In today’s true crime documentary, we’re covering the case of Jayme Kushman.

    NOTE FOR YOUTUBE: This is an educational documentary and news piece based on real events. We do not condone, accept, or promote the actions or beliefs of those featured in this video. This video was created with the intent of educating the public.

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    he a he made a dungeon So Random horrible man why are you protecting this woman that is the devil right there you don’t believe this horrible y just doing a job when State Police accompanied investigators from Child Services to a home in Texico New Mexico on July 22nd 20 22 they had no idea they were walking into a house of horrors shs bro there a dungeon bro say please the woman who answered the door was Jamie kushman this isn’t her first runin with the cyf D but this visit would eventually launch an investigation into one of the most shocking cases in all of New Mexico most of the following footage has never been seen before no I know I kushman alleged that the person who reported her was someone she had a falling out with for now though the police kept focused on inspecting the property okay so because of the condition this time usually it’s a whole lot better than this so I’m kind of surprised um I like I said I was in the hospital so is Laura not see no all right so I’m GNA take some pictures um those so and since it’s going backwards then we’ll take some pictures and then we’ll just but this is not this is room I mean this is just but it’s it’s we’re going to take pictures of the whole house um you know you’re responsible for her well I know but I I didn’t feel like this was super messy I mean she she was actually cleaning it last night so yeah and she’s the only one that’s sleeping in here yeah this is her well you take pict I’m just check other K okay do you want go with yeah she’s want to go hey can you stay with her yeah I’ll stay with her the kid was extremely messy with dirty dishes rendering the space nearly unusable the bathrooms were an even worse mess with mold growing on the tile around the shower and bathtub there was no running water and the toilets were backed up portable toilets had been placed around the residence to compensate though it appeared that none had been emptied recently as they were completely filled with waste needless to say the house didn’t pass inspection but the evidence which would take the case from Simply concerning to truly horrific was yet to be found kushman had been sharing this house not only with her own children but her girlfriend also named Jamie her girlfriend’s kids and a 16-year-old girl who was not related there was also another couple staying with them but before investigators could get too far kushman attempted to pull a fast one with the authorities yeah yes ma’am have a bad standing cfd um I I don’t feel safe because I have a I have a bad bad standing like in like in reference to like what like what’s the standing like she doesn’t like okay is there a reason why yeah cuz she came out here she took an infant from me and we bought her in court okay did you get that infant back yeah it was was at my in okay okay yeah and she doesn’t f so I the one I’m walking around with yeah okay that’s I don’t I don’t feel like I’m going to get a fair cuz I I don’t I mean in all honesty you don’t have to I don’t see anything wrong with my home do you I mean there’s stuff here and there but I mean no one’s home is perfect but nothing to you it’s safe to say that the investigators were in fact alarmed they would seek to learn more about the baby later but currently needed to focus on the situation at the house and the state of the children living there after sending kushman back inside the house the investigators finally catch up with 14-year-old CK to ask her what had been going on I really need you to be honest with you I need you to talk to me about these things okay because other people are telling us so whether you just tell us everything or not um we’re still going to be involved and and you’re the older one need you to be to tell us the truth you can look in his eyes this time and tell that he’s scared yes and he’s never been afraid of us but this wasn’t the only surprise investigators were in for as a new party arrived on the scene while they were chatting with the kids it’s just La I she did she does it she lives in CL what Laura was suddenly doing on the was anyone’s guess the specifics of why weren’t needed for investigators to know that there was more going on than met the eye you okay this time you don’t look okay this time I’m nervous though it’s okay you don’t have to be nervous remember last time it was okay I’m never going to be mean to you you’re not going to be in trouble for anything we talk about okay you okay okay and it’s okay she already told me so we already know about it people have already told us you’re not going to get in trouble you don’t have to talk about it you’re okay you’re okay is that good for him the horrifying details of what the children revealed would be learned later for now after speaking with the children the officer and the child services investigator had to make a decision on how to move forward what they came up with did not go over well with kushman or her girlfriend Jamie CNA who had rushed home from work when she heard the police were there based on the report we got and um the kids did confirm everything the kids um were very for coming this time this is an interrogation tactic by stating that the kids have told them everything this time she makes it clear that she already knows what’s going on as this puts pressure on kushman and CNA to say something that matches is what the kids have said what’s most interesting here is that kushman doesn’t make any denials and doesn’t ask what the kids have said based on the evidence gathered the police returned a short time later with a search warrant for the kushman property how you guys doing which one’s s which one’s fish I’m agent I know you guys remember me from last time yes sir this is Sergeant hernandes State Police okay um we do have the search phone you guys have your cell phones those are also being seized okay it’s part part of the se you turn it off can I tell something to you yeah here there’s there’s going to be a videos on there that’s not my concern okay that is not my concern I know trust me the person is going to be extracting a data as me okay so I that is not our part of our investigation whether there is or not we don’t care I don’t care that is not a concern that’s not why we’re here that’s not the data that we need okay so we’re only going to extract data that we need it we’ll give them back to you both phones were seized along with the required passcodes as the search warrant dictated it’s an interesting question of what would have happened if they’d refused to hand over their passcodes though the warrant technically required them to hand over this information it cannot actually force them to comply however refusing could result in them being found in contempt of court in theory by disobeying the warrant the court could put them in jail right then and there until they produced