With all the chaos, upheaval, and elections coming up, what would an Ascendant Master have to say? You’ll find out in this channeled talk with Adamus Saint Germain, on the Elections, Technology, AI, ET’s, and where the world and humanity is headed today!

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    why does the world seem so crazy today would you ask adamus uh he’s he has a very clear take on it and then if I say it then people will get mad at me if he says it well it’s him I am that I am this planet is at this um challenging point do we go forward do we slow down do we go backwards are we pushing too fast uh with things like art arcial intelligence that it’s going to destroy us has St Germaine’s message been changing for 2024 it’s the hardest place for a soul being to come to uh Earth because you take on physical qualities and you forget the whole design of Earth and the physical Universe was to uh for the Angelic beings to understand the relationship between Consciousness and energy with enough light we don’t need to worry about will Consciousness ai go in the right it it certainly will we’re in an election year here which appears to be just in the US but there is a ripple effect around the globe without being America Centric how do we see that we’re really coming into the light when there seems to be so much uh banging together of a you’re wrong I’m right you’re not uh you have in the United States the elections coming up and it’s two old white guys uh and you go well why is that in this time of Enlightenment shouldn’t there be women and younger people and uh it’s well you know it’s putting the old upfront in the consciousness of everybody and most of them actually don’t like it they don’t like the candidates that are there that’s going to cause some big changes afterwards [Music] positive are you ready to shine the sunlight on your chest to the spirit shine shine bright [Music] wo he everyone welcome back I’m Michael Sandler your host on inspir Nation if you’ve ever wondered what an ascendant master has to say about 2024 the elections and everything going on in the world today then do we have the Crimson Circle adamus St Germaine show for you today I’ll be talking with Jeffrey hoppy author teacher Mystic and the Channeler of adamus St Germaine and that’s just what I want to talk with him about today about what we can learn from an ascendant Master to get through this challenging year so welcome back to the show Jeffrey are you ready to shine I am shining thank you Delight to be here with you I really enjoy our last show together it was uh it was so inspiring you know just I remember afterwards I was I felt like I was just glowing and happy and uh just love the work you’re doing thank you so much and and I I feel like brother and that’s not even a strong enough term so I used it in an email I sent to you in a capital B so it is so great to speak to you so I’ve got to dive in and the first question that I get to ask is has St Germaine’s message been changing for 2024 not specifically not like 90° uh turn or anything like that I I would say if anything he’s more emphatic that that there’s so many changes that are happening right now and it’s going at lightning speed I mean or light speed rather uh the you know the pace of technology is going so fast there’s not a day that goes by where there’s not some announcement of of some new breakthrough uh you know I I can’t even keep up with them anymore but the breakthroughs in Quantum Computing and the breakthroughs in uh the the understanding of uh the cellular networks and was reading something the other day of a new breakthrough kind of a Quantum breakr um where the some scientists are starting to theorize that the mind is really not so much a closed loop Network as they thought it was in the past that the mind is literally parts of it are going into the other Realms uh not only is it a Quantum system in itself that deals with entanglement uh you know as in as in metaphysics but they they’re starting to look and saying hang on there’s the mind is going somewhere else it’s not just staying within itself it’s communicating somewhere with something uh and they don’t they don’t really understand what Damas has been saying for a little while that first of all there are no thoughts in your brain uh especially my brain um but it doesn’t but that’s a good thing that’s a good thing because it allows you to hear better yeah no the brain is uh simply a processing device it has 80 billion to 100 billion neurons it has uh in the order of about 100 I’m sorry 10 trillion synapses at any given time you know little signals going on all around it’s a communicating with itself with the the physical body and the reality around it to a degree but in itself it doesn’t have any thoughts it doesn’t hold memory uh it uh doesn’t take up time or space which leads to the question where is it um and uh so he’s been he’s been talking a lot about that lately uh all along the lines that we are in we are right in the midst of the era right now of the human species evolving and changing into going into a whole new level of species hasn’t changed in hundreds of thousands of years and we’re in that right now so so what what then are you hearing what is going on and why is know it feels like like to me a quickening taking place yeah and it’s happening on several different fronts uh on on a more conventional front it’s happening due to artificial intelligence and the ability now to do things like implants in the brain uh body augmentations with uh replacement parts uh with uh that that are much much more sophisticated than anything we’ve seen in a long time to the point where you know in the coming generation or two for one the whole birthing process may not be as popular or as prevalent as it is now birthing may occur much more in the laboratory because you can isolate genes and you can isolate uh attributes of of your baby uh so less less birthing through the womb uh and more augmentation of the body more genetic work which uh could be good maybe not um but uh and then then in the mind itself more augmentation so that’s one route that is definitely taking place and and I’m not saying it’s good or bad because uh you know it depends on on your choosing you know if you if you need new knees why not get them you know uh but there there comes a level with everybody on a personal basis how far do you want to go W with like an implant uh into your brain personally I’m I wouldn’t do it um but the other the other school of thought along adam’ line is that you you don’t need to do all that what’s happening is you allow in more light more Divinity and that will naturally change start changing the body it will get you off of the old uh ancestral Karma uh you don’t need to do it through augmentation or AI you simply release it uh with your Consciousness uh along with that so much of your body so much of your mind mind is a byproduct of your ancestors your environment really actually not yours but the more Consciousness you bring in the more you realize what is yours and then you release that other stuff so he’s saying you know Society is going one way if you choose you can go another way you do it through light and Consciousness thank you so um I want to go there I want to go there with uh ad doas and how he’s seeing things I want to go there with um s so much maybe about augmentation and about just needing light and some ways we can do that however I’m looking at the world today we’re in 2024 we just had I mean honestly one of the m i I had no idea the Aurora Borealis was in Florida I didn’t look out the window but I was feeling the energy I had no idea it made it that far south they were predicting Midwest right known right but we’re having solar storms we’re having tornadoes we’re having human tornadoes right all these things and it feels like it’s by Design and it’s going faster and faster and faster and it’s boom boom boom boom boom yeah and and my guess is this is only the early part of 2024 are we in for a ride what’s going on well I would say it’s more even a decade thing that you know our entire decade that we’re in right now is going to be very very fast-paced and a lot of changes which uh you know can lead to a lot of a lot of collisions you know in your own within your own self or with others uh there’s there are ways to temper that and to kind of uh allow it to to take place but um everything is changing uh I think was 3 or 4 years ago in one of our Gatherings Adama says everything goes new on the planet everything not all at once but it’s it’s in increments Gaia is leaving he talks about this extensively uh so humans take responsibility well that’s just one thing you know and that’s the reason why there’s so much environmental um awareness right now and en environmental uh shifting that’s taking place you had the the um the solar flares recently uh uh number five you know which is the highest level that can occur didn’t do much uh damage to like uh cell phones or radio Transmissions but we could feel it here uh we were in the middle of a workshop and it just felt so intense it’s an infusion of energy that we’ve called for now what do you what are we going to do with the energy that’s that’s a whole another thing but a huge infusion and you have uh the banking system is absolutely changing uh and it’s not that the bank ERS are big bad guys or anything but it has to change we have a system that was started well over 500 years ago and and that’s in transition uh I mean you can look at just about anything and it’s all in transition right now I mean it’s amazing thank you and I want to go there and I want to hear what adamus has to say and then we’ll do we’ll do a channeling with adamus but um you you said something fascinating um and I loved it you said you know all of this energy came in that we called for yes can you tell me more sure there there are are enough um conscious humans on the planet uh at this point that you know bringing their light in that know that there is that next level uh something better for for all of us and something not just in this physical reality but we’re bringing in a multi-dimensional nature to our own Lifestyles and when this happens uh when when the light starts here uh it attracts the appropriate energies from other places in this case the Sun but it could be bringing it in from many many different places there is a huge release of old energies that were stuck in the earth in the ground of the planet from people being buried from old battles from a lot of old things that’s also coming up right now so it’s releasing uh letting go of a lot of old tensions old stuck energies but that energy then converts back to basically neutral and then becomes available to us in our everyday life with our new Pursuits it doesn’t take a lot of people to be uh to be conscious to be in their light to affect everything and but one important point of that that adamus is always making is when you are shining Your Light No Agenda uh you are simply Illuminating you’re not trying to say this has to be like this or people have to be like that or we have to act like this suddenly that’s an agenda and and it will bring in a a counter agenda for the most part but you know he talks about just sit on a park bench let your light shine that’s it and that illuminates higher potentials for all the planet whether it’s uh scientists in the laboratory working on new uh cures for cancer uh whether it’s people working out new ways to uh have Nations cooperate in a in a better way whatever it is but that light shines makes more potentials available well that’s like being the sun because the sun isn’t saying you I think I’ll shine on you n not today exactly exactly uh that’s a that’s a perfect example it’s just there and along with it is the energy to do it uh and we’re bringing it in right now uh it’s it’s happening and you know there’s somebody that uh isn’t aware of it you must be hiding your head in the sand somewhere because it’s so obvious it’s everywhere where and just the the technologies that are available to us uh whether it’s uh the the whole new type of car which I’m I’m not used to yet you know I still used to the old gas kind of car but everything computers and uh uh it’s mind-blowing you know I come from a generation I grew up where we had black and white TV and we had two and a half channels uh where where I lived in Wisconsin uh sometimes a channel would come in sometimes not and then went through the whole thing with uh with computers uh coming in in the’80s and and going from there and all the changes that