Remco Evenepoel and Primoz Roglic face off for the first time since they crashed in the Tour of the Basque Country. The Critérium du Dauphiné is a key race in preparation for the Tour de France 2024. #dauphine


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    are you excited to be back SE yeah yeah I mean was a while so uh nice to be back what are your fears kind of not having raced in a couple months uh nothing really I mean it’s just uh yeah cool not to train anymore uh and yeah go out uh be with the guys and uh yeah do the races and obviously we’re all looking to head towards the tour to France what do you hope to get out of this for the tour to France and what do all the Riders hope to get out of the do yeah for me it just needed to to to be in race situations with the guys I mean I haven’t raised with them years I have just a couple of days so yeah collecting these days is is crucial for me you hadn’t looked at the route at all I’m hoping that you’ve looked at it now um for the rest of the week have you yeah no I looked a bit um yeah it looks looks like a a hard final of of the week so uh hopefully today getting through without any problems and then it’s uh it’s a bit building up towards the time tral and then uh uh yeah building up towards the last three days and just on today’s stage I mean there’s a climb towards the end an unclassified climb but you expect a pretty rout team Bunch Sprint today yeah I think so uh the climate also with the headwind so I think um it’s going to be a fast finish uh pretty easy to control the Breakaway so I uh I expect a beautiful Sprint between Peterson and Bennett today what do you hoping to get out of this race ahead of the tour a better shape uh hopefully so that would be good uh and just yeah some positive results uh good feelings and uh again uh some confidence in uh on the bike in myself and uh yeah I hope to get out in a better shape than I enter so that’s a main goal and just will you be looking at your rival specifically Primos and everyone else see how they’re going yeah I think uh it’s going to be a first test towards the tour to see how the the main competitors are uh doing so it’s it’s a bit of a big test for for everyone that’s at the start here um but yeah I think I have enough worries about myself to look a lot to the other ones uh but of course I’m going to open my eyes and try to uh to see how everybody’s going welcome to the Doan you looking forward to this one I am I am it’s um it’s always the race I look forward to and it’s a good good prep for the t t friends how cool is it to be in the team with both you and SE and also in a super team heading into one of the important tur of France leads yeah really good uh really good I was just roommates with for 3 weeks in Sierra and that was like the first time we kind of got together so it’s really nice um having an American in the team and and yeah being here together both going for GC is pretty cool it’s a privilege I think um yeah I have to pinch myself your eyes are on you now do you feel pressure to perform no actually I think uh having SE here with me I think we can kind of share the load of bit and and yeah I I don’t feel so much pressure I just want to do my best last time you went into a onewe stage race with Remco and Rit the center of attention you came out as the winner and but with this 34 km time Tri do you think that well it’s going to be really difficult to beat those two guys this week particularly it’ll be difficult anyway uh it was difficult at PES and yeah it’ll be also difficult here but I think uh it’s a nice course especially the weekend will be a big challenge for me the last three days but I think um SE and I have really different characteristics he’s really suited to the weekend I’m more suited to the TT and the first couple top finishes so I’m I’m just looking forward to giving it a go and um seeing where we end up basically finally you see time being one and lost in more than just four stages more than just the Mountaintop finishes and the time TR uh not so much I mean some guys will lose some time on the hill to finishes maybe just a couple seconds if it splits up at the end but I don’t think major time the major time will be one or loss in the TT and then Saturday and Sunday also Friday I mean the last four days will be the deider looking forward to the second half I think more than the first half um we’ve got a few guys that’ll be hunting for the first few stages but uh for myself I’m just trying to get around safely first few days and um yeah look forward to the mountains how are you doing doing well yeah knes good to go um I’ve had a few really fun races with esor Frankfurt and then Nationals um I just loved getting back in the pelaton in those races after my knee injury so um yeah healthy and fit ready to go yeah we saw you doing a lead out both in the Nationals and in Frankfurt how important is this race in light of the tur of France for you and for also all the Riders here yeah it’ll be a good good test to see if I’ve uh trained well enough without too much racing uh to get myself fit enough for the tour again um cuz uh yeah I mean that going to the tour is never a given so you have to earn that spot and uh I think this week at the do will be kind of my final test to see if if I’m capable of it you think you’re up for it I think so I feel like I am yeah I’ve been feeling really good in training so uh yeah hopefully here’s uh just uh ticking the Box yes have you got any more clarity on or have you got any Clarity on what caused the knee injury and just talk to us a bit about how it appeared um I had a crash in Grand Camino um I broke a rib and I think compensating for that sort of caused some um extra strain on my knee because I was twisting a bit in the saddle for a few weeks and um all the races I went to Cino Tero uh they were super cold and um yeah just racing with numb legs while being a bit twisted I think caused a bit of extra strain on my patella um and yeah basically just rehab and time off uh fixed the issue the tour last year you ended up well competing in the king of the mountains competition has this in particular changed the way you’re going to be thinking about this year’s tour and what your goals are going to be uh not quite I think um I’ll probably start setting goals after this race uh see what I’m and see where I’m at physically on today’s stage Sean is one of the he’s not a big Sprinter field he’s obviously a fast finisher are you guys going to well help maybe little Trek to bring it back together today we’re not going to help them control definitely not uh the more energy they have to use the better so uh we’ll let them do that um and um yeah I mean if they start to lose control we would be happy with an attacking race today but um most likely they’ll be controlling for a Sprint can we see the Jersey can we see the Jersey sweet Sean how exciting is it to be wearing the national championship Jersey and lining up here in the doofan a yeah it’s cool it’s it’s my first race as a national champ and yeah super proud to represent the country like this and have you had it at lower levels uh so it’s the first time to wear National Championship Jersey for you no it was sort of my white wh as a as a junior I uh I never won and it was always a big goal as well so uh yeah a lot of near misses and uh frustrating national champs but uh yeah finally won it as a pro so that’s that’s the best thing right you get get your sleeves for the rest of your career so yeah super happy and nilson there really helped you guys clobber Brandon yeah yeah it was uh it was a fun race um felt bad a little bit but yeah I think Brandon has the TT win so hopefully he’s happy as well how important is this in race how important is this race in light of the T of France coming up for you and for all the writers here yeah I mean it’s like the last the last chance we get to show ourselves right so yeah it’s a big deal and it’s also just a big race in a in a itself like uh yeah it’s a big opportunity and like you said prove yourself for the tour France big opportunity to prove yourself for the T of France


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