the passcode with their phones in the hands of the police the full scope of the horror would soon be revealed and it was more deplorable than anyone could have expected despite kushman’s apparently jovial attitude do you guys have any questions for me or anything no sir y just doing a job the police however did have a few more questions for kushman IT 357 yeah it’s it’s the one I got certified gotcha I wish I had known that before that man I was not prepared for that kick back gotcha yeah Miss time well yeah and because I wasn’t wearing my ear plugs right yeah the noise I my ears rang for like a week yep so we’ll just call you guys down there so you guys can pick them up yeah you know what we’ll probably even just bring them to you if you’re here you call my phone just bring them here Small Talk complete and the warrant served the police took their leave thanking kushman for being so Cooperative as the police comb through kushman and sin’s phones they uncover the unthinkable Horrors that took place in that house and immediately asked Jamie sna to come by the station to answer a few questions what she ended up revealing was enough to shock even the most seasoned detectives the following footage has been analyzed by a qualified team including a licensed professional counselor a licensed clinical psychologist a licensed attorney a former Detective a licensed polygraph examiner and a former hostage negotiation commander and instructor like I told you in the phone just want to do some followup and kind of a status and stuff like that um first and foremost you are here voluntarily yes okay I know you said you have an attorney do you still want to speak with us with your okay that’s the officer read s Her Miranda rides though she wasn’t under arrest little did the officers know Senna was hiding more than one one shocking secret and she wasn’t the only one listening in on this conversation how’s everything been going since I just been working I moved out of the house you moved out yes I moved out you move there any more you still in a relationship with Jamie no you guys split up yes what was the reason for that did did you say I lost my kids I lo I mean it broke me in the past sna had also been in contact with cfd due to conflicts with her older stepdaughter this combined with the horrors uncovered in kushman’s house resulted in CNA losing custody of her children the police also took this opportunity to ask what she knew of kushman’s children CNA explained that RK and CK were kushman’s sisters biological children but kushman had taken custody soon after they were born AB wasn’t related to kushman and had been placed with her by cfd years ago when kushman lived in Texas was you um J got him when he was like three I think three yeah and he’s 11 now mhm so he’s been with you a while with her yes with her yes I’ve only been living with Jamie for since like the end of March like officially leg living there moved in since like March this year M I haven’t really been there that long in an exclusive interview with ewo a victim of Jamie kushman named Jamie McDaniel shared there was some confusion on how AB came to be in kushman’s custody so how she was able to bring another child into the home no idea but Texas was like Hey this kid needs help take him she didn’t go through the formal CPS it was a phone call hey I’m getting taken to jail will you come get my kid Fishman said y be right there CPS letter leave with him that was the end of it sweetest kid he was oh my gosh he wanted to be held he wanted to be cuddled um and of course Fishman always wanted a boy so at first this was like answer to her prayers he got everything he wanted he got his own room we bought so many clothes and toys for this kid very very quickly the problems became too much for her he was defiant he wouldn’t potty train correctly he um wanted to eat all the time so when he got to this house where she was willing to give him anything and everything he wanted of course he’s going to eat all the time he’s a kid he’s not going to stop and think oh well maybe this is too much so he would eat to the point where he made himself sick well kushman was like nope that’s not good so all of a sudden he was being punished nobody checked on him not one time not one time from the time he got to our home in Farwell till when he got picked up not one time did someone come to visit him and be like hey you’re not even supposed to be in the state hey you’re not even supposed to be with this woman that was never brought up tell me how a whole State lost this child worse according to McDaniel kushman had already been reported to CPS at the time she got custody of ab this was massively worrying especially considering what police knew about how AB had been treated CNA might have been a recent addition to the house but police suspected that she could be hiding more than one dark secret they would uncover exactly what it was during their interview how how would they fed for the food everyone had all the kids had the same amount of food every dinner every lunch every meal we had every single food group okay like I mean they had you know those little trays you get at Walmart they got the three sections yeah although those are always full how was the discipline situation yeah was always redirecting it’s not like like I told the lawyer it’s redirect redirect over and over and over time out to their room and if it would ended up screaming and kicking and fighting then they get a this thinking but not hard not excessive not like oh my gosh you know who would do the disci J would you do the discipline what kind of discipline would you do time outs 10 and every every once in a while yes I did like my son if he started kicking screaming I would on though CNA portrayed what she thought was a rather favorable image of the children at home the appalling reality was a far cry from it this truth surfaced during the search conducted by the police at the kushman residence Mex State Police we have a search Warr search warrant Mexico State Police come to the door State Police search warrant Mex St police a search War to the door when their announcements went unanswered police entered the residents anyway despite the officer suspicions no one was found in the residence just as before however emaciated dogs were running free all over the property and police had to take extra care to make sure that none of them were aggressive one of the first things the police probably noticed was how different the inside of the house appeared compared to the previous visit State Police search for It Go clear clear that spot yeah anybody clear over here yeah stay police search for it dirty dishes were no longer overflowing from the sink the toilets were empty and the water was back on a former friend of the kushman family however was able to offer a theory on the matter Matthew came forward to talk to the police once he heard on the news that kushman was being investigated he’d reported kushman to cfd multiple times starting around 2014 8 years earlier than what was happening now but none of his efforts ever led to a formal investigation his theory about why nothing ever happened was highly concerning they