Hello everyone. So in this video I am cycling at the Isle of Wight Randonee, UK. I choosen to ride the long route 107K with 1430m of elevation which was a killer at some sections with really steep climbs.
    So hop on and join me for the ride. I hope you will enjoy it and thanks for watching my videos. It means the world to me. Look out for Shorts I publish every now and again as well please.

    I’m sorry if the video is a bit bumpy and shaky at the times. I was hand helding the camera and due to that the camera was shaking when I was recording. Hope you enjoy it anyway.

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    Your support will mean the world to me and it will help me not just to buy a bike but also to create more photo books in the future. Every little helps!

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    On-line photography store: https://pavelartphotography.picfair.com/
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    Website: http://www.pavelartphotography.eu/

    Music in this video:

    hi everyone so here we are out of white Randon a we are 23k in I’m just living a bunch of fers going past me weather is 17° bit cloudy not much sun luckily doy so far Bringers ghost uh yeah it’s been not too much two check points already had some cake and tea that was delicious so let’s get going wishing all of you a good day wish me luck send supporting messages and just appreciate show some love leave likes and if you watching YouTube subscribe to my channel uhoh uhoh uhoh uh-oh uhoh what’s going on okay traffic lights right I got some traffic lights here soorry about to stop I’ll catch you later guys bye so I am 31k in and at the moment I am climbing climbing fairly steep climb I had to just come off the bike and push it on this section cuz I just can’t make it there you go some people going past me but I’m just going to take this one easy and just have some rest working I know it’s not the greatest but I’m only 31k in and I’ve got another 70k to do so we need to save some energy somewhere and this one was quite long there’s one more ahead far there up the road that is going to be really really spiky and I’m going to I have to probably walk the bike up the hill there as well I think that’s my back maybe I think that’s my buck so yeah just catching up just catching up to my Puck there you go I had to walk this one up I just could to make it ah oh bloody hell right I’ll catch you later guys checking out check out those views shees all over just shies we got some rain and it’s gone quite Misty actually right 43k in the weather broke down a bit it’s a bit raining bit cloudy bit Misty not too bad we are at vent nor checkpoint uh just having something to eat something to drink check out [Music] outout that’s where we are getting food and drink there’s a lot of people so I’m going to just go out yeah lot of people there so no point to me staying there but yeah there’s cakes there’s sandwiches fruits there’s um tea coffee water there’s toilets there’s everything I’m not recording mat because the pace is fairly fast so I’m just kind of stopping by grabbing something to eat to drink getting back onto the bike and we just go on and on and on and on but yeah 43k in so not too bad feeling okay so far legs are a bit achy specifically on on the climbs I had to walk a few sections because they were just too Steep and considering we’re doing 100K I just didn’t want to exhaust myself so yeah I am walking my bike every now and again just lost my cycling body somewhere to go and find him again right I’ll um I’m taking lot of photos and route so um I will obviously put them into the video as well so you can see them so yeah I’ll catch you later guys [Music] [Music] [Music] check out the fog everyone it’s literally like there was a milk spilled over you can see nothing absolutely nothing ah I’m climbing this climb it’s really step and very long it’s like there’s no end literally no end check out how thisy is well foggy rather I should say bloody hell you can see nothing milk all over the place oh my God there’s some back there stopping by for break yeah check out these flowers and yeah bloody fog somewh there and that’s my bike she is buil right now it’s been raining it’s been muddy she looks disgusting check this out there m everywhere and I snapped a plastic mwat this morning literally as soon as we uh come off the ferry at East cast I accidentally kicked it and it snapped some left without a margart now it’s pointless to mount a plastic one well I think that’s the top of the hill should be down here from now hopefully yeah so foggy so foggy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right there’s a mega climb ahead of me but I’m not planing that I’m Lally walking the bike CU I’m literally not but check out the do yeah so 70k in but I de had to come off the bike and walk it for a bit cuz my legs are feeling it now literally my legs are feeling it so that’s why I’m walking for a bit I don’t know if the camera gives the justice of that hill but it’s a fairly steep one fairly long one so yeah I am walking it now as you can see right I’ll catch you later right 71k in and I think I’ve just climbed where partially climbed partially walked the bike this monster it starts kind of there and then it goes up and up and up and up and up but look at the view the view is bloody amazing isn’t it that’s just a bunch of cyclist my bike’s there the orange one just having a bit of a rest and well I’m having a bit of a rest as well cuz why not my pack is way ahead of me somewhere there I won’t be surprised if they already reached the um Finish Line because they are literally pro cyclist and they’ve got like carbon fiber lightweight bikes so yeah they are probably on the finish line but well who cares I’m here enjoying myself and enjoying the ride and those views stunning literally stunning right I’ll catch you later I’m going to have something to eat and I’m going to carry on riding I’m telling you that climb was a monster I think that was the biggest one of today not sure but perhaps [Music] [Music] so I didn’t record the the outro on the day so I’m going to end this video in here I really enjoyed the is of white Randon even though it was a killer at some of the sections of the route um that was a good day that was a good fan lots of really good people um checkpoints were amazing lots of good food cakes uh tea coffee other sort of types of soft drinks and you know all the supplies that we could get there that was organized really really well and yeah really well done to all the people who organized that um that event and people who organized all the checkpoints and provided all the supplies for cyclists um yeah even though the weather was not so great on the day it was quite rainy quite gloomy uh it was really really really cold at some of the sections because the temperature was dropping down quite significantly but still um I managed to complete the right uh I got from start to the Finish even though I had to walk the bike at some of the sections of the route I still got to the finish line and that’s that’s what matters at the end of the day I think um yeah that was a good event um I’m going to try and do it again next year if I can but let’s see what happens stay tuned for that if you enjoyed the video uh consider subscribing to my channel uh click the notification Bell so you don’t miss any of my videos and yeah give me a thumbs up as well if you like the video and if you enjoyed it um and if you enjoy the ride and yeah I shall see you all soon take care cheerio and bye-bye

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