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    [50 Minutes Footage of Cycling for JUST EAT]

    [Morning Shift as Delivery Cyclist for JUST EAT]

    [Cycling for Cash 💰 My Just Eat Debut]

    [Food Delivery On My Pushbike In STRONG WIND]

    [Authentic Realities Of Pushbike Delivery in the UK]

    [Life Of A Delivery Cyclist In UK]

    [JUST EAT | No Orders for 60 minutes]

    [Friday Madness: How Much Money I Made?]

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    what is going on YouTube Welcome Back to the brand new episode my name is Pavo time is 5:45 p.m. literally just logged on onto the system of just it delivering part time using my push bike no electric standard push bike finish off my full-time work hours and I have a Ultra quick power nap organize myself and I’m on the road my goal for today shift 2 hours 45 minutes is to make 30 lb let’s see how much money we can make if you didn’t know if you’re new to the channel location I’m going to be delivering today is bourou southwest of UK and at this moment I’m aiming to go heading to a city center where I’m going to be starting off my shift as I said 2 hours 45 minutes we got to utilize and it’s going to be a challenge to actually make those 30 lb being out this fantastic uh opportunity to just stay active basically and make some extra cash so again welcome back to the brand new episode of delivery uned [Music] [Music] I purposely chose a little bit com out from the house a little bit 15 minutes later than my shift was suggesting me to go but I had to organize myself get dressed get some coffee just basically organize myself at this moment I’m just heading into the horses common which is start off location yeah just waiting for the first order to come in as you can see the weather is fantastic 7:50 on my clock still nothing came in the air is really nice uh when I’m cycling obviously there’s a nice little breeze in the air in front of me you can see few restaurants but they close down as yet they’re going to be opening up soon uh as the evening progresses choosing a standard push bike no electric bike uh on the purpose just to stay healthy stay busy uh not wasting any money on fuel and all different expenses during the deliveries the orders are potentially guaranteed with the just itat up which I’m using today but obviously when it’s quiet it’s quiet it’s nothing you can do so cying around allows me to definitely save money and then not uh burning the petol basically if you are interested in more content like that don’t forget to subscribe to the Channel smash the like button and yeah ask me any question if you want to ask something more than happy to uh share coming up 6:00 p.m. we are delivering to until 8:30 p.m. but check it out those big buildings over here guys I am absolutely personally lover of those of this place it reminds me big times my city where I come from in Poland but if you didn’t know I’ve been in UK living close to two decades now even though you can still hear the accent I’m pretty confident with my English and I have no uh no limitation to communicate with any of of uh you [Music] guys check it out this nice uh entrance for the to the church never been actually walking underneath it and it was really nice but I had a quick break for the water Sip and yeah still waiting for the orders to come in just fall I will show you this uh nice old school looking creative uh building I really like that actually wooden structure over here and concrete over here quite interesting just for the full transparency guys can you see on my account big fat zero but uh on the top of it guys just want to emphasize I’m using my secondary phone uh in case I’m going to drop it always little tip from me always good to have secondary phone for the this kind of activities so you can drop it there’s no big Closs this is a Samsung S9 which I had a long time I don’t use it anymore I got my main phone which I’m keeping really nicely protected to avoid any um monetary damage but yeah just little tip for me get another phone switch quickly uh micro micro SIM card very easy to do uh literally slot in slot out boom job done and this way you can save money because you never know what’s going to happen when you bu bumped into something this is going to break the phone’s going to come down boom uh your money is lost but most of the phones obviously are quite expensive so look after your money look after your phone stay clever stay smart and have a secondary phone I’m super privilege guys I’m uh using my bike normal standard bike people just l crossing the roads without watching I could easily smash that guy he just never look left he just doesn’t care or maybe musicon oh crazy why would you not look left is the life not beautiful for you in front of me you can see a H Market eat drink shop one of those places I’m regularly collecting items from uh but at this moment obviously it’s too early a little bit uh the situation is still evolving I’m still waiting for my first order nothing coming in yet what you guys doing when it’s not busy let me know in the comment section I’ll be really interesting interested uh if you are push bike rider if you are moped Rider or electric bike rider I know what you’re doing you can uh just sit down and just do nothing but what you do when you using actually standard analog bike looks like guys I’ll be really lucky if uh if I will make uh 10 lb uh really difficult to establish what should I do but uh well what else I can do I just going to zip around and uh back for some aola there nothing I can do really at least I’m enjoying time outside the weather is not undecided today it’s a little bit cloudy a little bit sunny all mixture but yeah we are next to the pavillon again one of those places I like to be uh just hustling about around close by and just uh utilizing the time to explore a little bit of bourou as well for you guys show you a little bit here and there what I can do guys while I’m waiting