call CPS CPS been called on they get a heads up somehow and uh Jamie and Jamie and or get a heads up somehow from CPS through whoever I don’t know if it’s a law enforcement that lets them know or how do you know that well because uh I the time I called the kids would clean up everything and and um she get them all dressed up in matching outfits unfortunately State Police would discover that this was only one example of how local law enforcement had failed to capture evidence of the children’s suffering until it was too late they being in the room and if they try to get out the kids have kind of alarm So Random they I guarantee they up to something giv us a 48 will you hold that up if I don’t get your picture oh after finding the chains next to the beds the investigators might have thought they’d already discovered the worst of the suffering but this was just the beginning and they never could have guessed just how inhumane some of the children’s treatment had been police found more chains and padlocks secreted away in a drawer beside kushman and sin’s bed it seemed that with every room they searched more disturbing evidence was Unearthed the other one oh yeah one here and then right here all right let’s go when investigators eventually confronted Senna with these sickening details she revealed a surprise of her own the chains the alarms what was that for just because um jimy has said that has gotten out to the house and broke into neighbors houses so so it’s a alarm they put on him but it the pen pulls out real quick and they they have free range of the entire house typically children with such severe behavioral problems have been mistreated especially if they’re under 12 years of age I don’t know how to explain it but there’s the Black Box okay and then the chain goes on their ankle and it the little pen goes into the black box the second that pen pops out the alarm set screams but they have free range of everywhere they’re not see that as far as I know I know when they came in January they saw them they never said anything about they aware how be used I don’t know like I honestly I don’t know all of that though Senna didn’t yet seem to realize it she just implicated herself in the awful happenings inside the house while executing the search warrant police had found the so-called screamers that CNA was talking about that’s so warm did you read the T yeah we do there’s a little thing that comes off too so they won’t leave they know when they leave yeah horrible man that’s not right for children or any person for that night the police found more chains and screamers beside every bed in the room back with CNA the chains weren’t the only police plan to confront her about so if CD would come cuz let’s be real that house was not the best cleanest house ever good this is insafe yeah in here dude what’s up with that it out huh every time C showed up you guys would start picking it up correct she yeah I was who was she call to give her time to pick up the house I don’t know in addition to more evidence of the callous disregard and treatment of the children the police also found a strange area attached to the laundry room at the kushman residence oh it just leads back it just leads back here [Music] what good nothing relevant was found in this strange area but it was a different story entirely when they searched the backyard it’s behind [Music] yeah there’s an AC on this side this small structure would become very important to the case soon enough stay Poli those who tried to report this terrible mistreatment of the children in living conditions met with the short end of the stick in an exclusive interview with ewu Matthew shared more about his frustration with law enforcement after he alleged that they told kushman he was the one who reported her so I got to go talk to Doug Bowman say cop and uh I go over and I’m like what what is this well you had a restraining or against you um from Jamie kushman and them blah blah blah says you harassed them whatever and um I said Doug the kids are getting chained to a bed I said you’re caught messed up no no their story checks out what Matthew didn’t know is that the chains were only one aspect of what was going on the officer in question also asked Matthew to provide photo or video proof of his accusations with just wasn’t feasible thanks to the iron grip kushman kept on everyone in the house if I was taking pictures of flash at night she would have lit me up and it been over with and she’d have a way to cover it up Doug I said is this going to be the one time that the kids slip through the cracks he said I guess so Matthew was no longer welcome on kushman’s property after the police allegedly told her about his involvement the cops and Clovis wouldn’t believe me I said they treated me like I was a criminal like I did something they actually threat me with of having a false report on somebody sadly this was only one example of the frustrating experiences Witnesses had with local law enforcement in an exclusive interview with ewu Alicia brand a former friend roommate and partner of kushman shared more on the subject I made between CPS and the Texico police it had to be like 75 calls it had to I did it anonymously for a while until I didn’t care anymore more hi I’m calling again hi I’m calling again and maybe I’d get a different person on the line and they’d be like no we’re really going to I’m going to put good notes in this like the notes from last time don’t really look like that and I’d be like what do you mean and I’d tell them from the beginning and then I’d tell them currently and i’ tell them and it just I’d spend hours on the line over and over and over trying to get someone else out there I’d be like please don’t send the Loc Sheriff please don’t send you know the same people that have been going out there you need someone bigger the state police were determined to handle things differently they tracked down Sheriff Doug Bowman and brought him in for an interview of his own over the course of my career over here 14 years I’ve been over there I can’t tell you exactly how many times but it’s been a handful of times that I’ve been over there with cfd I found it unusual that every time we went the accusations that were made there was no evidence answer Foundation to believe what they were doing was wrong was the house dirty and not the best that it could be yeah but I’ve been in a lot of houses like that in my career that do justify taking kids out of there literally P the chains off the wall we have chains in evidence on every single wall where the bed’s at K I don’t doubt you guys one you never saw a chain hung up next to the bed in the no sir at all there was never a chain back in the interrogation room senno was growing more and more distressed tell me about the dungeon outside what attention the the the storage [ __ ] outside the house the one in the front yard right there in the back in the back in the backyard yes with the snake and the cats what’s they Ed for police first learned about the dungeon when they asked about kushman’s Uncle James who sometimes lived on the back part of the property why he built it and what he utilized it for remains unknown police were