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    Check out Eddie Hall on YouTube ► @eddiehallwsm

    Shot by Markus Skaane & Sam Tuck, edited by Markus Skaane

    I tried to live like the World’s Strongest Man // 24 hours with Eddie Hall – Magnus Midtbø

    Music and Sound Effects: http://share.epidemicsound.com/vSnfn​

    Jesus Christ that is just insane I don’t think people watching this can compute how insane that is never never seen anything there are a lot of strong guys out there but no one’s stronger than Eddie Hall not only has he won the world’s strongest man but he was also the first person in the world to De with 500 killers and he holds a record for the strongest punch in the world 208 to see firsthand how it is and what it takes to live like the world’s strongest man I invited myself to Eddie’s home in Stoke to eat and train exactly like him for 24 hours and in return he would be eating like me a 70 Kil rock climber and spoiler alert this is going to be one of my hardest challenges yet but before we do that I want to announce today’s sponsor and that is nordvpn so normally when you go online you go directly to the website like this but with nordvpn you go through one of their servers where all your data is being encrypted before it’s passed on and the best part is that you can choose 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extreme for me it’s kind of up and down but I would say probably like 3,000 2,500 okay okay that’s not too bad it’s not too bad yeah half of what you or a little bit less than half of what you’re I mean that’s going to be a struggle for me and I’m pretty much half your size too so it makes sense so usually I wouldn’t eat breakfast until a little bit later I just have like a coffee or something oh I mean to be nice sometimes I would have like maybe just like a small sandwiches something there we go there we go was going to sit was going have to sit here with a coffee and watch me eat like a steak what are you going to have what am I going to have I guess so there’s something called the captain’s breakfast it’s like bacon sausage eggs Tomatoes fried bread all that it’s all like Old English foods that you need it’s none of the that gross or the nasty like the haggus black pudding black pudding or oh that would be the absolute worst I’m sorry it’s that’s I would I would no you wouldn’t have that I don’t believe that for a second that you I do I do Jamie how often do I have black pudding yeah a lot he a lot I don’t trust him it’s a superfood that’s what he says it’s a super food it’s Pig’s blood mixed with fat it’s it’s a superfood it’s so good for you um they don’t have that here right uh yes they do yeah yeah and then what would you have off your menu let’s see here something really you’re going to be nice yeah we could do a small breakfast I mean it just sounds very [Music] small so after this we’re going to go um fight training cuz I’m fighting I’m training for a fight yeah okay ready head back get a shower get changed and then we’ll go to a like a nice restaurant down the road for me oh wow it was quick one okay thank you I mean the size difference is uh it’s not as big as I thought not as bad as going to be yeah so it is rude to leave food on the plate in the UK it’s actually illegal just so you know it’s you get arrested if you food then I’m going to get arrested today that’s for sure I think I’m going to start with this I know that there’s no way around it so I need to take a bite of this so you can see from the texture that it’s pigs blood mag there we go get it in savor it savor it it’s lovely it’s not as bad as I thought actually huh you know how full do you think you’re going to be after this very starving you’re going to be still starving starving so now it’s um around 8:30 so really starting early mhm and it’s going to be a full day of training and eating right yeah Eddie’s going to eat like me I’m going to eat like him oh man that was fast you’re like a vacuum cleaner if we weren’t filming this I would have stopped eating now I think just my body is not used to eating this early can’t break the law mate that’s true got to eat it all about you how are you mate you okay you yeah good what is that picture of the um it’s the uh Jesus in his 12 disciples you didn’t finish though oh I must have missed that just domestic how ditsy of me I’ve eaten more than it looks um no no you’ve eaten like what 20% no it’s like half of this almost half of this three sausages all right let’s call let’s call it 30% 30% are you bowing yeah okay right well I devoured yours in literally 1 minute we have got probably a 25 minute drive now to the MMA gym uh and we’re going to train fight training for a good hour so we’re going to burn this breakfast stuff or it’s going to come out no man back [Music] up breakfast so are we going to be sparing today uh if that’s what you want to do well I would usually have cranber juice uhhuh when I run out so I’m on the apple juice this morning so