Experience the thrill and glamour of the Monaco F1 Grand Prix like never before with Motoryacht Loon! In this exciting video, join us as we host multiple high-energy events on board our luxurious yacht during one of the most prestigious and adrenaline-pumping weekends of the year.

    For charter inquiries and to check out the yacht, please visit our official website: https://www.yachtloon.com

    For daily updates, follow us on:
    Instagram: motoryachtloon
    TikTok: motoryachtloon

    Filmed by, Stephen Tench and Nathan Marx
    Edited by, Stephen Tench

    #loonvideos #Motoryachtloon

    [Music] good afternoon it is Saturday at the 2024 Monaco Grand Prix we are just settling in to our event for today so we have almost 300 people coming on board uh throughout the afternoon for a buffet lunch and a cocktail spread from the interior side we actually have 11 extra staff helping us because obviously we have so many people on board and we want to make sure that the service is impeccable so I have extra bar hands two of the guys just behind me they’re setting up the bar we have two professional bar staff um we have four girls helping with service and a whole bunch of dishwashers and then of course my fabulous team so you’ll see throughout the day how busy we’re going to be this is probably going to be my only chance to chat to the camera but I have no doubt it’s going to be an incredible day [Applause] okay so it’s Saturday um Formula 1 qualifying one has just kicked off um I’m sure you guys can hear it in the background we can kind of see the cars going past us right now it’s unbelievable how fast they’re going past us Chris you want to jump in on the know yeah what what beard said I mean this morning I walked down kind of watched practice one 2 and three but obviously the guys have kicked up the pace they all know the track right now and I mean it’s this little rocket ship just shooting past and um yeah we know we know when vapen comes past cuz you can barely see him it’s always good but yeah we’ got a little TV watching them here and yeah we’ll keep you guys posted [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that’s q1 over a couple of guys out Norris is already out what a surprise the first Red Bull already done I don’t think he’s going to hold on to that seat next year let me know what you think but my boy Danny Rick eighth place yes let’s see if we can make it through Q2 [Music] um well we’re on qualifiers um so we have a party on board it’s very busy the girls are just running around I am here refilling the coffee station while holding three tequila shots that people just drank and yeah and I’m about to run away again [Music] there’s coldness there there’s Cala there’s heat there’s Flames there’s lava volcanic what can we do against Myck I know what i’ when I pick up the m is power when I pick up the M got powers when I pick up the m is when I pick up the M got [Music] powers as you would have seen we’ve had a pretty busy day already we’ve got an event uh that’s been running since about 11:00 a.m. we we’ve had an event running since about 11:00 a.m. at the moment we’ve got about 150 people on board and we’ve just had our tender pull in and bring a special guest being uh vry Bas on board he’s just done a bit of a talking session with everybody people have been asking questions it was very interesting to hear about his laugh story on on how he got into racing but uh yeah he’s going to enjoy the rest of his evening he’s representing a new brand of Jin that he is endorsing so I’m sure that’s going to be interesting to see I’ll have a taste in a minute so cheers [Music] [Music] right and racing you need to start from a a go-kart level you need to start as a young person were you into go-karts were you into racing your bike when did you know that you had the need to speed I tried a go-kart for the first time I was five and that’s when I decided I would the Formula One driver and uh I did my first first race when I was 6 years old and since then it’s been all about racing so it was always the number one thing for me and uh the life goal so uh yeah certainly feel very lucky to be able to do something that I dreamed as a as a kid and uh yeah still going and hopefully still many many more years now it’s all happening Stephen we’ve what happened at once eh we’ve got dishwashers we’ve got like 12 extra service stuff we’re running plates we’re running cups got fart tenders downstairs we’ve got like this tiny space for like eight of us to work in we’re doing good how things been with you Tristan on your side right I’ve literally been just I’ve been like a little rabbit I’ve been hopping back and forth on the do running around getting drinks fing drinks cleaning glasses running glasses yeah stting out shoes fing people from the dock being on the dock waiting for people so much fun okay good morning it is race day and Monaco is a buzz Charles lir on Paul and we are super excited Steve’s come to me and he said hey Paul we’ve got 10 minutes can we go for a walk look at the boats and some of the sites around so let’s go check them out okay so we’re here in the heart of