Short one this weekend as on a time limit, but trying to get some miles in! Really feeling like I should be upping the distance now the dryer weather is here but its all just one balancing act!

    Warmer weather means the 10 year old Canyon is creaking and cracking!

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    good morning sports fans it is a Saturday morning we’re back on a Saturday morning ride I’ve got electric Jake with me and we’ve got a 2hour window we can get out on and that will probably include coffee as well so isn’t going to be the longest of rides today but it’s dry it’s sunny there is a slight chill in the air hence the uh knee warmers arm warmers and gilet at the moment it might come off we’ll see but we’re heading out of the industrial estate in the Orton out towards the old day one and as far as that I don’t know where we’re going to go um we’ll make it up as we go along so stick around and uh I’ll take you on this ride and we’ll see where we go [Music] today we are 5 miles into the ride we are heading into a place called Stilton on the outskirts of P next to the a1m and Jake just told me and I knew about it but I didn’t know it was this weekend stilton’s famous for its cheese and still and cheese rolling Festival signed just there is what I was going to tell you about they uh they meet up once a year and roll cheese down a hill I don’t think it’s cheese anymore I think it might be blocks of wood but look at this sign here Stilton cheese festival so yeah apparently that’s this weekend and up here somewhere they roll blocks of wood or cheese down the main road I wonder if they can bet on it 10 to one on the blue block of cheese e what do you reckon I don’t know anyway we’re going to head through Stilton now cut past the pubs and the shops up here and uh God knows where afterwards [Music] we have just cycled out of Stilton up a Clin down into cic cut just outside of Stilton and then we’ve got this other little dragy climb to go up here I’m already regretting the Gill because in the sunshine it is lovely and warm but when you go behind a tree and the wind uh chills there a little bit you kind of need it so I’ll keep it on for now but yeah we are 7 miles in and we’re going to head out up towards bulock Road and then probably out towards glatten do a bit of a loop there and uh roll back into petb that way [Music] oh look at that crop there slowly coming through in the blue if you can sit on camera on the blue in the field we are nearly 11 mil into the ride we are heading up now into great gidon a little village on the outskirts of Peter and I can’t complain well I can complain and I like to complain my leg’s ache a little bit I haven’t ridden all week but um I can’t complain in the weather it is beautiful it is lovely to be out the sun is in the sky Jake’s happy I’m happy and we’re getting it done [Music] into Northampton sh we’re quite lucky where we live we border or we’re on the edge of about five different counties and uh I have got an idea for a video where we cycle five counties in one day which sounds quite impressive but actually a 60m round trip we can get into five different counties and uh on some nice roads so that’s one for the future keep an eye out for that one it’s that time of the year where those of you that have an old carbon bike like me the Sun comes out everything expands a bit I don’t know if you can hear it on camera at the moment but the creaking and cracking for my frame today is absolutely insane I think it’s time to upgrade Mrs TJ says it’s definitely not not time to upgrade so that sounds like a battle for another day but Canyon if you’re listening please can I have an air Road please [Music] into polebrook [Music] we have been through hington now down into polebrook some you’ve seen on previous videos in a moment you might remember we’re going past Jake’s School further up here but yeah we are 16 mies into the ride and I said at the start of the ride today was never going to be a massively long one we on a bit of a time limit and we want to get coffee in heading back into petersbur now so another 10 12 miles back we should be in the high 20s for the ride it nice be nice to hit 30 but it is what it is we’re out it’s sunny I’m heading towards a coffee we are 18 and 1/2 miles in we are just coming up to a place called Luton as you can see there on the sign l u t t o n very similar to luttin but it has a second tea in it and Luton is probably somewhere you want to visit unlike luttin but hey we are yeah 18 and 1 half miles in we’ll nip through Luton here um on the road to washing Le folor and back towards the old A1 and head for coffee at Starbucks which I appreciate is isn’t a little independent cycling Cafe but it’s convenient it’s on our doorstep it tastes pretty good and like I said we’re on a time limit today so we can’t go too [Music] far we’re heading into folor now not far from the old A1 or the main A1 as well but you can just see in the distance over there the chimneys over in wh SE out in the fs and we’ve been out in the slightly uh the more undulating side of Peter out towards Northampton here but yeah into folks wor now 30 mph I think we’re safe won’t we doing that speed not today we are 22 mi into the ride we’ve literally got to through folw worth over the old over the A1 Motorway and uh onto the old A1 back in the industrial estate we came out of earlier on so we’ve probably got another 6 7 miles left so we might just be under 30 Mi we’re on the old day one now the sun is behind us and we’ve got 24 miles on the clock it’s probably another three back maybe so high 20s like I said the bike has seemed to have stopped creaking and cracking I don’t know if you guys have heard it in any of the clips below but um whether the uh heat has just expanded the frame a little bit and the creaking and cracking stopped I don’t really know but yeah I’m still trying to persuade Mrs TJ go on go let me have that new bike you’re right I don’t need it this is a perfectly perfect summer bike I would just kind of like a newer bike with newer Tech this brakes Di two electric gears and a bike I can use in summer and in Winter and not be too precious about me deep section carbon wheels getting ground away as the uh Rim brakes break on them like they do on this but anyway thanks for watching I appreciate it like I said 24 and 1 half miles probably another three till we’re home we’re going to grab a coffee and get on with the weekend it’s a bank holiday here bank holiday Monday in the UK so got the next few days off work which is good nice to reset and uh spend some family time but as always thanks for watching if you enjoy the videos please hit that little like thumbs up button and if you keep coming back and watching them or even if it’s your first time watching them hit that subscribe button to help me out on the road to 1,000 subscribers have a good weekend guys thanks for watching and see you later bye oops P.S route on screen now see you later n [Music]


    1. Hi Tommy and Jake, I hope Canyon is listening. Jake could have his own channel called E Jake testing ebikes, and you testing the latest offerings from Canyon!

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