🅽🅴🆆 Police Interceptors 2024 💣 Ss 22 Ep 06 💣 Jim and Lisa Lead Strike on Armed Suspects 💣Cops 2024

    is police interceptors I cannot believe we get paid to do this yeah coming [Music] up a teenage tear away hits over a ton speed 100 1 mph a suspected fuel Thief has a near Miss yeah that’s through the red light and there’s an early morning wakeup call for a suspected drug dealer wa please [Music] Reckless kids behind the wheel dri are a continuing problem for West Yorkshire cops how old are you Ben Pearson has his toe down to intercept a stolen car with a youngster behind the wheel we are currently going to an ampr it where a golf has been stolen earlier in the night believing a burger uh it’s literally just H cameras about half a mile from where we are now Ben puts his big BMW 3 Series through its Paces I’ve already got a unit which is very close by anyway we’re just getting to get up in the area and we’re going to sit and plot because there’s no point is all driving around in circles when we don’t actually know where it is but if we get somewhere close by we can probably plot up a stinger the plan is for all units to lie in wait let the golf come to them and then direct a stinger unit to its likely Escape Route so what we’ll do we’ll just PL up here for 5 minutes and we can see directly that Ben is an advanced Tac train driver who despises burglar he’s been patrolling these roads for almost 18 years so there’s no better officer to organize the Stinger trap shabby you’ll have best point for a stinger there at that roundabout if DAV at be Q I’m at this one now whichever way it’s going to come back if it comes back it can come back to the riddles or roadway which you can get to there from where you are or the Dual Carriage where either way you’ll be best for Stinger there it’s now a waiting game but Ben doesn’t have to wait long there it is the stolen golf speeds past but this Advanced Driver is up for the chase Dave Graford road towards riddon Road toward riddles then buckle up it’s going to get bumpy Steve it’s coming towards you going to with DRS Ben keeps the other units updated they need to work as a team to bring this pursuit to an end as soon as possible ex Romeo 50 urgent vehicle failing to stop braford Road it riddles then towards being late to stolen golf authorizes for teot please teot train it is dry Speed 8 0 mph The Reckless Runaway is pushing the brand new golf to 80 mph in a 40 on the wrong side of the road and he’s picking up the pace speed 100 1 mph no over traffic it is safe to continue at this time Pursuits at these high speeds are extremely dangerous if the roads weren’t so quiet they might have to call the chase off this driver UPS the ante and flies past the traffic Island on the wrong side body warm camera is activated it’s coming towards the roundabout towards bingler and cross Flats roundabout now 70 mph yes just at the roundabout now he’s stand by breaking heavily it is old road towards bingler old road towards bingler Ben uses his builtin sat nerve to anticipate the driver’s moves and directs the stinging unit to the best place stay caught in the side of the bip pass cutting the side of the bypass and get stinging out there the driver is heading straight towards the Stinger unit confirm Stinger side he’s playing straight into the Interceptor hands vehicle stung vehicle stung it’s a direct hit and with the golf’s front tires deflated it’s running on borrow time byp pass vehicle stun the driver heads straight over the roundabout in a desperate bit to escape his early morning Joy Ride is coming to an end and other units are waiting for him he now standby going to be a DeCamp Ben blocks the door but the driver and the passenger jump out on the other side the driver makes a dash for Freedom up the bike [Music] go on go get him but other officers have this runaway cornered and quickly have him in cuffs we’ve got him we’ve got him get behind your back give us your [Music] hands the passenger has also been arrested any outstanding any outstanding no none it’s been a textbook sting operation Ben makes tactical contact to block the driver’s door which delays his escape and leads to both suspects being swiftly nicked but the biggest shock of the evening is yet to come right I’m be on your back now how old how old 12 12 yeah that the lad claims to be 12 years old that’s just one year out of primary school he’s been driving a stolen car at over 100 mph in a bid to outrun the police I’m just going to say this to you lad you need to grow up it’s a safe and successful end to a highspeed Pursuit the Stinger has done its job you can see how quickly it’s deflated tires uh and what he did approaching roundabout he’s got no control at vehicle so he’s cleared roundabout taking out the tires and obviously the if you look at the alloy on this side as well it brings them down so quickly allies completely discarded on that side um so unfortunately someone’s car is slightly damaged but at least we’ve got suspect and you can see it looks about 5 year old oh careful lad this baby driver has trashed an innocent person’s brand new 20,000 golf but he’s in another motor now the back of a police car where sh Show it’s finest [Applause] the Intel we’ve got of this lad is that’s what he wants his role is he goes out steal a car just to fly around area it’s not stealing them to sell on they’re not stolen to order they’re literally just driven as a pool car as some to have fun in it could commit crime kill someone he’s just not bothered that’s all he wants to do is go out and back to 1980s go for a joy ride the driver turned out to be 13 years old he was disqualified from driving for 12 months and banned until passing an extended driving test he received an 18-month detention and training order and ordered to pay a 30 victim search charge the burglary case was dismissed the passenger pleaded guilty to taking a vehicle without consent and theft in a dwelling he received a six-month curfew and Rehabilitation order and an undisclosed fight still to come a noisy welcome for the Operational Support Unit it now as you seen we got the dogs to contend with gav is after a motorcyclist with a Death Wish what the hell you doing and a stinky stench Under the Stairs yeah I can smell it can smell it [Applause] now local communities can be shattered by drugs thank you for everyone’s attending today to crack down on this criminality the boys and girls in blue are raiding two properties where there are reports of drug activity and also potentially machetes now obviously intentions to gain rapid entry to the address search for class there’s also the small matter of some large dogs I’m sure the guys who have done a wreck here have seen there is a big dog outside yeah goes well thank you thank you very much sir with the possibility of dogs roaming around they’re not taking any chance ances don’t want to get beaten do we Sergeant Mick mcgaan is part of the Operational Support Unit specialists at safe entry into buildings and searching he’s responsible for entering one house while another unit enters the other we’re just sorting tasks out guys uh anier and Craig are going to be spare with tasers should the dogs start kicking off every chance uh so we don’t want to be caught out to take a couple of shields out with using this just in case right is everybody happy all let’s go make sure it works the tension is high no matter how much they prepare there’s always an element of the unknown yeah [Music] as expected there’s a k9 welcoming party they’re using the trusty enforcer to break down the door speed is vital so any drugs can’t be disposed of and a suspect is caught unawares downstairs we explain to exactly what’s going on we’re going to do a sear to the addess all right Mick tries to make himself heard but the dogs are making a racket anybody that can look after dogs what do you mean well while we’re searching to make them dogs secure so they don’t get out of there can’t go oh they can jump can’t will the shut up as you seen we got the dogs to contend with uh a lot of mouth barking other than that they seemed all right getting entry pretty quick uh and then uh secured the male occupant downstairs they’re getting on with the other one yeah I think they’re fine they’ got in believe are hang on the second property is also been entered and the occupant secured so the search can