have ensued I’m just blown away uh at at the amazing level of changes that are happening right now are you trying to personally are you trying to keep up on the technology side of things because you like me you’re let’s face it we’re geeks I I I can’t uh it’s it goes so fast these days uh I I look at things uh you subscribe to a couple things that talk about the newest breaking Technologies the ones that are of real interest to me uh particularly that uh that affect uh well artificial intelligence I’m fascinated by it’s it’s such a tool but it could be so destructive uh we use it extensively in Crimson circle now whether it’s for videos or artwork uh we use it for now uh doing summaries of any of the the sessions that we do we’ve incorporated into to our new website which is launching pretty soon uh it’s got a lot of AI search features in so yeah those things I pay attention to there’s some things that I just don’t get way over my head uh but it’s it’s fascinating what has adamus been saying about AI about uh sentience and about um a point at which AI becomes fully awake and aware and at that point is a little bit smarter than we are yeah not just a little bit a lot smarter um so what he’s been talking about right now is learn how to infuse uh so you’re using AI let’s say let’s say an art program uh I use uh mid Journey or Da Vinci and you know you don’t have to do too many prompts uh but what you do is you allow your your infusion of your consciousness of your light into that and you get amazing results uh he’s talking to us about now infusing into whether it’s a or uh well anything really I mean your own food that you eat or your house or whatever but that makes such a difference and ultimately with AI he says no they’re never going to have true Consciousness that’s only sold beings that have that uh he said they’ll be able to mimic Consciousness and they will absolutely be able to convince you that they have Consciousness because they’re scanning the entire internet and putting stuff together and giving you what you think you know you need to hear but he said in reality that it never really can however that said will be able to infuse it so you can have um be working on AI and it’ll be part you and part AI uh so that’s kind of the beauty in it I think I love that part thank you so let’s go from there before we do a channeling um Imagination you mentioned before the show that adamus has been talking a lot more imagination and when you’re talking about being infused with light to me light is is it’s not just a portal to imagination it is the carrier wave of imagination if if you ever took like um a laser pointer and you actually look at it you you will see that that that beam of light is three-dimensional it have little sparkles and things it’s an information carrier yeah yeah it is uh so he when he talks about his metaphysics and that’s my favorite thing of all that that he discusses but when he talks about metaphysics he he kind of makes simplifies it and he says Consciousness is a awareness nothing more nothing less uh and it’s your own personal uh awareness then the next thing is then energy uh that is communication it’s not a force it’s not electricity or anything like that it is simply a communication uh that’s energy then the next level that energy turns into light when there’s a desire by the human to do something and he said what is light he said it is Imagination and that that to me that was a mind blower I mean it was I remember the night he told me that I just sat there for a while it’s like holy crap I mean that is fascinating and when you take it out of context of things being like uh more I guess scientific and turn it into more poetic uh you know Consciousness is awareness uh energy is a communication light is Imagination boom it’s like now I begin to get it and I understand now how I can use it in my own life uh and what my imagination really is uh and then that imagination eventually causes uh and this is adamus physics uh uh he said imagination then causes uh gravity uh the light has a gravitational force once it’s called into service for us in our life and the gravity then creates time space matter other things like that it’s uh I’ve learned so much from him well this means and this is the first time hearing this but but I can I can R off of this yeah yeah if if light is imagination and where we focus our light is where we create um then at this point we are creating a world of gravity through our Focus but we could create a different world where there isn’t even gravity if you want to talk 3D 5D you know there are mongos in Philippines 70 whatever we want to call it but we can create a completely different world of completely different physics based on the light in our imagination yeah and he said that’s where the planet is going to he said ultimately we’re used to the gravitational force that brings things in holds them together which is good you know it allows you to composite reality it’s held together but there is equally gravitational force that some physicists called Dark Matter or dark energy and that’s the other side of it uh he calls it Atheon meaning you have the full spectrum of gravity uh going uh you know from holding it in ability to expand it and uh this isn’t just an doas uh conjecture it’s physicists have been looking at this for a little while saying there’s something else out there this this dark matter uh we don’t know what it is but we know it plays an essential role and it expands the universe instead of collapsing it oh I’ve been reading a lot about expansion in the universe recently in fact I was about to dive into an article this morning is the universe expanding or stretching was it an interesting title that caught me but I I recently this shows my level of geeking out was geeking out to uh Star Trek plasma drive and could we have a plasma drive and a plasma drive would be powered on Dark Energy yeah that is an expansive gravity rather than a gravity that draws inward it is something that shoots you outward exactly oh my life Linda was a Star Trek fan and uh so she loves all that stuff I I watched Bewitched I was when I was a kid and Genie but but yeah but uh no and it’s what’s happening is it’s happening now and what adamus is saying through all this is that we are right in the midst of this amazing change I mean not in the future not a carrot out there we’re right in the middle of it and it leads to a whole new human species uh whether it’s the mind or the body or our reality ultimately it leads to the ability to be uh that this planet will be multi-dimensional will be able to exist as physical beings and at the same time uh as uh as non-physical as multi-dimensional beings so when I’ve talked to him about this I’ve said well okay we got a lot of bad stuff on the planet we got a lot of people that um are in kind of a very low Consciousness what about them do they get converted do they see the light or whatever he says no actually uh what’s happening right now in the Dynamics is it’s creating a whole new place uh another Another Earth uh Dark Earth if you want to call it that these people would just wake up one morning they won’t know anything changed but they’ll suddenly be in a different place with the with their likes uh people that are energy Stealers and feeders and uh basically living in some very very low Consciousness then the rest of the planet can move forth and he he says this is all on its way look to you know no later than 2050 for all this to happen that’s a pretty tight time frame when you think about all the changes that have to occur so he mentioned or you mentioned that the last time on here and uh uh some people in our audience forgive me freaked out and they freaked out with with two key lines of thinking and and and one is the the whole challenge of self-help which is something’s wrong with me I must be broken because you ain’t broken there ain’t anything wrong with you but because of that line of thinking they’re wondering am I going to be the one left behind a and then B even if I make it this is this is survivors guilt even if I make and I’m not the one left behind what about the others who have left behind and I’m going to be heartbroken about that right and you know that’s a good term left behind I think there was a movie similar to that or a religious movement or something you know uh with the Rapture left behind but you know they’re not going to really realize they’re Left Behind they’re going to be in a world of their choosing where basically what it amounts to is energy stealing as long as you believe that energy is outside of you you’re going to be stealing and people are going to steal from you you release that concept and realize that all the energy is yours it’s all right there it’s not a universal uh field that we’re we’re all trying to feed from a big couch off uh all the energy is yours and once you realize that what what’s essentially happening is you’re realizing your own Divinity you’re allowing your own uh Enlightenment then there’s no more energy stealing it doesn’t have to be then that’s when your creativity comes forth that’s when you know uh you’re not um trying to appease some outside Gods you know by praying and doing the right thing CU you just are the right thing and like you said you know the what’s wrong with me mentality goes away and you realize nothing nothing at all now what do I choose to do as a Creator ultimately it’s compassion whether it’s uh a person on the street corner a beggar a homeless person whether it’s those who stay in a very old world of their of their liking you know where there’s a lot of Darkness we have to have compassion for them they at they are choosing it it’s not being inflicted at a soul level at a Master Level and a human level they’re choosing it for their experience we’ve all gone through it uh I mean I say every viewer here has gone through that their own Darkness uh by choosing uh and having lifetimes of poverty or illness or um emotional distress or whatever that’s the suffering unfortunately has been part of the journey then you rise above the suffering you realize you don’t need that you can be abundant you can be happy you can be healthy and it’s not all that hard uh it really is not but yes I saw some of the I saw some of the freakouts from from the last interview you know the people you know in the chat room and that and I love the chat and I do try to read as much of it as I can because there’s some amazing comments and really good insights and perspectives thank you and if you’re watching this during the premiere we love you we love you we love you and keep it up yeah so the last big topic to cover before we we go to adamus here and and then sorry my mind is is is back to the RV because you had it almost sounds like a childhood dream of driving a truck around so after we’re done I have to show you the truck oh good good good um Galactic um Galactic family we we all get wrapped up around oh that’s that’s this weird stuff this is spirituality that’s something else but it’s coming what have you been hearing about um being welcomed into the galactic family or actually having uh there’s not a correct term extraterrestrial implies that it’s something out else sort of like the poers outside of us and that ain’t it but when when are we going to um do you feel we’re going to have contact or we’re going to be uh living in Greater rapport with those who may be watching us from a little bit more of a distance at this point I’m I’m going to defer on that one if you don’t mind would you ask adamus uh he’s he has a very clear take on it and then if I say it then people will get mad at me if he says it well it’s him uh he has a very interesting take on it a lot of people don’t like but uh but I do encourage everybody to listen to what he has to say about it uh to me it makes sense uh but if you wouldn’t mind ask him not at all so on that note unless there’s anything else you want to share beforehand um let’s um uh uh set up energy ically and well actually one question so we’ve been talking about adamus St Germaine and St Germain why is adamus St Germaine adamus St Germaine so we can set the table properly for people here today sure uh first I for 10 years I channeled Tobias uh who had been a father of mine in a in a long ago lifetime uh he left uh and then adamus came in and took over uh or St Jermaine rather St Germaine announced in the very first uh channel to to our group that he was going to go by the name of adamus St Germaine to separate him and what he was working with us on than the old St Germain like Channel