🛑 LIVE | INCRadio United Kingdom | June 2, 2024 at 5:00 PM BST (June 3, 2024 at 12:00 MN PHT) 🛑

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    [Music] [Music] you’re now listening to Inc radio United Kingdom satellite Studio [Music] good afternoon good evening and good morning everybody you are watching Inc radio United Kingdom and we are broadcasting live from the ecclesiastical District of Great Britain I am sister Erica celestino and I’m joined today by my lovely co-host hi listeners i s Arian celestino and we also have another co-host and I’m sister arell celestino and we’re all from the local Congregation of herro so uh for those watching us live on YouTube right now please uh keep commenting throughout the show and don’t forget to like our show with uh by clicking the thumbs up button and also don’t forget to subscribe so as you may know this past Monday Brethren across Great Britain gather for the district Unity games so many fun games and sports were conducted so um uh you’ll be able to see um a few highlights in this video from yes that we’ll be seeing now regarding the unity game all right but as you can see um this is so nice all the different teams that joined the unity games here in the ecclesiastical District of Great Britain there were so many sports that we’ve seen and watched right which are uh basketball volb badmon even swimming uh speed cubing and many other sports as well yes like um table yes track and field uh table tennis as well my favorite was actually the seity of yes cheering all the kids were so cute okay okay and you can tell like everybody was really excited because you know um it’s a district activity we get to see each other all the Brethren across um the district traveling to K2 Crawley to join this District un un games but of course because we’re going to talk about Unity games it’s not just going to be me sister Arian and sister arabel because we have our lovely panelist today shall we introduce her now sure yes okay and it’s funny because we came from that region yes hi to the Brethren there in South Coast but let’s introduce sister Caitlyn who is from Portsmith hi sister Caitlyn hello hello sisters how are you sister Caitlyn I’m good thank you thank you thank you so much for joining us today I know it’s your first time and hopefully it’s not gonna be the last don’t don’t be don’t don’t be shy don’t be shy like we’re here to just talk about our experience during the unity games and you know being part of the unity games question well we sort of introduce you but can you please introduce yourself first hello um my name is Sister Caitlyn fipe and I’m from South Coast local Congregation of Portsmouth there you go team Portsmith I’ve already seen some brethren uh in the live chat with the hash Portsmith so for everybody inserting this uh we still have the challenge the Challen the hashtag challenge where you can com your local congregation or gws yes in the team live chat uh all right so sister Caitlyn what was your role and you know what event did you participate in I ran 50 m for CWS running check and there you go so she was one of the part participants in uh track and field and it was for the CWS or children’s worship service um running for 50 meters so that’s literally like you being fast right cuz 50 m is like um very short it’s the Sprint Oh Sister Kaitlin you’re fast you got it from your sister isn’t it sister Carmela hi a I know because sister Carmel I saw her run over already the 100 meter sa yes yes she’s really fast and um how did you how did you travel to Crawley um I traveled with my family in a car oh that’s nice so from Portsmith how long did it take you to get to Crawley um I think it was roughly like an hour and 10 minutes is wow she she went like specific those 10 minutes well it’s it’s a nice drive then because you know like in an hour you can see different um different views from your car window yeah but you know you just mentioned 50 meters right and my reaction was that means that you’re very fast because 50 meters is just like it’s a short it’s a short part of the track it’s a short part of the track so that means that it’s a Sprint like I take Aran mentioned and how did you prepare for you know this activity how did you how did you run fast did you train or did you practice you know um so because I still go to school we have sports day coming up and during PE we have like these running lessons to like help us prepare for it so I think that’s where I got most of my training from oh that’s nice so you know like even at school you got to train and prepare not only for the unity games but also with your school’s activity too perfect timing perfect timing that helped you like also uh Mo motivate you even more to run fast because she’s done it like EV was it like every day or even like when you’re not at school would you run even after school or during the weekend just to you know prepare um some sometimes I did a little bit of training at home and outside of school but yeah yes especially because if you think about it if someone would train it’s May right right now and the weather in the UK is very unpredictable very unpredictable so I get you when you say sometimes I train outside the house because sometimes it’d be raining a lot you know how I would I would train just trying to catch the bus to go to school or work that’s how you train Mr aon’s just joking but yeah so um you know uh going back to the unity games distri Unity games that we just had last Monday here in the district of Great Britain what was your favorite moment sister Kaitlyn um my favorite moment was probably the parade because I got to see all the Brethren come together and like represent their teams I thought that was really nice I definitely agree we had so many local congregation and jws participating on that day um I remember seeing so many Brethren as well like from the different CFO or Christian family organizations as well um it was just really nice especially because I