go El vissa has moved up and two and a half I win the bottle of wine W two and a half I win the bottle of wine uh that we didn’t bet on um with Daniel BL and now we would expect cat Matthews and Maya and Jackie to come through but let’s see it looks like El and Dan Daniela may have got a little bit of a gap a littleit a little bit of a gap um surprising for that um cuz Maya was looking good I thought Maya would have been in there well no Maya was back with Jackie and Julie so we’ve seen that we’ve seen that Trio for the last 20 30k together and they were seemingly by themselves obviously we don’t the camera doesn’t get necessarily everyone I think I was too busy doing my maths on the pro scores you’ve been very busy very busy but no Maya Jackie and Julie are together uh implying that cat ell’s and Daniela are together but right now only ell’s uh and Daniela through that timing mat so something has befallen cat Matthews we will try to get down to the course uh and see what is going on with cat Matthews but at this point she is still not through um Jackie hering now through 1491 and Julie uh y YOLO was going around that corner as well that’s a tight turn and Maya so there we go Maya stage Nelson is so they they they’re they’re still the same uh 345 back with Jackie Herring and Julie YOLO um we are missing cat Matthews at the moment um but El vissa and Danielle uh BL blel have certainly made a break and a closing down on uh finel language just two and a half minutes so they’ve taken if my math is correct a minute 15 uh out of vanela language lead so let’s just recap the top six through that 149 km Mark finella language in first El missa and Daniela blell 229 or 230 back and then a third group Myer stay Nelson Jackie herin and Julie YOLO at 3:46 and we have an update from the course that cat Matthews has received a red card for passing in a no passing zone on lap two of the full gas course she’s allowed to finish the race in appeal that that that ruling uh but given that she is not through that timing mat what would that imply that she has accepted the red card which by the way if you are tuning in a red card is is disqualification you can protest it uh through channels after the race there is a formal process uh through which you uh go uh to contest a penalty but it’s a weighty thing to go through the rest of an Iron Man uh knowing that you’ve got to contest that and what the chances are that you will win that appeal but right now we are hearing cat Matthews issued a red card for passing in a no passing zone uh and not yet through uh 149. one kilm what does that say to you yeah it’s um it’s a tricky one that because obviously we haven’t we haven’t seen um the incident we haven’t seen what happened um there has been a races of late where athletes have been given a penalty uh and a carried on to finish the race and successfully overturned and appealed it um is that for but for other things like littering or um and things like that passing in a in a no pass Zone obviously we didn’t see it and that’s the issue but I don’t know it’s probably harder to argue that case but again haven’t seen the evidence so I don’t know given cat has a huge year ahead of her um she’s had issues with the with her calf um the fact that she hasn’t come through that next timing split would potentially I’m looking because I I don’t think she wouldn’t have lost time on that group so um I mean it most a couple of seconds if she’s having a conversation with an official uh to discuss the red card uh maybe she would have lost 30 40 seconds but now it’s it’s it’s a couple of minutes uh which to me would inquire we do not have confirmation so I I shouldn’t speculate uh but having not gone through that timing mat and knowing she’d been issued a red card um cat Matthews just if you’re joining us uh now discussing a red card issued to cat Matthews uh during the second Loop of the bike for passing in a no passing zone uh these are these rules are in place for the safety of the athletes so the officials tend to be pretty merciless uh we’ve talked about sort of our our officials playing a role of judging intent when we go through uh Aid stations and Corners with respect to drafting there’s an accordion effect and they they read the situation uh but in a no passing zone that tends to be a pretty cut and dry situation of um either you did it or you didn’t and for the safety of the athletes they are very strict with that uh so cat Matthews issu red card which means disqualification she is open to the uh appeals process uh but right now we have not seen her through 149. one kilm and now that puts a little bit of a spanner in the works on our um overall Iron Man Pro Point series cat’s plans for the year her wanting to come back and sort of after her race in in Texas and I think she was sort of hungry for a better performance that she she knows can do um cat has announced from the start of the year that she’s had a incredibly busy schedule uh one of the first races in the year though she she didn’t finish um with a c te but obviously came back and had a a solid race at Iron Man Texas um defending her title defending defending her title yeah but it wasn’t yeah it was but not probably the performance she wanted because of nursing that calf um came to Hamburg wanting to put in a a fantastic fantastic performance putting her name on uh on the top of the IR man Pro Series uh but obviously now he just not and the other interesting thing is finel won’t know well that I mean that’s the thing is that if we look at what you know all along we’ve been talking about cat as potentially fastest on paper through the marathon she has posted the fastest marathon off the bike of any of the women in our Pro field today by about 10 minutes uh bar uh Kristen leapold but she she ran a 241 but it was back in like 2012 so it doesn’t really count I mean it counts it does count but not recent but this certainly if cat is out of the equation which certainly um right now we don’t see cat on course our spotters on course saying we do not see cat on the course so it seems based on the evidence we have that she may be out of the race levels the playing field because now we look at El’s Visser can run in and around three hours finel langd can run in and around three hours Maya stage can run in and oh dear we’ve got El Visser on the side of the course this looks like a technical issue a flat tire flat tire looks like a flat tire I was just about to say my money is on L’s for the win and it’s like the commentator’s curse isn’t it now she is okay let’s talk about let’s talk about tubless tires so she is right now trying to get her disc wheel open so she can just get a CO2 into there she’s not replacing the tube she’s not putting a new tire discust what is she doing um I would imagine she’s just trying to get well if she’s just putting SE so if you’ve got a tubless tire and you punch her the sealant should seal as you keep spinning um and if that hasn’t the case she’s maybe trying to just put some air in they’ve got 30k to go you can to some extent run on a flat at some point 30ks is a long way to go it looks like look how flat you know what she’s done the valve her CO2 valve does not fit on her disc wheel she’s so what she’s doing so you can see how flat her rear tire is she’s running a tubless tire which means there is sealant inside the tire um which should theoretically patch the hole it has not in time for before the the tire went flat so she’s trying to reinl it in hopes that the sealant has patched the hole but her problem is that the adapter that she has put on the CO2 canister is too large and she just lost all of her air and it doesn’t yeah so what you can oh my God who’s having flashbacks to Iron Man World Championship with Christy Wellington on the side of the road begging for CO2 cartridge uh you but probably none of the people viewing cuz that was way too long ago and half the viewers these days don’t even know who Chrissy was unfortunately but yes that did happen yeah this is such an unfortunate situation she was traveling with one CO2 which you hope is enough again a lesson a take-home lesson make sure your adapter fits your disc wheel and obviously she’s not there are no mechanics there so I would hope that maybe somebody in the race but that’s a real shame cuz we’ve NE we’ve just lost two of our favorites in the space of five minutes cuz now you can see cat definely well I’m saying definitely hasn’t come through on the tracker we confirmed that she is no longer on course yeah we can confirm so that um but Sarah SAR SPX is back through the tracker now at that 149 km but 10 meters back with Laura Jansen so El will be hoping that the mechanic comes and she can swap her her tire and or her wheel out um this is a classic with those disc wheels the space for the here’s the other thing I see a guy running into a building she cannot accept outside a got he asked her what she needed and I feel like he lives in that building he’s running up to get something for her she is not allowed to accept outside Aid other than from a race official on the course or another athlete yeah on the course so she can take a CO2 she can take another adapter but she cannot if that if that guy ran up to her and is an athlete and is running up to his apartment to bring down a CO2 she cannot take it from him it’s got to come from someone within the race organization so tough times for El Visser right now and you you could see the length of that valve in the in the disque but it didn’t have enough room between the end of the valve for that CO2 adapter to get on It’s Tricky cuz day in and day out in training we don’t think about it right and even when we pump up our tires um pre-race we’re often doing it with a pump or even with what we call a crack pipe which is an adapter that fits on the end of a pump to fit in that tight space in the disc but it is absolutely something to consider if you run into trouble out on the course that what you have will fit both of your wheels both in terms of valve length and the space in those disc wheels and currently our leader finella language is blissfully going along not knowing any of the Carnage that is happening behind her I mean it’s sort of unfortunate cuz someone you kind of want to whisper to her like hey by the way you just lost two you can back off the gas a little bit well I still think like like we still don’t know a Jackie herring what Jackie can run uh we still know Maya’s still in there she’s a great Runner um um we don’t know where fela’s run is at I think her run is better than it has shown in her last few races but this is a massive opportunity now for finel she’s suddenly gone from I think I would say on the podium potential I I wouldn’t have necessarily gone for the win but now we’ve lost cat and potentially depending how much much time El’s loses I think this is now fela’s to really to lose if finella wins the race where do she move in the point standings if finel wins the race she will definitely move up into the lead of the point standings she’s in fifth place already uh this is the Iron Man Pro Series she’s on 5,593 points so if she wins that is 5,000 points so she goes up to 10,593 points I you do that Ma by I did do that math all by myself um um and Danielle Danielle Lewis is in first at the moment with 8,95 points so clearly well ahead on on that one yeah so yeah wow what an eventful 10 kilometers there with the the red card being issued uh to cat Matthews uh she is no longer on the course and El’s Visser suffering a flat of that rear disc wheel and her CO2 adapter too large to fit into the space to pump it back up so El’s waiting on the side of a course for a technical official um to help her bik Tech to help her she cannot take aid um from a spectator if an age group athlete wants to stop and help her that is permissible uh but she is not allowed to accept Aid uh from Spectators or bystanders that’s got to come from within the organization so we do have a camera with El’s and we’ll update you on her progress getting back underway still still so much racing but an exciting uh couple of minutes out on the course here in hurg we’re going to take a quick Break um to refresh ourselves after this exciting moment I got to catch my breath don’t go away we’ll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the VIN fast yeah it’s got 402 horsepower all re drive over air updates and a 10-year unlimited M battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey [Music] [Music] and welcome back to the action here at the Iron Man European Championship Hamburg this is a pro women’s only Race Six slots on offer for the Iron Man World Championship in nice as well as 5,000 points in the Ironman Pro Series if you’re just tuning in we’ve had an eventful uh couple of kilometers here with the disqualification of cat Matthews for passing in a no passing zone uh other race favorite El’s Visser suffered a puncture in her rear wheel and did not have the proper equipment to fix it she had the adapter and the CO2 cartridge but it did not fit so ‘s Visser currently standing on the side of the road right now finella langd our leader uh back at 149. onek enjoyed a two and a half minute lead over Daniela blell uh who had separated herself from MAA stge neelsen who is riding with Jackie hering and Julie YOLO we had a quick uh look at Sarah spank who took a tumble at the end of lap one she now sits 10 minutes back clearly suffering the result of that unfortunate crash I know it’s all happened and I was just going to have to think we were bringing out the topic about talking about dogs again no but we didn’t need to talk about dogs we didn’t need to talk about dogs but we need to talk about another race opportunity in Europe uh if you’re starting to plan your 2025 Race season uh think about joining us at zapiro Iron Man 70.3 Alcudia mayorca on May 10th 2025 the baleric island of mayorca hosts one of the largest Iron Man 70.3 events in the world fast course in a magnific in magnificent Sunny mayorca the race always takes place on a Saturday and allows athletes to relax and visit the island on Sunday it has been a global favorite for over a decade so register now for 2025 and it certainly looked like a fantastic race we were on in the studio again commentating on enjoy ourselves there we did enjoy ourselves there um yeah on in meca um a few weeks ago uh bringing back memories Dei had raced there I had parted there uh and not raced but uh yeah it does look like a fantastic race so one to definitely put on your bucket list and I would say to actually I doubt there are many Americans watching because it is the middle of the night in the US um for this Iron Man Hamburg race but if you are looking for uh sort of bucket list races I would definitely recommend Iron Man Hamburg or Iron Man Frankfurt the both the German races the Germans really really do support Triathlon they know to put on had to put on great EV events they are fantastic um atmosphere with the crowds and both Hamburg and Frankfurt are fairly City Center um races and I think we’re going to see when we get onto the Run course and see that finish line as well just the crowds that are there and the the atmosphere and the support that these athletes get um yes calling for all all you Americans are wanting to travel overseason do a race I would definitely recommend the German events and we had a quick update there on the weather from our friends at Roa and while the temperatures uh certainly seem to be staying staying stable try that same that 10 times fast in the 16° Celsius range we can see even optically on course that the wind is picking up which is presenting a bit of our challenge uh for our athletes out on course of course our Pro women uh getting closer to the end of this full gas bike course but our age Coopers out there uh going to battle the winds as they pick up out out on course today that’s right and I’m just looking at now finel went through the first lap in 212 I think it was if my memory corrects me uh Danielle Daniela blal was actually quicker in a 209 but finel now going through that 149 km is 339 so with 30 km left to go or 29 um but moving at a 42 K an hour uh that race course record of 4 31 from Laura Phillips albeit a different bike course so not not quite the same uh certainly looking like it’s in threat certainly but the wind might the the wind could change it for sure uh it’s super impressive as we take a look at our uh ag1 supplemental stats here on the bike for finel language that last average speed through that last split at 42. 36 km per hour would put her total race time off the bike at [Music] 5549 um take off a 50-minute swim take off a 50-minute swim and that’s that’s impressive what I was going to say is that you know yes this is a new bike course and it is different in that it is a lolly poop shape uh one directional uh still flat still fast but I think this course is more technical uh with the addition of you see some of these Villages uh the old course was pretty much a straight out and back and now they are contending with Winder roads um which to me doesn’t seem as fast so the fact that they are under course record uh certainly impressive as we recap our top five athletes out on course for our professional females finel language in first Daniela blell in second Maya stage neelen in third and Jackie Herring fourth Julie YOLO fifth back on screen we do have El’s Visser back in Action it looks like she’s got air in that rear tire I can’t tell how much uh she did say something to the cameraman no doubt she’s out of the top five right now uh we won’t get an update on her split until she gets off the bike yeah that that 227 was obviously the the split to vanilla from the last checkpoint um and since then she did have that flat tire uh we’re not quite sure how or who fixed that hopefully the the bike mechanics on course the the on course support came came and helped her or she managed to another athlete perhaps gave her a an adapter that did fit into her disc wheel as we go back to Jackie Herring who’s having a fantastic day go on Dei I know you’re I say I just wanted to go back to El’s for for a minute and just ask pose the hypothetical in that situation obviously it’s hard to Ted lasso and be a goldfish right it’s it’s significant impact all the Ted lasso references I knew would obviously not as significant as as the Fate that has befallen uh cat Matthews who is now out of the race with a red card but a significant hit to her race what do you do how do you tackle that mentally yes and and physically what what what’s your strategy well if she’s like once you’ve got it fixed and she’s now back on the race course I think like ‘s is one of the toughest athletes out there so again I think it’ll just fuel her fire um you know in at the Iron Man world champion championships last year she rode for how many kilometers with one pedal I think and still like ran a legit uh still ran herself into a great position in the race so um I think ‘s is probably one of the toughest um athletes on the circuits you have to be to be a shipwreck Survivor right have to be add some exctly anything else is fairly uh fairly walk in the park exactly so um I I I don’t think well I think if she can keep her head she’s and she is back on the bike and all things uh playing out she is still in contention and I think she can still hold it together um as we go to uh Mayers St Nelson uh currently sitting in probably now third position excuse me uh you can see that is uh well that looks like Julie YOLO up ahead which would make sense from the splits yes sorry just uh working out the math again um I’m now quite excited for Maya well like I think these women on course I mean obviously will they will well they will have seen El’s because El’s was ahead of them so Maya Jackie and Julie will have gone by El’s standing on the side of the road with a flat um but these women right now certainly still don’t likely know about cat uh although they would have bassed cat at some point as well um but they’ve got to they’ve got to be thinking to themselves like uh dodging bullets right left and Center like bullets being fired by the race today at some of these Pro women and uh right now finel uh danela Maya and Jackie and Julie just trying to say okay stay safe Keep Together get off the bike do you talk to your bike at this point uh talk nice things I think you talked to the universe at this point yeah just you know be nice let’s get through it let’s not do anything silly just take a breath get there safely you know there’s a lot of age groupers there we don’t want flat tires and mechanical these athletes we’ve now probably got I don’t know probably 20 20K to go so very much in the the last section for for our professional women and certainly we’ve had a fair bit of uh excitement in the last 10 kilom and drama which is kind of thrown on maybe we need to get Ruth back on the phone to give her predictions again because uh two well no one of them went out the window unfortunately with uh cat Matthews getting a red card but I think cat would have been probably most people’s pick for today uh but yeah opportunity for the the rest of the women just shows that you know whatever the cliche is it’s not over to the it’s not over till it’s over um and and I would say that to ell’s as well if she’s back on the bike uh looks like if this is ell’s it looks like she was a little bit cautious around that corner so maybe that maybe that disc wheel hasn’t got all the air in that she would like just taking those Corners a little bit I was trying to look at it as we had a side view on her and it did look a little soft I mean we run on on those tubless tires we are running a lower pressure um but it does look like she’s a little bit but that’s vanilla anyway so maybe that that’s vanilla going through and just navigating that um uh bib number two so yeah um but yeah I did think that when we saw back to L’s that she was a little bit cautious rightfully so uh if you’re running 25 pounds of pressure in that rear I mean that is in one way you know you were talking about the tubeless tires and having sealant in and um you tend it used to be that uh tires you’d run at like what 100 PSI or 120 on SE UPS 120 on SE UPS we like a little piece of popcorn in a frying pan out there now it is that you can run a lot lower um so that sort of 60 PSI 70 PSI obviously depending on the better course and stuff so um more surface area on the road which um is a fast well a fasting rolling resistance but also then cushions on that yeah less less bouncing on the road theoretically so smoother smoother rolling throughout and then we see um finel currently with a two and a half minute lead over we think what will now be uh Daniela blal in an um in second place on her own uh 45 seconds uh no an minute 15 ahead and we are taking a look here at what is to come for the athletes in the bike exit as they Dismount and reverse what they did out of the swim they’ll drop their bikes on the racks run a very very very very 16 varies long way up to the gear bag station uh where they will grab their Red Run gear bags deposit their bike gear into the bag and put the gear on and head out to take on the Hoka Run course but again we get a sense of how very long it look almost looks bigger and longer without the bikes there yeah it does and what did we say it was about 700 M long I think yeah five actual transition is 500 M so half a kilometer uh the athletes are running from one end of the bike Rex to the other and then it was uh 200 M from the swim so not sure if that’s for the bike to run as well but definitely a minimum of uh yeah 500 m transition add that to your Marathon yeah exactly never it off they never take it off they never take it offal not the way it works yeah they never take it off they should shorten the marathon I’d like to I’d like to get Scott darw on the phone and discuss this he’s probably running he’s probably out there doing uh during the marathon um yeah yeah it was that I mean that’s a kilometer that’s a pretty pretty significant it’s a significant addition for sure mind taking that off my marathon and yeah there we saw the Run exit where athletes will run through the city center to the screams of adoring fans uh when they get there but not yet so close but not yet you can see that graphic along the bottom of the screen uh that is the progress of our lead female finel language so she has covered certainly more than she has to go she can start to see um the city skyline the city sights uh certainly getting a little bit more dense as she makes her way back uh towards the city center and T2 where she will uh be welcome to a host of information about what’s gone on behind her so just looking a bit further down the women’s field and some of the athletes that are moving up so Erin shenl uh she’s moving up 22 and then on the moving up into that top 10 is Katherina wolf um still 14 or 15 minutes behind the lead but is now up into into that top 10 um a few other movers as well on that second page in the in the back half of the pro women field well and certainly significant because of our women on course right now if we look at Kona or sorry nce qualifying slots uh finel is qualified um as is uh El’s uh so Daniela blel uh currently our first on course in need of a slot Maya is qualified Jackie Herring needs a slot that