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    5,000 how about it how about that um how many people three wow from what 2 second four oh Big Stuff um so this is a Q&A I will have the Q&A running the whole time um in the background I plan on playing uh some train Sim um but if anyone has any other requests ideas whatever else then I will be very pleased to do that uh hello everybody uh we shall jump over to this uh to start with um I should should I no we’ll leave that there oh my God YouTube shut the fuck up um yeah should just get started and we’ll see we’ll see what happens the problem is I can only see questions or the chat can’t can’t have both at once um Christ go that and what else that yeah that yes good um some wipers might be useful uh if you’re not aware this is in um this is actually in Italy uh um but we’ll be very quickly moving into Switzerland this woman to shut up PO indeed uh ladies the train crew uh do I think more velocity sets should be built for other lines in Regional Victoria uh yeah I I don’t know how I feel I mean I’ve never been on a velocity so I don’t have particularly strong opinions what side of the doors on um but if you have any questions good short distance Regional trains I’m not sure how good they are as long distance I then wouldn’t be my first choice for something like the Ury line um or the sort of longer distance services um certainly they could replace anything that’s currently run by a sprinter and provide a better service but I would rather I mean this extends to anything I for more than a few hours I’d rather be sitting in something haed by a loco um so who knows um uh oh not a Ford Transit hello you moving yes no maybe um specifically vs sets a vs set stand is that standing gauge variant what’s going on oh breaks whoa um thoughts on the announcement of the new Sunshine Coastline Sunshine coastline interesting um I mean it’s good that more Railways are getting built but it doesn’t really quite go to the Sunshine Coast as I recall um so Ian how useful will it be on opening they can try and expedite the rest of the line then it will be certainly very good um but for uh by the time the Olympics open if the rest of the line isn’t built they’ll need to have some pretty solid bus connections uh what did I have set I can’t remember Happ then um was it g yes it was um what game is this this is train in World 4 um opinions on the train s world class 380 I don’t know I don’t have it don’t think anyone has it do you think the underground is outdated I mean the Picadilly Line’s getting lovely new trains in a moment the B line could definitely do with some nice trains um but I mean either way not really it works velocities on the Aubry line they’re basically the Victorian version of the Explorer yeah sort of I mean they’re faster slightly uh and not quite as flexible and Broad gauge mostly but who knows um thoughts on how the new train link trains look I think they’re quite ugly um if you’re talking about the new Regional Fleet I’m not a massive fan um of their appearance I I have other reasons to dislike them um but yeah they’re not fantastic um how do you feel if traon World make an Australian route uh indifferent I’ve been playing this game less cuz I’ve had had less time and working on more Sydney stuff but yeah I’ll probably get it 50 c trans link fair oh that is interesting um I mean you can tell there’s an election coming it’s I don’t know it’s certainly a good cost of living relief but um I don’t know it like it probably won’t bring many more people onto public transport um but I mean it’s so good for people who who already use it get so much of a saving uh and I read something else that they’re going to drop the fair uh to the airport stations from like 20 bucks to 10 bucks which is also fantastic so there’s lots of good stuff going on um will it be enough for Steve miles to win the election who knows probably not unfortunately um congratulations on 5K thank you I might end that and just you can stick questions in chat there you go shut up man the frame rate doesn’t like it does it 30 something oh well I’m still running at 30 yes might get a little bit more power uh Steven miles says he has given up I’ll be surprised if that was the case Steven miles news no he hasn’t hello warar Transit gaming might drop the wiper speed xpt is better than new Regional Fleet I don’t know like the xpts they’re okay but then they weren’t weren’t really built for Australia they aren’t able to run to their full potential um they don’t have modern Creature Comforts um the new Regional Fleet arguably U well they have lots of failings but so do the xbt yeah I don’t know I’m not sure um thought the new Mar young entered service in July we don’t know is that no oh it was that okay my bad uh no we don’t know when the mar Youngs will enter oh Christ on go I go yes um apparently rumor is that there’ll be sometime before they enter service um which was bit of a