think it’s one of the biggest uh events we usually um hold uh throughout the um throughout the year and I know everyone is so excited because it’s mainly like sports and everyone gets so like competitive in a really good way though like friendly competitions and we see um everyone participating in each Sports and seeing all the Brethren with different skills um and you just like just have fun and um you cannot also like Be Inspired in joining the next year for a different sports so yes um sister Caitlyn do you think you want to try any different sports next year or would you stick with uh if there is an opening for swimming for like B he or CWS even I think i’ join swimming because I also do swimming outside of school so if there’s an option that’s cool that’s cool yeah as mentioned earlier sister Aran said that there was swimming too I saw the kadwa members participating that was cool but we didn’t get to see as much because we were also playing sister Caitlyn but you know um I mean I totally agree with you when you said that your favorite uh part was the opening parade but for me it was also it’s like the little things going around the venue and seeing the different sports but also the Brethren not playing the actual sport but supporting everyone oh this yes we’re like cheering for all the teams and you know that shows are our district activity our our Unity games Unity uh love for the Brotherhood and we also showed uh sportsmanship exactly but um sister Caitlyn how did you feel to be part of this AC it um I really enjoyed like being a part of this activity because I was able to watch Breen play sports with each other but also I got to play my own sport so that was really good that’s nice sister Caitlyn and uh funny enough um besides you joining today on Inc radio we also have somebody else joining today so we’re going to introduce them in a bit if they are ready hello brothers are you there okay I think they’re gonna reconnect but um as mentioned sister Caitlyn uh we want to share a little bit too uh we also played um a sport in uh during the unity games and that was volleyball right sister arabel oh okay she’s she’s [Laughter] muted all right okay so how did you well technically you can tell us you can tell sister Caitlyn and the ones tuning in to IC radio how we what what we participated in which we just mentioned we we played volleyball but um how did we get there and what was our preparation well we’ve been trading for months uh as a local in Heathrow we were training with the uh men’s volleyball team as well and it was really fun and um it was really nice to see the progress that we had uh throughout the months uh up until the unity games and I’m so um it’s so nice to see that the boys were able to win as Champions this year so well done okay spoiler no I’m just kidding but speaking of volleyball men we have brother Eric and brother Eric hello brother Eric Daniel can you please introduce yourself um um I’m 14 years old but and I and I was playing in the volleyball thank you brother Daniel we can’t see your face as much but thank you for joining us today and uh how about brother Eric Samuel yes hi brother Eric yes you’re live can you please show your face did CLE oh what what what what sport did you participate in uh speed cubing for I want uh I want the competition for spe oh congratulations and uh Brother Sam um because sister Caitlyn mentioned how she trained right and sister Arab as well mentioned how the volleyball team um for men and women trained uh how did you train brother Eric Samuel I think the connection is not that great but uh sister arabel oh well since he’s our brother he’s been practicing home and uh how he trained well um at least at least once a day he would uh he would ask one of us or he would un uh scrumble the cube itself like blindly like without looking at the pattern that he would scramble it if that makes sense and then he would time himself uh to complete the cube or to solve the the cube and some since he has like three cubes what I what I would do sometimes is I I would unscribe each Cube and then once he’s done with one he would do the other but then I would un scrumble the the one that he just uh solved so it’s like a NeverEnding cycle up until he’s like okay I’m done now but yes U so that he’s more uh so that he would be more how do you call it more prepared and less stress about the timing as well but I know I knew that he was going to make it either way because he’s really good at it I myself can’t do it but yes he’s really good that’s why he was able to uh prepare like that and with the help of God of course but yes um it’s really nice to see that a lot of Youth members here are joining us on Inc radio and it their new faces as well but yes uh hopefully in the upcoming activities uh many more are able to share their experiences especially because it’s really exciting an exciting activity Unity games everyone seems so happy about it and excited about it but yes um sister Aran or at er all right well uh you know as we’ve been sharing some of the memories the rund down bro uh arabel you’re not muted okay so uh sister Caitlyn um you know what was your favorite memory that you brought from the unity games um my favorite memory is the first time I won running because I remember one of in one of the P games I can’t remember which year but I won it for the first time and I just remember being so happy like very proud of myself and as well of the other people who also participated a so like I mean um for this year um I know it’s not it’s not always like about the winning but you know the participating uh did you make any new friends or did you meet anyone knew that you didn’t know about and now you know your friends and you’re just excited to see them again in the next uh District activity uh yeah I met a person from exor she was very sweet and we talked a bit about yeah ah do you want to shout her out her name is Sister Kayla okay hi sister Kayla from Sister Kaitlyn but yes