Not made a video for a while so I thought id take you for a ride from Blist hill in Telford, to Ironbridge on Fiido M1 Pro and chat about the museums on the way.
    Enjoy the ride.

    so here we have the uh M1 Pro and today we are at Bliss H Museum so today I’m going to have a little ride to Ironbridge which is about 3 miles away uh and you’re welcome to join me okay so blissdale it’s a Victorian town it’s based in talford it’s been going since the 1970s and it’s a collection of buildings items artifacts from the Victorian era and has been all been moved into this Museum site there parking there all the rest of it it’s quite a good site it’s very similar to Black Country Museum if you ever been there as you can see in tford we have a lot of museums so we’re going to go down now the silen way so silin way started his life as a railway line and then in the 60s 70s converted to a road and a foot path you can still see some of the old bridges that used to go over the railway line you got a foot path here and above that you’ve got the large traway Road used to carry the line from the kilms okay so so the old M1 I’ve had it about 3 years second one I’ve had uh this is the pro the last one we fired an M1 uh both good bikes never had any issues with them I’ve done various upgrades to them derail and the brakes and the handlebars and the seat be nice if you could buy a bike which is all right but for ,000 you can’t really moan don’t do massive Journeys probably most of do is about 12 miles on it and she copes perfectly well with that we’re going to go through the Old Railway Bridge which is now a foot Bridge which believe it or not has something like an 8T water pipe underneath it to take the water from TFA down to the river so anyway you see the old butresses on the right we’ll have a quick nip down here so a silken way it’s a long distance foot path runs right from north to south of tford and then you can carry on going down to Bridge North buly kidy we go a fair old way and it’s nice cuz it’s off the road which is a nice thing about tford you can actually travel around the majority of tord we’re going on any roads so this is the incline Bridge you can see it’s a funny shape uh a railway line that runs on top of it or Trum the line whatever you want to call it it used to take the dog boats from The Canal at the top right down to the river 7 which is on our right down to sleeping steep incline God knows what would happen if one of them chain broke okay we’re just going to pop down the zigzag [Applause] I’m only nipping over here show you the king’s bench that’s our King’s bench in tord all carved out of boat looks very nice and it’s in the orchard right back to zigzag a little bit St [Music] W it so we’re now down in cport uh on our right River 7 we just going over oh there’s coldport canal [Music] see over [Music] here on our right is the most tiles works again into the [Music] museum as such more eventful Works was the old uh tile works it’s now full of makers artists workshops and shops nice cafe [Music] so just come past the off Moon P be on here sorry just a your morning okay so all this used to be Woodland they redid it to stabilize it but they found these you can see them boilers oh can’t really see them I don’t know if you can see or not okay so these are two old boilers that they found in the river and they were used to stabiliz them there’s one two three of them actually filed them with conrete show them in the river to stop the landslides I doubt there’s a lot of landslides around here wish being next to a river I is normal okay [Music] okay so this is the old porc factory jackfield Church on your right and Craven dunell and Co limited jackfield acustic and decorative Tire work again another Museum you go around got a whole floor with the history of the car Works in this area there a car park and as you see jackfield Museum Camp man now we’re coming down to the railway Crossing apparently the widest gates in Britain I don’t know uh they took them away a couple of years ago and restored them all there used to be a signal up there but they lost it shame but anyway can see the gates oh little doggy good morning sir not bad okay this is going to be a little bit [Music] muddy okay so this is the uh bot path Bridal way cycle way from cport through jackfield and it will take take us all the way down to Iron Bridge enjoy the view morning it we dog walking hour morning so obviously we say morning cuz it’s morning and it’s polite okay we got the Old Railway Bridges here we Railway ran along here Road run over the top not really over exciting but nice little walk in the summer the river is to the right of us and I bridge ahead okay so we’re now coming up to Iron Bridge car park uh pay and display I believe uh there is actually free IR parking there a free car park in Ironbridge but a lot of people use this one cuz it’s more convenient uh I suppose they’d rather pay which is fine if that’s what people want to do how much is it don’t know I’ve never paid there you get the station there’s lots of old buildings around here Pleasant looking area and where we come okay we’ve come down here down the old zigzag across the Memorial Bridge past the boat past the church past F the tile Museum jackville Craft Center yeah yeah yeah bedland furnaces actually was on this side of the river and we’re now up here in the car park the path actually does carry on down here to the old uh par station there’s not showing it on here uh then you got the rest of the museum around the place if you look at this map your see that we right down sou tford which is down here that’s the center of tford which is tford to Cent so yeah not a bad place to live this is the toall house another Museum go in there get some history of the place and then we’re coming over the actual Iron Bridge Building 1779 designed by Mr Reynolds casting the cook d uh Foundry which is in cdale just down the road by aan Derby’s company nice come time to come to Ironbridge come in the day it gets very very c yeah you can have nose under the bridge if you want this is the Iron [Music] Bridge buil in the 1700s prob m to get stock from one side of the river to the other without using boats 100t wide heavy all cast iron used in the old uh what they call Dow joints face okay so when it was built through it the area is also famous for cicles and used to be a chat used to build them on this place this place is here this is the old Cole shed uh lot of history know the old Cole shed the new Cole shed of writing on there can actually tell you who the guy was uny The Last of The Working caral Man in the fascinating shed it’s Heyday I know is uny his name okay fair enough uh IDE you want to go down to uh cdale and go to there’s a cafe there what it’s called Greenwood trust that’s it Greenwood trust anyway around there you will find another shed I’m ready get okay so anyway there R Bridge there’s pools there’s cafes there’s gift shops various things okay so the reason for coming down here was actually to pop down to dalan park and see if the uh World War exhibition is still on I don’t know if it is there so we’ll find it so every year they do a World War II exhibition show fair I don’t know what you’d call it but they get tanks and planes and boats and things do a bit of a [Music] 12 bit of a weekend World War II weekend see still so River 7 on our left longest river in Britain apparently didn’t know that molto do very good [Music] meals so like I said come down in the week or in the weekend uh in this afternoon if it’s a nice day uh very busy place but people enjoy it it’s the old Warehouse museum museum of the gorge got some nice displays in there and then you turn right at this island all the coldw down up there uh the Museum of the iron Ingenuity all that sort of stuff dial houses okay so this is Dar in park again there parking on DM Park obviously don’t know what it is okay so if it was still here not being here well whatever it was it’s gone you see the vehicle tracks yeah definitely gone all that’s left is the bins not going to see the World War II exhibition [Music] then okay one simple ride on your bike got first state of it absolutely filthy H bent me rain chain ring somewh there look nuisance probably coming down that bridge filthy absolutely filthy good boy


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