Uk e-bike law 2024. What’s the latest and more importantly, what’s the politics for and against updated e-bike legislation?

    so since I last talked about UK ebike law lot of comments lot of comments from abroad what we should do and what we shouldn’t do so I’m just going to reiterate it’s in the title UK ebik law not Dutch not Norwegian not German not American although the Americans seem to be on our side because the whole thing’s ridiculous but today I want to talk about the politics and we’re going to have a look at what the parties think because I’m going to say this now and I’m going to say it at the end they all talk green but none of them walk green said this before in a lot of my other videos and this is why so as it stands the conservatives seem to be happy with the status quo of things and then not really bothered about any green issues they’re not bothered about the ebite laws that we currently have and they don’t seem very bothered about updating what the public wants it would be fine if they weren’t all talking green all the time and oh we need to get emissions down on this emissions down on that and we need to do this that and the other but the solution staring them in the face I use my car 20% of the time I used to use it because of my use of ebikes and I have a very high power car it burns petrol 18 to the gallon so imagine if I was using that the other 80% of the time that I’m using EB ebikes the emission this goes the same for everybody once you have an ebik you use it a lot and it’s affordable it’s so affordable when you look at the payback over the first year most ebikes if you use them enough they pay for themselves in two years so it’s basically free Transformer if you’re going to use it over the two years period that you would be using your car there’s that to bear in mind so while suak sat there going yeah we need to do something about the environment this this and this we’re going to tackle it this way it’s staring them in the face and I think they’re just deliberately avoiding it so let’s have a look at Labor um currently the Front Runners to win the election but they have to do everything by committee so if they’re in charge what are we looking at well it it will take decades for them to get off the back sides and sort of put anything realistic into and into any sort of fruition and at the moment they’re quite happy with the status quo but obviously disabled Beatles and you know cats with one leg would also have to have their say and this is why if get into Power forget the ebike thing it’s going to stay as it is for the foreseeable future and it’s the last thing on their minds to be honest very annoying so interestingly the lib Dems have some reasonable ideas of what they want to do but I tried to join their bike initiative Facebook page today and because I won’t vote live them this is what we got so while they have some interesting proposals and the fact that they do see ebikes and cycling and the whole green initiative as something positive restricting people from having their say because they’re not on your team and then you’re not in their bubble seems ridiculous so you’re not getting all sides of the argument I’d like to see more people have input from other parties but obviously it’s their little thing and we’re not going to be allowed in it unless we say we’re members or voters of the the DS next up the green party and you think they’d be all over this with a big brush and annoyingly they’re not they live in this fantasy world where they think 15minute cities towns neighborhoods are the solution and all these 15 minute cities are in the center of London so everywhere’s flat so you won’t need a ebike but there’s the rest of the country you know hilly Yorkshire isn’t flat London and as for the fantasy thing about 15minute neighborhoods it’s just that it’s just a fantasy and even if it if it comes about 100 years down the line we might have a dozen in this country it’s not going to happen like it really annoys me that the green party you who you thought would be all over this are probably the biggest barrier to it it’s ridiculous so this leads me on to the next thing anything ebik law wise that ever gets modified will be based around London the view of London how it works in London and nowhere else because London’s London’s where the power is and when you look at negativity around ebikes in London it’s things like the lme me bikes littering the roads and everything else it’s battery fires it’s basically people being a nuisance on an ebike well when you get a lot of people populating one area and space becomes a premium of course this is going to happen but it’s not the same for the rest of the country that’s one of the annoying things it’s not the same for the rest of the country and because we have this London Centric view of what ebikes are I mean the lime bikes I’ve been to London and seen the lime bikes littered all over the place they are an absolute Nu but if there weren’t line bikes if there weren’t these electric bikes that you lited all over the streets and people were using their own ebikes and were encouraged to do so resolve half the problem you know because somebody took a bun to let Li you know become the prominent ebike company in London you know you can’t I can’t see any other reason than letting them do this than somebody took a bun somewhere in government I really can’t because there’s no reason for it um the Boris bikes were bad enough they were littered everywhere and it’s the same with the scooters they’re littered everywhere everywhere everywhere the other thing is London isn’t really set up for ebikes or any bikes really you can just go and watch videos all day long of people clashing with cyclists in central London clashing with eikers in central London because nobody lives there so nobody cares and again that’s reflected nationally the whole London Centric thing is reflect Ed nationally fire service hate ebikes because of the fire issue but it’s only the older ebikes that are having this problem where the chemistry of these batteries or cheap batteries where the chemistry of these batteries are breaking down I’d like to see some of the Chinese ebike companies start fitting Ur bike uh Ur batteries or offering Retro Retro UL batteries or ip7 fact is for a lot of their ebikes it makes them safer it makes them safer in a big way and I think there’s money to be made in it people that have their ebikes now and absolutely love them you know it’s cheaper to upgrade your battery than is your entire bike and a Chinese ebike with a UL battery on isn’t going to be its cheapest but I’ve seen seen a few out there that are out you know you can throw these batteries in the water for 30 minutes dry them off plug them straight into your bike and you’re away and these are on ip6 ebikes I’ll leave a link well I’ll just show you one here um yeah it’s they’re they’re very good they’re very they’re safer they’re the safest option ebike wise at the moment um a bike that you can ride all year round in all weathers with a waterproof battery faap but we’re not getting anything like that here yet and if you do want something like that you’ve got to try and get it AC Ross the pond which is expensive so that’s where we’re at we’re at we’re at sort of like four parties all arguing amongst themselves or more to the point not arguing amongst themselves because they’re not discussing it and it’s the greenest option out there don’t me wrong I’m no big greeny you know I want to see more people on ebike seats because the mental health benefits I I just think they’re amazing um the health benefits you can make ebike riding as hard as you want but you’re getting out and if you get absolutely knackered by the end of it if you haven’t used your battery you don’t have to put any energy into coming on so you can go further away go on adventures I’m going to say it again and I’m going to keep saying it all these parties talk green but not one of them walk screen when you consider an ebike as a 200th of a battery size of a Tesla which people are driving around in on their own carrying all that weight electric cars aren’t the answer ebikes are ebikes are the solution to a lot of modern problems because you’re not on Facebook when you’re out on your e you’re not scrolling you’re out taking it all in you’re out on an adventure every time you go out on your ebot it was interesting reading some of the comments in my last UK ebik law video from people abroad and how we should be doing it some on our side some calling for more legislation you know lessons CBT course is Insurance the solution to ebite law is to keep it as simple as possible the more complicated you make it makes it a barrier to entry for a lot of people it’s stupid make it s simple keep it simple just keep it simple and then we’ll get more bums on seats and more bums on seats Means A Greener Society less emissions anyway that’s it have a nice day everyone oh don’t forget Tanis armor in store coming up tomorrow so if you’re interested in getting that back wheel off I to do it installing Tannis armor to stop me getting punches I’ll be doing a further video in a few weeks time when it turns up cuz my flat out I left the lid off of it properly and it just air so I’ve had to order some more B EMB brace is you won’t see another puncher anyway have a nice weekend