I think at arabel has like questions for you as well and she’s muted but you know uh ATA Caitlyn is there a message that you would like to give to the church Administration uh thank you so much for allowing us to conduct our Unity games and thank you for just overseeing the church and thank you thank you so much at Caitlyn for joining us today on Inc radio United Kingdom and as mentioned uh hopefully it’s not going to be the last one so don’t be shy and you’re always invited to join us on Inc radio and do you have any other greetings um shout out to everyone from South Coast and everyone who came to support me online thank you thank you thank you ate Caitlyn and there you go ate Caitlyn uh represented Portsmith uh in the 50 meter running yeah track track and field track and field Department like C for the CWS or children’s worship service now uh let’s go back to arabel if you can know if you want to tell about the volleyball team whilst uh Eric and Eric are trying to connect if they um will be able to I think it’s the connection yeah uh the Vol B Team um I mean it was fun to see all the Brethren at Unity games um competing against each other in a friendly way uh and it was a way to meet new Brethren and see our friends across the district as well and um yeah I mean our our volleyball team has always been training constant in a consistent matter as well but uh at the end of the day uh it was all about the activity and um enjoying each other’s company and in the end is it’s just really with God’s grace that we we were able to make it to the unit game so uh yeah um at what was your favorite part at Aran so as I mentioned before um it was actually the S sharing competition um like seeing all the routines that they created from um each congregation as well as the um I mean they didn’t really use um a song but it was more a like appropriate cheering where they would mention their local congregation and um all the audience would just cheer the little kids there were so cute they were just holding the signs of uh like the name of the local congregation they had the as well as um their uniform their uniform were so cute and I I don’t want to be biased but the he throw uh kids made me like laugh so much as um since they’re really like um very young yeah yes they’re really young um I’m I’m not saying it was um not perfect but it was so cute to to watch them even just participate with their um older um C yes uh members and I feel like this is a way for them to start um participating um in a way or another um for you know um throughout the activity yes totally agree but let’s go back to Brothers Eric hi welcome back hello can you please introduce yourself earlier we didn’t really hear you which uh local your names and what you participated in hello po I’m brother Eric Danielo local of hro and I participated in volleyball my name is Eric sop local Congregation of hro and I participated in table tennis and speak un nice this is funny because they’re they’re are brothers so you know do you want to tell us about uh what happened in the activ um what was your favorite part or moment during the district Unity games um my favorite moment was when I when like [Laughter] w well you know um everybody who participated is a winner so you know as mentioned earlier this is a friendly competition so everyone is United this like um although like everyone can like win it but um we’re all winners as uh sister Erica mentioned and we should be enjoying and be grateful for the quality time we spent together yes so uh brother Dandan Eric Daniel uh what was your preparation for this activity um we trained uh like weekly yeah weekly like one once a week like for the like months before like training with the team for and how about you uh brother Eric Samuel uh for you you tra like you played uh table tennis and speed cubing so how did that go how did you prepare for it okay for Speed cubing um that’s that was not actually about training it was actually about memorizing most of the time but the more you uh the more you the more sols you get in the more you will get familiar with when Sol for the cases when you’re solving it for table tennis I just practiced with my brother um he was just smashing it repeatedly on me until I was man I was managing to return it there you go so practice makes better better better not perfect but better there you go and what was your favorite part of the activity Brother Sam samam and brother Dan well brother danan sort of mentioned it so congrats have you met like new friends uh what did you do throughout the day I played against one of my friends bought oh but it was a friendly competition as mentioned so you know uh those are the things you know um when you are from different local congregations it’s like it’s very um exciting as well to play with uh with the people yours and your friends too because that’s how you make memories as well right s arabo brother Eric Daniel or brother Eric Samuel and they’re still on mute yes and um what is um well you you’ve talked about like how you prepared for it what was your favorite moment uh would you like to share anything else what’s your take so they’re still thinking any friends or were you able to see like uh your other friends from different local congregations that you haven’t seen like um for a while and do you have any like greetings as well uh yes but I played against uh like teams with like uh you play with yes um all right I think brother Dandan uh is still thinking but we’re running out of time brother Dandan so um is there any greetings that you would like to give as well as you you brother Eric Samuel I’d like to shout out the he for volleyball team no shout outs for [Laughter] me try but uh you know we would like also to give a shout out to um from AE Cheryl B saying uh shout out to Mia who came third as well in Sister Caitlyn’s um batch race race yes for the 50 meters track and field with with children’s worship service yeah so you know actually congratulations