My bikepacking adventure along the coast of Latvia from 2 years ago finally found its way here.

    Raimonds Tiguls – Dzeguze kūko
    Ojārs Grīnbergs – Tik dzintars vien
    Nora Bumbiere, Viktors Lapčenoks, Margarita Vilcāne, Ojārs Grīnbergs – Teic, kur zeme tā
    Ingus Pētersons – Dziesmiņa Par Vindsērfingu
    Vashti Bunyan – Just Another Diamond Day

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    [Music] at this point I think it’s fair to treat this channel as a sort of a time capsule and a visual digital diary where I store moments of my life to look back at when I feel particularly [Music] nostalgic two summers ago I went on a cycling adventure around the coast of my country it was something that I wanted to do for a very long time so I planned the route two weeks in advance packed my bike and headed out on a gloomy Monday morning to catch the first train to the city of yava I didn’t cycle almost at all that year so traversing a 220 km route on a loaded mountain bike on the first day felt it just felt right and so I did pitching my tent exactly where I planned that evening felt so good maybe not as good as the shower or whatever I had for dinner that evening but I was finally at the coast and at the start of my journey along it [Music] in the following days I could feel the feet of the first day just aching through my body it was harder not to constantly look where I was how much was it to the next town the next Crossroad and the camp finally but beyond these bodily aches and urges there was nature and my soul absolutely loved it I was there to see her to smell and listen and maybe hopefully find a no amongst the doll for [Music] me on the third day it rained a lot and in the evening after pitching my tent and hiding in the warmth of the camp kitchen I decided to finally face the cold and damp outside and walked to the beach I cycled almost 200 km by the coast but never dipped my feet into the sea it felt almost embarrassing and when I did um let my my body go into the water this happiness like the waves crashed into me this wild Unstoppable joy and love and just excitement about everything in life was mine to rebeling this was why I [Music] came for [Music] [Music] [Music] just another Diamond day just a blade of cross just another the [Music] just Feld to blow just a grain of wheat just a sack of seed to sew and the children [Music] just another just a word to say Just Another Love give and a diamond [Music] just another Diamond day just a blade of cross just another bear of on the hes parts [Music] just [Music] another just [Music]


    1. Great filmmaking, 😎🚴‍♀️ best wishes from another Vlogger. You create a very cozy and natural atmosphere, very immersive. I learnt a lot from watching this, thank you very much 🌳

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