Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss Jeffrey Sachs’s conversation with Tucker Carlson in which he criticizes U.S. policy on Ukraine. Originally aired May 29, 2024 #Ukraine #Jeffrey Sachs

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    [Music] Columbia University Economist and Senior un adviser Jeffrey Sachs joined Tucker Carlson where he questioned how much the US Senate actually supports Ukraine let’s watch one of the most shocking things just as someone who lived in Washington to me is if you ask any of the Senators for as I have who voted to keep this war going with us tax dollars how many of your beloved ukrainians have been killed they have no idea and they have no interest in knowing and they don’t care at all and sometimes they say they don’t care uh Mitt Romney said uh you know it’s greatest bargain no American lives uh dick Blumenthal said the same thing basically this is a great bargain no American lives they but isn’t that evil I mean at some point es it’s certainly hypocritical they’re telling us we’re doing this for Ukraine for our friends in Ukraine the standard Bears of democracy but also don’t you have an obligation to kind of care about the people you kill uh saaks also warned National Security adviser Jake Sullivan back in 2021 that us actions could provoke Russia into war in 2021 Putin met with Biden and then after the meeting he put on the table a draft Russia US security agreement put it on the table on December 15 2021 it’s worth reading very plausible document I don’t agree with some of it it’s it’s a a negotiable document something you would negotiate I thought the core of it was stop the NATO enlargement and uh I called the White House myself at that point and uh uh said don’t have a war over this who did you talk to I talked to Jake Sullivan and I said don’t don’t have a war over this uh we don’t need NATO enlargement for US Security in fact it’s counter to US security the US should not be right up against the Russian border that’s how we trip ourselves into World War II no Jeff don’t worry no war there’s not going to be a war and the Columbia Professor had this to say about the way the US launches itself into Wars we are the country that uh makes a living by overthrowing other governments and that’s not a good vocation for us it almost always ends in disaster in Bloodshed in continued instability yeah he is such a gem uh I think the the reaction to this is commensurate with how valuable he has been to contribute to the conversation I first got to know him when he was a surrogate uh for the Bernie campaign uh back in 2020 and I’m really uh appreciative of the fact that he’s getting a larger and larger audience uh not that he hasn’t had an illustrious career obviously before all of that but now different sectors of the political audience are engaging with him I think because his perspectives on Ukraine and foreign interventionism uh more broadly there’s a new appetite for those in these new kind of Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump adjacent sections of the right yeah so on the first clip uh you know pointing out the line that we have heard from various political officials that like this is a good deal because we’re fighting Russia but we’re not doing it we’re paying for it but it’s not involving us troops and look I I can understand the argument that okay well if ukraini you know Ukraine has been invaded if ukrainians want to resist or fight back they are entitled to do that um that part of it is true but like let’s look at the like in theory let’s look at the actual situation Ukraine has had to conscript people it’s it’s conscript it’s expanded the age range at which it’s doing conscription in order to keep its um army uh full of people of course when you start doing that you start you know bringing in people who are not who are not as willing to fight who are not as capable of fighting the the psychological toll the health toll the mental toll on the people who’ve been G engaged in this fighting for so long is is really bad you know Ukraine has had to resort to zin’s government has had to resort to illiberal methods of maintaining the the the fight the resistance and again they were invaded it is their right to do that but is that actually the will of the people to have a to have a um uh to battle for every inch of Ukrainian Terr territory I think that can come under some scrutiny if that actually is the case particularly because there are certainly questions or was it the beginning about whether Russia’s goal is to actually Russia has never said that its goal is to conquer all of Ukraine to um to install a a Russian regime over the entire country but to have some kind of different um govern government or operating uh procedures for these specific territories that are Russians speaking and that have a lot of Russian sympathy and have not been you know part not been part of Ukraine and separate from Russia for the entirety of human history there there is some friendliness for Russia there in other parts of Ukraine there is not there is certainly a a desire to not become part of Russia and to have closer ties with the west and what I think there should be is self-determination for as many of these people as possible you know or at least for these regions you the best way to do it self-determination ends up being kind of tricky because some neighbors disagree on what tradition or country they want to be a part of but we could come to some per some resolution some agreement to to work that out without having without funding a a resistance that they have to resort to conscription to keep going right you know and stepping back just for a little bit I think one of the broader overarching themes of this discussion was the extent to which uh America Claims to be invested in the uh life welfare safety and freedom of various people’s across the world including in Ukraine uh that it is standing up for democracy and liberal ideas um that is protecting the interests of women in uh various parts of the world and uh to that all of that is a pretext for America advancing its own um kind of neocol colonial imperialist aims across uh the world and so there was this really interesting exchange um where uh Professor Sachs is talking about the real reason um that America became engaged in Serbia in 1999 and Tucker asked so wasn’t to save the oppressed Muslim population and Professor sax is like no it was to very much to save the military-industrial complex complex to have a nice base location in Southeastern Europe and that it has been the the kind of saxs um narrative and the kind of broader kind of left and anti-war Community narrative about what’s going on in Ukraine too and the why keep expanding NATO what was the purpose of the of that why poke the bear um why put yourself closer and closer in proximity to uh a potential uh escalation with the nuclear power why do we feel so differently about how Russia reacts to our uh America getting closer to its borders when we had such an extreme reaction um when the inverse was true in the Cuban Missile Crisis and so it it’s been decades and decades where these kind of narratives either were rejected by both the left and the right or the Liberals and conservatives um during which people who had sax Professor Sax’s perspective were kind of dismissed as oh you just think America’s bad every your entire foreign policy lens is America’s bad and you still get a lot of that by the way but I think most people see that when you start interrogating what America is actually doing and how flimsy its motives are um that are explaining why it’s doing it that you do come to a sort of irreducible conclusion that in many many if not all instances America is bad and so even if there are children at stake even if there are lives even if there are de Democratic principles at stake the fundamental question we have to ask before America becomes involved in a global crisis is why this one why are we spending money fighting this war where we get a military base out of it instead of spending money um addressing a famine or get mosquito Nets I don’t think America is uniquely or solely or only bad I mean Russia is also engaged in an imperial project but when you’re powerful and you’re bad you have a lot of effect not bad and you have your own interests that are frankly against the interest of much of the worldend position to cause a lot of harm countries are coercive and can and are bullying smaller countries and that’s true of us that’s true of Russia that’s true of China and we’re fighting these proxy wars with innocent people caught in the metal but the the difference is that none of us can vote in Russia or China we can vote in America so there is this increased scrutiny on what’s going on here on our own proverbial roof stick around Mor Rising coming up next [Music]