Monaco we’re on What’s called the swimming pool dock the te head this is the one that everyone wants to be on dockage for this week is about $140,000 so getting in here is a tough competition but check out look who’s around us I mean we’ve got seven sins down here they’ve got a $3.8 million Gatti on their R deck so I don’t know who they’re cheering for this weekend as buatti doesn’t have a team but uh still pretty cool to see and then we’ve got a few other boats down this way and then we’ll take you up and check out the other side [Music] I would have liked to actually see how they put it on I mean I’m assuming they got a crane and had to build a whole stage but interesting we featured this one in a few of our other videos mod yach Faith Lawrence strolls yacht always impressed to SI 100 meter fed ship yeah we’ve seen the uh tenders going back and forth all week with Lawrence and Lance on board and just one of my favorite Yachts woo so in Monaco obviously we got the boats but the other things that are always on show are the cars and I mean they’re always incredible Monaco has some of the best car viewing around you know you got the casino the Hotel this one’s pretty sexy cool so you can see Lon just over here to the left of us luckily on the Yachts we a little bit higher than the grand standand so from our Sund de the guests can actually see over the grandstands and see the track and the cars come zooming by it’s a great spot especially looking from here the Yachts look amazing so all the other team bases are just squeezed in along here along the harbor this is uh you know it’s one of the smallest bases in the world here check out Char good luck today woo that was cool Char of Cl just walk past running obviously coming back from the pits and going to the team base awesome number one today [Music] [Music] one of the cool things about Monaco Harbor is they always want to keep it super clean you see there’s a couple of guys on their jet skis here they’ve got the big Nets that they drop in the water and they go around pick up all the trash and uh and then bring it in so one of the most pristine harbers in the world that how cool is this how close you can get to the track so awesome seeing this okay we’re just getting back to Lon now she’s where I left her thankfully the boys have done a great job time to get ready for the afternoon’s events and we got the race starting in about 2 hours all righty what’s going on uh so we’re doing our last day of the uh Hing which is also the last day of the race so we’re doing like a dirty brunch style uh situation and we’ve got like bacon eggs pastries Breads and all that sort of stuff out there buffet style and I think we’re caring for a couple hundred guests today for for breakfast lunch um but yeah this final day and we got some canipes later so [Music] yeah so the formation lap has just started the buzz is going on on the boat should see the cars coming past any minute now it’s going to be a great race I think L’s got it where’s your money on my money’s on piastri but I thinkir deserves itri big call yeah all right lir piastri Danny how much being a sapper being a sapper you’re turn for an Aussie mate [Music] so high anticipation for this event it was I mean there’s people absolutely everywhere we just had our boat full up we capacity race started and absolute Carnage per has hit the wall a couple other cars piled up into him so it’s been red flagged we’re just waiting standing by to see what happen way let me show you a secret spot which is the best seat in Monaco [Music] all right check this out we are at the top of the master balloon for those of you that watch the while we removed the domes that used to sit up here on the wings on the m a couple of months ago so now we’ve just got this great spot look at this we’re 55 ft above Monaco Harbor right now clear view of the track I can see the whole way around I mean best seat in the house woo here we go here guys real Qui [Music] woo okay come on ski we got two left left we’re got to get to the bridge you know what that means we’re in the last lap going to hear it homeboy favorite here we [Music] are wo it wasn’t true there he’s tring all right that is the end of the race how cool was that to see Charles lir wearing his first home Grand Prix here in Monaco still a lot more to go on today we’ve got a big party still happening on the boat that will go into the we hours of the morning and you might be able to hear the music turning up behind us now and then tomorrow morning we’re out of Monaco Harbor we’re going to Anchor up somewhere else do a crew debrief and see how we go our next chart is in Naples so we got to get down there but that’s it so parties are done guests are either waking up or coming home from the parties that they were at we’ve cently got some G before their luggage on the dock we’re just waiting for a taxi to pull in should be here within the next 5 minutes and they’ll be on their way some are flying out in through nce and some are going and going on to their next holiday so good luck to them but we’ll be out of here in the next few hours [Music] uh Paul and myself are just