begin but there’s a problem what are you doing a man claiming to be a relative has turned up and started to cause a nuisance but it’s nothing seven strapping officers can’t handle started it by out what you do yeah we do you’ll stay right there right and you’re the father of the kids at this this is M I’m coming for the kids you’re coming to look after her kids right let me just go check that all right and we’ll sort something out the man claims to come to collect the kids but seems more interested in kicking off with the 6’7 Cup going to be all right now gry get off me I’m not grumpy M tell you big D doger get off me now all right all right don’t all right I’ll see you all right bye see you done my job have a nice day he’s not going to win the physical so resorts to some verbal once your teeth cush your breath s or [ __ ] he has come down to take the kids away the family are happy for the kids to stay in the property so he’s gone on his mer way as you can see he’s not happy bunny what’s happening now is both addresses have been locked down ready for uh us going in and searching mix team get ready to search the first property with the suspect downstairs they’re starting at the top in the Loft there’s evidence of a cannabis grow but it looks like they’ve missed the Harvest not in yours is it the plants might have gone but the equipment remains as you can see it’s insulated tent it’s the Ed for cultivating the Cannabis it’s got the lights in it’s got the fans in the ventilation which goes to there’s four vents on on the outside at roof so as it goes out into atmosphere take the smell away and as you can see there’s still bits left you get a good yield off that looks like they have probably not so long since the they’ve done it to be fair a thorough search of the house reveals a small bag of cannabis downstairs a machete but no big stash of weed one house down make and his team start on the other the occupants of both properties are known to each other and there’s a familiar sight in The Loft to push it I’ll they finished it Tech it all to BS it looks like there’s been a cannabis grow in the past coming down but again they’ve missed the boat they’ is finished they’ had they’ had a growth up there but can they find any actual cannabis there’s nothing in there CLA it looks like they might have drawn a blank but this search team have noses like blood hounds and they picked up a familiar scent Under the Stairs car smells strong here yeah can smell it smell it now Remnant bag yeah sorry got two bags there it’s a large bag of weed and cannabis isn’t the only drug in the house while we’ve been doing downstairs in the upstairs bedroom uh in one of the pillars that found some what we believe class A drugs uh suspected to be cocaine but only a small amount so he could potentially say that is for personal use the search team also discovers another machete and along with the drugs discovered it’s been a worthwhile raid for Mick and his team two positive warrants which is always a bonus the suspect pleaded guilty to possession of a Class B drug found on his purse he was not connected to the loft cultivation or the Mach so no further action was taken he was fined £100 had to pay a 30 victim search charge and £ 85 CPS costs the occupant at the second property was interviewed and issued with a conditional caution due to the possession of a Class A drug cocaine and a Class B drug cannabis no further action was taken with regard to the machete the drugs at both properties were seized for Destruction there were 349 motorcyclist fatalities on the UK roads last year that’s nearly one death every day the interceptors are always alert to Riders who put not only themselves at risk but also other Road users on the night shift interceptors David Robo Robson and in the driving seat gav Pier spot some two whe Tom Foolery up [Music] ahead wrong side that road what the hell is he doing wrong side that road the motorcyclist is riding on the wrong side of the road and gav and Robo have a sneaky suspicion why jeez tring toid trying speed cameras is it he doing I don’t know Jesus let’s just see how it reacts to him well let’s get r r up class gav’s an ex Army taser trained Advanced Driver his proudest moment was joining the roads policing team and his pet peeve is drink drivers they can’t tell if this Rider is over the limits but he’s definitely dodgy if a car came the other way it could lead to a fatal head-on collision gav puts his foot to the floor and gets a closer look at the number plate [Music] why with the r clocked gav hits the blues but the motorcyclist hangs an illegal right and speeds off he failing mate to stop see it goes gav decides not to pursue so as not to put the motorcyclist and other Road users at further risk where he’s riding mate 6’4 we’ve just had a motorbike uh driving dangerously um he’s gone down towards Broadway through lopet we have got a registration of this vehicle it’s just for OBS um he has failed to stop for us and done one we’re not pursuing West Yorkshire police do normally pursue motorbikes but the boys have the Riders registration which means they know where he lives the direction he initially heading in before we had interaction with him was in the direction of his home address so we’re trying to preempt where he’s actually going to end up because he’s gone the opposite way but to do a loop gav thinks the motorcyclist is homeward bound but will his instincts prove right kind of open and look who’s coming towards us Bingo yeah that is him he’s going to cut back out up there that is him is it yeah they’re quickly outside the Biker’s house bike the motorcyclist is Wheeling his bike around the back but there’s no place to hide from gav yeah oh you can answer some questions Cocker oh I done wrong one failing to stop for police two for Dangerous driving when since when since when you’ve been going down Hy Road and you’ve been going opposite side at road all the way down and you’ve just turned around and done one from us down there again when so just the biker is putting he’s acting all innocent but the camera never lies so you can come and answer some questions can’t you go you got him a sec go you going to get K the lad is led to the car for questioning no no weapons no drugs that sigs is it sigs yeah please right just have a seat in there for us yeah okay explain to me you’re driving from out of Wakefield cuz you’ve seen us on three occasions three occasions you’ve seen us I haven’t seen you though you have because I’ve been behind you with blue lights on and you went wrong side at Road all way down Broadway I didn’t see you though I just no you did that’s all no you won’t go home the way you go home you wouldn’t have gone up Broadway so I’ve got it all on camera mate I’m not going to argue with it fine I know a dick he knows the game’s up and he’s blaming his erratic riding on a r with his girlfriend I SP with bad went to meet it tonight it all kicked off off in a mood but the man’s excuses are as dodgy as his driving gav has no sympathy My worry is is how many people you put in danger by doing that and not only just and yourself as well ever been in trouble like that before so I can understand I totally I think you know do you know I think you’ve done that before you’ve done that before for Speed Camas nobody would do that no I would just fuming but is there another reason for his dangerous display you been drinking tonight yeah how many you had like two vodka red balls two V vodka red balls yeah two vodar might be enough to make him over the drink driving limit take breath and blow hard keep going keep going keep keep going keep going keep going keep going keep I’m than you the man blows clear but gav is in no mood to let him off okay I’m going to be pushing for it to be a sumon to be dealt with a car for it okay because I feel that the nature of your driving was that bad when you’re in that sort of mood and you decide to drive like that you are putting yourself in danger but you’re putting other people in danger innocent people the takes over that’s all I can say is I’m sorry the suspect has seen the error of his ways but gav has some party advice that’s just one simp on M put the bike away go to bed all right I’m really sorry the rider was charged with driving without due care and attention and awaits his day in court still to come a £200,000 