This weekend I was started the ride from Peak Forest. A mega route for a barely average cyclist. It’s a 50 mile route with what turned out to be 6500ft of elevation! The route starts in peak forest and makes it way east through fantastic quiet country lanes of the peak district towards Sheffield.
    About 5 miles before Sheffield and just outside of the national park we turn south and back into the national park and continue along the beautiful country lanes. At 30 miles we should be on the grounds of Chatsworth house which is a massive stately home and country estate. It’s around there where we plan our coffee stop. At mile 36 we should pass through the village of Bakewell made famous for it’s tarts. It’s a beautiful day, but the temperature was just about bearable for me in my short sleeve jersey at 14 degrees, so whenever they sun came out I was very grateful.

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    Sonic um guys we’re out here in the feet Forest today uh it’s about 35 mile drive away from my home and today I’m joined by my very good friend am say [Music] hello hello everyone you all right great than so we were just having a conversation uh the the ride started off immediately with the climb yellow climb so about 7 8% uh and I was huffing and puffing out the gates but H didn’t even put sweat get sweat on about that so today we have a mega route for a barely aage cyclist it’s a 50m route the B turned out to be 6 1 12,000 ft of elevation the route starts in Peak forest and makes its way East through fantastic quiet country lanes of the Peak District towards Sheffield about 5 mil before sherfield and just outside of the national park we turn South and back into the National Park and continue along the beautiful country lanes here is a zoomed out shot of the route so you can see it in situ the entire route is basically within the national park and follows many roads I have never traveled upon at 30 mil we should be on the grounds of Chatsworth house which is a massive stately home and country estate it’s around there where we plan our coffee stop at Mile 36 we should pass through the village of bell made famous for its Tas your training regime recently am well got realize I live up Northwest very close to the hills but as soon as I come out of my house I have Hills by Rock absolutely so in rville so lots of climbing so I think climbing is something that does scare me so much yeah we’re going to take it nice and steady I mean that’s the only way I can ride anyway it’s a decent climb it’s a decent ride actually it’s a bit of a beast of a ride cuz it’s 50 Mi and in the end as usual it’s going to turn out to be over 5,000 ft probably touching 6,000 ft and the conditions of the get with us which they look like they are going to be in should be a good one I’m going just ask me how long does it take for me to edit a video trust me it takes time it takes I’m getting quicker at it now but uh before us s me almost a couple of days you know on and off but now I’m managed to get it down to maybe I don’t know four 5 hours or so wow so it is Civ really is especially considering anybody watches it big drop now coming look at the here [Music] so here they seem to have a multitude of Roads small roads like this and they the the decent quality I’m I the T whereas uh towards Burnley Blackburn Nelson that side they just seem to have those big main roads which all the traffic use as well right turn here right turn that is a a difference that we’ve both noticed got some hikers here morning Lads all right he on it wow so we just been on some mad crazy downhill there that was uh must have been uh what 14 15% downhill lasted for about a a mile so so that’s early on in the r really early on in the r that was and uh I enjoyed it I enjoyed it but the issue is going to have to definitely pay for that in the ride somewhere assuming that your uh five Cafe stop was a joke yeah I bought myself a picnic bro I know if you look closely at the graphic uh for the of the elevation yeah okay with they on there the CAF are on there yeah cool yeah so actually good thing about this route we’re going to be going past the chats withth house oh that’s beautiful it’s beautiful you been there beautiful yeah yeah yeah I love that man so nice I love that place have you been inside I’ve never been have yeah on I’ve been inside as well bro I’ve been inside oh my God amazing it’s absolutely stunning especially on a sunny day yeah it’s but it’s just the level of detail in that place the look The Look sh in the opulence is next level I mean you know I’m just looking at a superficial level yeah yeah but behind that obviously that’s probably all the wealth from the East India Company yeah yeah that’s all come from India from our homeland that’s right yes correct yeah so on one level I was like what the hell is this man these guys are living like kings at our expense yes just that weltering generate been stolen from our land so that was kind of lift a little bit of a bit of taste but I mean just to as a visual spectacle oh man you just can’t beat it it was a beautiful day but the temperature was just about bearable