would be slot number three uh Julie imolo needs a slot that would be slot number four uh Sarah sinins needs a slot that would be number five and currently Laura Jansen sitting in our final qualifying slot she is in eighth position overall obviously a lot of racing left to go but uh those slots certainly on the minds of of our women out on course yeah and only though uh what are we two and a half minutes between that eighth and Ninth slot and uh uh what was it Laura Jansen and and uh well it would I do think laurri jansen’s a faster runner uh she does run around that 3 minute so yeah uh Kina needs uh sorry three hours yeah be good fast run a really good she’s going to the Olympics that’s like a spaceship kind of run just unheard of um so Katerina would need to uh get a little bit of time on Laura Yan Jansen uh if she was to uh have a bid on that on that slot but there are athletes ahead that we don’t know I mean there’s so much racing left to go and these gaps uh as we see seem you know we’ve been talking about it for so long on the bike but we somehow we get to the Hoka Run course and everything gets turned upside down all over again so there’s so much action left to come here at the Iron Man European championship hurg for our professional women don’t go away we’re going to take a quick break but we’re going to come right back sit tight your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the VIN fast yeah it’s got action 402 horsepower all whe drive over air updates and a 10e unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in okay infotainment screen cut none of those are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for [Music] Joey open up the sky cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the station ready to go goe I’m here’s Elizabeth in the middle of The Perfect Workout for her to create it we analyzed her Biometrics and genetics her recovery rate injury risk and aerobic potential her recent training sessions at temperature humidity and elevation the demands of her next race and billions of data points from athletes just like her with triod Elizabeth gets faster faster and what does she have to do I just open Trot and did my workout triot we do the technology you do the training Iron Man European championships in Hamburg is brought to you by ag1 better finishes starts with ag1 and by vinfast boundless together and and welcome back to Iron Man Hamburg we are currently behind the or following the chase pack that is Julio YOLO um before we head back to finel language who is our leading female out in front at the last timing split which was 149 km she had a 2 and a half minute lead over Daniela blil um they are now in probably the last 20K before T2 uh we won’t get another split until T2 so we’re just waiting to see what deficit um it is from finel back to Daniel we’ve had lots of action in the last little while uh the latest being El’s Visa um getting a flat tire um on her rear disc wheel but it looks like uh she has fixed it she is back on the bike um as actually seeing the first signs of a bit of Grimace maybe of uh uh finel as she just clears her breathing pipes um to make sure but just looking a little bit strain but then you wouldn’t expect that or you would expect that rather with 20 20ks to go at the last bit and she’s done a lot of this work at the front of the bike on her own oh she’s done all of it at the front of the bike on her own um and and yeah I mean at this point in the bike I think you’re you’re starting to get ready to get off your bike uh she’s certainly an extraordinary Runner as well has had a couple of rougher run splits in past races but we certainly know the potential is there um she had um a marathon PB uh I believe around at 3 hours um flat um and has run ran 303 on route to that win at iron manwa last fall so uh we know she’s got the goods to run well her run split at Iron Man Texas wasn’t extraordinary but that was certainly an extraordinary day with the condition so time will tell uh but definitely a strong Runner and and I’m telling you if we look at our women left on course uh finel with a run PB of 3 hours um 3 hours and 36 seconds uh Daniela blel back at uh Iron Man Israel in 2022 ran 3 hours 3 minutes uh Maya at uh Iron Man Texas uh ran and that was in 2023 ran three hours flat uh and ‘s Visser has an Iron Man PB off the bike of 301 at Iron Man wa again similar courses which is why I I flat courses uh tend to yield faster run splits but all of these women with really similar run PBS off the bike in the 3 hours to 303 uh will they be able to bring the PBS today um if they do things might actually remain relatively unchanged through this Marathon but if we know anything about Iron Man racing uh anything is possible and to turn out a PB uh for all of these women on the very same day would be extraordinary and then we’ve got the likes of Jackie Herring who is a great great Runner hasn’t done an Iron Man in almost a decade so we don’t know where she’s at either so her run PB is somewhere around 320 but that’s ancient history yeah I was going to say really interestingly like we know uh Jackie over the last few years when she’s been racing over the half and 70.3 distance of running has been although I guess the the she’s always been a solid swimmer and then that bike run combo has been a real strength um prior to that when she did do Iron Man her run was that 320 330 nothing certainly wouldn’t be special in today’s um the way the women are running today her bike splits too I mean they just she was a good all-around athlete but she was not and she had been on several podiums and and won Iron Man races but wasn’t what we would consider pointy Arrow World Championship um caliber and really has come to another level through her 70.3 r racing yeah so it’s really we don’t really know what Jackie is capable of running in the marathon and off the bike although I am getting uh word from uh from the ground that actually predicted uh they’re saying predicted Jackie could run a 250 or 252 and I have asked uh what the predict or what the data behind that and apparently that’s based on training numbers which obviously is a great way it’s what we’ve got at the moment but we shall uh we’ll wait to see what happens cuz you know it’s the first time we it is a racing is different than training racing is different than training um but you know that could be um pretty interesting if Jackie does run sort of that 250 or he’s capable of running 250 252 uh Maya I think is around that 3 hour uh Danielo is probably the 305 to 310 um so yeah but there’s a they’re coming off the bike with not much um time between them so hopefully it’s going to be more exciting things can and as we’ve seen anything can already happened as has already happened so and lots left to happen no doubt uh multi-loop Run course as well uh for laps of this Run course so athletes going to be getting a lot of information out there uh from fans and that becomes the question of who do you trust well fans with great intentions you’ll get a split that says you’re two minutes down and the next minute somebody says oh my gosh you’re five minutes down and you’re like well who do I believe who is who was sipping on their beer when they start that started their watch um but point being there going to be so many fans out there that these women are going to be getting extraordinary information throughout the entire um Hoka Run course so there will be full knowledge and it’s what they are able to do with it and how they’re able to physically capitalize it that’s going to matter yeah and and the difference with this Run course it’s like you said it’s a four-lap Run course but there’s a lot of out and back sections the lot of where the both ways on the Run course are on the same path so the athletes get the chance to see each other at those turnarounds when they’re going up and down that path compared to the bike course which has been this one big lap or two laps but a one big loop and so there’s been very L there has been a few opportunities that the athl finel has been able to see the Chase and where they are and here and and things um but the Run course will be really there is an opportunity to clock where your competitors are and that works both ways that works for uh the leader she can see where the Chasers are are but also the chases first get finally get chance to see where finel is well exactly and and finel will get splits um certainly from her supporters as she comes off the bike and might actually prefer a run and hide type of strategy I think for the leader uh that tends to be a better strategy that you want to get out and get gone so people don’t know where you are out of sight out of mind uh but that is not a possibility on a course like this I mean that was certainly her tactics I think on the when she came through TR T1 after to the swim and to get out on the bike course and with that the big lap nature that suddenly what she could do yeah be a little bit more tricky on the on the Run course and she I mean we don’t know if she knows what’s going on behind her and and to some extent it doesn’t really matter because it’s her race and it should be eyes forward and it doesn’t matter that cat else whoever else is dropping back like she should just be eyes forward yeah she should be eyes forward but I think it will certainly lighten her load to know that that some of her PS are out of the race that the Gap to L’s is a little larger than it might have been otherwise I think that’s all going to bolster her um and could potentially change the way she attacks the marathon uh could be a little bit more conservative at the start knowing that you know I think had Cat still been in the race she would have wanted to send a message and gotten out hot and hard uh now she can sort of dial that back a little bit and be a little bit more patient in her strategy but again she’s got advice ERS there who are not me I I I don’t know if vanela races patiently yeah that’s true she I mean I and that’s not saying that’s a you know there are plenty of athletes that race aggressively like she definitely obviously attacks the swim it’s her strength I feel she rides hard on the bike um I feel she she she puts it all out there she races with you know she races to win but there there is a mindset going into it that you don’t have to do had C still been in the race had ell’s not given up we still don’t know how much time with the puncture she was going to finel was going to have to pull out an extraordinary race and now finel can go into this race and say I don’t need to do anything different than I’m capable of doing I don’t need anything extraordinary um out of my run I need like the run I’m capable of putting out yep and great to see the uh finel safely navigated that 180 turn uh we saw some uh uh events happening on the first lap with uh sarra spank running into the back of uh El vissa on lap one so uh fella safely through uh back into the tunnel so yeah only a few minutes away now from uh T2 yep starting to think about the run now uh certainly she’ll get some information uh she will deposit her bike and get going and more importantly we will get a split um certainly on finel in the extraordinary performance and if Laura Phillips bike course record uh will fall um predicted to to do so yeah I believe what are we now race time is 520 uh swim was 50 minutes uh give or take so yeah it’s looking looking like it might be a new a new course record and is this Vanella now loosening off her shoes her shoes so definitely about to come in or very close to transition there’s a penalty tent uh so transition must be pretty soon I think we’re seeing the Riders go to the left to start their second lap vanel is to the right to go into T2 and this is the stuff that finel lives for the crowds welcoming her back to T2 she’ll give a big smile as she Dismounts at the Dismount line and runs her bike in we call this the Judgment Zone and thankfully here in Hamburg we have a very large judgment Zone where we are able to judge uh the athletes form as they stand up and try to stretch out those hip flexors get those legs working as we take a look at our uh bike split presented by our friends at waho element bolts uh time of 42650 uh for the 178 kilom yeah and then and right up her tail holy smokes Daniela blind with an extraordinary close to the bik course uh erasing the bik course record now sits at 42047 um for Daniela BL air 26 seconds back of uh finella language and I don’t think finel will have seen diela coming in and uh finel held that bik course record for all of 26 seconds uh before d e came and erased it taking off 20 not 20 10 minutes of Laura Phillips record extraordinary which is which is pretty impressive and that yeah that Gap you know she was with El’s and Danielle will be able to see um finel up the road but finel I don’t think we’ll have any clue that Daniela was so close behind until she gets a till she gets somebody but Vanella is looking like she’s running pretty well she looks pretty good there she It Takes a Minute like we we joke in in calling this the Judgment Zone but it is our first look to see uh if the athletes look bent over and who’s able to sort of find their form and get themselves uh upright as she makes this very long run I I’m betting she is getting information that I mean she would have heard the Roar of the crowd you know the Germans for their own the announcer as well so um oh here we come Maya and Julie imolo into transition as well so we will wait uh still waiting for Jackie herring uh that we expected there and then obviously seeing what the deficit El viser suffered with the puncture but U interestingly like that’s a great ride second half of the bike for Maya and Julie they took out another kind of M minute or so there’s Jackie Herring just through at two minutes so actually all of those women have taken time out of vanilla but the point another point I want to make Jackie herring’s bike split of four 2548 bests her old best bike split uh by nearly an hour her her previous best bike split was 520 something Jackie yeah as a pro yes and she just biked 42548 uh so congratulations Jackie Herring uh that’s a heck of a PB you just smashed your PB she’s got to be laughing to herself like it’s she’s just a different she’s an entirely different athlete um and and how extraordinary to something like that look at this the top five women all within two minutes within two minutes which we didn’t we weren’t expect and and this is it you know we weren’t expecting uh at the last timing split or halfway through the bike uh we still don’t know where how much El’s lost um as finel goes out onto the hoker Run course um so we’ll wait to see where Els comes in and then start making the judgments on uh yeah how much time she might be able to run in but yeah exciting times we’ve got a race on our hand yeah we sure do but also I mean we’ve talked about the level of of women’s racing and men’s racing it’s just skyrocketing um week after week after week it seems but not terribly surprising uh for the athletes to be that close this is a bike course that again we we’ve talked about it’s hard to get separation really really hard to get separation on a on a flat fast bike course like this um and and I think the results today prove it with our top five women all within two minutes and still waiting on El’s viser that’s right as we’re just uh in T2 Maya um there’s Jackie Herring coming in grabbing her bag uh Maya putting on her hoker hoker run shoes it looks like the carbon X to um as we go back to Daniela running out onto onto the hoker Run course now it’s really hard to tell I would say finel has a bit more of a a bounce in her step but then that also is her running style she is quite bouncy uh Daniela blal isn’t a bouncy Runner if that makes sense but that doesn’t mean to say uh that she’s not running as efficiently or effectively for an Iron Man Marathon I mean some might say it’s more efficient there’s there’s less energy expenditure she’s not the the the vertical oscillation isn’t as high there’s not the same energy expenditure going up and down um she definitely is more of a a Strider as opposed to a a bouncer but again different styles but optically you would look at the two of them and say that right now a tenth of a mile into the H Marathon that finella does look quote unquote I use my air quotes better yeah um but I I I think I mean finel always kind of goes out pretty well and I think just Daniela has that different style where she just chips away and um yeah doesn’t look like she’s running as fast and perhaps doesn’t look like she’s running as well but uh is pretty effective and gets the job done for uh for for the marathon at the end of at the end of an Iron Man and out in third is Julie YOLO um also just sort of always takes a little few kilometers to find your run legs after you’ve been on the bike for the last 4 hours um we are going to come back to find out how the hoker Run course unfolds right after this break introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike coures from the Iron Man Pro [Music] Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at full you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next [Music] [Music] back to the action here racing Iron Man European Championship Hamburg our women top women uh in our professional field the top five are off the bike finel language leads with Daniela blell in second Julie YOLO out on course in third Maya stage neelon right behind her and Jackie Herring at 2 and a half minutes back as the women start this for Loop Hoka Marathon course still waiting on El’s Visser to come off the bike she suffered a puncture so she gave up some time we’re waiting to see exactly how much time and here we have our first mover as Maya stage neelsen uh creeps up on the shoulder of Julie amolo and I imagine we’ll go right by her so now Maya stage neelen in third third place um you know looking at the exciting thing for me is looking at our top women who we discussed all have similar run PBS uh in the marathon then we start to look at consistency yep and while finella owns a comfortable lead um her Marathon performances have been somewhat inconsistent there’s a a 313 a 320 a 311 a 306 certainly that fast 303 uh from Iron Man West Australia at the end of last year Iron Man Texas 321 uh and then we look at danela blel again similar run PB but also the various fluctuations around there so we we have to look at the athletes and start banking on who is a consistent performer across the Marathon distance well then if you’re looking at the top five for consistency Julie uh YOLO we don’t know across the the longer distance she’s running about 125 to 130 over the half distance but we don’t know what she can do over over the full and Jackie hering um her run times when she used to when she did the full distance N9 years ago were the 320 to 330 well she took an hour off like she did on the bike that would be something else exactly um and and talking about fast times we have our Morton uh top transition times for our female Pros so there Julie YOLO and 301 finella language 309 and Daniela blal in 317 just to remind everybody the transition zone at Iron Man Hamburg is about 700 meters long so the transition times are obviously a little bit longer than you would normally expect so that 3 minutes uh and if you think about that they’ve had um a three minute three three and a half minute transition for T1 and for T2 so that’s six minutes of transition uh that adds to their time as the uh cyclist expertly navigated the the Ballard in the path um as we’re back with our race leader finel language but yeah certainly it’s going to be hard to know um out of those four women behind and that’s before we still haven’t seen El Visser yet El Visser actually ell Visser is not off the bike Sarah Sphinx uh has gone past ell Visser uh while she was at a standstill so uh she’s about 8 and a half minutes down of Jackie Herring so 10:37 down on finel and uh finel with um the lead of the race still and running well we’ll see if she can hold on to it when we come back after this quick break don’t go away [Music] come [Applause] beyond the Finish Lines our commitment goes the extra mile we are the Iron Man Foundation we’ve given back more than $55 million to support our mission of leaving a positive impact throughout race communities without our amazing athletes volunteers and givers we wouldn’t be where we are today together let’s continue this journey of impact join the Iron Man foundation and be a part of something extraordinary back to our action here Iron Man European Championship Hamburg uh you’re looking at Daniela blell Who currently stands in second place on the Hoka Marathon course we have eight of our professional women off the bike right now um finel in first uh Daniela blell out on course second uh Maya stage Nelson has gone past Julia moolo and sits in third um Jackie herring in fifth Sarah svens uh who took a tumble on the bike she is off the bike in six El Visser who we now see grabbing her bag in transition she sits in seventh place at 11113 down and the very fast running Laura Jansen now in transition in eighth place she is 1206 down so this is quite a marathon battle Yeah and really interesting uh that El’s obviously lost that bit of time with the flat tire but still still into transition now but if she’s with Laura Jansen and El’s I think has a good run in her and maybe they can use each other to to take out some I think it’s a big ask for them to claw their way back to the lead yes that 11 12 minutes um who knows though we’re only in the first couple of kilm of the marathon we’ve got 42 kilm to go and anything can happen I’m if I’m Laura Jansen and obviously she wants to race well but she also wants a a a qualifying slot for niece I’m gonna staple myself to Ellis Visser uh maybe let her set the pace and and draw me out um and and perhaps in deeper into qualifying slot territory uh certainly in the early stages of the Run use that as your carrot uh distance yourself from the women behind we know Laura Jansen is a very very good runner uh she may not necessarily need that help but take the help where you can get it and she’s sitting and I think from you you were when you worked out the slots and stuff that eighth position was sitting in her the are six qualifier um and there are six slots today for the pro women for the vinfast Iron Man World Championships in nce uh five of those athletes have already got slots um uh one of them was cat Matthews um but finel has uh and El’s has and they’re still up there and Maya has so huge opportunity um for for Laura Jansen to qualify again I mean she qualified last year at Frankfurt for the for Kona in her first year um of racing over the distance and now has got a chance to to get to nce as well in September and watching dianella blel here on uh camera she’s found her form I would say through transition she was looking a little lower to the ground but she is she has got her stride and is up and running and as we look at our top five finel langri Daniela blel Julie YOLO Maya stage neon Jackie Herring as we take our first look at Jackie Herring who is a great great Runner uh again some of her run I I didn’t even write it down because I I just jotted down ancient history uh we’ve been saying it all day she is a a vastly different athlete from what she was uh the last time she raced in Iron Man and she was a respectable athlete then uh but she’s at a whole new level now uh in pursuit of the lead she’s 2 minutes uh 2 minutes 29 seconds down uh nearly 220 near nearly 230 I should say down but um she’s she’s she’s got the bit in her mouth and she’s she’s moving forward I’ve got it for you and actually to give her a little bit of credit back so yes in uh 2014 2013 she was definitely running uh around that uh 315 at best but to 330 34 40 uh in the marathon however in her last Iron Man that she did which was Iron Man montron Blanc in 2015 and she did finish four she did run a 304 so that is more in the territory that we would expect from Jackie Herring um interesting enough a little bit like Daniela blal she doesn’t necessarily look like she’s running that fast with her technique but it is hugely effective um and which is what you is often better in an Iron Man uh marathon and she does move at PACE um so yeah so excited some point some point in this Marathon course I Jackie’s got to have the realization like oh now I remember why I didn’t do our man for the last decade she might have already now I know why why didn’t somebody remind me of this before I wonder if she thought that when she was on the bike at a certain point rather than getting to the marathon but yeah um vanel language looking pretty good and spritely at the front uh as she always does at at this point so um and I’m sure vanela now has had word and information about what’s happening behind her um and just needs to yeah keep ticking it over and our race weather updated uh by our friends at Roa temperatures are climbing a little bit still pretty ideal conditions for running and actually the humidity is falling slightly it had been up at 83% now 81% it’s negligible but uh lower humidity typically tends to be a little bit better for the athletes running but nice cool temperatures uh to set our athletes off on this equally fast Marathon course to