1. your title "Macedonia'' is offending international laws … the country you are visiting in this video is officialy called F.Y.R.O.M. , unless you change the name i will have to report you.
      thank you and i hope this resolves any upcomming issue.

    2. @wainspoten but its officialy called fyrom and this is not offical document this is just a video and beside this is not place to talk about politics

    3. @ZIZGAR like i said before … F.Y.R.O.M. there is not such thing as Macedonia in the region you visited and it is a great political issue wich raises border problems between Greece and Skopje,let aside the fact that Skopje trys to mess with Greek history so don't mess with it … just use the correct name.

    4. Look how beautifull the video is and please do shut the FUCK UP with the politics ?

      your brains are so washed up that you think only about that ..

      life have a lot more then just that look at this guys they dont care at all if its grece , or albania or macedonia they just enjoy the beauty of the land …

      try to do that your self and you may experience something more in your pathetic lives …



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