shame but who knows uh have I done anything with the editor no no no I haven’t touched the editor in months oh Christ Zach Kat was the previous opposition leader of Western Australia he basically gave up while he was campaigning I Christ I don’t think Steven miles is giving up um next stamp yeah no I don’t think I mean it’ll be interesting to see how the rest of the campaign pans out cuz he’s certainly trailing but I think well LMP in Queensland is no better than labor probably worse who knows um they probably release one or two at the end of the fpr and probably another two years until they start releasing sets I don’t know like I have heard lots of stories that they’re having more and more problems but they uh I don’t know they’ve been I mean it’s obvious that they want to get them out as as soon as they can um but yeah maybe cuz they’re making the 2025 timetable uh the real Focus for the Des sets so they’ll probably just start subbing them in on uh on some Central Coast workings to start off with um on existing timings so there won’t be many um no I’m not playing train te classic because I said so now what is going on with the frame rate I have not recall this route being so poor for performance but who knows I do not have the virtual district line and I’m not playing TS classic oh this is the border isn’t it is it yeah but there’s no passport control anymore Shing I don’t have the aosa line for train Sim and I’m not playing train Sim classic not rocket science no cuz I just said so that’s why I’m going stop asking please no I find the seats on the Velociraptors H um but they can get uncomfortable after a few hours exactly my point right um they’re fine for a few hours I do not have saming bun uh they’re fine for a few hours but more than that I’m not playing trainson classic okay um yeah the velocities they they’re fine for stuff like Melbourne to jalong they’re pretty good for that um things I don’t know Bendigo probably probably okay and that stuff but out to like Swan Hill where is the um warble and Aly they’re really they’re not designed for that and they’re not really capable of that and also the there’s no real advantage to using a velocity on those routes um because the unless you do all of the track upgrades they can’t run at 160 and that’s only if the line is straight enough uh and they’re louder and arguably less comfortable and um yeah I mean there they have problems uh when they’re used for long distance stream buffer low route train World simulator you’re just saying words I’m not playing train Sim classic okay stop asking or I’ll mute you bringing out the banhammer have I sailed past bruo whilst I was not paying attention no uh when is the City metro entering service um look rumor has it based on the trial running document that was released today there are 62 days from May 29 which would mean um it opens on the 28th of July which would make sense that’s a Sunday um yeah I know you don’t mean the Northwest Line but who knows it could be earlier than that I’m I have a suspicion that’ll be either the 7th 14th or 28th of July um or maybe the 21st the seventh is a bit bit early what do you think the chance of having train to M five this here is I don’t know perhaps High um what are we talking about uh mix of train simulator and real trains but you can ask me anything within reason it’s not going to be the 15th cuz that’s not a Sunday in a few minutes we will be crossing the famous circular viaduct in bruo I think we’ve already crossed construction again makes a loop to lose or gain height like the spiral tunnels after any good trainson World linear R below were once used for storing wine and cheese um Brighton main Line’s okay yeah we’ll go with that bright mainland can I make your own Sydney map I mean if you want to sure don’t need my permission how did you make your map um Adobe Illustrator uh and a few evenings I miss the end class I bet you do if you’re I mean a train spotter or a traveler imagine being a regular commuter and being forced to listen yeah I I mean I’m not sure how many regular commuters this route has it’s a useful connection and it gets used but it’s I wouldn’t have thought it’s like someone Works in Tonto and lives in S marz I miss the red Rattlers uh unpopular opinion like the what F sets W sets that kind of stuff the C sets and S sets uh C sets are okay um s sets are pretty shitty pieces of rubbish that needed to go n class give me airplane Vibes uh velocities just feel more like a h set yeah I mean h sets probably not quite as comfortable but I see where you’re coming from mean you missed the Techno train there at least the vs sets have a snack bar yeah I mean only at the insistence of the um of passengers it’s still not a fantastic service um good morning good evening um or good morning or good middle of the day or good afternoon or good night or good dusk or good dawn whatever um transport for opal Island got updated YY I don’t know what that