our bike course that’s right and I I definitely think that cloud cover is going to play a Hu or will be um very much appreciated by the athlete so yes it’s still pretty humid and that temperature uh 18 degrees C but I think the cloud cover will definitely take a little bit sting out it’s you definitely feel it being hotter when when the when the sun is shining well I think you also tend to feel the humidity a little bit more when the sun is out so cool and humid is is vastly different than hot and humid I think at least in my my estimation yeah that’s right so as we said four laps of the hoker Run course relatively flat although it is a little bit twisty turny um and they do sort of Loop in and out under bridges uh and roundabout so as you see now finel is going over um a bridge um a bridge a bridge I’m just trying to work out where where she is on that bridge that she’s going over looking at the map um and then they sort of loop underneath it and round um so yeah she’s just doing a little bit of an out and back section ah she’s on the Kennedy Brooker that’s where she is for that out and back section so we should get our first split uh coming through on the run I think actually I think she just crossed a timing map she did just cross a timing map there at the u-turn uh so there we go 540 race time for finel um over that first split on the on the Hoka Run course and she has put some distance between herself and and Daniela who was headed the other way at last check it was 26 seconds as they exited transition and just optically my eyeball stopwatch is telling me that um she she has put some time in already to Daniela blel so uh good news for finel language as danela makes that turn and I’m going to say a minute 15 I’m waiting now 48 seconds oh okay cuz your eyeballs are pretty good they were pretty good in mayorca they’re a little off today yeah they’re a little off today 48 seconds so uh she definitely has put um a little bit of time in but it’s only been a little bit of distance uh both women looking looking very good no cause for concern at this early stage as one would expect that’s right and we’re talking about you know 3.9 4K in into the run so 38k still a running left to go um I think the the battle here as well like finel will be wanting that win um I I I think she sort of has that that confidence uh she won Iron Man wa at the end Western Australia that is at the end of last year and I think sort of maybe came into this race with a lot of the other women sort of talking about their goals and and things and um has just sort of for got about her business so we’ll be definitely wanting to to take a win and and take a scalp down but I also think looking at Daniela um being German having that yeah having that dnf in in South Africa at the beginning of the year um she has raced and one here before um I I think she’ll yeah be definitely wanting to prove a point and and be spurred on by the the German crowd and here we get a better another look again at Jackie her Jackie is looking great yeah I was say just on Daniela it’s been two years since her last win at Frankfurt in 2022 so I would bet I mean all of these women have their there various reasons for for wanting to to win um this race vanel once you win one you want to obviously win more and for Daniela she had the disappointment of both Frankfurt last year uh as well as uh South Africa earlier this year so we to be determined how that hamstring plays up that’s what brought her out of the the Iron Man South Africa earlier this year uh we’ll see the health of that hamstring as we get deeper into this race so over the first four colomet and just with that caveat that we are the first four kilometers but Maya would be running the fastest uh running at a 402 pace and um Jackie in second at 404 so very similar but all these women quite similar pace which is what we’re sort of saying in terms of predicted times but we are uh 4 km in and and a long way to go um so we’ll see how it all unfolds as we see Julie YOLO going inbound as Daniela blell comes outbound of this little out and back section so um we should see Maya stage in there somewhere um on the opposite side of the road as she would be behind Daniela Here Comes Maya uh running the opposite direction so to your point lots of eyes on the competitor sizing each other up um as they settle into this Hoka Marathon course you definitely do poker face at that point don’t you you definitely smile make it look easy um I’d say no pleasantries though no pleasantries no um well maybe to some um I would say that so um Maya is obviously ahead of Julie um Julie’s just gone around that that turn uh Maya was looking I thought pretty good uh running in those early kilometers and we did say she is running the fastest will be it by a second or so over over Jackie but yeah I think uh all all five women looking pretty good at the moment just wait to see where uh where ‘s is as well coming through that that’s the split I want to see is if uh El’s runs out as if her hair is on fire uh certainly some anger and some fire in the belly after the the the ill Fortune of the of the puncture uh set her back quite a ways but let’s not leave out Sarah svensk um who also has a pretty decent run pedigree she’s uh faced some injuries over the years and has been slightly less consistent um but was pleased with her run at the mayorca 70.3 uh just a few weeks ago so uh probably backing herself on the run and uh is another one who could uh be a spoiler for the podium yeah I think it’s you know with these races when you you get onto the marathon a lot of it just that like just tick along and just be there and if things unfold and collapse in front of you you’re there to take advantage of that and that’s what some of these athletes um obviously those are running faster but some of the other that are further back they just need to be in the mix they just need to keep moving forward take care of their nutrition keep hydrated uh and just wait to see if things things unfold or explode ahead of them yeah I think the only person on course right now that probably needs to be more aggressive than they might have planned on and here we go Jackie hering uh moving up a spot uh overtaking fourth place Julie YOLO uh not terribly surprising given the the the strength of Jackie’s run and the fact that this is Julie’s first full Iron Man as a professional uh so we don’t there’s a little bit of an unknown there um even if she had raced Iron Man’s as an age group athlete uh racing in the Pro field is it’s different it’s very very different so uh biting her time but an athlete like Jack hearing a couple of pleasant words there from Jackie to Julie um as they make their way out of this out and back section but as I was saying I think the only athlete who would likely be more aggressive than otherwise planned would be ‘s yeah just to get herself back into the mix um with such a deficit she might take some more risks than she might have otherwise had she not had the puncture yeah but interesting can you remember we I think we actually were both commentating on um Victoria last year yes with El in the race where she yes kind of had a meltdown uh partway through the Run um from being in the lead was that El’s yeah yeah but then did come back to finish but kind of went through a stage of walking having to regroup to get herself back into the race um before managed to to regroup it’s so funny I remember that so distinctly but I think I didn’t think it was El’s I’m so curious but I for some reason my memory like I remember the race very distinctly and some other things that happened in that race that we won’t discuss but I I don’t remember it being L’s that’s fascinating um but now hey Julie responded as Jackie approached Julie has responded she’s not letting her go she’s letting Jackie sort of pull her along she’s got to be careful that she doesn’t get ahead of herself uh but certainly with the rate with which Jackie caught Julie um Julie seems to be responding and engaging and saying hey you set the bait I’m going to take it yeah and both look like they’re moving well um slightly if we’re observing slightly different styles Jackie’s got a a lean Julie is a little bit more upright in her uh in her running but um and also slightly taller athlete or is that just the camera angle can’t tell it could be the body lean could be the body leaner as well um it could be it could be the height of the shoes it it could be he full credit to full credit to Julie she’s hooked on to to Jackie to to move along with her and and keep her motivated as they as they head about into the um in into this hoker Marathon run um so yeah 4K in so far for our top five women um not had anyone else through but they were about 10 or 11 minutes behind um but excited or interesting to see where El’s El’s comes out and and a few of the others as well um but yeah uh Julie sticking with Jackie at the moment uh we’re back on finel uh as we said kind of a more bouncy running style and quite on her toes um but works works for finel um it probably goes with her personality as well being uh fairly fairly bouncy and all out there but um I I think vanel is um very much this is you know she’s got a huge opportunity here uh with this race and to get another Iron Man win under her belt and also to go go high in the go to the top in the IR and Pro Series uh I’m going to make one more comment on this uh because we want to keep the focus on the women who are still out there battling in this really exciting race here at the women’s uh Iron Man European Championship Hamburg but wanted to draw note to a social media post from cat Matthews um explaining her DQ uh overtaking in the no overtake Zone uh she said my own heat of the- moment mistake as the flashing red light had scared me into immediate overtake mode uh perhaps a momentary lapse of concentration not realizing that when she saw the race Ranger red light it meant go uh and not realizing In the Heat of the Moment she was in a no passing zone gives credit uh to the Iron Man uh German uh technical officials out there and saying it was absolutely the right call um so just that’s a hard pill to swallow and for her to make a public statement um just credit uh to cat Matthews and Cat uh as we’ve said has a busy race schedule and no doubt we will see her again very very soon a tough break for her but um a very professional post there by cat Matthews I and you know I wouldn’t have expected anything less from cat she is a incredibly professional um athlete with how she goes around to goes around the sport goes around the business um also I’d say well I going to say ex-military she’s still in the military so yeah um in I will be interesting though interested to see how she changes her race schedule for the rest of the year um she announced at the beginning of the year that she had a lot of races and goals for the year it obviously hasn’t started quite as planned with that c at the start of the year um and and other things and obviously she she got the at IR man Texas uh came to Hamburg wanting to have a have a great race as as they all do but um obviously isn’t now in the race uh but with her sight still on the Iron Man Pro Series interest to see how she changes things could BL it could be a blessing in disguise because of her extremely busy race schedule that in the rearview mirror at the end of the year she may look back and say it was a blessing we’ll talk more about it when we come back after this break hey man do you have a non-alcoholic beard taste good I think you mean athletic excuse me do you have that great non-alcoholic beer I’ll found it do you have a favorite non-alcoholic be on menu [Music] mhm uh athletic it is she’s funny SCH [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Iron Man European Championship Hamburg is brought to you by Hoka fly human fly and by vinfast boundless together we s through uh 3.9 she’s back a little bit but uh El’s Visser on the Move uh yeah that’s right she obviously that long transition so it’s hard to sort of tell and only 4 kilometers in but yeah look like she’s uh uh or holding maybe around about the same Pace as as the women I think this first half the marathon we’re not going to see any huge movers with the with the the splits and the Run Cal they’re all very similar Runners and we’ve obviously Maya has moved up into third uh Julie dropped back again from into fourth um getting a thrill running on alongside but now she’s likeo that pace was a little r yeah uh but I don’t think we’re going to see any huge movers in this first bit of the marathon everyone just settles into a very the same pace and it’s going to be as always that last half where that’s when the the wheels start to fall off and people will come through yeah could be El’s move past Sarah sens uh in transition but of note uh fastest mover on course Again by an eyelash uh Laura Jansen at uh 401 kilm Pace again 3.9 km we’re not going to make any any judgment calls over that but uh is the fastest mover slightly uh on the on the course so far that’s right and uh one of our age group athletes just uh yeah seeing if you can get a little bit of a ride along as well on the back of uh Maya it’s the kind of thing that when you’re in the Heat of the Moment Maya looks over her shoulder she’s like what the heck what oh it’s an a trooper okay it can it can be startling when someone comes seemingly out of nowhere uh but they exchange a word or two and uh I’m going to uh go out on a limb and say that that is our leading uh age group male uh have not seen any other age group men out on the course so uh he is having a great go of it that is Lars uh wer uh from Germany uh and uh he is our overall uh leader in our age group men’s race now I going to be controversial I really really hope he doesn’t catch whoever is the lead female I really hope he isn’t running I mean he’s running with Maya and she’s only 140 down so you know the women need their day the women need to be the first across the line um and we need to make bigger separations anyway Jackie Herring about to run around the corner looking great and she has dispensed of Julie YOLO Julie tried to answer the call uh but Jackie has spoken and has pulled away a little bit uh there from Julie uh again everyone moving in that four to 415 um Range uh out on course uh with Sarah svensk being I’m G to use air quotes actually Julie amolo being the slowest at 414 k um with Laura Jansen being the fastest at 401K so everyone in that realm at the moment and uh every everything’s good for the start of the marathon and it always is at this point is it I mean maybe not always speaking from experience I could I could I could write a book but I won’t take the time I don’t know we’ve got the time we’ve got probably another we’ve got another what uh yeah three hours pretty much um but we are with our female lead finella language from Great Britain she has been leading the race uh pretty much from out of the swim uh we caught up with finella for a fighting chance so we did the first block of racing over in America where I guess momentum like was really building in terms of the pro IR man Pro Series and it was good to get feel for it who was kind of targeting it or who was kind of getting their feet of how they wanted to race what they wanted to race and yeah now it’s in full swing and uh yeah I’m just finishing my first half of the season after this race with full eyes on the second half in terms of Championship races and uh yeah the main events so after a well you say a bang average Iron Man Texas bang average you’ve come you’ve come away from there you’ve assessed the situation when did you decide on Hamburg was that pre pre Texas or is this the big part of the Season like planning yeah yeah this was the trajectory of the season to come here um to do a blocker r at the beginning of the year come here have a break and then build into I’m man nie we did think about maybe changing it maybe doing cans or lake facid but for me I feel like this is the race that I’ve always wanted to do I love German races um I’ve never been to Hamburg uh it’s super exciting um the course is fast and fun and and yeah the German crowds will definitely get me to that Finish Line a lot faster already been out on the course the Run course the Run course a little bit yeah give us a little taste of what like the vibe what you’re feeling right now how’s it going to play out uh I don’t know I guess everyone’s got their story at the moment they’ve already written they want to break some records They want to win and I think uh I just I just want to do the unexpected on Sunday and whatever ever happens happens sticks to my race plan and hopefully that gets me uh as close to the top of the points as possible and with a longer P or the longer game plan in [Music] mind so did what do you think the unexpected means in a race performance cuz you know we talk about don’t like race day you just want to execute the training you don’t need to do anything special as such well I think I don’t know what the unexpected what what does the unexpected mean what is she wanting to I think maybe right some of the marathon under performances maybe she feels she’s had and and it could be that in her training uh she clearly had more expectation for her run performance at Iron Man Texas um and would she you know did did she have a does she have a almost shocking run performance that she thinks she can turn out based on her training I’m hypothesizing yeah I guess so but I don’t speak in code no I know it was it was a little bit cryptic that one uh and I’m just uh looking at the women coming through the 8.5k split so Daniela blal has taken time back into finel now back at 36 seconds Maya stage Nelson is 117 with Jackie Herring right behind oh my gosh we are 8 km into a marathon and the top four are within 96 seconds of each other uh and that’s not to mention any of the women coming behind so we have a race on our hand and we are going to come back and see how it all un folds after this [Music] break you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the action here Iron Man European Championship Hamburg you are looking at our race leader finel language but in that second timing segment from 4 kilometers to 8 and a half finel has definitely slowed While others are accelerating and holding steady again minimally but athletes slowly reeling in and you and I had spoken off camera not disrespectfully but finel is looking a little worked that’s right and if we uh just uh bringing you our race weather update by Roker um our UV index is just gone up to one that was the thing I was going to say why we put suncream on that’s what I wanted to tell you continuing to drop humidity still continu to drop uh it’s around that 17° C so like really nice temperature for racing Al be that humidity is quite High uh still overclass which I think is a a great for for these guys on the Run um but yeah this is and and then you can see how close it is now that Daniela blel is going through that aid station that we just saw finel leaving and going around the corner yeah it’s shaking up although I will say I again the camera angle is deceiving but Daniela BL is looking a little bit different than the last time we saw her as well yeah I I think it is so hard like the camera angle um I mean I was watching a video that Julie had taken of me running in training and the running from behind looked awful and then when the camera moves around to the side it looks completely different so running catching the camera from behind uh isn’t necessarily the the best view or the best prediction uh as this is Jackie now coming through that aid station that we just saw um Daniela and you can just see up ahead as well that’s Maya uh stage Nelson so yeah these um top four women all within that 90 seconds and I think that is coming down now that could all be that we’ve they’ve uh gone out pretty hard and and and got excited by chasing down the the women ahead uh so but we’ll see as the as the marathon unfolds I was going to say everyone’s who’s putting their cards on the table and who’s already played their hand uh that is what is to be determined and let’s not forget Laura Jansen uh our fastest mover on course in the very early stages uh could start picking off uh some of these women ahead of her as well in particular Julie YOLO uh and of course we want have to wonder where El’s Visser is that’s right because actually out of everybody on the screen Laura Jansen is our fastest runner well not fastest mover but also has the fastest sort of marathon time or predicted time um not by much uh like literally by sort of 30 seconds or a minute over over Meer and and finella but it you know that could could could prove prove important by the end I mean we talk a little bit about you know all of these women have extraordinary run uh PBS that are all within the same neighborhood of one another uh however who who is consistent uh in the application of those those kinds of times and and it’s interesting as well like there’s no um standout Runner with this lot they are all very similar and so it could be the very exciting as the race goes on we don’t have that Runner who’s running a 250 um so they are all around that three-hour Marathon mark on the day and and who and whose day will it be and who can who can be their consistent self on this day but as we talked about the UV index of Amir 1 if you are looking for a little bit more sunshine on your Iron Man race day we think uh we have the fastest course uh and you can come put it to the test in Sacramento break your best after a PR setting down river swim athletes will take on a flat out andback bike ride through the scenic Farm country followed by a festive run through downtown Sacramento ending at the steps of the Califor Califoria state capital whether you’re hoping to complete your first Iron Man or aim to achieve a personal best you’ll find it here at Iron Man California you can join us on October 27th 2024 for this unmatched Northern California event register today and perfectly timed as we wrap up about Iron Man California and come back to Ironman Hamburg in Germany not so much uh California and sunshine but some some great crowds gray clouds in Germany as we are on screen now Jackie Herring and Maya stage stay Nelson um looks like Jackie is about to to make the pass so that would be uh Jackie moving up into third position I believe um and Maya but it’ll be intered to see if they if Maya can go with her or they they use each other um it would be really hard through this section of town with all the crowds like you’d get carried away way wouldn’t you with the pace and you’re just you’re just catching up with Mya and about to overtake someone and then you got all these crowds and cheering you on and yeah trying to keep it under control and Maya can hear her now that’s one of the things with the with the Super Shoes in this day and age that they’re very clunky on the ground you can hear them coming more than you used to be able to what do you think they just said to each other they had a conversation they passed words they’re now running to what do you think Maya or Jackie said or they pointed up the road so they must be pointing towards Daniela perhaps they’re having a chat and they’re having a smile and I think Jackie saying why didn’t someone remind me this is how horrible it was although it’s not horrible for Jackie right now I mean she’s she’s picking off Runners right and left and and and having a good go of it and I think if you’re Jackie for an athlete who’s been around and and I’m not commenting on her age she’s still very everyone’s very young I was to say she’s everyone young compared to me but um you know for an her age who’s been around the sport as long as she has she’s got to have a little bit of a rookie Euphoria about her coming back to Iron Man racing after a nine-year Hiatus I mean she’s a completely different human than she was when last she left um the full distance and and and it’s got to be so refreshing for her to be like hey look at what look at what can happen in just a decade worth of work and and she did say that she did say she feels like a rookie she’s been uh asking the other athletes about their nutrition uh tips and that sort of thing I’m not sure they were going to give her anything or maybe they’d give her the the wrong information as we uh just go and recap our top five in the female Pro Race So finel langage in first Daniela blal in second just 24 seconds behind now may s Nelson and Jackie Herring we just saw them at one minute back and Julio yo at 237 [Music] and back to this uh Run Battle so they’re running together for a little while navigating some of the narrow streets uh as they go through this aid station just giving each other space so that they can both get um get the nutrition on board but I I did like the the exchange between the two it certainly there was a smile there was a j it could have been a knock knock joke knock it could have been what would have your knock I don’t know I wouldn’t have been around anybody I’m they would run by me so fast all I would say is knock what did what did the what did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror halumi halumi what’s halumi kind of cheese yeah oh gosh Come on boys did you get that no you don’t know why we don’t have fancy cheeses in