by Guy Ballard or others nothing wrong with that but he said I’m here for a specific reason uh I don’t want it uh I don’t want other people channeling adamus St Germaine they can Channel St Germaine all day long I don’t want them channeling adamus uh and he said I have a very specific message and uh he calls me calra has a huge responsibility in getting it right I don’t want other people doing it he said I’m going to be here for a specific period of time we have a lot to cover and I don’t want to distorted uh so he’s using that name adamus which kind of ties into the Adam Cadman I always think uh the Adam Cadman template um but he’s using it to differentiate it’s also the big difference is adamus isn’t just St Germain it’s uh it’s everybody who Tunes in it’s when we do a monthly our monthly webcast so it’s all those who tune in it’s me it’s Linda it’s you uh it’s everybody who Tunes in so it’s kind of a group energy a collective uh per se and so I always say to people if you listen to adamus channeling if you really listen you can hear your own voice in it because you’re part of it so we’re coming together to create this this beautiful thing and uh so that’s why he goes by and he prefers Professor adamus oh wow yes but no and I I uh at first it kind of took me by surprise But as time has gone by I’ve realized the the beauty of that because he’s so unique you know and it’s his message is so different very different than Tobias very different than most things you hear out there and before we bring him in he he basically said back then he said I I’m not messing around here uh my goal my desire is to work with those humans who are truly ready for their realization I will kick their butt if I need to I will be provocative I’m not going to mess around we don’t have a lot of time uh and he said I don’t care if it’s five or 5,000 or 500,000 but that is what we’re doing and I want to bring those people to their realization so they can stay on the planet to radiate their light at this what he calls the time of machines oh I’m going to is is is it Matrix 4 where he stole the term the name of his company was dece Machina oh uh yeah I hadn’t thought about that well he D said he wrote St Germaine wrote a book back in his last Lifetime on Earth in the very last years and was called time of machines where he time traveled from the late 1700s right into well actually he landed in 2020 uh and he calls at the the time of the machines because that’s all he saw around and he talks about our looking glasses which are our cell phones he said I was amazed everybody’s walking around looking at their palms and uh it’s a beautiful story HG Wells I haven’t read it yet his last Masterpiece which I think his publisher or agent asked him to bury and not publish was about predictions going into the future to this time period where there was fact machines and then there was internet and there hadn’t been like an Eiffel Tower yet and all of these things but there was no um there’s no basis for understanding it hundreds of years ago and and he was basically describing the time of the machines and I’m like I wonder if he was channeling that same energy that you’re channeling well I wouldn’t doubt it at all because you know if you uh imagine into the future uh it’s nothing but a series of potentials but there are certain potential stronger and you land here and suddenly you’re surrounded by a technology how do you describe how do you go back to this late 1700s and say Well everybody’s got this little device that works on electricity and they’re like what and you can you can do all these you can communicate with anybody in the world at any time and you can watch movies and you can uh run complex mathematical formulas and you can play games too um so there just there was no basis for it but uh that so yeah he calls it the time of machines what we’re in right now and with my two-year-old there’s no un basis for it I can’t unlearn the fact that she already knows how to use a phone from the time she was born we can call it epigenetics we can call it energy in the field she was born with the ability to work with the machines uh it’s it’s amazing I’m still working at it hard enough time with it but uh yeah it’s all fast you know it is so fascinating I just wake up in the morning and go oh my God we got another day now of living in this rapid Evolution and you know sometimes I wonder can I remain stable and balanced uh particularly with the work I do and what’s going on all around but there’s there’s some pretty simple ways to do it oh give me one simple way and then let’s let’s dive into a chanting but but before we do that I’ve got like as an example I’m setting up a a digital a digital uh what do we call it rearview mirror in the mini that we’re pulling behind us I just got this device in which can watch the baby or the kitties at all times while on the RV and let us know the temperature in the RV and all sorts of I have so much technology that just keeps coming in here’s how we can make your life easier here’s where we can bu get better I’m not scared of it I’m I’m doing my best and and I am both spring chicken and not uh I have a a a masters in computers among other things and I’m a spritely little you know 53y old here right right you and the next thing you know you’re going to be trading an in for a self-driving RV uh you know and and and it’s got a little robot inside that’s doing your cooking and your laundry and everything for you and I mean I’m not kidding that’s right around the corner I’m okay fascinating yeah the car I’d still like to do as as as Hana be says drive drive you know there’s still that that fun enjy but if somebody wants to drive me in the RV and I can kick back on the couch I’m okay with that not a bad deal yeah I’d be too nervous I’d be like okay artificial intelligence but what if I get hacked uh driving along so anyway uh so as we transition with Adamas I’d love to bring Linda up here to do some breathing while I get it uh ready and just ask everybody to breathe with her by the way you said what do you do to stay balanced two things breathing and allowing allowing means you open up and and get out of your brain of all the mental activity you just allow it’s your divinity you’re allowing so that keeps me balanced okay Linda’s going to come on uh on set here and do some breathing okay and next thing after Linda will be Adamas hi Linda Hi how are you sir big hugs great to be here thank you thank you are we ready okay so with that please let’s take that good a deep conscious breath get comfortable and let those energies flow with each breath it’s that Breath of Life Breathe Into the Heart of you it’s that breath of allowing take that good deep breath feel it flow with it breathe with presence breathe the I am that I am I exist take that good deep breath open to all that you are oh and adamus is here he’s here breathe him in if you like he’s there for each of us always Breathe Again in honor of yourself and all that you are be that good deep breath I am that I am professor adamus of sovereign domain uh Delight to be back with you here Michael uh delight and just a few opening comments before we get rolling I hear you talking about the future what’s ahead uh and best not to look at it the future but it’s what’s happening right now and just continuing to unfold but I did want to add one more thing to it uh in addition to technology to really every system on the planet changing the weather anything you could think of uh we have another important thing that’s happening right now and that’s the evolution of Love on the planet uh love is has been unique to the planet Earth uh it was first experienced here not not off in some other realm it was never known to Spirit uh it was never known to your Soul prior to you experiencing it here you could say it’s earth’s greatest invention love is that deep deep desire for uh for acceptance for for compassion for for True um the ability to truly see yourself for who you are and therefore see others love is not that old some people think love has been around since the beginning of time I I say based on my experiences and insights that love on this planet is only about 5,000 years old it wasn’t even mentioned uh in the Bible until Genesis 22:2 uh but other than that it wasn’t the very first page or the very first sentence of the Bible love is relatively new on this planet and it is a true G great gift it’s a gift that uh your Galactic beings uh are fascinated with they they want to come here to find out what is this very unique attribute that we don’t have and they come here and and probe and watch and View and they they try to find where Is The Love is it is there a little place in the heart is it uh is it in your brain is it some other places in your body uh and the fact is it’s not in any of those it’s love is a as a form of Consciousness ultimately so what we’re having right now with all this infusion of light that’s occurred since uh particularly since March 22nd 2023 is now the evolution of love where it’s not so much anymore about just between two people or more but an evolution into self-love now self- Lov is one of the most difficult things one will ever do it’s easier to love another but coming to the love of self total acceptance uh total Clarity a total compassion for oneself I I would say that movement into self love what what I call love 2.0 on the planet is as big or bigger than even AI uh AI is huge it’s affecting everything right now but there are humans on the planet right now small number but uh humans on the planet that are now naturally evolving into love 2.0 that will have more of a impact on this planet than anything I I’ll go so far as to say is it’s essential to have that as AI is being developed and and deployed without that element of real love uh AI could be off balance it could be used for Destruction for power for greed all the things that humans have worried about but now you’ve got a balancing energy uh both the the light that’s com into the planet Consciousness but now that light evolving into love 2.0 uh selflove so uh that was a dynamic that colle didn’t mention uh in your opening comments but I felt was very very important for every viewer to understand and it’s not anything you can necessarily go out and study uh you can learn a little bit about what it is but ultimately it’s about allowing it and allowing the natural course of love in your life to evolve into love 2.0 thank you and thank you for being here uh before I get into the big picture questions that where where I feel called to go to how do we find feel allow selflove when well I’ll go back to myself adamus I’ll go to myself oh gez I don’t know 23 years ago I just watched a Dr Wayne Dyer special he was selling the whole enchilada on NPR or or on PBS and I went home and I put myself in front of the mirror and I said I love myself and I swung around grabbed the shower curtain rod snapped it in two smashed the mirror smashed everything in the room I could and was filled with such hatred and anger that I could even say that to myself how do we allow in something that may have such blowback to so many of us humans carry around a tremendous amount of guilt and shame that’s the one thing that’s keeping most viewers here from their own realization uh tremendous amount based on past lives this lifetime but then it goes beyond that it’s the guilt and shame of being here in the first place of getting stuck on this planet in this reality of going through incarnational cycles and not being able to get out of them not to be powerless guilt and shame for things you think things you think you’ve done and what’s amazing you don’t realize they don’t realize it yet but so much of what you’ve done that you think is wrong if you really were able to uh see the whole picture it wasn’t at all the Mind remembers a sliver of it a little bit of it and then it Associates guilt and shame and that’s all you remember from an incident uh let’s say you harmed another person in some way and then the person the the human insists that they’re bad and then what happens is then their light and their energy comes in to support that belief that they’re bad so now you have this whole progression of things ultimately it’s coming to the point of saying no more I’m not going to do this anymore I’m not going to beat up on myself I’m not going to carry around guilt and shame everybody has within it what I within them what I call the dragon the dragon is the thing that uh when allowed free reign of your house of yourself it’ll come in and find all the garbage and help you get