for me in my short sleeve jersey at 14° so whenever the sun came out I was very grateful I don’t understand mate honestly that is an absolute picture oh my God I’m telling you that is unbelievable unbelievable now this is something you won’t find anywhere else in the world apart from the UK honestly has its own un unique flavor doesn’t it ABS you can go to the Alps you can go to France you can go to the Canary Islands go wherever you want but this is a unique setting here everyone a unique setting it really is amazing that’s it I it’s a beautiful climb this as well yeah it’s wicked isn’t it yeah it’s not so steep not so steep it’s long but it’s doable you know yeah yeah yeah and as you as you’re climbing you get to see these views as beautiful oh wow that really keeps you occupied keeps your mind off the climb doesn’t it Lely really does incredible I think we only do what 4 4.8% at the moment yeah so it’s under five yeah F good morning guys how you all right there people come from around the world AR there this is come see me aren’t they have you got enough on there yeah on in oh downhill so the climb Peaks on in to the climb creaks and troughs we in a trough at the moment uh but like I say it’s 3.8 mil uh okay it’s getting fast yeah so holding on to the bars at the moment I’m probably around 30 mph and I need to stop at this Junction okay so we’re climbing again uh and W look at views all around up and down up and down Peaks and troughs Peaks and trops yeah definitely 100% so what do you think of the route so far am oh it’s beautiful the scenery is amazing stunning stunning absolutely stunning isn’t it and the roads look at the roads we’re on the roads by ourselves we we have to share it with what other cyclists and Runners and hikers which I don’t really mind at all it’s a bupy ro going up there uh it’s 10:00 a.m. we started what about4 to 104 to 9 we uh I was late so anyway it is what it is we’ve already done 17 1,00 750 ft of elevation already in 12 Mi so it’s pretty good going so more than likely we’ll end up doing 6,000 ft M bday let’s see still not complete that climb but just had to get off the bike just to take in these fuse absolutely stunning look at that absolutely stunning and look behind here as well there is that is maybe that still sanage standage Edge I think it is it’s the other side of it isn’t it see what a brilliant spot absolutely amazing spot I think we’re almost at and that’s that’s over that side eil because you can see the cement works there and this is the bike I’m riding today usual road bike sorted out the gears uh it’s running really well alhamdulillah look at the views on a big downhill now ah I think that’s Sheffield I think that’s Sheffield in the distance that the distance CH wasie zie mate I’m sorry mate but your whole moss and uh Mel firm and all that stuff that’s Bland compared to the scenery we’ve got out here mate this is absolutely stunning wall toall scenery we’ve got here mate no Char CLS trust me no short your CLI so don’t worry you won’t get bored sign a little while back saying that Sheffield was 6 miles away so I think we must be very close to Sheffield some kind of urban connation here I’m not sure the name of the town Village but uh we’ve been riding now for an hour and 45 and all we’ve seen is fields and Landscapes and yeah empty roads so it’s nice to mix it up a little bit with a little bit of Suburbia and we’ve done 2,822 ft of elevation Hammer that’s brilliant that’s brilliant now we not even felt it to be honest no not really felt it no no Grand View of the grand house that is Chatsworth Hall Chatsworth house chth house it’s called chth house yeah so I’m looking forward to that and immediately after that as soon as we see the chth house that’s when uh we’ll the coffee stops will start so we got there’s about four coffee stops in quick succession so we can just take a pick from there so we’re on 29 miles so we should be coming up close to our coffee stop it’s going to be over this crest of this hill now we’re at the top of it now so let’s have a look out for chat withth house I’m sure you can see it for miles around there it is I can spot it through the trees no it’s not is it I don’t know so maybe not yeah he the lip of this Basin um should be looking down into uh Chatsworth house country because I don’t if you know am if you stand in in Chatsworth Hall yet and look out over the landscape yeah you will not see any other man-made structure purose there was a village in the in the in the distance yeah right and the guy who warned it obviously Lords chap chaps with yeah yeah he had the entire Village moved because it spoiled his uh eyeline or the site or the the views so we were bombing down that uh Road uh there was no traffic cuz it’s closed it said Road closed a big red sign saying Road closed and fortunately uh we saw this before we did a over the bars moment anyway then we’ll just get around there’s loads of room to get around and we I’m sure going to see CHF house pretty soon now aren’t we so this is a road that’s being cut off closed off should I say pumps and things oh this okay right okay so now I understand why