to everybody um all the Brethren who participated in the unity games uh congratulations congrats uh for joining participating and for you know representing our respective local congregations and gws’s I know in the team live chat we also have um Brethren commenting as well and Shout Ting um like you know their their local congregations so it’s very nice we’ll come back to that uh later yes uh but of course everybody we invite um we invite you to sit back and relax because we’ll be right back after a short break break this is Inc radio dcem 954 The Voice of Truth the official radio station of the Church of Christ Oro [Music] [Music] radi satellite Studio onist 7 to 8 umaa Philippines Standard time satellite Studio on review [Music] radio you know what Ry second yeah hello Earth to Ryan I’m so sorry what’s up I noticed you’ve been on your phone a lot lately yeah I’ve been really busy and I noticed it’s been a while since you’ve caught up with me over a phone call you’re right I’m sorry I just been busy like I said um you know family work so many things life uh when do you want me to call you uh how about sometime this week okay sure I’ve been a bad friend I’m so sorry it’s okay how has life been maybe I should call you next week yes like we discussed yes you’re right you know I totally understand that life gets busy but it’s still important to catch up with your friends and make time for that I know I know that’s true I I will do it thank you so much for reminding me I feel like I need to remind myself and others too I haven’t caught up with a lot of people in my life yeah I’m so sorry it’s okay thank you for the reminder you’re welcome no matter how busy life gets remember to communicate with your friends and family you never know when they just need someone to talk to this has been a reminder from Inc Radio San Diego [Music] [Music] depend on you [Music] you father guide the [Music] the great [Music] of I think am Wier humble heart I will obey I’ll close attention when you correct [Music] me I will follow Wherever You Lead Me because you know what’s best for [Music] meide the show Theus [Music] of your the greatest of great of of never will I ever never turn away never will I ever turn any you I will never betay any you I willay I go on alone you know it’s true yes I’ll remain with you I’ll with [Music] you guide me all the back to Salvation [Music] showest greatest the greatest all your love the greatest all your love oh the greatest [Music] of great [Music] and welcome back to I amcer radio we just listened to the Inc original music greatness of your love and that was actually performed during the Inc EU 50th here in the United Kingdom so shout out to our sisters from Battery um of course as we continue with our show not only we got the chance to talk about the district Community games that happened last Monday but also we have our CFO in action what is it so um as the first activity we have southwest region having their evm and the um their evm and Bun together so um throughout uh this activity um the Brethren United as one um with the all right so the Brethren joined in the Evangelical mission that happened in the southwest region of the United Kingdom and of course as you have heard they also had a band together so the Brethren invited their friends and loved ones who are not yet members of the Church of Christ and not only they got to witness the band together where the Brethren who are talented musically talented they join and perform different Inc original music and of course as an Evangelical Mission um they got to listen to the words of God and you know uh today also what do we have in Scotland sister arabel yes she’s still on mute she is so shy so today in Scotland there’s also anel Mission and band together yes what were you saying sister arel I was saying that there was the regional Evangelical Mission as well as the band together right after and for those who have um witnessed the performances in the band together within our district they’re all uh very talented members and uh we hope that you’ll also get to um see them perform maybe today for those in Scotland and somewhere else in the upcoming EVMS yes Evangelical missions as sister arel just mentioned but uh you know it’s very exciting because um you get to see the brethren in the different regions of the District of Great Britain and also the Brethren who share their faith through music as well which is so you know nice too because um everything we do it’s always part of us sharing our faith as members of the Church of Christ time really flies the show is about to end but let’s go to the favorite part like most of our viewers love this part or segment m m of the show because it’s shout out time okay let’s go and read some YouTube um comments and greetings that we’ve received throughout the show do you want to start DR Aran so uh brother Graham Thomas saying hi this C sisters hello brother from uh bornemouth um South Coast um also we have Brother epan s happiest viewing to all dear brethren in the district of Great Britain from oron local or pingon local congregation okay uh how about you sister arabel do you have any there’s sister uh j marie Las maras saying brother JM Las Maria SP the resident minister of leads hello po JM and then uh I see brother JD C saying hash he as well as mom ashro and sister Javita Thomson saying hash Stratford as well and then uh I also see uh sister JMA Salah sing watching from leads and hash leads as well there you go what else uh sister Aran we also have uh brother uh David your uh rubic saying hi Brethren ashro sfm UK London extension as well as um brother Felino U bin shout out to our resident Minister Jason El umir and K lot happy watching Po from Newport whales we also have brother JD Susan mentioning um MVP brother Daniel and first uh in speed cubing brother Samuel A okay hi brother jie um who else did you see sister Arian uh we also have um sister uh Sister Christina Hebrew happy watching po to everyone