pretty sure that they found the dungeon in question while carrying out the search warrant on the property something’s in there huh conditioner here do you think that’s like what they say the the dungeon is you know you’re probably right that’s what I’m thinking cuz there’s an there’s an air [Music] conditioner for your baton fit it I don’t want to there you go oh there a there a deed bro there’s a dungeon bro hold on let photograph it [Music] yeah is that a is that a freaking Arrow there’s a toilet in here got a SIM card card is there a camera in addition to a crossbow camera chains and an abundance of cats the investigators also found another critical piece of evidence that would be significant later CNA however had a different explanation for the shed dungeon altogether Andy and Rob stay there who Andy and Rob stay there who’s Andy and Rob the the two people with the baby where’s the baby now in Oklahoma as far as I I know that baby got taken away did you ever put the kids in there no no the kids never got in there I know that 100% police needed to find out how much jie Senna was aware of what was happening to the children and what her exact role was in the cycle of mistreatment that so clearly pervaded kushman’s Inner Circle they clearly suspected that she wasn’t telling them the whole truth though the reason why was more complex than they could have predicted whose idea was it to do that I when you moved in was it already happening it was already there so you had no way in installing those chains did you ever tie them in their to their ankles I did you personally tie them once I think to who you tied it once but I’ve never did it tight or nothing like I I was like I was so scared would you change your like no not for discipline no you would already do that obviously police had to question this especially after what they’ heard from Witnesses Alicia admitted that kushman tried to pressure her to discipline the children when she first moved in in the beginning I just noticed that there were excessive whooping these kids would be spanked dragged to where they were being spanked picked up by the ear and moved and being spanked there was one time where she was like if they’re not where they’re supposed to be I grab them by the air and I move them I expect you to do that so I I didn’t one day I told her what happened so she hit me she punched me in the chest she said I should never undermine her parenting um that she can discipline her children how she wishes jimie McDaniel had a similarly Blake history with kushman which began when she was only 15 one day uh she had pushed me and I had hit the wall and I had like bounced off of it and of course like I’m going to catch myself because I think I’m falling and she thought I was coming at her for pushing me she knocked me in my face over the love seat she then flipped the love seat over on top of me made malanson herself all the kids sit on top of this love seat so I could not move I’m claustrophobic to a degree I have panic attacks I have anxiety attacks at this point um I I had a such a bad anxiety attack under there I pissed my britches I threw up and and then I was made to clean it up when they finally decided that I was allowed to come out from underneath the love seat um I I had to clean that up myself McDaniel’s Story Only became darker from there if kushman was capable of behaving like this police had to wonder what else her children had been subjected to even with all of this in mind there were still stomach churning details to be uncovered regarding the children as it turns out the children weren’t only punished physically Matthew said that they were also frequently humiliated as a form of discipline looked like something you’d see in a World War II p camp well she was probably nine or 10 at the time maybe they would make her wear just her underwear no shirt no bottom stuff you know around me just to embarrass her you know and I said honey don’t worry about it this poor child was standing in the corner for days days at a time she started making her do exercise as punishment it was do a wall squat for 30 minutes no one can do a wall squat for 30 minutes I am sorry I don’t care who you are that is not an easy task State Police found a way to confirm at least some of what they’d been told while executing the search warrant and it was worse than they ever could have imagined who’s going to be a camera as soon as you walk in on the wall ask the Shane the bed’s work here I got moved in addition to taking all the chains locks and screamers they could find the police also collected a camera mounted on the wall in the first children’s bedroom the footage retrieved from this camera which was also downloaded to kushman and sin’s phones would ultimately reveal the entire sickening truth of what took place in the house and who the perpetrators were and like I said we extracted data from both the phones we extracted data from the video cameras mhm and some of the videos are not good like not good okay okay um let me show you some photos Okay I we extracted over 1,400 videos that’s just some that’s just some okay this is uh Jamie’s phone if you can see here who’s that the kids M okay who’s that I know the picture is a little small yeah now my guess that do okay you see what they’re eating so right here on this one little spaghetti right how do you feed a dog you put them outside in a bowl here’s your food right yeah put the bowl of food in the bathtub naked eating it with her hands it wasn’t even a bowl it wasn’t even a bowl was she the food throwing the btub btub she what she was told me that was a fun thing they did they like I was they f it with the bathtub with spaghetti because they saw it on a video or YouTube or something what sick person does that I I didn’t know that she said it was fun I thought you seen it song I never seen the picture she told me she told you about it she told me about it and I was like well that sounds like a fun thing I mean you see people doing it you think that’s one like I I’m thinking not a bathtub okay I’m thinking like one of those big up era polls and the kids get to play around like you know you see people with the jello or whatever I’m thinking fine the way she described it to me sounded fun you know like a slip inside a spaghetti like that’s what I’m picturing I didn’t know that what would you do you saw your daughter up I would lose it as it turned out the spaghetti picture weren’t the first time the bathtub had been misused as a feeding trough and she had dumped cottage cheese in there they had been there probably for days because it was growing mold and she was allowing them to eat it unfortunately this was just one of many incidents involving food she got this like the blue Kitty pools like the plastic ones she filled it with pudding uh we made it was like 10 gallons of milk and so so many boxes of pudding and sprinkles and whipped cream and she made this pool of pudding she made the kids get in there and eat it I don’t remember if it was the boy or the youngest girl but they were going to pee their pants they had to go to the bathroom so bad and they didn’t get out of the pool all the way in time which is gross in its