Supercar start in Bradford H you how we doing a lead’s crime spree is brought to an abrupt end the minute you’re under arrest and suspicion of going equipped to commit crime and the game’s up for a crafty fuel Thief just see what a danger it is it’s leaking diesel what’s that Criminal have all sorts of devious ways to conceal their crimes right deep breath and blow no you’re sucking from trying to cheat the breathalizer you cannot cheat the machine to pretending to be asleep and the interceptors are chasing a crafty Crook in a van who’s carrying a load of stolen diesel in the back nicked from a local supermarket the van looks seriously overloaded as it nearly loses control but instead of pulling over the driver hits the gasing to St with h fi Road just confirming registration despite the speed the Interceptor eagle eyes clock the suspect’s clothing crucial if the driver should DeCamp and run be a white male driver uh possibly wear three white stes but the only running he’s doing at the moment is a light with a cargo of potentially flammable fuel this near Miss could have been a catastrophic crash through the red light Junction with W field going towards Bri house police station see 5 and a 30 the suspect seems to be heading back to the scene of the crime he’s weaving in and out of the oncoming traffic and is now driving on the wrong side of the road in a bit to escape after 10 minutes the driver pulls into the supermarket he allegedly stole the petrol from we’re now committed going into uh Tesco’s supermarket and it looks like he hasn’t come back to pay yeah I think he’s getting potentially looky to bail here just traveling stall it the driver legs it and manages to give the officers the slip but the eye in the sky is nearby it soon picks up a man acting suspiciously Richard brimo is racing to intercept the helicopter’s out searching has located a mail match in the description in house so uh we’re just going to go and sa and intercept this mail they spot the man identified by the helicopter and Richard introduces himself is this your car it’s my dad I’m okay right you’ve been followed by a helicopter from a Transit van in Brig house okay were you in that Transit van no abandoned at Tesco I’ve been at Tesco but I been okay you’ve been followed by that helicopter okay right we suspect you’re the driver of that car okay now tell me the truth now or else you’ll be getting in a lot of trouble yeah I haven’t been in right okay just come and have a seat for a minute no no we’ll get your dad don’t worry the lad claims to have returned from the same Supermarket but denies any involvement however his top matches the suspect’s description time for a quick Q&A what’s your name pal what you you think shot get some try and relax Ma just try and relax all right we’re just trying to get to the bottom of what’s going on that the lad is clearly nervous not exactly behaving like a seasoned fuel Bandit this is his daddy yeah hello you’re all right a your curser this your son I’ve got in the back of my car well he’s been in a Transit down in Brig house yeah abandoned Transit and then run off followed by helicopter up here okay so been do we know what it what it’s been in it for I have no idea it’s full of stolen fuel in the back of it so I don’t know what’s going on at the minute the lad’s supposed to be shampooing his dad’s car so stories of a potential fuel Heist come as quite a shock to his dad obviously he wasn’t here at some point he went down to tesos to get some cash shampoo that’s what he told me well he came back with cash shampoo so okay I take you’ve not seen him with a Transit you don’t own a Transit okay right obviously we just going to have to get the officers that followed it and he’s run off from uh to come up and ID him see if his is the same M it’s okay well we’re not saying you’ve done out wrong are we we’re just having a chat with you the officer from the earlier Pursuit arrives to identify the lad is this young man really a criminal mastermind okay it’s okay or is he clean as a whistle how are you doing smaller than that all right it’s not him then that’s fine as long as uh as long as you’re happy it’s not him that’s fine it’s a case of mistaken identity by the helicopter and the lad has avoided a trip to the Nick but he’s not getting off cleaning his dad’s car so obviously we let him out into your care and crack on with the uh with the jobs he should be doing shouldn’t he he was clean right Paul okay officer’s happy it wasn’t you okay but obviously it just looked at your clothing’s the same as the person fortunately they had three stripes on their arms okay obviously it just looked a bit suspicious for the C for the helicopter take care then crack on with your dad’s cleaning I’m going to go back have a cup of tea now and get back to washing back at the abandoned vehicle Richard’s Keen to see why the driver wanted to avoid capture let’s open Pandora’s Box the van contains a tank with around 500 L of stolen fuel worth hundreds of pounds obviously they we going into petrol stations uh pretending to obviously fill up the van and actually there’ll be a bypass into this container from a external uh filler and then they’ll just drive off just see what a danger it is it’s leaking diesel you know from underneath it you know that just driving along is is just pouring out onto the roads for motor cyclist a a pedal cyclist even a car on the road going around the corner at the wrong point it’s losing contact maybe causing quite a serious accident so it’s you know it’s good just to you know get it off the road even if we haven’t got a body from it the abandoned van wasn’t registered or insured and couldn’t be traced back to anyone inquiries are ongoing with respect to the runaway Drive it’s late night in leads and interceptors Richard Jaffer Whitley and Gary McMaster are on the hunt for a perso the passengers have reportedly stolen petrol and smashed another car’s windscreen Steve we’re just up at that roundabout we’ll drop in behind you when you come past the perso has been picked up by another unit get Interceptor Steve Oliver is behind the suspect vehicle Gary and Jaffer have plenty of time to bring up the rear than R 61 car the vehicle that we were after the uh persio now behind the vehicle jaffers a veteran cop who likes a Chinese while watching his favorite film The Terminator and he’s hoping to put an end to these wrongin crime spree it it’s Judgment Day for the perso Jaffer and Gary take charge of the situation open the door your hands out is this your vehicle yeah it is how long have you owned it literally like you what less than a day just bought it today less than a day you just bought it today have you the driver claims to have just bought the vehicle but he’s in cuffs and off for questioning take a seat in my car we’ll tell out why we stopped you and who did you buy it from um I thought I’m not two shots a foreign guy on Facebook why have you taken a 24-hour Insurance to buy a car right what’s the problem with it the car checks out and it is insured but they were pulled over for stolen petrol and smashing another car’s windscreen while Jaffer deals with the driver Gary gets to grips with the passenger you’ve been detained for the purposes of a search for sexual Poli criminal evance act right cuz your vehicle the occupants of it right the occupant I said your vehicle and the occupant in it not this vehicle my oh you stop interrupting me no not my vehicle right you entertained for this cuz this vehicle has been involved in crap you understand that right put them on your so you’re not likeing it you’re not going to do anything to me yeah you shouldn’t have with the Lippy lad in cuffs Steve Oliver starts to search for anything iffy in the car which doesn’t take long as well as a petrol can there’s gloves a hammer pliers and a crowbar all tools commonly used to commit crime right the minute you’re under arrest on suspicion of going equipped to commit crime due to the effect of the equipment and tools that you have in the vehicle also take off without payment on cardigan Road where an amount of petrol has been stolen and also damage to a motor vehicle that’s happened earlier in leads today you don’t have to say anything man defense you don’t mention one question something you he do say maybe GE Ence you’re under arrest to allow a prompt investigation