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    [Music] question one what can you do to reduce environmental damage caused by your vehicle D avoid making a lot of short Journeys avoid void using your car for short Journeys on a short Journey the engine is unlikely to warm up fully and will therefore be running less efficiently this will result in the car using more fuel and emitting higher levels of harmful emissions if you want to pass dvsa Theory test in first time you can download ao’s app app contains 2500 dvsa s questions 250 Hazard perception videos 63 traffic road signs and 300 Highway code rules even 98.50% people pass their test first time after using our app you can find Link in the description download app for free from App Store which contains latest 2024 material licensed by dvsa Authority get 3 days free trial for a limited time let’s get back to the video question two what does this sign mean B end of restriction temporary restrictions on motorways are shown on signs that have flashing amber lights at the end of the Restriction you’ll see this sign without any flashing lights question three what should you do if your trailer starts to Swerve or snake a reduce speed gently if your trailer starts to Swerve or snake reduce speed gently to regain control do not accelerate or break harshly question four when would you use the right hand lane on a three-lane motor way B when you’re overtaking the right hand lane of the motorway is for overtaking sometimes you may be directed into a right- hand lane as a result of Road works or a traffic incident this will be indicated by signs or officers Direct in the traffic question five where is your vehicle most likely to be affected by side winds B on an open stretch of road in windy conditions care must be taken on exposed roads a strong gust of wind can blow you off course watch out for other Road users who are particularly likely to be affected such as cyclists motorcyclists high-sided lorries and vehicles Towing trailers question six you’re driving on a road that has a cycle Lane what does it mean if the lane is marked by a broken white line hey you shouldn’t drive in the lane unless it’s unavoidable cycle lanes are marked with either a solid or a broken white line if the line is solid you should check the times of operation shown on the signs and not drive or park in the lane during those times if the line is broken you shouldn’t drive or park in the lane unless it’s unavoidable question seven what does this sign mean c mini roundabout when you see this sign look out for any direction signs and judge whether you need to Signal your intentions do this in good time so that other Road users approaching the roundabout know what you’re planning to do question eight which driving technique can help you save fuel D missing out some gears missing out intermediate gears when appropriate helps to reduce the amount of time spent accelerating and decelerating the times when your vehicle uses the most fuel question nine which road user has caused a hazard a the parked car arrowed a the car arrowed a is parked within the area marked by zigzag lines at at The Pedestrian Crossing parking here is illegal it also blocks the view for pedestrians wishing to cross the road restricts the view of The Crossing for approaching traffic question 10 why are place names painted on the road surface C to help you select the correct Lane in good time the names of towns and cities may be painted on the road at busy Junctions and complex Road systems they guide you into the correct Lane in good time allowing traffic to flow more freely question 11 you wish to tow a trailer where would you find the maximum nose weight for your vehicle’s tow hitch hey in the vehicle handbook you must know how to load your trailer or Caravan so that the hitch exerts an appropriate downward force on the toe ball information about the maximum permitted nose weight can be found in your vehicle handbook or obtained from your vehicle manufacturer’s agent question 12 you’re in a one-way Street and want to turn right where should you position your vehicle when there are two lanes a in the right hand lane when you’re in a one-way Street and want to turn right you should take up a position in the right hand lane this will allow other Road users not wishing to turn to pass on the left indicate your intention and take up the correct position in good time question 13 why should you be cautious when going past this bus waiting at a bus stop see people may cross the road in front of it a bus at a bus stop can hide pedestrians who might try to cross the road just in front of it drive at a speed that will enable you to respond safely if you have to question 14 what does the solid white line at the side of the road indicate B edge of the carriageway The Continuous white line shows the edge of the carriageway it can be especially useful when visibility is restricted such as at night or in bad weather it’s discontinued in some places for example at Junctions Lis entrances or other openings question 15 which sign shows that a tanker is carrying d ous Goods b b tankers will display a hazard warning plate on the side and rear of the vehicle details of Hazard warning symbols are given in the highway code if a tanker is involved in a collision you may need to report the tanker’s hazard labeling to the emergency services question 16 what’s the purpose of a catalytic converter C to reduce harmful exhaust gases catalytic converters reduce a large percentage of harmful exhaust em missions they work more efficiently when the engine has reached its normal working temperature question 17 what hazard should you be aware of when traveling along this street C children running out between vehicles on roads where there are many parked Vehicles you might not be able to see children between parked cars and they may run out into the road without looking question 18 what would you do if you see older people crossing the road ahead B be patient and allow them to cross in their own time be aware that older people might take a long