rid of it but it tears you apart or at least it feels like that it’s about releasing the guilt and shame of anything and some people just can’t do it they insist they say well I can release 80% but there’s things I did I just can’t release it would be uh irresponsible it’s actually not because when you release those things and CER is asking me to explain where do you release them what do you do with them you basically turn it over to your Divinity uh Tobias uh dear my dear friend Tobias said a long time ago your darkness is your Divinity it’s the very thing that will take all the crap all the anger and hatred that you have towards yourself and ultimately others and take it and and eventually turn it to wisdom and turn it to love so you’re not turning all this stuff over to like some unknown God you’re giving it over your to your Divinity which understands it much better than what you do when you come to this point of releasing all the guilt and shame saying no more I’m not going to continue to go through this cycle after cycle of thinking I’m doing a bad thing or or trying to um atone for it to amend for it and and nothing changes you know I I go through all the rituals of releasing and cleansing and nothing seems to happen uh when you get to that point of absolutely no more I’d rather die I’d rather go out of existence than do this anymore then something really starts happening and you eventually learn to Rel all that and at that point you start to realize that selflove you start to realize the beauty of yourself the amazing journey and this isn’t just mind thought you know like oh uh you know this is all amazing and life is wonderful uh that that doesn’t work but you feel it in you it’s a sensual feeling of oh my gosh that this is I am light uh this is beautiful and I’ve been living in this uh kind of a twisted world in in my own mind for so long and I I really came to believe all this crap and then you let it go is everything going on in the world today is it the guilt and The Shame of the collective human consciousness why does the world seem so crazy today it’s crazy U first of all because there’s more people uh secondly because there’s more light uh the light is like uh annoying all that old stuff that’s ready to be released you know literally the the light coming into the planet is helping to release uh those who have been buried in the ground forever uh the energy when one is buried in the ground uh a part of their energy literally stays uh in the casket in the ground when there are battlefields uh Wars on certain places uh we have Civil War battlefields not far from here yeah oh there’s tremendous energy there if you want energy spikes go to an old Battlefield because you could they’re still living it out uh when a battle ends it doesn’t end it’s still taking place in a interdimensional space but still literally in that same location um because people just continue with this and you can go you can feel that but right now these old stuck energies can’t uh continue to do that they’re being evacuated uh cleaned up let me go there one more time and then then please continue uh I live by uh St a Austin which is famous for having been burned down several times for SE for massacr of the French massacres of the British massacres of of the indigenous First Nation people and I literally swim uh every other day in what I call the greatest swimming pool in fact people now call me the channel man which is kind of odd uh for swimming in this channel which is called the matanzas river or matanzas Inlet uh which means um uh Slaughter or uh almost genocide would be a definition of this the energies in town of St Augustine feel overwhelming I a lot of people love it I can’t it doesn’t work for me are all of these energies coming up right now everywhere to be cleared is that what you’re saying and is that why we’re feeling this yes they’re coming up everywhere uh and they don’t come up all at once but I I would say you know over the next uh cous double checking me 15 to 20 years these energies have to come up from the earth there’s too much light now it it’s forcing stuck energies to get unstuck or go someplace else and you’re you’re going to feel it if you’re a sensitive person if you’re an empath you’re going to feel it uh you’re going to feel more ghosts and Spooks around you than ever before they can’t do anything but you’re going to feel it will we also feel the reverse I was swimming yesterday and and I had called him in just a couple days before and yesterday was the miracle day where I heard it I popped my head up and then a dolphin jumped to my left shoulder about 20 F feet away which to me is is this higher level of Consciousness coming in this rising up of the light that’s starting to be all around us yes uh and it does it it starts popping up it starts percolating everywhere uh but there’s a lot of uh people forces that don’t like it uh organizations that don’t like it they they don’t know exactly what it is but they’re holding on to the past and they’re going to continue holding on very very tight and even if they do it’s eventually got to open up uh there there is that’s a beautiful thing and I’m admiring looking around uh there’s so much light on the planet right now and it’s shifting and it doesn’t when I say light it doesn’t mean that you have to act a certain way or just because there’s light means you need to be a vegetarian or to uh to wear white robes or anything like that it’s nothing like that it means there’s more Consciousness awareness than ever uh and it it’s going to continue it’s not going to stop the Earth will not go backwards in terms of like what happened in Atlantis the Earth is not going to fall apart there’s going to be some days that maybe it seems like it’s going to but there came a point uh in 2007 where we reached the planet reached the point of no going back it was only going forward uh at that point and yes it can be difficult rough at times on a personal basis you start experiencing a lot of your old stuff coming up doesn’t need to be there anymore but yet part of you wants to hang on to it identify with it but there’s no going back thank you so we’re we’re we’re yet I’ve heard you describe it before as a balance point and and it’s a very close one way or the other and it sounds like that the decision has already been made which way we’re going to fall if that’s even the right term however we’re in an election year here which appears to be just in the US but there is a ripple effect around the globe without being America Centric um what is going on what is this this um what is this Duality we’re experiencing what does the election mean and and how do we see that we’re really coming into the light when there seems to be so much uh banging together of a you’re wrong I’m right you’re not even human you know it’s it’s a lot of old holding on to the past now you can have a per this is interesting but a person that is uh Progressive that has light and awareness not Progressive politically but within their being and at the same time they’re holding on to old stuff uh so you can have it you know within yourself you can have it within political systems or corporate structures it’s not just one or the other but you have opposing forces within yourself they’re not I don’t want to say they’re battling but the the old is trying to hang on it’s trying to saying uh we still have more to learn we have to go back to the old ways to do things the the other side the side of more awareness is saying screw you you know we don’t need need to keep holding on to the old things that’s the thing that’s making it painful and and suffering so you have about 30 countries right now in the world that are all going through the same general type of Consciousness with the elections as the United States it’s it’s the old versus the new and I’m not saying liberal or uh conservative or anything like that uh now you’re getting into the the specific politics but do we go forward do we slow down do we go backwards are we pushing too fast uh with things like artificial intelligence that it’s going to destroy us maybe we should go backwards maybe we should get rid of computers alog together or at least start going really slow so it’s kind of um this debate that’s going on with the elements you know where do we go but eventually it goes forward and with enough light we don’t need to worry about will Consciousness ai go in the right direction it it certainly will uh so the planet is not just the US planet is at this uh challenging Point uh you have in the United States the elections coming up and it’s two old white guys uh and you go well why is that in this time of Enlightenment shouldn’t there be women and younger people and uh it’s well you know it’s putting the old upfront in the consciousness of everybody and most of them actually don’t like it they don’t like the candidates that are there and that’s what you have right now but that’s going to cause some big changes afterwards uh you know Define positive um ultimately yes but going through the process is difficult there could be a lot of civil unrest it’s not necessary but it’s what humans often resort to you know when when they’re not getting their way uh you you have a lot of commotion going on and the important thing I want to remind every viewer here it’s not yours unless you want it to be but it’s not yours you’re going to see the world in a lot of turmoil uh it’s not going to blow aart in the end but you’re going to see a lot of turmoil a lot of changes it’s not yours um Tobias talked about standing behind the short wall observe it be the Observer of what’s happening around the planet right now you don’t have to go out and bear arms you don’t have to go out and bear protest signs either it’s about observing it and just letting your light shine uh that’s the most important thing right now when you say let your light shine and and uh uh Jeffrey was saying earlier about light being imagination is one way of of looking at let your light shine to Envision a new future Beyond this on the other side of this of what is possible for you for me for all of humanity Envision for yourself not for the planet Envision what you choose for yourself the moment you start entangling with envisioning for others that’s where we all get in trouble if you envision Michael for yourself not detailed descriptions not a not a business plan not not a uh even visualizing it but the greatest attributes you feel into them it’s Central joy and Harmony and uh fulfillment things like that abundance top level things without the details your imagin a and your like go to that and it eventually brings in the energies that manifest it don’t worry about the details uh humans always want to start at the bottom up with the little details and build up energy Consciousness don’t work like that you imagine the greater concepts of joy and Harmony and love with yourself forget about the rest of the planet you do it for yourself and what happens now is you are in the process of creation when you do that imagination then becomes creation you don’t have to worry about the details you dive into that and experience now what you’ve created you don’t precreate all the details you dive into your Creation in amazement of what you created it’s the whole journey of coming to Earth that was all imagined beforehand without details why did we choose to come here and particularly come here now at this very we’ll call it uh energized time the whole design of Earth in the physical Universe was to uh for the Angelic beings to understand the relationship between Consciousness and energy uh that’s why all this was created in a very slow down visceral way it’s actually quite amazing if you look around you at the solid nature of this reality it’s actually quite beautiful uh I loved in my lifetime I love Stone and wood because they’re so tangible uh ex exactly you know it’s beautiful because as an Angelic being you knew no stone you know everything was you know you have some dreams at night and they’re kind of hazy and foggy and then they shift and change weirdly and that I’m not saying that the other side is like that but it doesn’t have the defined beauty that you can look at in this reality doesn’t have the the the stone quality uh so to come here is really kind of cool uh it’s when you want to leave and then you think you’re trapped is when you get into trouble but uh the um it’s a beautiful journey of ultimately understanding Consciousness and energy uh for the reason why here at this lifetime there’s many many reasons because you have many many viewers