to the offense by means of questioning all right and their list of potential offenses gets longer after a discovery under the driver’s seat uh we’ve got uh green vegetable matter and guessing that’s going to be cannabis and cash which would suggest that there’s been a level of drug dealing going on the cash and weed split up into containers means the two suspects could be facing dealing charges and that’s potentially not the driver’s only problem I’m just going to do what they call a drugs white test on you all right do you smoke cannabis you do so you’ve got five bags of cannabis there’s a used half a used spliff in the center console I smoke but right so you do smoke cannab is just uh I’m going to ask you to do is to just stick your tongue out I’m going to wipe your tongue a little bit and then put it on here look right out and open your mouth okay I’m satisfied that that’s passed you’ve pass are you listening to me are you goofing with you mate I’m sorry both but I’m list right he’s passed the drugs test but it’s still a trip to the Nick for the lads all right boss me you all right yeah you good we got two two right they’re both compliant they’re both it’s a good result for the boys and the suspects have given themselves up without a struggle I won’t say nice lad but uh yeah we we’ve uh we spoke to him right he’s behaved uh We’ve treated him right and ctis he’s and he’s responded back you know we don’t we’re not here to fall out with people but if we have to get hands on and grip people then we will do but it’s not being needed this time but yeah maybe he is he’s accustomed to this uh behavior and uh being in the police I don’t know for the alleged offenses of criminal damage and going equipped no further action was taken however the driver has been reported for possession of Class B drugs and making off without payment he awaits his day in court the passenger was released under investigation for the offenses of possession with intent to supply and making off without payment still to come a super car driver tests Ben’s patience right this is going in one of your ears and out of the other hired supercars are a surprisingly familiar site on the streets of Bradford some people in Bradford uh seem to have a thing for high powerered cars high powerered high higher Vehicles generally Mercedes BMWs Audi uh but then you’ll get the more specialist vehicles uh the supercars as they call them so Audi R8s Lamborghinis will get topof the range Range Rovers as well but it seems strange that what they then do is drive it up and down lead’s road which is a 30 mph limit where you can never get any uh speed up in the vehicle supercars and speed bumps are not a good mix oh you got slow you be going FAS over you L but a combo that certainly does work is Ben barlu and Ben Pearson who are behind2 200,000 worth of Lamborghini Huracan Ben barlu is part of the road’s policing unit his first car was a 2 Grand Nissan micro but he now dreams of owning a Lotus exe then runs a check on the lambo’s number plate and something doesn’t add up empty bra xray 17 the plates don’t match so it’s time for a chitchat the lambo capable of 200 mph and N to 60 in under 3 seconds fortunately pulls over that bit best f have up with [Music] that hi yeah how we doing we got documentation fell I certainly have good man is it yours um no whose is it it’s a is it higher yep good man there you go and can you the lambo turns out to be a High car and it seems the driver is a bit of a local character I’m surprised you not your no no should I recognize you this is who I am this some big Mister this super all right yeah the man works for a higher company picking up super cars and has just retrieved this Lambo from a wedding across town do you know I’m the local recovery driver no you want see know the boys might not recognize this local Legend but they do recognize a dodgy number plate when they see one you bet the plates come back to no car the driver speaks to his boss at the hire company no he said you know he said the car comes back to no car those plates don’t exist he saying the plates don’t exist with the plates not being registered to any car they run a Check using the Lamborghini chassis number no insurance MC not held and com to yeah rece one thank you the Hurrican is registered to somebody else and not the hire company it also appears to have no insurance orot right come sit in car put your cig out we have a chat in car yeah no problem getting a bit chilly out here that regge does not come back to any car at all yeah it do come back to high company he do come back to company no and he come back to being insured he just he just purchased if he’s just purchased it and he’s lenting it out with a wrong registration on and it don’t come back to him with no insurance what no hang on hang on what are we going to think now you’re going to think of the stol car so stolen car or it’s not insured it seems the car has recently been bought but the higher company hasn’t check that the documents were in order before hiring it out if I will in a 200 Grand car out I would have something like that that you can just print off on a computer I’d have a I’d want have a pack that you get for recovery and so on and so forth but this is basically a company that’s down in Warsaw that’s lending out 200,000 cars to drive around Bradford we dodging number plates on showing no insurance and that means one thing seizure as far as I’m concerned you can get it back tomorrow when he produces the correct details I’ll have a bit of a chat but like I said it’s going in one year and other I’m here I’m here I’m here chill chill chill Ben breaks the bad news to the driver so you put yourself in my position you’re a traffic cop that car is on a different number plate to where it’s meant to be on to a gentleman that is not you with no insurance and you produce two documents and say all right laugh let me go don’t work like that pal we will take your car now you can get it back tomorrow morning you can get the car tomorrow it’s not an issue when all the correct documents are produced in a desperate bid to keep his wheels the driver presents some online documents got no points at moment have you I’ve got nothing right now he’s sending me the all the documents in the car if you don’t have a look at it but the details relate to the dodgy number plate not the actual hurcan have you got the key go there off look there and Ben’s patience is wearing thin I don’t yeah that’s not that car that registration yeah is not that car the the right this is going in one of your ears and out of the other my my my ear’s blocked in steps the other band to clear things up listen listen listen listen I’ll make it really simple for you okay the vehicle that you’re driving at the moment the vehicle registration that you’re trying to give us for the insurance isn’t the same even with a blocked here it seems the message finally gets through where have you got where your keys to the good it it m and Ben has the last word just ensure the car it’s it’s easier saves time or at least tries to you know the ha him you know the H him yeah the recovery driver arrives to take the 200 Grand Lambo to the police pound awaiting the 150 release Fe [Music] the wrong plates and documents turned out to be an error by the supplying dealer after several phone calls the vehicle was found to be okay and was released with the correct plates and papers and the driver was completely in the clear get the lift get out I hear you guys get stand by stand by contact with the subject vehicle Prime is on the rise he up you so it’s time to fight back do not move do not move battling on the front line are not finest stop resisting stop resisting I going the back don’t know highly trained Pursuit drivers box onx up stop stop specialists in entry and surge safe on rapid response Firearms officers we know you’ve got shotguns in there mate shot fire and the crime stopping force of the dog unit dog’s got one stay where you are wherever the battle takes them here they’ll never back down police officer because cometh the hour run run got your cometh the interceptors all in a day’s work coming up yes yes from 53 we are pursue vehicle is lights off swerving across all Lanes the team go Bumper to Bumper in 100 mph take down going to crash to the near side stand by stand [Music] by the big red key