time to cross the Roa they might also be hard of hearing and not hear you approaching don’t hurry older people across the road by getting too close to them or revving your engine question 19 what does this traffic sign mean C danger ahead this sign is there to alert you to the likelihood of danger a here it may be accompanied by a plate indicating the type of hazer be ready to reduce your speed and take avoiding action question 20 you’ve just passed your driving test how can you reduce your risk of being involved in a collision d by taking further training new drivers and Riders are often involved in a collision or incident early in their driving career due to a lack of experience they may not react to hazards appropriately approved training courses are offered by driver and Rider training schools for people who have passed their test but want extra training question 21 you’re traveling on a narrow section of Roa what should you do if a horse rider ahead is riding in the center of the lane B stay behind and allow them to ride in this position on narrow sections of Road horse riders May ride in the center of the lane this is for their own safety as it makes them more visible you should be patient and only pass when it’s safe to do so question 22 what should you do when you’re driving along a road that has a series of Road humps C stay at a reduced speed for the whole stretch of road traffic calming measures are designed to protect vulnerable Road users keep your speed down where traffic calming measures are in place question 23 what does this sign mean a traffic lights out of order you might see this sign where traffic lights are out of order proceed with caution as nobody has priority at the junction question 24 what will happen if you follow this vehicle too closely D your view ahead will be reduced staying back will increase your view of the road a here this will help you to see any hazards that might occur and give you more time to react question 25 you’re driving on a clear night which lights should you use if the national speed limit applies and there’s a steady stream of oncoming traffic see dipped headlights use the full beam headlights only when you can be sure that you won’t Dazzle other Road users question 26 why is it particularly important to check your vehicle before making a long Motorway Journey D continuous high speeds increase the risk of your vehicle breaking down before you start your journey make sure that your vehicle can cope with the demands of high-speed driving you should check a number of things the main ones being fuel oil water and tires you also need to plan rest stops if you’re making a long journey question 27 why should you check the information leaflet before taking any medicine see some types of medicine can affect your ability to drive safely always check the label or information leaflet for any medication you take the medicine might affect your driving if you aren’t sure ask your doctor or pharmacist question 28 what should you do when you move off from behind a parked car B look around before moving off before moving off you should use both the interior and exterior mirrors to check that the road is clear look around to check the blind spots and if necessary give a signal to warn other Road users of your intentions also look well ahead as you’ll have to steer out into the road to pass the parked car question 29 what should you do about driving if you’ve been taking medicine that causes drowsiness D avoid driving and check with your doctor you aren’t fit to drive if you’re taking medicine that makes you drowsy check with your doctor if you’re unsure you mustn’t put other Road users your passenger or yourself at risk question 30 what’s most likely to increase fuel consumption D harsh braking and accelerating accelerating and braking gently and smoothly will help to save fuel and reduce on your vehicle this makes it better for the environment too question 31 a police officer asks to see your documents you don’t have them with you how many days do you have to produce them at a police station b seven days you don’t have to carry your vehicle’s documents wherever you go if a police officer asks to see them and you don’t have them with you you may be asked to produce them at a police station within 7 Days question 32 you’re approaching a mini roundabout what should you do if a long vehicle in front signals left but positions over to the right D keep well back at many roundabouts there isn’t much room for a long vehicle to maneuver it will have to swing out wide so that it can complete the turn safely keep well back and don’t try to move up alongside it question 33 you see a horse rider as you approach a roundabout what should you do if they’re signaling right but keeping well to the left D stay well back allow the horse rider to enter and exit the roundabout in their own time they may feel safer keeping to the left all the way around the roundabout don’t get get up close behind or alongside them because that would probably upset the horse and create a dangerous situation question 34 how much more fuel will you use by driving at 70 mph compared with driving at 50 m per hour B about 15% your vehicle will use less fuel if you avoid heavy acceleration the higher the engine revs the more fuel you’ll use using the same gear and covering the same distance a vehicle traveling at 70 mph will use about 15% more fuel than it would at 50 mph however don’t travel so slowly that you inconvenience or endanger other Road users question 35 what does this curved Arrow road marking mean see overtaking traffic should move back to the left in this picture the road marking shows that overtaking drivers or riders need to return to the left these markings show the direction drivers must pass hatch markings or solid double White Lines they’re also used to show the route that high Vehicles should take under a low arched Bridge question 36 your insurer will issue you with an insurance certificate when must you produce this document for inspection C when a police officer asks you for it you must