but one of the big ones is to be here right now uh for your Awakening your realization and to stay here at this time of the machines it’s it’s uh the harder part is the realiz ization Awakening comes naturally realization can be a tough Journey staying here to shine your light is pretty awesome other than part of you says why am I still here you know I’m done I’m realized I can Ascend now uh and I’m I don’t need to be coming back know there’s days where the energies are overwhelming uh it affects your body and your mind and you just want to want to leave but ultimately most of you say no I want to be here to go through this historic thing that’s happening on the planet Not Just Happening Here the implications go everywhere in creation can you share more about that and then I’d like to double back to what does it mean realization or to be realized but how does what takes place here on on tiny little Earth uh have those ramifications everywhere true uh yeah so it has huge ramifications uh humans look at Earth as you know they just this little speck in the cosmos uh it’s a reflection of their own um Consciousness it’s not just a tiny little speck it has the attention of uh not only other places in your physical Universe it has the attention of other places in the cosmos non-physical places it’s the hardest place for a soul being to come to uh Earth because you take on physical qualities and you forget uh who and what you are it is the the toughest obstacle course so it be the difference between uh joining the Navy and joining the Elite Marine Core unit uh one is a little bit easier Duty it’s very difficult coming here yet from here you can learn more about yourself you can learn about Consciousness and energy and one of the N unknown benefits uh back when Angelic beans started coming here you discover love it was love was never existed back in the other Realms it was only here on Earth and I contend that it’s actually only become prevalent in the last 5,000 years so as a bonus you get to learn and experience love first for another and ultimately about self so what’s happening on this planet um is being watched by all there are other civilizations out there but you might even call them more advanced but the they’re they’re more maybe mental but they’re they don’t have the heart uh of humans they don’t have the Poetry uh you know the literal poetry but the poetic nature that humans have here they don’t have the music some of some of these Advanced civilizations have no music whatsoever to me that says everything about a civilization uh some of them um you know are are don’t have the physical bodies and they don’t have the ability to appreci appreciate food for instance uh some of them are very rudimentary there’s this concept that humans have that I one moment I laugh at and the other moment I vomit at is we’re these little insignificant beings in this little planet and there’s all these Advanced civilizations out there it’s simply not true it’s simply not true there are others that have some interesting attributes but there’s nothing like the human heart uh there’s nothing like the human desire and and uh endurance uh of anywhere the ones that will eventually come here uh to quote unquote visit uh the advanced ones that will come here are nothing more than yourself from the future that is it there are not some other beings from somewhere else that are smarter and brighter it is you finally meeting yourself from the future because you realize there actually is no time you finally connect with yourself in a Timeless way and at first it appears that they’re beings from somewhere else they’re not it’s simply you do you have any idea when that will happen and how will that shift uh either Consciousness or the evolution of the planet which gets to the whole sci-fi question about if the future is messing with the present then that doesn’t that change the future yes uh it’s already happening actually uh there are some who are are starting to go through the experience uh on a global scale no it’s it’s not happening and it’s not going to be suddenly uh necessarily that you look up and everybody sees spaceships you know from in the sky you would see lights in the sky and they might be interpreted as being spaceships but they are illuminations in the sky uh this is basically when humans are able to start seeing Consciousness not just thinking about it but uh right now you have the ability to see Consciousness those of you who see these little uh I call them blue dots or little bursts of uh light on occasion that’s Consciousness uh you’re going to start seeing that and you’re then you’re going to start meeting yourself and it’s not going to be some green alien being it’s going to be the most gorgeous uh example of what a human could look like and it’s you and they’re not necessarily going to come in little spaceships uh they’ll come down in beams of light and I believe there’s a strong implication and I believe we can let it go to our heads Angelic being beings are those who choose to come to Earth is that us yeah oh absolutely um you know Earth uh from I say a long time ago but it’s really not been that long choosing to come here from the other Realms to solve a an issue that was going on uh in the non-physical Realms uh and that was everything was going so fast because there was no time space physical nature everything was happening so fast that it was actually slowing things down if you could imagine that everything was bouncing off the walls because there well there there was no time or space or or these conditions you have there was no time to really uh Ponder an experience that you had to reflect on it humans you have time and space you can reflect on things which is essential so a group of humans came here or group of angelic beings came here and took on the the human attributes eventually uh in a very slow down reality that has freed up the Angelic Realms now uh for this impass that was occurring energy was getting locked up because it was going too fast if that makes any sense I’ll need to I’ll need to understand more because it feels like conceptually not just on the other side but it feels conceptually like energy is moving too fast here right now right right it does but nothing thing like could you imagine there wasn’t time or space here how fast everybody thing would or let’s say you reduce the amount of time and space by 50% it’s going to feel really really fast uh here it’s very laid out where you know you wake up every day and you go to bed every night in between there’s experiences so you have time to experience it and then reflect on it and and then uh assign certain qualities to it you know was that a good experience or a bad one uh maybe there’s too much time here because then you think about it too much but uh it’s this is a great place to ultimately learn about your beingness uh you know your your soul what are the top three we can take them one at a time important uh lessons or understandings we get to get particularly right now here in 2024 lessons for the individual or for the planet oh goody first we’ll take for the individual and then we can go globally as well yeah the first and I don’t like calling them lessons it sounds like uh there’s something you have to learn uh you already know all this uh you just haven’t learned how to put it into words or actions so it’s already there it’s just realizing it uh the most important thing right now for humans to is for those on this journey uh to realize that everything that’s happening within yourself is natural it’s an evolution that takes place uh it’s the completion of the Adam Cadman template which was the Adam Cadman is the kind of the name we use for well it’s the messiah messiah means it’s the uh most the beauty of of the greatest uh potential outcome so what’s happening right now is it’s a natural process taking place the combination of many many lifetimes uh on this planet and the this Adam acad template is coming to completion it happens naturally it happens naturally because you have this thing that I call the master the master is the culmination or the collective of all of your lifetimes this lifetime being the collection point for all the lifetimes this lifetime you become a master yes yeah and now the master right now you could say is residing in in a slightly different realm it’s really not but I mean you’re not seeing it or you’re feeling the human here is feeling something coming to completion the master also called the oversoul uh is is the one really guiding all this uh the humans sometimes think that they have to plan it and suffer through it you don’t you take a deep breath and you allow a natural process of the completion of the Adam Cadman template to take place uh the master now appears on earth and the master is you uh completed uh and that’s the most important thing is it’s a natural process people get way off of that and they think that they have to go through some obstacle course or prove themselves or study day and night you don’t you know if you want to read books fine or whatever you do go on the internet but it is already there within you it is a matter of realizing Iz in it through things like you’re doing Michael with your show you articulate it you put it into word and thought and people go oh wow that that’s amazing or like I gez I knew that but I didn’t know I knew that uh so you’re helping them to realize that they already knew it and it’s a beautiful process so that would be the number one thing it’s it’s all a natural process uh number two uh it’s all your energy all the energy you need is already there it’s all yours it doesn’t belong to anybody else nobody can steal it when you start realizing that you’re no longer going to have issues with abundance or even Health you’re going to realize I’m just calling forth my own energy you’re going to realize you’ve been limiting it even though you take energy drinks and eat energy bars you’ve been limiting your own energy you put a a restrictor on it to only bring in so much and then you say well why would I do that well because energy hurts at times uh if you’re not prepared for it consciously you got in other words you bring in more energy it’s only going to exaggerate the imbalances that are already there it’s energy itself exactly and and and but this is on a personal basis that let’s say um let’s say you have somebody that’s uh living in a lack of abundance they have no money they drink too much they uh they they don’t take responsibility for anything including their own families suddenly they win the lottery they win uh let’s say $50 million you think that’s going to make them a better person no it’s going to exaggerate their problems they’re going to blow through that 50 million right away they’re going to drink more they’re going to have more family issues than you could ever imagine it’s just energy and it’s going to take what you’re already doing and just exaggerating it so they’re people are afraid of energy they truly are afraid of energy so they limit their own uh because it’s only more crap that they’re going to bring in if they’re bringing in crap what I say is it’s your energy uh a master lets that energy serve them when they’re ready when they’re ready means they realize they’re not going to now self-destruct with it they’re not going to turn it against them the recognizing that it’s just energy that it’s not going to tear me apart if anything it’s here to serve me so it’s called Uh allowing uh you allow it to serve you you can’t force it you can’t manipulate your own energy you can’t uh you really ultimately can’t misuse it you allow it and you allow it in through what I would call the corridors of your Divinity of your awareness and Consciousness you allow it to serve you for the good by choosing things like joy and uh and harmony in your life then the energies will automatically reorient readjust to serve you in that way it’s a amazingly simple process that humans will then try to make difficult thank you and then the third uh the third was allowing uh second was letting energy serve you I can go on and on I can come up with a hundred of them that’s okay um Global tell us about global and particularly the one topic that we haven’t really covered here today is um well there are lots of topics of course we can go on for days Wars Wars wars are um actually there’s less fewer Wars on the planet than there ever has been uh which is good but they’re more obvious and aware because of your media and internet uh Wars are the last of the battles are now being fought which is the good news you’re