is yeah I know you mean yesterday I’m just I’m being haha funny hilarious wonder if it’s possible to install vending machines inside try I mean it’s definitely possible I’m pretty certain that some trains in Switzerland have that I think I know there are lots of trains in Europe that have like um their own little coffee machine that passengers just use a little um self- serve mini bar kind of thing it’s just we don’t get that sort of innovation in Australia cuz the rtbu will have a hisy fit and call it unsafe um this is Switzerland I mean this is a simulator obviously but yes this is supposed to be Switzerland it’s also a cheaper alternative you know the coffee is going to be shit anyway why pay someone to make it the only problem is it’s you know if we had them here maybe some dickhead from Rudy Hill would come in and trash the place but who knows up to 35 look at that do you remember reskin re of course I remember that that was back in the good old days where videos would maybe 100 views if I was lucky breaking new speed oh well can’t go too much quicker and might break the sound barrier you know uh velocity is fine on your line but there aren’t enough sets to operate the services properly what line are you referring to and they only Ury line Southeastern High Speed getting extended up to up to Rams up to Ramsgate and do prairie what is the chance uh Z it’s a bit too long favorite QR emu oh Christ um I have been to Brisbane or maybe twice in my life um so I’m going to have to say the ngr um just cuz I don’t know anything else and the NG ngrs do text to speech user what oh I see mean Speech to Text uh NG’s they do what 140 which isn’t bad for Australian standards but they’re you know if they you get some 160 capable emus they could speed up the gold Coastline a bit and speaking of the Gold Coast needs a much better connection um to Brisbane and a shitty tram um I mean it’s not awful but it’s it’s still a tram to outside the Gold Coast and then a train from there but yeah I I I don’t know the difference between smus and Imus and the individual sub classes like to me they all look the same well the different Generations don’t but the SMU IMU look the same and they’re used on like the same services I don’t know right is where what I’m getting at I’m not very familiar with those trains but like at the end of the day as long as they’re reliable and somewhat comfortable that’s all that really matters of the MU 60s right it does not like the frame rate oh no might see if I can boost the priority of this set priority too high and OBS priority High there we go that’s a bit better um that’s not what I wanted what why is the key Buton changed controls keyboard controls yeah that is Jiggy what what the fuck was that um favorite Sydney train is a tea set yeah they’re okay I’m not opposed to them I know some people get shitty because they don’t have reversible seats but if you’ve watched my mar Young video you’ll know my opinion on that you know as long as it’s reliable and it’s somewhat comfortable I don’t care but that said the tangar is are the well they have the most minor faults of any train in Sydney so they’re not super reliable um but hopefully that’ll change with the new train management system that they’re having fitted um hello I am fairly new to the game what German routs should I get oh it depends it’s your favorite train in Brisbane I someone just asked me that I’ll say ngr I like the XG sets yeah XG sets I like them for their headrests um not for the flippy seats you can tell that from personal experience I’m sure you can they need to fix the speakers too and maybe get some new windows but how hard can it be to replace a speaker or a microphone or whatever as I know on the upgraded t said it’s a little bit better like you can hear that they’re trying to say something in we can get to 405 no 45 45 what this Lake I love the tangar and wish we had them in a Sydney City rout in the game we are just coming into the main town in the valley are we I think we are just coming into POS here one is the bar uh they can be a multitude of belongs to the town H audio issues one the church ranging from the handsets to the coupler electrics pass leaving us here a pleasant visit to poso and thank you for traveling with us skavo is like it’s not even the next station it’s way up here what are you talking about we talks to the Gold Coast Line getting extended do you think it should stop at the border or go into Northern New South Wales um where could It Go could it go into like Tweed or somewhere that I should probably should probably share this um window capture can I go Studio mode yes window capture Google Maps make that visible is that good nothing there that’ll doxs me no right so go Coastline so why is why is purple what’s purple oh Google Maps having a hissy fit doesn’t matter that’s the tram but where would it Go VY legs yeah through the Tweed in the airport I mean maybe is it worth going to