Cycling in Miami can be very dangerous. New studies show high amounts of accidents. This video is made to create awareness about this problem. The best example we could give was the Netherlands, where all roads are adjusted for cycles.

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    Miami life
    Living in Miami as a cycler
    Netherlands vs America

    [Music] the Netherlands is a country that loves cycling there are 23 million bikes where there’s only seventeen point three million people living in the country everybody cycles including the police and all roads are adjusted for cyclers besides this there are huge Harkin garages for bikes and all cities cycling is very social one example is to give people a ride in the Netherlands we actually have pumps on multiple locations in big cities but if you’re struggling you can always ask anyone for help [Music] in 2015 Florida State accounted for 500 fatality accidents and 20,000 injuries associated with cycling and this worried us so we hopped on a plane on our way to America to find out what the problem is we took this opportunity to experience the cycling economy in Miami and we rented a bike we were biking on this beautiful bike lane on South Beach but as soon as we left South Beach it became clear there are no bike lanes so when cyclists off the bike on roads this is the result and when there’s our bike lane there’s something to it so watch out until the government recognizes this problem we would like to say to our fellow cyclers stand up for yourself and never stop cycling make cycling great again and if Miami needs any advice feel free to call the Netherlands


    1. The last sentence makes a lot of sense: 'If Miami needs some advice, feel free to call the Netherlands'. Ah, you should watch the cycle infrastructure in København (Copenhagen) as well, that's excellent too! I am Dutch.

    2. Yes, dutch cycling (facilities) might be a great benefit to any metropolitan flat area.
      Although there are more bicycles than people, it’s not true there are free facilities to pump or fix the tires on every street corner.
      Because there are more bicycles than people, it’s not normal to take strange people for a ride.
      Don’t copy the rate of bicycle posession. Feel free to copy our save and widespread infrastructure.

      And yes, Miami can call us for solutions. Not only for traffic or cycling. There’s a bigger problem heading your way: sea level rising.

      Vote Trump, and America will get smaller, someday. Bye bye Florida, NYC and New Orleans..

    3. Before you start calling The Netherlands for advice first change your mindset concerning cycling. Becasue, as long as the mindset isn't changed nothing will improve .

    4. You clearly don't understand that most people in us commute by car because their commute is at least 30 min away with no traffic problems and plus many in America buy stuff in the bulk which is why many stores have where you pay to go there so you can gets insane amount of something.

    5. The USA almost went down a similar path in the 1920's that the Netherlands did in the 1970's towards cars. But the American auto industry invented the term "jaywalking" to create a prejudice towards pedestrians, and it worked.

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