Day 1: 52km
    Day 2: 74km
    Day 3: 71km
    Day 4: 57km
    Day 5: 0km
    Day 6: 74km
    Day 7: 72km
    Day 8: 85km
    Day 9: 16km
    Day 10: 95km
    Day 11: 70km
    Day 12: 21km
    Day 13: 65km
    Day 14/15: 200km
    Day 16: 65km
    Day 17: 68km
    Day 18: 0km
    Day 19: 125km
    Day 20: 42km
    Day 21: 72km
    Day 22: 80km
    Day 23: 130km

    73km Average (Without 0km Days: Day 1-23)

    Day 24: 0km
    Day 25: 0km
    Day 26: 0km
    Day 27: 80km
    Day 28: 90km
    Day29/30: 249km
    Day 31: 62km
    Day 32: 52km

    [Music] hello last video I think I was on route to um Belgrade and yeah my tire just went um the spokes all just came out so I lost like five spokes in total that’s including the one that was already gone and the one that was already loose so three more and yeah I I just it was just really kind of sketchy um all of my brakes went as well which I think is a slightly unrelated issue actually um but it just happened at the same time so no braks back tire was wobbling everywhere I really thought it was going to come off and so I was like 20 km from the camp I plan to stay at over the Serbian border there are two borders adjacent to each other separated by um big river which name I can’t remember one goes across and then heads to noi s and the other one is south of the River cuts into where I plan to stay that night and then heads South to Belgrade through like smaller Villages and towns so I just quickly looked at the map another thing it was a national holiday yesterday I don’t know if I mentioned that in the other video I think I might have done uh after that last video I was hoping to just see a gas station as I saw so many from o um to V vavar and then there was nothing so I was starving I was out of water I no I got water in the end just actually before um the the kind of uh the wheels started collapsing uh in a in a cemetery which is always the best place to get water I did get water but no food I was starving and yeah then everything just kind of collapsed it was baking hot I was kind of stopping all the time the heat was just insane but for the positive you know at least there were no cars on the road cuz of the national holiday looked at the map and I’d already it’s like this is just shows how unreliable things are and how you really need to kind of go to areas more closely that you plan in being plan on on staying rather than just typing in kind of campsite and hoping Google brings them up because they just don’t I don’t know the reason for it um but I get to the Village just before these two border uh points and I type in like I was looking for a gas station actually and I I’d see campsite and I was like what and I clicked the description it says free campsite I was like this is impossible there’s no free stuff in former Yugoslavia and Croatia I’ve seen um yeah I’ve never seen a free campsite um which is really weird I think yeah I’ve never seen one and um look at the pictures it looks super awesome and I get there and it’s basically this um older lady elderly lady who moved from Zagreb to her family’s second home when her parents died um which is kind of like a yeah like a it’s a Well is a river kind of holiday home but big old Mana Castle overlooking in this tiny village on the on the now border with Serbia and it just like it was amazing I arrived there’s like one cyclist there a couple of motorcyclists um who were Belgian and German respectively and this little old lady comes out and just just says hey you’re welcome it’s free come in this amazing house this like tree she has a walnut tree growing through her Lounge which shaves the roof keeping it nice and cool with the walnuts sprinkling every time the wind kind of blasts them um over the tin roof you can hear each time a walnut Falls and yeah her family was visiting it was obviously a national holiday so she had her daughter and her son-in-law and their two daughters there and then yeah she just like she has all this this kitchen filled with food and she’s just like yeah just help yourself it’s all yours put your use the laundry it’s hot shower all that kind of stuff and then her daughter just makes me ice cream and then and then I speak to the Belgian guy cuz I wanted to ask him like what do you reckon can I make it tomorrow to novet um which was 53 K away with all these spokes G he’s like really you shouldn’t and I thought yeah it’s it’s that bad that’s why I’ve stopped so yeah looking at the map the town um now on the Serbian side so this is still in Croatia um across the border 14 km away I had a couple of bike shops so basic basically um after just being utterly spoiled in that place which is free just amazing hos amazing Hospitality just [ __ ] amazing changed my perspective of croati completely that one experience and um yeah we were just chatting all of us for hours and hours get we got made coffee she made us the most delicious pancakes I’ve ever had in my life which apparently involves two giant clumps of butter these but buttery lemon zesty with rum oh my God Amazing Pancakes um then breakfast we get up at like so oh even better there’s this like eccentric guy that lives with her he’s like a photographer he’s also quite Elderly with amazing like super light blue eyes like and um yeah he was almost like the carer of this big property and so what was I going to say yeah he um we had these two dogs and it was it started to rain just before we got chance to set the tents up and you know it really started pouring and thundering down so we just let us sleep um in our sleeping bags on the in their in their Lounge on the sofas and then the next morning we woke up he made us coffee and this is myself the Belgian the German couple uh and then the owner brought cheese and salami and bread and more pancakes it’s just just amazing just absolutely amazing and then yeah I went got them some chocolate and there was a little donation box so I put some money in and um just really nice people so nice and then across the border the Belgian guy and the Belgian guy didn’t have his passport because and that’s the second time I’ve met someone on this trip uh first time I was in Belgium two Germans paid for the Euro star which is really expensive and a whole trip in the UK got to the and they didn’t have any passports cuz they thought they could use their ID I just don’t understand people like how how do people get do this like you know the world isn’t the European Union it really kind of shows how boxed in people are in their little EU world you know how much I detest the EU and that’s an understatement as well um and yeah so he couldn’t his whole trip was getting to