for some action I can just stand in here just a little bit uphill and show you from the top view bourou uh beach side can you see it up there check it out those views guys check it out absolutely magnificent eh the beach looks pretty empty so far but it’s going to be busy that’s for sure during the weekend the weather looks promising especially on Sunday but check it out this upside down house over here take a walk on the SE ceiling and this is what they say you can sit down and obviously had nice uh beer or cup of tea or cup of coffee absolutely recommended this place guys if you never been in Born of highly recommend it this is what I can do meanwhile I’m waiting for some action as you can see you can’t really see nothing coming in yet just looking at my little microphone set which is separately recording a voice uh the time is showing exactly 40 minutes where we normally hit the start this red bottom just uh just to start recording and it’s been nothing happening since then so this is guys full transparency on the delivered un plug you can always count on 100% transparency exposing the full rough realities of uh delivery life of a Polish block living in UK so yeah guys if you enjoy this kind of content you know what to do smash the like button about there and then consider subscribing to the channel still guys nothing coming in on the system dashboard looks completely zero empty nothing coming in what I can uh do is just relocate myself from time to time making sure I’m pretty busy with movements I will be honest guys with you if I’m going to make 10 lb delivering today this evening I’m going to be uh surprised actually extremely quiet and surprising shift for me I’m really confused what is going on but uh there nothing I can do as I said just rolling around having good time and observing the world with this its beauty unique beauty I feel sorry for all Riders not having enough orders to cover their expenses but they still have to be riding around to uh trick the algorithm what I’m anticipating guys uh a little bit later on in the day uh late afternoon the everything start rolling in uh the business will come over we finishing 8:30 possibly uh staying a little bit longer I don’t really want to be honest I would like to have a nice long weekend but yeah let’s see what’s going to happen it’s going to be interesting one I’m always happy to share everything guys with you 100% transparent and openly let’s go Bringing you guys uh some interesting a little inside the BM of town footage just literally wait next to the McDonald’s and see what’s going to happen over here but as you can see some other Riders already waiting I’m not going to be bothering to be honest yeah it means I’m not the only one not having action going on it’s absolutely understandable I reckon everything is going to go just boom later on as the evening comes in more uh like in terms of time about 700 p.m. or something like that but uh yeah let’s see what’s going to happen next check it out this dry Riser Inlet quite interesting item over here check it out have you been guys using this in your life what year is that guys what you reckon what year is that what you guys uh suspect looks like a chop is looking straight into my camera coming up now guys 10 to 7 we still don’t have anything going on that’s pretty bizarre but uh I’m not going to be complaining about that let’s just move around and uh stick with uh what we can do rolling down next to the big uh big group of different restaurant where I’m potentially can have some order from but no nothing coming in yet busy man no not busy I’m not the only one zero orders last hour zero yeah okay okay one order yeah I’m doing you you on delivery right I’m on just it so yeah nothing but it’s going to get busy later on yeah yeah anyway have a good one yeah catch you later as you can see guys always good to have a conversation with all the all the Riders just a basic conversations beautiful evening lots of sunshine over there definitely need to fix my uh my gears in my bike someone the Riders sitting around doing nothing that’s crazy it’s not busy at all for now guys absolutely crazy this is the thing with delivery it’s very hit and miss sometimes it’s super busy sometimes is uh ultra quiet that’s really interesting you can really predict and push people to order food online Kenya all right guys I’m going to have my last 90 minutes of delivering which I didn’t do at all this shift and I’m going to go uh closer to the botom of town again and see uh if we can push some action coming in 90 minutes let’s see how much money we can make will we make any even 10 lb what you guys re I’m quite curious but this video is going to be released I’m going to be showing and exposing 100% guys what was happening what was going on in my head and sharing my emotions with you and just showing you a little bit of a internal dialogue of delivery right there let’s do it that’s nothing comen in guys what I’m going to do I can’t really uh handle the pressure of not having any casola coming in and I got some uh some huge drug with me which is just jokingly my normal coffee within the jar I’m going to just have it just in case something will come over still 90 minutes uh to come through uh with the shift but this is just normal coffee with my little jar just to be ergonomic in terms of [Music] space check it out check it out how quiet borou is uh 700 p.m. nothing coming nothing going on I’m literally hiding over here for a little while check it out this big seagull guys check him out hungry as crazy eh he knows when to uh wait they huge aren’t they they’re huge the country I come from they normally much smaller in here is they like chunky guys looks like this evening is going to be absolutely dead in terms of hardest but I’m meanwhile I won’t like to show you can you see this door in Bournemouth Gardens can you see it over there guys in um 80s or late 80s used to be Subway this way coming through down down there