litter apple juice that’s got to be gone before the end of the session I might throw up by the end of the session especially if we’re going to spar and you’re going to punch me maybe the hardest punch in the world potentially yes and I’m getting in the in the ring with him wish me luck after like a 2,000 calorie breakfast whatever I do you replicate it as best as you can yeah I’m like burping every like 10 seconds you feel that blood pudding in my mouth right I sense danger so how much does this like help not a lot really I have no idea what we’re about to do I wasn’t informed at all what we’re going to do today so I come completely unprepared right G what should we do get on with meate what exploring you’ve only got your left hand Ed Magnus you can anywhere in the body at all with both arms you’ve got both arms you can ED as hard as you want you promise not to get mad no I’m not all if I get a good I’m just if if you hit me in the head that’s like that’s on me isn’t it you shouldn’t be able to hit me on the head so I’m just left yeah I’m only he said he said Magnus I was and then I was flying Tu first yeah come on come on at least now I can say that I was SP of the world strongest man I don’t have to tell people about the dis V she got beat Ed up beat Ed up yeah all he can do is move and push you off lean on you okay hard as you can just go for me okay then this is a street fight if this was a street fight I’d be running that way get that good nice come on come on come on Street F come on Just sh your meses come on come on let’s go ni all right now we swap yeah I give me some of that apple juice oh you want something out here I would prefer water though makes me like a little bit sick this apple juice it’s better than nothing it’s a lot of fun though I can see why you got into this oh man I this is the thing I just enjoy it yeah I really do I’ve seen you through this on bigger guys than me they will fly back so okay so 10% first yeah yeah okay 30 yeah feel apple juice okay go back in it for me yeah 50 yeah 50 yeah let’s go up here okay go that way for me so we’re not facing a wall okay you ready yeah [Music] W I can feel my chest just like all the air was suck out of my chest if I didn’t have this this would be a knock if those ropes weren’t there you would literally just be you put you on your back you want to try one on me I could try one on you yeah but you’re not going to feel thing cool then so Eddie I think you want to be against ropes in case I just uh go for it how much you feel though nothing me do you want to try again let go you made me tiptoes lift up then okay it’s better it’s better yeah yeah I think my arm is starting to wear out try just planting yourself cuz what you’re doing is you’re sort of falling into me this leg’s going as well as this one you just want to turn this foot yeah yeah and then drop your body weight so it’s you hit with your weight okay hit with your arm H with your body that’s what the hips are for yeah that better yes straight [Music] away right that is fight training John thank you g appreciate the time as always man right I think well we’re done here so we’re going to we’ll head home have a quick shower and whatever but I think we’ll go for lunch next it’s are you hungry no not at all [Music] thank you does it hurt to give that away it hurts more than you know it’s like I’ve just given see you’re drooling it’s like just given my three kids away and the worst part is that I’m not going to even appreciate it 12 seconds later I can’t believe that was just a starter and that’s a full meal in itself no that’s your sod mac and cheese y careful the dish is thank you that doesn’t look too bad thank you sir there you go thank you thank you get it all in there so how many calories do you think that is and how many calories do you think this is um I’m going to say I’m going to say it’s quite decent actually yeah a th000 at least at yeah I’m going to say 1100 calories for that and this plus the potatoes that I just ate plus the potatoes um I’m going say an easy2 2,000 okay easy 2,000 [Music] yeah chewing is the worst like I just wish I could put it on all in a blender and just drink it you know I’ve seen people do that oh I have yeah because the chewing it’s exhausting you finished mhm I mean this is it looks like I haven’t eaten anything but keep in mind they just brought in the starter that was a meal in itself the starter was a starter yeah so I think I have a few more bites in me but but then I’m done like it’s impossible for me to finish this it’s not physically possible my goodness I’m very disappointed very disappointed there’s no dessert for you I don’t need any dessert that’s fine are you sure you’re done you don’t want to redeem yourself and just shows all it’s done no it’s not physically if I could I would but I’m not physically capable of eating this stuff okay okay we’re going to head to the gym now and I think we’re going to do a back workout cuz I know you’re going to have an