America like you must have in the UK all right people in Europe come and save me on that one cuz that died a death in the American office what’s brown and sticky a brown joke a brown stick oh god oh goodness gracious uh yes uh but let’s look back at eight and a half kilometers with ‘s viser not making the inroads we thought her average kilometer Pace uh not matching the women ahead of her so uh she seems to be stuck Laura janson’s still reeling in ‘s Visser in fact and Sarah svensk has gone uh into eighth place behind both Laura Jansen and El so El’s holding steady not making the inroads she needs to at present still early Laura Jansen still moving forward I’m still in shock that you don’t know about halumi cheese well maybe with the bottle of wine that I owe you over I forget what you can get me some cheese I um I got clamped the other day oh your car yeah but you knew what that meant cuz apparently it’s not I told that to a few Americans well we call it booted yeah exactly and they were like I have no idea what you mean about getting CL it just seems like clamped would be a proper way of saying booted yeah yeah none of this American most britishisms are and we are in Europe so I feel I should have um um charge of the the language at the moment so my halumi joke should have passed we’re in Germany Europe we’re in Europe yeah well okay the UK is not Europe anymore good point but close enough anyway here we are back with uh Daniela blal who is she’s still moving well she’s holding on to to Second Place uh she’s got Maya stage and Jackie Herring uh moving towards horror uh Jackie Herring right now fastest on course uh through that last segment had dropped down uh well sub for minute K perhaps in that surge uh to pull up to to Maya uh but the two of them could potentially work together to reel in um you know the some of the women in front of them but uh exciting racing here uh really really tight race five Women Within 2 and A2 minutes four women all within one minute of each other yeah it’s it is super exciting um and it’s going to be great to see how this unfolds you know we’ve still got I think they’re just sort of coming to the end or nearing the end of uh one lap or they have just come to the end of one lap those top five women so heading out again um being able to see other as a sort of Loop in and out of the course and all the getting all like you said the splits and the noise from The Spectators um especially when you get you run past and they’re like she’s just up the road you can get her or well and it gets a little complicated now that we’re on a four Loop Run course yes um so we know the Optics are are pretty good to see the athletes in front but as the age groupers stream onto the course it might be harder to pick out the athletes in front of you so where you may have had pure eyes on them in the first Loop now you’re like well is that finel no that’s that’s an age grouper it it it becomes harder and harder and then your brain stops working quite as well and clearly oh my brain’s already stopped working but um because you could tell that from my joke right now yes right now um yeah and a good point because when you’ve got all those age groupers on you can hide so like finel could hide from the girls the girls behind or vice versa they can hide as they they move up through um through the through the athletes it gets harder to pick your competitors it it gets harder to pick your your competitors out for sure obviously you do it does help when some of the athletes have their support team or their coaches or Partners on the course and you can kind of you can hear or get a sense and obviously the the bikers that are sitting behind our athletes uh with the yellow hi is he needs to watch where he’s going um so he doesn’t hit one of those ballards cuz that would be a man down um on the on the bike course so did you know that in 15th century Hamburg did I know that Americans don’t know what alumi cheeses I didn’t know that I’m so GED about that but did you know that in 15th century Hamburg Pirates plagued the surrounding Waters one such pirate became so Infamous that he is still celebrated today due to his role as a rebellious hero captured by a Hamburg Fleet in 1401 St Becker’s dramatic execution became the stuff of Legends it said his headless body walked past 11 of his men hoping to secure their pardon while the city’s Pirates troubles eventually waned Storch Becker’s story indoors today I’ve now got like visions of pirates the Carib I know seriously I’m well I’m going to go to bed tonight with nightmares of a headless pilot pirate walking around I don’t know I’m or Johnny Depp I’m I’m going to pick that one okay that’ be a better one is that is that a is that a better or Worse um finel looking a little better to me um she’s still wearing the Grimace a little bit uh she’s got some shoulder roll in her stride uh trying to get the elbows to to drive that stride but she’s got a little hitching yeah I think I think she’s looking pretty good uh yeah I mean the others are are slowly eating into her lead but not by huge amounts um and early on and and you know we we don’t know that’s not necess neily finel suffering or or slowing it’s just maybe the others have seen the carrot up the road and are going out pretty hard to catch her and actually finel is just playing the playing the the cool game and and she’s actually going to or playing the lasting game she’s going to be the one there at the end we call that the long game the long game that was the word I was trying to think of we call that the long game the lasting game it’s a New Concept if you haven’t heard of it I think it’s a golfing concept actually the long game the long game or the lasting game I don’t know ask Maya maybe she can help us well let’s let’s just stop Maya in her third place assault on the Iron Man European Championship hey Maya that looked like she was grabbing a um a drinks from the the poalo so we’ve talked about Maya who is a golfer uh we talked about Katherine who was a 500 meter kayaker we talk about El who’s a surgeon and um shipwreck Survivor shipwreck Survivor cat was in the Army we’ve also got Aon who is used to be a rower oh um and here we have Jackie hering who is now in second place in a minute yeah here we go sorry no no that’s fine it was much more important that we were on the on the race course um uh we’ve got a few medical students in there let’s see if they have the same conversation oh yeah Jackie is very chatty she’s just so chatty I mean it’s I mean she’s obviously feeling good um it’s hard to have those pleasantries I’m I’m sure Daniela might not have reciprocated them it’s it’s easy when you’re the passer versus the passy he might if the passy tends to grunt back in response but uh Jackie’s having a day she’s having an absolute day out there could we see Jackie Herring return to the Iron Man distance and win the whole kitten Kaboodle I was about to say that because I’m G and where will she be if she wins today’s race in the standings I will I’ll tell you in a minute once I got over my uh there was a Kristen in the German Youth Olympic team i’ got all these facts right where will Jackie be I’ll come back to you on that one she’s doing math uh she will also be in the lead she would go to so Jackie is currently eighth in our Iron Man Pro Series uh she raced uh she was second in Iron Man 7.3 Chattanooga um and also did St George as well shutting up everybody was third in St George uh she’s currently in eighth on 4,759 points so if she wins that means 9,759 points so she is less behind all right do you want me to work that one out all right give me I might need the calculator for that one we’re going to see some smoke come out of s here pretty soon but pretty long day Jackie hering being a good citizen there and pointing out an age group athlete who is about to lose his nutrition out of his back pocket so um I think Jackie is being a mum yeah a little bit she is being a mom she’s got no kids there this weekend well but it implies she’s still clear in clear in the head right like she’s she’s noticing things uh taking the time to point them out um yeah I mean I think it’s it’s not long now because at last timing mat daniell was only 24 seconds behind finel and here we have finel so Jackie now has fella language in her sights um and still looks relaxed it doesn’t look like like Jackie is overe exerting herself by any means no that’s right so Jackie is currently the basically 14 minutes behind vanela on a per second Point basis 14 minutes yes so Jackie would have to beat finel by 14 minutes in order for Jackie to take the lead in the series not finel think so finel is 834 points ahead of Jackie yes so what’s 834 seconds divide by 60 yes I that’s what I did 13 13.9 minutes there we go 14 minutes got it right we’re starting to worry being engineer and maths yeah Jackie is looking great let’s see what do you think she’s going to say this time good like Jackie just do you think Jackie is at this point going oh my gosh why haven’t I been doing Iron Man all along I’m in the lead yeah after nine years two kids thought I was and was very competitive over that 70.3 distance over that half distance had some great results and now has come back to racing thanks to she did say the draw of the IM man Pro Series it was exciting for her she has a new coach as well we were talking about earlier Ian O’Brien who is traditionally typically coaching of a an a coach of short course athletes not it just goes to show you and a lot of times you know Iron Man athletes will say when when athletes maybe have focused on the 70.3 distance step up to Iron Man that it quote unquote kills their speed right that they can they they’re not as fiery and competitive at the 70.3 distance because they’ve layered all of this volume that this quote unquote long slow distance that slows them down and they can’t tap into that speed anymore but I think Jackie’s selection of a coach um just goes to show that even in an Iron Man distance that speed really does matter yeah and I think like I think it also goes to show kind of that coach athlete relationship and if you find a coach that you communicate well with that gets how you train you know understands her commitments as a mom with kids and as a as a wife as a family and and jobs and stuff and then the travel involved and what races you pick and stuff like I think that is so powerful yeah Absol trust your coach well yeah I mean if you I’m not saying the others don’t obviously be darned what that athlete’s you know perceived strength is or specialization is if Ian O’Brien is known uh as a as a short course draft legal coach because a majority of his Squad uh is comprised of such um I I think he’s just proven that uh he’s no slouch at at Iron Man neither wonder I wonder if he’s stayed up I know we should give him a shout and tell him to wake up he’s a he’s a former military guy so what it’s about 4:30 in the morning back in the States in Colorado yep uh he may be he may be up he may be might have got up early to see the run and they’ll see his athlete Jackie herring in the lead I I wonder if her um her kids are up her family are up watching I wonder if they’ve stayed up all night to watch cuz I think she’s just there on her own I think she just traveled across um which again we talk about some of the moms being a bit of a I mean God bless kids and they all love them but um and a little bit of a holiday it’s a holiday come and do an Iron Man race sounds amazing uh but Jackie Herring is our leading female so obviously the the splits that you see on the board were at the last timing check which was at the end of the first lap at 10.4 km when Jackie was in fourth place but now a few kilometers on she has overtaken Maya she has overtaken Daniela and she just overtook finella and she is now on her return to Iron Man racing after a nyear Hiatus she is now leading our European championships Iron Man Hamburg she looks Fant she looks super relaxed I think she looked a bit in shock to be honest um she looks absolutely super relaxed she’s got great torsion through the core uh driving sort of the hips and and the pace I mean she looks she looks a she looks remarkable calm cool collected we’ll see if she stays that way after this quick break don’t go away we’re going to come right back to you your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precise nicely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the VIN fast yeah it’s got action 402 horsepower all whe drive over air updates and a 10year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the websites for [Music] Joey open up the sky cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the station to [Music] goe I’m in your get on here’s Elizabeth in the middle of The Perfect Workout for her to create it we analyzed her Biometrics and genetics her recovery rate injury risk and aerobic potential her recent training sessions at temperature humidity and elevation the demands of her next race and billions of data points from athletes just like her with triot Elizabeth gets faster faster and what does she have to do I just open triot and did my workout Tri dot we do the technology you do the training back to our live action here Iron Man European Championship Hamburg if you’re just tuning in you are in for quite a battle we’ve had a little bit of shakeup in the pecking order out here on the Hoka Run course with Jackie hering moving into the lead ahead of finel language this is the first time since the swim exit that vanel has not held the lead of the race and she has surrendered it to the American Jackie Herring who is racing her first Iron Man uh giving high fives to kids again she is having a great time out there um but our top four women as you can see on the splits there all within 30 seconds and now we have uh Maya stage neelsen going past finel language somewhere uh Daniela blell is in there as well um can’t tell whether she’s up or back but Maya stage moving past uh finel langri that’s right and we got a we got a quick camera look on El’s vissa again but uh it’s good to look watch that pass from uh Maya to uh Maya over finel there and we will try and work out I have a feeling that Maya might have gone past Danel as well just the way she’s running and smiling um Jackie and Maya just look like they’re having an absolute ball they just look like they’re enjoying it at 10K or what are we 14k now into the into the marathon 14k so it’s it’s it’s early days still but they both look great conditions are pretty ideal out there um for for some fast running with with mild temps um cloud cover as as we discussed um but yeah everything going right but ‘s V looking very very good um looking very powerful she’s running 401ks through that last segment uh which is uh you know a little bit slower than Jackie but relatively in line with Maya uh but she’s still 11 is minutes down at 10K uh so she’s got she’s got her work cut out for her uh certainly could see her moving past Julie imolo uh but it’s going to take uh some massive meltdowns for her to catch the women at the rate they’re currently moving but we’re so early into this Marathon that we we can’t even we can’t even make predictions yet oh oh we will we will try um and then be proved wrong exactly um so I’m going to come up with two well I’m going to come up with a fun fact but before I come up with a fun fact is it about cheese uh I wish it was about cheese it’s not about cheese it’s a along the line of Supernatural um and then I want to come back to a tech a techie a techie point on the run so continuing our Supernatural theme Hamburg is allegedly and I don’t know why I was getting this one cuz I can’t pronounce any of the words coming up but Hamburg is allegedly plagued by a mysterious figure known as the water witch or the vasah hexa in German that pass um this ghostly woman described as having flowing hair and a tattered dress press is said to haunt the canals and the elow river often appearing in a chilly Mist there are many ghost tours that offer you the chance to visit supposed locations that the water witch has been spotted at now if you’re watching this race and hearing our Supernatural things you’re going home and having nightmares I’m going home and having nightmares of headless Pirates and ghostly women and and water witches and Water Witches yeah anyway I’m sure we’ll get on to uh German Delicacies soon and uh some Curry ver and brat ver first and the rest fact our factoid guys team can get behind get behind that one back to Jackie hering crushing it now I was going to tell us uh seeing as we’re on the hoker Run course I was going to give a little bit of an insights into the uh the shoes that some of the athletes are wearing uh particularly Maya uh and also um uh El’s Visa but I will hang on to that until we have one of them on the screen um we now at the moment have Jackie Herring who is uh our leading female Pro back to racing Iron Man uh after a NYE nyear Gap from having uh two kids who I hope I don’t know are they have they stayed up all night watching Mom race um and I will correct myself I do think Jackie’s husband did uh fly in late to uh join Jackie in Hamburg so she’s not completely here on her own but her husband is here as well as we’re back to uh yeah Daniela blal on screen now who we think now is back in fourth position yeah um moving well sitting back a little bit in her stride but again it’s difficult to assess run form from a rear camera angle but uh you know she’s she’s holding her own um and and she is one of our athletes who needs a slot correct me again if I’m wrong correct yes so she is currently um in a position to get one of those uh Jackie needs one as well clearly our leader on screen uh this is Sarah svens uh going past Julie I think I don’t think that’s Julie actually might be wrong I think Julie had a hat on she did um no she had the cameraman tough camera angle but here is here is SAR fence who I am glad to see um is up and running we certainly had concern she hit that hip pretty hard when she took that tumble at the end of lap one of the bike uh and we could certainly see her bike Pace evaporate but she is up and moving well uh on the on the Run yeah great to see uh Sara out there again she is another one that um is she raced in in mior and uh oh that’s Laura Jansen oh there we go and she has thank you she hasn’t um got a slot so again both of these two uh wanting to get that slot for the Iron Man World Championship F fast Iron Man World Championships in N we will see how that unfolds right after this break introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro [Music] Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at full n [Applause] [Music] back to the action here checking in with the German Danielo blel who is currently sitting in third place her strides lost a little bit of its pizz would you say uh it has a little bit from um that sort of I guess second to middle or second to 10 kilom but I also do think it is her style of running we said you know she isn’t she doesn’t have a lot of vertical movement off the ground she is very economic and efficient I would say as a runner um and I think it’s quite deceptive her run of actually sort of how fast she is moving um compared to what you you might see see as but yes I don’t think she’s got quite the zip as she had she’s slowed from those near 4 minute KS to about 4:15 it just looks like she’s back in her stance a little bit uh so feeling a little bit of the fatigue so she’s going to want to get that Aid on at the Aid Station uh a couple of form Corrections like how do you keep we talked about it on the bike a little bit about um you know you tend to break the course up into into sections how do you stay engaged uh on the run I think I I mean this is quite a good course it’s four laps so there’s one way you break it down into laps um and I think with all the twists and turns you can easily break it down into further segments on that uh as we said as well on the um on the run as it gets filled with more and more age groupers ticking off the age groupers from from behind uh picking off landmarks On The Run um but yeah I think you know break you break it down you know there’s the little bit round to the south side of the Kennedy Brooker and the around the inner and then you’ve got the the longer run section along the outer ster uh so yeah definitely ways to to break it down and then obviously just making sure you’re still taking on that nutrition so a bit like you said on the bite that checklist through of are you taking nutrition what’s my um uh what’s my form like what’s my arm Carriage like are my is my foot turnover still quicker my hips high or all that sort of thing I think you keep you can keep yourself engaged how would you do are you a four laap do you like four laps like two laps one lap for the marathon run I would say I typically like a laed course cuz I feel like the laps come at you I also really like racing metric because the kilometers come at there’s more of them but the kilometers they come at you faster so you feel like you’re sort of progressing better I feel like you get deep into uh a an American Iron Man and and Imperial and you’re like oh miles like the next mile is going to take take forever but the the kilometers just seem to to hit you a little faster so I find that to be encouraging funny that cuz the the kilometers shorter than shorter than a mile but yes it’s funny how that works but the way I run you actually would never know but you do have more of them to uh to get through as uh we’re back with our female leader Jackie Herring um just if those of you joining us uh we’re now on the Run uh second lap of our marathon Run course four laps here in Iron Man Hamburg it is a pro female race only uh the men for the European championships the men are racing in Frankfurt uh in August uh obviously there are age group males on course and our age group females they’re all vying for their their own age group slots for the uh vinfast Iron Man World Championships respectively in uh n and Kona uh but from a pro perspective it is just uh women who are Center Stage today and this woman in particular who makes her return to Iron Man racing after focusing on the 70.3 distance for much of the last decade while raising two small children has made the return inspired by the Iron Man Pro Series currently sitting correting again eighth place uh overall in our Pro Series and making her return to Iron Man uh the the full distance uh Iron Man here and looking to cat catapult herself uh up into the Le lead of the series quite potentially with a strong performance here today yeah so what did we say she needs a 14 minute she needs a 14-minute win over finel to go top and if anything less than that finel will still will move to the top of the league assuming finel yeah finishes within I mean in other significant movers we we certainly don’t see because Daniela is not on the map yet um after her uh disappointing Iron Man South Africa so even though she’ll get some valuable points here today she is not going to contend uh for the lead she will move into the top 10 likely moving into the top 10 with with the with the Iron Man points even if she hasn’t and where does Maya sit now so Maya is currently in 11th so again Maya is likely to move into the top 10 she um needs to be 34 minutes behind whoever wins and she will move above Emma palent Brown who’s currently in second obviously there’s a lot of people above that moving in as well but that’s uh if people are following my maths again Sarah sens not yet rated um ‘s visard not yet rated this is her first Pro Series race so again we’re as exciting a race as this is we may actually not see that much movement within the top 10 a couple of catapults uh but not significant movements as we see Jackie herring in first finel langri in second Daniela blal in in third Maya stage neelsen in fourth and Julie YOLO in fifth place currently through 14 and half kilom well actually I think looking at the Iron Man Pro Series and the current sort of top 10 and 11 and then the other athletes on course racing I think a lot are going to move into that top 10 um the athletes we we can look at um Sarah sence has got points from mayorca elizabetha corridori to Julie y YOLO um Ain shenl and Sabrina Roth they’re all sitting at uh a th000 to 2,000 points So in theory if they’re not huge amount behind giving that from I think on the Iron Man race from 5,000 it’s an hour and 40 23 42 minutes 42 minutes I think down to0 points so um and to move into the top 10 they really only need sort of 3,000 points uh to move ahead Paula Paula Finley is currently sitting in our top 10 position at 4,287 points so I think there could be a big change obviously Iron Man races have that 5,000 points and it does make a huge difference in this pro series series absolutely but what I love is sort of the ping pong effect that we rolled directly next weekend into another Pro Series race uh over in Boulder back in Boulder Colorado for the 70.3 again fewer points on the line but it is an Ever Changing ever evolving and we’re getting to the point of the Season where athletes certainly have made their race plans but it becomes a little bit of a of a chess match the deeper we get in is in terms of well I want to race here but this person is racing there so maybe I should