ADIDAS 5.10 Presents Chasing Dreams – The Story Of William Robert’s journey from Paris to Utah.

    A new generation of riders have grown up with Red Bull Rampage streamed into their living rooms. For 2 decades the event has grown to be widely recognised as the most prestigious freeride mountain bike event of the year. Only the world’s best will ever be selected and in 2022 a dream became reality as William Robert became one of only 18 riders in the world to take on the iconic event Utah.

    Presented in partnership with Norco Bikes

    Full documentary available here :

    [Music] this is the moment that you’ve been visualizing for so many years our first Rider is in the gate one of three Rampage rookies from Francis William Rober riding Red Bull Rampage has been a dream for [Music] him he’s a rider who has been on the radar for so long competing in his first rampage this is the biggest moment of his life he’s come up with some new features that people haven’t seen [Music] before it’s adrenaline like you’ve never felt before three two one here he [Music] [Music] is

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