produce a valid insurance certificate when requested by a police officer if you can’t do this immediately you may be asked to take it to a police station other documents you may be asked to produce are your driving license and the vehicle’s mot certificate question 37 you’ve stopped at a pelican Crossing what should would you do if a disabled person is crossing slowly in front of you and the lights change to Green hey wait for them to finish Crossing at a pelican crossing the green light means you may proceed as long as the crossing is clear if someone hasn’t finished Crossing be patient and wait for them whether they’re disabled or not question 38 why are Vehicles fitted with rear fog lights C to make them more visible in thick fog rear fog lights make it easier to bought a vehicle ahead in foggy conditions avoid the temptation to use other vehicles lights as a guide as they may give you a false sense of security question 39 you have to make an Unexpected Journey you’re carrying a 5-year-old child on the back seat of your car they’re under 1.35 M 4′ 5 in tall how should you seat them if a correct child restraint isn’t available B using an adult seat belt in journeys of unexpected necessity and when a correct child restraint isn’t available the child must sit on the rear seat and use an adult seat belt in a collision unrestrained objects and people can cause serious injury or even death question 40 what’s the national speed limit on a single carriageway Road for cars and motorcycles C 60 MPH exceeding the speed limit is dangerous and can result in you receiving penalty points on your license it isn’t worth it you should know the speed limit for the road that you’re on by observing the road signs different speed limits apply if you’re towing a trailer question 41 why doot tests include an exhaust emission test B to help protect the environment against pollution emission tests are carried out to make sure your vehicle’s engine is operating efficiently this ensures the pollution produced by the engine is kept to a minimum if your vehicle isn’t serviced regularly it may fail theot emissions test question 42 a cycle Lane marked by a solid white line is in operation what does this mean for car car drivers D they mustn’t drive along the lane while it’s in operation other vehicles must not use this part of the carriageway except to pick up or set down passengers at other times when the lane isn’t in operation you should still be aware that they maybe cyclists using the lane give them plenty of room as you pass and allow for their movement from side to side especially in windy weather or on a bumpy road question 43 you’re driving in fog why should you keep well back from the vehicle in front see in case it stops suddenly if you’re following another road user in fog stay well back the driver in front won’t be able to see hazards until they’re close and might need to break suddenly also the road surface is likely to be wet and could be slippery question 44 what shape are traffic signs giving orders d d road signs in the shape of a circle give orders those with a red circle are mostly prohibitive the stop sign is octagonal to give it Greater prominence signs giving orders must always be obeyed question 45 what information is found on a vehicle registration document a the registered keeper every vehicle used on the road has a registration document this shows the vehicle’s details including date of first registration registration number registered keeper previous keep keep ER make a vehicle engine size chassis number year of manufacturer and color question 46 what does this sign mean c trams Crossing ahead this sign tells you to beware of trams if you don’t usually Drive in a town where there are trams remember to look out for them at Junctions and look for tram rails signs and signals question 47 why should you allow extra room while overtaking a motorcyclist on a windy day B the rider may be blown in front of you if you’re driving in high winds be aware that the conditions might make a motorcyclist or cyclist swerve or wobble take this into consideration if you’re following or wish to overtake a two- wheed vehicle question 48 where would you find green reflective studs on a Motorway C at slip Road entrances and exits knowing the colors of the reflective studs on the road will help you judge your position especially at night in foggy conditions or when visibility is poor question 49 there’s been a collision a motorcyclist is lying injured and unconscious why should you only remove their helmet if it’s essential B removing it could make any injuries worse when someone is injured any movement that isn’t absolutely necessary should be avoided since it could make the injuries worse unless it’s essential to remove a motorcyclist helmet it’s generally safer to leave it in place question 50 you’re driving a car that has a diesel engine what can a loose filler cap on your fuel tank cause B it can make the road slippery for other Road users diesel fuel can spill out if your filler cap isn’t secured properly this is most likely to occur on Bends Junctions and roundabouts where it will make the road slippery especially if it’s wet at the end of a spell of dry weather Road surfaces may be especially slippery where diesel has been spilled but it hasn’t been washed away by rain if you want to pass dvsa Theory test in the first time you can download ao’s app app contains 2500 vs8 s questions 250 Hazard perception videos 630 traffic road signs and 300 Highway code rules even 98.50% people pass their test first time after using our app you can find Link in the description download app for free from App Store which contains latest 2024 material licensed by dvsa Authority get 3 days free trial for a limited time


    1. Today I got passed my theory test first time. 46/50 and 54/75 for hazard test. But Looked lot of theory questions here. But I feel today, select mutiple answer theory questions are difficult and tricky than these questions. Road sign questions are very less.

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