going to have a little flare-ups every once in a while but they won’t last long but the the few Wars that you have are some of the final on the planet the bigger one the deeper one I should say is the one that’s taking place in in the mid East uh with Israel with the uh in Gaza and those areas that one goes so far back and it’s a it’s a Family Feud goes back to the Angelic families of the hauru uh and can you tell me more because I’ve thought of an Angelic Feud meaning uh children of Abraham but you’re saying this goes back far before that yeah goes back to long before Earth uh there was 144 Angelic families and one of them uh was came by the name of hauru and uh what you have now is the Arabs and the the Jews are all from the same family and as you may know family feuds are the worst of all uh but then you tie in some ingredients that uh huro was the ruling class in in uh Atlantis uh and they there was some lot of in bances with the things that were done back then so they’re not only fighting amongst themselves but they’re going through an ancient Karma within their own group of huru and they’re dragging in the rest of the world because it was also this region and the huru Angelic family was the origins for the religion on your planet right now for for the for the god uh of the planet now they’re all claiming rights to him which is not a hym uh but they you’ve got such a a religious war going on and a family War it doesn’t get much nastier than that uh C’s asking me uh so when’s the resolution what is the resolution um I don’t want to make that prediction it could end very soon um but it’s going to drag on for a little while uh because it’s so ancient the rest of the world needs to the rest of the world needs to um in a way back away um and my Channeler does not like that message but oh no no no you’re going to have to be if you don’t you’re not going to have to do anything but can you please share more what you mean by that it’s a it’s an internal argument it’s an internal battle they’ve brought in energetically drawn in the rest of the world so what you have is a a pretty small area in the world and a fairly relatively small number of people from the same Angelic family long before Earth uh that have also had karmic issues and they’re fighting amongst themselves they’ve managed to bring in the rest of the world they’ve managed to attract uh both to both sides uh pro-israeli anti-israeli Pro Palestinian anti so now you you have the focus of the world on this and it’s creating a world problem in a way you’re better off isolating that region and saying you guys work it out uh now most humans don’t like that approach CAU doesn’t like it uh but it’s a Family Feud and in a way they have to work it out you can get the rest of the world coming in and giving their advice but they don’t understand the origins of all this you can get countries like the US getting very very involved in it uh for one reason or the other and then the minute you get us involved you get another superpower involved on the other side now you have a world conflict it’s really not it’s an internal conflict and in in a way and sounds harsh but it’s better off saying to them you work your problems out with each other don’t drag the rest of the world into it because you’re bringing the rest of the world down learn to grow up deal with each other and and force them into that there’s a lot of um uh so-called peace resolutions that are just they’re just um uh watering down the situation they’re not real long-term results they just want something temporary to get by but we’re not dealing with the real issue of what’s going on here you force these groups to only work with each other and you see what happens uh that will bring a resolution and again uh if by the way if you have your comments uh and complaints and screaming don’t direct them towards calra or Michael this is I Adamas talking it begets the question because you said first off we’re to work on ourselves on the inside but can we work on the world and can we work to build more bring more peace and love and light through the work on the inside that will um help uh the Waring parties um to be able to uh get past this ageold drama and Trauma yeah when you’re uh when you’re working uh you’re worried about the rest of the world uh when you’re drawn into these dramas uh when the world is drawn into them then uh it’s just adding to the energy and to the chaos if you’re working on yourself you’re allowing your light in you’re coming to The Highest Potential of uh yourself as a human and Angelic being that does more to change these old situations than anything else when you’re on an airplane plane and there’s a potential problem in the mass drop down they tell you take care of yourself first because you can be of no assistance to the people around you if you’re not in good shape it’s the same thing here take care of your own light your own realization it’s not selfish uh take care of yourself bring yourself to that point of loving yourself if you can’t love yourself don’t try to change the rest of the damn world that simple come to that place of love for yourself your light then has a profound impact on the core of these issues because it shines a light it opens up more potentials they finally start seeing why they’re fighting in the first place they don’t remember right now they really don’t remember whether it’s from this time on Earth or pre- Earth uh they’re just fighting to fight let’s go to the kids for a second and I want to come back to how we can help the planet because we didn’t fully go there yet um we can say okay it’s all right to uh in theory Let them fight it out although it seems kind of one-sided or this or that or the other but what about the kids so who who are the Spiritual Beings who have come here who have put themselves in in this conflicted situation and are they are they lost Angelic beings or they are higher level beings helping to play this out for all of us they’re Warriors they’re not children they’re Warriors who’ve come back choosing to be whether it’s Palestinian or or Israeli choosing to be in that situation they’re born into it uh I can tell you from personal experience if you buy them all a ticket out they won’t go uh they’re they’re invested in that uh so many it’s an ancient battle and sometimes ancient battles go on and on for eon’s generations lifetime after lifetime they’re not only being fought out in the lands of Israel and Palestine they’re being fought out in the other Realms why I guess you could say because the Angelic beings from a long time ago of huru uh felt that they needed to get more energy for for themselves uh failing to understand that you already have the energy so they went out seeking it from other places other Angelic families they started a lot of battles with a lot of other Angelic families and it eventually came back on them their own karma for starting what I call this the true Star Wars battle long before Earth it came back to haunt them as their own Karma and they started the infighting with each other that infighting has continued on and on it it didn’t just start here you know 500 years ago or 2000 it’s been going on forever and it’s gone to the Sands of of of Palestine to this land and it’s deeply deeply anchored there and all the Talking that you would do if you went over to there to do a missionary uh work or try to you know peace talks simply wouldn’t work they are so into their own family fight they have to realize you combine that with the Atlantean Karma with with history and you got very what does that mean because you’ve mentioned forgive me you’ve mentioned Atlantis several times can you bring us up to speed because many of us at are going what what is this in Atlanta was development of wonderful technologies that were there primarily using crystals and uh the ruling class there which was hauru uh was the ruling class and they deprived many many many others uh at least 80% of the population of the benefits of the wealth of the technology and of the of the just the Creature Comforts of Life there were many who were slaves particularly in the later days of Atlantis that were manipulated in control by the ruling class and the manipulation took uh place with headbands that were that were worn there were five levels of headbands if you were Elite you got the best level if you were lower you got the the the headband that forced you into slavery mentally uh and physically and there was a tremendous karma from that uh that that’s carried forth into this Lifetime by hauru uh they’re now huru is generally known as the Jews uh they they believe that they’re the chosen ones and the ones that have to suffer so in a way they were the chosen ones chosen to set the example for the rest of the planet now in this modern era and get over the suffering that they instill inflict on themselves or on others it’s a family fight that’s taking place there really are no Arabs and Jews they’re all hauru there’s an expression if it is all God there is nothing that is not which means that is all here on some level to serve us is even this on some level here to serve us ultimately yes uh but there are better ways to do it suffering serves you but why uh why because you don’t know any better not you personally Michael but uh the viewers because you don’t know any better uh so you go through life suffering thinking that it’s well it’s just the way things are that you’re poor and you’re broke and you can’t pay your bills or you’ve got emotional issues it’s not necessary but it’s become the way of human consciousness now when a few transcend that and they bring in a light to say suffering is not needed and then it illuminates that to the others who are ready and they might see then in their life oh that’s right I I don’t need to suffer I don’t need to be lacking in abundance there is no reason whatsoever for any human to be lacking in abundance there’s enough uh there’s enough food in this planet there’s enough raw goods and materials uh every nobody should be uh lacking in abundance or suffering it’s self- chosen Jeffrey was talking about uh Humanity in a sense splitting and and those who are coming into the light more into the light those who are coming into darkness will be stuck in kind of an energy vampire situation um my guess is that there are different both realities taking place different timelines that it doesn’t have to be one particular way but what is the preponderance of the propond of the flipping of the quantum bits suggest is coming both for um uh the world post the elections and and obviously there’s a lot more going on in the world than just us americ elections but also what is coming for all of humanity yeah what’s eventually going to happen is that uh a vast majority of humanity is going to choose to to move forward out of suffering out of War out of uh lack of the compassion into the True Light uh technology is actually helping to push this Believe It or Not uh along with so many other things it’s elevating the light and even allowing in more light we had a very significant event last year uh on March 22nd what called Heaven’s cross was an opening now where people can more easily access their Divinity and their light and bring it into this realm uh nothing big happened that day everything from that day has been important more and more and more light coming in it’ll get to the point where the Earth literally choosing my words carefully here but the Earth ascends it goes into uh a whole different uh Dimension uh what will be left behind is the Earth where the people still choose to fight and War to battle to stay in low energy to uh abuse and manipul at themselves and others uh so that old Earth will kind of remain behind while what we have as a new emerging Earth will now go into its Ascension when it does I can’t even begin to describe what it looks like uh but it will be a place of Love indeed and and not not abusive love not not the love a lot of you are experiencing right now with another human that’s good at times bad at other times but a truth uh self-love it’ll Ascend into a place of um I hard to put a word on it uh absolute art in design and creativity it will send you into a place where you have a physical body but it’s not really physical anymore it is a light body with uh with the ability to be physical when it wants and when it doesn’t want it’s not you’re not going to be stuck in the body anymore but yet you can have all the sensuality that can be derived from a human body it would be a place where uh you’re no longer trapped in the mind where the mind will