insanely strong back you’ve got an insanely strong grip yeah so let’s just do some exercises to test those things true fashion for the diet I would have I would actually have two lit but you’re going to have one liter of cranber juice and that’s got to be gone before the end of the session so that is that is 200 calories calories okay I thought we’d start with some lat pull down this is actually a really hard machine to stack yeah so i’ be be really impressed if you TR it even though I know that’s like warm up that’s seriously impressive M that that’s well how much was that that’s lights your body weight that’s more it’s 82 kilos right 82 yeah so I with all that food I have today I’m I’m usually 70 kilos so this is 12 kilos more than my body weight yeah I’ve seen I’ve seen some big guys make 82 kilo look hard and that that look very easy so let’s keep let’s keep ramping it up so this is 110 kilos so that’s like my body weight plus 40 kilos all the way down still still warming up man that’s like 68 kilos extra added weight for me it’s heavy I don’t think I can do that I think you can I just myself a little bit then as well want me to help you down with the first one I I’ll see let’s see if I can do it myself then you haven’t got the body weight to pull it down have you okay okay come [Music] on nice yeah see I mean it depends on the form though cuz I’m used to when I do pull-ups that you have to be like really still and you have to pull it like straight down without using yeah with this you can sort of cheat the system a little bit can’t you pound-for-pound strength is a real thing isn’t it like yeah that’s the main thing in fing like obviously I’m going to be a lot stronger than you in my world yeah but pound for pound you are going to be a lot lot stronger than me I would imagine but yeah on on this sort of stuff it’s uh help you out get get it in cuz I have to finish this [Music] uh this is one of my favorite machines this is something in my prep for world strongest mind I did every single week religiously oh wow and I would fill the stack out I would get people stud on it like it was just one of the most enjoyable exercises as well keep leaving your camber juice line plac just trying to help you out you know get the calories in you know what I mean normally I don’t fart a lot but now I constantly want to fart I’m like is there somewhere I can go and fart for myself we’re in Stow cont Tren mate just let it go it’s normal it’s normal here it’s normal okay it’s like saying hello that morning right so we got five plates as side on now which is 100 kilo aside even though I’m retired I’m still super super strong on my back and there’s not I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone in this gym max out Max this out apart from myself really really okay yeah let’s [Music] go one more the honesty Magnus that is absolutely insane mate he’s matching me pound for pound here wow how can we fit more weight on say 240 kilos in total 120 kilos side yeah come on come on Eddie got it yeah W so Hammer Strength this kit is designed to not be maxed out so if you can max out a h Hammer Strength piece of of Kit pretty insane yeah yeah okay let’s go Jesus Christ three one more come on get it get it get it get it I mean there’s not the great Forum or anything but insane man have to go heavier I’m sorry you’re going to have to you’re going to have to we’re going to have to take one of the rubber 20s off and put two more of the steel ones on man I was hoping that we would just call it okay let’s count these up let’s count these up so we got 20 40 60 80 1 120 140 140 kilo each side jeez I’m I’m serious I’m pushing my limits here [Music] come on Ed oh my [Music] nice that’s good Jesus that’s good that’s heavy and you’re strong in this stuff I mean you’re strong in everything but this got out of everything in the gym I would say my back is my strongest Point even now like my back’s always has been ridiculously strong yeah okay yeah me oh but I’m leaning back too much and I was too heavy but you still lifted it man that’s the most insane thing that is just insane I don’t think people watching this can compute how insane that is 140 kilo per side 280 Kil in total for a a pull that’s just insane mate never never seen anything like that from someone your size ever in my life no really I’ve trained with a lot of strong men I’ve trained with a lot of power lifters and no one has ever been able to M like even get close to me on that that fair play man thank you fair play strong well hang on what time is it time is it Jamie I don’t think we need to eat something we just go swimming it’s qu 3 I would have usually eat again we ate like an hour ago go I eat I train I eat I train that’s literally my job I would usually have uh a steak three eggs okay and 150 g of blueberries to go with it blueberri is nice that’s yeah yeah so what you reckon should we just do the eggs and the blueberries yeah that’s nice yeah that’s enough you think you can manage