First video riding my new Scott Addict Pro. Hume Rd is my favorite 1 mile stretch of road so what better way to introduce the new ride than on this gorgeous strip of tarmac.
    I had Taylor Dawson with me this day and enjoyed following the fast man down Schueren and Rambla, and then again as we joined up to Las Flores.
    The speed is taken from Taylor’s computer, audio is on me, excuse the scratchy sound on this one.
    Find Taylor here:


    My bike:
    Bike/Camera gear list:

    STRAVA of the ride:


    #DescentDisciples #PrayForSpeed #safa


    1. As a motorcyclist of several decades experience and having had a few decent spills, I've fully converted to the protective clothing doctrine. Videos like this make me sweat with fear. If you've had the pain of having your skin abraded off you'll know what I mean.

    2. Feck me, that looks scary. Those tires are so skinny for those lean angles. I know we'd lean a lot harder on a sports motorcycle, but they have big sticky tires, and you are wearing leathers for if you fall off. When I did track days on my motorcycle I was far more worried about the cost of damaged fairing than I was of hurting myself.

    3. Oh….its a downhill with a 16mph stop running a stop sign. Just more HORRIBLE bike riding on the road. This is why vehicles hate cyclists, and take your bad riding out on me, someone who respects the law. Instead: Riding under your own power, enjoying health and fitness, roads without cars, beautiful 85 degrees F. flowing past, nature riding on and off road. I don't understand this high speed crash all the time attitude, where does this come from?

    4. 🎼
      Berg runter ist einfach!
      Wie sieht es denn aus !? Berg hoch ?
      Da geht das elegance radeln ein wenig zu Neige!….noch dazu 30km mit einen vorderen Platten
      He' he'!

    5. Dom.e wingsuit & you're having ultimate fun 👍👍. Hoonigan is dead so someone else has to take up the third mantle. Anyways, it's superb!!!

    6. مشيت ب دراجة الفيتيتي أقصى سرعة تقريبا 60 كلم في الساعة أتعبني خلال 50 كيلومتر فقط ، ليس مثل تجريبي دراجة الكورس التي تصل سرعتها ، للأكثر من 80 كيلومتر في الساعة وتزداد سرعتها في طريق مستوي مع سيلان زيت الطومبور في العجلة الخلفية عدد أسطوانتها المسننة أكثر من 7 ، دراجة هوائية رائعة جدا ، ولاتتعب أبد حتى السير بها لمسافة 200 كيلومتر او أكثر ، والمشكل يكمن في أنه كلما كانت الطريق جميلة وخالية من الحفر قلت الصدمات على العجلة الأمامية مما لاينقص سرعتها

    7. Обман, там на повороте скорость не уменьшалась, хотя должна была. Спидометр нужно снимать, а не вот так рисовать цифры

    8. imagine bikers wearing a full set of protective gear, but these guys only wear a thin layer of nylon because they are on a bycycle, totally ignoring the speed. One crash and you will have minced meat on the streets

    9. While its clear they're both incredibly talented individuals, I would not encourage anyone to cycle like this – this style of cycling is highly dangerous (even with professional experience and training)

      While cycling above the speed limit is legal, its clarified in law to still apply common sense, the speed limit of this road is 40mph for clear reasons (significant drops, regular flow of traffic etc) and this is for cars ^ a crash on a bike is most likely fatal in this situation and all it takes is an overtake on a blind turn, a pedestrian crossing, a bike malfunction, intense wind, a cyclist error or many other factors to not only risk your life but others. the fact that both their bikes are also quite lightweight makes this even more hazardous

      there are safer alternatives to satisfying a speed junkie fix that id strongly suggest (even skydiving is safer according to several sources.) this might be another unfortunate example of an unsatisfied speed fix / competitive strava records (potentially other reasons) encouraging poor decisionmaking on part of the cyclists.

      I do absolutely encourage cycling for absolutely everyone but please cycle responsibly.

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