#dauphiné #Madspedersen #tdf2024 #criterium #Sprint #lidltrek #cycling #cyclisme

    Mads Pedersen (Lidl-Trek) s’est adjugé le premier maillot jaune de cette édition du Critérium du Dauphiné. Dimanche, le Danois et son équipe ont parfaitement manœuvré. Pedersen s’est retrouvé très bien placé pour lancer le sprint. Vent dans le dos, le champion du monde 2019 a résisté au retour Sam Bennett (Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale). C’est déjà sa huitième victoire de l’année, sa septième en France, un pays qu’il apprécie. “Je pense que je l’ai dit plein de fois mais j’adore courir en France, que ce soit des petites ou des grandes courses, c’est toujours bien organisé donc c’est sympa de continuer à gagner” a déclaré Pedersen après sa victoire.

    Video : @dauphine / @LidlTrek

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    [Music] mat an eighth Victory this season seven in France when are you moving here I think I said it many times this year that I I like to to race in friends and uh yeah from from the small races to the big races it’s always well organized and and nice racing so of course it’s nice to to keep winning take us through that final kilometer again some great work from uh little Tre great work during the whole day but especially in in that final part where you are perfectly let out yeah like Carlos he did super good pulling uh it’s not an easy even with two guys we were going quite fast in the beginning and yeah Alex is controlling this lead out to Perfection and of course uh Toms and Ryan they also need the power to uh to deliver it but Toms is is doing an incredible job the same with Alex and uh yeah Ryan he he also delivered perfect today so yeah El lead out to to Perfection I would say I don’t know if you need the confidence but that certainly gives you even more confidence to win uh to win on a on a world tour race of course you know every win gives uh more and more confidence and uh you know I’m also racing my bike to win races so it’s it’s nice today was a Sprint day uh tomorrow is going to be a bit trickier can we expect uh fireworks from you on other profiles this week uh maybe during the week but uh no I don’t think tomorrow uh I think it’s it’s too hard in the final and now with being in the lead of of the race I I I don’t think anyone will let me in the break as well so I think tomorrow we we control to to respect the jersey and then uh we also have two or one DC guy here we have to take care of and that’s that’s my job until stage five always nice to put a Leader’s Jersey on your shoulders whatever the circumstances of course and especially when it’s a yellow one here like it’s it’s nice thank you

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