it’s being closed off that kind of makes sense there’s enough Road there for me to get down so I’m going to do exactly that listen to the sound of the [Music] birds absolute No Man’s Land out here wow wait until you get here see that completely collapsed wow look at this guys that opens out now unbelievable look at the views ahead that Forest ahead there well this is the this is the must be the boundary [Music] here there we go should be see it now see there in the distance we finally made it to Chatsworth house found it it’s nestled it’s nestled in this uh Countryside here uh we got the fountains on as well the only thing you can see when you’re in the Chatsworth house from there is probably the Spire of that church entire Village was created or shifted to make a better ey line from uh chapsworth house [Music] [Music] [Music] check the coffee yeah it’s a decent coffee though no I won I’m happy with it you know for me the the uh the measure of a good coffee is something I can drink without actual sugar in it I’ve got a real I’ve got a real sweet tooth here it tastes better with sugar yeah but it still tastes nice even without the sugar so me and am got a bit of a result here we both got the scones I got the uh the dessert skun and he got the Savory scun meal so got both pleased they weren the little tiny SC that you get from a we’re happy about that cuz sometimes you can p five and you in these places that is nice that’s a nice SC that that green nice it’s not your normal Philadelphia i’ really disappointed crispy and crunchy that’s a nice gone my mom and dad they were in pakist look at this they were in Pakistan for 2 years because they just wanted that life yeah yeah they don’t want the hassle of you know looking after kids and stuff and all that yeah they done it yeah they’re doing it all five want to do it again I know exactly if that’s not what they cuz I mean I know a lot of grandparents live for their grandkids yeah yeah they’re loveing too they love it but you know if they want to live their own lives as well that’s that’s all good as well all my relatives see me on the bike and friends and stuff like that and uh yeah they kind of inspired cuz all my friends are like over 50 aren they okay yeah Mak sense so a lot of these guys let’s see can see if I could do it who the same age as them yeah why not them look at this on the right stunning stunning juice man what you playing at check out this look at these routs here absolutely amazing you’re missing out mate it’s big mwell yeah all right okay yeah yeah this is where I wanted to go to the coffee shop is it mwell Town look at that that is a scene look at the river running through the valley there lot of people around here just coming there G have you oh look there’s a hiking trail down there that’s a steep Trail just keep getting better and better wow what is that it’s climbing hi hi [Applause] hi Crest Brookdale it’s a nice little Community up here I think right at the Top If You Look Beyond these houses here you’ll see wow look at the views out there wow Billy Center nice little village nestled in this Hillside really does look like uh the highest point of the ride for me I’m out in the distance see here we are 14th of 15 climbs on this route alhamdulillah one more climb hopefully the weather looks like it’s changed changing a little [Music] bit Allie bro you’re missing out on this ride I tell you you’re not going to get better than this especially north of w him Burnley Blackburn Balton I’m sorry guys but this heat District ride is next level oh what’s these bumps absolutely Next Level what you saying am top ride this top ride amazing top ride yeah really enjoyed it so 4 miles we’ve gone and yeah I really felt it I think that’s the good thing about having company yeah yeah exactly helps make a difference here makes a difference and the hills have been pretty yeah pretty steady pretty good yeah Prett not really a killer yeah we’ve only had one little bit with 16% y yeah yeah there one little sh manageable yeah alhamdulillah [Applause] so this is tideswell Village tideswell Lounge there’s your coffee shop there oh wow look at that nice [Music] houses oh built into the hillside on on to the hillside there are you all right we are going straight up mate we are going straight up there that was 16% there you go guys this is a yeah just as we were getting excited saying oh this is we’ve done it time yeah 15 or 15 tried to kill us off but we’re still standing aren’t we we’re still on our bikes fought it yeah we fought it and we conquered we’re alive and here to tell the tale at least our YouTube video will tell the tale and spread it amongst our peers and as you can see the the hill so as you probably can tell I’m very tired and as a consequence I tend to drift into Delirious speech about this time I ran out of battery on my GoPro and I didn’t have the will to swap it out suffice to say we made it back to the car and we both had a great ride guys please like and share these videos do take up most of my free time and it would be great to know that you appreciated it [Music]

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