be not uh not the intellect not just this brain uh that’s on top of your head um but it’ll be a it’ll be a sense rather than a um uh more or less a machine the mind and its thoughts right now are very linear you’ll move to the point of the mind being a true sense uh that is far exceeds the the current senses that you have uh and that you’re no longer go crazy in the mind so these things are coming they it’s not just a dream it’s not just my uh prediction but they are coming but how are we going to get there is the big question between now and there what experiences will come about how can you as beings on the planet um make a difference uh uh how how can you get through the tough times without going crazy uh those are those are the real questions right now what does it have to do with what you call and uh What Jeffrey is calling the time of the machines right time of machines is the technology that’s taking place right now uh I wrote a book in my last lifetime called the time of machines and it was about time traveling uh Landing in the year 2020 and amazed at all all the machines your computers your uh everything everybody walking around with the smartphones I tried to talk to people uh as I projected myself into 2020 going into a restaurant everybody was busy preoccupied with their with their little devices um but this very technology is one of the one of the forces that’s really driving everything uh it’s working hand inand with Consciousness right now to elevate things uh and to make things go faster so it’s going to bring you more convenience more conveniences more uh processing capabilities uh in the ability to solve problems that the planet has had for a long time but never had the uh the the mechanism for solving the problems the new quantum computers are going to be able to make calculations in a matter of seconds that used to take let’s say 100 years uh if you used an old style computer so there’s going to be rapid evolution in um in progress for the planet but at the same time the potential for misuse abuse and still people holding back wanting to wanting to go back to the Dark Ages we we saw the Dark Ages occur uh not so long after the time of Yeshua the planet literally kind of slid back in terms of Consciousness and uh as de Linda always talks about uh it’s very easy to track you you look at the art uh the evolution of art from the time before Yeshua till the time now and in the Dark Ages uh art went dark uh because there was less Consciousness we’re going to have not not to that degree but we’re going to have ups and downs along the way and the important thing is for each and every one of you to stay balanced by allowing letting your light in you’re not trying to change the planet You’re simply trying to illuminate greater potentials for Humanity are there any last words that you would want to share with people to help everybody start to play with their own light it’s not a particular word but it’s it’s realizing a couple things again all of if you are uh from the point of your Awakening now going into your Mastery into your realization it is a natural process it doesn’t mean there’s not going to be tough days but ultimately it’s natural it’s really not even you the human that wants this uh it is the master the the Adam Cadman template if it was left to the human you would just stay here and keep experiencing uh on this planet uh so now allow that natural process to take place there’s going to be ups and downs but realize this is not your stuff uh it’s the planets it’s other people’s stuff realize that uh it’s not your fault either that it’s very easy to get caught in that uh realize and I want you each and every one of you to ask that what I call the overso you go tonight and ask why am I here on the planet right now and then listen and you’ll discover something thank you and the last thing forgive me but I heard ask about last time you had mentioned that I I was your student in a past life and and maybe even a little bit rebellious I don’t know if that was the right term but uh whippers rambunctious thank you any words of wisdom or guidance for Jessica for myself for our daughter hanaar for for all of us at this time period right now the most important thing is to um get ready for I’m dialoguing here with Calder he he’s been stopping me a lot today uh the important thing is to uh he’s using the words hang loose uh you know hang to you’re you’re absolutely in your sweet spot right now but when that next Evolution comes along that next big step uh uh don’t get overwhelmed um allow it to come in don’t overthink it is is what I’m really trying to say so you you know it’s ahead of you on the path the the next evolution of your work and it’s going to take you to some interesting places literally and figuratively don’t overthink it just do it when the opportunity comes knocking at you door because sometimes you have a little bit of a habit of overthinking and overanalyzing uh you’re getting much better uh much better than when you were a student at the mystery schools uh but this one when it comes knocking just embrace it right away don’t even think twice about it thank you you’re you’re an amazing standard for others in terms of uh living your life you you’ve had some challenges uh you put yourself uh through some very difficult things and now you’re realizing why why makes sense thank you so so much Master thank you thank you thank you it’s been my pleasure with that I’m going to sign out I am adamus of St Germaine thank you okay I’m going to try to come back trying to put Adamas out and get me and Jeffrey back um the problem the problem I have with him is it’s like once you let him in the room he’ll just keep talking and it’s like Adamas um time to go bye-bye uh but anyway uh he enjoyed it okay I’m I’m mostly back he said that you were stopping him often was there something that was driving you mad during the conversation that you can recall well sometimes he he’s he’s going to say things that I know are going to be controversial and it’s like why are he’s almost like baiting people you know and I’m like why you know can’t you just avoid that or talk about something else or he’s he’s almost like trying to to be uh not annoying but uh provocative uh and he’s like no I want to I want to poke you know at at the listeners uh when he was talking about the whole thing with the Palestine and Israel I’m oh my God I can already I can already hear read the stuff and uh um you know I worry once in a while just for you know not worry worry but you know there’s some crazy people out there um and when he’s talking like that you never know so uh but yeah and sometimes I’m like you could put it a little nicer adamus uh but he he loves that provocation you know even to get him upset deliberately because you know one somebody gets aggravated like that it gets some energy moving uh and it gets some discussion and dialogue taking place and then somebody will get on and start talking well you know damama said this and it was terrible and somebody will say well no there’s another way to look at it it it gets uh discussion taking place so you know a lot of times people think with the the ascended masters that they’re going to come in and they’re going to be reverent and holy and say nothing but nice loving and light things and it’s like not adamus uh he will deliberately provoke I’m hearing uh I think it’s ACDC in my head with a song dinomite right right right yeah when when he first came in and I started channeling him I was used to Tobias uh who was very gentle loving uh but Tobi Damas came in and he was pushing and uh provocative and I I really did not not like it for a while yeah uh there was a period there of about 5 six months I was just I uh but but now I’ve learned to appreciate his style and if anybody here is provoked upset that’s was int his intention or to get you to think uh to to really get you to feel into things last question on this before we go to where we can find your work your classes everything um how did you was it simply this allowance this letting go this this faith that oh my God I can’t believe what’s coming out of my mouth what is this going to do for my for my career for my my my my everything what am I going to do um it was a a very old agreement uh with Tobias U going way way back uh when and then uh with Damas from the mystery schools uh I had several lifetimes of training how to channel uh and none of this did I realize until you know all this stuff started happening me back in about I guess it was about 1996 or 97 uh now now it all makes sense it’s like well yeah you know it’s total sense but you it was a big shift from going from um the regular world to doing this uh but but I love it I mean it’s going on 25 years now with Tobias oramas I just I love it all right on that note where can people go to find your work to find your book to find everything that you have to offer sure uh crimson circle.com uh Crimson like the color circle like the shape Crimson circle.com uh we have a very extensive Library uh huge website most of it is free of charge there are some things if you want certain classes or we do live workshops here in Kona uh we’ve got a beautiful facility here for doing the workshops uh but other than that we do our monthly webcast for a charge a lot of lot of things so you you you we don’t ever ever ever want you to make feel like you’re being sold something or asked to buy something you don’t need to um you know it’s there’s no pressure at all um and that’s one thing I love about your show Michael you’re not trying to push products uh you’re your intent is so pure you know you’re you’re just there doing the work and then then you realize the abundance flows it’s just there yeah and and there’s a lot of shows I don’t go on because they’re they’re trying to push something or other and I just I won’t do that but I love working with you just cuz you’re you’re so clean energetically clean thank you well this has been a treat I I WRA things up with a final question but I’m putting it out there to the universe that I will be there for the 25th I will be there uh uh um in uh well just outside Boulder with you this summer um and I can’t wait to see you last question that I get to ask is any last words of wisdom or otherwise that you want to share today with people Jeffrey it all works out uh you know it all works out uh a lot of it is you know how we how you get there uh but ultimately you know I’m not saying it’s Destiny But ultimately I’m taking what adamus has taught me show me and it works out and it’s amazing now for some it could be getting there for others they’re going to just Glide right into it uh and the good thing is you you can choose woohoo yeah all right so for everyone out there Aloha this is Michael Sandler saying be well have fun Choose The Light Within choose that we’ll call it a higher road though it’s really not a higher or lower but choose to be and stay and love yourself in the light today and above and beyond all else shine bright woohoo how does it get any better than this this is beautiful Jeffrey again SC out of the park goes wild wow wow wow what a beautiful special sacred another amazing interview with Jeffrey hoppy and with adamus St Germaine how does it get any better than this on that note if you want to become a Mystic yourself if you want to play at this higher level if you want that heart expanding Consciousness experience every day here on Earth come join us and come join your new mystic friends in the School of Mystics for Wednesdays every month here’s the link down below to join the school of Mystics if you simply want a channel whether it be from St Germain whether it be from anyone that you desire notice I didn’t say Ad d s gerain that’s Jeffrey hoppy and AD Dain but if you wish to channel come to automatic writing.com I have live classes once a month every month where you learn this automatic writing process where you put pen to paper and the words simply flow without thought to whomever whatever you want to connect with on the other side of the veil last but not least if you want to bring your vibration up up up way up on a daily basis with an Attunement which means getting in vibrational alignment each and every day then simply go to daily woohoo that’s daily W ho there’s a link down below daily woohoo. and get your daily Attunement from me through automatic writing each and every day that’s daily woo. comom here’s a link to the next amazing show love you guys so so much keep on shining bright woohoo how does it get any better than this lots of love everyone bye sh sh