that three eggs and blueberries three eggs and blueberries just cut the steak out yeah yeah okay so I’ll head home I’ll get some swimming kit and we’ll do theeg the eggs and blueberries okay yeah let’s get it you forgot your CR hope you weren going to oh is finished that now you can’t kept leaving it around the [Music] gym right and big go 4 P.M snackies all right three eggs and 150 g of blueberries you’re lucky very nice blueberries I love blueberries but I’m not going to eat for like a week after this this has been a brutal day I’ve never forced myself to eat before so this is very strange for me after this we’re going to go swimming I think a sink like I so much food in my stomach right now do you want to go in the tank yeah that’d be great yeah okay come [Music] on that was so much fun that was uh really cool uh yeah you’re good at driving this thing man yeah you got you got to be confident to drive this just get on with it like don’t don’t about the bush as they say you want to jump in and have a go okay so how do you drive this thing so just tap the accelerator now yeah [Music] yeah it’s a nice machine yeah yeah yeah feel powerful in this that was cool I cannot say I’ve driven a tank that’s uh not a lot of people can say [Music] that this is uh Edd’s son’s trunks so but they fit perfectly it’s good yeah yours are nice too with your wife uh was it a press in from her did you buy them I know I I anytime I’m out in public I have to wear my wife’s face on me in some way shap for right should we go for it [Music] yeah so you do this five times usually a and that I do that because For Fighting I usually fight five rounds yeah so this is a nice way for me to know I can go very hard for five [Music] rounds 1 minute 22 Magnus is doing it in boom 155 that was your fastest one yet yeah last one so what’s on the agenda now we eating well you said to me earlier that swimming builds up an appetite yeah you feel hungry not really no this probably the first time after swimming at that I actually don’t feel [Music] hungry it’s a big portion that’s a big plate so I would make a point to that right that is a normal plate okay I mean this is also a big plate it’s a big plate but that this is what I eat my meals off yeah it’s literally double the size of a normal plate and that’s yeah that’s just so I can fit my volume of food on I a big steak there 400 G steak mhm three big organic eggs 350 G of rice and 200 g of vegetables I’m actually like I’m not hungry but I can eat now the swim the swim really help so easily give the some of the food to the dog now sitting there waiting they happily take it I think though is a like many people’s dream to live like this you know be able to train the whole day eat really clean healthy I’m woming the dream yeah Lally man I wonder what I weigh now oh we should have weighed you before yeah done you feel satisfied at all no no no I could I could eat that as its full entirety yeah as well as I finished the meat I finished all my vegetables little bit of rice left a little touch the rice but I think I did a pretty good job you’ve ear your dessert no I don’t need a dessert I don’t need a dessert you’ve earned your dessert Magnus you can take it with you you know that this is like for a family right normally you get these small no no no no so this is this is half a kilo of yogurt I think uh I’m going to go to bed and I’ll sleep like a baby because never stuffed this much food into my body before well thanks for today thanks for cooking all the food and arranging everything not not a pleasure mate nice getting to know you and uh you shot me in that gym that was just incredible like the weights you were pulling on that Ro machine I said it on the other channel but I’ve trained with a lot of people for a lot of years and a lot of high level strong man no one’s ever match me on that pull machine and that was something else manes it fair oh that’s great that’s a fair play big compliment check out Edd’s Channel as well and uh we will see you next time


    1. it's kinda "regular" for stong calisthenics guys or climbers to pull that amount of weight

      for example: i'm 70kg+- and i do 3×5 100kg of lat, 3×5 90kg on pulley strict form

      Magnus it's a fkin Avenger, extreme strenght

    2. Holy hell magnus that is some serious strength, you look like you don't even know how insanse it is 😂 Eddie is right, it's no wonder he's so shocked/impressed that was wild

      Gonna start calling you anatoly 😂

    3. Eddie Hall retires from strongman for health reasons because its killing him to be 400lbs. 7 years later he's still eating 7000 cals per day and weighing 350lbs, for no reason other than he's too insecure to be any smaller. Dude is a moron.

    4. Mate well done with the boxing training but seriously tell Eddie not to train in that boxing gym until they remove the mould on the ceiling its a major health risk…not even joking…it will F your lungs

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