own right like you just peed in a pool of pudding and so the oldest girl jumped out threw a fit because she was sitting in a puddle of PE a pudding like of course you’re going to react to that um so she jumps out well kushman gets mad and those two kids are made to eat so much of that pudding mind you now it has dirt in it it has leaves in it it has pee in it um these kids have been getting out and in and they have toys in there and they’ve made buckets and it’s this disgusting mess it’s starting to smell it’s warm outside it’s been sitting outside for hours this one she makes them start eating it until they’re both so sick they can’t stand it things got really really messed up when the youngest one started having accidents that’s when they started blending the food if we were having something for dinner it got thrown in a blender with her drink her everything and that’s what she was expected to eat the first time they had put like stuff that’s not necessarily too gross together you know some fruit and like a piece of bread and you know she didn’t love the texture but she ate it she thought it was funny the kid thought it was funny she’s like oh yeah I’m a baby whatever but then because that didn’t affect her they’re like oh well we’re having a hamburger so you’re getting a a blended hamburger and then like oh well what we’re having tonight isn’t bad enough so I’m going to put in tuna and all like fruit and things that are and just blend them together horrifically Alicia said that even if the concoction was disgusting enough to make CK vomit she would still be made to eat it but it didn’t end there either um I seen when he was chained to the fireplace at one time they had run out of dog food and he couldn’t eat that morning or whatever cuz what he did last night but night before um they made a bunch of rice and just boiled rice and stuff and was feeding their dogs and stuff and one of the dog holes was by and he scooched the dog bowl over to him and ate it and he got punished for that too cuz he ate the dog he ate the dog’s rcks so the dog got a better treatment in the D yes yes they was they were evil pure evil Ian 100% pure evil what happened with when started her menal cycle like when it was starting to start Jamie had mentioned that she thought and Jamie was like well that’s gross we’re not doing that that’s what my sister used to do that’s disgusting women don’t do that and so she had I don’t know if she put hot sauce on her actual parts or she put hot sauce on our hands everything the witnesses shared so far was from before CNA moved in at that time kushman was still in a relationship with Laura raising the question of what role she might have played police would soon find out if Laura wasn’t as hateful to them when Jenny wasn’t around I would have thought okay she’s in the same position I was she’s scared of her she’s just doing what she’s being told but when Jamie wasn’t around when Jamie was in the back or whatever she was no nicer to those kids and February of 2020 she had the wood paddle and then she had hit him with his chain she hit him with his chain so she was whooping him with the chain um well he was she had him bent down she was holding his head into the into the bed and she was hitting him with the chain well she was hitting him with the paddle when he wasn’t crying because he’d been hit so many damn times she she got mad and she unhooked him from his ankle and she started hitting him with the chain this horrific scene suggests a level of sadism was likely present Laura was apparently not satisfied until she heard AB cry which is why she used the chain please note that the term sadism is often associated with (redacted) acts but can be associated with individuals who derive gratification from inflicting pain on others McDaniel also mentioned that kushman made the paddle herself caregivers who spend time planning the different forms of punishment likely have sadistic traits and most likely have antisocial personality disorder as the two disorders can often co-occur JY Laur oh yeah want to lock them up too oh yeah pure evil these people are Laura Laura was just involved but she got James is the r leader of you thinko too oh yes oh yes absolutely should be in for what she did perhaps Laura’s involvement was why despite being divorced kushman and Laura had been in regular contact since the investigation began even after kushman’s arrest later the two made regular phone calls to discuss the case including the so-called spaghetti thing I need to tell you something too what um I went through your pictures on your phone uhhuh like all your pictures on your phone uh-huh yeah you know I was looking for the spaghetti pictures to see what they were yeah and from what you can’t tell that the kids are wearing underwear yeah but just know I went through all your pictures okay kushman seemed to be missing the point about all the concerning aspects of those photos a few days later Laura fell into the same pattern and they had blown the spaghetti thing so far out of the water it’s not even funny are you serious what are they saying oh it’s just you can tell that they’re you know they’re eating the spaghetti was just thrown in the bathtub and they’re eating it with their hands what about asking the kids I don’t know what they’ve asked the kids I don’t know what they’ve talked to them about I only know bites of what the kids said in the forensic Interview police did in fact ask the kids with overwhelming evidence piling up against kushman Laura and sinna the children were taken to the state police station to meet with a child forensic interviewer further depths of the children’s suffering were finally about to be brought to light that day the next day her shoot the trampoline shot the trampoline yeah okay was there anybody on the trampoline no only me you were on the trampoline when she shot at it okay how did that make you feel when nervous nervous yeah cuz her said her going shoot me where my ankle only notice how AB answered no one just me as if he doesn’t consider himself a person tragically it seems he’s learned through a lifetime of mistreatment that he is unimportant and essentially invisible to the adult caregivers in his life this is what CK one of the older children in the group had to share what’s in your room dress TV we do have a but my mom’s been talking about taking it off and stuff they do make feel safe because any make me feel like I will never leave this scho I’m Chang to the my house the chain providing CK with a sense of security shows how Disturbing Behavior in the home had been normalized and even associated with love how else do you feel when you’re drink sometimes I do feel sad I always go sad because I shouldn’t have to be Chang you know like it’s my fault stuff like that it appeared the kushman was gradually beginning to grasp the gravity of her actions yet Laura remained seemingly detached from the unfolding reality J me we been your house wish this is the rest of my life I’m afraid that it’s not we don’t think I’m going to prison for the rest of my life right not the rest of your life if Laura was so deeply involved as police were coming to suspect it was only a matter of time