Tweed and if it was going through the airport probably have to go on a Viaduct over this stuff and a tunnel under the airport yeah who knows who knows I mean it’d be nice if they rebuilt the mo lar Branch but different track gauge so that doesn’t really work anyway anyway it went to Tweed in the past did it uh since cars cause traffic do buses also cause traffic well yes but for buses alone to cause traffic there would need to be a lot more people being moved than in cars is it okay if I make Sydney Metro DVA 5 I mean yeah it’s why you don’t need to ask me permission for that look at that Gold Coast Line Gold Coast Railway line shut up see also South Coast Railway line was extended to Southport Branch line to Tweed heads oh okay Tweed heads line closed in oh okay right new Gold Coast Line open happed in 996 a different [Music] alignment um would need single track it’s duplicated huh the more you know you love Mar young Des sets you’ve never been in one almost certain of that lepress my goodness gracious the frame rate is so l back the train yeah yeah that’s the thing with the mar cuz ODS of people hate them and it’s for often really misguided stuff um like oh well they’re unsafe flippy seats um but if you wanted to hate them you could maybe say that I don’t know they don’t have vestibules or the doors are not passenger controlled and the other like you can say that all the seats don’t have padding but you’ve never sat in them so you can’t really say that if if when they come into service I go for a ride and they’re awful trains then that’s fine right but I haven’t been on one and almost everyone has not been on one so you can’t really cut to Too Much judgment about how good they are or not cuz just you don’t know it’s a subjective opinion and you need to have written on it before you can which country have I been to um non flippable are going to piss I know I know but really sitting backwards is it that big of a deal really the whole rest of the world does it oh in Japan in Japan this in Japan that we’re not in Japan like make do um in fact which country you’ve been to that’s another thing I can do with it um Phil countryes map I do visited countries map oh there’s a website for everything that is not what I wanted can I go maybe for a display capture yes uh here we go visited countries can I just have a world plane yeah go um right I’ve been to Australia I have been I was born in the UK I’ve been to the US I have been to Canada uh elsewhere in Europe I have been France Switzerland Italy have I been to Bill I’ve been to the Netherlands uh have I been anywhere else in the I might have been to Brussels but I can’t remember it um I have been to Hong Kong wrong if that’s marked as a different place yes um I’ve been to New Zealand I think is that everywhere I’ve been to could be yeah I think it is oh I’ve been to Indonesia um yeah I think that’s it so UK US Canada France Switzerland Italy the Netherlands Hong Kong New Zealand and Indonesia bro they forgot about Stuart island did they um no be quiet it was sad when City removed its tram I mean the trams I’m I’m conflicted on that cuz I was sort of thinking about about that and at the time it probably was a sensible decision to remove the trams cuz there were only single length units um and they wouldn’t have been very fast and buses could have probably held as many people or maybe slightly less but they would have been uh required much less infrastructure they could have gone anywhere um as you think trams nowadays well obviously why would you rip them up but trams nowadays are much longer than trams used to be they have their own dedicated infrastructure they don’t have to share traffic if you want to see like Melbourne never ripped up its tram network but half the time trams get stuck in traffic you know it’s one of the slowest tram networks in the world because there’s ver virtually no priority infrastructure um I mean even they don’t have tram priority at traffic lights in almost every case which they really should but and most of the stops there aren’t accessible so if you’re in a wheelchair good luck using the system you know that most of the stops are just a sign on the footpath and you have to cross a lane of traffic to get to the dram um and you know someone was uh given lifelong injuries when they got off a tram in Melbourne crossed the an active traffic lane uh and someone didn’t stop for them um so there’s problems with that but I mean if of course there are some cities which have kept their tram networks but have progressively upgraded them and made them better places like Amsterdam Berlin whatever else and there are other places who ripped up their tram networks and then put a massive new fantastic one back in Paris uh Paris has one of the largest tram networks in the world and 40 years ago they had no tracks so you know you can always you can always rebuild we do have a problem in Australia though that tram infrastructure