from but SE oh and also from battery I see sister lanni King always tuning in to Inc radio hi sister Lonnie and we have brother Jefferson Jones from hash Manchester keep them coming there’s like a lot of yes a lot of um comments um how about from Newport Wales I saw one uh sister will Wilma delis as well as um sister salah’s um Jemma sales from leads uh saying happy watching from leads um we have so many Brethren um keep commenting so I’m not really able to see some like all the comments oh we also have uh brother PJ Abraham happy watching from hash Blackpool hello brother hello hello and also Brethren uh from Stratford tuning in as well hello Brethren from Stratford And he as well we also have a brother from France uh rzo Mercado hi brother ronzo and also we have Brethren from eastborn we have brother Alvin manaloto saying um a Testament of the church growth as well in Great Britain seeing more brethren in this activity for many years a it’s true though like as the church is growing uh we see more Brethren as well in each e ecclesiastical District too and then we have um comments from well I see hashtags mainly from the different local congregations so you know Stratford Heathrow eastor leads Manchester batter SE everybody uh joining and also um there’s a brother enrio [Music] uhal listening from Thailand as well well so they’re in Asia wow that’s cool join brother thank you so much and also we have uh brother Charles Leno happy viewing from hash Colchester so everybody is literally uh tuning in and and showing their unity in joining Inc radio United Kingdom today so thank you thank you so much dear brethren for joining us today all right so Aran so um we’ll now have uh another short break um and we’ll be right back we’ll be right back you are listening to radio The Voice of Truth [Music] hello DJ how was school today hi n it was good po how about you po how was your day and are you almost home po it was great the weather is amazing too and I’m almost home is there something bothering you our art teacher asked our class to paint a bunny and egg but I told him that I do not not celebrate Easter because it’s against the teaching of God book that’s right we have thought from our worship services and bible studies that we do not follow such practices because it’s not from the Bible you can share the website Inc media.org to your teacher so that he can understand what we are taught okay po I will do that PO see you soon po [Music] venidos welcome to Inc radio [Music] radio radi [Music] anywhere in the world we always together connected to everyone life would be better [Music] radi and welcome back to United Kingdom this is the last bit as you know the show is just one hour long time really flies but thank you thank you so much again sister Caitlyn for joining us today live from Portsmith and also thank you so much brother Eric Samuel and Eric Daniel for joining us from Heathrow live from Heathrow but of course uh before we end our show we would like to shout out everybody who’s joined us on Inc radio United Kingdom in the team live chat thank you thank you so much we’ll see you next week as well and you know um speaking of like the different activities that we’ve um showcased today we can’t wait for the upcoming ones in our district and you know just last Friday we held acfo officers otaking and Christian you Summit so you know um it’s G it’s always busy in the church and it’s it’s with so many activities to attend and exctly and it makes me look forward to each activity there you go and as we end our show today we would like to give our greetings and acknowledgements to the executive Minister brother Eduardo V Manalo and also to the Christian family organization coordinator brother Angelo arano V Manalo also greetings to our district supervising ministers uh here in Great Britain who is Brother Harley Alcantara hello bah Harley and also in Ireland who is Brother Pito aquesta hello Po and of course greetings to all the ministers in both ecclesiastical districts of Great Britain and Ireland and shout out to our IMC radio crew both in Ireland and here in Great Britain hello all right so what do they need to do at arabel but yes keep on watching and listening to Inc radio via the live audio and video streaming at elisher crystal. net SLC radio and also remember to take a selfie of yourself while watching so you can send it in all right thank you so much for that PSA ate arabel all right so um the last comments we also uh were able to uh read from the comment section uh we also have uh Brothers Hebrew from uh buty saying H hash buttery as well as sister Javita Thompson Ash Stratford and uh we also have brother Ian Bree Farin um killoy um sending all asht por Smith there you go the comments keep coming until now yes like there’s brother Jun and sister you saying # Salis gws # Southampton # South Coast so hi brother there in South Coast you know um you can keep uh commenting as much as you want and uh promise that we will read we’ll strive to read all the comments as well next week but as you know um you can also listen to the live audio streaming through your mobile phones by downloading the Inc radio mobile application on your mobiles or via a YouTube channel just type and search Inc radio United Kingdom and click on any of our show dates live now don’t forget to visit Inc news and updates in fa uh Facebook IG and Twitter regarding Church events that’s happening around the world all right thank you thank you so much again everybody for joining us on I radio United Kingdom good afternoon good evening and good morning and goodbye everyone wel see you next week from the Inc radio United Kingdom [Music] a little is willing to give his life to save God our elction he is the guardian of our Fai place my God in these L days even though we may be miles and miles [Applause] apart we truly feel his love and care with in our heart one one voice for than our almighty God

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