before they determined if CNA had followed in her footsteps police would know soon enough once she finally started telling the truth why do they have sheets and comforters and pillows and he doesn’t I know sometimes himself so then we have toch so do the laund after reviewing the security footage however the police knew that there was a far cruler explanation than a slow laundry process what happened that day that’s I know that day the day he got out and stole everything in the kitchen I know that day and he threw it work on the bed right on the bed yes what was that red stuff he threw up all the food he ate all the food he ate he got into the hot Cheetos the cereal the oatmeal all the let me show you something okay okay you see that change you can’t get out it sounds like AB engaged in food hoarding which can be typical of children who were being underfed severely neglected or starved on the morning of July 6th just 3 weeks before the entire incident came to light it became apparent that AB had been sick at some point during the night and was forced to sleep with his own vomit the camera captured every awful detail including sinna ignoring the situation a few moments later kushman entered the room and things went from bad to worse nobody cleans up that Roo you know how he you know how he cleans it up you will see right now how he cleans it up the footage showed kushman entering the room and a violent fit of rage and smothering ab’s face in his own vomit later AB had picked out pieces of the vomit from the mattress while he continued to feel sick and remain chained to his bed what was further sickening was the fact that kushman and CNA had set up security cameras to film this sort of to later save it in their phones oh my God you cannot sit there and say oh my God and tell me you did not know I did not know that’s how it happened I didn’t what you didn’t know is you didn’t know about that chain cuz every I’m not listen listen to me just listen everyone has said they have chained them up and we’re not even done going through the video police confronted Senna with just how unacceptable this indignity along with the violence was you can probably guess her response so you’re never around when this happens so you know about all this he’s sleeping throughout the night like that I find it hard that you didn’t know about it I knew about because he got out and he stillo but you know what kind of change he’s using he cannot get out of that watch listen list listen this is how we’re going to put it this way okay it’s time for you to start thinking about you yeah I am and stop thinking about Kush cuz if you guys are separated and you guys are not together it’s time you stop start thinking about you and stop thinking about her because this listen listen this is serious I know you knew he was not on that chain with a pin you knew it everybody knows cuz everybody locked him up in that did you not know yes or know it’s simple question I knew the chain right but you knew come apart unless you not this one yes it if it plugs into he can we have multiple videos of him he cannot get out of that unless he has a key there’s messages that we recovered from your phone too this is something in the lines of I’m getting tired he’s hungry that this is your time right now this is your time right now I’ve never heard for kids did you seem push text messages like the security footage suggested that Senna was far more than a helpless witness in one message Senna wrote to kushman quote LOL is pissing me off trying to find something to watch when kushman asked what was going on CNA replied his stupid I’m hungry I’m going to knock him out later kushman texted sinna haha they’re not going to stop until they get me for child she was right and now they were after CNA too watching the footage back it seemed to have a strong effect on her so strong in fact that it led her to reveal something police had not even thought to suspect why are you protecting this woman that is the devil right there and you know that do not protect this woman go ahead why was she doing that did you put her for her to listen she I’m scared you’re scared of her you know what you just did I’ve tried to protect my kids as much as possible I’ve left several I’ve left several types what did I just tampered with evidence that’s right kushman was listening in on the interview from the other end of a call combined with what sen and kushman had just pulled off and the overall evidence against them officers acquire an arrest warrant for kushman immediately let’s [Music] go make sure you stay hot all the time yeah is there any could have cigarette I the C no perhaps tellingly kushman didn’t once ask ask why she was under arrest nor did Laura malanson who was driving the car kushman was taken to jail back in the interrogation room CNA is finally starting to react perhaps only now that her own well-being is on the line you got to start thinking you got to start thinking about you and your kids or you and her kids I my I’ll do anything to get my kids you think this is going to help you getting your kids back no like I’m telling you right now we’re not even close to being done and we’re still going through everything but this alone just off of this that’s crazy this has got to be one of the worst CH cases we’ve had top five for sure I just want to protect these kids just start back up and relax just relax this is what we’re going to need for me okay I didn’t mean to I thought it was just be a couple question question so sorry relax okay this what we just presented to you and listening to is evidence so sorry I did not know you were going to tell me anything like that I thought you were just going to ask me a couple question then why didn’t you take it out when we were going you know where we were going with this why didn’t you take it on and hang up sorry I’m sorry she will she come and talk to us I don’t after what she heard probably not probably not and guess whose fult was that this ends up going she was never going to come anyways she told me she listen to me if this ends up going to court and we got to think about your kid we got to think about kids right right would you be willing to testify to everything that you told us I’m you’re supposed to be scared for your kids I’m terrified for my kids what you doing for your kids I’m trying now I know it’s it’s late but I’m trying now I know it’s a little late and I’m so sorry I never wanted any kid to ever get hurt this is so messed up this is you have no idea I do you obviously don’t act like you do you know more than what you’re telling us I don’t I’m answering everything honestly now that she’s off the phone I’m answering everything honestly and yes I admit sometimes I lost my control you’ll see it in the video I’ve gone in there and yell at myself said okay but I don’t there her kids I didn’t know where I stand I barely just moved in there you know what kind of punishment this isad it’s torture what does what does she do um it’s the same thing spins chain yep but I know for sure 100% her pin is easy access to get out is not I his is not no his is not his is not thank you here Senna finally admits to lie number one indicating that