wakes a big bad drug dealer looks like it’s a kilo block of uncut Caine street value is probably upwards of £1,000 and a bunch of balloonists push Kate to bursting Point time’s up being recovered been 5 minutes y stop s your nitrous oxide you know what time it is won’t you [Music] police interceptors have teamed up with nottinghamshire’s finest brand new Force same old story last year the County’s crime figures Rose by almost 11,000 incidents life for an Interceptor is far from do working in not you she’s brilliant I think I describe it as a policeman’s playground like any big city within the UK it’s densely populated there’s lots going on gangs and drugs burglary vehicle theft robbery but also we’ve got some major road networks that run through the county which traveling criminals use to commit crime I mean an out notum [ __ ] there’s always something to be hunting or looking for it’s Saturday evening and interceptors Dan Ma and James Carrington are on the lookout for a car that was reported stolen this morning cind Hill Road South westbound of pjo 207 stolen from LS Rain limby by means of burglary car theft has been on the rise in Nottinghamshire and the interceptors are proactively targeting cars that are being shipped across county lines the brand new network of anpr cameras lets them know where the stolen PUO passes and which way it’s heading it’s just done a camera about a mile from where we are in this direction keep your eyes peeled units are flooding the area we 52 we’re going after the perso as well it’s only a matter of minutes before the car is spotted here we go right right again it’s just being followed by RV down towards the 610 approaching the r the car is heading for the M1 Dan and James are still a few miles away from its last location so they need to get busy the next round Dan unleashes the BMW’s x5’s 330 horses and steers them towards the M1 where’s he Motorway southbound the Nottingham interceptors keep a large stable of thoroughbred Pursuit cars marked BMW x5s are equipped with gun safes ready for firearm teams to deploy at a moment’s notice safety on the dog units respond to calls in the 150 mph scoda vrs wagon while traffic units use both unmarked BMW x5s and three series Estates to keep a stealthy eye on the County’s motorists Dan and James have threaded their X5 through the evening traffic and closed the gap on the pursuit 53 we’re just in Convoy with those call signs 10 seconds we’re with you with them now up ahead an unmarked X5 and a marked patrol car are tailing the stolen Persia to Pursuit there are three tack vehicles with you now the stolen 207 is showing no signs of slowing the interceptors need to force the runway’s hand they’re going to try and do the get by Lane one by try Lane one doing it now plane cars going underneath all right stand by stand by there’s a junction up ahead James needs to keep the pursuit on the motorway try and keep him up St is near side M1 might be busy but it’s much safer than builtup residential streets he’s going to get it offl mate try and keep him on L Lane just try try and keep him on just stay alongside him keep him up keep him up sound they’ve shut the door but the runaway driver is swerving erratically from Lane to Lane and judging by the state of the P’s rear bumper he’s not afraid to get physical just 25 to the5 superer James says he likes to chill out to Mellow Tunes when he’s behind the wheel so this driver recklessly swerving at 100 mph will be totally blowing his cool yes yes from 53 we are pursue vehicle is lights off swerving across all Lanes medium risk Lane four 1 0 0 Lane four The Runaway knows he can’t outrun three intercept units he’s hoping his ratic driving will force them to call off the pursuit this vehicle is at least three up we are in Lan three now we are medium risky swerving across all Lanes 90 taking to Lane four or Lane one we need to get by props is Lane three swerving in front of us at 1 0 0 there’s another Junction rapidly approaching James positions the units for another blocking maneuver to the lead X5 get near side don’t want him coming off the motorway to an H he’s swerving across all Lanes he’s to our near side now we are at 85 Dan carefully draws the two-ton X5 alongside the speeding hatchback runaways rapidly running out of options he’s in Lane three to the lead X5 watching his side War him on when he kept on half mile marker aboard for the A50 24 Al stand by stand by contact with the subject vehicle taking extensive damage going to crash to the near side stand by stand by The Pursuit may have ended is it game over for the runaway driver it’s Meda interceptors James and Dana on the M1 in pursuit of a stolen Persia to Pursuit their three tack vehicles with you now The Runaway was trying to bully the police drivers into backing down Pursuit he is Lane three swerving in front of us at 1 0 0 traffic on the motorway remains light but his reckless driving saw the 100 mph Pursuit come to an abrupt end stand by stand by contact with the subject vehicle it’s taking extensive damage he going to crash to the near side stand by stand by in an act of sheer desperation the driver of the stolen Persia went for a gap that simply wasn’t [Applause] there he going to crash to the near side stand by stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] by please do loose two of The Lads have made off into the bushes with Dan and James hot on their heels do one of the lads wasn’t so quick to get away police officer one down but the driver and passenger are still on the Run they’ve gone through here up to this point we’ve come through I’ve got a shout of police dog and I’ve pretty much stopped here dogs come through and they’re gone units are searching the area but James isn’t hopeful [Music] they probably got phones on probably contact someone to come and pick him up gotted but one out of three who knows going see what state the police cars in should be the X5 has picked up a battle scar and so is James’s finger I smashed me hand to pieces I think need to pull need to pull my finger off on the uh on the fence the southbound lane of the M1 has been closed for 30 minutes these Lads when they get in these stolen cars they just don’t care we’ve got to think about the risk members of the public but as you’ve just seen they do not care they’ll weave around the motor 100 mph trying to crash into police cars they’ve totel this person’s car they don’t care could be worse couldn’t it could have no finger as the cuffed passenger is taken back to the Nick it seems his mates are long gone the M1 is underway again but the stolen PUO won’t be going [Music] anywhere you’ve got that in comparison to that I think we’ve got off lightly cuz it went with a massive bang it proper wall up the police car I thought it’d be a lot worse than that it was proper giving it the full swer of mura that’s as new hey feir wear Ander this German engineering my friend yeah a scaring P the driver of the stolen car and his passenger are still at large but with their mate in custody s out Chopper the net is closing [Applause] [Music] in two days have passed since Dan and James’s high-speed encounter with the stolen Persia and the pair are back on patrol a call has just come through about another car theft there’s been a been a series of car key burglaries in West bridgford with some decent high value cars nicked our Burgers have had two cars from one address an Audi and a beamer they’ve abandoned the Audi left in the BMW and then gone and done another car key breaking next to brand new 19 plate Golf GTI that’s been tracked by the owner car has been found local policing colleagues have stopped a group of young Lads not a million miles from where the gti’s been uh sort of abandoned and funny enough one of them is a lad that’s all over our briefings for doing car key burglaries and there were two Lads outstanding from the pursuit we had down the motorway the other day so I’d have uh I’d have some money on it being one and the same let’s have a look shall we officers have already arrested two Lads and the evidence suggests they’re linked to the stolen Volkswagen he’s got the Golf GTI key in his pocket I bet that’s the driver of the P from the motorway the lad in the back of the police car looks very familiar we had the pursuit down the motorway the other day in the 207 um obviously they got away classic