race here so I can get more points and etc etc yeah although start L and that have already kind of closed you can’t quite you need to plan a bit more in advance but we are into as you said we have the next so this weekend and the next four weekends are backto back racing um for the Iron Man Pro Series so next weekend is Iron Man 7.3 in Boulder the weekend after that we go back down to the a we go to Asia Pacific and we have Iron Man cans uh the weekend after that on the 23rd of June is up to Canada with Iron Man 7.3 montron Blanc and then back to Europe on the 30th of June Iron Man 70.3 Le sabl donon voni um and then we have a couple of weeks off before we go back to an Iron Man and Iron Man voria back in Spain as well and then like plas and it’s all just kicking off we got races all over the place but the next four weeks are pretty full on yeah yeah yeah absolutely and and at this stage you can’t I’m going to say I don’t think athletes are necessarily planning their races around it but at some point athletes are going to Pivot to playing offense and defense is what I’m saying as as races dwindle in numbers and the effectiveness of these points I remember it in terms of um when we were on a points system for qualification for the World Championship uh that not only would you race um to get more points but you would race to block a competitor who might take points away from you so I think that we will see in the later stages of the series deep into the year athletes defending positions because their nearby competitors are on the start list and they will have to defend in order to stay uh in that coveted top 10 obviously the top 50 taking home bonuses but the most significant payouts among the top 10 correct y on screen now so I’m going to do my uh well here we go we have the vinfast performance analysis on the run which is uh Maya stage St Nelson uh on screen now uh she’s on 405 minute perk pace so that’s thanks to our vinfast performance analysis and I’m going to go to a bit of a techy thing oh we’ve gone to Jackie now I was going to go to a techie thing on the Hoka Run course uh cuz Maya was just sorry just to say through the timing mat uh Maya is only 22 seconds down of Jackie so this is still an amazing battle um that Gap is not it’s actually come down uh Maya was 29 seconds down at 14k so she’s reeled a couple of seconds back in and she’s looking very very good yeah I I’m not sure who you’d call now but we we’ll see I’m going to go to our techie bit before we go off camera again so Maya you just want you just want to fence it I do I just want to being ped on top of that fence I get I just no I’m going to say Maya so you can see Maya uh we’re on the hooker Run course she’s smiling there so I think she is feeling good she is racing in or running in the carbon rocket X2 uh they are personally my choice of race trainer um but if we compare that bag race trainer or race race shoe okay race shoe sorry I call them trainers that’s again an English American thing um what but if they’re trainers you wear them for training a trainer is what you wear for running on your feet yeah English people trainers English people European people help me out here I’m I’m facing the the American back no no no no no but but point of point of clarification the shoes you then train in are your trainer trainers they’re just trainers they’re all trainers but they’re race trainers Racing shoes but they’re trainers I’m so confused exactly good thing I don’t live in the UK yeah um so yeah Maya having said that Maya is wearing the rocket X2 which is my choice of race shoe sneaker I don’t I don’t know what’ you call it over here R shoe race shoe is that work um and then El’s vissa was wearing we could keep it consistent and call them Racers and trainers Racers and trainers El’s vissa is racing the SE racing in running in the CeeLo X1 hushu which is like a different version they’re both carbon plated how is it different uh it’s got a little oh you’re going to ask me all the technical information now it’s got a little bit more cushioning and I the CEO does I would have to pull up the uh the technical stack sheet to start with um but I I like the rocket X2 that’s my go-to so that’s why I’m only that but both carbon plated but uh yeah identical carbon plates cuz now the manufacturers are changing the the the I’ll come back to you on that one I will come back I mean cuz there’s so many shoe designs now um and another thing you know we often think of getting race ready you know we put the we put the race wheels on the bike um we pull out the race trainers so to speak the race trainers I see I’m speaking your language um we point of just education you run slightly different in the race shoes than you do in the training shoes because of the carbon plate so while I’m an advocate of only using your race wheels on race day or in the days leading up to the race so you can get used to the feel because they do catch the wind a little bit differently using race wheels for racing you do want to use your race shoes weave them into your training for some of your key sessions because with the carbon plate um you do run a little bit differently so it’s good to get used to the rhythm of the stride and how the shoe feels under you in your training and not just pull them out for race day yeah and even like even if we look at like the two shoes I just mentioned the rocket X2 and the CEO X1 when I wore them even I notice the difference just between those two shoes and they’re both Hokah shoe so it is really like which one suits your running style and which one you prefer and I even though the CEO X1 is like the newer version of their race shoe out I prefer and obviously Maya had that as well the prefer the rocket X2 it just suits my running and and feels feel better as we see uh Maya now going through uh getting that wristband uh athletes will collect those wristbands at the completion of every lap they’ll need to collect four of them before they can head to the finish line so uh different colors to indicate how many laps they have completed helps them keep track helps technical officials also keep track to make sure everyone has covered um the entire course on a multi-loop course it can get confusing out there uh particularly if you’ve been out there for a while I love how Maya is looking and acting right now big smile on her face engaging with the crowd um she is looking she’s looking Fant fantastic she and Jackie uh matching uh Pace at the last timing mat at 406 and 405 perk uh but Maya slowly ticking it down um you asked for the science I did a little bit you’re going to get the science now so CEO X1 rocket X2 both hoker so they’re both for road race 10K to Marathon they’re both responsive uh the CEO X1 is slightly lighter in uh no I tell a lie the CEO X1 is slightly heavier in weight uh 7.4 o to 6.8 of extra foam presumably um and 2011 G to 193 G for the rocket X2 uh and they have slightly different th foam thicknesses which we will interest you all with an excite you after this break [Music] open up the sky cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the station to [Music] goe get a beyond the Finish Lines our commitment goes the extra mile we are the Iron Man Foundation we’ve given back more than $55 million to support our mission of leaving a positive impact throughout race communities without our amazing athletes volunteers and givers we wouldn’t be where we are today together let’s continue this journey of impact join the Iron Man foundation and be a part of something extraordinary [Music] [Music] back to the action here in Hur for the Iron Man European championship for professional women you’re watching Fela langri who held the lead through the entire bike course in the early stages of the marathon she has fallen to fourth place so Daniela blel has gone past Fela language as her Pace has slowed to nearly four and a half minute kilometers but up the road ahead through 20.9 km in the conclusion of the second of two laps on this Hoka Marathon course Maya stage neelen has eaten away another handful of seconds on Jackie hering uh Jackie made a move to the front of the race about uh a lap ago maybe a little less than a lap ago uh but Maya has not let her go and has been biting back time from about 29 seconds now just 18 seconds uh both of those women still moving incredibly well at sub 4minute K Daniela blel now through 20.9 km as well her Pace holding steady around 411 she has been as slow as 4:15 uh it really is finel langri who is falling apart the worst amongst our top females so far so it’s getting quite interesting now um I think Maya might be sensing that she’s got a opportunity here to uh take her her first win and we’ve been saying all through the broadcast how she’s had so many great results over the Iron Man distance and and 70.3 but she hasn’t yet had that Iron Man win and I’m just wondering if she’s starting to realize and believe that this could be her day conversely on the other hand Jackie Herring who’s currently leading she’s potentially you know that what a story to come back after 9 years of not racing a full distance to come back and take the win and so that’s got to be a bit of a a story as well strategically if you’re Maya do you run up and just sort of keep her in your sights and feel comfortable for as long as you can and wait until a little bit later to make a move or do you want to go buy her and I mean obviously you know Jackie’s getting information her husband is there fans are giving her I mean they they can see one another or at least Maya can see Jackie Because unless Jackie has eyes in the back of her head that would be something else but do you sort of buy your time for another lap and wait to battle it out on the last lap or do you take the lead and try to make a decisive move now I think against an athlete like Jackie she may just answer right back she she may do I think though you looked at the way um Maya was running and you go with momentum you go if you’re in Rhythm and you’re feeling good you make hay while the sun shines and I don’t think you rush to catch up but you use the Rhythm the momentum you’ve got with with how you’re feeling to to move a to to catch Jackie if that’s the the case um and then move past her now whether when Maya if she does catch up with Jackie again she surges and picks up the pace to go past Jackie and sort of or put that nail in the coffin or or you know do a little bit of a search to show that oh look I’m feeling really good you’re going to have to you’re going to have to pull something out of the bag to stay with me or to bring it back but yeah I think go with go with momentum that you’ve got for that for at that point and quite a battle going on right now between third and fourth so Daniela blim had gone past vanilla language but that Gap stays at just 30 seconds so those two pretty much uh locking horns and and deep in battle as well yeah really exciting racing uh like we said you know the top five women I mean they’re still only five minute four minutes apart they were 90 Seconds Apart at the the first early stages on the run but if we look at that Podium we’re still within like 2 minutes uh of each other and still with two laps to go we’re only just halfway or just over halfway through um through the the marathon here at Iron Man Hamburg and I I definit this race is definitely not over I think this lead might change uh at least I think one more time whether that’s back and forth or maybe yeah as you said Maya might catch up to Jackie and maybe they’ll run together they had a bit of a chitchat at the first the first passing um yeah maybe maybe that’ll happen again certainly could see some out back but right now to your point uh the momentum uh with Maya stage neiel uh looking very very good uh smiling on her face a little stumble there on the Cobblestone so uh under the bridge the lighting not quite as good just caught her foot there on one of the cobbles but uh recovered nicely no no ill effects and still waiting to get a split on El’s viser to see how she’s moving back at 19k 407 so she’s still moving very very well and could you know she’s making inroads on Julie amolo if she can hold it together and even dare I say while she’s still 10 Nish minutes back of vanilla um if vanilla continues to degrade uh and El’s can still run strong I mean El’s can run her way top five certainly top five and possibly Podium depending on what happens with Daniela blel yeah and for those of you uh waking up uh early morning in the US who might be tuning in to our broadcast of Iron Man Hamburg uh finel not finella apologies L’s um did get a flat tire on the latter stages of the bike so how was pushing the pace in the chase pack but unfortunately had a a flat tire in her rear disc wheel and uh struggled with her CO2 valve to to put air back into that tire with the the valve not fitting the the disc wheel uh so lost uh I think about it was about 9 minutes or so in the end so that’s why uh if some of you are tuning thinking El vissa might have been a little bit further up the race than uh where she currently is and that because she had that flat tire with about 20ks to go back to our leader it is Jackie hering and I’m looking over her shoulder I can’t see Maya back there but it is only 20 seconds so it it can seem like an eternity and every time in mat it’s been a second or two so it hasn’t been been any significant great shakes but it’s a second or two here and there here and there but as that time keeps coming down she will get the splits and again it’s hard from the supporters because you look down at your watch was that was that 23 seconds was that 25 seconds and when it you’re sort of nipping away at a lead one second at a time those seconds matter in the accuracy that you’re getting and at this point I don’t think she can see Jackie and as we discussed the crow the course getting more and more crowded as the age groupers uh join in on this Hoka Run course and as Spectators come out I think Maya’s best uh chance certainly Jackie is wearing hot pink so that makes her a little bit easier to spot um uh but also her her her escort cyclist uh is going to be the thing that is probably most visible uh to to Maya I thought you said I thought you were going to say Jackie is wearing hot pants which I guess Tri suit kind of semi is pants yeah but hot pink definitely is what Jackie is wearing uh Maya is in very I do like May suit but it is more subtle it does more blend into the uh environment in fact I think is that the pink up the road potentially can we now see them on this Bend I think maybe uh Maya might have got eyes on of Jackie just as the road the Run course just goes on a slight curve along the banks of the aler here in Hamburg um I certainly I think Maya will be getting um excited at the Prospect and I think this is on this longer out and back section uh along the banks of the Ala so at this turnaround they’re going to get a good eyeballs on each other again I mean I I can find no fault with how Jackie is running um but Maya just has a bit of an edge right now and and is clawing her back again it’s not significant it’s not like Jackie is falling apart um but Maya’s not letting her go so it’s just indicative of of how well uh Maya is feeling right now uh this deep into the marathon yeah I mean we still got half half a marathon to go uh here we are they’re both on this Shale section um it’s really hard to tell how Jackie is feeling she’s kind of got a semi smile could be a semi- Grimace but is running really well and looks pretty good to me and the same when we look at mea on screen now uh Maya’s looking really good uh moving well um and I think yeah I mean we’ve still got as we said still got half the marathon to go but um I think this is going to be a really exciting battle between the two of them oh it has been I mean it has been since we had the the huge upset of the apple cart on laid into the stages of the bike where everything started happening and it’s all been happening ever since it has it has all been happening ever since um we had L’s with the mechanical we’ve had some crashes corners and uh and the rest um so yeah we’re now um there still a lot more that can happen as well I think on this course absolutely I mean the the the drama that that can ensue in the second half of a marathon at the end of an Iron Man uh is is astronomical so you’ll want to absolutely stay tuned as we check back in with Daniela blell uh holding on to third place uh as finel continues to move further behind Julia moo holding steady in fifth place and ell’s Visser now 11 minutes down from our leader um but only seven minutes down of Julie amolo so she’s running 15 16 18 seconds per k faster than Julia moo so Elvis are still in this mentally um very much engaged and trying to erase the damage that that uh puncture on the bike had caused her can insert herself into top five possibly long shot Podium um time will tell yeah time will tell I think it looking at how much time she’s sort of eaten into that top five in this first half of the marathon it’s not a huge amount um she’s still sitting at 7 minutes behind uh Julie YOLO in fifth uh however we will see if El’s vissa can claw back any more time when we come back after this break you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] back to the action here we have a battle royale Brewing here at the Iron Man European championship in hurg you’re looking at race leader Jackie hering Jackie moved into the lead but in going past Maya stage neelen Maya has answered the call and is holding uh Jackie originally to about 30 seconds but has Whitted that down to 18 seconds so uh a battle going on there and then a great battle between second and third as well Daniela blel had moved past our original race leader for much of the bike in the early stages of this Hoka marathon in finel language but finella also holding Daniela to about 30 seconds and then of course we have ‘s Visser down in six who is charging her to insert herself into the top five but she’s still got her work cut out for her at about seven minutes out of the top five and 11 minutes down from the lead of the race yeah and um just getting some insights from the course from our uh team down on the ground so um this is from Jackie’s husband uh via one of of our team uh I’d like to see Jackie smile a little bit more she’s really digging into the well now which is a little bit what we’d sort of picked up she’s still running well um but and he obviously knows her better than I wasn’t sure whether it was a a smile or a Grimace but yeah well she was she was quite happy she was happy as Larry for quite a while she was high-fiving kids out there and and engaging with age groupers and commenting as she had reeled in all of the pros but I think this is where you know we talk about Iron Man we talk about your first Iron Man and how there’s a certain uh ignorance is bliss uh to your first Iron Man and that you don’t know what’s coming um and you can sort of be ignorant in that and and sort of deal with it as it comes but there’s also an element of experience that you’re so familiar with that hurt uh that becomes you in the second in the FI in the later stages of an Iron Man particularly in the second half of this marathon and that is something that is keenly familiar to Maya stage neelson who has been racing a and it’s just a little bit of a foreign feeling for Jackie Herring who hasn’t raced an Iron Man in nine years time so it’s again is it ignorance as Bliss and Jackie can be like oh yeah this is what this feels like I can Embrace this or is it oh my God this is what this feels like somebody please help me Shoot Me Maybe I mean quite possibly not literally but yes why did I choose do in the The Familiar feeling for Maya she’s like okay I know what this feels like I’ve done this a thousand times in the last 5 years and Jackie’s like oh it’s been a minute I forgot what this feels like so uh the ability to embrace it as an ignorance is bliss or now the familiarity is is coming back to Jackie in a way that seems maybe not that Pleasant I’d love them to know and this is just this we’ve got an out and back section along the bridge so Jackie is going to get um to see where Maya is and vice versa in in just a moment but um and we’re going to get a timing match we’re going to get a timing match woohoo um we did see uh Daniela bl’s husband just earlier giving her obviously encouragement and splits on course um as we see Jackie rounding that timing amount it’s going to come through any moment now we’re going to be able to see I think she might have put a little bit of time back in I think she did too her Pace has slowed from just under four minute Cas to 411 and there goes Maya the opposite direction it had been 22 seconds I’m going to that’s back to possibly 30 seconds if not a couple seconds over that yeah so I think maybe Jackie’s uh yeah taking back control of the race again but we still have um this is the 25 km Mark so still 15 17 K to go still a lot can happen as these two women and there we go 41 seconds 41 seconds that’s a pretty significant so now Maya is going through that hurt lock Locker she was feeling great she was smiling to everybody now you can see should is a little bit hunched the head is dropped a little bit she’s looking at the ground I know that feeling um it’s a horrible place to be she’s still moving well but she just doesn’t feel as good as she did a kilometer ago and she’s been engaged with this age group athlete the the gentleman in the blue the blue top uh just in front of her she’s been running with him for uh not quite a full lap but nearly a full lap again it it could be great for her she’s just engaged on him don’t look ahead of the road at Jackie focus on the guy right in front of you keep checking the pace to make sure he’s not leading you down a bad path uh in terms of pacing but take advantage of letting someone else do the pace setting tuck in on his shoulder uh and keep you know hoping slash working towards bringing Jackie back to you but that was that was a bad stretch for for Maya for sure yeah and Maya just needs like you said she just needs to get the nutrition in um get the hydration on in um as we go around another out and back section um there so she’s going to get another another sighting on mea as they’re going to pass cross over each other um you know it’s still what we still got 17 K to go like they can you can go through so many more ups and downs in this race before the end of the marathon um but if we do just recap our top five women so far through we have had our leading women through the 25 col Mark that is Jackie Herring from the USA is our first place female Meer stage Nelson is um 41 seconds back and then behind them Daniela blal finel langri and Julie Julie YOLO and of course behind those athletes uh El Visser trying to reinsert herself into the race seems likely she could get her way into the top five moving forward from that it’s going to take some meltdowns but hey meltdowns meltdowns absolutely happen yeah that’s right we’ve seen uh meltdowns in the last kilometer yeah of races actually races in Germany in the last kilometer but be it in another city called Frankfurt uh when athletes yeah have uh faded off the side of the course at the latest stage of the run so yeah anything could still could still happen um now Daniela blal is through that 25 km split at 252 back um we’ll see who uh finel language should be the next one through so they’re losing a bit of time on our two leaders um Jackie I feel is has gone through a a rougher patch and is now sort of coming back out of hers as Maya Maya dips in which is the normal way in a a marathon you go through these ups and downs um as we yeah as they finish off the last uh 15K towards the Finish yep so Daniel o blind at uh 251 down and finel Langridge at 359 down so Daniela blel uh continuing to move away from finel langr uh and and finel sort of falling slower and slower through each time timing station it doesn’t look based on her splits like she’s walking uh at all but certainly she is not able to hold Pace from timing match to timing match she continues to slow with each Pace we see some of our other athletes with es and flows in pacing uh but fela’s Direction seems to be one way at the moment so hopefully she can uh put a tourniquet on that bleeder and and hold on to Pace because Els is coming Els is coming and jul YOLO has actually been running very very steady um and according to last splits Julia amolo splits would be 20 seconds per mile faster than finel currently but we’ll see if uh Julie is starting to fade as well and some degree of degradation is expected right I mean obviously it’s there are very few people that negative split a marathon at the end of an Iron Man uh and even holds pace so everybody degrades it’s who degrades the least you’re right correct and now if you were Billy Harris or vanilla’s coach I I feel she’s not worked out the Run leg of the marathon I feel she is in much better shape than um The Run would suggest in her last few races uh I think she’s had some she’s sort of been leading off the bike and she we know she’s got a strong swim and a bike we know she’s a good runner as well but it just not seemed to click and she sort of faded a little bit in the in on the marathon to sixth place or so I think at sort of some of the