1. 3:25 Here though, if you’re riding about 25-30mph I guess? There’s a long straight. But the road is this narrow. Would you expect a car to stay behind you because there’s no legal way to overtake due to the width of the road? Even though they could make much faster progress down the road? Why not just ease off a bit, let them get on with their day and you don’t have a car crawling along behind you?

      I was actually surprised later on when you jumped out of the way of the tractor after this clip!

    2. Always enjoy your cycle cam videos because of the sensible and understated way you deal with the various id10t's you encounter. But if you really want to get lots of subscribers, you need to charge into developing problems, prefereably worsening them if you can, and finish it off by declaring "I got it on cam'ra!!!111". 😁

    3. You're in Aylesbury, right? Blimey, it looks more like the wild west! It seems amazing to me now but as teenagers (14/15/16 years old) in the late seventies we would cycle from NW London to such exotic places as the Isle of Wight and Somerset. We encountered nothing but respect and consideration from fellow road users. I can't remember in all those miles of cycling a single incident where I felt threatened by another vehicle. It seems times have, sadly, changed.

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