khy burglar and are have a mortgage on the fact that’s the driver the pers that night out doing some more car key breaks the lad has decided he’s not going to come quietly he’s kicking off in the back of the patrol car leg restraint in these situations leg restraints are needed to protect both the officers and the suspect yeah we’ll have him we’ll have him a gesture that this lad doesn’t appear to appreciate do you spit at me mate you spit at me I’m not animal stop behaving like one then more accustomed to the driving seats of luxury German sports cars Mr gobby isn’t happy about riding in the back of a patrol van stoping people’s big all of you big all of you you all of you you’re car in your pocket you nerd you ugly bastards if flattery will get you everywhere this little charmer is going nowhere except the cells Mongol what are you clear just gone and done ni to bur mate with Nick to burglar is what we’ve done what Nick to burglar that’s King off get off my shoes shut don’t take me to Pride you ugly bastard James has had enough of this jial banter for one night I’m already on the run these are Delight you making friends done nothing wrong from the fact he’s got keys from stolen car in his [Applause] pocket along with the car keys the LS were also found with his fetching lady’s purse a pair of mole grips complete with a lock that appears to be missing a door what a week the stolen golf had been abandoned half a mile down the road from where the lads were picked up beautiful car is it still got some burgling kit in there aren’t they sadly the hot hatch hasn’t survived the ordeal and scathed that is from the roof of the car is it yeah and that I reckon they ripped it out looking for like the tracking box you have a look it’s all ripped out oh yeah they made of that mess of it see the red SOS button yeah that’s going to GPS the car AR it so they’ve nicked it just dangerous dangerous criminals and it’s a just a top result for everyone to get them locked up and get them uh if looking at some prison time so yeah Happy Days the silver Tong was found guilty of burglary he received 18 months behind bars and a 3-year criminal Behavior order his mate got 2 years behind bars for burglary no further action was taken against the [Music] passenger with over 800 knife crimes reported in Nottinghamshire last year the interceptors vaction a specialist team to tackle this modern-day Menace head on out on patrol today are Sergeant Steve King and Ken Tinley knife carriers generally will be carrying a knife because they’re involved in something else maybe part of organized crime groups or gangs and we try and deal with those issues as well so for example if someone who’s involved in drug Supply will’ll Target them and if you get them for a drug Supply then hopefully that will prevent them from carrying knife in the future as well really Steve is a big Jason Bourne fan and his favorite movie star is Matt Damon well he’s just spotted two more celebrities but this pair are stars of the morning briefing twoes we’ll go for a stop all right that bus yeah that’s you bad mate yeah all right bro you jumping down ready yeah you know what you know what’s happening well Steve Ken just want a quiet word but the lads leap straight on the defensive are we being detained yes you are being detained for what for what for what crime under the misuse of drugs act you’re being detained whilst I why I establish whether or not we’re going to be conducting a search I can’t do that I can’t do that if you if I allow you to walk off your your behavior is erratic there’s intelligence linking you to the supply control drug in this area therefore you’re both being searched I’ve just told you okay so you understand that just pop your no no no no I don’t understand that no you can’t expl let me explain it to mate you’re not rested you’re being I’m being detained for what what backup has arrived and not a moment too soon no no no no no no not all man don’t off don’t Ki off don’t Ki off no Steven Ken is satisfied that neither lad is carrying a knife but they’re both resisting the search so the Cuffs are coming out okay there’s active intelligence linking you to the sply drugs in this area there’s also a smell of cannabis emanating from you you smoking cannabis are you taking something today cuz your your eyes are like pimp Pricks mate what it doesn’t you it your mouth then do your do your fing go my bag do your do your little I will do do spin around for me just face my colleague touching me stop brother it’s touching me in crotch mate yeah I know you got you got some down your pant what do you mean got some down my crch out nothing down crotch you can’t touch me knob look it’s myob you know get my co out no no no no no no I’m going to show him that this loud mouth lad is adamant that he’s got nothing to hide but the game’s up for his mate so you got some cannabis down your pants yeah what there’s some cannabis down your pants I can see it I can see it is that all the sound there yeah we’ll just have to wait cuz it’s quite far down how old you how old are you 17 is there anything else down there just the weed yeah you know what this is it’s harassment isn’t it no it’s not harassment mate just ch look I haven’t got nothing go down my boxes I’m not going down your boxes I’m going around your I’m going down my w what can you get you know what I actually got nothing on there but you know you can’t go like this well how you got something down your pants Ken made another Discovery these not so smartphones are often used by drug dealers to do business without being traced so what concerns me you got two burner style mobile phones that you saying aren’t yours you’ve been quite click to declare they’re not yours iph broke at home and my M’s phone I just pH my mom on it like what’s your problem okay the lad reckons he borrowed the mobile to phone his mom there’s at least some canab down your pants so you probably going to be detained for a full strip search and we’ll need to get an appropriate well she’s about to get another call who is your guardian or who looks after you does she live house okay what’s where’s your house mate I’m sure all’ve been there enough I I’m just asking you I’ve never met you before is she in because he’s under 18 and he can’t be strip searched without his legal guardian we’re quite determined when we’ve got the grounds we’ll we’ll take people back and strip them if uh if they want to hide drugs in their underwear then that’s ultimately what we’re going to have to do back at the Nick motor mouth has run out of puff out dude you right boss calm down now but yeah I’ve calm down good man he’s fiercely denied that he’s hiding drugs all right we have to check dude cuz you have got something down there a you yeah but I haven’t that’s what I’m trying to say a strip search will allow him to prove his innocence once and for all just pull your trousers down but keep your boxes on right now spin around for me and just look down this lad’s got some class A in his pants Steve has pulled out a plastic bag that appears to contain class A drugs I don’t know where it was coming from well it was in your pants mate amazingly the lad claims he has no idea how the drugs appeared between his legs he’s got some cash stuff down his pants about 170 quid and then uh three or four wraps of dark substance which expect to be heroin um C doesn’t know how we Bend up down his pants um so we’re just going to search the other lad see what we’ve got with him and then we’ll make a decision about where we go with it and there it’s time for the second lad to strip off in front of Mom at no point should he be fully naked so we’ll do probably the top half first and put that back on then do the bottom half is that okay yeah absolutely okay that back on for me me the strip search revealed the lad did have cannabis hidden down his pants so both have been arrested for possession with intent to supply controlled drugs hopefully it’s been seen today the sort of proactive work we’ve been doing in the community that should make feel people feel a bit more comfortable more confident about the placing operations that are taking place and hopefully it it sends a message to these two and maybe the wider criminality that might be taking place within within Clifton that we are looking for you and we will stop you we will search you and