early races over the 70.3 and the Iron Man what would you do then going forward because then there’s a there’s a mental aspect of that as well there’s so many moving pieces and that’s why it’s so hard it’s so hard to diagnose the why right why did my times in training not add up on race day is it pacing on the bike if I back off the pace even been five Watts on the bike in terms of my Target and my average am I going to get that back on the Run by being able to not degrade until the last 10K as opposed to after 10k of running which is what happened to finel today um is it that is it nutritional uh we saw her struggle with some bottles right is is there a nutritional component to her coming up short of expectation on the marathon today she she had that situation where she had lost her rear bottle and was actually without a bottle for a healthy amount of time out on the course so is that playing a role there are literally so many things does it have to do something with the nature of your training um do you need to insert more harder efforts at the end of a long run um to test yourself under fatigue um there are so many things I I don’t know anything about Fella’s training so I don’t know but those are some of the types of things um certainly that you’d want to look at is my pacing wrong is my nutrition wrong did I have bad luck with nutrition on the day um is there a strength/ durability component the deeper we get in we know she can run she ran 303 at at wa um so we know it’s there uh conditions today would have set her up for the opportunity to equal that possibly better it um but she’s not doing it and and those are some of the things I would look at if I was a part of her team yeah I think spot on there I don’t think I I got confused cuz I thought that was Magnus tili running pass or Jackie was running p uh obviously no proen here today um but he did have a very similar suit now I don’t know if that sped up but that did look very like Maya was running very quickly there um and looks like she’d got bit she is looking better again actually I think she’s come through the through the dip so it’ be interesting to see at the next split if that time I is that a bit of a smile as well on her face now again I I I’m kind of thinking it might be Myers I think you’re going to call you’re ready to call it no I’m not but I you’re going to wait till the Finish Line yeah of course and then you’ll call it anyway so it’s fine I I mean either it’d be great to see any of these women win obviously uh winning is very special but uh and both these two women in the lead have got great stories to tell um but I just I think she might be coming back out of her little hole and this is the well I’m saying if you’re watching an Iron Man for the first time this is this is the nature of the Beast there are es and flows highs and lows as you get deeper you may have a bad patch on the bike for a couple of KS and you come out of it the deeper you get into that Marathon the highs get a little less High the lows definitely get lower uh and take longer for you to get out of it if you can get out of it at all so that’s that’s what we’re seeing we’re starting to see these es and flows in energy level in mental capacity to to keep up the fight in your interest to even keep up the fight I mean I’ve been in race situations where I’m winning the race and I’m like I just want to be done I don’t even care anymore I’m like d of course you care you’re winning the race stay with it but you get that mental fatigue from how deep you have to dig physically obviously but also emotionally to tackle something like this and it gets harder and harder to fight when the lows try to pull you down more and more so what we’re seeing is those highs and lows and sort of trading Jabs between Jackie and Maya about who is in the who is in The Well of Despair it can literally go from kilometer to kilometer it can literally go it can be step to step yeah yeah I mean Jack Jackie still looks great so I’m definitely I definitely think she’s still uh she’s running super well she looks composed control she’s got a great poker face if she feels different internally um and we go back to Second Place Maya uh it was down to about 19 seconds the the the gap between the two of them it’s now gone back out to 41 seconds uh I am going to be interested to see uh at that next split I’m I’m just looking like Mya’s now going around the corner we did see Jackie it does feel roundabout maybe that 41 second still um but I have no concept of time at the moment so I could be could be very wrong on that well what’s exciting is that the next timing mat is at 29k so we’re basically at a lap and a little bit to go so we’re we’re getting to the business end of it um I think some of the degradation we’re seeing in Pace from finel from Julie imolo now um El’s viser now through 25k and she is five minutes down on Julie YOLO so again fighting for that fifth F Place spot which could quickly become fourth place depending on finel langri and how well she can hold it together yeah I thought that was going to be a bit much of an ask for Els to bring back sort of that 9 minutes or so um on the ones in front but now and I think El’s is apart from that sort of meltdown we saw in Victoria um she’s a pretty strong athlete I don’t see her moving hugely off this pace that she’s locked into compared to then Julie and finel who do seem who have dropped place so yeah I think Els is actually now looking really good to move up to that that Fifth and possibly fourth fourth place um and then obviously at the front of the race we’ve got the battle between Jackie and Maya um and Daniel blim on screen now is sort of relatively I say comfortable um in third position she’s 252 down down optically thank you yeah optically she doesn’t look that comfortable yeah yeah okay yeah good point but position wise she’s sort of um 252 back off the leaders and uh got a doesn’t have a Hands-On battle at the moment got a minute or so ahead of the others but we’re going to see uh more racing uh we’ll be right back after this break here’s Elizabeth in the middle of The Perfect Workout for her to create it we analyzed her Biometrics and genetics her recovery rate injury risk and aerobic potential her recent training sessions the temperature humidity and elevation the demands of her next race and billions of data points from athletes just like her with tri do Elizabeth gets faster faster and what does she have to do I just open Tri do and did my workout Tri do we do the technology you do the training hey man do you have a non-alcoholic beer that actually tastes good I think you mean athletic excuse me do you have that great non-alcoholic beer I’ll 10 found it do you have a favorite non-alcoholic beer on the men [Music] mhm ah athletic it is she’s funny w [Music] guten tag and guten Morgan to our American viewers tuning in to the Iron Man Hamburg European championships we are on the run with our current female Pro leader you American athlete Jackie Herring she is coming to the end of the third lap we are over 25 kilometers the next timing split will be 29 kilm uh at the end of lap three with just one lap left to go Jackie is having a fantastic race she was uh uh came out the water with a few minutes behind the leaders uh rode solid on the bike uh all day when other things were happening to bottles were being dropped and a few crashes on the way and then took the lead on the first lap of the Run um it’s not over yet it’s not completely convinced uh Myer stage Nelson uh currently sits at 41 seconds behind these two have sort of been battling it out uh on the run that Gap closing and and expanding out um as we go I was say Jackie has has really executed a a pretty smart race here uh she swam well to be in that mix of athletes in the chase group um I mean I don’t say well and it was a surprise that’s where we would have expected her uh not necessarily with finella but amongst the Chasers and she was very smart and calculated throughout the entire bike she stayed out of trouble uh clearly some of our athletes had some trouble out on the bike she stayed out of trouble but I also didn’t see her at the front a lot she was in a group I’m not saying she was anything you know underhanded about how she was behaving on the bike but she stayed safe and she did as little work as possible um versus we saw Maya on the front a lot um doing a lot of work we we saw a lot of other athletes but Jackie sort of stay safe and said hey I’m not going to stick my neck out um and it really is playing to her favor in that she may have come off the bike a little bit fresher uh for it uh again we have draft legal distances but we know that even at 12 meters you are getting a benefit from the athletes in front of you and particularly the way the race Dynamic I mean there were six or seven women in that pack at one point so if you’re sixth or seventh wheel there’s a bit of a yo-yo effect that you have to manage and that you’re surging and settling um it to to to stay in touch with the group but when you’re six or seven wheels back that 12 meters is Amplified in terms of the benefit that you’re getting and she really did take strategic advantage of that and and it’s it’s it’s working out for her um so far here today can you hold on yeah I mean Jack is a super smart racer um we see in the on the screen now uh Germany’s Daniela blal she had a fantastic bike Daniela actually rode a four 4 20 47 uh I think it was and actually came into transition just 26 seconds down from finel language who was our race leader for a long time and looked to be sort of well they were all flying on the bike it was a very fast uh fast course but Danielle fastest on the day and but Daniela fastest on the day and actually started running really well and she’s still running really well let’s put this like relative we’re we we’re critiquing and we’re saying this athlete’s slowing and and this athlete slowing and we’ve said that it’s sort of that um a war of attrition and who slows the least amount but these women are all still running really really fast I mean we’re still talking around that 3-hour Marathon 3 to 305 310 that’s still like very legit running at the end of the end of an Iron Man and doing it under pressure because they’re they’re putting the pressure on each other certainly amongst our top five with L’s trying to fight her way back in and and certainly the women spreading out a little bit further back in the field but these top five women have been engaged in such a battle that was you know within 90 seconds coming off the bike and and has you know gapped here and there but this is still a really really tight Race by Iron Man standards it is it’s been really great like you said we had those top four within 90 seconds and it’s a little bit more now but it’s still been super exciting if we just scan our eyes down um to our top 10 that we have on the board now so uh down in 10th place is uh I think it’s krine um greyball Christensen thank you from Denmark she’s just moved up into the top 10 uh elizabetha kuori in ninth from Italy Laura Jansen um in eighth sarra spanks in seventh El vissa in sixth Julie YOLO fifth and then our top four finel language Daniela blel and then the top two battling it out Maya stage Nelson and Jackie herck so Jackie hering now through 29 and a half kilomet what you reckon it’s going to be will it be less than 41 or more than 41 I’m going to say equal to 41 I’m going to say less than just cuz I’ve got to go one way or the other cuz you can’t say the same well I don’t know you’re getting pretty comfortable on the fence I know yeah I know sar’s got cushioning on the on the fence I’m gonna go less um I would like to see it less just because I want to see a a big battle to the to the end but I think I mean Jackie is starting to sort of as it goes on and on she’s looking I guess you I don’t know if you call it more in control I don’t know if you can be at this stage in the marathon when it’s a 41 second lead I think it’s going to be over 41 seconds she’s not looking stressed no she’s not looking stressed she doesn’t I wouldn’t say she’s necessarily enjoying this moment um I mean you know a different type of enjoyment sure um but I think she would like for it to be done but she doesn’t look like she’s distressed um we haven’t seen her engaging as much I like to I I judge that as a sense of mental acuity minute six minut didn’t expect that didn’t expect that yeah so again not running badly they’re still it’s a difference of 4 seconds per kilometer through that that last bit um but again Maya in a in a e and Jackie in a flow yeah that’s right and you know still got uh one lap or they’re not they’re just coming Jackie just coming to the end of that third lap so still got one lap to go uh so still a fair bit of racing left um had a really good important point to make then now can’t remember well you got one lap to figure it out got one lap to figure it out I will do uh again the es and flows of racing um I think Maya probably gave it a a shot when she closed down that Gap to 19 seconds but perhaps just ran a little bit out of steam still holding strong but it just can’t find that next Gear to to make the charge very very comfortable uh again optically looking at the form of Jackie and Maya certainly holding it together uh better than uh Daniela who is running well but is degrading in for form um and finel whose Pace you know she hasn’t been able to even match a pace from from timing mat to timing mat um and juliia moo who’s been you know very steady but is also starting to slow and then you know El’s viser so it’s it’s a it’s a battle but these women are very very resilient uh in Jackie Haring and Maya stage yeah and just for uh if anyone’s watching and keeping an eye on the or wanting to know where some of the age group athletes are if you keep an eye on our ticker at the bottom of the screen it’s got the occasional age group results so male age group overall through lap two is scrolling along um there’s often some of the the Fem athlete results as well and then also some of the Iron Man Pro Series updates are down there so yeah just keep an eye on that tracker we also have the profile of the course and you can see how far through the athletes are and the Rong course when when that shows up um uh instead of the the tracker but with almost one lap to go we’re going to get right back to racing after this break introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro [Music] Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finisher medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at full you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next [Music] [Music] back to the action here with our race leader the American taking on this European Championship hit here at Iron Man Hamburg it’s the American in the lead she is uh closing down the third of four laps of this Hoka Run course still looking strong increasing her lead uh Maya stage neelon took a run at her closed the gap down to 18 seconds but Jackie has opened it back up uh to a minute five uh with one lap just over 10 kilm to go Daniel blind holding down third place continuing to lose time on these two women she is 4 minutes 15 seconds down um I would say not moving as well but moving I’ll say well enough uh and finel langrish about a minute 35 seconds behind Daniela blel so uh finel has sort of stabilized a little bit um and is holding on steady in fourth place we will next expect Julie Yolo from France who is having an outstanding day I will say uh full distance debut for Julie YOLO she let out the swim uh used uh finel language for as long as she could on the bike finally let her go rode alone for quite some time uh before the chase pack caught her uh and she has fought valiantly on this marathon and her reward uh May well be in another 10 plus kilom uh an invitation to compete uh in her home country in nce uh on September the 22nd yeah and I I think she’s definitely in the in a right position to get one of those slots for the uh vinfast Iron Man World Championships in nice which will be uh I’m sure as a French athlete uh and also with um I think it was Iron Man 70.3 niece was one of her first triathlons or first 70.3 she ever did so I’m sure she’ll be uh Keen to get back and have good memories and Good Vibes well she said that some of her some of her best race memories are from racing in her home country uh she’s she talked about you know having family support out there in prance at the 70.3 uh some other race memories um some of the I’ll call them local French races but some of the the wonderful venues that Iron Man Has uh in France those are some of her Fondest Memories and and you better believe that n uh would just uh perhaps a top that list of French memories in her home country uh did we mention also that Julie uh YOLO has a border colly yes called Peach I was say peach called the French version of how you say peach in French exactly that’s the one uh Elizabeth kuori has a dog called cona yes um I’m going to go through my dog facts now as we are back with uh Jackie Herring as the leader see this to me is is telling in the beginning Jackie would engage she was engaging with people on the sidelines was chatting with age group athletes she was chatting up the pros uh there we just had um an age grouper try to sort of high-f five her and I don’t know whether that’s tunnel vision and she didn’t even see it or if she’s just in a state that even sticking her hand out is extra energy she doesn’t want to race but she is um internally focused right now as she gets ready to take on this fourth and final lap uh of this of this uh European championship at what point do you think in Jackie’s return to the Iron Man Iron Man racing uh today and it’s also her first I think first ever European race certainly first ever European Iron Man she has done 16 before but at what point during today do you think everything came flooding back to her about why she stopped racing nine years ago I’m going to say it was just before that guy tried to hi F she told him to get get lost not really she didn’t say that would never say something like that she’s far too kind but uh she definitely is internally focused right now um you know you would think going through a bit of a scream tunnel as we have here with the fans uh banking both sides of of this this uh race course as they head out for their uh fourth and final lap that you would get a little bit of a a boost um a smile grab a high five but uh not Jackie hering she’s in a she’s in a world of her own right now it is what they said isn’t it as well about the the Run course this four lap and you do run past the Finish Line what is it three times before you get to to go down the Finish and whether that’s three lots of motivation or three lots of pain as you see that finish line and have to go past it Finish Line saying n n boo boo yeah the other interesting fact is uh one of our um Iron Man commentators on the ground till shank is a very good friend of Myers um and has been a big supporter Big Friend for many many years in Mya’s racing so I know that whilst he wants all the women to do well and he is impartial in his commentary and does a very good job about that I know he’ll have a and I think we saw him as she did run through that crowd just trying to give an extra big cheer to to really get her to this Finish Line and get her to maybe take that first win that she hasn’t had on the board yet yeah Till’s got to cheer a little harder cuz that last timing split she just gave up a few more seconds again it’s not we’re not talking meltdown but the lead Now 1 minute 15 seconds so we need Jackie to enter a real world of hurt or we need May to find another gear but uh Jackie continues to inch away from her as as Maya brought her back in inch by inch Jackie is continuing to inch further and further away and and running out of time for Maya to do anything about it yeah she’s running out of real estate isn’t she and look I’m G to be so excited to see if Jackie holds on for this win I think that’s a fantastic story um I I will be a little bit like I think Maya cuz she is such a a professional athlete she’s going to be super happy with her race I do feel there might be that little bit of um the one that got away again as she comes back with sort of another another Podium place which is incredibly um highly credible for Maya she has an incredibly good resume of of races um it’s just that win that is missing that I feel that she would be great if she could just get and I think maybe it’s just starting to to slip away from her um during this race but if we recap where our women are up to at the moment so our leader Jackie Herring is through uh 31.4 km on the onto her last lap Mya stage Nelson is in second we have uh German local Daniela Bal in third British athlete finella language in fourth and French athlete Julie YOLO in fifth and back here with Maya stage neelen you know debatable I I think you know she she puts herself up in in the biggest races that she can um and that makes those wins harder to achieve but I think it will make it more satisfactory for her when it does happen um and she has such a as she said in her a fighting series which you can head over to the Iron Man Pro Series uh website uh and and rewatch if you missed it when we showed it live she she enters each race with just even though she’s a a seasoned veteran of Iron Man racing with a number of races under her belt she enters each race with the attitude and open open-mindedness of of what is possible um learning from past experiences but welcoming new experiences as they come in and I think while the the win May elude her it will come eventually and it will be all the sweeter because it will be on a stage as big as this one as we have Daniela blel now through 31.4k in the conclusion of that lap three she sits at just about 5 minutes back 4 minutes 56 seconds back still holding steady there at just under 4 and a half K so again when you’re comparing it to these women who are running extraordinarily fast and optically uh she’s not having the same uh strength in her stride and and distance per stride certainly running very very well and we will say now safely into third place waiting on finel lrd yeah and for Daniela it’s her first race in the IMM Pro Series so she’s obviously going to jump up into the rankings probably into that top 10 I would imagine uh with the timing maybe not quite as a excuse me where we’re going now um Jackie Herring our current leader is in eighth position on the Iron Man Pro Series ranking she is likely to take the lead uh if this continues and she takes the 5,000 points she’ll move ahead of Danielle Lewis finel lankage needed to be more than 14 minutes back and I don’t think that’s going to happen good point cuz I was just thinking about Maya in a second in the race that we’re watching at the moment in Hamburg but she sits an 11th um but for her to move above Danielle Lewis and so in theory takes second place she only need she can only be 13 seconds behind Jackie who wins which I don’t think is going to happen and I’d also forgotten that finel is already sitting in fifth and so is likely to still be in that second place at the end of the day exactly so I think we’ll see uh I think we’ll see Jackie move to the top of the Iron Man Pro Series uh rankings she got to get there first she’s got to get there first I think finel will’ll probably move into second Danielle Lewis drop down into third and I think then Maya might move up into fourth so lots of changing there’ll be some moving into the top 10 as well but as we said that’s we still got two3 of a two-thirds of a lap to go and uh it all may go as we saw on the bike in the last uh we had a section of 10K where a lot of things happened and a lot of places were changed and athletes in and out it could we could well go through a patch like that on the Run well and also as is the case with the story of this series throughout this season uh don’t blink because there’s another race next weekend and everything’s going to change the Opel cart will be uh turned over and athletes that we weren’t talking about then will insert themselves into the top 10 and the shuffle will happen all over again and so on and so on and so on so lather rinse repeat it is the story of the Iron Man Pro Series uh in its first year of competition yeah that’s right and obviously um at the the end of the year um an athlete can count five races of points towards their total number of points for their for the end of the Iron Man Pro Series end of series ranking uh three of those races can be Iron Man races so with that 5,000 points and so the other two will be made up by uh 70.3 obviously not all athletes in the Iron Man Pro are going to do an Iron Man Emma palent Brown for one um is mainly focused on 70.3 so she’ll be hoping to to get as many points as she can that way and checking in with Daniela blel currently our third position on the podium uh running strong in third place again this is a a bit of sweet revenge for Daniela blel who was forced out of uh her hometown race in Frankfurt last season um with a bit of I I believe it was hypothermia um I’ll have to double check on that but it was definitely condition related um a very very cold morning there uh and and to recollection the pros were not in wet suits and I think