doing a walk through the boat just to check for any damages after the after this um 3-day event obviously we had a huge number of people on the boat each day yeah actually looking pretty good not too much damage which is nice to know [Music] so it’s 5 minutes to 12 we are we’ve unpacked everything we got guys coming to collect all the goods we are prepping to go so we’ll be dropping lines and making our way out of here and heading off to B [Music] okay good morning we are guest free back in our comfy clothes our off Charter uniform and uh we’ve just got theing off the and we just got the divers in the water now they’re dropping our ground lines the lines that were up forwards they’re going to remove them boys in the back are dropping our St Lines within a minute or two will be out of here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] arrived in beay Sam we’re just about to drop the anchor there’s a whole bunch of boats around us I know Stevie’s got the uh drone up right now so we’ll be able to show you some of the boats we’ve got Odessa 2 over to our starboard side who’s the sailboat in front of us do you see that dve got a big Pini Navi over on our Port Bell and uh just sort of nestled away and there was actually quite a nice little hole here so rather than having to sit all the way out the back we were able to actually come in quite nicely so I’m actually quite happy with [Music] [Applause] [Music] this awesome guys cool we’re here first of all big well flipp and done to all of you um no honestly super proud uh normally you know at this point I do a lot of pros and cons and what we can learn and what we can grow honestly no cons like you guys did great I mean what a what a whirlwind of the last couple of days so thank you thank you for myself obviously thank you from boss man and um look I think everyone did really well long hours we all grafted together Tristy I saw you in the pantry a lot and walking around with a tray boy boys yeah boys in the laundry girls on Deck I mean I think you know Engineers doing engineering things uh chefs chefs as well I know you guys had to share your space with a little bit more than you normally have to so you know we all survived we’re all still here so no guys well well done honestly you know that that is probably top three or four Charters hectic Charters I’ve ever done and um look we got out of it we got through it and uh no I think yeah you got anything to expand on that guys it was just such a great team effort and I really felt like we worked so cohesively and as much as it was chaos it was just a very um well oiled machine and I think that we’ve got an incredible team going forward for the season and that was just Testament to how well we all work together so thank you thank you than you guys cheers a good season am I really [Music] drinking okay so we’re going to end this video here we’re currently underway we’re making our way down to Naples for our next Charter we have a beautiful backdrop of Monaco at night as we’re leaving the south of France and cruising down uh guys we did rush to get this video to you to be able to bring you the Monaco Grand Prix as real time as possible but we are going to take it back in time now a little bit of a Time Warp here and uh go back to Fort laudo we’ve got some great videos to finish up our time in Fort laudo then of course the whole Atlantic Crossing to bring the boat over to the med here we are rushing and trying to get up to real time for you so we are going to two videos a week for the next couple of weeks to catch up so we’re not so far behind we understand that but uh anyway guys that’s it from me don’t forget give us that big thumbs up hit that subscribe and we will see you next week from Fort Lauderdale


    1. What a fantastic job Steve did with this edit! You can see his skills getting better with each video. The entire crew was amazing this past week, coming together and working as one cohesive team to provide the best possible experience for the guests we had onboard.
      As always, thank you for watching. We appreciate every one of you. Feel free to drop us some comments; we'll do our best to reply personally. 🛥 🏎 🏁

    2. Well done by the whole crew. You should be proud of your achievments. To have had hundreds more people on Loon you have done an amazing job. Cheers & good wishes from Bowral. New South Wales. Australia

    3. Simply the best post yet! Seeing how things work backstage in Monaco was epic! And, Captain Paul, if Lando is not in a McLaren seat next year, it will be a huge loss to a team that is finally finding their footage. No way he leaves the team!

    4. Steve, last video I said was my fav Loon episode… This episode has beaten it for me. Such a great insight into crew life at such an epic event. Loved every second. great work to everyone. captured and edited brilliantly! Thanks for taking us along

    5. Was nice seeing you on other channels like Kym Illmans and other yacht channles, but especialy on the live coverage, I allways looked for MY LOON. Hope I see you somewhere in Croatia this year 😀

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