we’ll we’ll make a rest where the uh where the evidence is there both LS were arrested for possession with intent to supply class A drugs and possession of cannabis they’re both still under investigation still to come a Look Behind the Green Door uncovers Green Green Grass we’ve got rain soaked roads cause a well oil driver to slip up stay up please Qui where’s the lad that was driving car he to one of his Beard’s asses I don’t know right and a disappearing driver demonstrates that romance is not dead when is he coming back and speak to us as soon as he bus a l nottinghamshire’s neighborhood policing teams are the interceptors eyes and ears on the ground they have supplied vital Intel on on the location of a man believed to be involved in organized crime and today the neighborhood units are revving up for a raid alongside the Tactical support group heading up the op is Sergeant Brian Blackmore with we’re just on a b of drugs warrant with NSU they don’t want anyone slipping out the back door so they’re surrounding the property they’re dropped off the warehouse has been converted into artists Studios we’re going through there let’s get that door smash through where the interceptors are hoping to find more than a pile of paint brushes the warehouse is a rabbit Warren of rooms and corridors this one’s just some by feet the team have found someone it’s all hands on deck stay there results they’ve got their man just confirmed we’ve got the only thing Sleeping Beauty here is going to be wearing right now is a shiny pair of handcuffs a quick scan of the building has delivered three more suspects the they’ve all been arrested and are headed off to the local Nick the warehouse is cluttered and full of hiding places Ryan’s got it I’ve got to say it’s one of the most complex because of the layout because it’s an original building and they’ve created little Studios and rooms within what wouldn’t have been there in the first place Sergeant Mark Southgate from the neighborhood unit is heading up the surge par party we’ve got quite a substantial amount of what appears to be Class A control drugs in the premises a substantial block there on top of the scales block of uh offwhite substance on the floor there with other individual wraps quantity of cash numerous mobile phones it’s a good a good hit today good result to speed up the search a police dog has been drafted in to sweep the building Baxter has been trained to sniff out heroin cocaine and cannabis give us an indication on the box and we’ve got reasonable amount of in there this big bag of weed would fetch an equally large price on the street the bad news for the dealer is it’s headed straight for the police incinerator and Baxter isn’t the only one sniffing out a monster Hall looks like it’s a kilo block of uncooked cocaine in itself it’s probably worth 25 to 40,000 but once it’s cut down into deals the street value is probably upwards of £100,000 so that’s a really good find it’s going to really hit them hard where it hurts in the pocket a good result this raid has delivered the organized crime Unholy Trinity it’s quite a good one one yeah guns money and drugs everywhere you go for Brian’s team the raid was well worth the early morning wake up we’ve got an excess of a kilo of cocaine in one big block package also we found different quantities of again cocaine in bundles somewhere on the scales there was mobile phones attached or linked to it quantity of cash just in that room alone there six people were arrested in today’s operation including their main target he has a previous history and organized crime in Nottingham area links to uh groups that have been involved in quite serious offenses within Nottingham Firearms offenses um so it’s it’s a big result for us to locate him here where he is actually in the room where the drugs are we can actually tie him to that they didn’t just tie him to it they put him behind bars when Sleeping Beauty had his day in court he was convicted of possession with intent to supply cocaine and received a 7-year custodial sentence the Interceptor Relentless mission to bring peace and order to the nation’s streets is a vital task but often a thankless one not everyone’s going to Li cuz I get that I used to get wound up a lot when they used to like call you all sorts and then I got past that but I think sometimes it’s hard especially when you’re a new officer and you’re not used to going to work and getting abused and then I think after a while you learn to ignore it cuz you know that they’re saying it to get a rise the minute they know that they’ve got you that is it they’ll carry on but we must be one of the few jobs where you go to work and you get abused and it’s normal it’s the early hours and Sergeant James Carrington and ktie Eustace are on patrol in the bmwx5 they’ve had a call to say there are five males all dressed in dark clothing with torches go down an Alleyway between a couple of properties the x5’s 3 l straight six and state-of-the-art four-wheel drive system allow the interceptors to respond to the call with blistering Pace have we got any more specific description on the alleyway they’ve gone down hold on a blo just popped his head out over there which one that one just there got to have a look going to poke Katie says she joined the force because she didn’t want to be stuck in an office all day I doubt she had disappearing down dark alie’s at the top of her wish list either about to be a massive F between two tax there’s trouble Brewing down the road you it you it these narrow streets only allow one car to pass at a time and a pair of drivers are locked in a nose to noose standoff one of you needs to GR don’t they move out of the way yeah see I think she’s got embro in some kind of Road R incident on the street that’s unrelated at the same time what’s up what’s up is the back of a seriously annoyed taxi driver he using Pakistani Pakistani language being abusive right he he’s speaking like racist unwilling to stare down an Interceptor the other driver backs down got to love it you got to love crisis averted James leaves the comfort of the X5 and joins K Katie in the hunt for the suspicious men no jo nothing obvious there’s cameras all over it there’s not more shouting going on it sounds like the dueling motorists are back hold on there’s going to be a horrible nasty fight so we need to move clocking the incoming inter interceptors the driver of the second car isn’t hanging around is it him doing all the sh yeah ta driver just trying to do the two-ton Beamer makes light work of the tight speed bump filled streets but there’s a problem The Runaway is also in an X5 but the police spec BMW has a high performance upgrade a pair of interceptors next right next right right right right The Runaway is recklessly racing through builtup residential streets ah down here I’m right they’ll be out in the buard but Katie knows these roads right the back of her hand I’ve got the car now Bingo yes yeah right fellas what’s your problem nothing officer what’s up cuz youve had a right Barney with that Taxi Driver why why have you guys behaved as you have who’s that these three Lads appear to be heading to a party so any of you insured to drive this car no none of us who was driving it then he’s go know cuz if you don’t come back we’re going to be seizing the car the driver’s seat is empty he could have made off or he could have just swapped seats where’s the lad that was driving his car got one of his Beard’s asses I don’t know right we need to fetch him back with the one cuz none of you is insur to drive it we’re going to be taking his car so you might they claim the driver has gone off to uh service his girlfriend his mate just told me that he’s not going to come out we suspect either they not insured or something’s not right with his driving license so we’re going to be seing the car the camera is it was it belongs to the car that’s what the plate says or am I guessing yes that’s correct no when is he coming back then speak to us as soon as he bus the Lo Katie and James don’t care what he’s doing if he’s not back in 5 minutes he’s losing his wheels he’s got his ring in him he’s there give him a second is it me right well I’m giv the car stinks of booze but alcohol isn’t the only stimulant on tonight’s menu are you enjoying that balloon is there something in there that’s that’s