    1. It’s not that “America is bad”! It is the corporate war-mongering elites who run both parties who are bad. None of this is in the interests of the American people.

    2. So what you are saying is that Ukraine was attacked/invaded by Russia and they have a right to fight back and win at all cost. However, Isreal is attacked/invaded by the Palestinians but they have no right to fight back and win no matter what it takes. Please clarify.

    3. Putin himself expressed to Tucker, in person, that (now resurrected & enlarged as result of Putin's aggression) NATO's only been a secondary concern, yet the LARP never ends.

    4. from "Who supported separatism in Donbas? Ethnicity and popular opinion at the start of the Ukraine crisis" by Elise Giuliano, 2018:

      "the 2014 KIIS survey [asked:] "Do you support or not support the view that your oblast should separate from Ukraine and join Russia? […] even in Donbas support for separation/joining Russia was a minority opinion: 29% of respondents answered positively ("absolutely" or "more or less support"), while 52% answered negatively ("absolutely" or "more or less don't support"). […] Were those who backed separatism ethnic Russians? Opinion among ethnic Russian respondents was split, with more of them favoring (45%) than opposing it (33%), and again, with a relatively large number of uncertain responses (17%; see Figure 3)."

    5. Voting only between the two parties that both only serve the big donors makes no different than no voting. Election in the US is just a superficial ceremony, lying to the world the US has democracy.

    6. CONSCRIPTING? they are KIDNAPPING these poor men of Ukraine OFF THE STREET. tragic. their life span on the front is like a week?

    7. They will continue until government officials and young women with no stake in this are left undisturbed in Lviv's, Kyiv's and EU coffee shops. The men? Pff… expandable.

    8. Sachs was the Clinton admin architect of “shock therapy” economics used to make the former Soviet state into today’s gangster state Russian oligarchy.

    9. Robbie you missed the point
      Russia don’t want America close to their border
      If Ukraine would be neutral we won’t have a war
      And America don’t want Russia at or door step

    10. The president is clearly struggling with dementia, is at times psychotic (Seymoure Hersh article), he is walking around with for the 1 million MD's in the US clearly visible Parkinsonism,
      every single one of them know he is not fit for the function. No intervention. And the NSA, CIA and the Pentagon appear to be led by similar mentally unfit characters.
      It is to bizarre to even comprehend.

    11. Jeffrey you should know by now that Imperialists are in control of your government. That's why they do what they do. The more interesting question is how they control the government. I like how they gave you the choice between a walking dead president and a convict … two men who surely are not free to make their own decisions .

    12. Половину интервью вырезано в вашей Америке
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