costs an absolute Fortune for whatever reason like the um tra in the Gold Coast it’s going to cost several billion dollars from what would have been what should be a fairly straightforward line but you know there are some places though that I you know travel around and think there used to be a here and the streets are the so devoid of any kind of tram history I mean there are some places where they’ve kept the tracks or orever and in a lot of places they’ve just buried the tracks so they’re still actually there um but like you go down the Pacific Highway and you would never guess that there used to be trams running down the middle or you Falcon Street or Miller Street Military Road you and a lot of bus depos are former tram depos like will tram Willoughby bus depot used to be a tram Depot brookil um there’s one in like uh neutral Bay um they all used to be tram depos 55 is that yes that is Zs going to have a hisy fit yes and we got to come down to a stop next stop uh can I tab through here no what am I waiting for there something in coming no what am I waiting for anything like a level crossing or something who knows what am I waiting for or is it just broken that might just be broken right I’ll do something else any ideas suggestions thoughts I know what I can do uh display capture Yes actually I don’t want a display capture we shall go for um Sydney trains memory game um a piss off Army I’m not going to join I used to be able to do this uh completely I have no idea if I still can um so you can find out with me uh Richmond yes this is easy East Richmond uh what’s next it’s like Clarendon or mol gra say clar Clarendon yes is it what mulgrave no uh riverston no that’s further down Vineyards what’s there oh wind no Windor is it yes um scof Fields Quakers Hill Mar young back town yeah um we’ve got what else Western em PLS nice um penth no pen No penri Kings Woods warington s Mary’s um Mount routy Hill dunid black town uh Seven Hills uh what’s next is it tun Gabby Pendle Hill uh wentworthville I can’t type that’s went earthville that’s great wentworthville um West Ms paramet uh Harris Park uh Granville what’s next is that Auburn or something no is it Clyde yeah Clyde Orbin uh wouldn’t be like lemington no Orban Clyde is it just liim then statfield Aussie J foran simply do not worry I am uh I am yeah of course red fern Central Bara bar mount ringi po asth scary how many of these stations I’ve actually used um too many I get around too much um what’s next Norman Hurst right Thorn Le um what is it pennant Hills it is pennant Hills I want to say cheltonham no broft yes eping [Music] Eastwood was it deniston or west rde say deniston yeah West rid meow Bank oh medw Bank Meadow Bank roads uh Concord West North strathfield North Shore is it whitear or is it wari it’s whitea War we uh oh know we Tara pimble Gordon parara not three oh Lindfield Roseville chatwood the world famous chatwood continually overhyped by Rees and his followers um chatsw chw artan St Ln won craft waverton North Sydney milon’s Point uh wyards Town Hall Metro West oh this is easy talong Rous Hill Kellyville H Bell Vista Norwest Hills showground yeah uh Castle Hill Cherry Brook mcari University nice and succinct mcquary Park North ride North ride and East ride but no ride um but perhaps there should be a tram I wonder if anyone’s made a video about potential tramline to to ride selfless plug uh St James Museum uh circular key how could I forget oh T2 okay new town no McDonald town uh Hill Ash no we’ll go try and go through order um petam leam what’s between there um there’s something else new town pisham H can’t remember we’ll come back to it um Su Hill Ashfield Cen bwood oh stanmore how could I forget uh homebush Flemington uh T3 sou lidcam um Bella Regents Park bong no is that one Sefton now y ferwood uh leightonfield chest carar cabata um Canley Veil I think May no wrong uh War Farm then Liverpool um now we got Banks down urville St Peters siden ham H sdam marrickville this is where I’m going to struggle D Hill hon Park Canterbury um bankstown Wy Park punch [Music] bowl no wer Park Wy Park punch bow lber then what is it it’s bankstown yaguna great name Yuna who doesn’t want to say that oh what’s in the middle can anbury I don’t know can’t remember Olympic Park um Airport East Hills be Central green square been cycling through this bit quite often mascot uh domestic anal that’s not how you spell International um Walley crook terella uh Bardwell park I think Beckley North is it Beverly Hills no there’s one more in between Kings Grove yep uh Riverwood pad Stow no I know it’s Reeves be next oh is it it is Nai uh Reby panania East Hills holsworthy that’s missing an S holsworthy glenfields we’ll keep going is it MTO the Mia mcor Fields um Engle wood burn it’s one of the two Campbell town MacArthur H T2 finished um next what we’ve got merlands Guilford [Music] um oh Christ um Gula I know is between Liverpool and Glenfield oh I