there are probably many more to come could you imagine if there was a fire in that house it would not be safe I know he will burn to death because he couldn’t get out because he was tight like a dog in his damn room and both of you will be charged for homicide it’s just back a little bit okay we’re going to start all over okay just relax okay this is what we’re going to need what’s going on in that house all I want is nothing but the truth going forward sh like the others they don’t it’s obvious it’s obvious they don’t J has an anger issue and when they start acting up excessively she gets upset she says stuff she obviously I mean she does stuff what have you seen her do I mean I’ve seen her sink the kids with the paddle they’d suspected the use of a paddle since the initial report alleged that one was used in the house and all but confirmed it during the search warrant got it hey I got the paddles got the paddles oh there’s a snake in there oh there’s a snake there’s a snake snake hey can you get a picture of there’s paddles while this discovery was huge in terms of evidence police knew this wasn’t the only form of corporal punishment used in the house they intended to ring every drop of truth from Senna who still knew more than she was saying the chain is a form of punishment yes and I don’t agree with that and I I don’t agree with it I’m not comfortable with that I don’t do that to my kids I don’t it’s a form to keep them there to punish them without putting too many freaking bruises on their body that’s what that [Music] is because they you guys know cyfp goes to that house and if they have a bunch of bruises on their body what do you think’s going to happen I’ve never seen her physically do yes you have yes you have no I haven’t you not accessibly not where it hurt them that bad footage extracted from the security camera and kushman and s’s phone showed firsthand just how barbaric some of the children’s punishments were in the uncensored footage kushman slaps a in the face three times LS was dragged from his bed by an unidentified female confronted with this Senna was at last about to reveal the extent of this nightmare situation and what she shared was even more shocking than anything discovered so far you’ve seen that before I wasn’t in the room no I said before you’ve seen that before You’ seen them hit the You Seen Her beat why because you don’t you’re scared because you don’t want to tell us the truth scared of her yeah because you know you tell us the truth what why you scared because I hit it and I didn’t tell nobody this is your time right now tell them okay she she beats them why because she has anger issues they don’t do something she likes she and she takes it away on them she takes it out on them yes and you crying yelling and pull her back I make her stop how does she beat them like that she she hits them and she she SPS him with the padle I your kids too no the interviews with the children proved invaluable as senna’s daughter was willing to tell the truth while her mother was not and when you do get in trouble and you get hit who’s the one that’s hitting you both mom both moms okay what happens when you get in trouble I you get Spinks with wood with wood where do they spank you with the wood I right here where’s that body right there okay according to her own children not to mention the camera sin’s claims of being faultless were nothing but Hollow lies as if that wasn’t enough s’s text message history once again undercut her Declarations of Innocence senam messaged kushman I’m going to hit him I swear he just needs to shut the up in a subsequent message she wrote I’m still trying for you cuz I know it upsets you and it hurts you and for me because I need to learn to control myself kushman messaged her saying AB is on a rampage cna’s response was well locking up we can only assume that she meant lock him up however this can’t be verified sin’s guilt extended far past encourag M and police had footage of her chaining various children on more than one occasion of course sna claimed it was all kushman’s fault I know she has drove him outside once not like dragging but she’s pushed him out the doors to yell at him but that’s all I saw cuz I was inside with the kids the person who reported kushman had recently moved out of her residence however they did see what would take place on these walks and those those on you’re there that this is what You observe for yes sir how many times did You observe this I mean was there something that would happen nonstop non stopstop what that they would beat them up or they were chain to their bed why is she starving she’s not starving she is he’s crying saying he’s hungry you mean to tell me that look how tight that is that is very tight that is goes that tight let’s get back on the food why is she don’t not say she’s not starting she start because he’s complaining he’s hungry says he’s hungry at times why is she starving the kids I don’t know I know gets out and he steals everything and if his stomach is full that he doesn’t eat or like for the rest of the day because his stomach is so full don’t want to get him sick or he’ll eat broth or a tortilla I don’t there’s they’ve never gone an entire day without eating anything we’re on that one as far as I know they have never gone an entire day without eating notice how CNA initially firmly denies the children ever going hungry and switches to as far as I know later on it seems she doesn’t even believe what she’s saying herself if we still or we that we hungry so if you steal or you scream that you’re hungry you miss dinner yeah okay a complete review of all the security footage revealed that AB had been chained without access to food water or a bathroom for more than 14 18 hours straight during the period the footage was recorded as the other children weren’t as consistently restrained it was impossible to say how frequently or rather infrequently they were fed this was all completely inhumane but even more shocking was what else kushman was known to do to her children when was she put in the cage okay I’ve never heard of a cage I’ve heard accusations I’ve never seen them in cages McDaniel who didn’t even live at the residence anymore had seen the children locked away in dog crates so had members of kushman’s family kushman’s Aunt and her cousin spoke with police and revealed that in 2016 when they’ visited the house they found CK locked in a dog cage on the front porch it was the middle of winter and she was only wearing pajamas Matthew also said he’d seen the children in cages but Sheriff Bowman insisted otherwise I never saw a kid in a kennel cuz I would have come un hand you don’t know me but anybody around here that knows me knows what I would have done I would hope so the state police would continue their investigation but ultimately Sheriff Bowman was not charged with anything however in 2023 he popped up in the news once again this time in connection with the Foster family who had taken in the kushman children Mr Bowman shot their dog on their porch and the ring camera has it on ring and the woman got contacted by lawyers saying hey do you want us to do something about this yes their dog the little