the black SE following the river to the Black Sea now he can’t do it he doesn’t have time so he’s had to just cancel his whole trip uh he cycled all the away from Brussels uh gets to Serbia doesn’t have a passport can’t get across so that was insane um wish him all the best but oh my God I don’t know I would feel AB I’d be absolutely mortified if that happened to me um yeah po not a great feeling and then it’s kind of in a part of the world as well this particular pinch of Croatia he’d already come down from Hungary he can’t go into Bosnia cuz you also need obviously a passport cuz they’re not this part of Croatia is really Bland and boring in agricultural um well that part I’m now in Serbia so I I proceeded on across the board I get to the bike shop and as I just said to him he just sent me a message the Belgian guy just this bike shop was amazing I’ve only had great experience with bike shops thus far like really insanely amazing experiences I’ve been to three it’s all been amazing this guy just fixes my spokes all of them then he’s like brakes are [ __ ] and I was like yeah no he’s like I’ll fix those too and I said oh I’ve got brake pads so we used my my cheap like1 Amazon brake pads um put them on brakes work perfectly I literally touched them now and they’re just solid bike stopped it’s never been like that even when I took the bike out the box never been like that so that’s really good he fitted a new cable again my one or less than1 Amazon cables works perfectly uh just shows the cheap stuff does work and yeah then I decided by that point it’s at 2: p.m. so I went to little for those that are quite interested I’m quite interested in this stuff the this inflation this recession is a continental European scam it does not affect us in the UK whatever you think about price rises in the UK oh my [ __ ] god the amount of pro money people are spending here I’m in little again so I’m I’m always going to little AI so I see the exact same products I buy the exact same products in every single country which is usually like hummus and juices and whatever the nuts here were 400 Serbian it’s 135 to the pound right so the exact same product in the UK is £159 Serbia is not relative to the UK in terms of income so that’s something like 500% more when you account for what people actually make um the hummus again more expensive than UK we pay 99p in the UK it was €135 here and this isn’t Serbia it was slightly more in Austria and stuff like that it’s insane what people are going through in Continental Europe and again Serbia is not in the EU so it’s got nothing to do with that um the UK is as I’ve always said the cheapest place in the world it’s unbelievable um what people pay for food it’s it’s I can’t understand how they anyone can afford it so yeah I had I went to little got some you know delicious yogurt and um hummus and and bread and all of that and blueberries it’s my Normand yeah now I’m cycling to novisad as I left it kind of 2 p.m. minutes yeah 3:30 now an easy 40K to na said I’m just sat in a field now overlooking the river no one around um there we [Music] go there’s the [Music] bike so yeah really really good I just got um a hostel in novat hopefully got space for the bike and um yeah I also got I I sent like a booking request West through my home exchange for cuz I have some time to basically kill um cuz I’m making good progress cuz I’ve already booked up my apartment in Turkey which is really nice and I don’t want to change that so I’m going to see a bit more of Seria actually I’m going to take a slight detour instead of taking the direct route to Niche and then onto sopia I’m going to go kind of directly straight line vertically South and that cuts into one of the most beautiful Parts apparently which is in the mountains so it’s going to be a little bit more strenuous but yeah I’m going to book a week there which yeah cuz I’ve got home exchange points is free week compartment just chill and then probably book another week somewhere else I might bypass Belgrade cuz i’ OB I used to live there and I’ve been there many times um so yeah I’m think I I’ll sort that all out tonight but um yes it’s good so there is still a really bad squeaking on my bike I think I said which is the chain um so yeah I don’t know about that I’ve already oiled it but I might just need another clean but it is a bit strange cuz I went like, 1500 km with it fine until obviously it kind of gave in to not being oiled at all so I oiled up and then the squeak still persisted so everything else has now been checked so it is the chain and although the brake is working perfectly there is still a awful squeak on the first one on the front ones but um it’s all a part of having the cheapest bike and I’m still absolutely content with my decision think I made the the right decision when I see other people on their bikes paying like two and a half ,000 for like some some racing bike like why £25,000 you could get 20 of my bikes for £25,000 it’s insane I think what you can get for that people what they spend on stuff it’s just unbelievable to me like this little 170 bike is already got already made itself to Serbia and the only the total repair costs that I’ve paid is €10 um and most of the equipment is free or incredibly cheap I think I’ve said before I just reiterate for maybe new people the front bag and the back bag which are the same used to be paneers that went over the back and they were $3.99 and this is all with delivery included and I’ve been refunded for those cuz the zip broke the little things at the front the blue things hanging over underneath the phone 345 got refunded for that as well um the little bike little bottle thing the the holder was like1 199 for two got refunded for those cuz they were like a month late yeah the little phone stand that’s like £2 um the the bag on the frame bag and the saddle bag and the front handlebar bag they’re about between 12 and 20 each um but I used Amazon credit for everything that you see there so I haven’t paid a single penny for anything the water bottles from h& I used H&M credit for that um so yeah it shows you don’t need expensive stuff you got the little light here the little light the front I think they were like a couple of pounds for both of them charged by USB working perfectly yeah the phone is a crap phone I bought in Oman but amazing for GPS cuz the battery just lasts super long um it’s a red me still going strong and yeah FL on recording on is a Motorola g53 eim compatible great stuff sun’s coming out so I’m going to make a little move and um yeah Touch by scene all is going well cool

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