can’t remember those two either huh no they’re not coming to me uh Bondi Junction Edge Cliff King’s cross Mountain place syum um what’s between there oh Tempe uh on Cliff uh ala Hurstville Carlton [Music] cogra um H CRA what else is there there’s one more that trains almost always stop at starts with B H you know I can’t get it we’ll keep going Oatley um pens mortdale homo janali One n it is one n southernland um keep going down it’s Loftus for the TR Museum Heath coat engine oh world famous angine and waterfall uh southernland caring bar uh Ware konala Gia um hiroi what else is up there G me uh uh not sure and then it’s Edmonson park leppington I think that’s it so give up yora Fairfield Banksy updale Miranda csy Belmore well well nearly all of them 97% that’s good enough good enough it’s more or less it going for an hour shall I pull this back yes uh will City metro reduce the congestion on the uh busy dangerous Strode param Road probably not uh I wouldn’t have thought so um I mean let’s have a look at a map nothing better than a map um fact we’ll go for open open street now we go open railway map uh Studio Mode live go there um so we come down to Sydney so matro West is this dotted line uh parameter road is the a22 here so if the thing about par road is it’s used by a lot of people who are trying to dodge the West connect toll um who might be coming in from the mountains or from somewhere else and Par especially around here right there’s no rail connection to here CU Metro West runs all the way up this section there are there were some proposals a while back um what was it Sydney Metro Sydney Metro original proposals got images where was it it’s this one um which is similarish to Metro West that’s really poor res but you can see the picture right um so you got West me param chamelia Silver order p and then it gets a bit different so the current that’s quite large um I move you current I actually need a rubber current Olympic um Metro West Run takes it sort of around here and then it does go through Five Dock and it does go through Rosel and it does come through there so it’s got station at North strathfield bwood North five dock they’re calling Rosel the bay uh and then pymont and Hunter Street this original proposal called for strathfield bwood five and back to lar camper down um Broadway Central Town Hall Square Martin Place bangaroo permont Rosel which is is an interesting plan I mean it’s got a lot more density um these kind of areas really would need rail um although they could probably be delivered as a tram down param Road uh silver water and chamelia are both possible um new stations on Metro West because they um they’ve announced that they’re they’re looking into that um yeah there there’s a lot of stuff but it’s this this is the problem area that especially like this is University of Sydney there’s a hospital here um this is where a lot of the old some really nice parts of Sydney that are dying because of effectively just parameter Road um and they have now got the M4 and sort of this into the city but people don’t use it because it’s an expensive tool um but yeah they they just stick a tram in like you can turn this into you can turn this into a tram balloon Loop and then just you know Whack Him out here you got so many connections that you could make like you got bwood North which the um in Council want to go absolutely berserk around bwood North like look at this this is crazy um so you could have that connected in because that’s going to be right there where the Metro is uh you could loop back around and hook into strathfield station or just bwood station then you could serve all of this you have stops in hfield five doc Cen uh interchange here at taverners Hill possibly possibly possibly a connection to the L1 uh you can serve the hospitals here the uni of Sydney Broadway UTS and Central and why not you know why not um and it’s been suggested the city of Sydney is really Keen for it um you know that 333 and Victoria Road are all Tram routes that really should happen and possibly zetland but yeah that’s that’s more or less it and there were other proposals to bring this metro line round here through the University of Sydney but probably didn’t do that because they wouldn’t have been able to get as much money as they had for waterl station they could have had other things like Alexandra station who knows you know whatever it is what it is it’s been built now can’t change that it’s going to open soon very exciting anyway thank you so much for watching the stream thank you so much for 5K and see see you all whenever uh there’ll be a video next week next weekend about something um which I’m not going to reveal but I hope you’ll enjoy it and yeah we’ll see about anything else that happens Sydney Metro wise probably expect an announcement soon about when that’s going to open um yeah goodbye thanks for watching everyone

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