underneath and coming out on the other side and noways this been utilized as a storage to uh for maintenance guys working on the gardens but I’m going to go around and show you quickly when the ENT when the entrance no entrance the exit looks like in 8s and I’m going to attach some picture on the top so you can check it out yourself let’s do it so right there guys approximately over here used to be exit coming out in here with the stairs facing on the right hand side coming out so you literally go underneath and then coming out into the gardens yeah pretty pretty interesting if you are new generation so definitely this video is going to be unique and different since I’ve started my part-time treasure SL delivering life I came across this kind of uh situation where when you don’t have action going on for so long that’s really crazy but that’s really good guys cuz I would like to show you full transparency check it out I can’t believe it we got first order coming in can you believe it first order coming in paying 457 from yubu uh to uh very close by I’m going to accept this offer let’s collect it at least I know they sealed so I don’t have to be worried about spillage because I’m cycling need to be careful yeah but I didn’t know you guys s in them because I always have like a closed packages I can see through you know but now I can see it was very quiet for us today I’m just I just started 1 hour ago this is my first order it’s going to get busier later on oh yeah hopefully yeah we haven’t been busy this is my weekend job you work hard you do as well yeah of course we have to everybody sh of course yeah thank you very much I appreciate you all the best with the business see you soon I think this is actually student accommodation which is one of my favorite let’s do it so starting off with a yobu order bubble te uh two T’s in the in thein the order it’s quite interesting always willing I’m willing to talk to the business owners and just find out what the situation is in terms of orders it’s really nice uh I really enjoy that kind of process so what I thought guys I thought this video is going to be total disaster just me psyching around talking to myself but at least we got one order and I think from now the night’s going to be kind kind of warming up this is what I was anticipating anyhow but uh soon unfortunately we got still 1 hour to delivering for delivering but uh it’s not enough I don’t really want to extend my shift I really enjoy cycling but because I’ve been working today already finished shift 10 hour shift I’m pretty tired actually we’re going through the round bound and the right hand side doorchester house hello zo how you doing right thank you for coming down I appreciate it enjoy thank you byebye we are assigned to another one which is to pick up for McDonald’s but you guys know my attitude towards McDonald’s it’s paying pretty good money 604 for a double order I’m not going to be accepting this unfortunately heading back to bourou town uh closer to the hon area and let’s see what’s going to happen up there first order done I’m actually surprised this came in but but uh I think I feel internally there going to be unrolling from that point now as you can see I had a second order but uh no McDonald’s ah I’m going to say no thank you so I I want to say thank you very much for staying with uh me during that shift if it’s busy I’m showing you around if it’s not busy I’m showing you around full transparency on the delivered unpluged content let’s zip through the city center again High Street looks pretty quiet to be honest is nearly weekend maybe tomorrow he will get busy over here but yeah ORD wise let me clarify Financial uh status for you I got 457 of my bank account at this moment definitely quiet evening guys lots of riders sitting around doing nothing I think I was actually lucky to get disorder from yobu but uh it is what it is I thought something going on with my app uh today and definitely I was a little bit anxious if actually switching uh micro SIM into different phone affected algorithm and I kind of uh didn’t recognize me properly in the in the adjusted ecosystem I talked to few Riders and obviously looks clearly is not it’s not busy as yet but definitely we warm up later on but unfortunately I got still only 40 minutes to be delivering and it’s not really looking juicy and promising but it’s all good as a was emphasizing this is only my parttime job hustle absolutely enjoying these guys documenting everything for you so many different Riders around waiting for some action coming in that’s really crazy can’t believe it it looks like a the whole deriv system been shut down today so many riders around doing nothing just waiting and hunting for all this crazy all right TRS this is going to be it for this episode first afternoon and delivering for 2 hours 15 minutes and yeah I’m going to call it t night it’s nothing happening over there but I wanted guys document everything for you and show you exactly how the reality looks like uh having one income stream only delivering something I would would never recommend it showing you everything what I uh do in here bad things good things all um aspects of delivering life I’m definitely going to see you in the next episode hope you enjoy that kind of assertive and open episode with that being said enjoy your weekend or week depends when you watch this episode and I’m going to see you in the next chapter of deliver unpluged stay happy stay safe and catch you later bye for now [Music]


    1. I'm using scooter (Honda Sh Mode 125) and when it's not busy I'm just driving slowly in the city center waiting for an order. I have an unconfirmed theory that you're more likely to get an order if you're moving, not if you're sitting in one place.

    2. Great video mate keep up the grind. Last week for me was very unusual only 1 order in 4 shifts very terrible, thankfully this week better.

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