dog that don’t hurt nobody I remember that dog he shot it on their porch came walked Walked up on their yard and shot their own dog and then got in their vehicle Senna on the other hand was facing a host of charges just like kushman you contributed to this I never wanted to be with her I tried to leave several times then why did you leave I did she just brought me back she is she gets in your head she makes you think stuff and she made me feel like and I came back there’s one time she thought just get me back in the house so I can stay that I didn’t leave again it was like a a cult of lesbians these claims could indicate a disturbing pattern in kushman’s alleged behavior these patterns are similar to those we see in cult leaders including narcissism love bombing targeting vulnerable people such as teens and stringing people along narcissists often lure their victims with excessive affection and attention making them feel special and adored they manipulate by idealizing the victim mirroring their interests and projecting fantasies onto them fostering a deep but false connection once trust is gained they begin to devalue the victim causing confusion and insecurity finally they discard the victim or cycle through phases of idealization and Dev valuation causing significant psychological and emotional damage it’s important for individuals to recognize these manipulative patterns and prioritize their emotional well-being in relationships why are you so scared about that’s I want to know did did she beat you she just did that she’s do she out just there’s guns in the house exctly during one of their calls Laura informed kushman that sna had broken during interrogation are you [Applause] there no I don’t have any good news I have no good news Jamie told them you did it are you kidding me no but remember we’re being recorded this whole time okay yeah but she she told them that about you being on the phone she told them that when she saw the video that you you beat the kids and I was told I could share this with you but it is very long and I needed you to know that am I go to prison for the rest of my life your lawyer’s going to work on that Laura I love you please know that okay Le got a minute left okay I love you I know I know tell me back I love you too I can’t go to prison for 6 years you need to know I do huh what did I do after years of inflicting torment upon the children and the repercussions of her actions catching up to her kushman frantically reaches out to her mother hi baby hi Mama love you I love you too um mama you don’t believe of this horrible they say I am you no I don’t ever I do ever you’re not a horrible person no and I will fight to the death to somebody says you are okay Mom I promise I’m not what I promise I’m not I loved my kids I love my kids the person who reported kushman finally helped bring the State Police to her house resulting in kushman’s arrest and the children’s rescue in the end Jamie kushman was charged with a total of 21 counts of intentional child that did not cause great bodily harm or death she was given an additional charge for conspiring to commit the abuse and another charge for interfering with an investigation she eventually pled guilty to five counts of child abuse in exchange for a 15-year prison sentence Jamie s faced the same charges and pled no contest to four counts of child abuse she was sentenced to 6 years in prison finally Laura malanson was also charged with five counts of child abuse she plad guilty on two counts and is expected to face the same six-year sentence as Jamie CNA though an official sentence has yet to be announced as for the children police were able to give Jamie McDaniel this positive update there was some really good people and already gain 14 p and they are all back in school and they are loving it great so they’re doing really good no you’re good you’re good kid are Matthew Alicia and McDaniel all expressed relief that the children were finally out of kushman’s control there’s no sentence in the world that would justify her actions there’s no punishment equal to the amount of of damage that she did to those children if the kids ever saw this I would want them to know that they were very loved by some people in their lives who really really wanted to help them and who were really sorry they couldn’t after their extreme suffering we have to hope the children are getting a chance to recover and make a fresh start and that they will never be hurt this way ever again


    1. It’s been a while since the last time I wanted to be left alone with someone for 5 minutes in a locked up room.

      Myself being an abused kid back in the day, I’ve always wanted monsters like these to taste just a small amount of what they caused to their defenseless children. I want them to feel the same despair that the kids felt when they couldn’t do anything back to them.

    2. I’m still at the very beginning of the video but the way the CYFD agent is starting to interviewing the kid is really bothering me. I don’t doubt these kids needed saving. But saying things like we’re gonna find out anyways and you’re the oldest you need to talk to me. Not right.

    3. Disgustingly depraved, I’ll say it again you have to take a test to drive a car yet any dredge of society are allowed children 😢😔 They should all be charged and given prison time and that includes the local sheriff and local police who could blatantly see what was happening at that home and just left the children there to suffer, him and his local police just turned a blind eye to children’s suffering. This makes me sick such vile vile people, there are far too many children suffering in the world everyday you see numerous cases what has happened to the world 😢

    4. If thats a dungeon. Sign me up for captivity. Mf got everything you need. Tv setup for gaming and a couple cats to keep you company. Shits got ac and a whole toilet in there. Sheeeiiitttt. Something like that here in jersey would run you 1400 a month.

    5. This is similar to the abuse that Sandra vander ark and Paul ferguson committed against Timothy. How many other kids are chained up and hot sauce used as a punishment. So many kids being failed

    6. I watched 1 video and was horrified! Now watching a 2nd one and 2 of the same women are in it( girl w gls in vehicle & girl at police station in the pink T-shirt!! What a farce!! Why are 2 different women in 2 different videos about a child abuse situation??!!

    7. That woman sees nothing wrong with her house? 😂 her house is absolutely disgusting. No working toilets that are all backed up, portable toilets that are filled with human waste, she sees nothing wrong with that? Wow. That house made my skin crawl seeing that. Lesbians live there and either one of you can tidy up your home. Yuck!

    8. Why is it always the lesbians that are caught up in this, kind of behavior with children. Not saying it's always lesbians but It happens way more than people want to admit

    9. So they dont search probably the first time surely good police and CPS would make sure 100% before they leave, hope justice was served and the kids are now ok

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