nice for you course is for nitrous oide lovely nitrous oxide is the gas used to anesthetize people in operating theaters it’s also a very popular but potentially harmful recreational drug inhaled from mitty’s balloon it’s legal to use but not if you’re driving we’re suspect that the drivers had a load of that nitrous oxide which would be why he’s done one and not wants to come back cuz it comes under that psychoactive substance stuff so that’ll be why he doesn’t want to come and talk to us right now might had a nice night with his misses but lost his car with Romeo nowhere to be seen ktie decides enough is enough time’s up been recovered been 5 minutes yeah at 5:29 minutes yes it has no it hasn’t it’s stops up your nitrous oxide you know what time it is w’t you believe it’s a chap called don’t call me babes I’m not your babes am I no you’re not you’re from with the tow truck on its way moving the X5 won’t be a problem on the floor not us but shifting this bunch of Charmers could be you’re going to see the well recovery cry wagon is not going to take the car you l in it is it on you get one up with the cars to come down yeah one of the cars start coming to wers I’m yeah but if we seize the car under Section 165 traffic act there can’t be people in it which means we have a power to move people from the vehicle to se the vehicle mate don’t act like a 5-year-old boy be stupid or don’t act like one then I’m not acting like one right well let’s not be stupid what I’m telling you is you’re going to sit in a car and go to a police go sat in a recovered car I am not getting out the car right well are we going to recover it and were you in it well it is what it is it is what it is just Katie and James know the ideal solution for removing stubborn objects hello boys apply just the right amount of muscle and if that doesn’t work the tow truck usually has the desired effect socks and Sliders classic psychotic drug it’s made for whipped cream psychotic you wouldn’t believe it would you psychotics really good job little wardens aren’t here is it the lads are now worried about the car the windows are open it’s raining and the interior is going to get trashed so if the car was to get damaged what who’s going to be liable for it he’s not come back to put the windows up ke it you took it it’s his fault you took it no no if if you can get the key off him great we can put the windows up he’s too busy he’s having a good time I’ll put but as if by Magic Hey the windows are up someone somewhere has got the key to this car but now it’s locked they can’t take it out of gear so it will have to be dragged onto the truck potentially damaging the tires and the gearbox we have tried to explain to them if it gets dragged on it might take some damage with a key it won’t they’re not [Music] interested this it sure makes pride and joy the part’s over for this rain soaked Trio interesting bunch of lads weren’t they to be fair animated I think the best ENT them at the end of the day the driver do not come back so we suspect he’s either Under the Influence or something we’ve got him off the street for the night at least bearing in mind he’s probably under influence of something cuz they S caboo as well so whether it be the recreational gases they’re uh enjoying some booze as well who knows but you got want some driving around in that state the way was driving through the estate and if he’s in that state it’s best we have him and his car off the road so ultimately this is a result it couldn’t be proved that Romeo was behind the wheel so no further action was taken however he did pay the recovery fee and collected his true love still to come he’s going quick is he he is a steaming driver runs off the road trash and straight into custody stay there behind behind your back behind your back behind your back thought how was he got around there that’s the answer he hasn’t it’s the midweek night shift in Mansfield and interceptors clarky and Phil are heading out on patrol well yeah it’s damp tonight the roads all wet uh but visibility is not too bad obviously we drive to the conditions uh the point is that everything that we do has got to be safe think we’ll be in good hands with Phil at the wheel I hope up ahead the pear spot a driver who appears to be in a bit of a hurry just going quick is he he is cred losing it on the bend the Nissan has flattened a metal fence remarkably the driver straight out of the car and making tracks stay where are please stay where are come here but clarky and Phil are right behind him behind your back behind your back now the interceptors need to get to the bottom of why the car ended up like this you polish yes so clarky breaks out his best polish youash not bad not bad okay Amor thespian clarky picked up his impressive command of Polish during a week- long touring production of M Beth just walking around pH hang on the driver may not have blood on his hands but he does have booze on his breath you been drinking yes yes spiritos some vodka vodka yeah okay come on on your head I thought he’d taking the bend pretty quick I thought how’s he got around there and that’s the answer he hasn’t I am [ __ ] I couldn’t possibly comment I am [ __ ] when was your last drink tonight oh ago about hour ago okay hey yes you know what what is most shitty in this situation what’s that my good friend yeah not drinking yeah offer me to give you a lift there’s no time for what ifs it’s time to put him to the test you know where I am okay well in big she will you give me a breath sample no I’ve been drunk I’ve been driving yeah and putting my brother okay thank you nice deep breath you blow into there nice tight seal blow into there keep going keep going keep going keep going stop there stop there stop stop stop thank you the driver might wish he had accepted that lift the results are in so the legal limit is 35 okay you blown 88 88 88 yeah so you failed the test I’m now arresting you suspicion of driving while okay listen to me listen to me I’m arresting your on suspicion of driving while stay with the prescribed alcohol limit do you understand that I working here okay you are okay what we’re going to do is we’re going to go to the police station we’re going to put you on an evidential breath test machine and we’ll see what the reason is there and we’ll take it from there thank you Matthew just have to shut this door okay thank you at over twice the legal limit statistically he was at least 30 times more likely to crash than a driver who hadn’t touched a drop look at this Devastation you know he’s completely driven at speed lost it on the band come straight through air there could have been a pedestrian cyclist it could have killed somebody it’s crazy if you want to avoid this don’t drink and drive simple this my first miss you have to learn from this I don’t ever drink drive again back at the Nick come on dread you’re all right Phil bxs in Nottingham’s happiest prisoner come with me go do the machine okay all right thanks cheers thank you and escorts him to their state-ofthe-art breath test Suite so if you want to take a seat if you sit down there for me please I feeling C good you accept it I understand that you’ve said that yeah take a nice deep breath and blow keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going the driver blew 88 on the roadside test stop there thank you the legal limmit is 35 right 86 and 83 we take the lower reading so we’ll take 83 so we’ll take you back to the custody Sergeant nowc me bless you if only every drink driver was as easy going as this fell take care all right see you later no problem you take care all right all right see you later byebye good thank you very much I know I make mistake I’m sorry no right main thing is you won’t do it again that’s the good thing no thing is you send me like that all right mate no problem thank you take care bye see you cheers it will come as no surprise that the driver pleaded guilty to drink driving and he also had no insurance he was probably less happy when he received fines totaling 47 and was disqualified for 20 months I um I thought he was going for me when we first started you know I thought it was up for a scrap you know when he first yeah when he turned the face off and then he sto same okay spee do in for for [Music] fore speech speech bye

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