she just struggled uh in the cold forced her out there and then started off this season uh with an unfortunate dnf at Iron Man South Africa due to a hamstring issue so she had posted the fastest bike split on the day in South Africa uh but it was not to be due to a hamstring issue clearly has gotten on the better side of that um we don’t know until we talk to her after if the hamstring played up with her at all today uh may have impacted her position to be higher up on the podium gosh she biked so so well um fastest split on the day uh to put her within 30 seconds of our race leader off the bike uh but she has not been able to be as impactful here on the run but holding a very strong third place and and your top German which I think the fans will go nuts yeah and you know I think after Danielle has had she a couple of years ago she was was incredibly dominant over the the full distance and won some fantastic races in Germany I think she’s struggled a little bit uh the last couple of years coming back from her second child and just again Iron Man racing it’s so hard to get it to work and all click on the day and so I actually think if she stays on the gets on the podium today I think she’ll see that as a as a big win yeah um interestingly on the Iron Man Pro Series so um Daniela hasn’t had a race yet in the series so this will be her first but if I look at the start list for um Iron Man 7.3 Boulder which is next weekend our Iron Man Pro Series leader Danielle Lewis isn’t actually racing next weekend which I thought might be a bit of surprise because she has raced a lot of races already uh but she’s not racing so actually uh the chance for finel and Jackie and Meer to sort of hold on to those um top position points at the top of the top of the series is for an extra week until we then go to Iron Man cans the week after and then another race after that again if we look at Maya stage neelson and her performance so far in the series uh Only One race on the record but it was a very good one uh took home 3928 points at the Memorial Herman Iron Man Texas wasn’t thrilled with that performance but wiped the Slate clean um said she felt good uh over this last month and and that is showing here today as she currently sits in second we’ll come back with the exciting conclusion of this race after this commercial break so don’t go away an exciting finish awaits [Music] [Applause] [Music] for 12 years for 4,383 sunrises across millions of mornings we’ve been working to make one thing better this ag1 is foundational Nutrition a science-driven formulation to support whole body brain and gut health with just one of these or one of these once a day welcome to foundational nutrition welcome to ag1 start at drink [Music] [Music] inside the last 10 kilometers of this exceptionally exciting Iron Man Hamburg the European championship for women Jackie herring uh swam in the chase pack she stayed safe uh continuing to chase on the bike conserving a lot of that effort for this run she took to the lead somewhere near the end of the first Loop of the run and while Maya stage neelen took a crack at her tried to reel her in um Jackie re-engaged and has been able to increase her lead and now sits um with about I’m going to say seven kilomet left of this race uh approximately uh with a 1 minute and 16sec Lead over the Dane Maya stage neelen really a a very very calculated thoughtful performance uh from Jackie Herring today considering she might be a little rusty from the Iron Man racing uh it didn’t show at all today in in her strategy yeah and as we’ve been saying through the broadcast um Jackie she’s done 16 16 Iron Man’s before be it 9 years ago but uh is a very different athlete to the Jackie Herring that she was back then when she was racing the full distance and we were it was a bit of an unknown how she was going to perform today if you’re comparing back to those performances N9 years ago but I think she’s um go on I was going to say like all of the things like everything was stacked in her favor like she is and again I don’t want to because she was a success she’s successful Iron Man athlete 10 years ago but she has been a more successful 70 3 athlete and when you look at the things some of the things that um go to make an Iron Man athlete great uh the maturity uh is a big difference between now and 10 years ago the perspective now uh you know racing Triathlon racing is a huge part of of the family life but she is she’s a mom um and that perspective I think helps keep you grounded um and those are all things that when you’re hurting here in the last 10K you have that extra motivation uh that’s coming from uh that perspective that she’s gained over the last 10 years uh in the changes in her career during that time yeah yeah totally and uh on the screen now we have our performance stats for the Run uh presented by Precision Fuel and hydration which you just saw as uh our Athlete on screen Daniela BL went through a Precision Fuel and hydration uh aid station um she’s Curr ly running or the last split was a 4. 4 minutes 25 second average uh so estimated time is 7 hours 5648 at the next timing split so that’s our Danielle blal she’s our local German athlete W Iron Man Hamburg back in 2017 um Iron Man Frankfurt uh in 2022 I think actually funny story things that you don’t want to do in races would be like forget your bike shoes oh yeah so yeah isn’t it funny I read that about her her story about forgetting her bike shoes um and what a stress that is and now everybody asks her hey hey do you have your bike shoes yeah um I I forget what it is that I forgot but my husband asks me if I have it every single race do you have this do you have this uh but just a quick recap of our top five with Jackie herring in the lead Maya stage neelen in second Daniela blind in third finella langri holding on to Fourth and Julia molo in fifth place [Music] yeah it was actually at um Iron Man Frankfurt in 2022 the Daniela blal it was a home race and she uh forgot her shoes but fortunately because it was a home race could go back and get them in time and obviously it wasn’t too bad because she did go on to to to win that race but yeah she like a shot of a drama first in the morning uh but yeah most people ask her today uh if she’s got her shees with her I I remember a friend um forgot her bike charger her bike battery in a race one year and then so the next year went to a race and everyone was joking with her going you know have you got your have you got your bike battery with you this time and she was like yes yes I’ve got it I’ve got it I’ve got it so you know ha haa don’t don’t take the Mickey out of me and she was halfway through the swim and the race in the second year and she realized that she did have her battery for her bike with her but she’d left it on the charger at her accommodation so still didn’t have the bike battery on the bike itself which we find useful if you’re going to try to I don’t know shift gears if anyone was a follower of a women in Triathlon website from a few years ago they might know who I was inferring to with that story uh our fellow co- commentator Michael lado when you’re at the Iron Man World Championships in Kona forgot his Run shoes uh and had somebody uh go back and I believe get them for him and put them in his gear bag but again those things we call that race brain uh when you are so consumed with all of the minute details that you’ve got to cover um to get yourself to race day all of the the supplies and the nutrition and everything you need to check off that list um plus a brain uh that is full of the uh mush well the the the pending Doom I will say uh for racing an Iron Man uh and some of those little details do seem to fall through the Cs and now at 35.5 kilom Maya stage neelon sits 150 back so Jackie Herring um continuing to to run away with it um but what a valiant performance for Maya stage neelson and and you and I both agreed said that she will look at this perhaps with a sigh of what might have been but with a great deal of satisfaction for an outstanding performance certainly an improvement on what she uh put forth at at Iron Man Texas uh and she’ll be improve she’ll be pleased with the improvements that she’s made uh just in the past month in execution of a race yeah and I wouldn’t be surprised if we I mean obviously um for the Iron Man proes you can have three uh Iron Man races in and this will be Maya’s second but she has qualified for for n for the world championship so potentially that will be her third because it is uh more points as well uh so we might see her then just um um racing over the 7.3 distance or maybe she’ll do another full distance and maybe try and swap out the points from Iron Man Texas um and do another full distance to get a few more points in um but yeah other funny things that from our Pro field today so um this is one few age groupers when you go to that transition in the morning uh always try and or when you check your bike in the day before always try and remember where you left your bike so Fabia maramotti who’s one of our Italian Racers today in our Pro female uh field uh she uh couldn’t find her bike as an age group at the world championships and ended up screaming at her dad who was at the fence cheering where the hell is my bike um as if he would know um and then I think there was another story there’s actually there’s a there’s a there’s a trick to that um in that the transition will look very different on Race morning than it did the day before when you racked your bikes when maybe I don’t know 30 50 even 70% of the bikes are there but not all of the bikes are there so it looks very different and then again Iron Man brain In the Heat of battle uh you do forget so my best advice pick a landmark it could be signage there’s always you know partner signage uh in the transition area hey I am uh next to the Morton Banner or I am by the fourth line of portapotty oftentimes um races will label the bike racks so take a look at the either alphabetical letter or number of your bike rack that is going to help as well I I know some of the smaller local races athletes like to hang a little balloon I think some of our Iron Man Races they don’t allow that paraphernalia but find a landmark that’s that’s your best solution to to solving that don’t lose your bike in transition problem yeah that’s right and uh I just going we saw Jackie Herring um just a minute ago doing a a power up tap to a sign that one of our Spectators was holding so back engaging uh and interacting with the crowd which at just a uh just under seven kilometers to go she’s obviously feeling a bit more of energy and a bit more of the pull towards the Finish Line perhaps she’s just starting to starting to believe uh what this day might bring to her uh even Maya CJ Nelson who we see on screen now uh I think she’s got a a big a big ask to bring back that one minute 50 but uh she’s certainly had a fantastic performance to date we will find out how Ironman Hamburg finishes off right after this break your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the vinfast yeah it’s got action 402 horsepower all whe drive over air updates and a 10year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know know those things that’s what the website’s for [Music] Joey up the SK cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the station ready to goane I’m just here’s Elizabeth in the middle of The Perfect Workout for her to create it we analyzed her Biometrics and genetics her recovery rate injury risk and aerobic potential her recent training sessions at temperature humidity and elevation the demands of her next race and billions of data points from athletes just like her with triot Elizabeth gets faster faster and what does she have to do I just open Tri do and did my workout Tri do we do the technology you do the training and welcome back we are in the final few kilometers of the European championships Iron Man Hamburg it was a pro female only race today obviously uh male and female age group is out on the wrong course you can see but our leader here Jackie Herring from the USA just a couple of col left to go before she turns onto that red carpet and crosses the Finish Line our top three women all through the 35.5 kilm split now um Jackie Herring just has extended her lead over mea to 1 minute 50 it was down to about 19 seconds um partway through the marathon on the on the second lap uh now at 150 and Danielle blell in third place pretty secure but that time again just Jackie that sended out and now Danielle sits at 614 back from the leader but our top three women through 35.5 kilm and finel langri now through that 35 and a half uh kilometer marker as well sits at 8:15 back uh we will wait and see if El vist is going to be able to insert herself into the top five Julie YOLO uh had a battle on her hands to hold her off but uh finel sitting uh two minutes back of Daniela blind ml uh uh and waiting on our next two women to see how those splits are evolving but I think it’s Jackie Herring who’s starting to feel that magical magnetic force of the finish line that is drawing her in um you get to this stage and you just want it to be done uh but she really does need to take stock and enjoy these closing kilometers because boy has she earned it out there today I think that face was like where the hell is the Finish Line you you’ve done the course four times now so you know exactly where it is but it seems like it’s further away like somebody moved it in the last lap somebody keeps shifting a treadmill around and it’s not getting any closer and she’s just thinking I just want that finish line to get here pretty quickly I just want to get get to that get to that carpet and and finish the race off um yeah before uh Meer and the rest of the women it it it’s a really I don’t know it’s a real one of head yeah head battle at this point you’re trying to enjoy the moment but you’re in such a world of hurt that it’s it’s really hard to enjoy until you can actually see that red carpet uh the joy becomes easier to find but uh what an accomplishment for Jackie Herring who just a year ago I think was scratching in her head a little bit she had some some illnesses that really took her down a notch in her racing and really struggled through the year to find her form uh I think she asked herself some some tough questions she made a coaching change um and by the end of the year she had some good some good results I think if you asked her quietly if she was thrilled there were some races that were certainly better than in the early part of the year due to illness but still not what she had hoped for uh the announcement of this Iron Man Pro Series sort of lit a fire under her and reignited uh some new goals perhaps uh motivated by her new coach as well uh and the support of her family who now is less dependent on Mom now that they are School aged um and and allowed her really to re-engage with this Iron Man distance and what a story it will be if Jackie Herring currently in first holds on Maya stage sitting comfortably in second 150 back Daniela blell at 614 back finel Langridge at 816 back still waiting on Julie imolo who we imagine will be next amongst your top five but I just I do love I mean I know we have talked about how great it would be for for Maya stage son currently on screen and and running very very well in second place to get her first Iron Man win uh would certainly be uh a lovely story as well but what a great story of I’ll call it rebirth for for Jackie Herring oh yeah I mean fantastic stories from both these women it has been a great day of racing um we had the two two battling Out In The Swim we had some great Dynamics on the bike with a finella off the front and then a big Powerhouse pack of strong Riders um we had a few crashes we had some bottles getting lost um had a flat tire and some Mechanicals it’s all changed places and and again on the run at one point at the start of the Run we had our top four females within 90 seconds of each other and um really was going to be turning out to be well it has been a fantastic exciting race and uh yeah Meer and and um Jackie caught up to finel and pastor and and shared a few words and and then Jackie ran ahead and then Maya pulled back to 19 seconds and then Jackie pulled back ahead so yeah it’s all it’s all has been happening the women have really put on a great race today um as they’ve just got a couple more kilometers to go um before they get to that finish line again we’ve been talking about it all day but it just highlights the level of professional women’s racing that across um 140.6 mile Journey actually I should recant that because the bike course was 2 km short but effectively 140 well we had the extra kilometer of transition so we got back that’s yeah we get it back okay there we go I feel better across 140.6 miles Journey um that the race be that close and competitive and dynamic uh with the back and the forth and certainly the conditions uh were showing off on the day for some of those performances to happen uh we’ve had relatively cool temps uh somewhat light winds that did pick up a little bit at the tail end of the bike but really you know great cloud cover for the for the athletes here today uh nobody’s melting down and overheating over here um and this AG group competitor enjoying his moment of Glory running in with our Women’s Champion to be and and I think that’s properly a smile from Jackie now so I don’t know whether that’s maybe a husband draw drew a sign up in the end saying please smile more told the told the commentators yeah the so the the full gas bike course was 178 kmers it was a new course for this year just slightly shy but hardly of that that 180 uh distance however having said that transition was we reckon about 700 M so yeah 1.4 so half of that distance has been claimed back so still at the end of the day the athletes will have been uh will have completed the the full distance as we’re back on our second place female who actually looks like she’s running well she’s been running well all day but looks like she’s got a bit of a spring I wonder if she’s going for that a Sprint finish or she’s just going for every second matters and trying to get as close back to Jackie as possible cuz obviously once Jackie Herring crosses the line as the winner she takes the 5,000 points on offer at today’s race and then our timer starts it starts the the Magnificent countdown in points the evaporation of points uh for every second one point is erased it could also be said the I just want to be done with this so the fastest way to get there is faster there’s a there’s a burger there’s a burger and chips at the finish line without halumi although maybe with halumi because she is European if she was American Jackie won’t be having any halumi no her Burger she’ll be having some cheddar she’s from Wisconsin that’s true yeah so that’s true she doesn’t know that fancy cheese for for for those of you that are just joining us on our broadcast this morning if you are in the USA uh I made a lame attempt at a joke which felt like a lead weight with the Americans uh apparently halumi is not a cheese over here um so yeah anyway that was the excitement through the uh the early hours of the the morning for the US viewers and back to third place uh Daniela blell who also has a little bit more pep in her step now that that magical magnetic force of the finish line is drawing her in uh I think given the frustration of uh her dnf earlier this year at Iron Man South Africa uh she will be pleased with this it appears as though that hamstring issue um has not played a significant role we of course we’ll never know until we we chat with her but uh not playing a significant role in her race today and certainly landing on the podium will help um wash away some of the disappointment of that dnf earlier uh all of these stories to come to their conclusion in just a few kilometers time and we will of course get the thoughts of our Podium finishers uh but first we’re going to take a quick break to prepare for all of that so stay with us don’t go away we’ll be right back for 12 years for 4,383 sunrises across millions of mornings we’ve been working to make one thing better this ag1 is foundational Nutrition a science-driven formulation to support whole body brain and gut health with just one of these or one of these once a day welcome to foundational nutrition welcome to ag1 start at drink [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] so talk to me Sid as we uh follow along here at our second place female uh Pro here myage neelen what your thought process is do you have a thought process in the last three kilometers of an Iron Man what is the thought process in terms of of what context do we are like just just where how loudly are the Lambs screaming oh yeah there Lambs screaming very they’ve been screaming for a long long time uh the the conversations of or about the five different conversations of my different personalities in my head have been talking for for a while I think yeah so my’s in second she probably knows she’s not going to close down uh on Jackie uh she probably knows she’s pretty comfortably in second ahead of Daniela blal who’s on screen now looks like she’s got a a posy of guys running with her uh that might be uh might be frustrating for her at this point in the marathon as well uh or it might be helping her get to the finish line but I think for Maya um you know as we said the pro series it is uh every second matters so it is uh once Jackie crosses the line it’s one point per one second and we know that Maya wasn’t particularly happy with her race in Texas although she did finish six uh so I’d imagine she wants to be pushing all the way to the Finish Line to try and uh get as many points as she can cuz uh whilst in the Iron Man Pro Series at the moment it might not seem a big issue one point and one second but come the end of the year uh those few seconds could really matter so I think yeah you’re pushing through the pain you just want to get to the Finish Line um trying to hold it all together um yeah and just uh try and push get the best performance out of yourself even in these last few last few kilometers and take care of the details too uh you know we have seen Iron Man races where uh athletes get consumed with the finish line and and perhaps skip the aid stations uh much to their detriment so even in these late stages it’s still important to um keep tabs on that body inventory as we talked about uh how’s my form when’s the last time I drank something when’s the last time I ate something uh don’t miss the opportunity for a snack even with with two kilometers to go that’s right and um also just looking at the um rest of the women’s standing so um pretty safe to say if Jackie just holds it together this last couple of kilometers I know that’s not as easy as it sounds um she’s going to take out the title she has just gone through the 40 kilm split um 8 hours 11 um do the maths on that what’s the course record time this is going to be an I think this is going to break her PB on you know she took an hour off her bike of course PB didn’t she or fastest split before and if she’s 8 hours 11 minutes with 2.2 K to go this is going to be a very fast time uh which is Iron Man Hamburg is known for being a fast course but I was just going to go back and say Jackie looks like she’s W Maya looks fairly secure in second Danielle looks fairly secure in third but we’ve got El’s vissa who is chomping at the heels of Julie YOLO uh just 20 seconds back um with 7K still to go so El’s could very well after her uh mechanical on the last stages the latter stages of the bike make a bid for that top five yeah at least resurrect to fifth place which I think will still be a bit of a frustration but uh El is one who fights the battle that she’s in uh and will you know at least for the time being have forgotten about the battle that might have been uh and and should be proud of the fight that she’s put up on this race she lost an incredible amount of time and has reinserted herself into the race so uh another great story line from from today’s uh competition uh as uh Maya stage neelen makes that final turnaround uh again so many twists and turns along this course that the athletes at this point saying where’s the Finish Line where’s the finish line but at 40K with 2.2 km to go uh Maya stage Nelson now at 215 back so uh the lead continues to grow um but as every every second matters um you know she’ll want to mitigate that damage but I think is is probably very safe here in second place uh as we check in with Daniel Al blell who is now uh making this is not the same turn uh she is well back uh at least four and a halfish minutes back from MAA stage Nelson so Jackie herring’s fastest Iron Man time back to 2015 was 9 hours 20 minutes and 9 seconds so she’s about to take an hour off and a lion share of that on on the bike um you know to your point she had put forth a 35ish sub35 that’s right uh Marathon at Iron Man Mont trumbl which is actually a pretty tough little Marathon course with with some bumps and rollers in there and this one um significantly again air quotes faster on paper um but a bulk of that per performance uh comes in the bike now some of that technology has evolved in the last decade uh certainly equipment has uh been made