    1. Roadies hate ebikes and try to get them banned . Scooter companies are the cause of the uk law .I'm hating more roadies, the green party, scooters and other bullshi* in this country .

    2. Great video Gee…..
      And I totally agree, UK ebike laws will sadly not see any change, from any of our future Governments .
      Only today in Aberdeen city ( Northeast Oil Capital )
      Roads around the town centre introduced the Low emission Zone (LEZ)
      £60 for none compliant vehicles. £30 if paid within 14 days .
      And the LEZ zone is next to Aberdeen Harbour , which is full of offshore supply vessels that have marine diesel engines running 24hrs
      Pumping fumes into the air of the zone where drivers are being charged on a daily basis .
      It's a major Cash Pot to councils and Scottish Government ,
      So London , Manchester ,ect ect , are taking in more money in fines , fuel duty, so called road tax that doesn't mean worth a fuck going by the state of the roads,
      If everyone for one month, stopped using a vehicle and rode about on a bike / ebike then the Government Cobra committee would be sitting holding an emergency meeting discussing Where and how could they reclaw there lost revenue .
      Remember free road tax for electric cars …..well that didn't last .
      They know the polluting car is a family necessity .
      So why would they make it an easy option for everyone to commute with larger e-bikes …….😡
      21st century Highway robbery that what they are !!

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