    1. 🌟 Sign up for your FREE! Daily Energy Transmission and Attunement with your Daily Woohoo: https://dailywoohoo.com

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      ✍ Automatic Writing 101 – Tues, June 18th, 2024 👉Turn your journaling into channeling!

      ➡ Reserve your spot – https://inspirenation.mykajabi.com/offers/4rZzztvj/checkout?coupon_code=GETGUIDANCE50 Save 50 dollars!

      I'm launching a new Angel Numbers course this Spring! Get Notified first when it goes live!


    2. There's far too much credence given to AI. For example we can already have body implants for knees, hips & so on. So far as we know only one person has had a brain implant and we'll see how that goes, I'm sceptical this is the way forward. Will it interfere with how the mind expands and develops? Will it interfere with psychic perception? Will we have others telling us when we can eat or sleep?

    3. Wow! This goes even deeper than his previous channellings! Love it. So important to put this out and see people resonating more and more! Thanks for this Michael.

    4. Love, love this conversation, thankyou so much. And by the way, I do agree that we should butt out of the Palestine/Israeli conflict. In the UK we seem to get involved in things that are not our business, and the more countries that get involved, the more we start a global conflict. Just to be the light is the most powerful thing

    5. Maby someone feels guilty for not being around for their child.
      Perhaps that person has a lot of generational curses he’s subconsciously trying to break

    6. True self love expands into things like safer gun laws, women having control over their own bodies, not trying to bury and change history,. Etc. Those are signs of dark ages creeping in, and less consciousness allowed. We can reject technology if we want to. Human consciousness needs to be elevated before we can handle it. Those that are guided to be activists should be thanked. Some dont have the energy and that's fine as they heal themselves. There's always a crisis going on and you act when it feels right if u feel called. Non violent, peace, love promoting. I had to block it all out when i went to nursing school and understand, but ignoring it all just gives the power mongets permission to take more. They're like incoherent machines. 😮 Its just what light workers do on this planet, since a lobotomy wouldnt be that helpfel or healthy. We are all love, discovering that more each day in the creative joy! TY.! 😅

    7. Is he saying the Jews/Arabs (or the Abrahamic line) are the Anunnaki? That's what it seems like to me.?? There were 2 families or groups in Atlantis that I'm aware of, the Amelius group and the Belial group, one good and one bad. Do both groups belong to the same Angelic Hapuru family? What other Angelic families are here on Earth past and present. This stuff fascinates me. I'm going to address any negative comments now 😂 reincarnation is real so (in my opinion) we've all chosen to experience all races by now so we've all been Anunnaki, Asian, African, Druids, Nordic, Jews, aboriginal Australian, South American and so on -Just my opinion. They are us, we are them. We are one! Just be Love!

    8. Thank you for explaining that the wars currently being played out in the middle east go back eons before our times. My take on this is that both arabs & jews are energy vampires. They are the reasons for ALL the inequalities and iniquities in this world that have messed up peoples lives for hundreds of thousands of years. Its time to stop this and tge idea that they fight it out amongst themselves is the best way forward. We certainly do not need to have countries dragged into WW3 by this group if people. Bare knuckle fighting to the death for both sides will either kill them or concentrate minds to bring about a lasting solution. In short these wars are simply stealing our energies and keeping us locked into a past we will never be able to escape from. The best way forward is to keep shining your light, get on with your life, mind your own business

    9. I totally enjoyed this
      I'm happy Adamus came through & down to the point straight forward
      This all makes sense to me
      It all adds up for me
      TY Michael & Jeffrey
      I shared this
      So so special
      The world needs this now

    10. He pokes at listeners, it's good to get us thinking. Mas Sajady says this too, he says if your triggered, thats great!
      They both see it from the higher perspective.

    11. If and when you may get a chance to interview Adamus again, try to ask him if the Ukraine situation is another 'family feud', since the Ukrainians and Russians are also the same or similar ethnicity & ancestry. Personally, I don't 'feel' it's the same type of 'Hapouro' angelic war as the Israelis and Palestinians wars, but there still seems to be some degree of family feud as well. I believe Putin is driving 90% of this war. He has illusions of grandeur and wants to "Make Russia Great Again."

    12. Loved this interview so very much.

      I have thought that everyone should stop trying to broker peace in the middle east and leave them to sort it out. They will eventually, when others are not stoking their fires for reasons of their own.

      I truly loved the definitions of consciousness, Energy and Light, so much easier now to relate. Before my own awakening I believed we came here to love one another and to learn to love ourselves. Love is so difficult for many and is a challenge, but after listening to this I realise we need to just let our light shine. I believe this has a ripple effect for others to.

      As humans we often make life more difficult than it has to be. Hugs to all.

    13. I'm 100% in agreement with Adamus on the war in Israel & Palestine. We need to stay out of this family fight.
      I'm shining my light may it bring harmony in these trying times popping up.
      I'm happy to be here in this time in Earth's history.

    14. MA I TAHT MA I is the reverse psychology required to inherit the Divine Mothers understanding in who we really are. The experiences beheld through us influencing our decisions can create havoc in the Minds Eye however it instils forethought into creating change. Politics can be biased and so the duality lives on. Making peace within ourselves is the best gift we can give. It affords a new way in being. Love Light and understanding makes peace available to every Soul on Earth. Be in the world but not of it! Namaste!

    15. I respectfully disagree that the Gaza war is only a regional feud as the problem of radical islamism is affecting the whole world and Jews have been targeted for millennia. I would have liked to hear Adamus speak about why Jews have been persecuted throughout history for so long, maybe next time he can illuminate us.

    16. Michael, thank you for being the only spiritual podcaster/channel to speak about the genocide in progress in Gaza. I have found the courage to share my gift of seeing but it has meant I speak up for the people. I’ve spoken to a Palestinian surgeon, American woman living in occupied Palestine, American, friend working in Israel, two journalists who have shared their experiences there. American friend in Israel says the way the Palestinians are treated, the way the Americans are treated there is horrible. I have found myself educating people about (of all things) their money and how this government uses US all as debt slaves to fund these wars.
      I have felt this need to just educate to free all of the people to choose how they want to be used or freed.
      I don’t know how I ended up here but I am grateful for your questions. I am not one of the ones told to stay out of it. I was told it would be spiritual bypassing for me. ❤

    17. 🪡✌️💜🙏🫀🎁
      awareness. Experience
      Choice. a process.
      alignment. of body
      Soul abd presence.
      the gift of knowing
      trust. within invincible
      gratitude. For All.😢

    18. I say allow Adamus to poke away! It's real talk and its time we STOP with all that "I don't want to offend others" bullshit! Sorry, not sorry! I have said and many others for a long time that we should be minding our own business! 🤙🏾

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