faster but at hour time difference is massive it is yeah so um yeah pretty impressive performance going from yeah it was Iron Man Mont BL 9 hours 20 that was when she did the three hours uh three yeah 3 Hour 4 minute Marathon um Jackie Herring uh returning to Iron Man races thanks to the Iron Man Pro ser is um giving a crack after 9 years two kids is what she called the Hiatus and why she hasn’t been racing a Hiatus of of incredible racing across the 7.3 distance but call what you will you say potato I say potato it was too hard to race uh be doing Iron Man and raising kids she said uh you can only kind of do one hard thing at a time and so her kids are now at school so need less attention or less looking after by mom so she’s gone uh back to Iron Man to fill in um find that hard challenge in her day-to-day life as she comes into these final kilometers she is through 40 km of our hooker Run course um and this is it this is where I think she gets her final lap band and so it won’t be long before she gets to take the turn to the finish and not to another lap uh that is a joyous turn indeed especially when you’ve seen this turn off uh three times previously and not been able to take the arrow that says to finish but she will run uh undoubtedly into the arms of her husband who has made the trip over here to support her and at home her kids Skyler and Hunter now uh enjoying their morning bowl of cereal uh cheering mom on kids mom did it what a performance from Jackie Herring here today she makes her home uh living in training in Madison Wisconsin um coached by Ian O’Brien uh absolutely magical across the 70.3 distance as she has been for the last decade returning to the Iron Man distance and what a triumphant return to full distance Racing for Jackie Herring yeah absolutely amazing um we we did see a smile I’m not sure she’s probably believing it quite yet I think you even if you feel like you you’ve got that you’ve got that buffer don’t think until you actually cross the finish line you do you finally believe that you you’ve done it um Maya St Nelson again had has had another fantastic day today uh again she’s just so consistent at the top performing oh absolutely um both of these women have been just extraordinary today all of our women have been extraordinary today and what a battle it was uh I think this the savviness of these two women uh certainly propelled them to the top two steps on the podium uh and and what an incredible day a memor memorable day of racing uh it has been Jackie hering the 39-year-old mother of two currently in eighth place in the Pro Series rankings uh but in about two and a half minutes that is all going to change uh the pecking order will tumble once again uh Jackie hering will briefly stand a top the points uh but finel Langridge as we have noted if she gets to the finish line within 14 minutes of Jackie herring she will supersede Jackie and Jackie will settle for a second place but I think uh there will be a big smile in knowing uh that second place at this stage is pretty darn good yeah I think she’ll be pretty happy with the decision she made to to come back to the IR man racing I’m Keen to see what her next Iron Man races I have a feeling maybe Placid back in the back in the USA but maybe the European uh racing has uh yeah has given her the bug absolutely so as she gets her eyes onto that red carpet the smile comes across the face all the way from Madison Wisconsin made the journey over here to hurg to compete against Europe’s finest at the European Championship here in Hamburg from Madison Wisconsin your 2024 Iron Man European Champion Jackie Herring iums and I think she’s now like the realization and just like oh my gosh I’ve just done it and yeah we go Scott darw our Iron Man CEO presenting Jackie with her with her medal what a moment for Jackie Herring 25232 uh her Marathon split uh courtesy of our friends uh waho element rival Jackie Herring from the United States throwing down a 25232 marathon that’s going to be a PR Marathon uh by about but almost 15 minutes uh there is her husband he predicted that he predicted 252 he picked it we predicted he said 250 to 252 based off her training runs and and I mean considering her her caliber of running over the 70.3 distance it’s not a surprise that she’s then run a 252 but given her Iron Man Marathon performances back in back in 2015 they were sort of the three-hour 15 yeah 3our 15 uh at time so yeah 252 an absolutely fantastic uh Marathon performance and whole day by Jackie hering are Jackie Herring our Iron Man Hamburg champion and taking a moment to acknowledge the crowd and really truly soak it all in and it won’t be too long folks so don’t uh don’t go away because uh your runner up here at the Iron Man European Championship is making her way towards the stadium finish as well this is Maya stage neelon it’s gap’s going to be about two and a halfish minutes for Maya which I think will also be a marathon PB for Maya it would absolutely be uh certainly coming off of of of her performances she’s been what low three hours uh before and she will certainly be well under the three-hour Mark for this Marathon performance so again so many great takeaways certainly being a fierce competitor she’s going to say what if and there’s a a degree of frustration that still not her day to take the win uh but I think uh a lot of points banked here uh at just 2ish and a half minutes down so what’s that 20 3 60 seconds uh again we see those points melting away but the big smile on the face of the Danish athlete uh she is 35 years old currently 12th Place but in a couple of seconds that’s all going to change as well please welcome to the Finish Line your runner up Maya stage Neil son that was securing I think it clocked over at 4,839 points on the day uh 255 Marathon for Maya I’m pretty sure that is the best uh run of her career just 2 minutes 39 seconds in the end behind our champion Jackie Herring another great performance by Maya and uh well both these women had a fantastic battle all day I tell you it’s the the the Sea of emotions even after they’ve crossed the Finish Line the joy of oh thank goodness it’s done the Elation for the performance on the day and there she is with till shank if I’m not uh mistaken um offering his congratulations to the Danish athlete for her outstanding performance today uh but as soon as that Eli sort of waves over you all of a sudden the realization of the hurt that you are in also comes uh full front and center uh so lots of emotions to be felt uh behind the finish line but that emotion is going to continue well into the night as just two of our competitors across the line the rest of our professional women to make their way including this woman who will take the third spot on the podium uh to great great cheers from this German crowd for this first German athlete who will come across the line Daniela blim frustrating start to her year with a dnf at Iron Man South Africa but uh writed the wrong of that hamstring injury that plagued her there uh and the fastest bike split on the day here such a superlative performance on the bike absolutely Fearless came off the bike uh just about 30 seconds behind race leader uh and has run steady and strong uh just beat by faster women on the day running but a great performance from Danielle o blam as well yeah it’s really great I think she’ll be really happy to be back on the podium uh Daniela will be I think she’s like you said a bit of a rough start to the year and a bit of a mixed year for the last couple years um obviously had her second child as well and just struggled to kind of find that form of making it click all together so I think uh Danielle will be very happy to be back on the podium and a third place here at Iron Man Hamburg um I think I was think that was as we see a replay of Jackie Herring and that sort of I don’t know happiness shock disbelief of crossing the line um back racing the full distance um I I was really makes me goosebumps watching that again but also the Goosebumps of watching Maya and till I think you know he’s been well they’ve been such good friends for so long and he’s supported her through a lot of races and when she was sort of a new Pro and ups and downs and then he’s on he’s working at the event he’s one of our Iron Man commentators on the ground and so sort of to witness your friend have a a fantastic performance orbe it wasn’t the win but it was still a great performance in second I think is is really really special I think there are so many things things that while it it isn’t the the number next to her placing isn’t a one there is still a win in so many regards uh for her performance today uh she did a lot of work on the bike and was a was a force and really impacted the Dynamics of the race throughout it and boy did she make this uh Hoka Marathon uh an exciting one uh by threatening Jackie Herring for quite some time reeling her in bit by bit by bit uh brought it to I think 18 seconds at one point uh but then Jackie sort of went with the flow and got out of the E and moved into the flow and was able to increasingly eek away from her but it was a it was a great strong assault uh but behind it all quietly steadily strongly in third place for most of this Marathon uh has been this woman Daniela blel who uh I think will be equally happy with her performance today she gets some points up on the board um if she can get herself across that Finish Line it’s going to be somewhere in the I think 4 5 high 44s maybe 4500 um where is that red carpet um if she can get there but some good points on the board for her in the Pro Series uh she had intended for those points to come uh months ago at Iron Man South Africa so a deferred gratification but gratification nonetheless that’s right and there’s that we see at the top of our screen that is our points calculator or evaporator I don’t know what you want to call it evaporator evaporator yeah um so that is reducing at one point per second from from with the time that Jackie Herring crossed the line uh so you can see how many points the the athlete will get as they cross the line the interesting one I’m looking at is vanela language as well in fourth place she currently sits in fifth in the Iron Man Pro Series and is likely even with her fourth place today to move top to top of the Iron Man Pro Series I think she Jackie needed some 14 minutes or so um Gap ahead I think it was that one I think it wasn’t the 10 minutes I’ve got confused it was the 14 it was the 14 minutes for her to maintain to maintain number one and again we’re getting thumbs up from the technical team there is there there’s it’s a small victory right who who cares who’s sitting first at top uh the points rankings uh in early June it’s it’s who sits a point above the points rankings at the end of the series it’s bragging right and certainly it’s some visibility it does and but it extra points here means extra points down the road make it means extra points down the road and it could be the difference at the end of the day so the points matter but your current placing is somewhat irrelevant but it’s nice to say hey I’m sitting at top the the the point Series right now but uh now with eyes on the red carpet your first German athlete uh the crowd going mad she makes her home outside of Frankfurt uh B Hamburg close enough to home for Daniela blell uh water performance from her a frustrating dnf to start the season uh but here she is 35 years old from Germany third place Daniela blel and down goes Fraser yeah are they that that position to me is worse than standing you get back get back up now are they are all those women who just crossed the line are they all 35 years old or is that a coincidence or have you just read the same uh stopped I have pulled each if you go to the Iron Man ProSeries website Pros series. all of the athlete profiles are up there and can be seen as we come back to Fela language you know she made a race of it uh we thought she was G to in a in a tough spot for a while there but uh she is not that far behind Daniela blel yeah no that’s right she’s um really sort of dug deep she sort of started the marathon so well she biked so well as we know she was leading up at the front of the swim uh faded a little bit in the middle but has finished strong with another solid performance by the British athlete finel language and with that as we noted because she is within 14 minutes of Jackie Herring will secure enough points uh to move her overall into first place in the Pro Series rankings at least for this week and possibly another one to come so fourth place finel lankri Iron Man European championships Hamburg is brought to you by hyper ice made to move and by Qatar Airway Airways going places together so while our top three four athletes are across the Finish Line we have a lot of great content still coming your way so don’t go away we’re going to take it down to the hyper ice recovery zone to chat with our women’s Podium so stay tuned for that it’s always one of my favorite parts of the day to hear the War Stories uh from out there let’s take it here we are with our winner at the Iran European championship and the first longdistance race in the new Pro Series on European soil Jackie earing first of all congratulations take us through you swim by grun in your own words I’m slightly in shock so oh it was just a I’m gonna cry it was just a really good day um the swim I got gapped a little bit in the start and I had to work kind of hard to catch back up but I caught him by halfway cuz some of us swam a little off and then off again and then back and once we got on track I was luckily with the girls I wanted to be with cat and Maya and um out on the bike ride I had a goal of just trying to ride with them as well and that was going pretty well off and on and the Chasers caught us and it gets a little dicey when when we were riding together but all in all it was fine I was focused on just riding my ride and getting the nutrition in and I kept getting dropped several times and had to work hard to catch back up and um and on the run I had to completely focus on just running my own run and you know try and not get my Pace too carried away the first half I think it might have anyways but I paid for that at the end and it was extremely hard and extremely painful and I’m glad it’s over it was your comeback race racing a full arm and after 9 years of not doing it and you you said it very believably Before the Race the goal is to just finish when did that goal change throughout the race that goal did not change I was in so much pain all I could think about was just I kept saying just keep it steady like one mile at a time I was going aid station to aid station mode um I think it’s important to always keep the goal as finishing I seriously that that was my goal the whole time well you did a little better than just finishing so congratul there you have it from your winner here at the Iran European Championship Jackie Herring and it was a fierce battle with a second place a dual out they were together on the B course already um they basically went onto the Run course almost together with Jackie just a few seconds behind and she came in second in the end Maya St neelson from Denmark big smiles when you got off the bike onto the Run course when when did the smiles Des appear on the Run course they were on and off I feel like but I’m so happy and you can’t do anything but smile when there’s so many amazing people out there and and this is like insane it was a a hectic race a wild race you had a lot of work to do out there does it feel like a first place lost or a second place won today like I’m happy I really I’m happy Jackie did so well on that run and like when she called me and we ran next to each other for a while I it was like this is going to be too crazy yeah and I just kind of hoped that she was overdoing it a bit so that I could catch her again but but she just kept going and I’m I’m very happy that I did what I did hey congratulations second place at the European Championship three steps up from last year Well Done congratulation yeah you heard it from your second woman at that Armenia European championship and of course we wanted to talk to third as well on home soil here in Hamberg one of the Germans she won the year in 2017 already it was a third start at um Daniela BL first of all congratulations a little bit of a wobbly walk out there how tough was the fight today oh yeah especially in the end it was really tough but I think that’s what it’s always what it always is um actually until the half marathon I felt really good but the girls were pushing so hard I I was just thinking how can they run that fast and then yeah I think I started a little bit little bit too fast for me for my Pace um and in the end I was really cramping but I think the rest of the uh of the race was really solid a very solid race it’s been a minute that you put it together the way that you wanted is today a race you’re happy with yes definitely I mean I of course you you always want to win or of course I would have loved to run faster in the end but um I’m very happy at the moment and the German crowds we heard them are very happy with you in third place congratulations job well done our top three here at the IR and European Championship first longdistance race in the new Pro Series so we had Jackie herring in first M St nilson from Denmark in second and Daniel blil in third your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the vinfast yeah it’s got action 402 horow all whe drive over a updates and a 10year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey hey man do you have a non-alcoholic beard that actually taste good I think you mean athletic excuse me do you have that great non-alcoholic beer I’ll found it do you have a favorite non-alcoholic beer on the menu [Music] mhm ah athletic it is she’s funny [Music] [Music] Iron Man European championships Hamburg is brought to you by vinfast boundless together and by brightling Aspire for the ultimate finish line reward and here we go you can see our women’s leaderboard as our professional athletes and age groupers alike continue to make their way across the Finish Line our top eight competitors now across the line for our Pro women current uh World Championship slots going to Jackie Haring Daniela blell uh Julie YOLO will secure one of those spots Laura Jansen and uh Katrina gble Christensen as well so six slots on offer um and that is how they role that is correct obviously uh Maya and finel and El’s already had their slots secured so uh great Racing for th for those other women down to the top eight who have secured a place at the vinfast Iron Man World Championship nce on the uh 22nd of September so a particular thrill for our French athlete Julie YOLO who will get to race in front of her uh home countrymen uh there but a thrill for all of the women who will take to that uh ni course for the very first time of course last year the men were in nice uh the women were in Kona and this year they will flip flop it around and the women will contest their world championship event in nice as you said on the 22nd with the men uh duking it out back uh in kyua Kona but stay with us because we still have our women’s Podium celebration here to come Sid what an extraordinary race oh absolutely fantastic like and also when the women were finishing I had go Goosebumps just seeing the emotion are you just cold I am just cold yeah maybe that’s it maybe that’s it I’ll pretend I’m cold and not the emotional finish of watching uh friends and colleagues and and athletes do spectacular things I think you know the interview with till at the end with Jackie just that emotion of just sort of a little bit of uh disbelief about what she’s done uh she now has uh well she’s almost effectively ticked off too you know she said in the interview of coming back to the IM Pro Series just need to do three but as we go down to the presentations and we have in third place she’s the first German across the line but third place on the podium from Germany it is Daniela blo her her time 8 [Music] 2809 and she will take her athletic Brew to help her celebrate and next up our second place competitor much has been said about the emotion that this woman uh showed all day in racing so solid so strong not the top step yet for the Dane Maya stage neelen will stand on your second spot on the podium her time 8 hours 21 minutes 54 seconds with a marathon PB of 2 hours 554 4 for the former golfer from [Music] Denmark and our Women’s Champion what a story it’s been a 10year nearly Hiatus for the American from Madison Wisconsin uh she is back to Iron Man racing and back in a big way she’s been focusing on the 70.3 distance and boy did that pay dividends for her today as she struggles somebody get that champion a ladder maybe she’s just going to stand there in front going to sit she is this is pure comedy I’m sorry I shouldn’t be laughing situation she can’t I think she’s cramping do you know after the First full distance after a long long time it does hurt so much more than as if you can see Maya and Danielo have raced a little bit more recently but let’s give it up for our champion from the United States Jackie hering she will take the second place in the overall rankings behind our fourth place competitor finel langri who did enough on the day to secure the points as our women 6y the women Cooperative I love that Jackie herrings winning time 8 hours 19 minutes 14 seconds with a stunning marathon time of 25232 she establishes an Iron Man PR of almost over an hour uh compared to the last time she competed all those years ago and of course uh let’s be mindful of the socials so Maya with the camera out you can check out Maya St neel’s Instagram and that will be there momentarily but get the phone out of the way she needs to move the phone for because now it’s time for the athletic Brewing bath celebration and of course poor Jackie is going to get it all because she can’t move the poor thing I did think when the other two were standing up they were just going to pour it on over her I will say with the cooler temperatures today that athletic Brew does add a little bit of a chill which might only enhance poor Jackie uh cramping there but uh what a fantastic Podium and what a race uh these women put on today the level of competition and the drama uh it was not a snoozefest of an Iron Man there was back and forth there was drama there were penalties there were crashes uh and there were outstanding per performances and memories that we will take from this this race result in Hamburg yeah it was a really exciting race uh some fantastic racing by the women some great performances and also lots of change and movement in the points for the Iron Man Pro Series obviously the winners taking away a lot of points taking away a nice chunk of a prize money cash as well but those points going towards the Iron Man Pro Series at the end of the year uh I think we now see uh there’ll be a quite a big change in that ranking uh that we’ll have a look at uh shortly but yeah fantastic racing by the women today and we will certainly look forward to the men contesting their European Championship uh as we take a look at our uh top 10 standings or top 10 results from today in first Jackie Herring she’ll take home 5,000 points second place Maya stage neelen gets 4,840 points uh Daniela blel will take home 4465 points finel langri takes home 4378 points and will assume the number one position Fifth Place El Visser at 4189 points that’s right and in sixth place Julie YOLO uh she’s 4,11 111 points Laura jansson in seventh uh elizabetha kidori in eighth and in Ninth Place Erin shenl from Canada and she will take home 3,635 points so again if this race has proven anything it is that every second matters uh some shuffling about our leaderboard for the uh overall standings thank you for watching Iron Man now coverage of the Iron Man European Championship Hamburg this was the second Iron Man race in the Iron Man Pro Series congratulations to Jackie Herring for earning 5,000 points and for all the Iron Man Pro Series go to Iron Man do sorry Pros series. you can watch even more Iron Man Pro Series coverage with exclusive OnDemand race replays in the United States and Canada by signing up for outside plus today for those not in the US and Canada you can watch on demand race repeat plays by visiting Iron Man series Pros series. the next Iron Man now broadcast of the Iron Man Pro Series will be on Saturday June 8th Iron Man 70.3 Boulder coverage will begin at 8:30 a.m. eastern time watch the live broadcast for free it will Air exclusively on outside TV in the United States and Canada globally you can watch on the uh on Pro series. Doone and Leep live for our entire team alongside the great Laura SLE I’m DD grease Bower enjoy the moments and images from today’s race this copyrighted broadcast of world Trion Corporation may not be retransmitted reproduced rebroadcast or otherwise distributed or used in any form without Express written consent of world Tron Corporation


    1. I love that during the bike section, attention was given to all the race, not just the front half-dozen. We saw time info and footage of athletes far back in race position. Great job there Ironman Hamburg!

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